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[4:05][DOIC]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:** The STAR TREK: MANTA theme is replaced by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejxG_HV_G6w again tonight. *

[4:05][DOIC]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:** We open just before the break of dawn on the bleak and frozen world that IOC-28 had been established upon. Night on this planet seems to be less the absence of sunlight than it is the presence..

[4:05][DOIC]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:of darkness, devouring even the artificial illumination as the little beacons marking the path for the unfortunate souls stuck on early patrol struggle to hold back that oppressive, hungry void... *

[4:06][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Bore and Zhal awakened with a start in cells facing one another beneath the arena, the former sharing a cell with a Kirtascan huddled against him for warmth and a motionless Yanda. Meanwhile the..

[4:06][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:latter lay on the ground by himself, at least as far as anyone watching him could tell. Moments after being ripped from what scant sleep they had managed, they were made aware of the source of the..

[4:07][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:noise as Subcommander Jun strode down the hall with her Latejo minions, escorting a freshly-repaired Dacia by her collar. They came to a stop in front of Zhal’s cell, and with a press of a button..

[4:07][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:Zhal’s wrist shackles snapped together.

[4:07][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Jun] “Move away from the door. Try anything and you get the collar.” *She showed him as her thumb moved to rest over the other button on her little device.

[4:08][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*It must not have been day yet when T’Lena found herself awake in her cell, considering that the voice had not yet begun issuing commands nor had anyone barged in to haul Blaine back off to the..

[4:08][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*He glared at her but stepped back.

[4:08][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:blood sports. He was laying with her on the small bed with one newly-scarred arm wrapped around her, and from the pattern of his breathing she could tell he was already awake.

[4:08][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The sky was only just beginning to ease back from the abyssal black of night, and though the group in the barracks could not yet see any further sign of sunrise they knew it had to be getting..

[4:09][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"You should be sleeping

[4:09][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:close. Overnight, Ezri had managed to get the primitive stove working again and what meager heat was emanating from it was enough to keep her, V’Tira, and Virzes from the bleak cold that had..

[4:09][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore sighed some as he's awoken by the sound of the latejo stomping down the halls, looking down the hall, watching them lead Dacia in.

[4:09][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:settled over the camp in the absence of the sun. V’Tira, however, was feeling a different heat; a growing, pounding heat around her ruined left eye, paired with the recurring memory of the..

[4:09][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she cuddled into him

[4:09][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:Subcommander Jun’s thick, calloused thumb grinding around in her orbital socket. Meanwhile, Ezri’s attempts to filter the water in the trough were less than satisfactory; without any vessels to..

[4:10][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:hold the liquid, the best she could do was to dunk little pieces of fabric in the icy, smelly water and wring them out in the hopes of saving them from the most offensive grit.

[4:10][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:Dacia was silent and pliant. Standing in front of Jun she simply stares at the cell door where Zhal is kept

[4:11][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] *He didn't respond right away.* "Should be doing a lot of things, I guess," *he finally said, his grip tightening around her.

[4:11][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Jun] *She nodded and opened the cell door, motioning to the Latejo to shove Dacia inside with him.

[4:12][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The Latejo did as ordered, pushing her in with the pole.

[4:12][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri did what she could to care for V'Tira, which in the end was little more than try to make her comfortable and give the cleanest watershe could manage.

[4:13][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I know, i know soon members of our crew will start showing up in here.

[4:13][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I am just glad we left shay on the mjolnir

[4:14][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"She's literlaly buit for their pleasure barracks.

[4:14][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] *He made a slight face, then looked down at her.* "I imagine the Tanausans would be more interested in breaking her open and seeing what she's made of.

[4:15][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"If they haven't done tha the the new transfer what was her name Datia

[4:15][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] "There was another android we got just before we went on this mission, too..." *He then nodded.* "Exactly.

[4:15][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri sat next to V'Tira, she started singing.-- "Somwhere over the rainbow..way up high. There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby..

[4:15][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Once she was secured inside the door was slammed shut. They then turned to Bore's cell.

[4:15][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:Dacia steps inside of the cell and snaps her head in Zhal's direction, "Survive," she says and then falls still

[4:17][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore stood up as he saw them approaching.

[4:17][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Zhal moved over towards Dacia.* "You alright?

[4:17][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"We probably don't have long until they take you.

[4:17][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] "No, I don't reckon we do." *He looked at her for a moment.

[4:18][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Jun] "Up and to the back. Come on.

[4:18][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"What is it?

[4:18][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Seneth] *She slowly got up and went to the back fo the cell.

[4:18][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He went to the back of the cell when ordered.

[4:18][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:"I am well. Thank you," she says in a dull monotone. "You look as though you suffered some mild damage.

[4:19][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-smirks ever so slighytly and with a dry crack of a voice joins Ezri and sings back "Somewhere over the rainbow, Skies are blue, And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true" she drew

[4:19][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] "Just... thinking how when they come to take me, this might be the last time I ever see you," *he said quietly.

[4:19][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:breath as the sharp pain still not yet dulled bored in her ruin of an eye socket

[4:20][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The cell door was rolled open, and the guards walked in to grab the motionless Yanda, hauling him to his feet and carrying him out.

[4:20][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--V'Tira, you can't keep antagonizing them.

[4:20][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"There is a romulan saying. "Naera sellana, tua dan tua daenaech

[4:20][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*He gave a small nod.* "You could say that. He turned to watch what was going on outside the cell.

