22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki
  • Race Designation - The Skara
  • Species - Reptialians with Cobra snake like features, Scaled skin, envenomed fangs and taloned fingers
  • Initial Contact Made By - USS Sentinel, NCC 93014
  • Technological Level Observed - Advanced Crystalic Power Systems for FTL Flight, Phaser/ Disruptor and Photon/ Quantum Torpedo equivalents, Transporter and replicatorcapabilities
  • Cultural Notations :
    • Notes about the Skari that have become general knowledge through observation, interaction and contact during combat situations :
    • Average height for this species is appears to be slightly taller (longer) standard humanoids. Rising up on their tail like bodies to a height of 7 to 8 feet tall
    • The Skara appear to be a Democratic Confederacy, rule by a several independent clan like societies all working together. Calling themselves the Skara Confederacy.
    • They were at one time reported to have been a 'Kzari Colonial Asset' which according the Skara was a ruthless occupation under which the Skari were enslaved by the Kzari as the occupation forces forced the Skari to strip mine their own world.
    • Millions of Skari were said to have been sent to their deaths at the hands of their Kzari occupiers in 'Labor Camps'.
    • The Skari are somewhat Xenophobic yet are prone to offer any who need such their assistance and protection to protect younger worlds from falling prey to another race as they themselves had to the Kzari.
    • The Skari have some believed ties to an ancient member of the original Dawn Alliance that battled to the Dark in the great conflict that tore this galaxy apart two millions years ago. It is rumored the Skari themsevles are a Bio Genetically enhanced race who were under the protection of this ancient lost ally. The Unity a benevolent race of cyborgs who have said to have been the perfect harmony between biological life and machine.