[8:31][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri strolls into the bar to award herself for a job well done with spot last night, ordering a small glass of rum and coke.
[8:31][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] is munching from her basket of cheesey fries as she snuggles back into Jon dancing some to themusic
[8:31][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Y'Nick] One rum and coke darlin' -the drink is placed before her- Enjoy
[8:32][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"Thanks!" *She takes a little sip.
[8:33][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-Relia stands to the side taking a call from her ship
[8:33][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--Spencer is out on the dance floor alone.-
[8:34][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -keeps glancing at his watch as he listens to Liz and Val with Black and the twins
[8:35][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-Taylor and Patterson soon join spencer as do Derek and Decia and a few other guests
[8:35][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -munches on her cheesey fry and smiles up and back at Jon
[8:35][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[The Twins] -listen grimly to this new news
[8:35][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:*Jon smiles down at her.* Having fun
[8:36][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -all smiles as she nods- MMhm..we soo needed this ...you?
[8:36][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] *Takes a backseat to Liz's "presentation", letting her speak unless asked for details or elaboration.
[8:37][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri waves to people, seating herself more comfortably and enjoying the peace for a bit.
[8:37][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] -nods here and there for Val to explain just what she saw and how it related to the anomaly they wittnessed
[8:38][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] -looks stern and directly professional as she is dictating to whomever is on her com call
[8:38][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:Of course...feels like an age since we spent time together
[8:38][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Gives Reila a worried look from time to time.
[8:38][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -smirks- Well I work at home now...Mister I need to be in the stars -teases playfully elbowing him
[8:39][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:*Jon laughs.* Yes you do
[8:39][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] -does look over and blow Veeri a reassuring kiss, though her demeanor and stance is now once more very much a military officer of Kzari bearing
[8:39][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -smirks- I could always use anaide de camp
[8:39][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--Spencer stops dancing and heads to the bar-- "Nick, another one of those painkillers when you get a moment.
[8:40][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri smiles a bit, but keeps her eyes on Reila.
[8:40][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:An aide
[8:40][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Y'Nick] -smiles and nods- a refill on your prescription..coming right up doc...where is the Morgan tonight
[8:40][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"The hell if i know.
[8:41][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -nodnods- Yes..my aide in strat ops...we could work together..keep regular office hours..commute together -teaes some
[8:41][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Y'Nick] -winces some feeling as if he stepped into a minefield as he mixes her drink- I see..Im sure he just lost track of time by ht epool or something
[8:42][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -shudders a little as if he just felt a chill as he is still being briefed
[8:42][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"oh no Nick, he got kidnapped by Captain Liz.
[8:42][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:*Jon eyes her.* Very funny
[8:43][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] What?? -chuckles- You would be great at it..and it doesnt lookbad on your command track resum
[8:43][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] *Recounts the events when asked, sparing no detail of what she saw, adding in bits and pieces of previous reports on the situation for comparison.
[8:43][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Y'Nick] -chuckles- Dizzy Lizzy? -servres her drink to her
[8:44][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Black] So let us be clear..we are talking about a resurgence of the 'Reckoners'? Yes
[8:44][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"Yeah, she is always getting him into trouble.
[8:44][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Y'Nick] -wipes down thebar- I am sure heis fine..she seems pretty harmless..just eccentri
[8:45][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"..that is exactly what she wants you to think.
[8:45][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] -does not answer that right away as Val is still going over details
[8:45][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Y'Nick] Oh? Hmm..well you could just..well call the guy maybe
[8:46][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"So Y'Nick, where do people get married around here? You guys have one of those drive through wedding chappels?
[8:46][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] "Yes. It appears to be anozher case.
[8:46][DOIC2]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Y'Nera] -finally curls up with her husband on the rocky outcropping just off shore from the beach and trills happily
[8:47][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Twins] -together- After being dormant so long...curiou
[8:47][DOIC2]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Ankos] "I am tired of waiting to make this happen officially... Gathering everyone for a real celebration seems to be a pain in the ass." *He smiles as he holds her.
[8:47][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:I don't think Compton would be thrilled if one of her best pilots became a desk jockey. *He smirks.
[8:47][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Y'Nick] -laughs- In pointof fact we do...even have this new chapel where my cousin is ..what is thename..Y'Elvi
[8:48][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] "Ze more worrying part is zat so far, we 'ad information about zem striking out at smaller civilizations, not empires zat span large fractions of a galaxy.
[8:48][DOIC2]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Y'Nera] -coos softly snuggling more- so what do we do then?? -smiles up at him
[8:48][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--Spencer smirks-- "Alice didn't ask one of Comptons best pilots she asked you Jon.
[8:48][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -giggles- Zing
[8:48][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:*Jon rolls his eyes.
[8:48][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:Very funny Billie
[8:49][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"i thought so...
[8:49][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] it does show...a dramtic growth in their path of destruction..and how damage that might case the fabric of realit
[8:50][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Y'Nick] -shakes his head as he wipes down the bartop
[8:50][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] Dontbe mean Billie Jo..Jon is a great pilo
[8:50][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] What does the old man think
[8:50][DOIC2]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Ankos] "We get married, just the two of us... we can have a second wedding in a few years' time when things calm down. I'll get you a proper betazoid gift box made now, though.
[8:50][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:Few would know better than her. *He smirks.
[8:51][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"You never did answer me Y'Nick. Any of quick service wedding chappels around here?
[8:51][DOIC2]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Y'Nera] -beams- and i will see youget the proper coral necklace of bonding..my brother has one finished for u
[8:52][DOIC2]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Ankos] "It's settled, then... Always found big weddings a bit boring anyways.
[8:52][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Y'Nick] But I did doc! -laughs and repeats for her- In pointof fact we do...even have this new chapel where my cousin is ..what is thename..Y'Elvi
[8:52][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--blinks-- "Sorry...you sure about that name?
[8:52][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] We have no official word from the Farm..beyond..document the even
[8:53][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Y'Nick] Well that is what he is calling himself...looks sharp inthe wig thoug
[8:53][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--picks up her mini-PADD off the bar and starts tapping out a message.-
[8:53][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] "Not encouraging... but I do wish to remind we 'ave anozher possible zhing to look into - Why was Carizha Arfacio not consumed? Willpower, a resistance of some sorts, or does it play into
[8:53][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"oh well it will work...
[8:53][DOIC2]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Y'Nera] -beams andnods- We do not really have such ceremonies..once we choose and our mating approved by the pod or pod
[8:54][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"Ze fact she was not a tanausan or a servitor species? We know zat zey target on a basis of political structure.
[8:54][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-Talia dances on the dance floor to ne of her favorite songs..Go Go Godzilla
[8:54][DOIC2]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Ankos] "Oh, ours are huge affairs. A lot of people from both families, and friends, pouring in with gifts and the like.
[8:54][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Y'Nick] We do have afeww others..who are much more..traditional to theneeds of your people Do
[8:55][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] "Ze shades even seemed... confused... on what to do wiz 'er, if zat makes sense.
[8:55][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Black] -seems sekptical- Possibly...yet we know so little about this selection of targets..each time is unique yes
[8:55][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"i'm running out of time here..I need to be married by the time I have to leave this rock..
[8:56][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Y'Nick] Oh? OH! OH!OH! You are with child! Congradulations Doc
[8:56][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"Wow... human weddings are weird.
[8:56][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"Wait, you are?!
[8:56][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -blinks and looks over at spencer at this
[8:56][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-mid fry crunch
[8:56][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--shakes her head-- "..no..not yet..
[8:56][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -mumbles- Really?
[8:56][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:*Jon spits out his drink.
[8:57][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] Why didnt you tell me Billie??
[8:57][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"because I am not Alice.
[8:57][DOIC2]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Ynera] You will not miss such an event..I can wait for you to have your ceremony if you wish my lov
[8:57][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] "We 'ave worked out a few criteria zhough, non? And one of zem is zat it strikes out at civilizations of a certain level.
[8:57][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] Oh...but..Imean...why the rush then
[8:58][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] "We 'ave never actually seen what 'appens to outsiders before full cessation of reality.
[8:58][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--sighs-- "I'm tired of waiting...
[8:58][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"Mmmm... maybe you can trick him? You can gift him a sword and that makes you married in the kzari way?
[8:58][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] So far..yes..and well we assumed they went with the rest of the world's populatio
[8:58][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Twins] -together- clearly no
[8:59][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -smiles at Veeri's suggestion
[8:59][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*Ynga comes into the bar and up tot he counter
[8:59][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:Hej all
[8:59][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Y'Nick] Hey there kiddo..drink
[8:59][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] "it warrants furzher research, but zis is not truly a zhing we can easily replicate in a laboratory.