[4:20][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] "I'm not even going to try to pronounce that one.

[4:20][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"it means, each time we part it may be the last, but that makes the reunion sweet.

[4:21][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-quirks a brow- I do not mean to disagree with you Ezri but...sure I ..-coughs some- Can..

[4:21][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"It comes from the nomadic period. They still use it on the southern continent/

[4:21][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He remained motionless, scrunching his nose up some as he watched them drag the yanda out.

[4:21][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The cell was slammed shut again.

[4:22][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Jun] "Come on. Let's see what shape the Rear Admiral makes out of this one.

[4:22][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The subcommander and Latejo left, leaving the prisoners alone for the time being.

[4:22][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"V'Tira its not logical. You are just going to get yourself killed.

[4:22][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"How long'd he been in here?

[4:22][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Every time we part could be the last Marcus, this one is no different. you fight like hell and buy another day.

[4:23][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-draws anothe rpained brweath- Tell me Ezri..do you know who Emiliano Zapata is

[4:23][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"No. Is he a Vulcan?

[4:24][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:The moment Jun leaves with the prisoner, Dacia starts to speak once more. "The one they call Jun carries a device with her that appears to control the prisons security measures. Everything from th

[4:24][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:door locks, to the shackles to our collars. We will need to aquire one if we are to have any hope of escape.

[4:25][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-shakesher head- No, Emiliano Zapata Salazar was a Mexican revolutionary. From Earth's early 20th century, he is usually quoted as saying “It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

[4:25][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"No shit.

[4:25][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*He leaned against the wall of the cell.* "You hidding a phaser or a knife?

[4:25][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] "You're right... as always," *he murmured.* "But just in case, I want you to know... need you to know that I care for you, Niaev. A lot more than I have any right to.

[4:26][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:..a most logical choice do you not think

[4:26][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The first streaks of sunlight were starting to show through the window.

[4:26][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri frowns at V'Tira-- "yeah, and i bet he died on his feet too.

[4:27][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"I prefer to use game theory to make my decisions V'Tira. They tend to work out better that way.

[4:27][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I know Marcus. And when we are out of this mess... we can talk about what we do about it.

[4:27][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"And you can brush up on your romulan.

[4:27][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-winces in pain again and then - Actually he was...he was assinated after a betraya

[4:27][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:"No. However, I have befriended prisoner 4321. He was put in charge of reparing me after my arena fight and I suspect that he does other facility maintenance repairs. I may be able to convince him t

[4:28][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she gave him a passionate kiss

[4:28][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-looks at her friend withher one good eye- I will not comprimise who I am for them Ezri...itis not who we are

[4:29][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Seneth] "I have something that beats a knife." *She extended her talons.

[4:29][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"i am not asking you to compromise who you are. I am just suggesting that out best chance for escape is through subterfuge and misdirection rather than direct conflict.

[4:29][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:to help us.

[4:29][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Raises a hand to Seneth.* "This is a beginning, but we must be cautious." *He looked to Dacia then.

[4:29][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Do not be quick with that. Tannies are sick fucks, having someone to give people false friendship and hope for escape is exactly their style. Then they catch you and make a lampshade out of your ass

[4:30][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:Again, I do not disagre

[4:30][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] *He seemed taken aback by the response, but soon he pulled T'Lena in, returning the kiss in kind as he wrapped his arms around her.

[4:31][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Suddenly, the barracks door slammed open, and the Simirian officer stepped inside.

[4:31][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri turned and looked at him.-

[4:31][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-stands and looked over

[4:31][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] "You two, with me." *he paused on seeing VTira.* "Why is her face green?

[4:32][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"Because she has an infection. She needs medical attention or she could die.

[4:32][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] "Oh, for the Goddess' sake." *He touched his communicator.

[4:32][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*He started to pace back and forth.* "Wouldn't that mean you would have to be damaged?

[4:32][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she held him quietly for a now

[4:33][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] "I..." *He was cut off when the lights in the room turned on.* "Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me.

[4:33][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she held him a moment longer then stood up getting dressed

[4:33][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"If there's a plan, it can easily be effected -after- that prisoner repairs her. But, as I said, do not be quick to trust in a place like this.

[4:34][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] *he put down the comm.* "Alright, come with me." *He pointed to the door.

[4:35][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:-

[4:35][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:You want the door to go with you

[4:35][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri moved to follow.-

[4:35][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri shushed V'Tira-

[4:35][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Seneth] "Still, what other choice do you have? To stay here until they fight you to death?

[4:35][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-is shushed and waits

[4:35][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:"It would." She says to Zhal before turning to Bore. "I do not yet have a plan. I am still attempting to assess their security. Besides, even if we were successful in escaping our cells I am uncertai

[4:35][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"I have no intention of trusting anyone in this horror show, dont suppose you can make a weapon out of scraps Bore?

[4:35][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:how we would get off the planet.

[4:36][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Seneth] "Trust me, you do not want to be the last one alive out of your crew, wondering what else you could have done

[4:36][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"No. But first, we have to link up with others from our crew, see what they know too.

[4:36][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she stood dressed* 52 Ready

[4:36][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Blaine just managed to get dressed as well when the door barged open.

[4:37][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"I could probably make shanks and primitive axes and things, not actual weapons." *He turned to Seneth.* "What we need first is information. And people we can trust.

