[3:51] [DOIC] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: STAR TREK SENTINEL THEME [for tonight the shows theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BH9aB_cZdYo ]
[3:52] [DOIC] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: The cameeras fade in as the Sentinel is seen streaking at warp through the lonely stars of this portion of sector 2030. The vast Crimson Expanse now is visible in the distance , its red and orange
[3:53] [DOIC] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: angry clouds roll majestically like an ancient tear in the night sky before the ship. As the camera moves t the interior the crew can be seen talking up their Alpha watch posts as
[3:53] [DOIC] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: the captain's log can be heard as a voice over...
[3:54] [DOIC] Shantal@Arnimane: Captain's Log stardate 96544.92...
[3:55] [DOIC] Shantal@Arnimane: It has been an uneventual voyage back to the LMC thus far, and we were immediately deployed to this sector and will be arriving at our designated coordinate in about and our...somewhere near the
[3:57] [DOIC] Shantal@Arnimane: Crimson Expanse...the crew spirits remain high, though the air of mystery of what our upcoming order maybe have cause a few to be...anxious.
[3:58] [DOIC] Shantal@Arnimane: I cannot say I blame them, but I have faith we are where we need to be and will find out what this is about soon enough.
[3:59] [DOIC] Shantal@Arnimane: On a personal note..and I have request from Decia to address and I can only hope this will be a step forward in resolving a seemingly endless drama cycle that seems to have a...
[4:00] [DOIC] Shantal@Arnimane: particular epicenter...-sighs- I best get that done first while things are relatively calm...end log.
[4:00] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Falco] -is hard at work at Strat Ops-
[4:01] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --is working in sick bay.--
[4:01] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *Varel was running her usual obsessively thorough tactical scans as they cruised along.*
[4:01] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] Helm steady on course...come to 197 mark45 to avoid that gravity shear
[4:01] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: Aye...I see it.
[4:01] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: =^= Aegis, this is Shantal. I got you request, did you have time to discuss with it me?
[4:01] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Taps on her console, monitoring for comms and other signals.*
[4:01] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: *sits in the medical office reading trough medical files*
[4:01] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: *Prepping everything their eventual arrival on site. Making sure everything is working and in order adn not about to rip them into another space time continum.*
[4:01] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: *Jon makes the subtle course correction.* We're about an hour out.
[4:01] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] -grins- I have no doubt Commander
[4:02] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "Falco? Are you busy?"
[4:02] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] Val? Jon..keep an eye out..its gonn get rougher out there the closer we get to the expanse
[4:03] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] -continues to franticlly work away at his console not looking up-
[4:03] [DOIC4] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] =^= Of course captain, Shall I report up?
[4:03] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: Aye aye.
[4:03] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: =^= Please. I'm in my bridge office.
[4:04] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: -a new console screen for Val begins to run its search programs-
[4:04] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "Aya, aya, ma'am." Switching over to sensors, scanning for gravity anomalies and other space dangers.*
[4:04] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: *frowns as she looks up, then around the office, feeling everyone hard at work, which leads her to sigh*
[4:04] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "Lieutenant Falco?"
[4:04] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] Just keep an eye on it..te Skara call our approach'shooting the rapids'
[4:04] [DOIC4] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] =^= On my way Captain
[4:04] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: *Engaging her multi-tasking, watching the ever growing multiple sscreens on her console.*
[4:05] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "I was not aware the Skara engaged in rafting."
[4:05] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Veeri giggled at Varel's words.*
[4:05] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --is filling some hypospray viles, has a distant look.--
[4:05] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: Alice] I think this is more of a close translation
[4:05] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "I'm sure traveling in an area of gravity disturbances could be the same thing.*
[4:05] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] -seems aware he has been called as he continues his work-
[4:06] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "...Curious." *She kept an eye out for any nearby vessels anyway.*
[4:06] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Elusive] -is curled up at Val's feet..though she has a far away stare she usually has when speaking with Sery-
[4:06] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "Come out little signals and say hi.'
[4:07] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] The hunt continues well Val?
[4:08] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] -enters the bridge in her duty uniform and strides almost regally down to the ready room door-
[4:08] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "Universe to Lieutenant Draco Falco?"
[4:08] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "As well as can be expected, Commander." Adjusts the signal boost.* "The new equipment the Commodore provided is really helping out."
[4:09] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "I could go poke him, Ma'am?"
[4:09] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: *Derek
[4:09] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] He really is into your search isnt he? he went on and on about it at the lounge las tnight
[4:09] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] -stil doesnt seem to hear as he works-
[4:09] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: *takes a moment to look at the bridge feed, shakes her head and goes back to reading*
[4:09] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: -door chime buzzes-
[4:10] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: Come in.
[4:10] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Veeri waved happily to Decia.*
[4:10] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: *heads over to his locker*
[4:10] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "I can really go and poke him?"
[4:10] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: *nods to alton*
[4:10] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] -enters and reports- Captain reporting as order -is at attention-
[4:10] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "He is excited about the research and where it could lead. I hope it leads to something pivotal."
[4:11] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: At ease...have a seat.
[4:11] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alce] -ndds- We sure could use a break for change
[4:11] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *Varel snapped her head over to Falco and spoke in a loud, stern voice.* "Lieutenant Falco, you are being addressed by a superior officer."
[4:12] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: *he does a visual inspection of his equipment then sits*
[4:12] [DOIC5] Alton@the5of435: *Alton sat on a bench, looking up momentarily from the manual he was reading to nod back at him*
[4:12] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] -does so and sits with a smile- Yes Ma'am
[4:13] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] -snaps his head up sending his stack of padds cascading down to the floor at his feet from the top of his console- Who..what whre Im sorry!
[4:13] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: So tell me about this request..why the sudden change?
[4:13] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *She nodded to Xyl at that and went back to her monitoring.*
[4:13] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "...That was mean, we could have just poked him."
[4:14] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "Lieutenant, Could you assist me making sense of some reports I am recieving?"
[4:14] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] -sighs some and looks to her hand- I...dicovered the source of the disconnect...and in doing so a way how to communicate with him
[4:14] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: *briefly smiles before looking out the window towards Spencer, wondering what to do*
[4:15] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] Our rift...between he and i led to a cascade of events that put him on this path...I could not deny my unknowing particpation in what happened
[4:15] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] -looks at his mess and then to her and then to his console- Um...now?
[4:16] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: -sighs- I do not need to tell you this smacks of a poor soap opera melodrama that I an pretty sick off.
[4:16] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: *Adjusts a few buttons, looking for hazards.*
[4:16] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "Unless you are truely occupied. Then I can ask the XO about ACCI distributed satelite relay sweeps details... "
[4:17] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] he lacks..some essential social empathy...which leaves him duty focused captain..I do not believe this was of his own doing...he functions well in his given field..but has been hamstrung ..in
[4:17] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: Assuming this request is approved..how does this get me a proper officer san the shit attitude?
[4:17] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: the rest...however i do believe knwoing this he can be 'directed'
[4:17] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --enters the office and sets the PADD she was working with on the desk, she gives Ize a little smile--
[4:17] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: *sighs coming to a decision as Spencer* "Doctor, how are you feeling?"
[4:18] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] Because we are unqiuely qualified to assist him...and in doing so...getting the better officer ad more efficient warrior who will benefit this ship
[4:18] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: We tried to being helpful..you saw how that turn out.
[4:18] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --she shruggs-- "I'm fine." --she says in a less than convincing way.--
[4:18] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] -rubs th eback of his neck- Um...Sure.. can do so...um..Commander...i think imight have found something...serious
[4:19] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: "Doctor, please, be honest with me"
[4:19] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] -leans down to collect his padds and bangs his forehead on his console dropping them all again-
[4:19] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --she sighs-- "I am not sure what you want to hear Ize."
[4:19] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Looks to Falco at that.* "Aww... let me hlp you!"
[4:19] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] -looks over-
[4:19] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "If you have found something serious to report, go ahead? my questions can wait a little?"
[4:19] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *Varel rubbed the bridge of her nose briefly.*
[4:20] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Takes her console to alert her immediatetly upon anything, going to help with the PADDs.*
[4:20] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: *Stops what she wass doing looking around for the hollow knocking echo on the bridge.*
[4:20] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] Um..you ..dont have to..I mean.if you want..-to Xyl- Um....You see im trying t confirm it...I guess?
[4:20] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: "The truth, Doctor, its not about giving an answer I want to hear, that is just not what I am here for"
[4:20] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "This business with Joshua was a real kick in the gut. But, I am just going to have to deal with it."
[4:20] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] I do not think we communicated it properly to him
[4:20] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "How is that going?"
[4:20] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: "How are you dealing with it?"
[4:21] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: So it is our problem..no knowing the secret code language?
[4:21] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "The full cooperation of the bridge would be more efficient to confirm if something is 'serious.'"
[4:21] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: -looks irritated-
[4:21] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --she looks at the sickbay-- "I am mostly just throwing myself into the job."
