[5:41][DOIC]V'Tira@Isis:STAR TREK MANT
[5:42][DOIC]V'Tira@Isis:[tonights theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQLeuvnQTLo
[5:43][DOIC]V'Tira@Isis:As the camera fadesd in we see the outsideof the lovely alien station known as the Citadel gfleaming in the distant starlightof Artesia system's sun. The rings of Arteisa IV looping in alovely beaut
[5:44][DOIC]V'Tira@Isis:shot behind it..the ships of the alliance beign repaired folwing the Tanda Invasion can be seem all around the station in her various shipyards and docks, while within the station we follow our crew
[5:45][DOIC]V'Tira@Isis:as they all enjoy a well earned shore leave that at this point they can sense is winding down, for the Manta survivors a chilling possibility to return to theblack so soon after their harrowing ordea
[5:46][DOIC]V'Tira@Isis:as Prisnoersof war in the hands of the Imperium. Music though still fils the various clubs, the crowds stil enjoy theshopping as well as the resteraunts...though they are to ship out soon..toight..i
[5:46][DOIC]V'Tira@Isis:not that night....right
[5:47][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[Baker] -sits down at the desk of the office Eirene had set aside for the useof the Manta command staff as she went over longover due paper work
[5:47][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Ankos is enjoying a bit of irish coffee in the lounge after a shift helping Citadel medical.
[5:47][DOIC6]V'Tira@Isis:-Luger and his inspection teams stil go over each and every system of the Manta
[5:48][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Blaine was at the Citadel gardens again, this time tending to the newly-planted memorial grove and updating the plaques for those who'd found their way back since the planting.
[5:48][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:[Bore] *Is using the fact Luger and his people are on the Manta to rest and eating a large, greasy kebab in a kebab shop at the upper levels of the promenade.
[5:49][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He stiffened slightly, glancing off in a certain direction.* "...What the hell's she want now?" *he muttered to himself.
[5:50][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-he says to no one in particular
[5:50][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*Zhal sat in a large viewport hole looking out at the space around the Citadel, PADD in his hadn looking over flight systems and reviewing data.
[5:52][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He frowned, then went to finish up with the trees. He wiped his hands off on his pants before walking back toward the old temple.
[5:54][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-just as he reaches for the door of the old temple..where heis sure he can feel someone within....
[5:55][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[Baker] =^= Baker to the Captai
[5:55][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*He jumped away and slammed into the ground droping his PADD as he felt the sensation of a hand on his neck and the started looking around for a sourse.
[5:55][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-only his reflection in the viewport looks back at him
[5:56][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He paused, his fingers barely an inch from the handle, then drew it back and tapped his combadge.* =/\= "Blaine here. Nice to hear you're back on your feet, Baker.
[5:56][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*He slowed his breathing and reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the pill bottle with the beta blocker in it. Looking at the bottle he then shoved it back into his pocket and picked up his
[5:56][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-he can see someone have qwritten in red crayon 'The Dark Droolz' on the temple door
[5:56][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:his PADD.* "Hey Eirene?
[5:57][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Nick] -the demons vocie from directly behind him- Eirene can not help you now booo
[5:57][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He eyed the door a moment.* "Not that I disagree, but..." *He rubbed it out with his sleeve.
[5:57][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*He whirled around and dropped his PADD balling his fists.
[5:58][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[Baker] =^= Yes sir..they finally foundout what was botheringme..and im being treated for it. To the point we are beginning to get replcement orders..for our shi
[5:58][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*t'lena gave the little beryxian girl a lollipop and her mother a container of medicin
[5:58][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-and he sits up starltedout of his own nap by the brief yet vivid little dream he just had
[5:59][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Two a day for the next two weeks. She'll be better.
[5:59][DOIC6]Ankos@bulgariandragon:[Bore] *Finished the large kebab and got on the daunting task of cleaning his beard out.
[5:59][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Mother] Thank you Docotor..I will see she gets the medicin
[5:59][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[GIrl] Thank You Miss Docto
[5:59][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Of course its what I am here for.
[6:00][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"What the fuck..." *He looked around and for a moment.* "Eirene?
[6:00][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Also *she waved her padd over the womans identity bracelet* Double replicator rations for two montsh to counter mal nutrition
[6:00][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Yeah, I'd heard we were getting new crew. Anything interesting? They give us a Latejo this time?" *He squinted at the temple to see if anyone else had drawn on it.
[6:01][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*On the wall there was a stick figure of what may have been a chantry nun, judging by her hat, with two large, balloon-like breasts and "Dumb" written in the same red crayon.
[6:01][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirnee] Yes Zhal? -said gently
[6:02][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Do me a favor, run a scan of me and the surrounding space. Just saw something in a dream and I'm not a fan.
[6:02][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[Baker[ =^= Well the bulk of the crew replacements seem to be younger and transfers from lost ships..but we do have a few LMC replacement
[6:02][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He frowned and wiped that one off as well.
[6:03][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] Yes I detected youwewre having anightmare..just amoment
[6:03][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "That's about what I'd expect cut off from home. Anything we should be concerned with?
[6:03][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Jolan Tru.
[6:03][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:makes her way to the administartive offices, following her pad to make sure she was not getting lost, she has a scandinavian look to her being blonde with blue eyes, -
[6:04][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she waved for the next patient after helping the little girl down.
[6:04][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*He checks his own pulse and starts running through a mental exercise to check himself out.
[6:04][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[Baker] =^= Um..let me see..no.I did manage to get aus a top notch gunsliner..a tactical officer.who has a good targetting rating..but she has a special med condition that Tlena is a specuialist with
[6:04][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[Baker] SO its a solid trade of
[6:05][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] Yo are fine and of course yourealize i wouldever allow an attack of any kind aoard me ..yes
[6:05][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:while also being fairly tall, standing at five foot elleven(180 CM), she looks around briefly on arrival
[6:05][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Ankos finishes up the irish coffee and heads off towards the temple district.
[6:05][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:-a little SLirian boycomesback for hi s'second time around' hoping she did not notice as he sought a second lolipop
[6:05][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Won't be a problem then. Needed someone to fill in after..." *He blanked for a moment.* "...Costa. Yeah. Wherever he went off to.
[6:05][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"What the hell was that guy... Eirene what is the species that appears in black smoke, 'manners' and general just scary behavior?
[6:06][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[Baker] =^= He needed a rest...he is ..retraining and traiing officer of other speciies on our tactical systems sir here ont he citade
[6:06][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I see we have a cleptomaniac.
[6:07][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] You mean what was Nick from your missionlogs
[6:07][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[little boy] -his eyes go wide- Umm
[6:07][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "Good for him, then. Anything else?
[6:07][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:[Bore] *His beard now cleaned out, he passed by Blaine on his way, nodding to him approvingly as he saw the half-smeared chantry sister drawing, and moved onwards.
[6:07][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:Moves over to Baker seeing her there, but politely waits for her to finish her comm, before moving into earshot
[6:07][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[Baker] =^= Well sir I weas wonderignif you wished to meet the newofficers as they reportedin
[6:07][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Sure." *He looks back out into space and stills his shaking hand.* "Maybe it was just a bad dream.
[6:08][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[Baker] -holds up a one moment figner to her
[6:08][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*His eye twitched slightly and he ran a hand over his face.
[6:08][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she pretends to check him out then gives him a lollipop* "If you are going to hang out here you are going to be my little helper Taj
[6:08][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] Nick as he caleldhimself appear4ed to be a Travynei who worships the Dark..who mmostliekly from Marcus' descriptions was what ix called an 'Archon
[6:08][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:Nods her hea
[6:09][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Go sit over there and eat your candy I will have something for you soon
[6:09][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "...Yeah, I guess I kind of should do that.
[6:09][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Don't suppose they have ya know telepathy and can invade my dreams?
[6:09][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:[Bore] *Went into the Protector's temple, awkwardly shuffling as he looked at the statue of Silver.* "Listen, dude, I don't know what you did, but damn if you didn't help us out. Guess there may be
[6:09][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Taj] -blinksblinks- Work for you/Honest?
[6:09][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Some truth to you." *He pulled out two bottles of booze from each side of his jacket, one in each inside pocket, and placed them at the statue's feet.