[4:37][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"I could probably make shanks and primitive axes and things, not actual weapons." *He turned to Seneth.* "What we need first is information. And people we can trust.

[4:37][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "Prisoner 319, come with us. Prisoner 52, we have a remote assignment for you.


[4:38][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] *He glanced at T'Lena.* "Until next time," *he gave a slight smirk as he was lead out.

[4:38][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she held her hands together* "Jolan Tru

[4:39][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] "You come with me, or I'll pop the other eye out.

[4:39][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] "MOVE.

[4:39][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-0to Ezri- He means me, I shall retur

[4:39][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"That last part is gonna be difficult.

[4:39][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-turns and heads over to the officer

[4:40][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Seneth] "All of which is hard to come by. By the Protector's will, we may yet succeed, though.

[4:40][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He nodded.* "I know Blaine is somewhere down here, so we have to find him and get him in on this too.

[4:41][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] *He eyed T'Lena as Blaine was escorted out of sight.* "Continue to amuse my men like that and continue to excell as a medic, and perhaps I will let you bring more like him around.

[4:41][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "Let's go." *He activated her shackles and ushered her out.

[4:42][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] "Both of you." *He narrowed his eyes.

[4:42][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:"How were you able to smuggle a knife into the prison?" Her head snaps to Seneth

[4:42][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri stepped forward to shwo her compliance-

[4:42][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-gestures to Ezri at the door- After you the

[4:42][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*He leaded against the door to the cell and kicked at it.* "At least he is alive." *He shuttered slightly.

[4:43][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Seneth] "I'm Kirtascan." *The lizard woman showed off her claws again.

[4:43][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:I insis

[4:43][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--heads out the door-

[4:43][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-waits for her to completely clear the door and then she goes through it herself

[4:43][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] *He grabbed V'Tira by the back of her jumpsuit and started dragging her.

[4:43][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Liked the show?

[4:43][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-goes boneless

[4:44][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] "Uhg, useless bitch!" *he kicked V'Tira hard in the shin.

[4:44][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-winces in a lot of pain as the sockwaves of that kick setoff her eye again!

[4:44][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "Not to my tastes, but you know lower ranks." *He smirked as he guided her out of the medical center.

[4:45][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"You don't have to kick her, i told you she is sick.

[4:45][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*There was another loud BANG of doors.

[4:45][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I have other talents, I am quite the singer too. But if you rlower ranks tocuh me i will be forced to reattached their members.

[4:45][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore settled down on the floor.

[4:46][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"My oath is do no lasting physical harm after all.

[4:46][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Seneth] *she quickly sat down as well.

[4:46][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-to the officer in deadpanned vulcan- Maut zherka-bosh nam-tor du ri

[4:46][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Turned towards the sound then backed up to the wall.

[4:46][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:Dacia remains where she is, staring ahead where Seneth was standing a moment ago

[4:46][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] "Latejo!" *He barked over to one of the massive guards nearby. He immediately moved and picked up V'Tira.

[4:47][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-is easily scooped up

[4:47][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*There is the sound of marching footsteps, then the officers arrived with Blaine in tow. He was summarily tossed into an empty cell next to Bore's.

[4:48][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "I will note such for the logs. Do not be worried. I'm impressed with your work.

[4:49][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "Good service has its rewards.

[4:49][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The Latejo simply carries V'Tira toward the arena undercroft as the Simirian glared at Ezri.* "Keep moving!

[4:50][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Remains silent until the guards leave.

[4:50][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri kept moving-- "i'm moving..I'm moving.

[4:50][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"In that my people also held that belief. Everyone serves the state.

[4:50][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Guards] "Don't get too comfortable," *he smirked as the cell slammed behind him and they departed.

[4:51][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Federation Individualism leads to choas, it is the one thing I miss about the IRN.

[4:51][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Mutters under his breath* "Is it to much to hope they burn in whatever hell they believe in.

[4:51][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*T'Lena is lead down the hall in time to see Ezri being lead into a room after a Latejo carrying V'Tira.

[4:51][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Once the guards leave, he spoke up.* "Speak of the devil. Okay, that's one. Now we need Ezri and V'Tira.

[4:52][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "Perhaps your people have a bright future in the Imperium after all.

[4:52][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"V'Tira is down an eye, and Ezri was in the barracks last I saw her.

[4:52][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] "Yeah... glad to see you all too." *He sat up, looking at the others.* "You all okay?

[4:52][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-as tyhe door was closing, theycan see acorss the hall a small pile of three bodies waiting to be carried out of here to be disposed off, possible losers fromt he games,. amongst them i

[4:52][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Down an eye? Did she try to mouth off?

[4:52][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:Crewman Galbir, the fernegi has suffered a severe beating and...chewing?

[4:53][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"He tried to help me, from the mind fucking. But it didn't work.

[4:53][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Maybe. What happened to this Yyaoi...


[4:53][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"By the way that's what my people called her species. Vulgarly.

[4:53][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore winced as she saw the ferengi, then turned to Zhal.* "Only one who can help with that is yourself. Think of completely unrelated, stupid things, toss layers on top of layers.

[4:53][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] *He chuckled and escorted T'Lena into the room where Ezri was being lead to one corner and V'Tira was being propped up against the wall on the other.

[4:54][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-spits at the ground hearing the doctor's voice

[4:54][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-to Tlena - Ehsiu taeth daehlen? -she sneers

[4:54][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "Well, whatever you call her, seems her encounter with Subcommander Jun did not end well for her.