[4:21] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] He is a fixed weapon emplacement...talking to him is like..talking to a targetting array due to whatever they did to him
[4:21] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] 00sighs- Captain I am not trying to anger you
[4:21] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "That way I dont have to think about it."
[4:21] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: ..and he should have never gotten to us in this state,,,clearly.
[4:22] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Veeri responibly stacks PADDs up onto the console.* "Theeere. I should be getting back to my console now."
[4:22] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] It is not ...our problem it is his..he just is not aware he has one..which is why the disconnect
[4:22] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: "Some would say that is not a to healthy" *smiles with concern at Spencer*
[4:22] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] He was one of those things meant to get us all killed Captain...not unlike Endel or the rest of my team
[4:22] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "The Dark did this to hurt me, well she succeeded."
[4:22] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] Yourself included
[4:23] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: Well perfect people always see everyone else as the problem..never themselves. Before we continue let me add a few more things to the mix.
[4:23] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Returns to her console, tapping away at her little scans again.*
[4:23] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] -stammers nervously - I think someone out there just started a shooting war
[4:23] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: Derek] -to Veeri- Thank you
[4:23] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: This stays between us...but I felt you needed to know for context and to prepare.
[4:23] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] -looks over- A what?
[4:23] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "Have you detected recent weapons fire?"
[4:24] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: "and that is what has me worried, you are hurting, but you are not dealing with it"
[4:24] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] Yes...three successive cold fusion detonation...
[4:24] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "What? How? I have not caught any transmissions like that..."
[4:24] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Oh... detonations...
[4:24] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: *he heads over to the range to get some sidearm practice in*
[4:24] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "We should contact the Skaara immediately, Commander, assess the situation."
[4:24] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: First...you recall Joshua Cameron? We'll Billie when to visit him..to try to get information to help...one of you Delta officer that certain has no problem...and she reports a visitation by
[4:25] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: *frowns and switches over to looking for space hazards to looking for hostile ships.*
[4:25] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] -nods and listens-
[4:25] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: Do we continue forward?
[4:25] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *Varel tapped away at her console, scanning through the tactical scans she had been running.*
[4:25] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "I appreciate the concern. I am not sure it is possible to deal with it any better."
[4:26] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: The Dark Herself...appearant capturing Joshua..he is now missing. Also..you rememeber...Morgan Hale..is is on board and requesting assignment. -watches as that sinks in-
[4:26] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] ..a single kidnaopping? Truly?
[4:26] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "Why have you not told anyone?" "For the rest of the class, the findings is done with a remote distributed ACCI satelite arrey in the area where where pulled from patroling."
[4:26] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "Three cold fusion detonations and antimatter detonation just followed."
[4:26] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Veeri sweeped comms signals in a bigger radius for any transmissions that could indicate skirmishes or battles.*
[4:26] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: "Talking about it, getting your feelings out would be a start, help you recover from guilt"
[4:26] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: Decia] -sets her jaw- I spoke to the Executive officer and protested His assignment
[4:27] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: *Spreads the sensors to maxium spread.*
[4:27] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: The details of Joshua are difficult to relay..Billie was likely terrified..not the best situation for clarity.
[4:27] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] I..i..wanted to be sure
[4:27] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "Recommend red alert, Commander."
[4:27] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "We should inform the captain."
[4:27] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: What is your problem with Morgan?
[4:27] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Veeri worriedly bit her lip as she did her sweeps.*
[4:27] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --she smiles at Ize-- "One thing you learn early as a doctor, is that something people just can't recover from.."
[4:28] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] Um..ther eis more
[4:28] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "I am not however picking up any traffic in our nearby vicinity."
[4:28] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "It is two days at max warp from our current position."
[4:28] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: *pew pew low strength phaser fire hitting targets*
[4:28] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] His selfish acts during the initial capture of Chorus..led to seveeral deaths and injuries amongst the crew
[4:28] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "And what is that, Derek?"
[4:28] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "Indeed. Yellow alert may be more appropriate."
[4:28] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: I think red alert may be premature if it is that far out. We should inform the captain regardless.
[4:28] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "The guilt I have is going to be with mean for the rest of my life."
[4:29] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] -nods over to Varel- Before the void appeared..I showed a massive mass drop off in the region
[4:29] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: "That is one of the things you learn as well when you study for a degree is phychology and to become a councelor"
[4:29] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: Was he? I do not see it what way..though I seen some rather senseless and selfish conflicts form some on your team...like personal combat with empowered agents...
[4:30] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: Derek] Someone is definitely trying to hide something from /us/
[4:30] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "XO? May I utelize the main screen for a moment?"
[4:30] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "I am at least thankful that I have enough holes in my memories from my time with Salvation that I probably don't remember the worst things I did. That helps me sleep at night."
[4:30] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *Varel looked at Derek a moment, then back to Alice.*
[4:30] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] The weapons used were primative...but the void is aimed at our level of technology
[4:30] [DOIC5] Alton@the5of435: Geez.. you just might be as bad as temple and his aim..
[4:30] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] Do so Xyl
[4:31] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: I saw Morgan make the very human choice of believing someone posed too great a threat to take a chance at anything other that destruction...also..some on you own team are prone to this behavior.
[4:31] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] -sighs- I know you do not like him Captain...but i do understand what might have been done to him...but by the grace of the Son..it may have been I
[4:31] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: "does not seem a great way of being to me"
[4:31] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: *flips back to his dominant hand* Gotta practice both hands.
[4:31] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: *Brings up a map of the LMC 2030/2031 sector border with the Kzari coridor uncharted area, highlighting an uncharted area of space in the opposite direction >
[4:31] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] Alice said the same thing..so I did of course relent wth Morgan
[4:32] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "Possible pre warp civilization out there shooting at each other and someone dosen't want us looking in on them?"
[4:32] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: *he smirks* Have a good leave Alton?
[4:32] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: > of where they are currently heading, where they would be going had new orders not recently came in. The area being 2 days at max warp away* "This is the area in question."
[4:32] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [zderek] then how would they know to block us..or even have such an ability?
[4:32] [DOIC5] Alton@the5of435: Wait...*he got up and walked back a bit for safety* Ok now..And yes, Val and I did enjoy leave.
[4:32] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "Everyone and thier plushie in the LMC can block our technology Derek. Unfortunately."
[4:32] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] -blinks- Xyl enhance...the lower right quadrent of this image
[4:32] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: consider if he does remain as part of this crew..I expect there to be no problems.
[4:33] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Zderek] a pre-warp culture Commander?
[4:33] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: Good to hear.
[4:33] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: In light of that information..you still stand by your request?
[4:33] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: {Decia] He is now one of mine own...therewill be /no / problems captain
[4:33] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] -sets her jaw and nods- I do
[4:34] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "Radiation is alright to cause problems, and there are entities who likes to play with pre warp cultures. and materials that makes it hard for us."
[4:34] [DOIC5] Alton@the5of435: What about you? I heard you got into some trouble?
[4:34] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: *Enhances the lower right quadrant and magnifies it*
[4:34] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: *he laughs* You could say that.
[4:34] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *Varel studied the screen intently.*
[4:34] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: Beware nineteen year olds and high states of intoxication.
[4:34] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "But, the Dark is obviously aware of how important saving Joshua was to me, how much I was willing to sacrifice to get him back. It was the only reason she would have waited to take him when she...
[4:34] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: -the main viewscren suddenyl now shows dozens of tiny silverly object floating silently in space-
[4:34] [DOIC5] Alton@the5of435: ...Are you sure she was nineteen?
[4:35] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: could do it right in front of me..."
[4:35] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: 'What are those, Ma'am?"
[4:35] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: Unless starfleets changed their enlistment requirements pretty sure.
[4:35] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "I do not know... yet, Stingray would you help me identify those?"
[4:35] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: {alice] -narrows her eyes - Maximum enhancement
[4:35] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: *Looks up to the main screen, then forcuses the new gear towards that section to see if hitss on anything.*
[4:35] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "Working on it now, Commander."
[4:35] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "It could be debris, or a cluster of small ships."
[4:35] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: -signs the request as an order and smirks- You are lucky I have great faith in you...
[4:35] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] At thi range? those ar enot small ma'am
[4:35] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: *focuses on one shard with full enchancement and megnification*
[4:36] [DOIC5] Alton@the5of435: Ooh, in starfleet.. I thought you were talking about some risian..
[4:36] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "Picking up Kzari energy readings."
[4:36] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: Either way Tia and I worked it out. Little hunting trip with Captain Talia.
[4:36] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: Make sure you follow through and Adryan is not returned to position until evaluated and released....and let hope we make progress this time.
[4:36] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] If he fails.-swallows hard- I will resign along with him cpatain
[4:37] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: "That would be a fair assumtion to make, I am still waiting to see if she decided to forget about me or will try to get back at me somehow, but Doctor, this is about you, I am worry how this is ->
[4:37] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: Of course...you would say that..but it is unacceptable.
[4:37] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *She raised a brow.* "We did see Kzari ships clustering in such a manner when they were approaching Bursal for the first time."
[4:37] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: *sets to random red/green targeting training. *
[4:37] [DOIC5] Alton@the5of435: A hunting trip?
