22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki

Character Biography[]


Ruby appears to be a large, amorphous, gelatinous mass, translucent ruby red in color. She normally weighs about 2.5 kg with a consistency similar to that of some sort of colloid. However, Ruby’s size and shape is easily malleable and she seems to be able to change her mass and shape at will, though when at rest, Ruby becomes a rounded, oblate dome roughly 20 centimeters wide and 20 centimeter in height. Ruby does not seem to possess any discernible anatomy, no cells or organs of any known type. Her body appears to be a mass of some bright red colored gelatinous substance of unknown chemical makeup, though she is capable of digesting inorganic materials with ease and does seem to be highly intelligent.


Ruby’s temperament is best described as playful and dog-like: when in the company of most humanoids, especially science team personnel, Ruby will often react with overwhelming elation. She will slither over to the nearest person and leap upon them, “hugging” them with a pair of pseudopods while nuzzling the person’s face with a third pseudopod, all the while emitting high-pitched gurgling and cooing noises.

Special Containment Procedures[]

Ruby is allowed to freely roam both the lab and my personal quarters should she desire to, but otherwise is required to stay confined to one of those two areas when unaccompanied and during alert status for her own safty. Ruby is never allowed to wander the rest of the ship unless accompanied by a member of the science team. Ruby prefers "walkies" with myself or Lieutenant Dacia the best. Ruby appears to eat inorganic matter. Although it is unclear exactly how her body processes objects consumed. She seems to prefer metallic substances best, especially many commpn starship building materials. Ruby is typically fed scrap materials left over from repairs in engineering, or replicated samples. although there is no set feeding schedule she eats when she feels like it and unattended PADDs have a tendency to disappear in her presence. All ship personnel are allowed visit Ruby, but only if they are not assigned to other tasks at the time, or if they are on a break. Ruby is to be played with when bored and spoken to in a calm, non-threatening tone.

Special Abilities[]

Ruby has the ability to move herself at will through space by teleportation. The mechanism of which is unknown, i speculate she shifts into another plane, possible subspace or something more exotic. The only thing known for sure is she can pass through force fields at will. it is unknown if there is any range limit on this teleportation ability.