[6:10][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] -softly- an Archon s abeing imbued with all kindsof terrifyyingabilities by the Dark herself..s yes Zhal..yes he ca
[6:10][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:-lttle Taj salutes and reports for medical nurse duty
[6:11][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[Baker] -smiles- =^= Well you tactical officer is her
[6:11][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Eirene. Shoot straight with me. Run down his abilities and what he can do to the mind.
[6:11][DOIC6]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Ankos started replacing some of the flower wreaths in the avynei temples.
[6:12][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eienre] That would take a very very long time ZHal..and it is unnescessary..here aboardme he can do not a thing to you nor your min
[6:12][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*A vague feeling of both approval and gratitude washes over Bore... he has done well.
[6:12][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she sat taj on the task of sorting empty hypo vials by color striping
[6:13][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "I'm on my way, then." *he eyed the temple again before stepping away.
[6:13][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:[Bore] "Good taste, man." *He said to the statue and went to drop some latinum into a donationbox for the refugees, and stepped out before anyone could witness him being a decent person.
[6:13][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri was in one of the labs, working on a project. Not really making any progress.-
[6:13][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:-althoughhe has some trouble at first..slowly Tak begins ot understrand and sort them properly takinghis task very seriously
[6:14][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-a singsong like voice overher shoulder- Hey shorty..like long time..watcha working on?? -the tone has a famialr note to it
[6:14][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:---she turned to look at the source of the voice.-
[6:15][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[Baker] -smiles- Okay how can i help you?? -trials off to Sarah
[6:15][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Not to cast dispersions Eirene. But many system defenses can be penetrated." *He looked around.* "Maybe its just me. Still on edge.
[6:15][DOIC6]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Once Ankos is done with his own paying tribute to the avynei's ladies, he walked out, feeling cravings for more coffee.
[6:15][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[-and looks into the smiling friendly face of Dr Patrcia Black
[6:16][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] Sweetie..you still dont understand what I am ..do you? -soft chuckle-Nick cnanot penetrate m
[6:16][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri blinksed a few times in disbelief.-- "Patty is that you?
[6:16][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -holds out her arms for a big old friendly hug- Hey Squirt! you do remember me!
[6:17][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri bears hugs her-- "of course I remember you.
[6:17][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:-Baker has sent down Sarahs medical fiel toT'Lena to allow her to offically review knwoing T'Leena alreay d got a heads up from Dr Rendino
[6:17][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"True I don't." *He continues watching the void.* "Everyone kind of reveres you and I confess I don't get it. I know you can reach into my brain, and that I may have offened you when i pulled away.
[6:18][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"Not that they did not try to make me forget. But, I did not let them.
[6:18][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*t'lena looked at her padd
[6:18][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -laughs happily as she hugz her old friend- Its good to see you hon
[6:18][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*acknowledged reciept
[6:18][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black ] -lets go of thehug and beams at her- they did eh
[6:18][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*then got alogn with th enext set of pediatric patients
[6:18][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--she staps back and looks around-- is it safe for you to be here?
[6:18][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:-gets asmiley face emote from Cathy inr eturn
[6:19][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He arrived on the administrative section, heading toward Baker's hiding spot.
[6:19][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -chuckles- So what if it isnt? Im an immortal rememebr? -jokes
[6:19][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[Baker] -stands as he enters the small admin office- Si
[6:19][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:looks at Baker and nods "I was to report in, being transfered to the Manta? but sounds like you already knew who I am?
[6:20][DOIC6]Ankos@bulgariandragon:[Bore] *Decided to follow through on Blaine's earlier orders and walked into the Citadel Spa, flashing his membership card on the PADD and after a quick shower, dipped down into the hot spring.
[6:20][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Don't get up on my account, I'm not even in uniform, Baker." *He looked at Sarah then.
[6:20][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"Right.
[6:20][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[Baker] Sir..this is ensign Sarah Marie Wynn our new gunslinge
[6:21][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -hoips up on thelab table and crossesher legs- Sooo how are you
[6:21][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:stands at attention and salutes Marcu
[6:21][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--she shrugs-- "okay I guess.
[6:21][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*seems happy the new meds are working for cathy
[6:21][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] Wait..what.? You did swhat when i did what? -chuckles- when was this honey
[6:21][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He gave her a nod of his head.* "At ease, Ensign. Baker's talked you up a bit.
[6:22][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Shit... nevermind.
[6:22][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene[ SZweetie..i am hardly reviered..I prefer to call it..being liked
[6:22][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"Hopefully I can live up to that, sir
[6:22][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] Pish tosh..somethingis bothering you..you can tell m
[6:23][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"I'm hoping that, too. So, what'd you do?" *He stuck his hands in his pockets.
[6:23][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*He sits back in the viewport window well and leans against the viewport.* "I just don't need another demon in my head.
[6:23][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] Well good..I donot allow them on m
[6:24][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] Yo are safe here Zhal..thatis no idle boas
[6:24][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*He pulls the pill bottle out of his pocket and shakes it.* "Not entirely Eirene.
[6:24][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--sighs-- "I always thought I would be good at command..but, that was from the perspective of neve rhaving been in command of anything and never being responsible for anything.
[6:24][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:Stands at ease as being told so "I believe I am to be your tactical officer, sir, or at least one of them
[6:25][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] Soo..who says you arent then
[6:25][DOIC6]Ankos@bulgariandragon:[Bore] *Looks up as one of the avynei attendants brings him a large cup of herbal tea and nods gratefully, sitting up some to smother his drink and honey and eat it.
[6:25][DOIC6]Ankos@bulgariandragon:(Drink* it
[6:25][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] -genbtly0 Elaborate pleas
[6:25][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:".i am objectively not.
[6:26][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Not what I asked." *He smirked.* "You've apparently a 'top notch gunslinger' if my XO's to be believed, but you're being transferred over as an ensign. So, what'd you do?
[6:26][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:-her next patientis a grandmother from Tanda..suffering from arhtritis and some malnutrition fromt heinvasion
[6:26][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] Citation required..du
[6:27][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*gives her the standard mix of regineratives and boosters
[6:27][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*doublgin rations
[6:27][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Take the pills and the artheritis should go away.
[6:27][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:-Her son smiles and thanks Tlena as her legs are hugged by the grandchildren
[6:27][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Now lets see everyone else?
[6:27][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Grandma] Just..the pills truly
[6:28][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Yes, theya re a bit older medicine than the hypos and reginerators, but these can regro organs
[6:28][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Son] Are you sure..we wwere in line for one..i dotn want to get anoyonein troubl
[6:28][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I won't tell me if you don't.
[6:28][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:-smiles all around
[6:28][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"During our mission in Beryxian space, I let the Tanasauans sneak up on us. When the VIA invaded our system there was nothing I could do about it. people died and people were hurt.
[6:29][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Should be in my medical file. There is a possibility my symbiote has a third buried personality. Not a pleasant type either.
[6:29][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:looks at Baker then back to Marcus "I am not sure what you mean sir, but if its why I am still an ensign, I believe that is cause of my condition, I however am not sure I am top notch
[6:29][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Taj you want your first patient
[6:29][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:Come here
[6:29][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:-Taj todles on over
[6:29][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:I need you to run this reginerator over this cut just like this
[6:30][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] Oh now..that i cannot protect youfrom..not inwardl
[6:30][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she moved it back and fourth taking care fo the bulk of the infecton to let taj finish up with the cut
[6:30][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*whiel she worked on the womans son
[6:30][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] I know -sadly- ive sdeen the files..I am so sorry ezri..but you know you were overwhelmed..that wasnot your faul
[6:30][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*giving each of the kids a lollipop- which is actually a massive nutrient blast disguised as a candy
[6:31][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Taj] -does so with great care
[6:31][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Blaine raised his brows slightly, glancing at Baker.* "Right...
[6:31][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:-0the children love the lolipops and morale and family smiles grow more plentiful
[6:32][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[Baker][ He 'medical' condition sir..Dr Rendino has briefed T'Lena about it and i sendher file down to T;Kena
[6:32][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"They keep telling me that, that no one could have prevented that. But, I have never felt so powerless.