[4:37] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: I will not be held hostage of this.
[4:37] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "That seems like Kzari motherships... about fifty of them."
[4:37] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] -gasps and blinks- I was not ...hostage I woul never Captain
[4:38] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: effecting you on top of everything else, I worry for your emotional and mental health"
[4:38] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "That's... much. Really much... what are they preparing for?"
[4:38] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "War, evidently."
[4:38] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: -the screen now shows the dozens of 5 mile wide starships sitting there unscratched-
[4:38] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: He makes it on his own merit. He has to want this.
[4:38] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "They could be offering another world the chance to join them."
[4:38] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "It looks like an invasion fleet, Like Bursali."
[4:38] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: It is about time he start to show he gives a shit about something..and someone.
[4:38] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: Yeah off world, clear the air so to speak. I think it was teh Captain's idea of letting us work it out away from distractions.
[4:38] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] Mother of god -hits her combadge- =^= Bridge to the Captain
[4:38] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "I recommend we tell the captain now, Commander."
[4:38] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Yea, but... with who? The Kzari surely know the dawn alliance will be supr unhaappy if they do that to the Skara..."
[4:39] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: *he shoots a green one by mistake* Damn.
[4:39] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --leans on the desk.-- "My mental and emotional state is not an issue Ize. The only thing that matters is getting Joshua back and stopping the Dark before she hurts anyone else."
[4:39] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: {Decia] -nods- I wil ake this cear..but it was never my intent ot hold you hostage over this
[4:39] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "Another pre warp civilization perhaps?"
[4:39] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "I think it would be a different scene if teh Skara were involved."
[4:39] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "I will do whatever it takes..."
[4:39] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: "It is, if I say it is"
[4:39] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: How is it not holding me hostage?
[4:39] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] We would see Skara ships out there along the border
[4:39] [DOIC5] Alton@the5of435: She didn't accidently shoot you?
[4:40] [DOIC5] Alton@the5of435: Hmm weird..
[4:40] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "The Kzari have been setting their plate for pushing the Dawn Alliance for some time. Where did the explosion come from? Was it in Skaara space?"
[4:40] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia -binks clearly not ever have considered this- Captain..as i sai dthis was not my intent..i ..he has spent yeas defending us...and protecting us...I understand he is caustic but i think it is no
[4:41] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --stares hard at Ize-- "..so what are you going to do?"
[4:41] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: {Derek] No it is an uncharted world
[4:41] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "How exactly come we got new orders away from that area, if I may ask, ma'am?"
[4:41] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: not of his making..this was done to him...he is jsut not aware of it
[4:42] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: Nope. That was a klingons fault. But it's patched up now.
[4:42] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: and you resigning if he can't cut it accomplished what exactly?
[4:42] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] Has to be a coincidence...the Skara were the ones who asked for our help at a dig site
[4:42] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: Decia] I ...can continue to protect him
[4:42] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: *he chuckles* I guess Tia considered us even since I took the hit for her.
[4:42] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] Until I can get him the help he needs...out of respect for what he has done for this ship
[4:42] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *Varel briefly ran internal sensors to make sure the Captain hadn't died in her ready room.*
[4:43] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: Then if that is you life goal..I should simply drop you off and Citadel when we get back..you can do whatever and protect him..from himself.
[4:43] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] -fronwns- Why will you not assist him?
[4:43] [DOIC5] Alton@the5of435: Wow.
[4:44] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: "I see three options, First, I keep trying to push you to let me help you, in hopes that we can keep you in a fine mental health and not obsessed, two I put you up for psychological evaluation, last->
[4:44] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: *he ends the program*
[4:44] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: I am...I signed the order to prceed. Your the one tell me if this does work..your leaving..and I supposed to be...stops mid-sentence.
[4:44] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: and third option, I resign my commision for being unable to perform my duties"
[4:44] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] Xly have we been scanned by that fleet out there?
[4:44] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: *walking to return his sidearm to its lockup*
[4:45] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: =^= Shantal here, report.
[4:45] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: Turned out better than the attack of the feather monkies.
[4:45] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] -hangs her head at this unaware of what she had just done until now-
[4:46] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Elusive] -shudders as she look over at the screen-
[4:46] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "I think we are out of range for that, jsut as we would not seen much of that without the satelies help, ma'am, there is no signs they seen us"
[4:46] [DOIC5] Alton@the5of435: I heard that op failed..
[4:46] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] =^= Caotain...you really need to see this
[4:46] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --sighs-- "...You know what they say doctors make the worst patients...I am not sure hwat you are suggesting here. But, I am not trying to keep you from doing your duties. I am just saying it may be..
[4:46] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: Captain*
[4:46] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: =^= On ym way.
[4:46] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: Aye. Got ambushed.
[4:46] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: past the point where I have become obsessed..."
[4:46] [DOIC2] Shantal@Arnimane: -motions for Decia to follow to the bridge-
[4:47] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] -collects herself and follows-
[4:47] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -looks around at the situation- Report.
[4:47] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: -the main viewscreen shows a massive Kzari force of 50 or so of their Mthership sjust sitting in space along the border of the two sectors-
[4:48] [DOIC5] Alton@the5of435: Wow... you guys must've been really drunk to let them come up on you..
[4:48] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "besides my mental health has always been questionable, it has never affected the performance of my duties."
[4:48] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] We have picked up a massive Kzari expeditionary force...hiding from our sensors...directly along our old patrol route
[4:48] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "Antimatter detonations were reported on an uncharted world shortly before we discovered the Kzari force."
[4:49] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: "and if that is the case and I cant pull you back and don't report it,which would likely take you off the field, I would have failed in my duties" *lets out a sigh* "we have a bit of a pickle here"
[4:49] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] Well perhaps not a world..but defintely in that system commander -to varel-
[4:49] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -looks at the tactical display- Aye..that looks spicey alright...have they noticed us yet?
[4:49] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] -look st Xyl at his-
[4:49] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "Uncharted system," *she amended tonelessly.*
[4:49] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "I suppose so. What do you recommend?"
[4:50] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "It is two days away from us at max warp, ma'am. We are seeing this trough an ACCI utilized remote sensor arrey. There is no signs they have seen us at all, ma'am."
[4:50] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: Oh the initial attack I watched from the bar. It was rather premeditated to steal a cooler of food.
[4:51] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] If we had not gotten our orders to alet course.we mightve flown right into them
[4:51] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: alter*
[4:51] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] -looks over the force- an impressive display
[4:52] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Alert Citadel command of the situation. Jon...drop us to sublight...Varel...engage the cloak.
[4:52] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "Yes, Captain. Engage yellow alert?"
[4:52] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] -to Shantal- I reccomend we do not send this over an open channel....even though they are allies
[4:52] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: ...not yet...
[4:53] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Used the secure ACCI channels, Derek.
[4:53] [DOIC5] Alton@the5of435: I knew it, I knew they were intelligent.. I need to tell Val so she can believe me.
[4:53] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: Aye aye.
[4:53] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: "What do I recomend? that I help you and we do what we can to get you back to clean mental health, which I am not signing of for unless its the actual case""
[4:53] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] um..yes captain -to Veeri- sorry..-sends out the encrypted and encoded burst-
[4:53] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: *Jon drops the Sentinel from warp.*
[4:53] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *She began setting up the cloak initialisation.*
[4:54] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Therese..you said two days out form our location..present speed, aye?
[4:54] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "At max warp, ma'am."
[4:54] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "It's okey."
[4:54] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: We know that have other means to get around...any signed of a recon force?
[4:55] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *Her fingers flew across the console before she pressed a button.* "Engaging cloak."
[4:55] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] Um...yes I....think..
[4:55] [DOIC2] K'Saan@ThanatosRa: "Huh. We're cloaking."
[4:55] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --she nods slowly-- "okay. Where do you want to start with that?"
[4:55] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Odd Job] -pats K on the shoulder- Orders from the bridge'
[4:55] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: *Continues working on sensors sweeps, learning what they can.*
[4:55] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: *he stretched his hands*
[4:56] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] You...think>
[4:56] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: ?
[4:56] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "No current data on recon forces, ma'am. Something possibly tied to the area in question has made it very difficult for us to scan it by regular means."
[4:56] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "Ah!" Tries searching and looking down that Unity ssignal. "I just got a ping on the Unity sensor."
[4:56] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: *Explosions in teh area in question
[4:56] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] -softly- They are hiding not from us...but the Skara
[4:56] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -looks to Varel- If this is a planned manuever or a stagging area I do not want to jump the gun until we get confirmation from the Citadel.
[4:57] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "Yes, Captain."
[4:57] [DOIC2] K'Saan@ThanatosRa: "Yup. I mean it'd be funny if we clo... no, that'd probably get us thrown out and airlock, that's silly. So silly."
[4:57] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: That is certain possible Aegis...
[4:57] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] Captain..getting coded transmission back from the citadel...decoding now
[4:57] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: "Regular apointments, one or two a week, we will talk about your experiences in your starfleet career and before, we will need to talk about the things that likely will not be pleasent, Salvation, ->
[4:58] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] A force that size...this close to Skara space would send the Skara scrambling
[4:58] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Proxmity of the Unity signal Val?
