- Race Designation - The Zor
- Species - Humanoids, similar to the 'great apes' family.
- Initial Contact Made By - USS Gigantes, NCC-97607
- Technological Level Observed - Advanced Defensive Technology; Low Societal Technology; Adapted Technology for unhospitable ocean environment.
- Cultural Notations :
- Government Type: Federal Elective Monarchy
- Head of State: Zelhet Hyorsehg
- Legislature: Council of Representatives
- Zor Society is made up of 15 Districts, they have been labelled A-M and Zor Capital Territory for ease of reference by U.S.S Gigantes Cartographers.
- Poupulation: Est. 2 Billion.
- Observed Languages: Kalzir, Kayzir (Notes: Kalzir appears to be spoken in the Northern Hemisphere and Kayzir seems to be Southern Hemisphere, both appear to be 95% Mutually intelligible across Reading, Writing and Spoken Forms)
- Religion: None Observed
- The Zor appear isolationist and secretive, it is assumed they have no formal relations with other species in the LMC.
- Zor Society appears organized into castes with minimal social mobility.
- The Zor value Discipline, Organization and Courage
- The Zor appear slightly Xenophobic
- The Zor appear to maintain a warrior culture.
- While the Zor can field some impressive technology, their Socio-economic advancement appears stagnant. (Note: As far as our research teams have been able to suggest there is no evidence of a book of basic Sentient Rights written by the Zor).
- Biological Notations:
- Recorded Height: 2 - 3.4 Meters.
- Lifespan: Est. 240-340 Sol Years.
- All Zor appear to have a high muscle density.
- The Zor are carnivorous.
- The Zor appear most comfortable in a Subtropical Climate.
- The Zor show high levels of aggression, this appears to be hormonal.
- The leading cause of death amongst the Zor is Heart Disease, this appears to be genetical.