[9:09][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*The STAR TREK: PROTECTOR theme begins to play...
[9:11][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*The camera pans around Nexus Two, the Kzari station being relatively quiet. There is no log for this episode as the camera zooms in on the operational and command center.
[9:13][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore is reading the latest engineering reports on his console down in engineering, taking a drink of cola from a sippy cup.
[9:13][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri taps away on the science console-
[9:13][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus was seated in ops, tapping at his PADD as he took care of various personnel issues that Zee couldn't be bothered with.
[9:13][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*heads in to the bridge
[9:13][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-quirks abrow and recycles her console- Curiou
[9:14][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Is it actually curious, V'Tira, or is it something about your goose?" *He asked, not looking up.
[9:14][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] Honk
[9:14][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she heads up and hands blaine another padd of paperwork stuff
[9:14][DOIC2]Damian@the5of43:*Dame lazily sat down in a chair, closing his eyes for a quick nap
[9:14][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Perhaps bot
[9:14][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Thanks, do---" *He gave Baker an odd look.
[9:14][DOIC2]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Dalby] A sippy cup...really
[9:15][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:All queit on the western front
[9:15][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"I don't want to spill this crap on a console.
[9:15][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] Honk? *Cathy tilts her head at Marcus.
[9:15][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--across the room Ezri responds with-- "Honk Honk...
[9:16][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"If it's not, no one's told me about it.
[9:16][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:My ACCI aburptly cease
[9:16][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Technological failure or we trapped in a time bubble
[9:16][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:I am recycling my console.
[9:16][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Eityheris possible docto
[9:16][DOIC2]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Dalby] There are other designs for a cup, ya know
[9:16][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--runs another round of scans of the local space.-
[9:16][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Anyone know where tegan is
[9:16][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Baker, what in the world is up with you?
[9:16][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-runs a check to see if she is being jammed
[9:17][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-whispers to Cathy
[9:17][DOIC2]Damian@the5of43:*his head slowly rolled to one side, slumbering peacefully in his seat while keping himself warm with jusst his arms
[9:17][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"i am over here doctor...
[9:17][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Fineee...
[9:17][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:She honked twice earlier docto
[9:17][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-nods to ezri
[9:17][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] Honk
[9:18][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"Honk Honk..
[9:18][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Goes to replciate himself a thermos.
[9:18][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Doc... check on Baker, please...
[9:18][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:You are being uncharateristically Chatty
[9:18][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Honk -nods to Cathy and Ezri
[9:18][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*She looks over cathy
[9:19][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:I am not being jammed..the signal just stoppe
[9:19][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"maybe a glitch in the Matrix V'Tira?
[9:19][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Well that isn't suppose to happen
[9:19][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Cathy seems fine
[9:19][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:So itis either a damaged console..or the problem is at the source ...the citade
[9:19][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Tegan, take this seriously please... and figure out what went on.
[9:19][DOIC2]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Dalby] You've graduated to the adult cup. Congratulations
[9:19][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Yeah, I want my big boy chocolate now.
[9:19][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:It is also possible Ezri..
[9:20][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:We mght need to prep our EMP's to deal with those annoying squiddie
[9:20][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"Roger that sir, doing a system trace now and a diagnostic.
[9:20][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Is the protectors down as well
[9:20][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"that would be so cool V'Tira..
[9:20][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Running such a check now docto
[9:20][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Indeed Ezr
[9:20][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus rubbed his face.
[9:21][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-runs her feeds throgh her ACCI console on the Protector to verify
[9:21][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Any further honking will earn everyone doing it a reprimand. Got it?" *He snapped.
[9:21][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-quirks abrow and runs a check to see if their ship is still docked
[9:21][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"..honk..." --as she runs a system diagnostic ont he comms and power systems.-
[9:22][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Congratulations, Tegan, that's one.
[9:22][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:I am not hearing any honking Mr Blaine
[9:22][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:I believe she was clearing her throat si
[9:22][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Doc... don't fucking start.
[9:22][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"...I didn't do anything...
[9:22][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:I am not
[9:22][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:I honked sir..I have been studying ventriliquis
[9:23][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-says serious
[9:23][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Then you can both have one.
[9:23][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"I am not seeing any technical issues with the power systems or comms.
[9:23][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"I'm kinda jealous of damian. Being able to sneak naps away.
[9:23][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Well then it is probably on their end
[9:23][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:I am unable to reach the protector's acci even though thes hip remains docke
[9:23][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:It might be the consol
[9:23][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Can you switch to another console?
[9:23][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Isn't the gamma crew on the ship
[9:24][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Trying no
[9:24][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-logs into the console before marcus and spinsup her ACCI panels and tries oncemore for aconnection
[9:25][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:There is no difference Si
[9:25][DOIC2]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Dalby] Who is the chief engineer again
[9:25][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"is the ACCI online and being monitored on the Protector?
[9:25][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Nexus 2 to Protector.
[9:25][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:I am unable to establish contact with either teh Citadel nor the Citade
[9:25][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:It is onlinebut only acceable by Me Ezri her
[9:25][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] We are not receiving a response, sir
[9:25][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:No one has the codes for such acces
[9:26][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"That's me. That's why I allow it.
[9:26][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He frowned.
[9:26][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Well lets go down to the docking ring then
[9:26][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Blaine to Ristovski.
[9:26][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Ristovski here.
[9:26][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:I reccomend a security escort for our engineers si
[9:26][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"I only ask, because I wonder if they experience the same momentary outage?
[9:26][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Or send bore incase its a giant space creature problem
[9:26][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:A wise suggerstion Ezr
[9:26][DOIC2]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Dalby] Then why...never mind
[9:26][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Or Robbi
[9:27][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "We're experiencing communications outages, we can't contact the Protector or the Citadel. Anything on your end that might point to a reason?
[9:27][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--perks up at this-- "Can we send Robbie?
[9:27][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"To answer your question, I get him. He's being ridden like crazy, I bet.
[9:27][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Everything reads green, but I will run a deeper diagnostic.
[9:27][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Thanks. Keep me updated." *He got up from his chair.
[9:27][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Throws his stress ball at damian.* "Hey, get up.
[9:28][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"it could be the subspace attenna..I could go do a space walk and check?
[9:28][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"No." *he said flatly to Ezri.* "We're going to the docking ring.
[9:28][DOIC2]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Dalby] ...ridden
[9:28][DOIC2]Damian@the5of43:*Sleepy sleepy Dame continued on blissfully until the ball smacked him in the chest, causing him to jump a little* Huh
[9:28][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"We?
[9:28][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] We
[9:28][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus facepalmed.
[9:29][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Stay here if you want, doesn't matter to me. I'm getting security.
[9:29][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:You may need a doctor
[9:29][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"We got a problem. ACCI don't seem to work. Please check the lines connecting the signal receiver and the signal emitter, I will do diagnostics on the other systems.
[9:29][DOIC1]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Then by all means, Doc.
[9:29][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"Ill go with you sir, I wouldn't want you to go alone.
[9:29][DOIC1]T'lena@Captain_Rien:I think i was the one that suggested this in teh frist place
[9:30][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Ezri...be careful no
[9:30][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"i can handle myself V'Tira.
[9:30][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus walked out into the hall.* "I'm aware, but I have to actually ask the chief engineer in case it's something simple.
[9:30][DOIC2]Damian@the5of43:*he rubbed at his eyes* All of them? Or just the primary ones
[9:30][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:I know -nods to her
[9:30][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Primary.
