22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki

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25 May 2024

  • curprev 03:1503:15, 25 May 2024Liorexus talk contribs 50,373 bytes +50,373 Created page with "[5:51][DOIC]DGMSoftKitty2@Isis:STAR TREK PROTECTO [5:51][DOIC]DGMSoftKitty2@Isis:[ tonight's theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFdhSj-xqdA [5:53][DOIC]DGMSoftKitty2@Isis:-as the somber yet hauntingly lovely music washes over the credits, we find the Protector under cloak gliding through the often pale green and white stellar gases of the vast and old nebula known a [5:55][DOIC]DGMSoftKitty2@Isis:The Apostate Nebula, we fade into the shimmering unseen hull of th..." Tag: Source edit