22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki

[9:12][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*The camera pans around a very different looking ship than normally appears in the opening. Xylvarenn gives her opening log as the Protector crew are snatched up into the ship...

[9:14][DOIC]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:“Incident report TDOI7CVIPU9736606/9D-22DO …. Iteration twenty seven…” *She sighs.* “Another Category Lima dimensional temporal incident, per report TDOI7CVIPU9736606/9A

[9:14][DOIC]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:Considering the development on the subject it is now with some certainty that an active and intentional temporal infraction is being made by a tertiary partner alien to both the cor

[9:14][DOIC]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:dimension of current incident and the bleedthrough dimensions with temporal desynchronization. Current observation is that certain individuals from one bleedover dimensio

[9:14][DOIC]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:manage to iterate in nearly all of them, causing a rather heavy entropic focal point in their wake. It is deemed as highly unlikely this is a random factor and current theory is that it is directl

[9:14][DOIC]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:tied to the intentional artificial abnormality we have been tracking that is managing to sip through part of the cross dimensional stability grid

[9:14][DOIC]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:Fortunate for me, some of these focal points are friends of mine, and at this point it is better to fill them in and seek some assistance then risk them causing cascade event 29

[9:15][DOIC]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:Per mandate TI17 I have cleared the to be filled in on necessary need to know so they can render assistance. Or not act against interest of mission

[9:15][DOIC]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:contingency of return synchronization point has been set… With that said, on a personal level It will be nice to see them again, and I do believe they can help us here. End log

[9:15][DOIC]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:*Walks towards the transporter area.

[9:15][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Cathy waves.

[9:15][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus blinked a moment as he looked around the scenery, then held up his hands.* "None of this was my idea, blame that scary Bajoran woman.

[9:15][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*sighs with her drink gone

[9:16][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Can we turn the internal temperature up a little

[9:16][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Blinks and looks around-- "...cool.

[9:16][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she looks at the blonde approaching them

[9:16][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"are we in the future?

[9:16][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Welcome to the timeship Serenity, Sorry to interupt your impromptu leave.

[9:17][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Hey, is this them fancy new models?

[9:17][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Shuts up as Xylv introduces the ship.

[9:17][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--waves at Xylv-

[9:17][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Cathy looks over at Bore at that statement.

[9:17][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Yeah... I had a feeling this timey wimey vacation wasn't sanctioned by Starfleet." *He sighed.

[9:17][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Nice to see you all. Euhmm... I hope Q has not been to much of a neusiance to you?

[9:18][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:As far as I know he never interacted with us directly

[9:18][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Wait, that was Q?

[9:18][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"it was good seeing Aloran again.

[9:18][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] Yes I could tell she...enjoyedd it

[9:18][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Tegan, apparently Q was disguised as Aloran.

[9:18][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"He did a good job...

[9:18][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"I think.

[9:18][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"He marooned her on a 45 day cruise with ferengi

[9:18][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--nods at Cathy in agreement.-

[9:19][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I doubt he was in disguise.

[9:19][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"...Oh. Well, I got it wrong then.

[9:19][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] She seemed too much of who I remembered to be a ploy

[9:19][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"oh no sir that was Aloran, I can tell.

[9:19][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:-looks mortified for the first few moments before grinning ear to ear- "Broooo.

[9:19][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she looked at therese* Is this the part wher eyou send us back to Nexus 2, with limited memory we had ever left

[9:20][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Wonder how many times you've asked that question, doc.

[9:20][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"That is the plan eventually... However I was hoping you could help me a little first?

[9:20][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--walks over and gives Xylv a hug-- "it is good to see you again too.

[9:20][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:*Blinks a little and hugs Ezri.

[9:20][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"We'd be glad to help, I bet.

[9:20][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:I am a doctor not a watch

[9:20][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"of course we will help.

[9:20][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Cathy sneakly bops V'Tira's right ear before pretending like nothing ever happened.

[9:21][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:But I suppose I have the time

[9:21][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus rubbed his nose.* "What do you need, Commander?

[9:21][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-squeals sofytly and covers her ear at theboop

[9:21][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Commander, please tell me there's something like a swear jar for time puns here.

[9:21][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Cathy giggles.

[9:21][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Euhmm... Since I have had my quota of 'I hate temporal mechanics' comments for the day already filled by twice the daily TDWA limits... Are you alright if I take the euhmm... very brief version?

[9:22][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Please do, Commander.

[9:22][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"In time you will see the jar, lieutenant.

[9:22][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Well, the doctor's already in debt." *He nods to Xylv.

[9:23][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Euhmm... In essense, you are back at the risa summer leave of 2424. Though not entierly in your own dimention, rather in a theoretical minor offshoot timeline which is on an average... right...

[9:24][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:> simplifies... " *She sighs a little and innocently rubs her neck.* "A near identical clone of your dimention.

[9:24][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"So all those temporal bubbles.

[9:24][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"We had to deal with we are in one of them?

[9:24][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"It normally should entropically remerge with another timeline, but it does not, which we are rather certain is by intentional artificial acts.

[9:24][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Yes, however you are here the 'guests' of another dimention.

[9:25][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Awesome.

[9:25][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-Readjusts her brexyian silk bikini as she listens

[9:25][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"One that was fairly unaffected by the grand debacle of last summer.

[9:25][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"And the verison of us's in this universe

[9:25][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"Uh... shoot what was I doing then...

[9:26][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus frowned as he recalled his summer in exile on Earth.

[9:26][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"I will return to that question in a moment, if that is alright doctor.

[9:26][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Is the human euphemism actually a possibility or are we singularity

[9:26][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Catherine..was that not when we discovered that small private lagoon

[9:27][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she nodded

[9:27][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*shivering a little

[9:27][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Cathy nods.* I believe so

[9:27][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"We have determined with quite some confidence there is a terciary aprty of a previously un-linked string which is involved here, and likely also behind why the grid that was put in place could be

[9:27][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:> bypassed.

[9:28][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Cathy whispers something in V'Tira's ear.

[9:28][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-leansover to hear

[9:28][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:*Pauses and lets the girls whisper.

[9:29][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-whispers back and thenr eturns to listen

[9:29][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Cathy's face turns slightly pink as she covers her mouth with her hand, trying to retain her composure.

[9:29][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Are we done?

[9:30][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-ponders this a moment and then nods

[9:30][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Cathy looks mortified that Xylv had noticed her whisper and just meekly nods.

[9:30][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-side eyes Cathy - You just got us into troubl

[9:30][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus eyed Baker and V'Tira.* "Please continue, Commander.

[9:31][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"This triciary party seem to have removed some figures from this string and brought it back to... elsewhere. And we are working on tracking that, they however are operating with some euhmm... nice

[9:31][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Cathy rubs her nose, in the unfamiliar role of troublemaker caught.

[9:31][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:> nice equipment, to keep it on the brief side. Euhmm... and here is where you come in, I guess...

[9:32][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He shrugged.* "We're all ears, whatever we have to do to get back to our proper timeline and quit making your job harder.

[9:33][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-side eyes Marcus at his 'ears' comment

[9:33][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"So, to put it in simpler terms, we've gotta run a recovery mission?

[9:33][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Euhmm... your counterparts in this string is some of those who has been removed. and I euhmm... need you to return to the planet, act as if nothing, or act if you were them, to be preicese...