[9:30][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Noen the less be carefu
[9:30][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Oh i thought you were going to sacrifice him to the monster of the week
[9:30][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Keep in contact, I'll go run the checks needed in engineering.
[9:30][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"I'm not that dumb, Doc." *He checked his phaser at his hip.
[9:31][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"It's not dumb if its intentional and you want to upgrade the chief engineer.
[9:31][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Blaine to Blot and Stackholm, meet me at the docking ring. Bring my rifle.
[9:31][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she joked
[9:31][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Steps back towards his console, nodding to Kara as he starts to do the diagnostic.* "Yeah. You know what I mean.
[9:31][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= V'Tira to Commander Blain
[9:31][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He eyed T'Lena.* "I'll keep that in mind for the future.
[9:31][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "What is it, V'Tira?
[9:31][DOIC2]Damian@the5of43:Yeah.. Ok.. *he groggily got up and grabbed a kit before taking off
[9:32][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:==climbs on the lift fiddling with a tricorder-
[9:32][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= You left unarmed..do not forget to ask security to arm you prior to arriva
[9:32][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--nods to that-
[9:32][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "I'm not unarmed... I have my phaser on my hip. Like everyone is supposed to.
[9:32][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] Good call Lieutenant
[9:32][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--looks down at her empty belt.-
[9:32][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Ristovski to V'Tira... not to sound condescending, but... did you remember to try turning the console off and on again?
[9:32][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Very well..but perhaps an upgrade to a rfile would be inorder yes
[9:33][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Cathy nods sagely.
[9:33][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "V'Tira, I've taken care of it. Keep the line clear.
[9:33][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*checks her phaser
[9:33][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Yes I did so several times Bore...sorry for over stepping into your very clear field of expertis
[9:33][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He called out the deck for the docking ring.
[9:33][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= ...very well commander..V'Tira ou
[9:33][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:It's probably just fed tech not playing with kzari tech well
[9:33][DOIC3]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*The turbolift does not move.
[9:34][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-looks back to Catherine- He could have said thank yo
[9:34][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "No need for the sarcasm, you'd be surprised how often people don't do the most obvious solutions.
[9:34][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"Probably rodents chewing on some optical lines..
[9:34][DOIC2]Damian@the5of43:*Dame dragged his feet off to the primary lines of the receiver and emitter, checking them to see if they were in workinng order
[9:34][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Would you reccomend that i attempt to decouple it fromt he powersource as well
[9:34][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Oh, what the hell is it now...
[9:34][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Did they fix the inertials in here
[9:34][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Keeps running the diagnostic, waiting for results.
[9:34][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Well, that's the second thing, yeah.
[9:34][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Ristovski to Blaine?
[9:34][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Blaine to Ristovski.
[9:34][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He paused.
[9:35][DOIC2]Damian@the5of43:=^= *Dame hit his commbadge as the lines stayed clogged up
[9:35][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Very well I shall endeacour b y trail and error then to isolate both consoles from their direct power sourc
[9:35][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "I think this means one of us owes the other a coke. Regardless, the lift's not working.
[9:35][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she walked over to the door
[9:35][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--looks around-- "I dont think the lift is moving
[9:35][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Here... Anyways, everything reads green on my side, I am waiting for Damian to finish a check on the lines.
[9:35][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "...What do you mean the lift is not working, console shows all of them working fine, Commander?
[9:35][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--goes over and opens a panel and looks inside.-
[9:35][DOIC2]Damian@the5of43:=^= Snow to Ristovski.. Everything checks out here.
[9:36][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Thank You Bore...please keep me updated on your progres
[9:36][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Thanks, Damian, that was all... for now.
[9:36][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "I mean we got in the lift and it's not moving. Whatever you're showing, it's wrong. Maybe something's jammed and it's not reading it.
[9:36][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--checks to see if anything seems amis.-
[9:36][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "I'm on my way to check it... which lift is it?
[9:36][DOIC2]Damian@the5of43:Bastard woke me up for nothing? *he furrowed his brow
[9:36][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus checked the lift's serial number.
[9:37][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"nothing seems out of the ordinary, all sicuits are in the green.
[9:37][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-to Cathy- What did you have in mind for us for dinner this evening
[9:37][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:**circuit
[9:37][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Well atleast we aren't stuck
[9:37][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she stepped back through the door.
[9:37][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Lift number 14 C.
[9:37][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] I have not considered any specifics
[9:37][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"i red a story once where a guy was cut in half trying to crawl out of a stuck lift.
[9:37][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:I se
[9:37][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Understood, on my way.
[9:38][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Ezri... now is not the time." *He went to step into the hallway.
[9:38][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Damian, meet me at lift 14C, please.
[9:38][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He grabbed hs kit and walked out.
[9:38][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= V'Tira to Bor
[9:38][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:It was jsut working
[9:38][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:I took it up here
[9:38][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"i should go check on the main computer core..this could some sort of computer virus..
[9:38][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Listening.
[9:39][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Have you considered the possiblty that we might have a'gremlin
[9:39][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He frowned.* "I wonder if it stopped working aroudn the same time the ACCI went off.
[9:39][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "I made sure to place traps, V'Tira.
[9:39][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= ..
[9:39][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Possibly. Shall we try the emergency ladder
[9:39][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Stepped into another lift and tried taking it up, just to see if it works.
[9:39][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:If that is stuck
[9:39][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= V'Tira to marcu
[9:39][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Just give Bore a minute.
[9:39][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] Have you
[9:39][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Yes, V'Tira?
[9:39][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Well i've played this holovid.... right
[9:40][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Sir it is very possible we have a 'gremlin
[9:40][DOIC4]Damian@the5of43:*Dame yawned into a hand, making his way to the mentioned lift
[9:40][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] And what were your ideas
[9:40][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"the ladders are fixed in place doctor, they are stuck by design.
[9:40][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore attempts to ride a lift up to the command level.
[9:40][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "A gremlin." *He repeated flatly.* "Like the time we had one and it turned out to be a Risian feather monkey?
[9:40][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= ..
[9:40][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] I do remember that
[9:41][DOIC2]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*No dice.
[9:41][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= I meant that more metaphorical...as in a kzari party sympathizer hacking into our system
[9:41][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Any chance of tracking them down?
[9:41][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "RIstovski to Blaine?
[9:41][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "What, Ristovski?
[9:41][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] I still wonder how a feather monkey got from Risa to above orbit inside the Protector..
[9:42][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= With your permissionI shall begint o do so..i suggest we also sic Ezrion them ..as you three move about towards the protecto
[9:42][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "It seems the other lifts are screwed too. Since diagnostic doesn't found anything, it's likely something in the computer core.
[9:42][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--looks at Marcus-- "Sir I am going to hed to the main computer core and check it out.
[9:42][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:It was war rememebr Catherin
[9:42][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Hold on, Tegan. Don't just run off.
[9:42][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-begins ac omputer source check throughout the station
[9:42][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] Are you suggesting the feather monkey was an enemy agent
[9:43][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--blinks-- "..I didn't run off.
[9:43][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:I eas not involved with themonkeys interrogation Catherine..so it remains one possibility ye
[9:43][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore starts opening up the lift's systems and manually checking with his tricorder.
[9:43][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] I believe those who run the Citadel shelter would have informed us if that was the case
[9:43][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Ristovski seems to think it's something with the computer core. I'm thinking I'll send her and Ristovski there while T'Lena and I head for the Protector.
