22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki
  • Race Designation - The Trana
  • Species - The Trana are a short, brown creatures tripedal species. A meter and a half tall, having three-fingered hands with suction cups at the end of long arms and a cyclopean eye divided into three sections: one red, one green, and one blue.
  • Initial Contact Made By - USS Sentinel, NCC 93014
  • Technological Level Observed - None known at present save for a run down cargo container carrier stolen from the Kzari
  • Cultural Notations :
    • Notes about the Trana that have become general knowledge through observation, interaction and contact during combat situations :
    • Average height for this species is appears to be from a meter to a meter and a half tall.
    • The Trana homeworld is believed to have been colonized by the Kzari as a 'Resource Colony'.
    • The Trana appear to be a tri-gendered species. Who give live birth into what they call broods.
    • The Trana appear to possess some limited form of telepathy used for interspecies communication.
    • The Trana refugees discovered by the Sentinel were 'victims' of a Kzari 'rehabilitation center'. By all accounts recorded thus far these camps seem to emulate forced labor/concentration camps.