[6:32][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[Baker] ..and no..its not alegal codition..her record is clea
[6:32][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:shows very little emotion on her face, but nods her head at Baker's word
[6:33][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Maybe it'd help me if I knew what condition you keep referring to, if you're comfortable sharing that anyway. Kind of helps to know about my crew's special needs.
[6:33][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -gently- Well we bothhave felt such helplessness beofre you kno
[6:33][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"and I keep thinking that at one time I would have just went back and made things right. Made theym work out the way i would like for them to. But, I can't dot hat any more.
[6:33][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] I ...feel like i amlettign yyou down som
[6:34][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:has a couple borg implants showing on her fac
[6:34][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] No -shakers her head- You rememebr..that is ano no yes
[6:34][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*He continues to look out to space then chuckled.* "Somethings can't be controlled, but you are not letting me down, that's me.
[6:35][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"i know its fobidden...But, I can't help but think about it.
[6:35][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*once she was done with the family she sent them on their way
[6:35][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -smiles some for her- Of course not..because you care ezri and tha tis not a crim
[6:35][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"good work Taj.
[6:36][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Taj] -beams and nods- Thank you docto
[6:36][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"my implants seem to sometimes work against me, sir, which can be rather painful, but to date has not interfered with my duties
[6:36][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"If you want taj I can make sure that You can help out aroudn here and lear
[6:37][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Sort of like an apprenticeship the key to medicine is just practice of a lto fo reading for the most part.
[6:37][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Taj] -he little eyes fgo wideonc emore- Oh yes please..I will come t owkr so early..like earlier than i used to go to school eve
[6:37][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"And we can always use more healers. Oh you will be going to school too.
[6:37][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"You are one of the few people I can talk to about this. That would both understand and not have me locked up.
[6:37][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"We have a very lovely one set up in the citadel. It will be a major part of things.
[6:37][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Taj] -is smile slips a momanet an dhtne he nodnods- Okay..if i means i can help you her
[6:37][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Oh." *He blinked.* "Well, that's no good reason, then. Look, so long as you can hit your target and help me stategise when we're in a spot, you're welcome aboard. And our doctor's the best in..
[6:38][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:the fleet, she'll have it under control in no time.
[6:38][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"it does, and when I am on my ship you can help Dr Gupta
[6:38][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Cynna] -waversher little claw- I can look after him doctor -she volunteerrs here too
[6:38][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Of Course Cynna.
[6:38][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"But whatever Dr gupta says will go.
[6:38][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Cynna and Taj introdce and then cynna is snagged by by Dr Gupta and sdend to get more pillows
[6:39][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[Baker] she helped cure my doe of Kzari leicht ablenkbar syndrom
[6:39][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"Yes sir, I can do that sir, that would be amazing sir, but I won't hold my breath, no one been able to figure it out yet
[6:39][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*He keeps watching the stars.* "Eirene." *He got a mischiveous look on his face.* "Do you have of the Dragon Class fighters in the hangar?
[6:40][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:looks at Baker "I don't know what that is Ma'am, but I am sure she is impressive"
[6:41][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He chuckled.* "You'll see. Anyway, any questions you had for me?
[6:46][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"Not sure I have questions at this time, sir, but will likely have them later
[6:47][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -leansover and rubs her nose to Ezris being her usual goofy self- No one will everlock us up again..she promised remember
[6:48][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] -chuckles- DO I have a fighter wing abaord me..several..why
[6:48][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Fair enough. I usually don't think of any until it's about fifteen minutes too late, myself.
[6:48][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"i remember the promise..but that was based on promises from us that we never again engage in certian behavior.
[6:48][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"You take the time to acquaint yourself with the Manta's tactical systems at all? Running sims before we leave will probably be a good idea, and you have the time. I think.
[6:49][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Because I am going stir crazy and I want to fly so badly that I am crawling out of my skin." *He smirks* "Besides I have been wanting to fly one since we left, and what better way to blow of some
[6:49][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[Baker] The skipper ehre used to be our gunslinger Ensig
[6:49][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[Baker] -softly nudges Marcus arm
[6:49][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:steam that to fly against you piloting drones I could do a war game scenario against? But maybe thats asking to much.
[6:49][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Actual point and shoot guns, not the ship guns, Baker." *He chuckled.
[6:50][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[Baker] The ensign also need sto check in witht he CMO prior toduty sir..as per reg
[6:50][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:there is a very brief smile on her face "I remember that feeling sir, I very much used to be like that to" she nods her head "I will sir, I have already started" she pauses "You were security officer
[6:50][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:sir?
[6:51][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*conitnued to work through patient load
[6:51][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Well yeah, but I figure she was already going to do that right after she left here, wasn't that right ensign?" *He nodded.* "I was. Then I was suddenly the highest ranking person around, and..
[6:51][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:they caught me.
[6:51][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] No..thatis hardly askingto much fo me honey..but please first clear this with your commandingoffice
[6:52][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Taj] -is most helpful though clumbsy at times due to being 10-11 ish :P
[6:52][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:nods her head "Yes sir, its in my orders to report in then report to Medical, that is a bit of common ground sir, I am qualified to act as Security officer
[6:52][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -smirks- I dounbt me looking in after by BEstie is gonna get us locked back up short roun
[6:53][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:after my bestie
[6:53][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"They do like to give us crossover training. It's so that when we get bored of sitting at the activity table in the back of the bridge, we can help fire the lasers.
[6:53][DOIC6]V'Tira@Isis:[Y'nera] -finds Ankos and snuggles himf rom ebhind
[6:53][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Crap... was hoping to just sneak off and do it but okay." *He hestiates and then taps his comm badge.* =^= "Lt. Zhal to Commander Blaine.
[6:54][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"That isn't what I am talking about. I mean I keep thinking about how bad i feel about the ones that died and I didn't even really know any of them that well.
[6:54][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He was going to continue when the combadge chirped.* "One minute.
[6:54][DOIC6]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Ankos smiled, looking up from his coffee, bending an arm down to give her a pat at the waist.* "Hey, there. Shopping?
[6:54][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He stepped to the side.* =/\= "Blaine here. What's up, Lieutenant?
[6:54][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"Yes, sir, but it is nice to keep busy" stops talking and looks o
[6:55][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene ] -laughs- It is your top rated fighter craf
[6:55][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"What if somoene I really cared for died? V'Tira could have died. I am not sure what I would have done then.
[6:56][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:=^= *He chuckles innocently into the comm.* "Uh.. Commander may I have permission to take one of the Dragon fighters out for a spin for a training exercise against Eirene?" *There was a lift in his
[6:56][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:voice as he finished the question. Hoping he would get permission.
[6:56][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Somewhere, Scream was having a moment of catharsis by melting down a Candyland game board with her phaser.
[6:56][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He raised his eyebrows, not responding right away.
[6:57][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:=/\= "...Bring her home with a full tank and there better not be any scratches on the hull, Lieutenant. Have fun.
[6:58][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:speaks mostly to herself "That does sound like fun
[6:58][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*Actually squealed before he coughed trying and failing to cover it.* =^= "Aye sir, thank you sir." *He double tapped the comm badge and then looked toward Eirene.* "Oh shit that actually worked.
[6:58][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:shows no emotion towards it on her fac
[6:58][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] ...sweetie you know thatis partof thelife we lead now yes? There are no guarentee
[6:59][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"i know..I know. Doesn't mean I like it.
[6:59][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eierene] Yes that was fairly impressice.the squee as wel
[6:59][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He smirked slightly and went back over to Baker and Sarah.* "Kid deserves a treat. Alright, well, if you don't have anything else... go get yourself checked out by the doctor and Baker will get..
[6:59][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:you set up with your new roommate. Welcome aboard.
[6:59][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He offered Sarah his hand.
[7:00][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*He popped out of the window seal and then looked at Eirene.* "Lets... lets never talk about that one again. But Lets go you versus me, first one to tag the ship three times wins? Or do you want to
[7:00][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:set the rules?" *He hustles towards the hangar grinning from ear to ear.