[8:59][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:Yes, Honey bourbon
[8:59][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Waves to Ynga and looks back at Spence.* "You could always just guilt trip him?
[8:59][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Y'Nick] -nods toher- Coming right up -moves to get her drink
[9:00][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:Guilt trip who
[9:00][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] Nor would we wish t
[9:00][DOIC2]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Ankos] "Oh, yes. We are having the ceremony... but for now, I think I'm just fine with this." *He smiled at her.* "And now you are on board the ship, the Captain could officiate it at any time.
[9:00][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"Morgan to marry her." *nods at Yngrid.
[9:01][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"I though you were already engaged?
[9:01][DOIC2]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Ynera] -nods- I think I wouldlike that...as long as you are happy I am ..just tobe your wif
[9:02][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] "Nor would we wish to... But I wonder what exactly drew zem to ze tanausans -now-. Zey usually strike out at civilizations spanning a single star system at most.
[9:02][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"we have been engaged for a long time now...the universe keeps conspiring against us every time we try to actually tie the knot.
[9:02][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"All you need to do that is a captain and two witnesses
[9:02][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"What's stopping you from just dragging him to the captain and asking her to officiate a very quick ceremony and then doing it properly when you have time?
[9:02][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Nodnods at Yngrid.* "Exactly my point.
[9:03][DOIC1]Alton@the5of43:*Alton appeared, setting his deflated soccer ball on the floor and getting himself a big glass of water
[9:03][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"I am short a captain at the moment.
[9:03][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"Ah yes modern art from Alt over ther. I beleiv eit speaks the state of many males on leave.
[9:04][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"Doesn't need to be yoru captain can be any captain.
[9:04][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"I mean technically i could rent one of those boats in the harbor and do it out there.
[9:04][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] We have a few ideas..however there is still alot about what the Imperiummightve been involved with in that system we just do not know..
[9:04][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Black] Nor will we no
[9:05][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Y'Nick]-serves Alton his water
[9:05][DOIC1]Alton@the5of43:My water or my deflated ball
[9:05][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"Well drinking water isn't much of a statement Alt.
[9:05][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -chuckles
[9:05][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*she sipped her honeybourbon
[9:06][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Y'Nick] You do have many options on Y'Teria Do
[9:06][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] "It still sets a worrying precedent.
[9:06][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -looks down at a Text he has received and his eyes go wide
[9:07][DOIC2]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Ankos] "Great, because I'm just as happy to be your husband. You have no idea how much you help me after I've had to deal with the crew on the daily.
[9:07][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Twins] We do not even know if this is the first of such an event..or if the Imperium is under going a wider attac
[9:07][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] "News, Leo?
[9:08][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] I..need to go here in a bit. Apparenty for being tardy...Iam to be married toda
[9:08][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] -smirks at this
[9:08][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Inara] *opened her eyes* Then you are overdressed
[9:08][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Black] -laughs softly- Saw that coming..I warned yo
[9:08][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] "I suppose you only 'ave yourself to blame.
[9:09][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"I have to get ready..I will be back shortly to volunteer some witnesses.
[9:10][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:Do you need an officiant
[9:10][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] Yes the messageis not even fromher..its a appointment confirmation from the chapel.
[9:10][DOIC1]Alton@the5of43:*Alt chugged his water while he stared over at Spencer
[9:10][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Y'Nick] Ioffered my cousin's sertvices..he is dressed u as Y'Elvi
[9:10][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"I think my wedding was nicer...
[9:10][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"Weddings are not competitions.
[9:10][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] -comes in from behind to hug Veeri- Ja I thought the sam
[9:10][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"Except in Klingon culture.
[9:11][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"And Andorian... I suppose they can be competitions.
[9:11][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -smiles back at Jon- I ratherloved our
[9:11][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:It was wonderful
[9:11][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -nodnods
[9:11][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri smiles and presses up into Reila.* "Not a competition... but I don't think one of those quick wedding chapels is the best way to go. In vids it always ends badly.
[9:12][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] that is very clearly a shot across your bow Morgan..we can continue this talk another time...you should g
[9:12][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] *Smirks* "I suppose ze question now is if you are more afraid of aquarius or your wife-to-be.
[9:12][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] *Gives Liz a look
[9:12][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] My wife to be...she was in medical researc
[9:12][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"On Izar the weddign itself is quick and not long after the accepting of proposal. The celebration comes on the year aniversary.
[9:12][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] -laughs
[9:12][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"We don't much beleive in celebrating things taht can't last a year.
[9:13][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Inara] Smart
[9:13][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Inara] Smart
[9:13][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] "So far we do not 'ave zat much to actually discuss too. Sadly it is mostly speculation. So... congratulations. And get dressed well.
[9:13][DOIC2]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Ynera] -playfully nips at his nose- Come now..we are not that bad sweet hear
[9:13][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Inara] Aquarius can be distracted with shiny objects. Allowign you a head start on fleeing
[9:13][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] -smiles sharklike- Yup you know me..Dizzy Lizz
[9:14][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"Mm. Kzari weddings are mostly being given a sword, but Reila did a very elaborate ploy to do it.
[9:14][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] Um..yeah....-stands and collects his things- Ill check back in..when I am abl
[9:14][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] You vere quite cunning in your own right my lov
[9:14][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"Alas i doubt my brother or myself will ever give my mother a celebration to plan.
[9:14][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"Perhaps one of our younger cisters.
[9:15][DOIC2]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Ankos] "You're not the one who has to feel all of them. Poor Patt's brain alternating between overdrive and shutting down every time Taylor comes in... Sinez having a schoolboy nemesis in Sevuk...
[9:15][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] Well noneof us truly lives a conventional lifestyl
[9:15][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"its more I don't see my brother ever being married. And I don't really see the point in it.
[9:15][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"I just saw through you." *Veeri grins at Reila, before turning to Yngrid.* "I don't know your brother, but why not yourself?
[9:15][DOIC2]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Ynera] -chuckles- Be interesting now for dear Patt..now that she seems to be interested in retur
[9:16][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*she ordered another bourbon
[9:16][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"Well, not everything has to have a point. It just feels nice.
[9:16][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Y'Nick] Sw she gother refill swiftly
[9:16][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"So your marriage is polyamourous to allow for follwing what feels nice Veeri?
[9:16][DOIC2]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Ankos] "It's a small miracle he's still alive after seeing her with her top off.
[9:16][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] Nor did Ynga..until I met my Angelboy her
[9:16][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:*Jon smiles.
[9:17][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"Hell no.
[9:17][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] -chuckles at that
[9:17][DOIC2]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Ynera] Oh he did?? -laughs- I am sorry i mised that sheis quite lovely for her specie
[9:18][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*smiled at the kzari and veeri then sipped her drink
[9:18][DOIC2]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Ankos] "Well I didn't have that much time to take in the sights, considering he fainted and I was the closest to a medical proffessional we had at the time.
[9:18][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] -nipped at the back of Veeri's neck- Good answer my lov
[9:19][DOIC2]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Ynera] -hugs him snugly- My caregive
[9:19][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri let out a delighted grumble at the bite, grinning at Reila.* "You know it.
[9:19][DOIC2]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Ankos] *Returns the hug, dipping a bit deeper into the water.* "Hey, I try.
[9:19][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -teases- Get a room you tw
[9:19][DOIC2]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Ynera] You succeed...we are very lucky tohave you on the shi
[9:20][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"We're behaving, promise!
[9:20][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Inara] Don't worry if something comes up you'll just have a feeling about it
[9:20][DOIC2]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Ynera] I predict some day you shall even solve the Sinvuk crisi
[9:20][DOIC2]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Ankos] "Thanks... I'm glad to have you too." *He then chuckles and shakes his head.* "That one is up to the two of them.
[9:21][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -nods to her- Thanks..apreciate it -heads out to meet the end of his bachlorhood
[9:21][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Inara] Wait a moment Leo
[9:21][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*inara touched his head
[9:21][DOIC2]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Ynera] If there is pain..there is still a wound to be healed yes
[9:21][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -paused and leaned into her touch trusting
[9:22][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Inara] You may go now
[9:22][DOIC2]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Ankos] "That is a wound Sevuk must heal... but he must first break his vulcan programming.