[9:33][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-nods- In an effort to maintin continium integrit

[9:33][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Which should cause some confusion and preplextion among the terciary aprty since there has to be a reaosn they selected the figures they did.

[9:33][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"In other words... party like it's 2424?

[9:34][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"We are bait.

[9:34][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Report anything that stands out, and we would liek to inject you with a MTCMC tracker, if they atempt to take you as well.

[9:34][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"..can we get time guns?

[9:34][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Soo standard duty assignemnt then

[9:34][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"No time guns.

[9:34][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"...Time guns?

[9:35][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"How's that different than plain old ones?

[9:35][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Time gun may be require

[9:35][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-enable enable enable

[9:35][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"No damn time guns!

[9:35][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"If you are in the future you just add time in front of things to make people understand its the future.

[9:35][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] ...I don't even know what that would entail

[9:35][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Tiem guns, Time Crystals, time Toaster

[9:35][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Oh. Well I wouldn't mind a little time vacation.

[9:35][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"If you wear temporal desynronizers you will stand out. which is somewhat coutnerproductive I guess?

[9:35][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"Wow. This is cool though. Why me though, i just shoot things?

[9:35][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--nods to T'Lena.-

[9:35][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-rasies her hand

[9:35][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Yes, V'Tira?

[9:36][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:In the event we are unable to maintinour cover..may request the 'flashie thingie device' inorder to alter memories and maintain our covers

[9:37][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"No. you are to request extraction, an analysis based on the situation will be made to how to dela with the entity that compromized your cover.

[9:37][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-nodnods- Yes of course commande

[9:37][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Euhmm... Any other questions or so?

[9:38][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus just looked so very tired.

[9:38][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"I assume we're going to the time when I was here on Risa, then? Since I spent most of the summer on Earth.

[9:38][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"so if we encounter one of there time bandits are we supposed to terminate with extreme prejudice? or call for backup?

[9:38][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Commander told us to observe adn report, Ezri.

[9:39][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Marcus, in this reality the small change might be that you didn't need the probationary promotion

[9:39][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Do not draw attention, and when coninient and secure, report it. euhmm.. use regualr tourist equipment to take a holo picture or a scan. Anythign which is not conspicious.

[9:39][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:But what if the time bandits forcibly engage Commander

[9:39][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:In the event they turn violent

[9:39][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Maybe. Just checking.

[9:39][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-nods to Ezris question

[9:40][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"If possible, disengage, otherwise... your actual coutnerpartes would not go withotu a fight. However there is a benefit if you to are abducted with the MTCMC inside of you.

[9:40][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Indeed..I only sought clarification -nods once

[9:41][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"Should we go to any particular location on Risa?

[9:41][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Euhmm... we will monitor you, and your commbadges. So call for attention if there is anything.

[9:41][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:-puts his hand up, then immediately puts it back down as if he answered his own question intnerally.

[9:41][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Wherever you naturally would be found on Risa i guess?

[9:41][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Ezri be care this time around of the feather monkey antic

[9:41][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Euhmm... much of the focal instability is around the area that the 22nd fleet usually inhabits on the block leave.

[9:41][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Do not allow them to tempt yo

[9:42][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"...They're not sending feather monkey time bandits, V'Tira.

[9:42][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"oh god this before the peace treaty isn't it...they may be on the warpath.

[9:42][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:So sit on the beach drink a drink, and keep an eye out

[9:42][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"I'd just be gulping beer down on the beach with Nadine, so I'll keep an eye out for things.

[9:42][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Indeed Ezr

[9:42][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Yes, Do not cause an incident with the feahter monkeys this time please.

[9:42][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:-looks back over at Xylvarenn again, looking confused- "Wait When are we going back to again

[9:42][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"ill try to avoid the devils ma'am.

[9:42][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-to marcxus- The Featherr Monkies are a sperate factionMaruc sna need to bea voided this tme aroun

[9:42][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"When Commander blaine says you are ready and there is no questions, and the MTCMC are injected.

[9:42][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Last summer, Ensign, pay attention.

[9:43][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"Oh... No chance of contaminating our own genepools then, okay.

[9:43][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He stared at Costa.

[9:43][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-to Costa- ..

[9:43][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--nods to Xylv-- "I am ready ma'am. We wont fail you.

[9:43][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:*Blinks with her wide blue eyes and looks at another crewperson of the timeship.

[9:43][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"I mean my temporal mechanics professor told two stories about being becoming their own ancestors and that's why time travel is bad.

[9:44][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"It goes without saying, do not... contaminate anyone's gene pool. Are there any serious questions?

[9:44][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Crewman] *He just shrugs at Xylv

[9:44][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Costa, be quiet.

[9:44][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Do not worry about that Ensign. The risk of that happening is deemed as sub one promille.

[9:44][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"...Do tacticals take temporal mechanics?

[9:44][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:its only one year int he past Ensig


[9:44][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:I believce..your gene pool is ..protecte

[9:44][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"Yea... sometimes.

[9:44][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"yeah so no chance of becoming your own grampa.


[9:45][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"I know some people who don't need temporal mechanics for that...

[9:45][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-nods to Ezri and thenlooks to Catherine at all of this

[9:45][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"I had to ask, you were all thinking it.

[9:45][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I was not.


[9:45][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"We were not.

[9:45][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"You are in a slightly different temporal strain, so any concerns for grandfather paradoxes are waivered by that nature. do not worry.

[9:45][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"i wasn't.

[9:45][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-nods to T'Lena


[9:45][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Cathy has her hand on her face, shaking her head.


[9:45][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she smirks

[9:45][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Commander, I think we've asked all we need to ask. Please, let's proceed.

[9:46][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:I miss warm air and my drink

[9:46][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:-smiles,. his confusion ended, he states a simple.- "Okay.

[9:46][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--nods to Marcus-- "I think we are ready.

[9:46][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Lieutenant, please have seven MTCMC brough here." *She looks to the other crewmember.

[9:46][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Lieutenant] Right away, ma'am

[9:47][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*The Lieutenant quickly fulfills Xylv's request.

[9:48][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Doctor T'lena. Could you please administer these hypos to the people under your care?" *Gestures to the tray of hypos that was brought.

[9:48][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she walked over and took the hypo

[9:48][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Where should these be placed

[9:48][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus stepped forward first.

[9:48][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Anywhere it enters the bloodstream efficiently.



[9:48][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"..as long as we dont have to drop our pants for it..

[9:48][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-to her sister

[9:49][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"You've never had an ass shot, Ezri?

[9:49][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus offered his arm.* "Hit me, doc.

[9:49][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she applied the injection to her own arm

[9:49][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"yes V'Tira.

[9:49][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"Though wow I think this is my first voluntary time travel. This is wicked cool.

[9:49][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Do not forget the Klingons this time aroun

[9:49][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*then to blaine

[9:49][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*then made her way around to everyone

[9:49][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"what about the Klingons?

[9:49][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Time travel isn't cool. It's dangerous, and complicated, and fucky.

[9:49][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Enjoy it while it's still a magical and wonderous experience, Ensign.

[9:49][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Lets himself be injected.

[9:50][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:You will remember it as it happens...do not challenge the da'Har master until after hehas sobered u

[9:50][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Euhmm... do remember our presence here is so far temporally cloaked, and euhmm.. we like to keep the terciary aprty being unaware of our presence, so consider that in comms dicipline.