[4:58] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Veeri kept her sweeps up, a bit less excited looking than she was when she came on shift.*
[4:58] [DOIC5] Alton@the5of435: *Alton went to his locker to check on his gear*
[4:58] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --nods slowly-- "okay, we can set up something for later this week."
[4:58] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: for one, at least from an emotional point of view, unless I can somehow get read in on it fully, we need to dig in that memory of yours and we need to talk about the dark, and this latest experience->
[4:58] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "If they could see it... and somehow so co-incidently something blocks sensors in the area."
[4:58] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: with her
[4:59] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *Varel's eyes narrowed ever so slightly.*
[4:59] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "I'm looking up now, Captain."
[4:59] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -looks over the Derek silently as she see if the decoding is done-
[5:01] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Ma'am? Pickig up comms traffic from the uncharted system... or from outside it?"
[5:01] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: "Good, Cause I don't want to leave" *smiles at the doctor*
[5:01] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Aimed towards the void..."
[5:01] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] =^= Decia to Adryan
[5:01] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -looks to Veeri- anythign we can make sense of?
[5:02] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "A distress call that is being blocked without the sender's knowledge, perhaps?"
[5:02] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "They did just suffer multiple antimatter explosions."
[5:02] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Looks like Kzari signals... encoded... to the invasion fleet."
[5:02] [DOIC2] K'Saan@ThanatosRa: 'Hope we're not going into a fight."
[5:02] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] -snaps his fingers- The initial force...it had to be Kzari!
[5:02] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --continues to lean on the desk. At this point it may be the only keeping her from collapsing on the floor.-- "To be honest I would rather you not leave either...especially if it was because of me."
[5:03] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -looks to Derek- The Citadel orders....done yet?
[5:03] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] Oh! almost! -feverously works over his console- I feel..like we just caught the Japanse steaming for peearl harbor..sorry Captain..got excited
[5:04] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] -blinks- Excited?
[5:04] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "I am detecting the Kzari Trans-dimentiontion/temporal portal being opened for the invasion fleet. It is not ready yet."
[5:04] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Sparky] I get the feels someone is about to
[5:04] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: Harry] I got a bad feeling about all of this
[5:04] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Working on decripting the Kzari transmissions, Ma'am."
[5:04] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "Is there any way to discern where the portal is meant to go?" *She got as many scans of the ships as she could from that distance.*
[5:04] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: *Jon rubs the bridge of his nose.*
[5:04] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "Not yet."
[5:05] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: *Continues looking for the Unity signal, adjusting the equipment that Luger provided.* "Come on, signal. Show your happy little face."
[5:05] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Veeri tries her hand at translating what they are getting from the Kzari.*
[5:05] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Val roll once more pls]
[5:05] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: "Doctor it would not be because of you, but rather an inability to separate our friendship and my duties to you as your councelor"
[5:05] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Varel...what is the tactical assessment of a single Mothship without escort?
[5:06] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Ma'am... the signals from the Kzari."
[5:06] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "Still I would feel bad."
[5:06] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "They are a damage report from a smaller force, they suffered an attack. A patrol cruiser got destroyed by a hostile native force."
[5:06] [DOIC6] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: -finishes changing into his clothes before moving to pick his combadge off of his desk- =^= Adryan.
[5:06] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Great..but I am waiting for someone to give me something usaly form any of these damned 'signals' and "decoded messages" -in an irrated growl-
[5:07] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] =^= Report to Medical for /full/ medical requalification evaluation..as well a the counselor for the same
[5:07] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "Captain, each individual Kzari mothership is over eight kilometers in diameter, believed to be complemented by at least one thousand to one thousand five hundred crew. Their armaments are fuelled...
[5:07] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: *smiles warmly at SPencer getting to her feet* "I know" *walks over and hugs spencer*
[5:07] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "I think it's usable, Captain..."
[5:07] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "It is highly likely the invasion force is preparing to head to the place the hostile natives are resisting from."
[5:07] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: by crystallic energy and they each possess a weapon particularly similar to the Adagio's Artemis cannon. It is a mobile fortress."
[5:07] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --returns Ize's hug.--
[5:08] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] Citadel message is from a very angey Adiral compton..we are advised to scout and report any and all actions from..and i quote 'a force that has NO reason for fucking being there' end quote...
[5:08] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "Well I am glad your are looking out for me."
[5:08] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: {Derek] her words not mine
[5:08] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *one hundred thousand to one hundred fifty thousand ))
[5:08] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -looks to Varel- and we detected over fifty..and there are likely support crusiers and craft we do not know about...
[5:09] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] ....its like Bursali Captain...only i think this time the natives shot at them
[5:09] [DOIC2] K'Saan@ThanatosRa: "I am... a little worried. Eh heh."
[5:09] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "Yes, Captain. The Kzari did not conquer much of this section of the galaxy without reason."
[5:09] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Yupp, Ma'am Cameron..."
[5:09] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: "I just hope I have not betrayed you by hesitating to long, I hope you can forgive me"
[5:09] [DOIC6] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: -grumbles slightly before responding0 =^= I'll... report momentarily, Commander.
[5:09] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: *lets go of Spencer*
[5:10] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] =^= In order to be restored to full duty it must be expeditited..Decia out
[5:10] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "Nothing to forgive as far as I am concerned. I hope I am not long past saving."
[5:10] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Derek..signal back to the Admiral -'Understood..going radio silent..will schedled check in 24 hours-
[5:10] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "I have a basic fix on the unity signal, Captain, still tracking its location."
[5:10] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] -nods- Doing so now Captain...-fires off another signal burst encoded and encrytped-
[5:10] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Derek...after the message is sent and confirmed recieved..we cut the ACCI link.
[5:11] [DOIC6] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: -he looked at the combadge and shoved it into his pocket- Do you want it expedited or thorough? Make up your mind...
[5:11] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "It would appear the seeds their Chancellor planted by ingratiating himself with the Dawn Alliance have begun to sprout."
[5:11] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] -all buisness collecting himself after a long look from Decia-..Aye Captain...sent..recieved..cutting ACCI feeds
[5:12] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] -narrows her eyes at that-
[5:12] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Veeri...make sure not outbound comms signals...monitor and report any recieved signals.
[5:12] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] Feeds cut..we are silent
[5:12] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Alice...bring us to red alert.
[5:13] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Yes, Ma'am Captain."
[5:13] [DOIC] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] =^= All decks red alert -the red alaert klaxon goes off- All crews to action stations
[5:13] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Veeri starts working on preventing any signal from going out, and checking for anything going in.*
[5:13] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --as the ship goes to red alert.-- "what the hell is going on now?"
[5:14] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: "That is a good Question"
[5:14] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Odd Job] All folks ..its gae time..lets go move move!
[5:14] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "we are likely all about to die."
[5:14] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: Here we go.
[5:14] [DOIC] Shantal@Arnimane: -hit the ship wide intercom- =^= All hands..thsi is the captain. We have detected a large Kazari force in this sector and have been order by Citadel command to investiage.
[5:14] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: *proceeds to don his armor*
[5:14] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: "Fudge!"
[5:15] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "Kzari? I thought they were allies?"
[5:15] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: Wait did she say Kzari?
[5:15] [DOIC5] Alton@the5of435: *he began gearing up for a long long time* Yes she did.
[5:15] [DOIC] Shantal@Arnimane: =^= We have also detected what appears a nearby system and signs a of potential ongoing conflict...we will proceed under cloak and radio silent to reconnoiter the situation.
[5:15] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "I never trusted that Chancellor guy though,:
[5:15] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Raises her hand to show to Shantal she wants to say something once Shantal s done.*
[5:16] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "The Unity signal is emanating from an area inside the Crimson expanse."
[5:16] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] Keep an eye on it Val...we dont want to lose that if you do not have to
[5:16] [DOIC2] K'Saan@ThanatosRa: Nyyyghhh... Alright alright, Get ready! I'lkl go get my shipbreaking tools, just in case.
[5:16] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Captain? There is another Kzari fleet out there."
[5:16] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: "GUess its work time"
[5:16] [DOIC6] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: -nonchalantly grabs his PADD and leaves his room, heading for the medical deck-
[5:17] [DOIC] Shantal@Arnimane: Bridge out.
[5:17] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: Well, lets hope we don't get in a shooting war with an Ally.
[5:17] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: Another?
[5:17] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "I guess so. lets get ready in case we get wounded."
[5:17] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Yes Veeri?
[5:17] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Just intercepted a message from a Kzari escort force. They are escorting hundreds of patrol cruisers and dozens of battle cruisers to the main force."
[5:17] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "Aya ya,Commander." Marks its location and continues survelling it on the Unity screen.*
[5:17] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "All decks report red alert and battlestations."
[5:17] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] and there is the initial force..being picked up by the escort fleet
[5:17] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "Are there any indications of their target in the communications?"