[9:23][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -kisses her cheek- You are a true goddess...be safe folks -heads on out
[9:23][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:{Liz] -smirks at her- softie -teases
[9:23][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] *Watches him go.* "She's whipped 'im up real well if 'e ditches a meeting like zis.
[9:24][DOIC2]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Ynera] -shakes her head- I think he feelsmore than he shows..he will figure things ou
[9:24][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Inara] Who says the best man has to be a man. And everyoen should have two day bender on an orion pleasure ship before they get hitched
[9:24][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Twins] -looks to one another for a long time
[9:24][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Black] A thoughtful gift Inar
[9:25][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Inara] This meeting is mostly speculation. We know little more than what i could rip form their heads and what we've learned form the prisoners
[9:25][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] "Indeed.
[9:25][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -orders anorder of fried clams an order of steamers and cheese sticks for those at thebar
[9:25][DOIC2]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Ankos] "Yes, he does. The issue is him actually showing it.
[9:25][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Y'Nick] -gets right on the order and beginslaying out the baskets for them all
[9:25][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*she smiled* Thank you Commander
[9:26][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:*Jon smiles.
[9:26][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] Your welcome sweetie..enjo
[9:26][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] and please...Alice Ynga..we are on leav
[9:26][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"How was your time on the Mjolnir?
[9:26][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] and what we discovered is they had no clue what was happening..right down to the last moment before they were erase
[9:27][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Inara] You have to hand it to Imperium OpSec
[9:27][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Inara] And blind obedience
[9:27][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] a formidable ship run by a good skipper and a solid crew...Iwas impressed especially teir adaptability in battl
[9:28][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] -nods- Indeed...-sits back some in thought
[9:28][DOIC2]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Ynera] -smiles at him- He just needs time..and Sinez..needed to be a tad more patien
[9:29][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] "Well, we 'ave given what food for zhought we 'ad. I am 'oping ze farm will 'ave an actual answer for us soon.
[9:29][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"She is a pretty ship. I first saw it engaging Iconians above my homeworld.
[9:29][DOIC2]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Ankos] "We'll see.
[9:30][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -gently asks- The Liberation
[9:30][DOIC2]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Ynera] -snuggles more as she enjoys the duality of the water and his closeness- You wil se
[9:30][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*nods* The counter attack really. They weren't really trying to occupy
[9:31][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Black] they are not omnipotent..this is as new to them as it is to us Va
[9:31][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Black] this file for us..was dormant for centurie
[9:31][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"Just wipe us out and then streaking out of the sky is the hammer of thor engagign the dreadnought that had positioned above the caldera outside the captial city attacking.
[9:32][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] "Indeed... but you know zey 'ave ways of acquiring information we simply do not 'ave available to us at zis time.
[9:32][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] Indeed...that was a daringmove..I recall the briefing from that battl
[9:32][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*she sipped
[9:33][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:Alton where is Val
[9:33][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] So we do what we always do..we bide our time...collect the data we can and go from there if this event ever occurs agai
[9:33][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] I saw her on the beach this afternoon with Lucina and their kid
[9:34][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] *Sighs.* "Indeed.
[9:34][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] She got to meet the twin
[9:34][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-Alice smiles up at Jon as she mentions their children
[9:35][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:*Jon beams.
[9:35][DOIC1]Alton@the5of43:Oh right.. Yeah, congratulations
[9:35][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] we have far more on our plate currently...this is just one file...one event that is mostly an unknown..we can only handle so much at a tim
[9:35][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"How big are they now?
[9:36][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] "You are correct. Still, it is a razher large one.
[9:36][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[alice] They are almost rollingover and are trying to sit up..but mostly that is in response to gas bubbles -chuckles
[9:37][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] Yeah I agree...a large and ..well feelslike a ticking bomb..but still given what we saw...rightnow its like trying to plan how we stop a super nov
[9:38][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri dawws.* "They sound adorable.
[9:38][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] "You 'ave a point.
[9:38][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -nodnods- Oh they are! they are so preciou
[9:39][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*she sipped her drink
[9:40][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren was sitting cross-legged on a beach with a large, intricate bong nestled between her thighs.* "Look, all I'm saying is we could quantum jump to another universe, use -their- Artesia, then..
[9:40][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] The farm knows...we have all the data and information we could gather..we add the addedum to the file and remain vigerlan
[9:40][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:jump back to our universe. Problem solved.
[9:41][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:*Jon laughs.* She has done a great job with them
[9:41][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:[Darling] "...Woah...
[9:42][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -smiles at him- Annnnd you could too..if you took my job offer -teases some
[9:42][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Bren] The problem would be in the landing calculation, you have to make sure your head and your ass end up in the same universe
[9:42][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Bren] To paraphrase my father
[9:43][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:*Jon just smirks at her.
[9:43][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -sticks out her tongue at him
[9:43][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"That's true, but if you could pull it off? Fuck off, Tanausans." *She lit the bowl and inhaled deeply of the bong.
[9:43][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Reilia] -enjoys a steamer and sips her wine as she snuggles Veeri
[9:43][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Bren]*smiled* Indeed. *bren "smoked" a hit on a holographic projected device
[9:44][DOIC3]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Bore] *Stared disapprovingly at the damn druggie kids fouling up the beach where he was peddling inconsequential earth trinkets to the natives.
[9:44][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri happily remains in Reila's arms, slowly sipping her own rum and coke.
[9:44][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren held it in for a moment, then blew a big cloud into the seaside air.* "Darling, you son of a bitch, I'm tempted to promote you just for developing this strain alone.
[9:44][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*continues to sip her drink* I hope billy jo did not get cold feet
[9:45][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] I can see colors we don't have names for
[9:45][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*the cardasian slithered on a hot rock looking at the sky
[9:45][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -shakes her head- Billie Jo? Never..not once she sets her mind to a subjec
[9:45][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"That would be funny.
[9:46][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:[Darling] "I call it Green Dilithium, cause it lets you travel through space.
[9:46][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] Wo
[9:46][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"What about Billie Jo?
[9:47][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] You look beutiful in that dres
[9:47][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"I can see why Rei picked you," *she nodded approvingly and passed the bong.
[9:47][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"She's looking amazing.
[9:47][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"thanks, I am over dressed but I don't care.
[9:47][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] I need some seeds for the caelian hydroponics..
[9:47][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] Um..does Morgan know to dress to match
[9:47][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"Yeah, you look great... And nah, you're not overdressed for your own wedding!
[9:47][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] For um... parallel research
[9:48][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Bren] *giggled
[9:48][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Damn right you do. I'll put in a request first thing." *She winked.
[9:48][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"Probably not, but that is okay. I want all eyes on me.
[9:48][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Reegar] *swam by but he was on the sand
[9:48][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -nods approvingly- Of cours
[9:48][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Reegar] WEEEE
[9:48][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:[Darling] "I have some clones already... woah...
[9:48][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"Wow... showing him his place before even getting married." *She chuckles.
[9:48][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] *laughed* I gave him an edible of it
[9:48][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] Very Kzari of you my dokto
[9:49][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Diabolically brilliant." *She cackled.
[9:49][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"You didn't try to pull that on me." *She grinned at Reila.
[9:49][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:When is it I will change into something a little less cleavage heavy
[9:49][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] I vanted all eyes on you my love -nuzzles her neck
[9:50][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"it in about twenty minutes..
[9:50][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:At the chapel
[9:50][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:I will be there
[9:50][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -looks to Jon- We should change for thi
[9:50][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"right. At the chapel.
[9:51][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"It's a beach chapel, how dressed do we have to be?
[9:51][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:Wait...this is a serious thing that is happening
[9:51][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] I am a cardassian. Its sort of our sterotype
[9:51][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:I thought we were joking
[9:51][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -chuckles at Jon
[9:51][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*She smooched Reila's collarbone and grinned at jon.
[9:51][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*reegar found someones cooler... and was consuming everything in it
[9:51][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] Oh you poor poor man -to Jon
[9:51][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--looks at Jon-- "oh no this is serious as a heart attack.
[9:51][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Well, you live up to it brilliantly.
[9:51][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:[Darling] *He took a massive hit and passed the bong on to Zala.
[9:51][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] Told you flybo
[9:52][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"I thought heart attacks are easy to deal with in this day and age?
[9:52][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] Itis ahuman saying I think my lov
[9:52][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] *rolled over and did the same* You know normally this shit does nothing for me... what was the priamry cross to make it bridge species gap
[9:53][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] You have told K'Rika...yes? -to Spencer
[9:53][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"um..no I totally forgot.