[9:51][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Bore -calls over- Languag

[9:51][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"When ready, return to the temporal transporter pad please.

[9:51][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"..umm okay that sounds like good advice.

[9:51][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Cathy offers her arm.

[9:51][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-nodnods- just be carefu

[9:51][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:If you need help with keepign quiet they sell decorative gags in the pleasure shop

[9:51][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Steps back on the pad.* "Fine, V'Tira...

[9:51][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:'I mean... if you don't think I should go, It'll suck, but I'll stay back if you think it'll be a problem. I won't snitch, promise

[9:51][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-nods once to Bore

[9:51][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"euhmm... I take your word for that doctor..." *she innocently rubs her neck.

[9:51][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] I think Mister Costa is...smitten by your vessel, ma'am

[9:52][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"No being obvious, right then. What should we say should we find something unusual, 'I should have brought my horga'hn?'

[9:52][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Euhmm.. yes, Serenity is quite beautiful.


[9:52][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"She must have some mighty future guns.

[9:52][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Team, focus.

[9:52][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Time guns


[9:53][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"The best guns of her time.

[9:53][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--nods to V'Tira.-

[9:53][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-mpds impishly to Xyl

[9:53][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:That's what they say about some of the risian dancers

[9:53][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus stepped back onto the pad.

[9:53][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"Focus on what? What should I be doing when we get there? What do you Want me to do specifically/

[9:53][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Mmm euhmm... good luck. and euhmm.. we will be monitoring your comms if you need help.

[9:53][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:avoid becoming your own grandp

[9:53][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Drink a beer, don't get a venerial desease

[9:53][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"...For fuck's sake, Costa.

[9:53][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Ensign. For now, just keep quiet.

[9:53][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Act casually ensign. act as if nothing was wrong.



[9:54][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"Well obviously. Don't be silly. Okay.

[9:54][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"If you notice anything temporally or dimentionally strange, report it. secretly.


[9:55][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] What is the best way to contact you...secretly

[9:55][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Your commbadge.

[9:55][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Cathy nods.

[9:55][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-cough s to cover up an obviousd 'snerk'=

[9:55][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Sighs.

[9:55][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--winks at Xylv-- "roger that, maintain cover..

[9:55][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Euhmm... contact another one in yoru team and ask them for a dance.

[9:56][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:*shrugs a little.* "You will figure it out in time. Good luck now!" *She gently waves to them.

[9:56][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--waves back-

[9:56][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:See you soon commande

[9:56][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Waves to Xylv.* "And here I hoped we'd have some cool code words like "Goose is in the nest

[9:56][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Nope just ask someone to do the time warp.

[9:57][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Commander Blaine can be Mother Goose.


[9:57][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Shut up, Ristovski.

[9:57][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Grins at V'T.

[9:57][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:too late now marcu

[9:57][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:*Blinks as she taps her foot and looks quite expecting at the tranpsorter operator.

[9:57][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] Lieutenant? I believe I will be required to ask for a dance when we return...per Commander Xylvarenn's instructions

[9:57][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-nods to bore

[9:58][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Cathy, Sh'es your girlfirend you can just grab her and drag her to the dance floor

[9:58][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Transporter Operator] But everyone was enjoying watching this...this is /that/ crew, you know

[9:58][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Any time now lieutenant...

[9:58][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"-What- crew?


[9:58][DOIC1]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Tiem to fangirl later.

[9:58][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"For the love of god, get us out of here before I put in a request to prevent my own birth.

[9:58][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Transporter Operator] Fine...see you guys next time

[9:58][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Oh, we probably do something cool in the future. Nice.

[9:59][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:We arer always..coo

[9:59][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*The crew dematerailizes...please head to Risa and head to the Promenade!

[10:00][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Head over to the big bar area!

[10:00][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*goes to get a new drink

[10:03][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Returns after quickly running away to shave in case Nadine notices.

[10:03][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--enters the bar, looks around nervously-

[10:04][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*As the crew arrives back on Risa in the promenade area, they would notice a huge celebration taking place. Various members from other crews and the Citadel staff are there and a holographic band is

[10:04][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:playing music for peopel to dance to.

[10:05][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--approaches the bar-- "bartender, one Jumja cola..shaken not stirred.

[10:07][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Ezri won't that explode

[10:07][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Gives T'Lena a "Let it happen" look.

[10:07][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--ponders this for a moment then looks at the bartender-- "on second thought just pour it over some ice.

[10:08][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Bartender] Coming right up

[10:09][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--leans on the bar sipping her drink, her eyes scanning the room-

[10:10][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*The Ezri gives her a Jumja cola with some ice.

[10:10][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*The bartende

[10:11][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--nods to the bartender, tipping him a slip of latinum.-

[10:11][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*takes her drink over to look on the water

[10:12][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus had been looking out on the bay with a bottle of beer in hand.

[10:13][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:-walks up to the bar- "Hey Ezz. What's shakin'?" -He's trying way too hard

[10:13][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--looks down to see if there is in fact anything shaking.-

[10:13][DOIC6]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:*Watches one of the monitoring screens and spotpalms.

[10:14][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"..nothing is shaking as far as I can tell.

[10:14][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Lieutenant] You can't say you didn't know what you were getting into

[10:14][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Goes to sit down with a cola of his own, taking out his PADD and taking a selfie with it.

[10:14][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--sips her cola-

[10:14][DOIC6]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"The thigns we do...

[10:15][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"apparently. A human thing, I'm just trying to be casual.

[10:15][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Lieutenant] Think we need their captain to pacify 'em

[10:15][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"..oh right. I am not very familar with human expressions..

[10:17][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--walks away from the bar-

[10:17][DOIC6]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Hopefully not... But in tiem we will see I guess?

[10:17][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--walks over to Bore's table-- "is this seat taken?

[10:18][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*walked over to blaine

[10:18][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*The Lieutenant gives her a look.* Jar

[10:18][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:You weren't doing terrible as the ds9 staiton commander

[10:18][DOIC6]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"We are not temporal pirates, Lieutenant?

[10:18][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus gave a slight smirk.* "I was damned near resigning or asking for a reassignment, you know. Glad to know that was just a bad dream.

[10:19][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she sips her drink* I am pretty sure that's the default state of that post

[10:19][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:At least you likely weren't a spy

[10:19][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Lieutenant] Pirates

[10:20][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"

[10:20][DOIC6]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Pirates say Jar? Right? At least in some human traditions?

[10:20][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Could be. But I pity the me who -does- have to deal with that." *He glanced at her.* "Oh? You were Tal Shiar, I never would have guessed.


[10:20][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Oh, not at all, Ezri.

[10:20][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Wher ebest to put an assassin than as the doctor.

[10:20][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"How's vacation going?

[10:20][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:-moves up to V'Tira and Cathy.- "You guys see anything wierd yet? All i see is just regular Risa weird.

[10:20][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--sits down and places her drink on the table.-

[10:21][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-strides up to Catherine - Sorry Catherine..I had to chang

[10:21][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"We may never know, and that's probably a good thing.