[9:44][DOIC4]Damian@the5of43:*Dame suddenly realized that the lift wasn't opening up for him and tried walking out of range and back into range
[9:44][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*The lift doors open for him.
[9:44][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Tell me againwho there has training in intensive counter intelligence interogation
[9:44][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Ristovski to Blaine, confirming, after manual check-ups, the lift itself is fine. It's likely something within the station's systems.
[9:44][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] The Betazoid who runs the facility is telepathic
[9:45][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus made the call three-way.
[9:45][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Cathy gives her a look.
[9:45][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:A proper agent is trained to resist such effort
[9:45][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] A feather monkey
[9:45][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:This was not your typical feathered monke
[9:45][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--stands off to the side with her arms folded.-
[9:45][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] What makes you say that
[9:45][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "I'll take the uncharacteristic silence as a 'yes Blaine, you're so smart, that's a great plan.' We're doing it. Keep an eye on things.
[9:45][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Ristovski, meet Ezri in the computer core.
[9:46][DOIC4]Damian@the5of43:*he walked up in and took it to wherever lift 14-C was accesssible
[9:46][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-looks back- It gained acess to a Federation Escort and remained stealth for several weeks..hardly whatone would call typical feather monkey behavio
[9:46][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*The lift does not move.
[9:46][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "On my way, COmmander.
[9:46][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:I mean are you even trying here catherine
[9:46][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:One question
[9:46][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Shoot.
[9:46][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:How does ezri get to the computer core, when the lift doesn't work
[9:47][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Ristovski to Damian. Shit's fucked, me and Ezri are headed to the computer core. Please join us.
[9:47][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Access ladders.
[9:47][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] Are you familar with Occam's Razor
[9:47][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she walked over to the access door
[9:47][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Are you
[9:47][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*and went to open it
[9:47][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Right.. computer core was lvl 32..." *He sighs, removing the top of the lift and climbing upwards.
[9:47][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] Yes
[9:47][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "V'Tira, we need a route to the docking ring for us and a route to the computer core for Ezri. Think you can do that?
[9:47][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--follows the doctor.-
[9:47][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Who was it that started the war with us on Risa
[9:47][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He went with T'Lena to the access panel.
[9:48][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Attempting such as we speak si
[9:48][DOIC4]Damian@the5of43:=^= Oh.. so I'm-- nevermind.. Is this our fault? *he got out and went to the access panel to begin climbing
[9:48][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Once he got to the ladder, he started going down slowly, shining a flashlight on himself so anyone else on the same ladder might see him.
[9:48][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-tries to find the clearest accedsable route for both parties
[9:48][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Thank you. We're at the access panel just outside lift 14C.
[9:48][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she opens the door
[9:48][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Well cardio is always goood
[9:48][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] We started a war on Risa
[9:48][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she started climbing down
[9:48][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "I don't know whose fault it is yet. I think the kzari OS may be fucked.
[9:48][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Bear in mind i am usisng the comprismised systems to do so..attempting to overrisde any interferenc
[9:49][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--secured her tricorder before climbing onto the ladder-
[9:49][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Do what you can, we don't want to go the wrong way and end up in the trash compactor.
[9:49][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Cathy scratches her head.
[9:49][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:One time on the mitte our AG went off, had to rely on a thrust gravity. Finally realized why we had vertical bars on all the turbolift walls
[9:49][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= I do perhaps recxommend the Kzari equivilantof Jefferies tubes and ODN conduits for ther least amount of interferenc
[9:49][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore eventually opens himself an access door to lvl 32, climbing into the kzari jeffries tubes, watching the nifty little schematic of the station he had on his PADD.
[9:49][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"The trash compactor should be magnetically sealed, so people can not accidentally enter it.
[9:49][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Made a mess of anythign not nailed down though
[9:50][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she climbed
[9:50][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= As wel as use of emergency ladders to move deck by dec
[9:50][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "...That's what we're -doing- V'Tira. Please just tell us which way to go.
[9:50][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--climbed the ladder behind T'Lena-
[9:51][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"i like climbing ladders..its relaxing..
[9:51][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Yes...you will want to go down seven decks to the docking rin
[9:51][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Thank you." *He climbed down.
[9:52][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He calls out before oppening the access door.* "Hey, this is Ristovski from engineering, don't fry my ass once I come out!" *just in case anyone's in there.
[9:52][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Alright computer should be two levels up from that
[9:52][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:If i remember the schematics
[9:52][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= You will come out next to the visitors recpetion area by docking ring lock
[9:52][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*The panel rumbles and grumbles, then falls down with a metallic =thud=, as Bore climbs out into the core.
[9:52][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"that is correct doctor.
[9:53][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:I've had a lot of reading time and Solvak's recommendations won't happen for a few months
[9:53][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Perfect..." *He climbed down carefully, not wanting to slip and crush the two beneath him.
[9:53][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Ezri your stops coming up
[9:53][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Bore it appears has reached the Computer cor
[9:53][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"roger roger..
[9:53][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Not knowing much of computers, he instead goes to check if everything is properly connected and works on a purely mechanical level.
[9:53][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she passed ezri's exfil point to let ezri open the hatch.
[9:54][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus paused to give Ezri time to go through.
[9:54][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Ezri be wary of the trach compactor...it has a dianaga in i
[9:54][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--opens the hatch and crwals through.-
[9:54][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*keeps climbing down* Whats a Dionaga
[9:54][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"What the hell's a Dionaga?" *He muttered aloud.
[9:54][DOIC3]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--she pokes her head in and waves good bye to T'Lena and Marcus before sealing the hatch behind her.-
[9:54][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= You two are fine..they do not dwell in docking ring
[9:54][DOIC2]Damian@the5of43:*Dame barged in not long after, finding nhis breath as he noticed Bore* Whew..
[9:55][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Comforting, V'Tira...
[9:55][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Ristovski to Blaine and V'Tira?" *He waved at Dame.
[9:55][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she kept climbing down.
[9:55][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "You're still on the call, Ristovski.
[9:55][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= V'Tira here Ezri si now on your deck enroute to your postion no
[9:55][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He climbed after T'Lena.
[9:55][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Be sure she remains safe by opening her access panale no
[9:55][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Yeah, just didn't want to interrupt... Well, here's the thing, if it's the core, everything in it is mechanically sound. It has to be a software issue, cause all the hardware checks out.
[9:56][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri quickly makes her way to the computer core.-
[9:56][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Have you checked for feathers?" *He asked dryly.
[9:56][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Marcus...there is another possibilit
[9:56][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Don't leave me waiting, V'Tira.
[9:56][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= It is possible that the Citadel is simply..gon
[9:57][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"I'll check the system configuration...
[9:57][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Feathers?
[9:57][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Ezri.
[9:57][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:=^= We'd have got a burst sos if that had happened wouldn't we
[9:57][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Let's not come to that conclusion until we've ruled out all other possibilities...
[9:57][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= it dependds how quicly their fate befell them docto
[9:57][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:=^= And' theird still be back chatter from other ships on teh ACCI network wouldn't their be
[9:57][DOIC2]Damian@the5of43:Another stowaway? Really? *he waved at Ezri
[9:57][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:=^= Wondering why their network went offline
[9:57][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Nlot if they artr stil checking their systems as we are docto
[9:57][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Blaine sent her here as our computer specialist. She should be able to figure it out.
[9:58][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:=^= Well maybe try to conenct to the adagio or something
[9:58][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she opens the dockign bay door.