[9:53][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] Oh dear..
[9:53][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:Wow
[9:53][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:[Darling] "I may have had an anonymous buddy get me a sample of Cardassian moonflower before the gate shut... It enhances the experience for humans too.
[9:53][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--sighs-- "i am not even sure where she is.
[9:54][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"Try calling her?
[9:54][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] Sheis still on the Citadel isnt she
[9:54][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"We can put her on through holo, though.
[9:54][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"If the chapel has projectors...
[9:54][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] She can watch over a PADD is need b
[9:56][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Nodnods.
[9:56][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] *laughs* Now who was diabolical. That is still illegal on Cardassia
[9:56][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] I volunteer to hold the PADD my Doktor for he
[9:56][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:[Darling] "Well, just because they can't have it doesn't mean no one else can benefit!
[9:57][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*after some time ynga returns
[9:57][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] You look lovely Yng
[9:57][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"I can hold the padd if need be too!
[9:57][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:Bride is strapless everyone else should be strapped. *she smirked
[9:57][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--points at Ynga-- "Don't be trying to upstage the bride.
[9:57][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] she is strapped Billi
[9:58][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:Not possible
[9:58][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:You are abosultley goregeous
[9:58][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--seems placated by that comment-
[9:58][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:-taps her comm button on her mini-PADD-
[9:58][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Bren] It's nto illegal in the LMC
[9:58][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:=/\=Billie Jo to K'Rika..=/\
[9:59][DOIC6]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-on the citadel..eventually Billie's call is placed through to the Therapy unit where K'Rika is
[9:59][DOIC6]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[K'Rika] =^= -a worried tone to her voice- Mother? Mother are you all right?? Is everything okay
[10:00][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:[Darling] "Exactly. Nothing wrong with it. If anything, they should be glad that I removed some of it from their planet.
[10:00][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] *lounged on the rock
[10:00][DOIC6]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-the Travynei sits up in her bed stiffly as she sees spencer
[10:00][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] Well I won't tell the two people pretendign to be the obsidian order if you don'
[10:01][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren had been passed the bong again and was packing a fresh bowl.
[10:01][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:[Darling] "Deal.
[10:01][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] Why do you not just hold the padd you are the com expert -to Veeri
[10:01][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:Please we have science for this
[10:02][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*she raised her hand up
[10:02][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri giggles.* "What a good use of my expertise... but I guess since I don't have time to set up a holo transmitter, it's okay.
[10:02][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-a few pink glowly fireflies dance about Ynga arm
[10:03][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"We'll just have the little pixies broadcast it.
[10:03][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Pixies] Yes yes
[10:04][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"Well, you have tech I don't.
[10:04][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:=/\=Everything is fine dear.=/\
[10:04][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"if you can manage to get it to work, that would mean a lot to the doctor.
[10:04][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"Well the price for it was a bit much.
[10:04][DOIC6]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[K'Rika] =^= You look amazing! -all smiles
[10:04][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"But might as well benefit.
[10:04][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"SHould be able to tie them to your padd
[10:04][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"So they can act as the cameras and broadcast it.
[10:05][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Pixies] We are happy to serve
[10:05][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:So you don't have to view the wedding from behind a screen
[10:05][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-alice rushes off to change
[10:06][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:=/\=I just wanted to let you know I am getting married.=/\
[10:07][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Bren] *was drawing in the sand
[10:07][DOIC6]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[K'Rika] -her black on black eye beam widely- =^= Oh wow! YES! Finally! Aww I am so sorry Mother Iwill not be there with you
[10:07][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] *looks over a the beach chapel
[10:07][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:=/\=I am going to stream the wedding to you, so you don't miss it.=/\
[10:07][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:[Darling] *He laid back in the sand, watching the clouds.
[10:07][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] Huh looks like they are preparing it for another wedding
[10:08][DOIC6]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[K'Rika] =^= Oh that will be wonderful! Mark is here with me..so wecan both be there for you
[10:08][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] that makes... seven i think this leave
[10:08][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri nodnods.* "Sounds great." *She holds out her PADD so the pixies can interface.
[10:08][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-the little pixies dance about the PADD making the needed alteratiosn rather swiftly
[10:08][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:*Jon rushes off after Alice.
[10:09][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"Sweet! This means we can get a better recording for the doctor too!
[10:09][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Bren] War has a way of bringing love to the for front
[10:09][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Two things create that many marriages; wartime, and outbreaks of unplanned pregnancy. We can at least account for one.
[10:09][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] Unplanned pregnancy into days time? Is just piss poor protection
[10:10][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] *she paused a moment* Or one oif the parties is a fundamentalist bajoran
[10:10][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Bren] Like my mom was
[10:10][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] Yep
[10:10][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Pixies] -to Veeri- All prepared Miss Veeri
[10:10][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren just took another rip from the bong to avoid that topic altogether.
[10:10][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:=/\=That will be fantastic, It all happened so fast I almost forgot you. =/\
[10:10][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"Great! Thanks, Pixies!
[10:11][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*she fixed her makeup
[10:11][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"Now I need to go find Morgan so i can get to the chapel on time.
[10:11][DOIC6]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[K'Rika] =^= Well Iam happy you remembered me! Oh oh! Iam getting a pic now
[10:11][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*using one of those futueristic applicators that was liek a dermal layerer.
[10:11][DOIC6]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-sees Reila and Veeri and Ynga and Ynick now
[10:12][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*waves to k'rika
[10:12][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri waves.* "Is it working?
[10:12][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:I should find him Billy jo he shouldn't see you until you are walking the aisle
[10:12][DOIC6]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-K'Rika waves to each happily her tail flickingbehind her swooshing about
[10:12][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Blinks* "Why shouldn't he see his own wife?
[10:12][DOIC6]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[K'Rika] =^= Yes Veeri I can hear you all
[10:12][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:Human superstition
[10:12][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"Good thinking Ynga, go fins him I will head to the chapel.
[10:13][DOIC3]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -not recalling tradition is heading directly to the chapel
[10:13][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"Lovely, K'rika! So good to see you!
[10:13][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"Alice, Jon you have to be there to be witnesses for me.
[10:13][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*she gave billy joe a little salute then tied into the sensors to locate him then took of at a fast pace.
[10:13][DOIC6]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[K'Rika] =^= You too Veeri!!
[10:14][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Seeing a man approach the chapel, Eren yelled,* "Don't do it, man! There's still time, save yourself!
[10:14][DOIC3]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-the doomed man laughs and waves over to Eren
[10:14][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] *flashed him* See there are others out there
[10:14][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Bren] Zala
[10:14][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] What
[10:14][DOIC3]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-the condemned man gives Zala a pair of thumbs up for her show
[10:15][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*ynga reached the chapel
[10:15][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:Leo. Okay so you are on time. Good
[10:15][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Don't say we didn't warn you!" *She called.
[10:15][DOIC3]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-Alice with Jon in tow heads for the chapel
[10:16][DOIC3]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -tugs at his uniform- Of course Im on time...cant be late for thi
[10:17][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:Nope and can't se eher till its time anyway
[10:17][DOIC3]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] Oh right..that is athing isnt it
[10:17][DOIC3]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri eventually arrives too with Reila, letting the pixies do their camera work.
[10:18][DOIC3]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri absolutely did not bother to change for a beach chapel, nor did she want to upstage the bride.
[10:18][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:Yeah so in there and eyes to the chaplain mr
[10:18][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*ynga moved leo in there to the front
[10:19][DOIC3]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-Loe is turned and faces the chapel
[10:19][DOIC3]Spencer@Demoncheru:--enters the chapel, using the bride entrance-
[10:19][DOIC3]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-Alice arrives with Jon
[10:20][DOIC3]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-Relia rushesover to stand next to Veeri in her beachwear
[10:20][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:[Darling] *He was eventually asleep on his back in the sand.
[10:20][DOIC3]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-Billie Jo can see him in his enlisted dress and all of his ribons...quite the fruit salad
[10:20][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[wedding here pls
[10:20][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[for erens sake :P
[10:21][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*ynga smiled looking for the officiant
[10:21][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] How will I know sheis here if im stasring at a door
[10:21][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:"Music, also everyone will be seated
[10:22][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-the chapel officials door is still closed
[10:22][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*ynga went over to knock on it
[10:22][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] Am I able to look at her yet
[10:22][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--Spencer in the back-- "i feel like I am forgetting something..