[5:18] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: "I need to ask if I am needed on bridge first, who knows they may actually want to use my abilities and skills for once."
[5:18] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Record all the information we gather in a bouy as well.
[5:18] [DOIC2] K'Saan@ThanatosRa: "Someone tries to break my ship, I break Them."
[5:18] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "None so far, Commander, I will try to grab onto some more signals."
[5:18] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --walks out into sick bay-- "okay team you heard the announcement. Lets get ready for triage operations..just in case things go south."
[5:18] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Therese...give mt a tactical overview of this sector..we need a safe way to get close undetected...
[5:18] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --she nods to Ize-- "yeah you should check in."
[5:18] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "A... buoy, Captain? Aren't we supposed to be quiet-ish?"
[5:18] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *She nodded once, continuing to run that trusty tactical scanner around to see if anything comes flying out of the sensor void.*
[5:19] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Veeri monitors for further signals she can pull.*
[5:19] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "The buoy would be released upon destruction of the ship, Lieutenant Relidia."
[5:19] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: =^= "Councelor Sair to Commander Alice Cameron"
[5:19] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Oh, that kinda buoy. Okey."
[5:19] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "The Kzari part of Xert was Three mothership, With a dozen cruiser and battle cruisers as escort... for reference. Aye ma'am, bringing up the overview" *Brings up a hol ooverview*
[5:19] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -looks to Veeri- It case be get blown to bits... -looks to Alice with rolling eyes-
[5:19] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice]=^= Go aheead Counselor
[5:19] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Records the information as ordered.*
[5:19] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: *checks his rifle and holsters the sidearm*
[5:19] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] -winks to Shantal-
[5:20] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: *reaches for his helmet and puts it on to check hud uplinks*
[5:20] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: =^= "Do you have need of me on the bridge?"
[5:20] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] =^= Of corus...any edge at this point is needed
[5:20] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *Varel looked at Alice. Just looked at her.*
[5:21] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: =^= "On my way"
[5:21] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia] =^= Delta actual to all deltas..deplpy..Team two support on baord security..team one standy by in delta bay as Rapid response force
[5:21] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "I would advise that we not seek our edges from blunt instruments," *she remarked coolly as she continued scanning.*
[5:21] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -looks to make sure Decia as departed to see to her teams-
[5:21] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: "Doctor, goodluck, I will see you later"
[5:21] [DOIC5] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Leo] You head her team one...stand ready
[5:21] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Giggles at what Varel said.*
[5:21] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --nods and smiles at Ize--
[5:21] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Oh, that was mean..."
[5:21] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Get to it Aegis..we are done cchatting up here.
[5:21] [DOIC5] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Top] preps the delta command and control team-
[5:22] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: *he is ready*
[5:22] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia aye captain -stops and adds- I am sorry..i>.-stops herself and darts of the bridge-
[5:22] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Decia aye captain -stops and adds- I am sorry..i>.-stops herself and darts of the bridge-
[5:22] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --looks over at Seb curiously as he enters.--
[5:22] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] So noted Miss Blunt -winks to Varel-
[5:23] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "That was mean too."
[5:23] [DOIC3] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: --enters the sickbay, lacking the urgency the rest of the crew has and approaches Spencer, offering his PADD-
[5:23] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *Varel just side-eyed Alice.*
[5:23] [DOIC3] Izeita Sair@awendra: *walks in to the nearest lift* "Bridge"
[5:23] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] Captain
[5:23] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --takes the PADD, looks it over.--
[5:23] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [xly roll pls]
[5:23] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -looks over the tactical sector map on the mian view screen try to spot a way to ssafely sneak closer-
[5:24] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Yes Derek?
[5:24] [DOIC3] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: I have been ordered to undergo a full but somehow expediated medical evaluation.
[5:25] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Captain] I am picking up a high powered com burst from the fleet back to 2031...its..brilliantly masked as bckground cosmic radiation
[5:25] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Thank you...
[5:25] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "Ma'am, They have paused stabelizing the portal travel, As of they are waiting for something before finishing the last pieces."
[5:25] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Maybe they are waiting for that support fleet, Ma'am."
[5:26] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "I see. full and expedited...not the first time I have gotten such contradictory orders before. I will do my best."
[5:26] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "I believe they may have just indicated their readiness to the homeworld."
[5:26] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "If I get any further comms of theirs, I will keep you advised, I am keeping an eye out."
[5:26] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] I think Varl is correct
[5:26] [DOIC1] Izeita Sair@awendra: *walks on to the bridge, eyes briefly widening*
[5:26] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -does look like she found anything on the tactial display that she wanted-
[5:27] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "From the orders on the PADD I think the thourough part is being emphasised."
[5:27] [DOIC3] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: -he looked at her, narrowed his eyes for a second then looked around- Where do you want me?
[5:27] [DOIC1] Izeita Sair@awendra: *moves down to sit near Alice, waiting for her to have a moment*
[5:27] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Jon...set and course to the system..directly and best possible speed.
[5:27] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "Captain, sensors indicate the movement of hundreds of impulse engines from the system where the antimatter detonations occurred."
[5:28] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --she motions toward the nearest bed." Just park yourself over on the diagnostic bed."
[5:28] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "Ma'am, do you require a method to disrupt the portal ready and available, if it comes to that?"
[5:28] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Right..with all these movement no one should notice us...
[5:28] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] -nods to the counselor-
[5:28] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Multiple communiations in an unknown alien language in the uncharted system... translating, or trying to, now."
[5:28] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Veeri tries to translate what she got.*
[5:28] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --she walks over and makes some adjustments on the diagnostic scanner.--
[5:29] [DOIC1] Izeita Sair@awendra: *nods back to Alice* "We know anything already on their goals and motivations?"
[5:29] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: =^= Odd Job...get the Crew on trying to disguise our trails as typical Kzari.
[5:29] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: Aye ma'am.
[5:29] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --she places and hand on his shoulder.-- "Go ahead an lay back. I am going to run a few scans."
[5:31] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: Course laid in.
[5:31] [DOIC3] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: -looks at the hand on his shoulder, then up to the owner before scooting back and lying down-
[5:31] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -looks to Therese- Have it ready to try..but our mission at the moment is to gather intel...no matter hope tempting it should becomes if thing looks dicey...No heroics.
[5:31] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -looks around to the bridge crew at that- Understood?
[5:31] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "Aye aye, Captain."
[5:31] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "Understood ma'am. Advicing Scrappy to make the preparations, just in case you need it."
[5:31] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "Understood, Captain."
[5:32] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -checks to make sure we are underway-
[5:32] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "No, no autodetect language, stupid thing!" *Hits the underside of her console.*
[5:33] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Jon..ETA on the system proper?
[5:33] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Odd Job] =^= Got it boss! K'man..Scrappy...get on our trail signature
[5:33] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: 12 hours, ma'am.
[5:33] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: If we push it to maximum warp, one.
[5:34] [DOIC1] Izeita Sair@awendra: *looks up at Veeri raising an eyebrow before looking back to Alice*
[5:34] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --presses some buttons.-- "I am going to run the standard array of medical scans. Including neurological and genetic."
[5:34] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: If we pop slip stream...there is not digusing that tunnel.
[5:34] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Okey... the species the Kzari are at war with are named the Acrima. They are ordering their whole flee to their outermost planet."
[5:34] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "Slipstream in to uncharted terretories with the thigns making our sensors glitchy risks us running in to somethign truely aweful ,ma'am."
[5:35] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Varel...what is the tactical risk in an engaged assault..you think the Kzari would noticed if we slip streamed in?
[5:35] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "I believe this battle will be rather one-sided."
[5:35] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "That is what their transmissions have been about so far. Keeping on watch."
[5:35] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Yes, Commander Varel... very. The Kzari are military geniuses."
[5:35] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "And well, numbers..."
[5:35] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "And big ships..."
[5:36] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: I was affriad of that...then the safer method.
[5:36] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] -to ize- The Kzari are going ot roll right over them
[5:36] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "Captain, I have an image on the ship moving int the uncharged system." Gets ready to bring it up on the screen.
[5:36] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "With current movement we would be able to masking it. In an engaged assault, we would not stand any chance whatsoever, and the ensuing political discord would be disastrous."
[5:36] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Veeri keeps on siiftng through signals for anything slightly informative.*
[5:36] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *mask it ))
[5:37] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Jon..work with sciences in the sector map as we go..if we are detected we'll need to bolt fast...and likely make our way back through Skara space.
[5:37] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: So have updated escape route as we progress.
[5:38] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: *Jon looks back at Shantal.* So we want to attempt slipstream?
[5:38] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Scrappy] -looks over her PADD_ K..get onte signature transfer..then meet me in the engineering lab...we just got handed the big one
[5:38] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: No slip stream..we just have to settle one what we can gather as we warp in.
[5:38] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: Okay.
[5:39] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: I just want constant escape routes updated..you DID get that, yes?
[5:39] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: Yes ma'am.
[5:39] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Odd Job] =^= Brudge we are a go for max warp when you need it boss
[5:39] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --sets up and runs the scans.-- "just hold still a few moments this wont take long."