[7:00][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"Ohh sir, I was told by my former CO I should point something out" shakes the offered hand, she has a strong handshak
[7:01][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] -amusaed- of coruse..talk abotu thwat? I am laready prepping the drones and the flight deck pffocer is aware of you r'check out' fligh
[7:01][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He gripped her hand back firmly in turn.* "What's that?
[7:02][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"that I make one hell of a Daiquiri, her words sir
[7:02][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"With each step there is an excited bounce.* "This is so badass.
[7:02][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] No No noneof us do..it is hard..but it makes us value the time we have with them al lthe more does it nhot
[7:03][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Well, you might fit in after all, then. Talk to our engineer about his homemade booze when you get the chance.
[7:04][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"Yes sir, thank you for the welcome, sir
[7:04][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"that is what people keep telling me. And believe me Ai try to do that.
[7:04][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:would let go of the handshake as well when Marcus doe
[7:05][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*Walks into the hangar bay and makes his way to the deck officer.
[7:05][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He let go.* "You only get one, so enjoy it.
[7:05][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"I'll let you get back to your business with Baker, then, unless you need me for something else?" *he looked at Baker.*
[7:05][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -smirks- doesnt always work out does it? -shakes her head- for me either...i do understand ho
[7:06][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:nods her head and looks to Baker as wel
[7:06][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*another patient another fortifyign lollipop
[7:08][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"Don't get me wrong, I promised I would never do that again and I meant it. But, it is so hard knowing you could do something but you choose not to.
[7:11][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"its feels kind like me saying that Frannie and Mei Lu were just not important enough..
[7:12][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] Nonsense sweetie..they werekilled..way to young I undertand i feel yoru loss more than you might thin
[7:12][DOIC6]V'Tira@Isis:[Ynera] -nodnods- Yes I was..i got you these -shows him s a few pairs of his susual style of swim trunks
[7:13][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:Deck Officer] Ensign Zhal
[7:13][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"That's me. Requesting one Dragon fighter to take out for training flight.
[7:14][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she checked her time and smiled at cynna* I'll be in the office
[7:14][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she headed to the office
[7:14][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"i know you do. Its both our losses that brought us together in the first place. Its why I can talk to you about this now and expect yuou to understand.
[7:14][DOIC6]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Oh, thank youm they're perfect! Let's hope we get an actual leave this time.
[7:14][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*to wait for Ensign Wynn
[7:14][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[DO] Ye ssir..we haveyou down for a full check out flight with targettin qual run
[7:15][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Taj] -is workingont he exam bed assisnged to Tlena as Cynan shows him ho wto fluff the pillows and fold theblankets properly
[7:15][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"But Lieutenant JG now." *He smiled with the gentle correction.* "Great! I am looking forward to this." *He was still bouncing a little.
[7:15][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri goes over to the small cooler in the lab-- "ever had a Jumja cola? its good.
[7:16][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[ZHal] -nds- Yes sir sorry Lieutenant...you are set to go on Bay four..Dragon 119 is prepped and in preflgiht fo yo
[7:16][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -smiles- They are my fav..remember? -makes grbaby hands
[7:17][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*He smiled at the Deck Officer.* "I'm still getting used to the new pip myself. Thank you so much!" *He started toward the designated dragon in a hurry.
[7:17][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[Baker] -smiles and shoos Sarahof to se the doctor
[7:17][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--gives Patricia a strange look. But hand s her a soda-
[7:18][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[DO] Oh sir? -calls over to him- enjoy
[7:18][DOIC2]Sarah Wynn@awendr:Salutes both Baker and Marcus, before taking her leave and heading towards the Medical cente
[7:18][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Blaine took the opportunity to try and duck out, too.
[7:18][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] Yeah.gaps right
[7:18][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-Blacktakes asip and makesa ymmy sound
[7:19][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Thank you!!" *He took of running towards the fighter and slid to a stop once he reached her and then whistled low.* "Hello beautiful." *He inspected the fighter from stem to stern and then scramble
[7:19][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[Baker] If they dontget you here..they wil get you abaord ship sir -calsl after him affter tis too late to stop him
[7:19][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--aftewards she opens one herself-- "i guess so. I am pretty good ant protecting memories from thier mind wipes, but I guess you got to giv ethem something.
[7:19][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:up the fighter and into the cockpit.
[7:19][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:*Marcus ahs escaped..Baker will rememebr this
[7:19][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"I'm counting on it!" *he called back as he headed back to the promenade.
[7:19][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:*Marcus ahs escaped..Baker will rememebr this
[7:19][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:*Achievement Unlocked Besting Baker
[7:20][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:in route to the medical center double checks who she is to report to, while not showing it feels good about her new C
[7:20][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -chuckles- You know it has been forever since we had fu
[7:21][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--nods-- "what did we do for fun..board games right?
[7:21][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:-sarah comes face to face with an 11 year old boy in a emdical apron- Hello
[7:22][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] You and your damned candyland -;aughs
[7:22][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:walks into the medical center, looking around , scanning the room "Hello?" she looks at the boy with a pretty much blank fac
[7:22][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Boy] Im Ta
[7:22][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"what its a profound statement of the ups and downs of life.
[7:22][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*He begins his preflight check and straps himself into the fighter and lets himself melt into the seat and he smiled as he worked.
[7:22][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"Sarah, are you on staff here?
[7:23][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Taj] -nodnods looking as improtant as he can- I am..thi sis m first day..how canI help you mis..eerr Ma'am
[7:23][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"i do remember you were alway the adventurous one though.
[7:23][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:-sees her pip and goes to attention as he has seen others do
[7:24][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] =nods- Wait..i thought th eups adn dowsn of life..was chutes and ladders
[7:24][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He walked over to one of the big windows, leaning against the side with his arms crossed as he watched the traffic around the Citadel.
[7:24][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*t'lena was in the office fillign out reports
[7:24][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"at ease, I am to report in to Lieutenant T'lena? know where I might find her?
[7:24][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-the fighters cockpit adjsuts to him and shift andsettles into allow max comfort for max efficinecy
[7:25][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--thinks about that-- "maybe it was...its been a while. I think Candy Land was just alwayts where I thought it would be great to live.
[7:25][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:totally said commander
[7:25][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Taj] Ma/am..this way M'am..-turns sand then turns back- What is your name if i can ask you ofcourse ma'am Miss Ma'am
[7:25][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Oh... hell yeah... why hasn't starfleet done this?" *Finishing the preflight check he brings the fighters systems online and keys the comm.* "This is Dragon Fighter One-One-Nine, requesting clearanc
[7:25][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:for launch.
[7:25][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -laughs softly- To be honest..Iwould love that mysel
[7:25][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"Sarah Marie Wynn, is my full name
[7:26][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Taj] This way Miss Ma'am...-enters and points to the bed- You cna waithere miss Ma'am..I wil go get the doctor for you
[7:27][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:goes and sits on the bed nodding her head "Thank you
[7:27][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Dock cotnro This is docking control one -one..Delta 119er you are cleared for launch...good luck and clear skie
[7:27][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:-Taj hurries over to Telenas office
[7:27][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"We could go get some food. I have been in the lab all day. I am starved.
[7:28][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*sarah could hear some muffled music as the door opened for taj* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-boKk8uhmc
[7:28][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Taj] -excitedly- Miss Doctor ma'am! we havea custoemr for you
[7:28][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Oh send her in.
[7:28][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Thank you taj. Computer decrease volume to 5 percent.
[7:28][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Taj] -turns around and hopsover to retreive sarah- This way Miss Ma'am..the doctor wills ee you no
[7:29][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Blac] -hops off of the lab tale- Sure..what are you hungry for
[7:29][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*Tapping the console commands of the fighter he eases the fighter out of the its dock hold and out into the black of space.* "This is Delta one one niner, thank you control see you soon." *He switche
[7:29][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] Jumja sticksor like food food
[7:30][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:the controls over to war game mode and then allows himself the chance to get used to the fighters controls and brings the fighter to pursuit speed, and giving himself manual control.* "Alright... let
[7:30][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:see what you can do.
[7:30][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:gets up again "Thank you again" she says before walking into the office "Ensign Sarah Marie Wynn, reporting in as ordered, Ma'am" she salutes T'len
[7:30][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"i was thinking like regular food.