[9:58][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--her fingers dance over the console, as Ezri checks out the system configuration.-
[9:58][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= A wise suggestion that had occured to me doctor..standb
[9:58][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Well check the hell out of it. Contact any Alliance ships in the area that'll receive us
[9:58][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*and crawls through
[9:58][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-tries to connect tot he Adagio...and then the sentinel
[9:58][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus went to crawl after T'Lena.
[9:59][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He did so with ease.
[9:59][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-then the Enigma...
[9:59][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*stands up in the docking ring
[9:59][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"i am locked out...
[10:00][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= No response fromt he Adagio..Sentinel...nor the Enigm
[10:00][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"..someone just locked me out of the system.
[10:00][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Well that's ntoo disconcerting at all
[10:00][DOIC2]Damian@the5of43:Uh... who
[10:00][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Ezri just got locked out of the system.
[10:00][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"...or something maybe...
[10:00][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "She said -someone- or something did it?
[10:00][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Stand b
[10:01][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she took position behind blaine now
[10:01][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-tries to log into the master server herself
[10:01][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*A voice echoes throughout the station.* Attention loyal Kzari...there appears to be forces at play on the station that are attempting to subvert our efforts. Our message to them is simp
[10:01][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus scowled as he looked around the docking ring.
[10:01][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-looks back to Catherine as they are taunted
[10:01][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Fuck my ass and call me Spock..." *He draws his phaser.
[10:02][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:simple: your attempt to gain control of this facility is going to fail. You are valuable to the Party and we wish you no harm. However, if you do not return control of this station to the Party, we w
[10:02][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:will be forced to take action
[10:02][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:You have ten minutes to make your decision
[10:02][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Is that an automated message?
[10:02][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "V'Tira, find where that transmission's coming from!
[10:02][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:Long live the Chancellor
[10:02][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-tries to track down her gremlinf or marcus
[10:02][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:...the chancellor
[10:03][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Not to sound needy, commander, but maybe a couple of security guys in the core would do us good.
[10:03][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Talk about being out of contact with current event
[10:03][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Well it might a little dated but probably no less deadly
[10:03][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "I've been trying to contact my security guys, no one has answered me!
[10:03][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] How old is this station again
[10:03][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Could be in a locked down area
[10:03][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Well, this is just getting worse...
[10:03][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri frowns-- "This has to be an older security protocol...one we must have missed in our sweep of the system.
[10:04][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Probably. Still, Damian, help me barricade, just in case.
[10:04][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*draws her phaser
[10:04][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:It is of considerable age...but surely..-shakers her head- and keeps trying to track down the sourceof the transmission
[10:04][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"We don't know if the bots will turn on us, or if there is some security measure we don't know.
[10:04][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He removed his own phaser, looking around to see if any of the station denizens were around.
[10:04][DOIC2]Damian@the5of43:*he nodded moving to help* Surprised we can still communicate with the others.
[10:04][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= The source of the transmission is the computr core itsel
[10:04][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "...You hear that, Ristovski?
[10:04][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"So am I." *He raises a hand to Damian.
[10:04][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Yeah, I heard that.
[10:05][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--looks around for an access panel-- "I am going to try and bypass the protocol to gain access to the computer core..If I can I may be able to track this protocol down and isolate it.
[10:05][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*No hostiles to speak of.
[10:05][DOIC3]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*No hostiles to speak of.
[10:05][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Ezri it is possible that we are dealing with an AI as our gremli
[10:05][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Ezri is trying some techy magic. She believes she may shoot the protocol down.
[10:06][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"i may be able to...i wont know until I am in..
[10:06][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:You sir its entirely possible we only still have comms because of shay's backup badge network. That wasn't rolled out to everyone
[10:06][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Bore..tell her to try and bypass the protocols to gain access to thec ore itself..
[10:06][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*you know
[10:06][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*t'lena is in business mode
[10:06][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "That's what she's trying, V'Tira.
[10:07][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= If she cando that...i might be able to by the autmatedc ommand protocolsa nd take chatrge of the systems personall
[10:07][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Damian... let's barricade, just in case. We don't know if the little maintenance bots will turn murderbots when this AI gives the signal.
[10:07][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--she yanks the access panel open and finds a sutable hookup for her tricorder.-
[10:07][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He goes to drag crates and chairs to start blocking off the room.
[10:07][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "V'Tira, what about the blue Kzari? Might they know how to stop this?
[10:07][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= I will attemot go through their fiels to find asuitable indvidual si
[10:07][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He looked at T'Lena.* "Let's see if we can't get to the ship still... maybe there's something we could do from there.
[10:08][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Yeah agree
[10:08][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:If anything pre it for evac
[10:08][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus started for the airlock at a brisk pace.* "Indeed...
[10:08][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-attempts to find a suitable Blue Kzari who maybe have swuch knowledge
[10:09][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus approached the airlock, attempting to key in the code to open it for them.
[10:09][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*followed him to the airlock.
[10:09][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"I have the offending program located and, but it has root access to the system so it had more access to the system than I do. It keep slipping away..
[10:10][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore patched Ezri into the conversation.
[10:10][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"man these Kzari really are serious about security..
[10:10][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-checks the red files for one
[10:10][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= No such Blue Kzari sir..checking red now for apossibel suspec
[10:10][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Ezri is in the call now, she will keep you updated... She found the program.
[10:11][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Issue is, thing has more access than her or something.
[10:11][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Damn it... alright, V'Tira. We're heading back to the Protector now, going to see if we can't use its systems to help us out.
[10:11][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Kzari] Attention those who would defy the Party...your time is running out. You can still surrender control of the station and preserve your lives. You should consider your actions carefully. Long l
[10:11][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:live the Chancellor
[10:11][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:=/\=Yeah V'Tira the program has a way higher sccess level than me it can go places in the system I can not."=/\
[10:11][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Ezri, is this shitbird gonna initiate the self destruct protocol?
[10:12][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"it could if it wanted to.
[10:12][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-quirks abrow and enters a capture Azueherz computer code from their mission to rescue the chancellor and enters it
[10:12][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus frowned as the pad denied him entry.* "Shit! Won't open.
[10:12][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "It sounds like they may self destruct. I recommend pulling all personnel not currently working on this issue to the protector.
[10:12][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Hang on Ezri I am entering a code that might help yo
[10:13][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:=/\=Aye V'Tira, standing by..=/\
[10:13][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "I'm being denied entry to the Protector... there's a manual override for the airlock door, right Ristovski?
[10:14][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-sends downa ccess to Ezri- =^= Ezri you have core access but not to offending program..but you maynow be able to go after i
[10:14][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Yeah, open the panel above the pad, detach the blue wire, and then use the slider, take it all the way to the right.
[10:14][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-activates all hands
[10:14][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Ezri did say something about a space walk
[10:14][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Loyal Computer..this is the Auzherz..stanmd by we are attempting to assist you agains the inflitrator
[10:14][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Panel above the pad..." *he repeated in a murmur as he locatred the panel, then tried to pry it open.
[10:14][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:=/\=I am on it V'Tira..=/\
[10:15][DOIC]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Loyal Computer..this is the Auzherz..stanmd by we are attempting to assist you agains the inflitrator
[10:15][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:We could walk to the shuttle hatch
[10:15][DOIC]V'Tira@Isis:=^= ...LongLive The Chancello
[10:15][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Let's try and get in this way first... if not... guess we're suiting up.
[10:15][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--sets some switches and once more attempts to track down the program.-
[10:15][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Oh you won't get any arguments here zero G frizzes my hair for day
[10:16][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"...i get you my pretty..and your little dog too.