[10:21][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-eyes Costa- I amsorry do we know you sir

[10:21][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she smirked* Yeah. *sipped her fake drink

[10:21][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Cathy starts turning shades of red as she looks at her, stammering.* U-u-u-hhh yes

[10:22][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"Uh... Okay? Uh..." -Costa locks up, unsure how to respond

[10:22][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He sipped his beer.* "I'm starting to wonder if this isn't a crash course in our next assignment. I rather like staying linear when possible.

[10:22][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"tiem will tell.

[10:22][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] Do...do you...want to...you know...do you want to dance

[10:22][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-quirks abrow- What do you mean..see soemthing weird sir

[10:22][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He eyed her with that.

[10:23][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Takes a sip of his drink, snapping a vacation photo of Ezri too.* "There.

[10:23][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-to Catherine- I belive this young man is...los

[10:23][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"But in truth our current isn't ending any time soon. As long as the kzari are shootign each other.

[10:23][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"what was that for?

[10:23][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:*perks up and does an exaggerated wink* 'Yea, I love dancing.

[10:23][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] Oh...yes...he must be...I don't believe Sons of None have toured in tears


[10:24][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Indeed....how can we help you

[10:24][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Unfortunately. But I'm only thinking ahead, eventually they'll either stop fighting or cycle us out with another crew.

[10:25][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"A vacation picture. Like it?" *He showed off the photo.

[10:25][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"So where you guys from?" *grins. He's bad at this

[10:25][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"What other crews? Marcus the truth is we are one of the more expendable ones. They put us on the FOB because if we die they haven't lost someone else.

[10:25][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-eyes catherine at this

[10:25][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"...good idea, act like a tourist to maintain cover..

[10:26][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"The calculus of the leadership is going to be who is the most expendable that can do the job the most competently.

[10:26][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] Ummm...Earth

[10:26][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Me to

[10:26][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Cathy gives her a /look.

[10:26][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Chuckles.* "And don't say things like that out loud, Ezri.

[10:26][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-looks back at her with alook

[10:26][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*The Lieutenant laughs.* That's yar...not jar

[10:26][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*sipped her drink

[10:26][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Lieutenant] I was referencing the pun /jar

[10:26][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Well you're a ray of fucking sunshine as always," *he said dryly.* "I said I was thinking -ahead- didn't I? Could be years. I don't know.

[10:27][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"oh right, rule one don't talk about fight club..." --winks at Bore.-

[10:27][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Grinning Elf to Mother goose...Grinning elf to Mother Goose,come in please..

[10:27][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"There is a very small cult of romulans that practice an unervign amount of truth because of some misguided notion that that is how they should speak. be glad I am not one of them."

[10:27][DOIC6]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"So you are a temporal pirate that insist they put thier things in a jar?" *She innocnetly cnats her head and looks at the lieutenant.

[10:27][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"Okay. Earth. me too. Where on Earth?


[10:28][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Lieutenant] What? No. It was a joke about the time pun jar...because...you know...you made yet another pun

[10:28][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"They are also suppose to be all women. Which just sounds like a bitch fest.

[10:28][DOIC6]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:*Smiles sweetly.* "I got you this time, Lieutenant!

[10:28][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Don't get me wrong. I'm under no illusion that we're a damned joke, and a bad one at that, and survive only by the grace of brief windows of competency and dumb luck.

[10:29][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"Really? I'm from Vineland. It's in New Jersey.

[10:29][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*The Lieutenant facepalms.

[10:29][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Grins at Ezri.* "Right. Anyways, how're you finding Risa? Missed it?

[10:29][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*The Lieutenant facepalms.

[10:29][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"You missed what I said marcus.

[10:29][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I said we are most expendable, that doesnt' mean a joke.

[10:29][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Lieutenant] I won't let you succeed next time

[10:29][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--shrugs-- "i only came last year for the Sons-of-None reunion tour..

[10:30][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"The loss of a ship like protector is not as great as the loss of a ship like the Enigma

[10:30][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:..Costa it is u

[10:30][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"... It is? I thought it wasn't from...

[10:30][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"But there are jobs where we are better suited than they to undertake them as well. And sitting FOB with the deputy director of Stratops is one of htem

[10:30][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"You guys are really good at this.

[10:30][DOIC6]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Time will tell, or perhaps you created a causal loop now?

[10:30][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:We have just arrived as you have...we havenot yet had time to see anyting weir

[10:31][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Pssst... that's -this- year." *He says quietly.

[10:31][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Lieutenant] That would be a violation of protocol

[10:31][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"..I do enjoy the floaters though...but, I am uncomfortable being this close to feather monkey territory.

[10:31][DOIC6]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Mmmm... So be careful, we know what happend last time.

[10:31][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Ezri... the monkeys are our friends.

[10:31][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"i know it is this year Bore...But, I don't have tickets this time around.

[10:32][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"Uh... Right. So... I thought maybe... Okay, I'll just stay out of trouble?

[10:32][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Aw. Well, want to go feed the monkeys?

[10:32][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:No you are fine..being vigelantis agood thin

[10:32][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Lieutenant] That wasn't my fault

[10:32][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--looks at Bore horrified.-- "No! I want to avoid the the feathered devils.

[10:33][DOIC6]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Mmmm... So euhmm... Fan of the Protector?

[10:33][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Lieutenant] Have you /read/ their file

[10:33][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-Mr Boggles races by on the beach witha fetrher monky rider atop his back

[10:33][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she looked at blaine* "So many of the people on this crew feel they are jokes or have fears of inadequecies.

[10:33][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Creates a bit of a self perpetuating problem.

[10:34][DOIC6]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"I work in their prime timeline as their fleets temporal officer... Take a guess?

[10:34][DOIC2]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*A Vulcan male is chasing Mister Boggles.

[10:34][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Lieutenant] Right. I mean, it isn't near as bad as when Asada was in command

[10:34][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--watches Boggles run by-- "that poor doggo!

[10:35][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"It's not what I meant, doctor." *He ran a hand down his face.* "I don't know what the hell I meant.

[10:35][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:Mr Boggles increase his speed at thergingof his feather monkey rider, his tail wagginglike crazy

[10:35][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"The pips weighing a bit heavy as it gets closer to them being official?

[10:35][DOIC2]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Sevuk] Stop at once

[10:35][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she sipped her drink

[10:35][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"I'll just keep looking for anything that looks weird then I guess.

[10:35][DOIC6]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Euhmm... well... no? That is a bit like saying 'it oculd be worse' when you are treated the the admirality suit on Risa with three perosnal attendants?

[10:35][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-there is no stopping to be found

[10:36][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Yeah... poor lil guy.

[10:36][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Lieutenant] Right..you were with him on the Sentinel when he lost it, weren't you

[10:36][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"See what I mean..the feather monkeys are ...eeevillll!

[10:36][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"And Ezri... maybe if you feed them, you will make friends with them, right?

[10:36][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Or you could..enjoy yourself as well as standing watc

[10:36][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Maybe a little. The more I try to wrangle them, the more of an asshole I have to be. I'm not used to being the asshole... well." *He paused.* "I am used to being the asshole, but not in an..

[10:36][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:authoritative manner, you know?

[10:36][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"you don't have to be an asshole.

[10:37][DOIC6]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"I was with V'Tira on the Sentinel.

[10:37][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"No Bore appeasement never works...you can't negotiate with terrorists.