[7:30][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:-Taj shows her to the back
[7:30][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Welcome Ensign have a seat.
[7:30][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she shut the door
[7:30][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -nods keeping pace with her firend- Okay..food food..so waht type of food food
[7:31][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:takes a seat "Thank you, Ma'am
[7:31][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Normally i'd start with scans and baselines but your most recent were a week ago so i don't think we need to do that
[7:31][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I'm Dr T'lena. And i've been looking over your case.
[7:31][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"..um..I have no idea.
[7:31][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*as t'lena talks Sarah could notice the three numbers tattooed to her inner wrist showed fresh signs of work
[7:32][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*now reading 367
[7:32][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:his alarms go off almost imemdiately! *ALARM..MISSLE LAUNCH DETECTED*
[7:32][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"I get regular check ups cause of my condition ma'am, do you prefer to be refered to by rank or doctor?
[7:32][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] Chinese? Klingon? Kzari? Macdonalds
[7:32][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Doctor is fine.
[7:32][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Save the rank for if I am having to tell you to shoot at something.
[7:33][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"what is Chinese and McDonalds are those good?
[7:33][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Eirene you sneaky devil!" *He adjusted the fighters speed to maximum and took the fighter in close to the Citadel racing aginst the missel launch and watching his sensors for the drones that had bee
[7:33][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:notes the numbers "That does make sense, doctor, is that likely to happen? not been told to shoot something by a doctor before
[7:34][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] Well Chineseis food from where I was born..you used toliek that..snd MCdonald' is an earth fast food..you use dto like their chicken mcnugget
[7:34][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:deployed.* "Computer launch counter measures, on my mark, and locate targeting drone.
[7:34][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[roll pls!!
[7:34][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"It's happened from time to time.
[7:34][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"On the Manta I am the second officer.
[7:35][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:-a dragon class fighter sips past one of TLenas view ports in serious trouble being chased by somemissles and citadel drones ina clear pracrtice dogfight
[7:35][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Though If i am giving tactical orders it emans things have really gone bad and we are gettin gthe hell out of dodge.
[7:35][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"Well I have been eating more Klingon, Kzari, and Trill food as of late.
[7:35][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Do you prefer Sarah
[7:35][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-the coutner measures only get one afo the three microtorpedoes eirnee has chasinghim..he is now full defensive as they close the gap
[7:36][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"I have been really homesick lately. Probably something to do with the fact that we are cut off.
[7:36][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He blew out a breath, rubbing his hand over his face before disengaging from the window and heading back to his quarters.
[7:36][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] Wlel you know I like all of those. -grins ather- pick one
[7:36][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"You mean if I prefer to be refered to as Sarah?
[7:36][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"Ever had Ghah stir fry before?
[7:36][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-across the proemendade Marcus can see Ezri with Dr Blck wling discussing things in private
[7:37][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Well shit... she is brilliant." *He dives the fighter and banks it hard to starboard and flips the fighter in an rapid axis rotation and fires the aft weapons to ping the missels off his trail.
[7:37][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she didn't seem to have her records up
[7:37][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -shakes her head- no..do you reccoemeddn it
[7:37][DOIC2]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He eyed them briefly, but left them to their discussion.
[7:37][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"at least when informal, I do yes, when formal I leave it up to superior officers
[7:38][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"it is quite tasty I know a Klingon bistro in the Klingon secotr. The owner is a friend of mine.
[7:39][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] Then lead on Mc Duff..and damnedbe he who first cries 'ho! Enough!" -giggles
[7:39][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[rollpls zhal!
[7:40][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri leads the way toward the Klingon sector to Klobarc's Bar and Grill.-
[7:40][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-the tactic works ad he fiishesoff the last tworemaming missles..as he watches both blossum into small little red orange flowers silentinthe dark..he gets from part aft *MISSLE LOCK ON DETECTED*
[7:40][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -as they grow nearerand nearer- Mmm I can smeelit fromehre..yum
[7:41][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"I was told that you might be able to help with my condition?
[7:41][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Help manage yes. Zonat's syndrome is not currable
[7:42][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Oh come on..." "Time to go on the offensive..." *He swing the fighter in a sharp turn and scaned for the nearest drone while janking the fighter into a narrow cut away to try and shake the lock.
[7:42][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"He mostly serves traditional Klingon food. But, he has a menu of dishes he made himself to appeal to customers to timid to try regular Klingon food.
[7:42][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"We are havign an alcove installed now to the Manta, fortunately for you I have some experience in victim of the borg.
[7:42][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"As well as cybernetics.
[7:42][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Actually that's part of the reason youa re being assigned to the manta of all ships. All the other experts were at a nice conference on risa... when the gate the stopped letting them back in.
[7:43][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"And Dr Asimova, isn't a medical doctor so to speak.
[7:43][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"...i was his inspiration for the menu..
[7:43][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"When was the last time you had a nanite episode?
[7:44][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-he sees the drone slike a swarm of bees..have spread out to both flanks of his fighter themajority maintaining alink as they paint his fighter for the thrree inboundmicrotorpedoes
[7:45][DOIC5]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Returning to his quarters, Blaine dropped down onto the couch, running his hands down his face.* "Fuck," *he lamented to the empty room.
[7:45][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Returning to his quarters, Blaine dropped down onto the couch, running his hands down his face.* "Fuck," *he lamented to the empty room.
[7:46][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:has a slight eye twitch at the mention of borg "if you can help make it easier to manage it, I will be very greatful, ten days, was the reason for the last medical check up
[7:46][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*He targets and unleashes the training barrage of fire from the phasers and faux torpedos.* "Come and get me." *He rolled and janked the fighter once more close to the citadel's hull riding against
[7:46][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -playfullyu elbows her friend- Not a bad way to cheat eh?? bennd his relaty to get what you want..without ..you knw bereakign the rules
[7:47][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:the hull like a bobsled on a snowscape. He knew he was buzzing windows and probably going to wake some people up. But he was having to much fun to really care.
[7:47][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"i did not really think of it as cheating...I just could not eat the Ghah live.
[7:48][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-that fighter ZIPS right by Marcus window close enoughf ro him to read a seriel number off of oneof its hull platings
[7:48][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"And normal frequency between episodes?
[7:48][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He didn't take his hands off his face.* "If you're watching me in my own quarters, it's pretty damned rude.
[7:48][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[ roll pls hon
[7:48][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He peeked at the zip, but just barely missed it.
[7:49][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-two detonations strike his figh=ers shields knocking htem downto 53% and settingoff wanring alarms on his console as the thrird clsoes in
[7:49][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"I don't believe there has been a patern, but should be in my file
[7:49][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"it is. For now i am goign to keep yoru regiment the same and we'll track outbreaks.
[7:49][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -momics like every klingonever- Gaghis best when serves live -then makes an Icky face yuc
[7:50][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--pair enter the retaurant, its mildly busy this time of night.-
[7:50][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I don't want to intrupted what your previous physician was doing until I have a chance to observe.
[7:50][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Shit!" *He drove the fighter straight back and deployed the counter measures again.* "I asked for that." *He sent the fighter in another spinning rotation and slammed on the breaks and rotated her
[7:50][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:Opening fire on the missel as he hit full reverse.
[7:50][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-arlsm ringgingin his ears- Roll Roll Roll
[7:50][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"when I can go a couple weeks without one, is very nice, three weeks is heaven
[7:51][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He lowered his hands all the way, sniffing the air.* "The fuck?
[7:51][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-Klingons around the bar- EZRI
[7:51][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"that makes sense, Doctor
[7:51][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--The Klingon behind the bar looks up and grins-- "Qahom! You are not dead.
[7:51][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:-inthe veinof Norm from Cheers
[7:51][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -smils at her firends warm greetings
[7:52][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-th eploy worksbut barely as he hits therbrakes and takes out the torepdo and the four drones race rightby him
[7:52][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri appraches the bar-- "Klobarc this is my friend Patricia.
[7:52][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"That's the problem with teh Fractal part of Fractal Dissociated Assimilation Syndrom.
[7:52][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -snarls at him
[7:52][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Any issues you'd like to bring up, sores where they shouldn't be sudden necrosis? Dreams?