[10:16][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Blue wire..." *He squinted at the mechanical innards for a moment before locating it and going to detach it.
[10:16][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-mkakes ashow of helping reinforce the program by setting up all forms of countermeasures but not impleemnting them just yet as if the auzeherz was to do it all at once
[10:17][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"I never can trust the magboots in those enough... logically I know they'll work ninety nine point nine nine percent of the time, but looking up at the big expanse above you still makes you feel like
[10:17][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:you're just going to go tumbling into nothingness.
[10:17][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Kzari] The Auzeherz are on their way to your location. If you do not surrender, they will not show you the mercy that I have
[10:17][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Kzari] Long live the Chancellor
[10:17][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He pushed on the slider to try and get the door open.
[10:18][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-works to set up proper Auzherz stelath signals on all decksa s if working their way into the perimeter to prepare to take the station
[10:18][DOIC3]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*The door opens.
[10:18][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Yeah lets just say that experience with no grav plating for abotu 3 months made me appreciate them a bit.
[10:18][DOIC2]Damian@the5of43:*Dame took a second to look back at Ezri with worry
[10:18][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"i am not going to be able to get a handle on this thing..
[10:19][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"That doesn't sound good.
[10:19][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"And there we go!" *He grinned as the door slid open and stepped into the airlock.
[10:19][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*looks for whoever is supposed to be guarding this side of the protector's entrance
[10:19][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:=/\=V'Tira I am not going to be able to contain this thing in any way..=/\
[10:19][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Do you require my assitance Ezri? shall we try together
[10:20][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Just a few hours without gravity gives me the spins. Three months sounds like hell.
[10:20][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Kzari] Attention those who would defy the Party...you have minutes left to give yourself up to the Party and save your lives. I hope that this program can reach you before your actions result in
[10:20][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"You get use to it. Sex in grav boots can be kinda fun.
[10:20][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:=/\=The only strategey i can think of now would be full shut down of the computer and a restart from the protected core.
[10:21][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus raised his brows.* "...I can imagine.
[10:21][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she smirked
[10:21][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= What about relocation of the program
[10:21][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:=/\=I would still be there, but hopefull not active.=/\
[10:22][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:senesless tragedy. Even if you were to take control of the station, the Starnznavy would not allow this to continue. This station is integral to the ongoing security of our glorious race. Ask yourse
[10:22][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He would attempt to get the door to the Protector open, now that he was past seal number one.
[10:22][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Is it possible to erect a enclosed fireall around it? Until we can deactivate it or let it run itself in isolation
[10:22][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Jeez, this -is- an old program.
[10:22][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He paused.
[10:22][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:yourself why you are doing this. What do you really hope to accomplish? Do you really think you can harm the Party by your actions? If so, perhaps you have been deluded by those who think they can de
[10:23][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:=/\=it is alover the system V'Tira we would have to wall off the entire computer core.=/\
[10:23][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:defy the Party and live. Believe me, they will be punished as will you
[10:23][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= hold on Ezr
[10:23][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "V'Tira... we don't actually have any confirmation anyone is coming to secure us, do we?
[10:23][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"My question is where are the people that normally guard the airlock.
[10:23][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-runs through soemthing in her head
[10:23][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"I'm wondering the same thing.
[10:26][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"How is it going with the door?
[10:27][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she tried to look through the airlock window into the protector
[10:27][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-attempts to begins to show the Auzherz taking the station...none kzari life signs are mehtodically winkedout to be replaced by auzehrz kzxari exitingstealth...working her way around thre station t
[10:27][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:show their progress
[10:27][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"No luck just yet... might have to break into this one, too.* "He looked around for the panel.
[10:28][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:I don't know if I break the one on this side of the airlock
[10:28][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-adds ins imulated expert aimed weapons fire toshwo on systems sensors
[10:28][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:If we can't confirm the protector is on the otherside we could vent the docking ring
[10:28][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Nto to mention us
[10:28][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--looks over the status board-- "oh good thinking V'Tira...trick the system into thinking it had regained controld of the station. it will shut itself off..
[10:28][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He looked through the window to make sure the Protector was there, too.
[10:29][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"So... we're just gonna trick it instead of deactivating it? Won't that come back to bite us?
[10:29][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"it will be easier to remove when it is not active...
[10:29][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-hits all hands
[10:29][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] You have all hands
[10:29][DOIC]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Seucirty to all decks..repel boarders the Auzherzis boarding..
[10:30][DOIC]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Tirage and al damage control teams respon
[10:30][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"...Shit.
[10:30][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Hear that?" *He walked back and poked his head out of the airlock into the station.
[10:31][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--looks toward the door as if expecting the bad guys to enter ant any moment.-
[10:31][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:I think that is v'tira being v'tira
[10:31][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:But maybe it isn't
[10:31][DOIC2]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*No one comes.
[10:31][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"...I think even at a time like this she'd know better than to call a false security alarm.
[10:31][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Has his phaser prepared, and the room barricaded best he can, protecting the trill.
[10:31][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Well She may be playing the game
[10:32][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"..i think V'Tira is just faking them out..
[10:32][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Who knows so far i haven't heard any phaser fire
[10:32][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Hope so.
[10:32][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-adds federation return fire to the sensors on each deck now..but the Auzherz begins to of course overwhelm them..being kzari
[10:32][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Lets get through this door looks liek the protector is there
[10:32][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Kzari] It appears your time is running out. I had hoped you would see reason. Rest assured that your deaths will serve as an example to prevent similar incidents in the future
[10:32][DOIC2]Damian@the5of43:I so hope you're right Ezri..
[10:32][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:But its dark
[10:32][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:They might be without power
[10:32][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Or backups
[10:33][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-adds in Kzari com chatter now..ordering in the exterminations quads to each deck
[10:33][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He frowned, then headed back to the other side of the airlock to try and manually open the door to the Protector.
[10:33][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-followed by panicked and cowardly federations ecuirty officers demanding back up and retresating
[10:34][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus cursed to himself.* "Shit... it's not working.
[10:34][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Give it a try, doc?
[10:34][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He stepped back to let T'Lena try.
[10:34][DOIC]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Security..The Azuherz is heading for the core..but are being cut off..hurry!...they are here....CXathere -Cuts off
[10:35][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Neural maps are more complex lets just see if...." *she tries the door
[10:35][DOIC3]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*The door opens!
[10:35][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Well that's the kzari side
[10:36][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He grinned at her.* "Nice one, doc." *He stepped onto the Protector.
[10:36][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-continues the simulation of the victorious proper and methodical death march of the Azuherz extermination squads through out the station..even rallying loyal prisoners to aid the cause
[10:36][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*followed* Lets not go over how I knew how to hotwire an airlock
[10:36][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she smirks
[10:37][DOIC3]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*The Protector is dark.
[10:37][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"We'll leave it at that." *He turned on the light on his phaser.* "Hello? Anyone there?
[10:37][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:=/\=We surrender, we surrender...please don't kill us..=/\
[10:37][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I am not seeing any bodies." *she smelled the air
[10:37][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:...yes..that is my Ezri..=nods her approval
[10:38][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*While Ezri is on the comms, he fires his phaser into the ceiling acouple of times.
[10:38][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:that must be Bore.
[10:38][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-simualtes return lethal weapons fire ont he core defenders...no mercy for them
[10:39][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:=/\=How can we have been so foolish to have defied the party?...=/\
[10:39][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Kzari] Your offer of surrender is too little too late
[10:39][DOIC3]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*No response. The air smelled normal.
