22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki
22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki

The Oeno Class is purpose built rapid transit slip transport brought to the limited civilian market in 2420. Purpose built for both slip stream and atmospheric entry, to fulfill a high value courier and executive transport role.

It is constructed as dual hulled craft, the main drive and control section in primary hull. There are a secondary control consoles set within the observation deck, though this can also be configured as primary. The main deflector, primary control and passenger cabins are in a secondary hull with sub light flight capabilities. The secondary hull is designed to be a lifeboat if required, and able dock if separated, or to connect to ASRVs in gaggle mode. Note, the Oeno Class is not capable of slip stream travel if hulls are separated.


  • The primary hull is made up of three decks:
  1. The observation deck which doubles as a cantina
  2. Medical / Passenger Services (Holographic Enabled)
  3. Main Cargo Hold with loading ramp
    • Engineering fills the aft half of decks 2 & 3 as a single compartment
  • The secondary hull is made up of two decks:
  1. Passenger cabins
  2. Main Deflector control, Primary Bridge, Emergency Drive Systems, crew cabins


DFIG Affiliate Titan Interstellar Design Bureau (TIDB) designed the Oeno Class in concert with Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems (YPS) and Batris Design firm out of Copernicus City, Luna. Drive components are contracted for construction with Copernicus Ship Yards, while the laying the keel and assembly are performed by the DFIG affiliate Tycho Compound Manufacturing (TCM) facilities on Luna.

Due to the high value nature of the technology and potential cargo, the Oeno Class is better armed than most vessels of its size that are not designed for warfare. It is equipped with two high powered phaser rings, both the ventral and the dorsal installations are capable of 360* x 185* coverage, allowing for safe overlap at 300m range. While not standard, it is also capable of mounting kinetic weapon launch tubes underslung on the wing nacelles.


  • Owner: DFIG
  • Operator: Sol-Tran
  • Hull Type: Oeno Class
  • Operational Type: Civilian Transport
  • Crew: 3 (Conn, Ops, Engineering)
  • Capacity: 15 STD / 85 MEC
  • Cruise Speed: Warp 7
  • Maximum Speed: Warp 8.5
  • Slip Stream Speed: T-W 22
  • Constructed with Tritanium and Duranium alloys to ensure necessary structural integrity.
  • Designed with a mind to aquadynamic and aerodynamic considerations in equal measure to provide smooth slip stream travel, and efficient atmospheric travel.
  • Equipped with two 6-person ASRV Pods rear of the Passenger Services section.
  • Equipped with two Drones
  • Equipped with a full compliment of Holographic Aids

Ships of the Class[]

  1. SS Allegro
  2. SS Allegrissimo
  3. SS Prestissimo
  4. SS Vivace
  5. SS Vicacissimo