[7:53][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Damn.. she is good." *He hit full throtle and spun the fighter and this time gave chase the drones and opened fire with the scenario weapons.* "My turn Eirene.
[7:53][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Klobarc belly laughs-- "I see she has your same warrior spirit.
[7:54][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[The drones fire up rtheir coutner measures and his shots are deflectedmissor destroeyd..as the drones scatter doign into four different directions tryingto get behindhim again
[7:54][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"Yes, to all of those, especially around episodes
[7:54][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] She swears by your food...we shal see
[7:55][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He sat there another moment, then got up.* "Fine, I can take a hint." *He walked back out of his quarters and back toward the temple.
[7:55][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"We'll keep an eye for those things then, Whiel we are a float we will have a weekly check in.
[7:55][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Nope. Nice try but You aren't getting behind me this time." *He breaks off spinning the ship hard and driving it towards the Citadel and diving along the hull and starts scanning for the drone
[7:55][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Have any memories returned from the abduction?
[7:55][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:[Klobarc] "Does she now? What shall it be tonight then?
[7:56][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-the scattered droen dive after him tryig to match hi speed and rolsl to get into a new firingpostion as they try and coutner him
[7:56][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-it doeslook like he surrpised her
[7:56][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:[Ezri] "How about a couple plates of Ghah stir fry?
[7:56][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -chuckles- and i shall have trhe sam
[7:57][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:control system. He throws decreases the shield's power to as low as he can and throws the power into the engines and weapons.* "Let's see if I can keep you confused." *He launches a counter measure t
[7:57][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:Makes a note on her padd "Weekly check ups, just images and flashes, mostly in nightmares, I barely remember anything from my time with them" seems to avoid using the term bor
[7:57][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:try and trick her into thinking he has stopped while he continues searching
[7:58][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-as he contnues the smell fills thecoordiros around him
[7:58][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[r oll pls!
[7:58][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"Been lucky to have most memories from before
[7:58][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Not to be unexpected. The sphere that took you was disconnected from the collective and acting on its own form of disorder. but sometimes things return.
[7:58][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"And after any issues with short and long term memory storage
[7:59][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Eirene, I take it you're not experimenting with aromatherapy?" *he asked as he moved down the hall.
[7:59][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-not fooled for a second she closes the door behind himand pummels his shields with a maddening rate of phaser fire..taking down the decreased shields..only for then his panels erupt to life..
[7:59][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:blinks at T'lena using the term storage, momentarily making her freez
[8:00][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirnee] Me? Noofcorus enot marcu
[8:00][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Yeah... thought so. You know there's some entity hanging out in Nyz's old temple, right?
[8:01][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Yeah you see where I am going... But can you stop me before I get there?" *He sends the fighter into a terrifying rotation to see if he can trick her into thinking he is actually in danger and out
[8:01][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:shakes her head a bit, unfreezing "I don't believe so, but I tend to note down things to make sure I don't forget things
[8:01][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:control while he continues his full speed race towards the drone control center.
[8:01][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"That's a good habit to have.
[8:02][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He got to the lift and took it to the level where the temple was located.
[8:02][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] -to Ezri- So how goes the hunt for your warrior status
[8:02][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"Easier to remember when I have writen it, even without looking at what I have writen
[8:02][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Means that's probably working just fine.
[8:03][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she gets up to take a look at the ocular implant
[8:03][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:-[Klobarc] --turns and starts to preparee the meal
[8:04][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:sits still letting T'lena have a loo
[8:05][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-the dragonis captured ina tractor beam andits systems set andslowly powered down mere inches from the skinof the citadels hull..eirenes vocie can beheard
[8:05][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] Ive got you..that was very bold if not dangerous move Zhal..are you okay
[8:05][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"You weren't assimilated long enough for this to be necessary to keep, we coudl set asside some time to perform the proper extraction and cosmetic replacement of the orbital bone structure.
[8:05][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:[Ezri] "i am still training.. I am sure any status will ever come of it.
[8:05][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*He burst into laughter.* "I haven't had that much fun in a long time.
[8:05][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:**not sur
[8:06][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] I have to admit that was thrilling for me as wel
[8:06][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] Oncewe restore the fighter..you are welcometo makea s many run as marcus allow
[8:06][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"There will still be a few subserface implants but everything external should be restorable to the original pre-abduction condition.
[8:06][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-he reaches the temple
[8:07][DOIC1]V'Tira@Isis:[Black] and why is this
[8:07][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"I think its time I should take her in. My adrenline is pumping heart and I should probably get my heart rate down. Eirene, you are one badass fighter.
[8:07][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He blew out another breath, then went to open the door and step inside.
[8:08][DOIC1]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:[Ezri] "its all about bettering myself, there is no promise of any status at the end of it. Its a jouney of self improvement.
[8:08][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"At a later date, Doctor, I am not quite ready
[8:09][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Very well. I understand keepign markigns as a reminder, but if it becomes agressive we will remove it.
[8:09][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Especially if it becoems a hinderance to readapting to your pre abduction state
[8:10][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she sat back down
[8:11][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"Yes, I understand, but is that even possible reaching pre abduction state? you said its not curable?
[8:11][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Mentally you can.
[8:11][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Taj] -enters with a new try and padd for T'Lenaand lays them out as shown
[8:11][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Physically we can restroe you, then your disease becomes like any other.
[8:11][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*Angles the fighter and brings the normal flight systems back online. Making sure he did not actually damage the fighter.* "Flight control this is Delta one-one-niner. Returning to port.
[8:12][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"No differnet than other neurodigenerative or epidphagic issues.
[8:12][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-Eirene relaes him as he does so
[8:12][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Dock COntrol] =^= We copy you Delta 119er...we have you on flight path 1134 for final aprpocahc na doc
[8:12][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:thinks back on how she was before "I am not sure I can ever return to what I was before, I barely reconize myself in my memories
[8:12][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"But you have to want to be healed. And when it comes to the borg assimilaiton there is a small part of it that is cybernetics indoctrination.
[8:13][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Anyone home?" *he called out into the temple.
[8:13][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-the door closes behindhim and a familar voice is heard- Why of cours
[8:14][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"The truth is Sarah that a drone that exhibits your condition woudl simply have been recycled. There's is a very real psycological component yoru recovery that will be almost as important as th
[8:14][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He didn't bother turning toward the voice, instead walking over to the altar.* "I got your messages. What do you want?
[8:14][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:regular treatments. With those barrring no advances which we all know is not likely given the nature of medical science in teh 25th century, you will live for over 60 years or more from this point
[8:14][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Voice] YOu seem annoyed..why
[8:14][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"A two week period should not define the rest of your life.
[8:15][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*He angles the fighter down the approriate path looking towards the black of space and his mind goes back to Nick and he turns internally. He activates the fighter's sensors looking for anything ou
[8:15][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:was about to reply but as T'lena keeps talking she listens carefully "why was I not recycled?
[8:15][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:of the ordinary in the area.
[8:15][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Let's just say I've had enough of people fucking with my head for a lifetime." *He eyed the altar for a moment.
[8:16][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"The borg who took you were malfunctioning. If they ahd recycled themselves as coded the entire ship would have exploded and you would have never been taken.
[8:17][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Voice] Is that what you think Iam doing
[8:17][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"We saw this with survivors of the recently assimilated durign the incursion of 2415. Due to the fact that the central neurplexis was destroyed before their assimiliations even entered the primary
[8:17][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Well, if you don't tell me what you're -actually- doing, what else am I supposed to assume?
[8:17][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-he finds not a thingoutof place
[8:18][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:pre augmentation phase. Now most fo them were not in a state where they developed the Syndrome as you have but the psycological symptoms were similiar.
[8:18][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Voice] I merely recreated a pleasant armora for yo
[8:18][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"While each case has a uniqueness to it, its not untreatable.
[8:18][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*He takes the ship back to the hangar and docks it back in its approriate housing. Then sighs.
[8:18][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"I think I understand
[8:19][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-the deck crew efficeiently secures his fighrer and pops the canopy for him andplaces a ldeer on the hull for him to deplane
[8:19][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"I was told recovery could take a long time, but working and having hobies could help
[8:19][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"So you're denying the whole cold wind thing?" *He flicked out a candle's flame.