[4:54][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "You'll make sure that she does not die during this interrogation.

[4:54][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"Problem is, that bastard ripped through the layers, and got to the soft underside of things I thought i left behind." *He starts pacing again.

[4:54][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri waves at T'Lena.-

[4:55][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"It's what they do. At least you made them fight for it.

[4:55][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-sighs and sneers- Ssuy ueiik'h'unhr ehdhihss kjs'hdhiahs taeth daehle

[4:55][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] "Yeah, that's Nirizeans for you. Just be glad they still want us fighting the arena, or they'd be using those weird tools of theirs too.

[4:56][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*t'lena laughed* "T'nash.. Yyaoi tae schaena vela valdore.

[4:56][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"I just want to return the favor.

[4:56][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "That's enough of that.

[4:57][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Sorry her accent was so horrible i had to tell her to stop trying to use her tongue. Before they pluck it out.

[4:57][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Like her eye.

[4:57][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-sneered at that as she bounced around in the Latejo's gasp

[4:57][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] "We all do, Ensign. But we have to be smart about it. If they didn't get any real information out of you, they'll probably try to interrogate you again.

[4:58][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Let me guess im here to do something about that marring?

[4:58][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Those pale bastards creep me out.

[4:58][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "Like I said, you're here to make sure she doesn't die during her interrogation.

[4:58][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*T'Lena was presented with Tanausan medical tools.

[4:58][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Oh, right... Seneth, these are Blaine, Zhal and... uh. New girl. People, this is Seneth of the Protector's spear.

[4:59][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Seneth] *she bowed her head.* "May the Protector guide us all in these dark times.

[4:59][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Seneth] *she bowed her head.* "May the Protector guide us all in these dark times.

[5:00][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*He leaned against the cell wall and didn't say much else and gave a nod.

[5:00][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Adjutant] *The Nirizean practically glided into the room. The Simirian visibly recoiled.

[5:00][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:"It is a pleasure to meet you Saneth of the Protector's spear. I am Lieutenant Junior Grade Dacia. Prisoner number 333.


[5:01][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she stood back to watch

[5:01][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*'t'lena looked at the nizarean

[5:01][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "Now, let us begin. State your name and rank," *he ordered V'Tira.

[5:01][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-looked over as the Nizarean entered

[5:01][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"So, Dacia has apparently made some progress and befriended the guy repairing her. Thing is, I have no idea how trustworthy he is. Sounds a bit suspicious to me.


[5:02][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:I do not wish an introduction at this time

[5:02][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] "It does. But do we have a lot of options at this point?

[5:02][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] *he gave the Nirizean a look.

[5:03][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Since you say it that way, I guess you didn't meet any allies.

[5:03][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Adjutant] *He stepped closer, raising a hand.

[5:03][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-quirks a brow

[5:03][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] "I'd just remind you all that we don't know if anyone's listening in. There seems to be surveillance in other parts of the camp.

[5:04][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Adjutant] "He asked you... name and rank.

[5:04][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(Roll V'Tira.

[5:04][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"I could aways begin explaining the many ways they and their religious figures can get fucked while yout all make a plan

[5:04][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Fair enough.

[5:04][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-considers this

[5:05][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Well, their religious figure is very much alive and can rip your entrails out through your ears. So not a good idea.

[5:06][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-eye glasses over and she says in a dronelike voice- I am Captain James T Kirk of the Good Ship Lolipop

[5:06][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"Would still be fun for me.

[5:06][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] "Well, as alive as an incorporeal can be...

[5:06][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Incorporeal doesn't mean unalive. I think.

[5:06][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*They could hear a sudden bellow of roars from the arena, and can faintly hear the announcer saying,* "AND WHAT DO YOU KNOW, THEY BLEED GREEN!

[5:07][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"It doesn't.

[5:07][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] *He snarled, picking up the device from his belt.* "Name and rank or I will shock you until your blood boils!

[5:08][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:"They will be coming for another combatant soon. I do not think it would be wise to wait for them to cycle through everyone until it is my turn to fight again." She turns to Zhal. "You must damage me

[5:08][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-looks over at him- Does it hurt you to watch someone resist those you have already bowed before? I do not mean to cause you pain

[5:08][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Looks at Dacia.* "Seriously?

[5:08][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] "Well it doesn't..." *He blinked over at Dacia and Zhal.* "How do you intend on him doing that?

[5:09][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Bash her against the wall. Repeatedly.

[5:10][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] *His eyes narrowed dangerously, then he hit the button and delivered another intense shock to V'Tira.

[5:10][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"I got assigned to the crew of the damned. You all seriously want me to damage her?

[5:10][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:"I am very serious." She moves to the wall and sits down next to it. "In the absence of weapsons I suggest you stomp my head against the wall. Even superficial damage will do as I can exageratte th

[5:11][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:extent of my injury.

[5:11][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Waste of tiem she enjoys that.

[5:11][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"You see you've unfortunately picked the only Yyaoi that is also a certified nymphomaniac.

[5:12][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] "Do you know a better way of torturing her kind?" *He eyed T'Lena.

[5:12][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*He moves towards Dacia.* "Please tell me you don't feel pain.

[5:12][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Oh, stomping. That's good, will look more painful.


[5:12][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-drops her knees and grits her teeth grunting deeply in pain as she wraps her arms around herself

[5:12][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"you see her kidn drove my people of our world.