[5:39] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: Bridge*
[5:40] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "Thats an interesting looking ship."
[5:40] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Maximum warp jon..engage.
[5:40] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: *Jon takes the Sentinel to warp.*
[5:40] [DOIC1] Izeita Sair@awendra: "That is quite clear... " *chews something over*
[5:40] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: =^= roger that Odd Job..punching it.
[5:40] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] Val you got eyes in system?
[5:40] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "Captain, you may also wish to consider appealing to the Acrima. They may be able to be persuaded not to throw their lives away in a last stand against an enemy of this strength."
[5:40] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "I have eyes on something in the system."
[5:40] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Odd Job[ =^= We'll kee the fires stoked WD..tell Xyl scraps got her message is in it
[5:41] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -looks to Varel- Recon...at this point no contact is to be established....
[5:41] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Yes, Ma'am Captain... the Kzari would be grateful if we get them to surrender in peace, and we would be able to make sure they get off easier, I imagine?"
[5:41] [DOIC3] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: The sooner we are finished, then sooner I can get back to work.
[5:41] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] Communications recieved back to the invasion fleet...they got thir answer....one word 'Approved'
[5:41] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] -lowers her eyes- damn
[5:41] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "I understand, Captain. I was merely presenting a possible alternative."
[5:42] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Which is counter to our orders from command..but noted.
[5:42] [DOIC2] K'Saan@ThanatosRa: "Right!@ Right right, I'm on it."
[5:42] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "Well my end wont take that long. I can't guarantee that the counselor wont want to spend more time with you."
[5:43] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: If we are tweleve hours out at maximum warp..how are we getting all thise detailed information from the system?
[5:43] [DOIC1] Izeita Sair@awendra: "Captain, I recomend considering commander Varel's alternative, especially if discovered."
[5:43] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: You said you had a live feed even Val...put it on.
[5:43] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [max warp is one hour]
[5:43] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [112 hours was curent speed of warp 7[
[5:43] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: 12*]
[5:43] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -looks back at Izeita and then to Alice..with a look-
[5:43] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: =^= "Xylvarenn to lieutenant Davidson."
[5:44] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: *Puts the ship on the screen.*
[5:44] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] -returns the looks-
[5:44] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: https://i.imgur.com/QxasSVq.jpg
[5:44] [DOIC] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: a fleet of those appears at maximum magnification nearing their outer most worlds-
[5:45] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "Sensors indicate impulse engines and fusion based weapons, Captain."
[5:45] [DOIC4] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Cythia] =^= Here commander!
[5:47] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: We have any matching vessel on file?
[5:47] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: =^= "Could you help Jonathan with a special task from the astrometics? We need to have a detailed escape and reinforcement plan up, updated and going on the go as we move, sounds like something for >
[5:47] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: > you?"
[5:47] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: ..and is this from your Unity signal?
[5:47] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] No Ma'am we dont...this is a new typ of ship...system bound..no sign of warp signatures
[5:48] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "Negative Captain, that was just a short burst."
[5:48] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "Thsi is something different."
[5:48] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Jon...went we draw close to the system..do not bring us into until we have has a chance to assess.
[5:49] [DOIC2] K'Saan@ThanatosRa: "Whoa... whoa... Yea! I Got it! Hey we're good, we smell like Kzari!"
[5:49] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: Aye ma'am.
[5:49] [DOIC2] K'Saan@ThanatosRa: -tippy tap tap, transferrence signature magc-
[5:49] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Pdd Job] -looks up- Let the bridge know!
[5:49] [DOIC2] K'Saan@ThanatosRa: =^= Bridge, it's Engineering. We smell Kzari, we shoudl be good."
[5:50] [DOIC] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: The Sentinel steaks closer an closer to the soon to be beseiged sta system-
[5:50] [DOIC2] K'Saan@ThanatosRa: =^= The Signature, We should look like them in the background."
[5:50] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] -smiles- We are peaing as Kzari now if we are noticed
[5:50] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: =^= Great..delivered as ordered.
[5:50] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "I am showing definite alterations to your genome. I would have to do more detailed tests to get some idea what the purpose of the alterations might have been."
[5:50] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Sparky]-high fives K'Saan-
[5:51] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] Voo Doo crew
[5:51] [DOIC2] K'Saan@ThanatosRa: -highefives back, massive paws slapping back-
[5:51] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -looks to Alice- I'll take it...we might not detect on alot of known sensors...but..we still need ever edge we can get.
[5:51] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [xyl roll pls]
[5:51] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] Blunt or not -winks ot her-
[5:52] [DOIC3] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: What does that mean for my being cleared for duty?
[5:52] [DOIC2] K'Saan@ThanatosRa: "Alright, I'm heading to the engineering lab."
[5:52] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: {Alice] Counselor be ready if we reaach a point of open communicaton with either side..we are gonna need to see who is telling the truth be ready
[5:52] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "it is not something i have ever seen done to Trill DNA before. None of the genetic illnesses I am familiar with occur in that region."
[5:52] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -looks ato Alice- Are we now?
[5:53] [DOIC2] K'Saan@ThanatosRa: -enters the lab- "I'm here, we smell Kzari, we should be good."
[5:53] [DOIC1] Izeita Sair@awendra: "I am ready commander, but the Kzari are hard to read"
[5:53] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "I am not sure it mean anything. But, I am going to take a blood sample and run a more detailed genetic analysis."
[5:53] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] Captain....I am picking up another comm burst from the Invasion fleet...confirming the 'go order'
[5:53] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --grabs the blood taker gadget.--
[5:54] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: What part of recon and report back is not clear?
[5:54] [DOIC3] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: And here I figured you would request a finger.
[5:54] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: 10 minutes, captain.
[5:54] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "if you want me to."
[5:54] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] I am merely reporting the activities of the Kzari fleet ma'am
[5:55] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "She didn't mean you, she meant Commander Cameron." *Smiles to Derek.*
[5:55] [DOIC3] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: I do have a finger for you.... -he rolled his eyes to look at her-
[5:55] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Varel...we going to ssee if they will react to use being...on patrol.
[5:55] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Uh. Commander Alice Cameron... this is confusing."
[5:55] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] -looks over at this- Understood
[5:55] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "Understood, Captain. Do you wish for me to drop the cloak?"
[5:56] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "the fact that this is likely connected to project Icon testing is a serious concern. and without detailed files on the nature of those tests, it is hard to know just how concenred we should be ...
[5:56] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: I do..and raise shields.
[5:56] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: about this."
[5:56] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Jon be ready to get us out of here if they start shooting...but...
[5:56] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --draws some blood.--
[5:56] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: *Jon looks back.* But?
[5:56] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: I willing to gambles they will...not...
[5:56] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: I hope not.
[5:57] [DOIC1] Izeita Sair@awendra: *Nods slowly while watching Shantal*
[5:57] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *She nodded.* "Disabling cloak and engaging shields." *She would do just that, trying to make the transition as smooth and short as possible.*
[5:57] [DOIC2] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Scrappy[ -tosses K'saan his tools as he arrives- Lets get moving on this one
[5:57] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Veeri worriedly looks on into her console, idly cherrypicking signals and lsitening to them.*
[5:57] [DOIC] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: The Sentinel uncloaks and closes on the system
[5:58] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Dereks..relink ACCI feeds
[5:58] [DOIC3] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: I blieve I mentioned this, but it is doubtful Icon did more than put this implant in my head. That project was notrelated to genetic experimentation, but man-machine interfacing with vehicles.
[5:58] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Veeri...cease radio silence
[5:58] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] Aye captain...feeds up....
[5:58] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Derek...iva Citadel near real time feeds of the situation as we can manage.
[5:58] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Veeri flipped a few butons.* "Radio silence taken down."
[5:58] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] -nods- Yes Captain..we are sending now
[5:59] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: *Begins sensor sweeps, as per normal patrol sop.*
[5:59] [DOIC3] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: Were it the case, the Commander and Chorus would have been similarly "tampered" with, would they not?
[6:00] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "I have hundread Kzari sensor probes circling the Acrima system in their OORT cloud. All actively sscanning."
[6:00] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "The portal is still held at a point of near completion without them furthering it, ma'am."
[6:00] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --she frowns.-- "Icon was part of the larger umbrella of Salvation. Which did a lot of genetic testing and manipulation. Mostly under the Guardian project. And, yes if it were the case you would ...
[6:00] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: not likely be the only victim of such tampering."
[6:00] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: **not be
[6:00] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -looks to Therese- Kzari are considered allies..
[6:00] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] -sets her jaw- they have been planning this for a while
[6:01] [DOIC1] Izeita Sair@awendra: "That seems a safe assumtion"
[6:01] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Yupp... maybe we are misunderstanding it, and those Acrima may be working for the Dark?"
[6:01] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "The Kzari really really really hate her and her servants. Plus, they seem to have tech to take down kzari ships..."
[6:02] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] Or shot at an unshielded ship
[6:02] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: That is what we are here for Veeri..to cruise on by and gather the information we can.