[10:37][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"You can just be a dick every now and again and it will be fine. Sometimes dicks are nice. but assholes always shit on everything.

[10:37][DOIC3]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*A Bajoran man is chasing a naked hujaron across the dance floor as he holds his swim diaper over his head in triumph.

[10:37][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:-backs up awkwardly to the bar and leans on it.- "Yea... yea alright, i'll watch out and stuff.

[10:38][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus smirked.* "I am good at being a dick, too.

[10:38][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-quirks abrow- Were we not being fun enough Catherine

[10:38][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"The point is to be authroitative without beign opressive. If you go oppressive you end up turngin yoru crew agaisnt you. In this case you have a crew that you have goofed off with in the past

[10:39][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Ezri... they're feathery little monkeys, not terrorists.

[10:39][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Lieutenant] She is a highly skilled officer, no

[10:39][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"that is what they want you to think..

[10:39][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:-calls back over- "You guys are being cool as hell, it's fine!

[10:39][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"SO they are going to expect a certain level of that to remain.

[10:39][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"...What is an act of terrorism confirmed to be commited by them?

[10:39][DOIC6]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"When she wants to be, yes. She really is. She was the first person I really got to know back on the sentienl.

[10:39][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-begins aslinky littlegrind to the Van Halen clssical piece as the music inspires her to dance

[10:40][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Mh. It always sucks to be the one to say 'hey, the party's over now.' I wasn't thinking of having to command them one day.

[10:40][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she si[s

[10:40][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"they stole food...

[10:40][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Don't command, Lead

[10:40][DOIC2]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Lieutenant] Why would a Vulcan not wish that be so

[10:40][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Lieutenant] Why would a Vulcan not wish that be so

[10:40][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"There is a romulan proverb, if someone has to say I am in charge, they are not.

[10:40][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Are ya sure Ensign..you should dance with us...keep our back covere

[10:41][DOIC6]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"You are a far to young vulan who took starfleet instead of years of meditation to find inner balance in a desperate atempt to get away from home, maybe?

[10:41][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He looked at T'Lena for a moment with that, then nodded his head and leaned on the balcony.* "Well, I'm not exactly trying for Romulan-level discipline... but some would be a welcome change.

[10:41][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Ezri... stealing food from tourists is barely terrorism?

[10:42][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Lieutenant] ...I see. I didn't know Vulcans had a rebellious phase

[10:42][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"I'm watching out, it's cool.

[10:42][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--folds her arms, glares at Bore-- "whose side are you on anyway?

[10:42][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"The crew can be disciplined.

[10:42][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"And I'm not good on the dance floor anyway. Two left feet. Not literally, that's a human thing.

[10:42][DOIC2]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Sevuk tries to contact the Adagio to have Mister Boggles beamed back aboard.

[10:42][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Perhaps not as well as we'd like but smaller crews are like that.

[10:42][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Nobody's. That's why I am trying to y'know. Talk to you. Show you they're not to be feared.

[10:42][DOIC6]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Like any species, there are unique individuals among the vulcans, even if they often seem to take it as a matter of pride to not show it I geuss?

[10:43][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Let the Commander disicipline. and you lead them it is very likely that part of the problem is the 180.

[10:43][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Lieutenant] I have heard from people who met her that V'Tira is very...unique

[10:43][DOIC6]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"She is. A fantastic friend and a spectacular dancer.

[10:43][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"Look I am not afraid...and I am willing to abide by the terms of the treaty..even if technically we hare here before it was put into effect.

[10:43][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Yes you have too lose the party boy mentality but you can't demand the rest change because you have to and have to instead figure out the best way to motivate from within, when someone steps way t

[10:43][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:So you fear..to dance

[10:44][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*The Lieutenant gives her a look.

[10:44][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:out of line, that's when the being a Dick comes into play. To quote a maco sergeant i knew ones


[10:44][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"but, I know what they are capable of! I saw it with my own eyes.." --Ezri shudders-

[10:44][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He smirked.* "'I'm sorry, I'd let you all chew gum on the bridge, but Commander Zhaixe said no.'

[10:44][DOIC6]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"No really. She is among the best vulcan dancers I have ever meet.

[10:44][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"They best unfuck themselves before i have to fuck them up.

[10:44][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:'Na, just don't want to.

[10:45][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--looks off into the distance-- "i remember the rotten fruit...the smeel you never forget that...

[10:45][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He chuckled.* "We'll see, it's been a work in progress for some time now. But I reckon we can do it.

[10:45][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Um...' *He blinks, not expecting Ezri to flashback.

[10:46][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Stood up to pat her shoulder.* "There, there, Ezri... it's over now.

[10:46][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-spins playfully around cathy as they dance with a soft grace, keeping eye contactoveroner aised shoulder befors spinningout before her once more to flow her dance to match herloves perfectly

[10:46][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Lieutenant] I can't count having met any

[10:46][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"...it will never be over Bore..

[10:46][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Yes, it will. We'll leave Risa and then it will be over?

[10:47][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*There was monkey screeching in the distance from the jungle.

[10:47][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"You can leave Risa...but Risa never leaves you..

[10:47][DOIC6]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:*Shrugs innocently.

[10:47][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--looks to the jungle at the monkey screeching..her eyes wide with fear.-

[10:48][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Shh... don't worry, Ezri. They're far away.

[10:48][DOIC5]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[David] You need to calm down...we have to maintain the peace that you agreed to. *David addresses the monkeys screeching.

[10:48][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"They wouldn't come this close to the bar.

[10:48][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"they know I am here..

[10:48][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-Mr boggles and his faeather monkey companion are beamed abaord the Adasgio..the escape the transporter room and the chase is on through the corridorsof the lady A

[10:48][DOIC5]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*A handful of monkey dung was flung in David's face from above.

[10:49][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"They may just be screaming. That's part of what monkeys do. They're noisy, and throw poop, that kind of stuff.

[10:49][DOIC2]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Sevuk beams up and the hunt continues.

[10:49][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:Az! they are getting agitated

[10:49][DOIC5]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*David groans, having to get monkey dung cleaned off his face.

[10:49][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Nine] Az! they are getting agitated

[10:49][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"it was a bad idea coming here...

[10:50][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[Talia] -sips her trnay and reads herbook blissfully unaware of what Sevuk has unleashed within her shi

[10:50][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"You'll be fine, I'll protect you... promise.

[10:50][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Lieutenant] Every Vulcan I've ever met wouldn't dream of showing off like that

[10:50][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--nods slowly-

[10:51][DOIC6]Therese Xylvarenn@Illuic:"Yes, most are that way.

[10:51][DOIC2]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Sevuk shakes his head at security as he roams through the ship after the dog and monkey.

[10:51][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Sits back down.* "Some monkey probably dropped its banana or something and they're all pissy with him.

[10:51][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--lifts her cola with trembling hand and takes a sip.-

[10:51][DOIC5]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[David] It is in your interests and the interests of the denizens of Risa to maintain the peace

[10:52][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-shimmies with a ribbon like grace down before Catherine as her knees bend before shimmingbacku to rejoin their dance,her arms above heer head, her hadnds weaving soft patterns through the air

[10:52][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:[Mr. Bongo] *Watches Ezri from somewhere nearby.. always watching... always ready.

[10:52][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Anyway. Not like it matters much right now, for all we know we could spend the next couple hundred years in some temporal state being ferried around until the universe needs us again.