[8:20][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Voice] Excuse me
[8:20][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"The cold wind on my back. I felt it twice today and also when I came here the other night.
[8:20][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"It can, but part of that is because you've been being handled with kid gloves.
[8:21][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-she appears before him as she did that first night- Of course i deny i
[8:21][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*He climbed out of the fighter and stretched and he started out the hangar bay.* "Anything I should know now that I am back Eirene
[8:21][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene[] that you fly very wel
[8:21][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Starfleet has been hesitent about borg repatriation for a very long time. They often treat it as a self guided experience, but that doesn't really work.
[8:22][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"What does work then?
[8:22][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"According to Dr Beverly Crusher, ripping the bandaid off.
[8:22][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*He chuckled as he walked.* "Flatterer. It's just my training and practice. Honestly its a lot of skill with a mix of luck in there.
[8:23][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] =teaszes- until you al lbut flew into me
[8:23][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He looked at the woman as she appeared.* "Was wondering when you were going to do that. Alright, then. Do you know who might be doing it?
[8:23][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"So far you've carried on a regiment that fits the 98 percent of recovered borg. But i feel in your case it may be a hinderence but I do not know yet.
[8:23][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"That was acutally controlled. Was hoping you wouldn't catch on, and instead reach and then I jank starboard and race away.
[8:24][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"You compare your self with peopel who were in a far more assimilated state. See your Diagnosis as a reminder that you can never be the same, but the truth is, you may not want to be. One thing tha
[8:24][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"You are just faster on the safety than I anticipated.
[8:24][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:has been known to happen to people assimilated by the borg is a sense of belonging of being chosen. Its part fo the insidious nature of their biological indoctrination
[8:24][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene thatis my solepurpose for being..to protec
[8:25][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"An irony that in being placed inside a place where you lose all self, you are special and unique.
[8:25][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*He chuckled.* "I know, I was trying to utilize it against you, it did not work.
[8:25][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[WOman ] No I od not..andi do not like thatthis aoccured outsideof my temple and to yo
[8:25][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Such a thing allows a drone to give in to the mind fo the queen.
[8:25][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"I did feel very lonely for a while after being recovered, like I had no one around me, alone in my head, if that makes sense?
[8:25][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] it was a very clever rus
[8:26][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"It's liek a drug.
[8:26][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] I did not predict you wuld do tha
[8:26][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Have you been attending the support groups on the citadel while you can?
[8:26][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Taj][ 0so swept up isteninghe slips- Like..dust? -thenc lapshis ahdns over hismouth
[8:26][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Pilots have to be unpredictable, like me flying out into a Ionic Typhoon, sometimes we have to use our knowledge of the opponet's tactics and behaviors against them in flight.
[8:27][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] You blame yourself for that still then
[8:27][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Worse Taj, but yes similiar to what happens with someone addicted to Dust.
[8:27][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"I blame myself for a lot of things.
[8:27][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Your temple..." *He repeated, then shook his head.* "Well, we're on the Citadel. Nothing malevolent could be here without Eirene's knowing.
[8:27][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Taj] -nonods and then whsipers tosarah- Sorr
[8:27][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:nods her head "Yeah, very much so, doing things having things to focus on, occupi my mind made it easier" she thinks a moment "I have been talking to another recovered, one that was far deeper the
[8:27][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Taj] -nonods and then whsipers tosarah- Sorr
[8:28][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:me, but not any support..." stops and listens to the whispe
[8:28][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady ] -smiles wel I am no longer manovlent Marcu
[8:28][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"groups" she continue
[8:29][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] Your symboite issue then
[8:29][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Good to know. But I meant whoever was giving me the glacial treatment can't be trying to seriously fuck with me... right?
[8:30][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Less my fault, more nature taking its course, that will get sorted with time." *He sighs* "The Manta getting boarded, the ionic Typhoon... there are things I could have done to prevent our situation
[8:30][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I suggest you join the one that meets in the garden at 2100 hours. It isn't specific to the borg. It can help to see that the symptoms can be the same though the cause diverse.
[8:31][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"As well as I am goign to have you assigned to DR Soran here as a Therapist when we aren't afloat. Where I will act as your Occupational Therapist as well.
[8:32][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"And i think you should be made aware of something.
[8:32][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"I will try attending that, Doctor Soran, got it, makes a note on her padd, I guess Nine is not here often enough" she blinks looking at T'lena "what?
[8:32][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady] -looksowrried- Or with me..given ive shown you some attention no
[8:32][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"The rihannsu medical oath is Do no lasting harm.
[8:32][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Zhal] So why did you keep the symboite thing..secret
[8:33][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Which means my approaches may be very different than you are used to.
[8:33][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*His brow furrowed.* "We only met the one time before this, or... wait. Have you been following me?
[8:34][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Trill don't talk about it." *He walked back to the viewport he had been at earlier.* "We are put through rigorus testing to ensure we can handle the strain of joining.
[8:34][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"How is that oath different then the hypocritical oath?
[8:34][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady] Yu do not reconize me Marcus? we havemet befor
[8:34][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"The human hippocratic oath is do no harm.
[8:34][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"It means they exaust every possible option even worse ones before doing something tha tmight cause harm to a patient.
[8:34][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Zhal] I am sure your strength is not in doub
[8:34][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He frowned and look another hard look at the lady.
[8:34][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I take the path towards quickest recovery.
[8:34][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"And a trill that has hosts getting out of wack, and start surfacing or something buried that I wasnt supposed to know about gets out... its bad.
[8:35][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*took )
[8:35][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"I see, or rather I will see as we work together
[8:36][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady Perhaosthis will help? -she steps back and lifts her armsand her flowing gown takeson the clor of blood red and deep blackshoadows..her form twists into thatof a large albino Travynei in ver
[8:36][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"I am supposed to be able to deal with it on my own without outside infulence, its stupid. But when you have something engrained in you hard to break that habit.
[8:36][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:femine obsidian clored armor, her pints tail snaped like a whip behindher
[8:36][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-he is now mere feet from the DARK
[8:36][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Oh, what the fu--" *He took a step back.* "You said you weren't her! Not that I believed you but... hey!
[8:36][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"would harm to heal be a fitting way of putting the difference?
[8:37][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Not exaclty.
[8:37][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-her form like wisps of mist strip away her formibable image t return her to the lovely black hair humanoid woman she was before
[8:37][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"It just means that if your arm is poisoned and i can regro the arm I am not going to try to save it.
[8:37][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady] That is a mere illusion to shw whati used to appear a
[8:38][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady] AndI did not openly deny I was sh
[8:38][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"okay that makes sense, I think I understand what you mean now
[8:38][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] -musical laughter- Oh honey i soo understand this point of vier
[8:39][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Blaine set his jaw a moment, then regained the step he had taken back.* "Maybe not. So, that confirms a few things..." *He paused.* "So, you're the Dark that Nyz believed in.
[8:40][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Any questions for me?
[8:40][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady -nods Im part yes..this ..me..is what she envisioned the dark t be..what I was suppsed to be and was longlogn ag
[8:40][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady] What I am..back where you come fro
[8:41][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] such canbe a hardhabo tto break yes
[8:41][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Pretty much, which is why I don't talk about it.
[8:41][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] Do you wish me to stop
[8:41][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"This is a lot to" she hesitates a brief moment "process, You need to get to know me and my case as well asI you
[8:42][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:as I you
[8:42][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"That's a hard question to answer.
[8:42][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Yes but i didn't see a reason to not level set.
[8:42][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] -chuckles- yes yes it is..isnt it
[8:42][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I think you've probably had plenty of physicians taking it slow.
[8:42][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He nodded slowly.* "How did you... get here, then? And how are you somehow separate from the evil insane... you?
[8:42][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"And treating you as you are fragile.
[8:43][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady] Fragments..shards of shattered mirror..they catter when serpated fromthe whole..as for me..thatis simple..I redeemedmyself..in saving another from the voi
[8:43][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"am I not? at least mentally? the body is strong at least when not having episodes
[8:43][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Right now I just want to find the joy in things, like flying that fighter in a dog fight against a friend. I'll talk when I am ready and it is getting easier now that it is out there.