[6:02] [DOIC3] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: You make a fair point about the overarching initiatives, but the point of mine was that that project specifically wouldn't make sense. On top of I haven't changed at all over the years, before or afte
[6:02] [DOIC3] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: after the project. -he sat up-
[6:02] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: *Blinks* "Ma'am? Have I said anything which suggests they are not considered out allies, ma'am?"
[6:03] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "I am keeping all ears open for transmissons, Captain, updating you on mre informative stuffs when I get them."
[6:03] [DOIC3] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: What is next?
[6:03] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Considering you mention disrupting their burst signals...just..mentioning it again.
[6:04] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] Captain....the Kzari just got their second confirmation from their command.
[6:04] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Any updated on the system itself..does it seem safe enough to enter.
[6:04] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "Checking." Looking into the system to see if it is safe to enter.*
[6:05] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "We have still not been detected by either side, Captain."
[6:05] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Veeri keeps on her little sweeps to try and determine the current situation there through others' chatter.*
[6:05] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "There is a lot here I don't know. The next step is for me to run this genetic analysis, which is going to take some time. At least twelve hours. Assuming we don't get busy in th e mean time."
[6:05] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "No sign that the Acrima have seen us yet."
[6:05] [DOIC2] K'Saan@ThanatosRa: -gathers up his tools and follows along- "Alright."
[6:05] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "For you the next step is to arange a meeting with Counselor Izeita Sair."
[6:06] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] ...the acrima are focused on th Kzari...but ho are the Kzari not aware of us yet?
[6:06] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -looks over to Alice- It does look like anyone noticed us...or the Kzari are just trying to figure out what to do now.
[6:06] [DOIC3] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: Yes. The shrinking head.
[6:06] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "yes, I suspect you and her are going to have a lot of fun together."
[6:07] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] They could of...or shouldve at this point attackd..why the delay?
[6:07] [DOIC3] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: -he gave her an discerning look- For a moment I wondered if you were ill.
[6:07] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "Maybe they noticed us and pretending nothing is happening?"
[6:07] [DOIC1] Izeita Sair@awendra: "Is it possible they expected the other side to stand down rather then engage such an overwhelming force?"
[6:07] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "No, we are currently undetected by the Kzari."
[6:08] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] To the Kzari we ar eone of theirs..or oe of their probes
[6:08] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: one*
[6:08] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -nods to Varel- Alot going on..and our engire trails say Kzari..but not like it is needed in this mess.
[6:08] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --she smirks--
[6:08] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: Ma'am, I have an escape route if needed.
[6:09] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "I will let you know what the genetic analysis turns up. I doubt it would be anything that would prevent you from returning to duty."
[6:09] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "Indeed. An alternate theory, however. The Kzari StarnzNavy have a code of honour for their 'brothers and sisters of the stars.' It may be that they are unwilling to fire on such a massively...
[6:09] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Alright Jon..bring us to the system edge and drop us form warp once in the out fringes.
[6:09] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: outmatched opponent."
[6:09] [DOIC4] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Cynthia] =^= Helm ahas several possible escape routes Xyl
[6:10] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: =^= "Thank you Cynthia, continue doing what you can, thigns may start changing rapidly."
[6:10] [DOIC4] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Cynthia] =^= Yes commander...standing by
[6:10] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: Aye aye.
[6:11] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "Do we wish to be seen as a starfleet vessel here while trying to look Kzari?"
[6:11] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -looks to Alice- Sure hope Susan is getting all this...
[6:11] [DOIC] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: The Sentinel drops put of warp just beyond the puter edge of the system skirting along its Oort cloud
[6:11] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "But, to say the least this is some pretty high level genetic manipulation. No one goes to this kind of effort for nothing."
[6:11] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] I am sure she is...and is on the verge of tearing into the Kxari ambassador..this could stir up the Skara something fierce'
[6:12] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: ..it is fine if they get a confused signal form us Therese...
[6:12] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "Understood ma'am."
[6:12] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] smirks- more confusion added to the pot as it were
[6:12] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: The entire reason for uncloaking was to try and stall for time...even if only a few moments.
[6:13] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: *Runs passive sensor sweeps on the system.*
[6:13] [DOIC3] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: I don't understand why. I mean I am me. Have you met me? I am kind of a big deal. You know whose fault this really is? That womans. Always bouncing around and singing those stupid songs...
[6:13] [DOIC3] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: "Oh, hey let's just butt my nose in your business..."
[6:14] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "I don't understand why either to be honest. And, that concernns me. I am not sure how you can be so unconcenred about it."
[6:14] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "Understood, merely worried they view it as covert espionage towards allies. It does seem like a good away to stall however." *checks another of the screens*
[6:15] [DOIC3] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: Is there a point to worrying about it? I have functioned with it and still did my job.
[6:16] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "I guess there is no point to worrying about it. But, that doesn't mean it is not worth investigating."
[6:16] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] Mesaage coming in from the Admiral Captain
[6:16] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: I always want us to survive if someone decides we are no long allies...I try to always have a card to play.
[6:16] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice grins at that-
[6:17] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -looks to Derek- What do we have?
[6:17] [DOIC3] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: I am just here to get cleared for duty. What you choose to do, if this is a fun project for you, then knock yourself out.
[6:18] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --she shrugs-- "Fair enough. I will let you know if I turn anything up."
[6:18] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] -blinks and draws in a deep breath- The Admiral says...Acrima unknown species...believed not to be related to the Apostates...Eirene has no record...thus far Skara unaware of Kzari presence
[6:18] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] She says....a way has to be found to stop this 'shit storm'
[6:18] [DOIC3] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: So we are done for now?
[6:18] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] -winces at the term-
[6:19] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "Has our mission been changed from its reconnaissance status?"
[6:19] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "i am done with you. If I need anything else I will let you know."
[6:19] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -to Derek- Acknowledge and report the Sentinel is in the system..and standby by for orders.
[6:20] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] ..she says we re the only assest in this section of the sector block Captain...use our own descretion
[6:20] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "Ize will need to clear you psychologically."
[6:20] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -gives Varel a look-
[6:20] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "which may be the hard part."
[6:20] [DOIC3] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: So what kind of bribe should I be looking into?
[6:20] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *Varel looked back at Shantal stoically.*
[6:20] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Acknowledge message recieved Derek.
[6:21] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: I hate when command drumps it on me...
[6:21] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --sherugs-- "try a box of choclates. I hear Betazoids love choclate."
[6:22] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "I believe that is why it is 'Command,' Captain."
[6:22] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: *Continues passive scans on the system, learning what they can about them.*
[6:22] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Veeri...send out a neutral broadcast that the Sentinel is on patrol in thier sector and Citadel commend has instructed us to investiage the disturbance in this system.
[6:22] [DOIC] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: As the Sentinel baks around th Edge of the Oort Cloud. ahead th can see a 'wolf pack' of sorts of a dozen or so Kzari Battle cruisers and about a hundred Patrol cruisers laying dark in the floating
[6:22] [DOIC] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: ice...-
[6:23] [DOIC3] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: Very well. -he turns and hops off the table- I'll be returning to my quarters then. -he motions to the red lights- Good luck with that.
[6:23] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Ooooh.. do you still want me to do that, Ma'am?"
[6:23] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Jon...full stop...
[6:24] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice[ Holy christ
[6:24] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Yes Veeri...please...
[6:24] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Life signs?
[6:24] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "okay, I will make sure Ize knows you need an appointment."
[6:24] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: -looks at the vessels on screen-
[6:24] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "Thats not good..."
[6:24] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Veeri broadcasts the signal she was asked to, to inform he sentinel is on a Citadel-tasked patrol.*
[6:25] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: *Jon takes the Sentinel to full stop.*
[6:25] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "Fully crewed, no damage. They ahve power at minimum, giving a near inviseble signature."
[6:25] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: No clues what cause them to fall to this state?
[6:25] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "They do not seem to have noticed us yet. with pwoer that low thier sensors would be very weak."
[6:25] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] They are fo the Acrima fleet
[6:25] [DOIC3] Sebetharen Adryan@Sebetharen: Right. -he turns and heads out of sickbay-
[6:25] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "Ships have detected our signal, but not over all reaction."
[6:25] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Broadcasting, Ma'am."
[6:26] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [ALice] That is a wolf pack
[6:26] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "I believe it is an ambush ma'am. Intentional hiding power signatures as part of stealth, waitign a target."
[6:26] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] The motherships are the occupying force then
[6:26] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "I think those are more than enough ships to tear down their entire fleet."
[6:26] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice[ Oh my god....the Acrima are focusd on the mother ships
[6:26] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --watches Seb leave, looks particularly concenred. like she has one mroe thing to worry about.--
[6:26] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Yupp."
[6:27] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "As I said, the Kzari are military geniuses..."
[6:27] [DOIC1] Izeita Sair@awendra: "They are certainly cunning"
[6:28] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "However, were the Skari made aware of this action taken on their borders, it is unlikely they will fully engage. The threat of revealing what is going on behind their smoke screen alone may be a...