[10:40][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Well life supports not down, where is the skeleton crew
[10:40][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"I have no idea... let's get to the bridge.
[10:40][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He started down the hallway, shining his light around in the darkness.
[10:40][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she followed
[10:41][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-shows life signsof Auzherz takingup positons to control OPs as well as the Computer cocre..as she yhas them move in with alliedprisoners towards engineering now
[10:41][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she scanne din the shadows, using that dark elf nightvision.
[10:41][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Kzari] Resistance is...futile
[10:41][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--lays down and plays dead next to the computer console.-
[10:41][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:'How unoriginal...
[10:41][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He blinks at Ezri.
[10:42][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-shows signs of supporting starnznavy shocktroopers arriving in the main cargo areass to joint he fight
[10:42][DOIC3]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*No sign of anyone so far.
[10:42][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Well this is eerie.
[10:42][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Ezri?" *He pokes her with a finger.
[10:42][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"we have been murdered by Auzherz death squads...
[10:42][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Either a lot of people have been neglecting their posts... or there's more going on here than we originally thought.
[10:42][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Well... yeah... but I think what V'Tira's done should be enough.
[10:42][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He got to the bridge door, trying to push it open.
[10:43][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--she sits up.-- "yeah, you are probably right..
[10:43][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Commercial break. Don't turn that dial!
[10:54][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Commercials over!
[10:54][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-now shows executionsof surrendered prisoners..by having themlined up and shot by the Auzherz squads on decks already under control
[10:54][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-Showing Ops and even has Dame shot in the core
[10:55][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus continued to try and push the bridge door open.
[10:55][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--watches the status of the Auzherz deaths squad campaign of murder through the station.-- "this is scary...
[10:56][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Definitely.
[10:56][DOIC3]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*Marcus manages to push the door open.
[10:57][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He grunted and forced it aside, stepping onto the bridge.
[10:57][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*followed onto the bridge
[10:57][DOIC3]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*The bridge was filled with members of the skeleton crew, huddled around and telling stories.
[10:57][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:What in the fuck are you people doing
[10:57][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus shined his light on them.* "Report?
[10:58][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-shows the triagea nd wounded prisoners being executed byt he Auzherz..even puts in soem delays caused by argumentative Starnznavy officers to add to the realism..of course they are overuled by th
[10:58][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Auzherz commanders
[10:58][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-has an officer put a fianl shot into Dame to..make sure
[10:59][DOIC3]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Hunkler] Sir! We weren't able to contact anyone, or even control the ship. There was a power drain that we could not reverse
[10:59][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:And you didn't think to get through the bridge door and head onto the station
[10:59][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Why are you all he---" *He looked at T'Lena.
[10:59][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"they put Dame down...like a dog...it makes me want revenge for such a cold blooded murder.."
[10:59][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"...What she said.
[11:00][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Ezri... it isn't real.
[11:00][DOIC2]Damian@the5of43:Yeah but.. why shoot -me- twice
[11:00][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--nods-- "I know...but it so realistic..
[11:00][DOIC3]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Hunkler] We reached the airlock but were unable to determine if it was still compressed on the other side
[11:00][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Yeah, V'Tira pulled out all the stops.
[11:01][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"V'Tira proably calculate that is what the Kzari would do.
[11:01][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Well that is atleast a valid reason it isn't due to mental instability,
[11:01][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Well... surprise. Is anyone down in engineering trying to fix this?
[11:01][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"if they met you..
[11:01][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-the fighting is fierce outside of the protector and the main engineering room..yet the Auzherz is movinginf or the kill
[11:01][DOIC3]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Hunkler] That could have potentially killed whoever executed the manuever, and left us with even less oxygen than we have now
[11:01][DOIC2]Damian@the5of43:I mean.. I apologized for calling her arm a noodle years ago...*he shrugged
[11:01][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"I'm aware, Hunkler... relax.
[11:01][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"No it was the right call I just wanted to make sure you were all still thinkign rationally,:
[11:02][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"don't take it personally.
[11:02][DOIC3]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Hunkler] Lieutenant Eryvis, sir, and the skeleton engineering crew...but the power draw from the station means they can't even use their consoles
[11:02][DOIC3]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Hunkler] I ordered them to send someone up if they made any progress
[11:02][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I think we have to seperate the ship from the station.
[11:02][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-shows the Auzherz breach engineering...gunning down the wounded as they rushby..a bold blitz through into the breach
[11:02][DOIC2]Damian@the5of43:*He did his best to make it seem like he didn't take it personally
[11:02][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Easier said than done when we can't power up. We'd have to actually do that spacewalk.
[11:03][DOIC3]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Hunkler] In an effort to preserve oxygen and maintain calm in the crew, it was suggested that we do this
[11:03][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"..i mean you are a strong guy, so it would conceivably take two shots to put you down..
[11:03][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"We coudl take a shuttle
[11:03][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"It's alright, Hunkler... it's just been a long day.
[11:03][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"There's the issue of getting the shuttle doors open, though.
[11:04][DOIC3]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Hunkler] Aye sir...I am open to criticism as to how it was handled, sir, but...I didn't really know what to do and we couldn't contact you
[11:04][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-shows desperation as the protector tries to power up as the Auzherz seize the airlock and begint o enter theship...shootingmarcus in theback
[11:04][DOIC2]Damian@the5of43:Uh.. thank you ezri.. that's... sweet of you.. *he eyed Bore
[11:04][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Space walk it is then.
[11:04][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:'Yeah, that's it, Ezri.
[11:04][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Kzsri] This is your last chance to surrender
[11:04][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He nodded.* "You did what you could, Hunkler... good job.
[11:04][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Kzari] Your allies are dead
[11:05][DOIC3]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Hunkler] Thank you, sir
[11:05][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-surrender begins to occur n both final areas..she shows the Auzherzx surrounding them..herding them once they have dropped weapons
[11:05][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--sheds a tear for her fallen comrades.-
[11:05][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Pats the poor geek's shoulder.
[11:05][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"There, there, Ezri.
[11:05][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Once this is over, you'll have a nice big milkshake.
[11:05][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-marcus is dragged out of the ship last by his leg in front of his surviving crew
[11:05][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"they just shot him in the back...Marcus deserved better than that..
[11:06][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Before we jump into space, though...
[11:06][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Blaine to V'Tira.
[11:06][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-the prisoner are taken to the neartest airlock...where theyare forced to watch Marcus..spaced
[11:06][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*while blaine was doing that she checked to make sure no one was hypoxic for their species.
[11:06][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--gasps in horror as Marcus is spaced!-- "Those bastards!
[11:07][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-the wounded are lined up...with the suriving medical and Tlena and her teams are forced to watch the wound3ed methodically exeucted..befoee they too meet the same fate...Tlena being the final shot a
[11:07][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:she charged the ranking officer
[11:08][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she goes to the andorians
[11:08][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-now she has the exact numberof remaining ships crew beamed in as starznaval shocktroppers and officers
[11:08][DOIC3]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*They had passed out by now.
[11:08][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--does a Klingon salute as T'lena is shot-- "She died with honor..
[11:08][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:You know that andorian pride.
[11:08][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Marcus get me the oxygen masks
[11:08][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-showingnow all aboard as kzari..auzherz and starnzavy personell with the prisoners
[11:09][DOIC3]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*The Protector's lights suddenly start coming back on, consoles powering up.
[11:09][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she checked the first* C02 levels must be climbing, oh that much better
[11:09][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--monitors the console to see if the secuirty program shuts off.-
[11:09][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus headed over to the emergency medical kit and grabbed a few masks, walking over to T'Lena. He looked up, blinking.