[10:22][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[alice] -sits with Jon
[10:23][DOIC4]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:*Jon takes a seat.
[10:23][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] Jon...you need to give her aswa
[10:23][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] she needs to be escorted down the aisl
[10:23][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"Give her away? Like... a lottery?
[10:23][DOIC4]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:Uhhh...me
[10:23][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] What an odd custu
[10:24][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:{Alice] Yes..Morgan can
[10:24][DOIC4]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:Shouldn't...you know.../he/...do it..
[10:24][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"Who he?
[10:24][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-the door opens and Liz in her dress uniform steps out- Someone in need of being married
[10:25][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] -nods toYnga admiring her dress and nods toher
[10:25][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -groans hearing Liz's voice and sighs accepting it
[10:25][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*ynga stepped back and got into a position near the music* Okay leo soon
[10:25][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Inara] *sat down on the groom side
[10:25][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] He...HE who?
[10:26][DOIC4]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:*Jon gives her a look.
[10:26][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri waves happily at Liz.
[10:26][DOIC4]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:Alicia's father..
[10:26][DOIC6]Sereya Eren@liorexu:[Varel] *She had a gift certificate to Beryxian Bath and Beyond sent to the happy couple and went back to her work.
[10:26][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] *Mixes into the crowd in her dress uniform.
[10:27][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-Spencer's arm is taken gently- My dear a voice i would be honoredif you let me escort yo
[10:27][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--turns and looks at the voice.-
[10:27][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren looked down as her tummy rumbled with munchies.* "...Think they'll have an open buffet?
[10:28][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-an older man stands feebly but looking quite dignified as he takes her by the elbow soformally
[10:28][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Bren] looks liek they are settign the bar up for a reception
[10:28][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:"at this point I am not going to say anything but thank you kind sir.
[10:28][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Old Man] You honor Doctor and humble me -gently leads her down the aisle as if escorting a royal princess
[10:28][DOIC3]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Reception's the best part of the whole thing." *She wandered off toward the bar.
[10:28][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--takes the Director's arm.-
[10:28][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Old Man] You honor Doctor and humble me -gently leads her down the aisle as if escorting a royal princess
[10:29][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-a blond woman the very twin of Alice takes a seat at the rear of the chapel
[10:29][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] I could eat
[10:29][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*zala headed over with her
[10:29][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--is lead down the isle as the music plays-
[10:29][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -keeps nervously eyeing Ynga for his cue
[10:29][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*she looked back to see if they were ready
[10:29][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Endel] -entrs with the sentinel deltas all in their dress uniforms and they sit
[10:29][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri bounced in her spot excitedly.
[10:30][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:2 mikes leo. *she whispered
[10:30][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-Ynga can see Alice beingled down the aisle by a dignified older man witht he reverenceof a princess
[10:30][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -is actually nervously jittery...showing ho wmuch he cares for Billie Jo
[10:30][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] Two mikes..copy -whispers back nervously
[10:31][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] marvels how lovely Billie joi looks ashs cuddles Jonand rests her head on his shoulder
[10:31][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Endel] Oooooos -seeing Billie jo and sniffles
[10:32][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:[Orestes] *She was already stealing the shrimp platter as they entered the bar.
[10:32][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri waves at Spencer happily.
[10:32][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*ynga smiled as billy jo started down the aisle and she started teh bridal march
[10:32][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] -looks about as the small chapel fills
[10:32][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--Billie Jo is all teary eyed-
[10:33][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[T'Ghor] "You're such a human." *He said as he pinched the little sandwiches.*
[10:33][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] -stands formally at attention clearly treating this with reverence as well
[10:33][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Duffy] -hands Endel a tissue
[10:33][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:[Orestes] "What else do you expect me to be?
[10:33][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*so it ended as billy joe reached the end of the aisle
[10:33][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Spt] follows the pair down the aisle as the ring bearer
[10:33][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*then she stole some flowers from a side bouquet and stood next to billy jow at the back
[10:34][DOIC4]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:*Jon smiles at the whole thing, amazed at how fast everything had moved.
[10:34][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] -nods her thanks to ynga and then turns to Billie Jo as the Old man stops with Billie Jo
[10:34][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--Billie Jo leans in as give the Director a kiss on his cheek before he sits down-
[10:34][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[T'Ghor] "Defeat the stereotypes or something.
[10:34][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Old Man] -smiles and taps her cheek softly before theother Alice helps him to his seat
[10:34][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Veeri] *Beams watching the horta ringbearer.
[10:35][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Lz] -looks at the groom as he is still facing the wall and then to Ynga..clearing her throat gnetly
[10:35][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:[Orestes] "Or you can eat my whole ass." *She took the tray away.
[10:35][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--smiles at Liz-
[10:36][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] motions spot up to stand next to her smiling at Bille Jo in return
[10:36][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*ynga goes over and nudges him
[10:36][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:Now *she whispereD
[10:36][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[T'Ghor] "I thought you liked 'em more... feminine.
[10:36][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*then she headed back to her spot
[10:37][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Jax] *was tuning up ahis guitar as james set up ahis base and sticks tested the drums
[10:37][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -jumps and nod sto Ynga grartefully and turns tolook at Billie Jo..and smiles..widely and takes in the visageof his bride
[10:37][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] *Watches from the crowd, giving Leo a grin and a nod.
[10:37][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Bren] Dad
[10:37][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] -nods to ynga gratefully as she watches Morgan take in how lovely Billie Jo looks
[10:37][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:[Orestes] "Sexual preferences are so twenty first century." *She winked.
[10:38][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Jax] Aunt Liz said she had a music emergency. Needed a wedding band
[10:38][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Well, lucky you're in town." *She smirked.
[10:38][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Jax] You know it. *he kept setting up
[10:39][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[T'Ghor] "Well, I ain't eating ass anyways." *He grinned at Orestes, and gobbled down a sandwich-frankenstein he mashed together from several small sandwiches.
[10:39][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] -clears her throat and says offically- Dearly beloved and assembled friends and..well family. We are gathered here to see the exhange of vows and boinding of two heart
[10:39][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] Long since kept apart now to be joined for all tim
[10:39][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:[Orestes] "You already eat shit, what's stopping you?
[10:40][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren sauntered on up to the bar to get some water for her cotton mouth.
[10:40][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--has a rather blissful look on her face-
[10:40][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*ragnar looks at her* [Ragnar] What are you drinking
[10:41][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] For centuries it has been the honor of every captain in water..air and sapce bound services to bring two people in love together in holy matrimony...tonight i have been blessed with just such
[10:41][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Just need simple hydration for now.
[10:41][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Campbell] *came in still puting on a shirt* Alright so We'll miss the wedding but we'll give 'er a song or 2
[10:42][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:task between two people...two people I hold near and dear to my own heart..and whom it has been a true prviiledge to serve beside...Morgan Hale a dedicated protector and Billie Jo spencer a healer i
[10:42][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*campbell said to tia
[10:42][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*ragnar gave eren a fancy bottle water
[10:42][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:every sense of the word...who through out all of the chaos and wonder...have found one another and thus have made the universe we share that much brighte
[10:43][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] Before we continue..I ambeholdent o ask..is there anyone present who..knowsof any reason why these two should not be togther? Speak now..or forever hold your peac
[10:43][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*ynga looked over the crowd with daggers
[10:43][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] her hand goes up to just under her left shoulder as she eyes the crowd
[10:44][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--Spencer scans the crowd for any so foolish as to object-
[10:44][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[The Deltas all look at Endel
[10:44][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Endel] _is all teary eyed and has no outburst planned..the Deltas all relax
[10:45][DOIC4]Alton@the5of43:*Alt let a sigh of relief out
[10:45][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--looks at Liz-- "we can hurry past this part..
[10:45][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri smiles supportively at Endel.
[10:45][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] -smiles andlets her hand drop
[10:46][DOIC4]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:*Jon just smiles.
[10:47][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] -smileas and looks to Billie Jo- Doctor Willomeana Josephine Spencer...do you take Morgan Hale to be your lawfully wedded husband..to have andtohold..in sickness and in health and both good tim
[10:47][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:and the bad...for the days left in your life
[10:48][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--Spencer blinks-- "um..I do..
[10:48][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Spt] movesover to Spencer...a single ring on her side waiting for her
[10:48][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] select your ring and place it up on his finger Docto
[10:48][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -lifts up hi ahndf or her all smiles looking amost goofy
[10:48][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--takes the ring and carefully places it on Morgan's finger-
[10:48][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] -holds Veeris hand tightlyt
[10:49][DOIC6]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[K'Rika] -is crying happily now as Palomo holds her hand
[10:49][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri beams at Reila and squeezes her hand too.