[10:52][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-Two big beaked birds land on thebar railings...and wait

[10:53][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Cathy watches her, transfixed as he tries to match her movements.

[10:53][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"That might be fun.

[10:53][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--glances toward the tree line nervously, as if she feels the eyes on her.-

[10:53][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*One of the branches jumped up and down a bit, as if someone had moved from it.

[10:53][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He sipped his beer.* "It might. Beats working.

[10:54][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore got up to replicate a sandwich, throwing some breadcrumbs to the sand for the birds.

[10:54][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri's eyes go wide.-- "Did you see that?

[10:54][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Is feeding the birbs, turning towards Ezri.* "Uh? See what?

[10:55][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-Borenow has two best birdie friends

[10:55][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--in hushed tones-- "the tree branches they moved...they are watching us...

[10:55][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Chomps down on his sandwich, throwing thecrumbs down for the birds again.* "Ezri... It could have been the wind. Or birds.

[10:56][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--shakes her head-- "No...he is out there...I can feel it..

[10:56][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"...He?

[10:57][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"my nemesis...Bongo...

[10:57][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:[Mr. Bongo] *Let out a soft "Oook" as he was almost spotted, clinging to a vine.

[10:57][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-a Young Talia in alovely one piece and no facial scar walks along the beach with her shore leave bag slung over one shoulder

[10:57][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Bongo?

[10:58][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:the biords fearlessly walk around therit able now happily accepting Bores offeredf ood

[10:58][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] *Ogled a passing andorian quite shamelessly, wondering why she's a bit familiar.

[10:58][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"..Blue feather monkey...tiki mask...hollow little beady eyes..

[10:59][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:[Bore] *Fed the birds more.* "Uh... Ezri? Feather monkeys likely aren't smart enough to use masks.

[10:59][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-lets just two of her finger tips caress softly downthe side of Cathys cheek as sheholds hergaze as they gently dance to the new song

[10:59][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"that is what they want you to think...

[10:59][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:[Mr. Bongo] *Broke a red fruit in half and drew some squibbles on his tiki mask with its juice... he was satisfied, they were very threatening squiggles.

[11:00][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Q] Well? Did you enjoy the Ferengi cruise? *to Aloran

[11:00][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"we are exposed her Bore...this is bad tactical postiion...no cover..

[11:00][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"So... why would they have a mask?

[11:01][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Uh... Ezri. The hotel is right behind us. There's tons of cover."

[11:01][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-the feather monkey and Mr Boggles epic last stand in the storage closet ended as abikni clad Gwenenters andcolectedbothafter yellingjustonce to 'Stop' ..carryingboth animals she headed down t

[11:01][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"right, if this goes sideways we can barricade ourselves inside.

[11:01][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:the transporter roomcradlingboth animals tenderly shaking her at the security offciers who had chsed them

[11:02][DOIC5]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Sevuk runs in and comes to a screetching hault.

[11:02][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Gwen]-smirks playfully- I got them cowboy...this isnot wehat the word 'wlkies' is supose to mea

[11:02][DOIC6]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:[Aloran] "It was a mind-opening experience, really. I never knew how intensely attracted to Ferengi men I was until now; thank you for this awakening.

[11:02][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:-taps his fingers on the bar for a moment behind himself, while watching entryways and corners

[11:03][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Ezri... they're monkeys. They can't besiege the hotel. They haven't even thought up catapults or battering rams yet.

[11:03][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"...it is only a matter of time Bore..

[11:03][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"...Though a little team of battering ram monkeys would be adorable.

[11:04][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Imagine if they all wore matching little chainmail?

[11:04][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"adorable? it would be terrifying!

[11:04][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Q chuckles.* [Q] Disgusting little creatures, aren't they

[11:04][DOIC5]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Sevuk] He sscaped from his leash

[11:04][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she finishes her drink

[11:04][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:]FGwen] -giggles- Heloves you soo much ace..he loves playing with yo

[11:05][DOIC6]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:[Aloran] "You know, the 'careful what you wish for, word everything exactly how you mean it or you'll get fucked over' wish granter thing is pretty beneath you.

[11:05][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:[Mr. Bongo] *Climbs up to the top of a nearby rock, plopping down on his butt and scratching it... being casual... not watching Ezri.

[11:05][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Q] What? It was a harmless prank. You arrived at the island as promised and there are no Ferengi here

[11:05][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Q] Nor any of that crew you despise, either

[11:05][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Q] Let it never be said a Q does not pay his debts

[11:06][DOIC6]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:[Aloran] *She looked around.* "I hope there's a hut here, at least.

[11:06][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Q snaps his fingers and a hut appears before Aloran.

[11:07][DOIC6]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:[Aloran] "...And no one can come bother me here, right? Including you?

[11:07][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Q] Are you asking me if there's something I can't do

[11:07][DOIC6]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:[Aloran] "Just making sure. You can't blame me after you let that nonsense on the station go on as long as you did.

[11:07][DOIC5]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Sevuk] I am not sure running around Risa is a good way to 'play' given their policy on pet restrictions

[11:08][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Q] My dear, it is not about what I can't do, but what I choose not to do

[11:08][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"So who do you think is the pet, the dog or the thaeshan

[11:08][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"I don't know... the dog seems to be leading the vulcan.

[11:08][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--stare toward the outcropping of rock at Mr. Bongo, she reaches for a small knife at her belt.-

[11:09][DOIC6]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:[Aloran] "Right. Well, so long as there's a replicator in there, I'm good.

[11:09][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Gwen] -smiles0if he escapoes..you must chase..that is al he cares abou

[11:09][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:[Goose] *Waddles to where V'T and Cathy are dancing, standing guard on them.

[11:09][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Q] Do you want company? I'm not offering myself, before you ask

[11:09][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore blinked at Ezri.* "Dude... Ezri? Is everything alright?

[11:10][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I meant for the woman.

[11:10][DOIC6]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:[Aloran] "Nope! Leave me the fuck alone." *She turned and headed into the hut.

[11:10][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-looks down at her dearfried Goose and nods to her - Hello dear friend..-then- Hon

[11:10][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"..He is calling me out Bore.

[11:10][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:[Goose] "Honk.

[11:10][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He raised a brow.* "Probably both, I'd imagine.

[11:10][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Catherine..be polite to Goos

[11:10][DOIC5]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Q appears inside the hut.* No man of your dreams to enjoy? What about a woman instead

[11:11][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"...That's a monkey scratching its ass, Ezri.

[11:11][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Q appears inside the hut.* No man of your dreams to enjoy? What about a woman instead

[11:11][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Q] This is Risa, after all

[11:11][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"Don't be a fool...

[11:11][DOIC6]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:[Aloran] "Nope. Solitude is the greatest gift anyone could ever give me.

[11:11][DOIC5]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Sevuk] The authorities may see otherwise which is why I had him beamed aboard

[11:12][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Q] How droll

[11:12][DOIC6]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*He disappears in a flash.

[11:12][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:'Man I hope Ezz isn't gonna try to kill a monkey.

[11:12][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"...So, how is he dangerous?

[11:12][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] Honk

[11:12][DOIC6]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:[Aloran] *She flopped back onto her bed and enjoyed the silence.

[11:12][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:{Goose] "Honk-honk. HOOOONK.