[6:28] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Jon...resume course and heading them to the planet...just avoid our stealth friends here...
[6:28] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: bargaining chip we can use to stop this conflict from occurring."
[6:28] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: wew just pretend we do not see them...
[6:29] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "I have a message sent to the main kzari fleet by the Acrima fleet commander."
[6:29] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] -ldraws in a breaht and nods to Shantal- Steady as she goes Helm
[6:29] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [the kzari to the acrima vee]
[6:30] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: (The kzari main fleet to the acrima commander*)
[6:30] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: ..and it states -looking at Veeri-
[6:30] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "It is short. "Surrender. There is no need for further death. Stand down unconditionally."
[6:30] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] Oh boy
[6:30] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *Varel closed her eyes.*
[6:31] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "The kzari are giving them one last chance before releasing the ships we have here."
[6:31] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "...The acrima sent a one word response."
[6:31] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "I quote verbatim: "Idiots."
[6:32] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *She looked to Shantal with that.*
[6:32] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] -lowers his head-
[6:32] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "Looks like the Acrima are not really to give up."
[6:32] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: willing*
[6:32] [DOIC1] Izeita Sair@awendra: "if we are to step in it should be done before the violence starts"
[6:32] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: Would any of you?
[6:33] [DOIC5] Campbell@Captain_Riens: *checks his weapon*
[6:33] [DOIC1] Jonathan Cameron@ClingingMars: *Jon is quietly guiding the sentinel as the discussion goes on.*
[6:33] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "It would be illogical to engage when outnumbered in this manner. The stealth fleet has powered up, Captain."
[6:34] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "We have also been scanned by the main Kzari fleet."
[6:34] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] they would ot dare fire on us
[6:34] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "No, they would not."
[6:34] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "We are being hailed by the leader of the Kzari fleet."
[6:35] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] ..here it comes
[6:35] [DOIC1] Shantal@Arnimane: put it on...
[6:35] [DOIC1] Izeita Sair@awendra: "Hmm that took some time"
[6:35] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --checks on the bridge feed to see what is happening.--
[6:35] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *Varel rubbed her temple lightly.*
[6:35] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Veeri presses a button to put it on.*
[6:36] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --hangs her head-- "...more war more death and destruction..."
[6:36] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: -a youngish looking Kzari, in full military garb of his people, stream lined...his rank only and one single award around his neck...not shoiwng the ribbons most his rank show appear, he has a single
[6:36] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: -scar down the right side of his face, his hair close cropped and military, muscled and strong toned= USS Sentinel...Captain Arnimane is it not?
[7:35] [DOIC3] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: a buzzer on spencer's padd goes off-
[7:35] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --she looks down at the PADD, checking the source of the buzz.--
[7:35] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "What if the Kommander has parents really high up in the party, and they helped him get the rank so early on... and which is why he is trusted not to have a representative? "
[7:36] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Or he himself is a party member? But... that'd be weird, considering staznavy and party relations."
[7:36] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] -rubs the back of his neck- I..just..saw a void and wanted it exlained
[7:36] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "You did the right thing!"
[7:36] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "Good job, can I just ask for a small thing?"
[7:36] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "Thats too much a leap in logic to consider."
[7:36] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] Possible Veeri..but that is no hand held family guided carrer man
[7:37] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] Yes Commander -sile sot Veeri his bashful thank you-
[7:37] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Nope. Nope it is not. But being very capable doesn't mean they didn't wnat to help him."
[7:37] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "Let us know earlier next time, you are part of the team and you saw how quickly we where on to help you, and had results when you let us help you, right?" *Offers a soft smile*
[7:37] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Nodnods at Falco with a smile.*
[7:37] [DOIC3] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: -as she tocuhes the screen this plays for her in her office - [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0iGLrz71HM ]
[7:38] [DOIC1] Izeita Sair@awendra: "we as a crew are a team, we are all here for eachother"
[7:38] [DOIC1] Izeita Sair@awendra: "Family"
[7:38] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Yupp! If you need help with stuffs, especially comms stuffs, I'd be able to help."
[7:38] [DOIC3] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] -sheepishly es Ma'am..I wont make that mistake again
[7:38] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *Varel gave Izeita an impassive look at that.*
[7:38] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] -sheepishly es Ma'am..I wont make that mistake again
[7:39] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] Family eh? -nods- not bad..i like that
[7:39] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "Lovely." *To Darek*
[7:39] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek] Yes commander
[7:40] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "How long have you been up for now, Derek?"
[7:41] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Been up... oooooh. Ma'am Cameron? Do I call up beta shift, I think the alpha bridge crew could use a rest while we wait?"
[7:41] [DOIC1] Izeita Sair@awendra: "I cant really take full credit for it, comes from something our chief science officer said to me on Xert"
[7:41] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Alice] Yes..but half watch rotations
[7:42] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Derek Um...39 hours
[7:42] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "Yes, Ma'am." *Veeri adjusted the little watch rottation excel table, then pressed her intercom button.*
[7:42] [DOIC1] Izeita Sair@awendra: "I recomend ordering that man to get some rest"
[7:42] [DOIC] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: =^= "Alpha watch, I know you are all tense, so please go and rest up. Beta shift, take positions. Be aware, all watch rotations are halved until further notice."
[7:43] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --she blinks several times at the cryptic images.--
[7:43] [DOIC] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: =^= "Thank you all for the good work, you're really, really sweet!"
[7:43] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "I guess I have a secret admirer."
[7:43] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: "Lieutenant Relidia, that is unnecessary and unprofessional."
[7:43] [DOIC3] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: -a taloned hand comes to rest on her shoulder from behind-
[7:43] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: "I think it's super neccessary! Many people need positive reinforcement."
[7:43] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --Spencer jumps a little.--
[7:44] [DOIC3] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [K'Rika] -eeps and jumps as well- Oh wow Im sorry!
[7:44] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "Positive reinforcement goes a long way."
[7:44] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "what have I told you about sneaking up on people red?"
[7:44] [DOIC3] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [K"Rika] I didnt know i was
[7:44] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *The Resting Bitch Face just rested as she waited to be relieved.*
[7:44] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "How are you feeling Val?"
[7:44] [DOIC1] Izeita Sair@awendra: "Good for morale indeed"
[7:44] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: *Pets Elusives mane." I'm feeling fine."
[7:45] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "How is even possible to walk so silently with hooves for feet?"
[7:45] [DOIC3] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [K"Rika] The door was open and you were just staring at your...-giggles- Wha tis wrong with my hooves?
[7:45] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *While Veeri waited for her relief, she pulled up the Kzari Chancellor's bestselling book to read on her PADD.*
[7:46] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "I can check things here untill Beta shows up if you wish to take some food and rest."
[7:46] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --she moves in and hugs K'Rika-- "Nothing si wrong with them I am just amaze how silently you move with them."
[7:46] [DOIC3] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [k'Rika] -hugs her mom bak- Sorry...i truly just thought you were thinking is all
[7:47] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "Okay, I can go check on Ebon Mist and see how she's doing. Add an ensign to supper."
[7:47] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "anyway, what did you need sweetie?"
[7:47] [DOIC1] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Elusive] smiles at the strokes and stands with her-
[7:48] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "Say hello from me, and good work with those sensors trough that disruption effects."
[7:48] [DOIC3] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [K'zrika] Syndr and i were thinking of dinner..wanna come?
[7:48] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "I'm am sorry I have a lot of work to get done here in the lab."
[7:49] [DOIC3] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [K'Rika] Okay..but dont forget to get some rest...-eyes her very much like one of billie nurses now-
[7:50] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: "I will grab a salad from the replicator and, don't worry mother I wont forget to get some rest."
[7:50] [DOIC3] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [Black] -enters the sickbay and then turns and immediately leaves as she reads a PADD-
[7:50] [DOIC1] Stingray@Gothicfoxx: "Thank the Commodore. He's the real hero here. Good evening everyone."
[7:50] [DOIC3] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [K'Rika] -hugs her once more- Okay...-grins at the mom comment- Promise??
[7:51] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: "All good heroes need about a ships worth of trusty sidekicks they say... or something."
[7:51] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --returns K'Rika's hug-- "I promise. Now go and enjoy dinner. Tell Syndra I said hello."
[7:52] [DOIC3] DGMSoftKitty@Isis.: [K'Rika] I will...bye ! -outside the door- Come on Syn! -the pair head off to dinner-
[7:52] [DOIC3] Spencer@Demoncherub: --Spencer turned and headed to the lab.--
[7:56] [DOIC1] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Veeri handed her console over to her relief.* "I will go read and try rest a bit... I will see you all in the mess hall for breakfast or on our next shift."
[7:57] [DOIC1] Varel@liorexus: *As soon as her relief arrived she was gone with all the speed of a cat that had just realised the window was open.*
[7:57] [DOIC6] Veeri Relidia@bulgariandragon1: *Veeri happily plopped down onto her bed, reading all about the Kzari Chancellor's struggle.*
[7:58] [DOIC1] Therese Xylvarenn@Illuice: *waits to be relieved and once free goes to check on Syndra*