[5:12][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "Well... perhaps this is an opportunity to show just how you can serve us.

[5:13][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"So you could say... we have many ways of torturing them that actually work, Physical torture... is meaningless to them. The body is illogical."

[5:13][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:"I can feel pain. I can feel everything," she says in that dull monotone. "But if we don't do this it may be days before I have the chance to contact him again.

[5:13][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*They could hear slamming down the hall again.

[5:14][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore settled down into a sitting position, hissing "later."

[5:14][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-she falls forward and grutns more in total agony pressing her face deeply to the flooor to keep from screaming

[5:14][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*He sighs heavily.* "Fuck it, I'm sorry." *He moved towards her quickly and slammed his foot towards the base of her chin.

[5:15][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "So continue to use the Nirizean, is your recommendation?" *he eyed her on the floor.


[5:15][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"They are highly telepathic.

[5:15][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:Kicking Dacia in the face is much like kicking a piece of furniture. She claims to feel pain, but you'd never know it by looking at her. She just sits there

[5:15][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"The more you let her the adjutant into her mind, the more chance she has to figure out how to damage him.

[5:15][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(Roll to see how much damage is done

[5:16][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"The more you let the adjutant into her mind, the more chance she has to figure out how to damage him.


[5:16][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"You don't torture a vulcan to get information. You torture someone it is illogical for them to let suffer.

[5:16][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] *He eyed T'Lena for a time, then nodded his head.* "The other one, then.

[5:17][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*They focused their attentions on Ezri.

[5:17][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"That one. well if i believe this yyaoi felt anything more than pity for her I'd tell you yes. No the one you want is name Hunkler.

[5:18][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Zhal feels like he just stubbed his toe on the heaviest end table, but Dacia's head was snapped to the side with just enough force to break the synthetic skin.

[5:18][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"He's the tactical officer and this one's lover... the nizarean can confirm by merely saying V'tira and seeing the vivid imagery that pops into his mind.

[5:19][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-spits out blood from her lip she had bitten into and hiss t TLena- ..traito

[5:19][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"Son of a... The hell are you made out of?" *He leaned back against the wall.

[5:19][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-though it is very monotoned as aresponse

[5:19][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Traitor, now isn't that a funny word, traitor to what? Your people destroyed my world.

[5:19][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "I'll see what I can do, but for now this one will have to do.

[5:19][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"What is trading one conqueror for another.

[5:20][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Nirizean] *He approached Ezri, staring at her with abyssal eyes.

[5:20][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-deadpanned- we were the only logical choice to rule yo

[5:20][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:"It would take too long to explain. Continue, and ensure that they see you doing it. Some cursing would be appropriate at the moment. And Zhal, thank you. This is necessary for the survival of ou

[5:20][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri looks at the Nirizean-- "hi.


[5:20][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Going into that ones head... might be more dangerous don't worry i'm here if you get lost.

[5:20][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she walked over to v'tira and traced her ear

[5:21][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Nirizean] "Your concern is noted." *He turned back to Ezri.* "Name and rank.

[5:21][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*whispering in rihannsu* "I am sorry" *then with a swift jerk dislocated v'tira's third cochlear bone

[5:21][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The banging was getting closer.

[5:21][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"Listen.. just know that I dont actually mean it." *He struck out again with his foot attemtping to kick her head into the wall.* "Fuck you, you synthetic was of material, you should have been able t

[5:21][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-shivered and bit her lip sto keep from squeakingout her usual squeak as Tlena tickles her veyr ticklishears

[5:21][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:get us out of here by now.

[5:22][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"I am Lieutenant Junior Grade Ezri Ali Tegan Chief Science officer..

[5:22][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-tosses her head back and cries out in pain

[5:23][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:Dacia's head bounces against the cell wall, and she slumps forward with her head lolled to the side. "Please stop-- please stop-- please stop-- please stop--

[5:23][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Zhal's foot lands completely wrong against Dacia's head, and he can feel a crunch of his first two toes.

[5:23][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"However sometimes its good to be illogical. Sorry.

[5:24][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-falls foward and catches herself with her one good hand unable to verbally respond to the riposte by the Romulan

[5:24][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Adjutant] "Planet of origin?" *He was slowly probing at the edges of Ezri's mind, testing her.

[5:24][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Make sure to talk to her from her right side for a few days.

[5:24][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Grinds his teeth together at the pain his foot then sends an elbow towards her face.* "Shut the fuck up. you damn bot.

[5:25][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore watched the show from the floor of his cell, slightly shrugging his shoulders to the kirtascan.

[5:25][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"I was born on the planet Trill...lovely world...

[5:25][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Seneth] *She shrugged back at him.

[5:25][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*As Zhal's elbow explodes in pain, he realises that this may not have been his best plan.

[5:26][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:Over and over again, like the droning of an alarm, "please stop-- please stop-- please stop-- please stop--

[5:26][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Adjutant] *He nodded slowly, pressing further in.* "State your division and specialisation.

[5:27][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"For fuck sake!" *He walks away giving himself a reprieve from the pain.* "I am doing more damage to myself..." *He curses under his breath then walks over grabing Dacia by the neck and hurls her int

[5:27][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Jun] *She barged in to that section, her Latejo following behind her.* "What the hell is all this noise?

[5:27][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:the door of the cell.* "Shut up!

[5:28][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"Science officer...um chief science officer...my specialiazion is computer systems and hologrphics.

