SS Dragon II[]
The Dragon II is a Sparrow Type Trans-Orbital Shuttle is a type of Personnel Transport Shuttle utilized by the civilian owners and operators, a designation also known as a flitter. In service during the 25th century.
Modified for racing, the Dragon II is operated under license registered with the Vega Transport Authority, and the Collective Sublight Racing Authority, both based in the Vega. The registered pilot of record is Kira Draganov, a reserve officer of the VDF and former Starfleet test pilot.
Background information[]
The Sparrow Type is a civilian designed trans-orbital personnel transport capable of atmospheric operations and spaceflight with limitations to sublight speeds. Design standards limit the craft to standard impulse (.25c) but many have modifications to improve this a great deal.
The Dragon II, like its namesake of the same model also developed by the Draganovs, is heavily modified from the standard manufacturing. With increased power output, more powerful impulse motivators, greater maneuverability, and enhanced structural integrity and deflector systems. The result was a CSRA top time in the 2446, 5th Annual New Dawn Rally, with top recorded speed of .67c. The Dragon II was entered every year from 2444 to 2451, placing in the top three consistently with the exception of 2448 in which the Draganov team voluntarily withdrew to aid another team.
- Customized Sensor Package
- Custom Dual Race Deflectors
- Custom Designed Impulse Reactor
- Federation Standard Shuttlecraft Life Support (32 Hrs. Backup Std)
- Single Hardpoint (Tractor Beam Projector)
- Additional Hardpoint (Not installed for racing)
Cargo Capabilities:[]
Total configurable internal space is 18m3
- Pilot Cockpit configuration - 3.2m3
- Navigator Cockpit Configuration - 3.2m3
- Jump Seats x 4 / Cabin Cargo Space - 11m3
Additional consumables storage is 4m3 Dedicated EV Gear Storage .6m3
Deck Layout:[]
- A single hull design, intended for aerospace operations and planetfall even in heavy gravity locations. Helm Control is mid-front, forward facing. Windows for the control cabin are forward and to both sides, the main sensor palette is split to both sides forward.
- Entry/Exit is achieved either through a large swing top canopy lifting up and back, or a docking compatible 1.5m x 1.75m emergency hatch to the rear of the canopy.
Propulsion Systems:[]
- Impulse (See Engineering)
- AG Lift/Hover Systems
Warp Drive:[]
Tactical Systems:[]
Deflector Shields:[]
- Federation Standard Shuttlecraft Shielding
- Tritanium and Duranium reinforcement
Interior is modular and configurable to the customer.
- Helm/Conn Station
- Nav/Ops Station
- Emergency Transporter Only
- Emergency Equipment locker
- Emergency Hatch
- Upgraded Shuttlecraft Computer
Bussard Collectors to either side of the dual redundancy navigational deflectors
- Custom Twin Impulse Engines providing Main Power and Sub-light Thrust (Cruising Impulse .55c / Emergency Maximum .67c) - Requiring access codes to push behind .25c (standard impulse), and restricted to 500kph below 2km Atmospheric Altitude.
- Navigational Deflector
- Auxiliary Power Battery Backup
Crew Quarters:[]