[11:09][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she p[alced the mask on the andorians
[11:09][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"It worked! the program is offline!
[11:10][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Well... glad we didn't try to space walk.
[11:10][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*set the 02 flow to recovery
[11:10][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Ezri reports program offline.
[11:10][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Could have been fun but yeah.
[11:10][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Can you purge it now?
[11:10][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:=/\=V'Tira it worked the program is offline!=/\
[11:10][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:They'll be fine once their blood c02 levels get back to normal
[11:10][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Well done Ezri..see if you can isolate or remove it as part of the auzherz routine to update it perhaps
[11:10][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He walked over to the command console to check the Protector's systems.* "Thanks, doc.
[11:11][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Vtira to my Kommander -Kzari accented
[11:11][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"i am going to transfer the program into a isolated virtual system we may want to study this system later=/\
[11:11][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Ha-ha, V'Tira. I assume this is your doing?
[11:11][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Vell done Leftantant
[11:12][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Es isst ganz richte
[11:12][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--sets up anisolation for the program and begins the transfer-
[11:12][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Enyvis] =^= Lieutenant...Eryvis...to bridge...is this thing...on? *The Andorian is gasping inbetween breaths.
[11:12][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Her kommander
[11:12][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Station has been secured My Kommander...the obsolete program is int he process of 'updating'..all survivors have been..exterminate
[11:12][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "We're here, Lieutenant... get yourself an oxygen mask, you should be fine in a few minutes.
[11:13][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Operations to StanzrzLeftenant Eryvis..standby for further orders..mop up is in the oprocess -kzriaccent
[11:13][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:=/\=The program is secured...=/\
[11:13][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Well done Ezr
[11:13][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Walks up to a replicator and gets a jumja milkshake in a thermos, offering it to Ezri.* "Good job, you.
[11:13][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Enyvis] =^= How the...well...not important how...*A relieved sigh is heard as well as heavy breathing into a mask.
[11:13][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Marcus..Ezri reports she has secured the progra
[11:14][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--accepts the milkshake-- "thanks, but V'Tira did all the heavy lifting..
[11:14][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Enyvis..the program ahs been secured..we are safe no
[11:14][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Thank you, V'Tira... let's make sure the core gets a deep cleaning to make sure nothing else is laying dormant in there and waiting to be activated.
[11:14][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Aye sir..I think Ezri deser4ves the honor.i shall relay such to he
[11:14][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"It was a double effort... now, Damian, with me, let's get the barricades down.
[11:14][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*No response from Enyvis...just heavy breathing heard.
[11:14][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Ezri Vtira her
[11:14][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He starts removing the barricades.
[11:14][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:I'm going to head to engineering
[11:15][DOIC2]Damian@the5of43:Right.. *he moved to help
[11:15][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He nodded.* "Good idea.
[11:15][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"We shoudl probably go over the entire core...to make sure there is nothing else we may have missed...
[11:15][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she headed out of the bridge
[11:15][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Doctor this is Vtira I am sending you Ebyvis postion ..they are out of breath it apear
[11:15][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*used ladders to get through the ship since pwoer was comign back on
[11:15][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Ezri
[11:15][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:=^= Yes v'tira they are on the protector
[11:15][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*This was the long way and would take a few minutes more.
[11:15][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:=/\=Yes V'Tira?=/\
[11:15][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Understood doctor..i just wished to verif
[11:16][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Ezri..Commander Blaine wishes you to go over the core witha deep cleaning..to ensure no further such programs remai
[11:16][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*Slides down the ladder and runs into engineering
[11:16][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*The Andorian was sprawled out over a console with his mask, passed out.
[11:17][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she went to the emergency meds
[11:17][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:=/\=Right, I am beginning that now V'Tira..I will keep you up to date..And, are the auzherz death squads all gone now?=/\
[11:17][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:This room must have had life support routed away
[11:17][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she give sthe andorian a hyperoxgenated plasma stick
[11:17][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Yes Ezri..they heard the crewof the protector held this station..and promptly fel
[11:17][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Lets get you to sickbay
[11:18][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:=/\= okay good...I wanted to be sure..=/\
[11:18][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Besides their tech is of no match for you and
[11:18][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Good work tonight my frien
[11:18][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she went to pick up the andorian
[11:18][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Kelvor] No...he just refused to take it easy...even after Mag carefully explained the science of the Andorian respisatory system to him..
[11:18][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:'Barricades down, so we can move freely.
[11:18][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Help me get him to sickbay.
[11:18][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He kicked a wheely chair into place.
[11:18][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:=/\=I am not sure V'Tira this tech did pretty good..But, in the end we beat it.."=/\
[11:19][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*The young Bolian nods and helps T'lena.
[11:19][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= We shall always eneavour to do so Ezri..alway
[11:19][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she takes the stubborn andorian to sickbay
[11:19][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:=/\=Yes V'Tira we will..=/\
[11:19][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Kelvor] He's gonna be fine, right
[11:19][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Yeah most likely
[11:19][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus sat down in the command chair, releasing a long sigh as he thought of the report he'd have to make to Zee.
[11:19][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=checks on something to verify
[11:19][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Symptoms like a hangover
[11:20][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= And Ezri
[11:20][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--starts the process of going over the core with a fine tooth comb.-
[11:20][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Let me guess was saving the emergency oxygen for when it was really needed
[11:20][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:=/\Yes V'Tira=/\
[11:20][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Kelvor] We didn't know when that would be
[11:20][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= I just verfied for you..Robbie was not harmed in an way..heis just fine and still in place where we left hi
[11:21][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she goes to put him on a biobed and start him on a recovery cycle checking vitals
[11:21][DOIC3]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*The skeleton crew had retaken their positions on the bridge, with those who were not supposed to be there filtering out.
[11:21][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"problem with c02 sat is once it starts it starts to runaway.
[11:21][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:=/\=That is a relief...I am just glad the program did not activate him and use him against us...that would have sucked..=/\
[11:21][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Kelvor] It's definitely obvious to everyone know that certain species are more biologically resistant than others
[11:22][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"SHouldl have had the mask on on supplmental the entire time. We'll correct that procedure. sometimes Starfleets catch all procedures are dump when dealing with different species.
[11:23][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"It's a good thing we don't have any pakwathanth on board. They'd have ate you .
[11:23][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Kelvor] Do I want to know what that is
[11:23][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] Well Lieutenant...it seems you have saved the crew of the Protector...again
[11:24][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-quirks abrow- Of cours
[11:24][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] I will send a copy of the report to Dee...it will make her smile
[11:24][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--sips her milkshake-
[11:25][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"this process is going to take hours...
[11:25][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:If you wish...and i believe it will..though perhaps the method used will no
[11:25][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] It was quite effective
[11:25][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:it was..a brutal depictio
[11:25][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] The AI would have expected nothing less
[11:26][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Yes...yet unsettling none the les
[11:26][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"i am going to have to scan the memory core sector by sector and account for every bit of data.
[11:26][DOIC3]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Saariv] All systems are now at full power, sir
[11:26][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Well... if you need anything, let me know?
[11:26][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"If not, I'll head to engineering to see if everything works as it should.
[11:26][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Saurian species
[11:26][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Ezri is right about the Kzari technology...for its age..it is most formidabl
[11:27][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"I don't need anything really. Il put on some music..
[11:27][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Well done... now we just wait for confirmation that the station's clean.
