- Race Designation - The Travynei
- Species - Humanoids, Telepathic. very similar to the Avynei
- Initial Contact Made By - USS Sentinel, NCC 93014 / USS Sentinel, NCC 99014
- Technological Level Observed - Highly Advanced Crystalic Power Systems, Highly Advanced Bio-Empathic Starship/Crew Integration Abilities and Resources.
- Cultural Notations : Notes about the Travynei that have become general knowledge through observation, interaction and contact during combat situations :
- Average height for this species is between 2.1 and 3 meters tall ranging from slender to muscular builds.
- The Travynei lifespan tends to be several thousands of years, thus, they appreciate taking a slower pace with life's events.
- As a race they are empathic and telepathic. They can also directly interface with their vessels and much of their technology.
- There exists an apparent split in this race culturally. One such offshoot of the Travynei, calling themselves "The People" are located in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Second offshoot address themselves as The Travynei and are found to be based in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
- The culture of the Travynei Known as "The People" in the Milky Way Galaxy from their Homeworld "New Home" appears Friendly, spiritual and peaceful.
- The culture of the Travynei in the Large Magellanic Cloud appear Fanatically Religious in their devotion to "The Dark", Warlike and Aggressive.
- The People's Art and fashion appear to be gothic in nature, though a three caste society of Workers, Warriors and Religion appear to rule their world democratically. Robes of various colored linen are the fashion of their world.
- The Travynei of the Large Magellanic Cloud's Art and fashion appear to be Dark Gothic in nature, with only two castes that have been observed in power, the Religious and a Warrior caste. The appear to be a totalitarian regimine. Various Gothic type armor infused with the same "Dark Energy" are worn by both. Both Castes appear to take command from a single entity known as The Dark, or Tsalanok. Though at this time the term Tsalanok and its relation to this leadership can not be confirmed.
- Dark Haunting Music is the primary artistic expression in their culture. Crews have observed the use of a extremely powerful 'Dark Energy' in their propulsion and tactical weapons and defenses.