[5:28][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Now now yyaoi stand up.

[5:28][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] "Dunno, the robot just keeps going on and on like that. Guess he got sick of it.

[5:28][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she grabs v'tira by the neck and pulls her up at the same time she did something to her back

[5:28][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:Dacia offers no resistance, Jun will find her on the floor stlll speaking without any sign of ceasing. "Please stop-- please stop--

[5:29][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Jun] *She snarled.* "Get to the back of the cell!" *She barked at Zhal.

[5:29][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-grunt sin sharp pain as she is struck in a vital vulcan spot along her spine to casue agony

[5:30][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Adjutant] "And which projects in computer systems and holographics are you currently involved in?

[5:30][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*He snarled back and spat a the ground away from Dacia. Holding Jun's gaze defiantly and then stepped to the back of the cell.

[5:31][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-says through her pain- Sheis lying..-eyes ezri

[5:31][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Jun] *She opened the cell and had Dacia hauled out by the Latejo.

[5:31][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri laughs-- "Why would I lie.

[5:31][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Jun] "You... you want to fight? You can fucking fight, then!" *She motioned for the other Latejo to grab him as well.

[5:32][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:That is not relvant, but you are indeed lyin

[5:32][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Jun] "Grab that one, too." *She pointed at Bore.

[5:32][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*t'lena stood back

[5:33][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore stood up, raising his hands.* "No grabbing, I'm coming.

[5:33][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Nirizean] *He shot a stare back at V'Tira, eyes narrowing before he suddenly doubled over, gripping the side of his head and hissing.

[5:33][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*He tried to resist the Latejo and slam his cuffed fists into the solider's abdomen.* "Your nothing more than a coward with a control stick.

[5:33][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "What's going on?" *His brow furrowed as he walked to the adjutant.

[5:34][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-to the officer- ...Lif

[5:34][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(Roll to punch the latejo!

[5:34][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Jesus, kid...

[5:34][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-almost drops to one knee but catches herself to keep standing

[5:34][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[latejo] *He looked down at Zhal like a man who had just been punched by a toddler.

[5:35][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"This is the worst run camp I have ever been in..

[5:35][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"Oh shut up.

[5:35][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] *He gave Ezri a sharp zap.

[5:35][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri lets out a high pitched scream-

[5:36][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Latejo] "I didn't think anything needed be said." *He went to haul Zhal out.

[5:36][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore looked up to Jun, shrugging some as if to say that he warned Zhal

[5:36][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:She is not wrong..

[5:36][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Jun] *She eyed Bore with brief amusement before she made a motion.* "Go! And bring the robot to the freak.

[5:36][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Went after the latejo.

[5:36][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] "Good luck.

[5:37][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Is drug like a rag doll and looks at Blaine.* "Thanks I guess.

[5:39][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:-Ezri tries to shake off the effects of the shock.-- "This feels like that time i tried to taste what electrical plasma tastes like.

[5:39][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] *He offered a quick wink before Zhal and Bore were hauled away.

[5:41][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-deadpanns- DId I not warn you about that as well? -to Ezri

[5:41][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Adjutant] "I... apologise, I need only a moment." *he gripped his head in his hands.

[5:41][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore did not notice as his attention was... elsewhere.

[5:41][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"Well yeah...but, I was really curious.

[5:42][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:and what did you learn

[5:42][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Zhal rolled his eyes but really couldn't do much else.

[5:42][DOIC5]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Dacia is dragged into the depths of the arena, back to her new friend.

[5:42][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--looks at the adjutant-- "You sure you are okay. Probably a tension headache.

[5:42][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*They could hear the sounds of the arena getting louder as they are brought to the staging area, where the selection of primitive weapons stood there before them.

[5:43][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-the humped back dirty cloaked and bandaged figure was laboring at his work bench when she was wheeled in strapped oncemore to gurnery for him- What..whatis this..how?? -dartsover tocheeck her form

[5:43][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--looks at V'Tira-- "i learned electroplasma is hot and getting shocked by it really hurts.

[5:43][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:My work..my work.

[5:43][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:She never stopped speaking, the guards carrying her will have to have endured the endless recitation of "please stop-- please stop--" while she remained utterly limp

[5:44][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore looked around, eventually lifting a rather practical looking sharp shortsword, hoping his experience with knives best translates to it.

[5:44][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-to Ezri= perhaps a migraine

[5:44][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I told you that one's mind is a maze.

[5:44][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--looks back at the Adjudent-- "seriously if you want to take a break, I wont mind.

[5:44][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "Goddess, they're hopeless," *he groaned.* "Fine. Adjutant, in the corner. I'll finish this.

[5:45][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"A moment officer.

[5:45][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:It is most illogical to do so..as you were warned -to the officer

[5:45][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] *He walked up to stand in front of Ezri.* "Proj--" *he looked at T'Lena.* "What now?

[5:45][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"If it please you.

[5:45][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she motioned somewhere out of earshot of the prisoners

[5:45][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] *He frowned and stepped to the side with T'Lena.

[5:45][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Looked around the weapons trying to find something resembling a staff, close enough to what the guardians on trill used ceremonially, once he found something sufficent he walked over to where Bore

[5:46][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:was.* "Let's just hope this plan of hers works, cause it did a number on me.

[5:46][DOIC5]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Guard] "Disagreement with another prisoner. Get her back in shape, she has another fight later today.