[11:27][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:This is twice now it caught us unawar
[11:27][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Look liek earth deinonychus
[11:27][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] I would expect nothing less for a people in need of a firm hand to control their own
[11:27][DOIC2]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Alright, call me if you need water or something." *He patted her shoulder.* "Thanks, you did a good job." *And with that, he headed to ride the lift upwards to engineering.
[11:28][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:and to have spent two centuries on their own..holding back the Dark alon
[11:28][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Kelvor] I don't really know what Earth animals look like
[11:28][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--sets to work-
[11:28][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Kelvor] Other than like a cat or a dog
[11:29][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] Indeed
[11:29][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:They have big teeth and when they go hypoxic and quick they get very hungry
[11:29][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:A remarkable if not...brutal regime...i wonder how it will fare should they oust their part
[11:29][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:Can the Chancellor truly be trusted
[11:30][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] It is not like they are bereath with options
[11:30][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*She sets the engineer up with all that's needed to recover from c02 poisoning
[11:30][DOIC4]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*'Ernie' looks like he is peacefully sleeping.
[11:30][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-considers this and nods- Indeed..their regime chancellor has left themn= suchby her assinationa ttemp
[11:31][DOIC3]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Walks back into engineering and starts checkiing everything.
[11:31][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus started writing out Ezri and V'Tira's reprimands for Zee.
[11:31][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:We should be good now
[11:32][DOIC]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:*With the Andorian peacefully recovering in sickbay, the episode transitions to a social...
[11:32][DOIC5]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "V'Tira, everything good on your end? ACCI working and all? All the hardware seems fine.
[11:32][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Allow me to checknowBore..I was waiting for your all clea
[11:33][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-walksback to her console and sspinsup the ACCI to test it
[11:34][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= V'Tiras to Bore..the ACCI is up and runnin
[11:35][DOIC5]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Great, thanks.
[11:35][DOIC5]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Well, it seems it's all clear... and it wasn't engineering who was at fault, so I'm happy.
[11:35][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Thank you for your efforts tonight Bor
[11:35][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= They were of course appreciate
[11:35][DOIC5]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Of course. Thanks.
[11:36][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Do also note the lack of..sarcasm this tim
[11:36][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*after transitioning watch t'lena went to go back on board the station
[11:36][DOIC3]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Marcus headed back to the station once he made sure everything was in order.
[11:36][DOIC5]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "Noted and appreciated.
[11:37][DOIC5]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "You owe Ezri a cookie or something, those execution recordings were hard on her, though.
[11:37][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= It was Ezri's efforts thast inspired me to runt he simulations..shedid very well this evenin
[11:38][DOIC5]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:=^= "As usual.
[11:38][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-closes her yes some at hearing she hurt Ezxri with her simulation
[11:38][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:=^= Insdeed Bor
[11:39][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she headed to the commissary they had set up and let her hair down gettign a coffee drink
[11:40][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*then got out a padd and started reading
[11:40][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] Yes
[11:40][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:...Honk -deadpans
[11:40][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He walked past the commissary, glancing over briefly and pausing as he saw T'Lena there.
[11:41][DOIC1]DGMAngelboy@ClingingMar:[Baker] Honk
[11:41][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she streched her neck
[11:41][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-accesses her goose feed oncemore to check on her goose friend....letting thev oume be heard
[11:42][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He made a turn and headed toward his quarters instead, sticking his hands into his pockets.
[11:43][DOIC5]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Turns engineering over to the fresh new ensigns, then takes the lift up to get some food.
[11:43][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she sipped her coffee and read the book
[11:45][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Replicates himself a quadruple patty burger and a beer, heading to take a seat, giving T'Lena a nod.
[11:45][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she smiles
[11:46][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I can't believe there are 14 of htese.
[11:46][DOIC5]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"14?
[11:46][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"14?
[11:46][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He dug into the looming heart attack happily.
[11:46][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"A new friend of mine, recoommended some earth literature i've never read. The wheel of Time series.
[11:47][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"He called it a pinacle of human monomyth.
[11:47][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Uh... I don't think I've read that one.
[11:48][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Well it is romulan in its complexity. Our fantasy novels have just now been a common literature genre but the writers are slow at releasing new stories.
[11:48][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"In truth I am not suppose to have read these when we finally sycn back up to timeline.
[11:48][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"When it comes down to fantasy, I've done like... the classics. Lord of the rings and that. I didn't know romulans did a lot of fantasy, though.
[11:49][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"We didn't actually its been a new thing.
[11:49][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Ah, a christmas gift then?
[11:49][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:We had mythologies that were basically frowned upon during the later part of the imperium
[11:49][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Really? I thought such an ethnocentric state would take pride in its myths and the like.
[11:50][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Relgiion to anything other than the state is crushed.
[11:50][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Well, myths tend to lose their religion meaning with time. Like, say, greek mythology. People read it nowadays cause it's fun to read, not much more to it.
[11:51][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"or was anyay. I liked lord of the rings, and lots of earth fantasy stuff. The problem is our myths reminded us of our nature as refugees
[11:51][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Yeah, I can see why that would be an issue... On the other hand... conserving them would kind of be conserving a piece of the old homeworld.
[11:52][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"The new literature well it follows those myths into fantasy worlds. If you want to read the Dreamseeker Chronicles By Jula i'loka t'Sura Starts with the Oceans of Vorta Vor.
[11:53][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Depends on how much of it is there. I've mostly been keeping to uh.. you know what a dime novel is?
[11:53][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"About the same size as lord of the rings, there are three novels in the series. The sands of Thaei and the Tears of ch'Rihan
[11:53][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:finish it out, unfortunatley the author was killed when the iconians attacked new romulus. But the story is actually finished.
[11:54][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"That's not that long, I could check it out. I have just now started to catch up on entertainment, getting this station up to par was a mess before we got the reinforcements.
[11:54][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"The sands of Thaei is almost a vulcan novel.
[11:54][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Never read anything vulcan that wasn't an engineering manual.
[11:55][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Well lets just say you go back far enough our mythology and theirs is the same
[11:56][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"A vulcan actually recommended this to me.
[11:56][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Yeah, well that is to be expected, with the shared history and all that. Still, fun to relax from time to time with lighter reading. I like crime stuff.
[11:56][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Mysteries are also fun,
[11:57][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"It is more of a self contained story that doesn't really require much of a background, or learning a whole new set of worlds, societal rules, that kind of stuff.
[11:57][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"There is one human author I'd recommend to you in turn if you want fantasy, though. Terry Pratchett and his Discworld series. Timeline and reading order is confusing, but almost every of the forty
[11:58][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Books can be read as a standalone... and the sense of humour in it is great.
[11:58][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I might look into that after this one. It should take me but a few weeks to get through these.
[11:58][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"14 books... more than a few weeks.
[11:59][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I read very quickly and have an Eidetic memory.
[11:59][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"That must be a bonus, true.
[11:59][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Also means i can't unread things.
[11:59][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"So you never re-read something?
[11:59][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"So lets just say that the pilgrim fan fiction may have scarred me.
[12:00][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"You read that bullcrap?
[12:00][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I was curious, and curiousity can kill you."
[12:00][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"The sheer lack of anatomical knowledge by some of the writers.
[12:00][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Yeah... but I still thought romulans had more of a survival instinct.
[12:01][DOIC4]T'lena@Captain_Rien:We also love gossip
[12:01][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"I just feel lucky Nadine is not part of the main cast. I don't know if I could take it if I saw artwork of her as a horse.