[11:12][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Gwen] -chuckles and handsmr Boggles back over to be re-leashed- think you can control this time? I will turn Mr Monkey here over to risian secuirty the

[11:12][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--slips the knife back into its sheath.-- "But, I will honor the treaty...I wont be me that starts anything.

[11:13][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-nods to goose- yes dear...Hoooon

[11:13][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore watched as the monkey remained on its rock, scratching itself all over, its little leg kicking in delight.

[11:13][DOIC5]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Sevuk] It will not happen again

[11:13][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Uh... right. He's a vicious provocateur.

[11:14][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she smiles* I need a refill you need something

[11:14][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Another beer would be great. Might as well, right?

[11:14][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Gwen] Perhaps agame of frisbee will wearoutourlittle escapoe artist? I wil bring a blanket and lunch

[11:14][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] I don't think I speak goose

[11:14][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"...it will never be over between us Bore, not until one of us is dead..

[11:14][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Yep. I'll be right back

[11:14][DOIC5]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Sevuk] Good idea

[11:14][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-quirkjsa brow at her- You are doing wnderfully catherin

[11:15][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*retrieves more drinks

[11:15][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Well. Feather monkeys live a lot less than trills. Give it ten years or so.

[11:15][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*gives marcus his beer

[11:15][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Gwen] -nods- Its adate then -plyfully hip bumps him- Meet you two at the windy dnesin 30 then

[11:15][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Thanks for the medicine, doc.

[11:16][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:[Mr. Bongo] *Picks something up and comes closer to the bar... closer...

[11:16][DOIC5]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Sevuk] Yes

[11:16][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Jaws music plays.

[11:16][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"That's right, time is on my side.." --looks toward Bongo-- "You hear that you devil?

[11:16][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*sips her drink

[11:17][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:It was quit humuorus to watch the feather monkey attack from here

[11:17][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:[Mr. Bongo] *Places something on tthe railing, watching Ezri with his beady, hollow eyes for a moment, before returning to his rock.

[11:17][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--her eyes narrow and her hand goes for her knife.-

[11:17][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Yeah, missed it the last time around. Only on Risa, right?

[11:18][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Jesus Christ, ezri! He went back to the rock!

[11:18][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:It was very bad for our boys in green

[11:18][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"right, this was a message...

[11:18][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"He left something?

[11:18][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--gets up and cautiously moves to the rail-

[11:18][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Who would have thought the most hostile alien species was living right here on the Federation's premier vacation destination.

[11:19][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*A shiny pebble and less shiny old coin laid there.

[11:19][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*The coin had toothmarks, as if a monkey had taste-tested it.

[11:20][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--looks at the artifacts.-- "...so a riddle then?

[11:21][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I know.

[11:21][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Makes sense though people do keep felines

[11:21][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore raises an eyebrow at Ezri not being exploded by the monkey's items.

[11:21][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"True. And we primates are notorious little shits.

[11:21][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--picks up the items and returns with them to the table.-

[11:22][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"What'd you get, Ezri?

[11:22][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--places the items on the table-- "it would seem the game is afoot my dear Watson..

[11:23][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"The game? That's just.. shinies.

[11:23][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"I would seem to be a message Bore..

[11:23][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"A shiny rock and a coin?

[11:24][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Nature's beauty is more important than money? Nature is forever, money is fleeting? Hell if I know.

[11:24][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"The rock I recognize is from the north beach...The coin and old pirate dabloon..

[11:25][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"So... Ideas/

[11:26][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--bites the coin-- "no its fake...

[11:26][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"perhaps our answers lie on the north beach somewhere?


[11:27][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Ezri... Uh. I hate to burst your bubble.. but it may just be a gift?

[11:27][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"A peace offering of sorts?

[11:28][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"a gift?

[11:28][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Shrugs at Ezri.* "Crows can give gifts to people they like. Maybe it's the same with monkeys?

[11:29][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"More than likily he is leaving me clues, in a diabolical attempt to lead me into a carefully constructed trap.

[11:30][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus squinted at Ezri and Bore's table for a moment.

[11:30][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-one of the brids eyes Ezri a moment

[11:30][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"UUuuuuuh... I... maybe?

[11:30][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"But it may just be shinies he likes.

[11:30][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--twirls the coin in her hands observing it carefully--

[11:31][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-gracefully slowly close dances with Catherine to the song, leadig her throgh a tedner dance to te song

[11:31][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--looks over at the birds-

[11:31][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*It was an older souvenir coin, no doubt plundered from a shop on Risa some time ago.

[11:32][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"...Mh. Anyway, I guess I'll go check for suspicious activity in my hut. Thanks for the drink, doc. I'll get you next time.

[11:32][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-Brid oneis nibbling crumbs fromBore plate..Bird 2 continues to watch Ezri and hercoi closely

[11:32][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Later Marcus

[11:32][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He nodded and turned to go.

[11:32][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--looks at Bore-- "Genius...the gift shop where the coin is from..they will have maps of the north beach.

[11:33][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--stands up and turns to leave.-

[11:33][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus quietly checked for weirdness in his hut once he got back.

[11:33][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Facepalms, standing up to go babysit, leaving the remains of his sandwich for the burbs.

[11:34][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-a female to Costa a voice from behind- Sooo what are we looking for

[11:34][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-the Birds are v ery happy with Bore as they finish off his sandwhich

[11:35][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--enters the little shop, looking around for the maps.-

[11:35][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Ezri... don't you think you're being a bit... uh... overcautious?" *HE said the nicest word that came to mind.

[11:35][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--pulls out a cartoonishly drawn map of the north beach.-

[11:36][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus sighed as he looked over his stuff.* "Oh come, on seriously? Who looks through a guy's boxer drawer...

[11:36][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:- a singlefeather monkey sits in anearby window sill..picking at somethingin its foot

[11:36][DOIC2]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Gift shop vendor] Hello

[11:36][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"you can never be to cautious Bore...the stakes of this game are deadly serious.

[11:36][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Waves to the gift shop vendor.* "...They are, Ezri?

[11:37][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He picked up a pair, staring at the holes in the fabric.* "GOOOOOOSE!!!

[11:37][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--looks at the vendor-- "hello.

[11:37][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:[Goose] *Lets out a -very- satisfied honk for whatever reason.

[11:38][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:-had zoned out for a minute, and loks back rather suddenly- "Uh... Weird things.

[11:38][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-nods to Goose- yes..Honk ...whois a pretty goose..why you are -deadpans toherfriend

[11:38][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--looks over the map-- "...look a pirate ship!" --she points to the cartoon half sunken pirate ship drawn near the north beach..

[11:38][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:[Goose] *Rubs her little head against V'Tira's leg, being the prettiest, goodest goose.

[11:39][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Oh, that old kids' funland?

[11:39][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-thevoice belongs to a stunning young asian woman- ...what type of weird things

[11:39][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"he could be using that as a secret base?

[11:40][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Or he could have just looted their gift shop.

[11:40][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"I'm not sure yet. Kinda just people watching... that sounded meaner than It should have, I'm not trying to make fun of nobody.

[11:40][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"that would be too simple...

[11:40][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Monkeys don't tend to be very sophisticated.