[5:46][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Let's first hope we survive this, right? And... don't piss off the latejo -too- much in the future. They hit hard.

[5:46][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Breaking them is pointless, one is too stuboorn the other is already very broken. What you want is information. Present a problem Ezri will solve it.

[5:47][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"Just trying to sell a product.

[5:47][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"If v'tira lets her, its useless information, if she obstructs, you are getting somewhere.

[5:47][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] *He was silent a moment, then nodded.* "Very well, we will try it that way.

[5:48][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Overselling can also be a thing. Especially when you risk having your back snapped.

[5:48][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-the broken Shanoura nondnods- Yes yes..I will i will..i can fix her..that was all I eve rhad to do..ye


[5:49][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"Point taken." *He spun the staff in his hands and then sighed.* "Let's just hope I remember how to use this.

[5:49][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-eyes ezri a moment as if wondering something

[5:49][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Don't worry. Even if we lose... try to go down with style and showmanship. They'll appreciate it if you do.


[5:50][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"Yes V'Tira?

[5:50][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:Why is your nose...different than it usualy is

[5:50][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"Good to know.

[5:50][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Announcer] "Coming all the way from the heretic's galaxy, team one consists of two species; human and trill. But can two of them be enough to take on...

[5:50][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri blinks and reaches up to feel her nose-

[5:51][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:Is it a new one

[5:51][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:It is only after the guards leave that Dacia's mouth stops moving, giving way to an eerie silence

[5:51][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"I doesn't feel different.

[5:51][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Announcer] "ZAMOTHA DZO-RILZAN HU-GERADA!!

[5:51][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:and yet..

[5:51][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"...The fuck's that?

[5:52][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The arena started screeching in excitement.

[5:52][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"Something big, mean, probably meant to fuck our week even more than it already is.

[5:52][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I seek to serve.

[5:52][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-the old man races back over to his prized possessionand beginsot check her damage- No No..a boot>a boot..were you tortured

[5:52][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Yeah, listening to those guys... probably.

[5:53][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"I suppose the plan is, just dont die?

[5:53][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Pretty much. The rest... we'll figure out when we see the hell our enemy is.

[5:53][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:Suddenly, she sits upright and spins her head in Mender's direction, "Prisoner 4321, I am very happy to see you again.

[5:54][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"You leave mobility and distraction to me. Your foot's probably all kinds of fucked.

[5:54][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"Well yeah.

[5:54][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] -grabs his heart and reels back some before after a few moments he crangs a wrench off of her head sdome- DO not do that to your f...to me

[5:54][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] *he nodded to T'Lena, then glared at V'Tira and turned back to Ezri.* "You fixed the stove in your barracks, I am told.

[5:55][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Slowly, the gate began to slide up, showing the black dirt of the arena within.

[5:56][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore started walking towards the arena proper.

[5:56][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"..I got it working yeah.

[5:56][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Zhal limped behind him and looked around the arena.

[5:56][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:"I'm sorry. I didn't maan to cause you distress. My injuries are far less severe than the guards believe. I simply wanted the chance to speak to you again, and so here I am.

[5:56][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "Impressive. How did you go about doing that? I am told it was quite in disrepair.

[5:57][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"it was not really in disrepair, so much as there were no longer any supplies left to fuel it and light the flame.

[5:57][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The arena was smaller than the one they had heard of from the Pilgrim team, perhaps the size of a soccer field on the interior. They could see the slight shimmer of a barrier above them and the..

[5:58][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:distorted shapes of bodies in the stands. The other gate was rising, and out stepped a massive Latejo woman, her bioluminescent spots going all the way up the sides of her face and making her..

[5:58][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-stares over at Ezri's nose some more to ponder it

[5:59][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--looks over at Ezri and shurggs-

[5:59][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:almost appear to be a giant, reverse trill. In her hand she was carrying a sword that was nearly as tall as she was, dragging slightly in the earth behind her and she walked pridefully into the..

[5:59][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:arena.

[5:59][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:{mender] -reaches up to cover hermouth a moment- No no..you were abused yes?? ..abuseed you were? beated for beind a toy that is not a toy

[5:59][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"Uh Bore...

[5:59][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore smirked ever so slightly and gave her a salute with his own sword as he stepped onwards.* "Yes?

[6:00][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"She is really big.

[6:00][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "I see. So you're really nothing special, after all.

[6:00][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"I know.

[6:01][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Waves at the big lady from behind Bore.

[6:01][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The Latejo swung her sword up into the air to return the salute.

[6:01][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"Well considering what i had to work with i am pretty proud of it. But, you are not seeing me at my best.

[6:01][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "What do you consider your best, then?

[6:01][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:"In a sense, yes. One of the other prisoners kicked me in the head several times and bashed it against the wall. But that doesn't matter.

[6:02][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He waited for the signal to come, muttering to Zhal.* "Swipe her legs out from under her. I act as distraction. Once she's on the floor, it will be easier.

[6:02][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Looks between the big lady and Bore several times.* "Right.

[6:02][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore looked straight at her.

[6:03][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Announcer] "Two against one... but have you seen the size of the one? Now, for the glory of our goddess and Rear Admiral Eldinia Rem... FIGHT!

[6:03][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] -checks her face and releases her one arm- Move the armf or me..rotate your wrist as well? let us make sure yo can still..fight yes fight of cours

[6:03][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"I am partiucaulrly proud of that time i causes a supernove and took out an entire enemy attack fleet.