[10:49][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] repeat after me Doctor..'with this ring..I thee wed
[10:49][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] repeat after me Doctor..'with this ring..I thee wed
[10:50][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--looks into Morgan's eye-- "With this ring I thee wed...
[10:50][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -looks to her at that
[10:51][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] -look sto Morgan- Morgan Hale...do you take Morgan Hale to be your lawfully wedded husband..to have andtohold..in sickness and in health and both good times and the bad..for all the days lef
[10:51][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:in your life
[10:51][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -is still staring deeply into Billies eyes as she holds his hand...
[10:51][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Sissia] -waits....waits for his answer
[10:52][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] -blinks at the pause
[10:52][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice[ -to Jon- ...ohn
[10:52][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*makes a gesture to him
[10:52][DOIC4]Sereya Eren@liorexu:[Adrian] *A loud wail of 'NOOO!' could be heard from outside the chapel.
[10:52][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--glances at Liz then back at Morgan.-
[10:52][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*makes a gesture to him
[10:53][DOIC4]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:*Jon winces, looking back at that.
[10:53][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-the loud cry from Adrian bring him back to reality
[10:53][DOIC4]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:[Li] Adrian! Shhhhh
[10:53][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] Um..of course I do..I ..um..I mean..-lookingback ather eyes- I damn well d
[10:53][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri giggles.
[10:53][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-chuckles from the crowd as the Old Man facepalms some
[10:53][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] *Shrugs some, good enough.
[10:54][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] Select your ring and place it upon her finger then you goofbal
[10:54][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -sheepishly slects the ring and begins to place it on her finger as Liz continues
[10:54][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] Repeat after me Morgan...'with this ring..I thee wed
[10:55][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--Spencer smiles as she hold out her hand-
[10:55][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -full of conviction and love for her now- With this ring..Billie Jo..I thee we
[10:55][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-he slips the ring fully onto her finger
[10:56][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] -beams- then by the power invested in me by the United Federation of Planets..Starfleet Command and the Dawn Alliance..I now prounouce you..Husand and Wif
[10:56][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--looks at the ring, now slightly afraid this all might be a dream-
[10:56][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] Ladies and Gentlemanand transgendered species..please join us in celebration andmeet Mr And Mrs Morgan andBillie Jo Hale Spence
[10:56][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*ynga clapped
[10:57][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri cheered loudly, bouncing up from her seat.
[10:57][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] *Gave a clap as she watched.
[10:57][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-a huge cheer fromt he deltasd is drowned out by Krika over the coms!
[10:57][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*then she ahnded billy jo the flowers
[10:57][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*so she could walk out with morgan with them
[10:57][DOIC6]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[K;Rika] *CHEERS AS SHE CRIES(
[10:57][DOIC4]Alton@the5of43:*alt clapped for Billie
[10:57][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -clappedanc heered
[10:57][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:"You may kiss this bride.." --she says as she accepts the flowers-
[10:58][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] Now you may kiss the brid
[10:58][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-Liz chuckled
[10:58][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -drew her in and bstowed a deep fairy tasle ending kiss up on her
[10:58][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-more cheers an applausenow
[10:58][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Old Man] -smiled and clapped
[10:58][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:"lay one on me." --as she accepts the deep and passionate kiss.-
[10:59][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] Woooooooooooo!
[10:59][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Endel] YAY!!
[10:59][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] VANTSTSICH
[10:59][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"Yaaaay!
[10:59][DOIC4]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:*Jon smiles and claps.
[11:00][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[alice] -beams at Jon as she claps
[11:00][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Ragnar] *checked something* Okay they just wrapped up in the chapel everyone be ready. *he said to the caelian volunteers who were now working the reception.
[11:00][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alison] -claps and cheers
[11:00][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--Spencer turns and gives Liz a hug-- "i owe you big time for this Captain.
[11:00][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] -nods to Ynga to signal the reception
[11:01][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] -hugs her back tightly and wshieprs to her
[11:01][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*signals her brother
[11:01][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Duffy] -whistles and cheers
[11:01][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--turrns and takes Morgan's arm as they begin to walk back down aisle.-
[11:02][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*ynga started a humourour southern rock song for her to walk out too
[11:02][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-as they pass each aisle the guests stand still appaluding
[11:02][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*mayeb as a jab at morgan
[11:02][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -gets the jaba nd chuckles holding Billie jos arm tighter as he leads her through the adoring corwd
[11:03][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Endel] -throws a ful bag of rice narrowly missing them both
[11:03][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Spot] 0spinsin circles on the alter
[11:03][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*once billy jo and leo had left* "Reception is at the bar should be set up
[11:04][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Liz] -quietly slipsout the ministers door after handing him his 'bribe;
[11:04][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -smiles up at Jon- Reception time
[11:04][DOIC4]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:Of course
[11:04][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[T'lea] *snapped a few more pictures then intercepted billy jo and mrogan to capture them for a most logical wedding picture etup to give people time to get the reception
[11:04][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] watches Morgan and Billie Jo march down the aisle
[11:05][DOIC3]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*walked up the beach toward the bar
[11:05][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] pasues to allow the delya tacxtics posing for pictures with hisnew bride utterly thrilled now
[11:05][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--waves to Alice as her and Morgan are taken aside for some wedding photoe
[11:05][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[T'lea] We should get a picture here the sun is setting with perfect light
[11:05][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] cheers her friend happily as she passes
[11:05][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*she manuevered them to have the sunset behind them as they looked over the y'Tiran sunset
[11:06][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-Morgan leads Billie jo to allow Tlea to capture the moments
[11:06][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--poses with Morgan with the setting sun behind them.-
[11:07][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Hugs into Reila's arm as she watches.
[11:07][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -cant take his eyes off of hi slovely rbide as they pose
[11:07][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*ynga tries to usher everyone to the bar
[11:07][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] See..this is..vhy ve cannever lose my lov
[11:08][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:though like herding cats..Ynga manages to gather upt he guests...
[11:08][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:"Mission accomplished...
[11:08][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] Ohyes...and worth each and every momen
[11:08][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Jax] *jax and group had started their set of covers and other things
[11:09][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Jax] *bren and campbell taking turns singing songs when he wasn't
[11:09][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] waves over to Relia and Veeri to join them down at the recpetion
[11:09][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren was helping herself to the breadsticks.
[11:09][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Veeri] *Folllows after Alice
[11:09][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Veeri] "You're damn right we can't lose!
[11:10][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] -kisse sher wife happily and leads her out
[11:10][DOIC4]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:*Jon follows Alice.
[11:10][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] I do love Yandan food. *she ate soem sushi thing
[11:11][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -leads him down the hill o the frecption back in the bar
[11:11][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--smiles up at Morgan-- "i wish this moment could last forever.
[11:12][DOIC4]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri eagerly returns the kiss and follows.
[11:12][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Ragnar] Yeah not bad for a purple alert with 15 mintues leeway. You know if i had latinum for every time we've invoked that protocol i'd have 2 slips... but the fact that Captain razzor has called a
[11:12][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Have you tried this... I think it's crab dip? Crab analog dip, anyway.
[11:12][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:emergency wedding twice... is still alot
[11:12][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -cups her chin to keep her gaze- as do I Billie..as do
[11:12][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] OOOH *she ates ome
[11:12][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*they would now have a shadow of a antrhopologist phtoographer photographing their movements all night
[11:12][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-the wedding crowd begins to filter in
[11:13][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*The Caelian Wedding Band was playing flirtin with disaster
[11:13][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*as the guest filled in
[11:13][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[alice] bops to the wonderful song as she Jona rrive
[11:13][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*ynga arrived
[11:13][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*heading up and hugging her brother
[11:16][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--looks at T"lea-- "did you get enough pictures?
[11:16][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[T'lea] Affirmative
[11:16][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[T'lea] I will continue to photograph for the night but the sufficient amount of time should have passed for you to now make your entrace to the reception
[11:17][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren grabbed Zala and dragged her onto the dance floor.
[11:17][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:"thank you for doing this T'Lea.
[11:17][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*zala went with her
[11:17][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*dancing with the trill
[11:18][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[T'lea] It was a purple alert, It is my designated task, but you are welcome
[11:19][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:"..a purple alert?
