22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki

ID: Unknown

Torrolis Yal is known mostly by reputation as a collector, dealer, and purveyor of antiquities and rarities. Little else is on record.

Family History


Immediate Family

  • Mother: <unknown>
  • Father: <unknown>
  • Spouse: <unknown>


Medical File

General Data

Human Male - DOB <unknown>
Eyes Tope - Height 161 cm
Weight 68 kg

Blood Type


Genetic Profile


Criminal Record

  • Stardate 84551 - Arrested for Grand Larceny. Charges dropped.
  • Stardate 84621 - Arrested for Larceny. Charges dropped.
  • Stardate 84696 - Arrested for smuggling. Charges dropped.
  • Stardate 85768 - Wanted for questioning in relation to the Open-Sky investigation, concerning purchase of a pleasure droid with specific attributes, including "Latinum colored Eyes" and "pubic growth identical to a gold pressed latinum strip", among many other specific requests concerning abilities and programming.

OOC Information