[8:43][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady] I felt th place..she prepared for me..and camehere..and foundyo
[8:43][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"If you were that fragile you wouldn't be in that uniform.
[8:44][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] Funny..the same can be said for that fighter..wheneve r you wish i
[8:45][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Nyzaria." *He looked at her for a long moment.* "What do you want with me, then? I'm not exactly part of your fan club, no offense.
[8:45][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:seems speechless for a moment taking in the words "I guess you are right, how many like me have you experienced?
[8:45][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*He smiled at that and then yawned.* "Listen... you got a few lucky shots in, that and target lock out the gate was just mean spirited." *He teased her back.
[8:45][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I spent 4 years working directly with those we recovered.
[8:46][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady] Are you sure? -chuckles- warmly- You were drawn tro my priestess,,,as she was to me..we have her in common yes
[8:46][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Liek you with this particular syndrome only one other.
[8:47][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"more then others I spoken to since transfered to the LMC
[8:47][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"feels so long ago
[8:47][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] Sell it to the Kzari Zhal..sell it to the Kzari..-teases back
[8:47][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Well I've been doing this a long time.
[8:47][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"To be fair only the vulcans really have the longevity for such experience.
[8:48][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she gives sarah a wink
[8:48][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:"Oh I am so coming for you guns blazing next time. For now though. Its past this Trill's bed time and I have alpha shift in the morning.
[8:49][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Drawn to her despite her devotion to you, actually." *He shrugged.* "Look. I'm glad that you, or at least this bit of you is reformed. I never held it against your worshippers, because I know..
[8:49][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:nods her head "I think I see why the CO said you are the best
[8:49][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] Very well..sleep well Zhal..and..rememebr to me you are always goigntobe acreampuff -giggles at the end of her taunt
[8:49][DOIC5]Zhal@Jabroc:*He shook his head and starts off towards his room.* "Yeah yeah.
[8:49][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"I don't think I have any more questions, I assume I can reach out if some come up?
[8:50][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Eirene] Sleep well Zhal 0warmly
[8:50][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:what it's like to be born into a shitty situation that you don't even realise is shitty until it's pointed out to you.
[8:50][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Any time Sarah.
[8:50][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"If you wish to go you may.
[8:50][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Taj] -offers Lollipop to sarah
[8:51][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"I also assume I should alert you asap... I mean stat if I have an episode?
[8:51][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Asap. works Stat is pretty much only for medical professionals in a hopsital.
[8:51][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady] Indeed..so then ..friends..ish..for now? or like acquaitances..thatis i call you wont think im tryignto melt your brain
[8:51][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"And Civilian ones at that,
[8:52][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:blinks looking at the Lolipop before taking it, she stares at it as if analysing it, momentarily just focused on i
[8:52][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Taj] Itis your reward for being here
[8:52][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Taj] Everyone gets on
[8:52][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Its candy Sarah.
[8:53][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Taj] itisvery goo
[8:53][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:blinks shaking her head "thank you" she puts on a smile for Taj before looking back at T'lena "just not had once since before, yeah been years I think since I had a lolipop
[8:53][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Let's say you're on a trial period for acquaintances. And I've already had my brain melted, so you were beaten to that punch.
[8:53][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:one
[8:54][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"I'm not gonna throw away a chance for a diplomatic channel to our adversary, even if you're a separate fragment of her.
[8:54][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:Lady] -snapos her fingers- Shcucks..wellill just have to be friendly then..I meanmeltingbraisnis my fortee ..andif i have bene beaten to the punch.whybother the
[8:54][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Well you should talk to Ezri, she rather enjoys the jumja ones.
[8:55][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady] Im not sure..negioating witha spineterof ones minds eye coutnets honey..buyt i am flattere
[8:55][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"Ezri? who is this?
[8:55][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"your new shipmate, she's the Manta's CSO
[8:55][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Taj] -chekcs hte lolipop container to se if there are jumja flavors in there
[8:56][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady] and yes.I amsure if yo check with Eirene ..sheknows I am her
[8:56][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"No, but you know things about her that we don't.
[8:56][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady] Tru
[8:56][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"I used to have a love for green apple or strawberry candy, SCience officer, she good?"
[8:56][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady Why..that mightmake me rank up to ..asset someday? -smiles
[8:56][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Very good.
[8:56][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"You probably still do.
[8:57][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"You shoudl get some on your way through the promenade.
[8:57][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Taj] the best candy is Mr Alistarirs stor
[8:57][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"One thing at a time. Compton's going to fucking love this one..
[8:57][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:[Taj] SOemtiemshe just givesit awa
[8:58][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"Ohh i forgot to ask the CO, how long before we ship out?" makes of note of the store "Alistarirs store
[8:58][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady] I dontthink Admiral COmptonwillbelive you..especially since shec ant seem
[8:58][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady] Did I forget to mention this part
[8:58][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"A week or so.
[8:58][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"...Can't see you, or you won't let her see you?
[8:58][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"We are still rearmign and rbeuilding the parts of the manta the Tanausan ripped off.
[8:59][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady] Imnotstrongmenoughyet to lether seem
[8:59][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Then... how am -I- seeing you?
[8:59][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady] Our connectio
[8:59][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"Ripped off? what happened?
[9:00][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"What, through Nyz?
[9:00][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"We were abducted.
[9:00][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:-Taj puts away ther lolipop jar and then goes back t ohis pill box sorting duties
[9:00][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Forced into a prison camp where many fo the crew were forced into gladiatorial combat.
[9:00][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Ladyu] -nods- Sur
[9:01][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"And we escaped. but they were in the process of pulling our ship appart when I took it back and bombarded the warden's mansion from orbit.
[9:01][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He tilted his head.* "What aren't you telling me?
[9:01][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady] Honestly
[9:01][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"some common ground then, understanding if nothing else, so you freed yourselves?
[9:01][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"It's why I asked.
[9:01][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Yes with the aid of a converted enemy.
[9:02][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady] Volumes...not that you would fully understand it
[9:02][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady Im game t try if you are thoug
[9:02][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"I wish I could have dine that, I was rescued, I was not strong enough
[9:02][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Not fully understanding things has been the story of my life. Let me try, at least.
[9:03][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:seems to stare into space for a momen
[9:03][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"On the contrary your mind was strong enough to take advantage of their mistakes and stave off complete assimiliation.
[9:03][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Which bought you time to be rescued.
[9:03][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady Okay . My dar, we are connecte din essesce because in part you are surroudned by the eeavesof Thrall in the diadect of Vonnes and the seven circle
[9:03][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Blaine stared at her.
[9:04][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"I don't know how, no one has been able to tell me how or why
[9:04][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Well that is something we can find out.
[9:04][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady ] _smirks some anc winces- Told yo
[9:04][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I do need to get back to other patients.
[9:04][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"It was good meeting you Sarah, Jolan Tru.
[9:05][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"No, no, I think I... yeah, I'm completely fucking lost.
[9:05][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:"Maybe finding out can help others one day, ohh of course" gets up and nods her head "have a good day Doctor, thank you
[9:05][DOIC3]V'Tira@Isis:-Taj waits withehr nexct paitet a yanda with broken flipper
[9:06][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady] Sorry -offers genuinely
[9:07][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:takes her leave of the office and the medical cente
[9:07][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*He let out a breath, crossing his arms.* "You know what, it's about what I should've expected.
[9:08][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*t'lena got back to work
[9:09][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady] Its not a bad thing..but i shall seekout what touched you and seeif i may be of some hel
[9:10][DOIC3]Sarah Wynn@awendr:looks at the lolipop for a moment before unwrapping it and putting it in her mouth, closing her eyes savoring the taste, bringing her mind back to the girl that was years ago
[9:10][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:"Sure. Fine," *he said irritably.* "ANything else?
[9:11][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady] -laugh s youcan go.iinvited you here..not summoned you silly bo
[9:11][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Lady Ill be here if you ever need m
[9:11][DOIC4]Marcus Blaine@liorexu:*Blaine glared at her a moment.* "I'm sure." *He turned and stormed out.