[11:19][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -smirks- Purple alert...you people have done this before
[11:19][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[T'lea] An Emergency Wedding or diplomatic function. Indeed, three weddings and one treaty signing
[11:20][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] heads out to the dance floor with Jon
[11:20][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[T'lea] Two requested by Captain Razzor including this one
[11:20][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:"..well I am certainly glad you have contingencies in place for this sort of thing..
[11:20][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -looks to Billie Jo at that
[11:20][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:*Jon heads out to dance with her.
[11:20][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-the deltas descend ont he bar and dance floor
[11:20][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[T'lea] Captain Riens and Captain Razzor believe in preparing for any contingency
[11:21][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Jax] *the band started pride and joy
[11:21][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] *spun eren
[11:21][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--looks at Morgan-- "Who else did Liz marry off?
[11:21][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:"we over on the Sentinel believe in winging it.
[11:21][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] Why ask me
[11:21][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[T'lea] A renewal of vows was the first invocation fo the protocol as a dry run even Admiral Razzor was unaware of his participation
[11:22][DOIC4]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -chuckles- firgure
[11:22][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:"ah ha.
[11:22][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren hip bumped Zala as she completed the spin.
[11:22][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Endel] -joins the dance floor with Spot
[11:23][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*the band shifted to whiskey in the jar with Campbell taking over the vocals
[11:23][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:"We should head for the reception I guess.
[11:23][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*the band shifted to whiskey in the jar with Campbell taking over the vocals
[11:23][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[T'lea] Indeed i believe they are ready for you
[11:23][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[T'lea] Indeed i believe they are ready for you
[11:23][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Tia] -joined him playing her guitar backing him up
[11:24][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Jax] *smiled with tia as they played lettign her take lead
[11:24][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -smiles as she dances around Jon happy
[11:24][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--place her arm inside Morgan's-- "Well, shall we hubby?
[11:24][DOIC4]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] Whiskey in the jaro yeah
[11:24][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] Whiskey in the jaro yeah
[11:24][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Tia] -gratefully nods as she does her best to not let his band down
[11:25][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Taylor] -danced happily with Patt as they enjoyed the music together
[11:25][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri heads up to get snacks, unaware of the great heist that took place earlier.
[11:25][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -chuckles as he hears the song
[11:25][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:Well, this was all very unexpected
[11:25][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] -goes tot he bar to order her and veeri drinks
[11:26][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*campbell was on stage in a kilt and dress shirt
[11:26][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -nodnods- Oh yes..took us allo by surprise buti am SO happy for he
[11:26][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Ragnar] What are you drinking
[11:26][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*ragnar smiled at reila and veeri fully playing bartender
[11:26][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] Weissvine two glasses pleas
[11:26][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Ragnar] *got them a couple glasses
[11:26][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri nodnods at Reila's request, eyeing a weird yandan sushi-like plate.
[11:26][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--smiles as her and Morgan enter, seeing the party in full swing.-
[11:27][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Jax] Everyone welcome Doctor and Mr Hale
[11:27][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Decia] -stepsup to themboth and salutes each in turn before hugging themboth- Iam so happy for you two
[11:27][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-the crowd all cheers and claps for thehappy couple..Decia steps back to allow them the spotlight
[11:27][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--waves to everyone.-
[11:27][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri cheers for the newlyweds, with Valerie clapping again off to the side.
[11:27][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:Of course
[11:27][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren offered a round of applause.
[11:28][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*then they started a jab at hale from campbell with another one bites the dust
[11:28][DOIC6]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-Krika dances with Palomo in herhostpial room as much as she can to the music
[11:28][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[V'Tira] -offers around of ploite applause
[11:29][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"i should throw the bouquet...
[11:29][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[T'lena] *gives Spence a hug* You should have told me you were planning this Billy jo i wouldn't have been halfway around the planet
[11:29][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[jAX] You heard ladies line up if your single
[11:29][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*ynga arranges the victims
[11:29][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Don't do it! Run free young bachelorettes!" *She called.
[11:29][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-a large gagle ofladies gathered, Pria drags Ynera out to the giggle as she isnot yet married
[11:30][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:[Ezri --walks up to V'tira-- "what the heck is going on in here V'Tira?
[11:30][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[V'Tira] I believe the good doctor has married theman standign next to her ezr
[11:31][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--looks at all the single ladies-- "whos is the next victim here?
[11:31][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*the band cheekily starts somebody to love
[11:31][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-chers for the single ladies gathered...vitra dragged ezri and cathy out to join
[11:32][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*ynga smiled
[11:32][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[T'lena] *joined the crowd
[11:32][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-Sissia and Candy jointhe crowd
[11:32][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:[Ezri] "Don't push me"
[11:32][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-as does Snowy and Duffy
[11:33][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Solvak] I am unaware of this custom
[11:33][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Ragnar] You might to get aware
[11:33][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Veeri] *Cheers at the crowd.* "Go Sissia!
[11:33][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--as the group gathers Spencer tosses the flowers-
[11:33][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Solvak] *quirked a brow then refilled a plate of appetizers
[11:33][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Escape while you can, my vulcan friend! It's a trap!" *She called to Solvak.
[11:33][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[lol roll singkle ladies :p
[11:34][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[my npcs
[11:36][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-rthe flowers go in the air and suddenly...drops throughthe mass of grabby hands right into V'Tiras hands
[11:36][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[V'Tira] -quirks abrow- Curiou
[11:36][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[T'lena] *laughs
[11:36][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--Ezri claps as V'Tira gets the flowers-- "You won V'Tira!
[11:36][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:[Blaine] *He was about to walk in when he saw V'Tira catch the flowers and immediately turned around and found another bar.
[11:36][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:Alright boys line up
[11:36][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[V'Tira] so I keep the flowers? -asks Cathy showing her
[11:37][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*she ushered all the boys that were single into a line
[11:37][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:"Congratulations, V'Tira!" *She cheers.
[11:37][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Moregan gets achair for Billie to sit in so he can claim her garter
[11:37][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Rangar] *sends solvak over there
[11:37][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] *Looks very skeptical at V'Tira.
[11:37][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--Spencer takes seat-
[11:37][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-Endel and spot showup as do many from the sentinel..derek included...as does Aptteron from the adagio
[11:38][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:[Jagoda] *He somehow managed to sneak in, too.
[11:38][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Vtira] shows cathy the flowers she caught
[11:38][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[T'Ghor] "I already caught one of those ages ago, it don't work!
[11:38][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--A tattoed Tellerite also shows up-
[11:38][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"You already have a soulmate, T'Ghor," *she yelled at the Klingon.
[11:38][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[T'lena] Where is blaine anyway
[11:38][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] Okay here we go -makes a show of rollingupherksirt to tease but tastefully retreives her garter
[11:39][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[T'Ghor] "I dunno, probably drunk someplace.
[11:39][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*ynga does a little whistle when he does
[11:39][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Wrong Way] yeah didnt youa ndBlaine find oneanother mate? -to TGhor
[11:39][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-the crowd hoots and wehsitles as Morgan retrieves the gartter andholds it up to toss over hisshoulder
[11:40][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Inara] *nurses some wine at the bar
[11:40][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--the Tatooed Tellerite whistles as Spencer's skirt is rolled up-
[11:40][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-the guys get ready as Alison puts the Old Man into the crowd of single guys
[11:41][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:[T'Ghor] "Me and Blaine are soulmates in the bro way.
[11:41][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] Everyone ready? -tosses the garter
[11:41][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Inara] That... was a half truth
[11:41][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[single men roll :P
[11:41][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Chuckles around Inara at that
[11:42][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[npcs or my guys
[11:42][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-the garter is tossed into the crowd of drunk hapy guys and is caught by...
[11:43][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--the tatooed Tellerite holds up the garter belt prize-- "oh yeah line up ladies I am looking wife number 14!
[11:43][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-laughs and cheers for the tattooed tellerite
[11:43][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-he is clapped ontheback and cheered bythe oither guys
[11:43][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] At that point theres no inherentice left
[11:43][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Zala] *teases the tellarite
[11:44][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Endel] fourteen..you must lose many arguments
[11:44][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*jax let bren sing one and tia play it as he hopped down to get a drink
[11:44][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -nose nuzzles Jon as they dance- So..you ready for me to come home someday
[11:45][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:[Tellerite] "But the love in my heart will still burn as passionately as it did for wife number one. I forgive her for trying to kill me.
[11:45][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:I've been ready for that from the moment you left
[11:45][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren slid up beside Jax at the bar.* "Having fun?