[11:41][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Woman] -smiles a warm charmingsmile tohim- I never thoght you would..youseemvery yourself to behonest...soyou arelookingfor weird people? orpeopleactign weird

[11:41][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--places a slip on the counter-- "ill take this map.." --she says to the clerk-

[11:41][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"i am going to head to the north beach in the morning..

[11:41][DOIC2]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Vendor] Certainly

[11:41][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"..it is not safe after dark..

[11:42][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] *Gives Cynna some latinum and sends her off to play with her friends in the pirate ship... confident nothing bad will happen there.

[11:42][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-reaches down to affectionately scritch goose';s lovely head asshed naces with cathy

[11:42][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Uh... Need me to go with you?

[11:42][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Q] Goose got your tongue

[11:42][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"Little from both. You seen anything strange today?

[11:42][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Cyna] Yes we be pirates arrrrrrrr! -runsoff with herlittle wooden sword tocatch up withehr friends

[11:43][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Woman] Well..aside frome..no not reall

[11:43][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"I could use your help on this one Watson.

[11:43][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:[Goose] *Nuzzles V'Tira's hand, then sits down to watch over the two as they dance.

[11:43][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Sure... I'll be there.

[11:44][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--pats Bore on the should-- "Good man Watson.

[11:44][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-has the waitress bring goose over some nice goose nibbles andw ater in her prefered bowls as she dances with catherine

[11:44][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Sure thing... we'll... uh... escape the evil monkey trap?

[11:44][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"You should get your affairs in order...there is good chance we may not return...

[11:45][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"You're calling yourself weird? Alright, I wouldn't say that, but okay.

[11:45][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:[Goose] *Immediately sticks her little beak in the water bowl... geese aren't made for tropical islands.

[11:45][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"We will return, Ezri. I know it.

[11:45][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"Mr. Bongo is playing for keeps...

[11:45][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus whirled around to see Q.* "What the hell!

[11:46][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"We can outsmart a monkey. Probably.

[11:46][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[woman] Oh I soo havemy moments-lovely smile- I am Patrica and you are?? -offers her hand

[11:46][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"Don't get over confident.

[11:47][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] *Watches with worry as Black moves in on another victim.

[11:47][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:-naively gets taken in- "Nelson.

[11:47][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] First timeon Risa

[11:47][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"I'll leave most of the thinking to you... I'm muscle.

[11:48][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--nods-- "i would recomend taking a firearm...but that is illegal on Risa.

[11:49][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Don't worry, Ezri. We can win this without guns."

[11:49][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--nods -- "we will have to rely on our wits...

[11:49][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"And our natural agility.

[11:50][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"Uh... Yes. Yes it is.

[11:50][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -chuckles- andd efinitely starfleet..what ship..-poutsplayfully- thatis if itisnot astate secret

[11:51][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"I think the monkeys have the advantage when it comes to agility.

[11:51][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"We will meet back here in the morning, rent a couple floaters and head to the north beach..

[11:51][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-black fingers waves o Val warmly- Hello ma'a

[11:52][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Nods.* "Deal.

[11:52][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"Uh... Serenity." -Smooth.

[11:52][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--nods-

[11:52][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -smirks wasrmly her eyes lightup some impishly - Ooooh do tell..what is she like

[11:52][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] *Returns the fingerwave, heading to the bar as well, not questioning the presence of a goose at V'tira's feet.

[11:54][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"Sleep and smooth like a wave.

[11:55][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] Like a wave..I see...served much..time... aboard her

[11:56][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus whirled around to see Q.* "What the hell!

[11:56][DOIC3]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore heads to his and Nadine's room... to prepare for feather monkey huntin'.

[11:57][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:[Ettore] *She was clad in leather when he stepped in.* "Where do you think you're doing?

[11:57][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*going )

[11:58][DOIC3]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"...Nowhere now.

[11:58][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:[Ettore] *She held up his leash.* "Sit.

[11:58][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"No. Pretty fresh. Second assignment.

[11:58][DOIC3]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore decided not to risk further transgressions and just sits.

[11:59][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*This scene has been banned in your country.

[11:59][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Q] What

[12:00][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"What do you mean, what? You can't just show up in a guy's room like that!

[12:01][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Q] Actually, I can do whatever I please, mortal

[12:01][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] Oooo what was your first

[12:01][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Oh... you must be -that- guy." *He sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed.* "Fine. What do you want?

[12:02][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Q] Nothing. Although I couldn't help but notice your...problem

[12:02][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:[T'Ghor] *Grumbled from under the bed.* "Be quiet!" *And soon quietened down again.

[12:03][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus kicked T'Ghor's leg under the bed.* "What problem is that, exactly?

[12:03][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:[T'Ghor] *Had already falen asleep again, his leg kicking back in the air by instinct.

[12:03][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Q motions to the drawer.* How unfortunate

[12:04][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus stared at him.* "...Seriously?

[12:05][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"A being of your power, a guy who can move time and space to his every whim, take any form that pleases him, visit any life form that interests him... give a shit that my boxers have holes in them?

[12:05][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"The Prot---tractor. The Protractor. It was a science ship. A Small one.

[12:05][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Kesslar] -steps out of the closet and looks about- Stillnot right-then recognizes marcs as an officer from the bridge- Oh yes..commander..which way to the mess hall again?? -looks andsee Q and the

[12:06][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:leg stickingout from under theed- Um..is this a bad time

[12:06][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:the bed

[12:06][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Q] ...what

[12:06][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black[ Isnt he protector a vigelasnt classs starship?

[12:06][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus stared at Kesslar.* "...Other door, uh, Chancelor.

[12:07][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Kesslar] -ods marcus- Very obligued -enters the bathroom door and closes behind him

[12:07][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:nods to marcus

[12:07][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"No the Protractor. It's a Rhode Island.

[12:08][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus palmed his face for a long moment.

[12:08][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:-smirks, trying to look slick

[12:08][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] "...So, 'ow often were you dropped on your 'ead?" *To Costa as she got her wine refill.

[12:08][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Q just stands there, dumbfounded.

[12:08][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus eyed Q.* "What do you want, then? Really?

[12:09][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:[T'Ghor] *Crawled out from under the bed, totally ignoring Marcus and Q, and walked into the bathroom as well.

[12:10][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Q just vanishes.

[12:10][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"...Hello?" *He looked around the room.* "Not suspect at all...

[12:11][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:-blusters- "H-hey, it's true!

[12:11][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] Wh would it not? -coos

[12:11][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] *Grins at Costa's stammering, taking a large sip of wine.

[12:12][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Hey, T'Lena, if you're giving me some kind of Romulan brain torture, you've gone too far." *He sat back down on the bed.

[12:13][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"Sooooo Patricia, you just work here then? I mean, that's right?

[12:13][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she sips

[12:13][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -ponders that a moment and smiles- Sur

[12:14][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"So it is a mystery.

[12:15][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] Ive been called this a few times yes -smiles warmly

[12:17][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"Hehe. Alright.

[12:18][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] Though I am sure my lifeis so not as exciting as your is hone

[12:20][DOIC1]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:[Valerie] *Couldn't help but watch the trainwreck as it unfolded.

[12:21][DOIC1]Costa@ThanatosR:"Heh, doubt it's that big of a thing. I'm just a tactical officer.

[12:21][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] wh not buy a girl adrink and tell meall aboutit..if youwishtoofocurs