[11:45][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -offers his hand to Billie Jo May i have this dance Mrs Hale Spencer
[11:45][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Jax] Yeah its nice break
[11:45][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--offers her hand to Morgan and lets him lead her to the dance floor-
[11:46][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -smiles- Youhave shown the skipper all of the baby vids and pics ..right?
[11:46][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Jax] *smiled at eren.
[11:46][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:*Jon rolls his eyes.* Yes...and Denise..
[11:46][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"While it still lasts." *She smirked.* "At least this time when it's over I'll get to go with you.
[11:46][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -is actually an epically fantastic dancer as Billie Jo is swept intohis arms and guided around the dance floor
[11:46][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:When she doesn't want to murder me
[11:47][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -giggles- Yes..well they wouldve had you not shown them any at al
[11:47][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Jax] yeah there is that
[11:47][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Jax] Lt commander
[11:47][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Jax] *he toasted her
[11:47][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:You would have also been very upset...as I had to politely remind while dodging objects..
[11:47][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -giggles- sheis warming up to yo
[11:48][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:Feels like I have heard you say that for years..
[11:48][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren grinned, leaning over for a quick kiss to the cheek.* "About damn time, I'd say.
[11:48][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] well you are still alive arent you
[11:48][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Jax] Well you got a large department, You may regret it when you find yourself doing less science than admin
[11:48][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:Thankfully
[11:49][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] I thank every day for that..every da
[11:49][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] -hugs Veeri from behind tightly
[11:49][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Mm, having to boss people around all day... however will I cope?
[11:49][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Jax] Good point
[11:49][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri purred at Reila.* "Well you seem to be having fun.
[11:49][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Jax] I'd say to contact zalen for a briefing but she's stuck on the other side of the gate
[11:49][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:As I you
[11:50][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Relia] Of course..Kzari always celebrate life...and that is exactly vhat thisi
[11:50][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*ynga grabs candy to dance with her
[11:50][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Candy] -laughs as she is grabbed and lead to the dance floor- A lovely partner..who could ask for more
[11:50][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Just means I get the... I'm going to say 'pleasure' of learning their quirks for myself." *She chuckled.
[11:50][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--leans into Morgan's arms-- "You know we are just going to have to do all this again for my mom and dad once Artesia starts working again, right?
[11:50][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Ynga] *danced to the hair metal
[11:51][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Jax] Except t'lea unfortunately She's heading to citadel i'll explain more later but lets jsut say histroical might actually be really importan
[11:51][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -laughs- andyou think thatis goign to bother me
[11:51][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Jax] Solvak will basiclaly be leading anthro
[11:52][DOIC1]Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon:*Veeri smiles and nods to Reila.
[11:52][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--smiles at Morgan-- "i hope not..maybe our next ceremony can be in a barn.
[11:52][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*bren picks up the acoustic
[11:53][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*She nodded.* "We'll make it work, always do.
[11:54][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -beams at her- is that what you truly want Billie
[11:55][DOIC4]Spencer@Demoncheru:--laughs out loud-- "I got what I wanted. I am just wondering what my mother will want in compensation.
[11:55][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--laughs out loud-- "I got what I wanted. I am just wondering what my mother will want in compensation.
[11:55][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*ynga smiled as she slowdanced
[11:55][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] Well whatever she wants..we giveit to her...and my job from here on out is to see ihelp you do s
[11:56][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] from here on out..we are a tea
[11:57][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Jax] Well break time is almost *he gave eren a peck on the cheek then headed back to the stage
[11:57][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Candy] -slipped into her arms slow dancing gracefully with her
[11:57][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--smiles-- "Right, we are team...
[11:57][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -matches her smile- for all time no
[11:58][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Ragnar] *refileld eren's drink
[11:58][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"its official now..." --she says lookin at her ring-
[11:58][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Solvak] *was grabbed by t'lena and dragged to the dance floor
[11:59][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren smiled softly as she acquired a drink, leaning against the bar to watch the performance.
[11:59][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Inara] *looked out on everyone there.softly saying* "They are ready for the next phase...
[11:59][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -matches his ring to hers as they dance- Yes..=it is..
[11:59][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"By the way how did we get these lovely rings at the last minute?
[12:00][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] I replicated them..ive had them desgned whenw e first decicded to marry...based on my parents ring
[12:01][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] so..um..wheni got yourmessage i...replicated them -nodnods
[12:01][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"well they certainly are lovely.
[12:01][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] Iam glad you like them -nodnods- yup totally replicated themf or u
[12:01][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*ynga danced to the rhythm using the pixies to create halos around the married couple
[12:01][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[alice] -leans up togive Jon a kiss as they dance
[12:02][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[pixies- shine and shower thehappy cuple in soft lights as they dance
[12:02][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:*Jon smiles into the kiss.* I've missed you
[12:02][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*jax started the next song
[12:02][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"seems we have a lot of people to thank for making this purple alert come together.
[12:03][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] Um...i lied about the rings -teases Billie Jo- i was sworn to secrecy by someon
[12:03][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] Butimnot gonna lie to you any mor
[12:03][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Inara] *mumbles* Smart
[12:04][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -to spencer- I asked Denise for thjem because iw as clueless when itcame to stuff like thi
[12:05][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] She and the skiper hand crafted them out of the piece of the old Sentinels hull..the ship we met o
[12:05][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan[] Denise sworeme tosecrecy but...you should kno
[12:05][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--smiles-- "..yeah..I feel bad the skipper and Denise were not here for this.
[12:05][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] Well..it was apurple alert ho
[12:06][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"Yeah, I know it all came to gether so fast.
[12:06][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*bren played the piano while jax played the guitar
[12:06][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] well..just thought you should kno
[12:06][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Tia] dances with her guy slowly to the song
[12:07][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--kisses Morgan-- "Thank you.
[12:07][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -kisses her in return- Justr..when you thank them..tell them you figuredit out..
[12:08][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*campbell danced with her on the stage
[12:08][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] Denise..is freakin scare
[12:08][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Tia] -smiles as they dance for the first time in along while
[12:08][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Jax] Alright you two back to work. *jax said as they got ready for the next song
[12:08][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--laughs-- "Denise is a real sweetheart. Her gruff exterior is a defense mechanism.
[12:09][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] t0Billie Jo- I keep telling Jon that very thing
[12:09][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Campbel] *gave her a kiss then went to take the mic
[12:09][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] sheis part Mugat
[12:09][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*jax started the next one lettign tia get her guitar on
[12:10][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Tia] -returns the kiss and joins in as jax permits this being oneofher very favorite songs
[12:10][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"well in Jon's case she may very well want to kill him..
[12:10][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Campbell] *he smiled at tia and started to sing
[12:10][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[alice] Naaaah she loves hi
[12:11][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:Right..
[12:11][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"oh don't tell him that Alice, i really enjoy watching him run around scared.
[12:11][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Tia] -accompanies him perfectly as she returns his msile keeping him in her gaze as she plays
[12:11][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Ynga] *rocks back and forth with candy
[12:11][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Candy] -melts into her arms as they share the slow dance together
[12:12][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -;auighs- Heis cute when he run
[12:12][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Preacher] *started the build up
[12:12][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Tia] -keeps paceas she is now lost into the song herself
[12:13][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Preacher] *hits the note
[12:13][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] sings to Jon- dream on dream on..
[12:13][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:Moregan dips spencer right as the song ends and brings her up slowly for a kiss
[12:14][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Preecher] *holds it out until the song ends and hops off thes tage to dance with tia as jax leads em into something a bit faster
[12:14][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:[Ynga] *spins candy
[12:14][DOIC]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:as their lips meet the camera fadesas tia and preacher head dow to dance and jax andhis band rock the house and ynga and cnady kickback their heels to the new song
[12:15][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:"Well, I think its about time we should head out, we have a honeymoon to get to.
[12:15][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Morgan] -sweep her ofher fet intohis arms- That we do milad
[12:15][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[Alice] -smles at Jon- takeme back our room or lose me forever angelbo
[12:15][DOIC1]Spencer@Demoncheru:--waves goodbye to the party crowd-
[12:16][DOIC1]Yngrid@Captain_Rien:*lots fo cheers for them
[12:16][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:-the happy couple are showered with ricea nd cheered andc calapped for
[12:16][DOIC1]Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMar:On we go then
[12:16][DOIC1]DGMSoftKitty@Isis:[alice] slips into his arms and rests herhead on his shoulder asheleadsher out-