[6:03][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-merely watches the exchange

[6:03][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*As the signal came, he sprinted for the latejo, trying to sidestep at the last moment to get her to turn her back to Zhal.

[6:04][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] *He scoffed.* "You expect me to believe you and your little ship were capable of that?"

[6:04][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"well yeah.

[6:05][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "Let me guess, with holographics?" *he sneered.

[6:05][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Z moved slowly foward spinning his staff in his hands watching Bore and the big Latejo and waited for his moment as he closed the distance she swung low and hard at her left knee joint.

[6:05][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-looks almost bored

[6:05][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Zamotha] *She held back, watching them closing in on her until the last possible moment.

[6:05][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"oh no not with hologrpahics, with subspace weapons.

[6:05][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(Rolls

[6:06][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:"Of course," Dacia does as she is asked raising her arm and turning her wrist from side to side. The volume of her voice lowers considerably. "Mender, I know that you are afraid. But my crew is dyin

[6:06][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:one by one. Pleaase tell me, how often do transports come and go from the prison?

[6:08][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] *He eyed V'Tira with that, then gave a slight chuckle and turned back to Ezri.* "Of course you did.

[6:08][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] *He hit her with another zap.

[6:08][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"while I specialize in computers and hologrphics...I have interests in temporal physics, warp field mechanics, weapons design and telepathy.

[6:09][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-watches dispassionately as Ezri is zapped

[6:09][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*As Bore sidestepped she turned to face him just in time for Zhal to slam her in the knee. She let out a grunt of surprise and dropped down to her knee, then swung a fist at Bore's head.

[6:09][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(Roll Bore

[6:10][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--screams-- "I am thinking I prefer the Nirizian, you suck at interrogation.

[6:11][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] *he clicked the electricity off.* "You will tell us everything you know about those fields, then.

[6:11][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"Yeah right, that could take a while.

[6:12][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Bore took the punch to the side of his head, dazing him and knocking him off balance, but not enough to knock him out cold. Meanwhile, the Latejo was turning toward Zhal, and he had moments to..

[6:12][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:react!

[6:13][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Zhal spun the staff up swinging towards the Latejo's head letting his instincts guide the strike trying to take her out quickly.

[6:13][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] lays a busted up PADD and some tools on her lap- Still you mist hold..i need to see under your skin to se if gears broken..if lones snapped..hold head down..now good gir

[6:13][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "We have time." *He paused, then said.* "You can show us what you know of your vessel.

[6:13][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore let out a pained grunt as he fell on his ass, looking up to the latejo lady with a dazed, confused, somehow dreamy look.

[6:13][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(roll

[6:14][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"Do you have engineers on board our ship?

[6:14][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:Dacia turns her head downward and looks at the screen of the PADD

[6:14][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The Latejo reached up and grabbed the staff as it was just inches from her head, jamming it backward to knock Zhal off his feet as well as she rose back to her full height.

[6:15][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] *He gave her a 'really?' look.

[6:16][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*As Zhal was knocked off, Bore scrambled to strike at the back of her leg with his sword.

[6:16][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-gives the poor officer a sympathetic look at that

[6:16][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri rolled her eyes-- "Right,

[6:16][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"Oh... shit..." *He stumbled back and winced as the pain from his foot rolled up his leg.

[6:17][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:While Mender works on the back of her skull, she tests the desterity of her fingers over the PADD

[6:18][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] Dexteorty check ..three two..one...go..

[6:18][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] yes yes..random wiggles...wiggle ..wiggle wiggle..yes..do s

[6:18][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "Remain here. I have arrangements to make." *He stepped out of the room, the Nirizean quickly following behind him as the three were left with the two Latejo and Simirian officer.

[6:18][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(Roll Bore

[6:19][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*walked over to ezri to check her collar

[6:19][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri looks at the Latejo and frowns-

[6:20][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*adjust it slightly* "They know nothing about trill anatomy no wonder it wasn't as effective

[6:20][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] looks over his feed back data on her test- Ye syes I see..now lower that arm..comeone dear..nice and easy..yes..easy peasy is the cheese

[6:20][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Bore managed to slice through the back of her leg armour. She turned toward Bore with a cold, bloodthirsty grun as she swung her sword.

[6:21][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(Bore can try to dodge, Zhal has an opportunity to try to help Bore

[6:21][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:Again you betray hollow one -shakers her head

[6:21][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I am a survivor.

[6:21][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore appeared almost stunned, but quickly tried to slide away from the hit.

[6:21][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"I don't know it seemed pretty effective.

[6:21][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:Test finished, she lowers her arm to hang at the side

[6:21][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] "Take a lesson from her, she's likely the only one from your crew that will make it out of this camp.

[6:21][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:You are selfish and illogical...i can only imagine what Marcus would sa

[6:22][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Zhal swung his staff around trying to intercept the blade and push it back towards the woman's face.

[6:22][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Well he didn't say anything when i had him beneath me last night.

[6:22][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-to the Simirian- You think so

[6:22][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she smiles at v'tira.

[6:22][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-eyes her coldly- he was not yours to take -hjisses at her

[6:23][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(oof, no help there Bore :P roll to dodge

[6:23][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Oh well.

[6:23][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[MNender] -secures that arm and moves over to free her other arm- Yes yes..so far so good..bad person..only mar face..ihope..ipray..no pain..no...no..-frees her other arm- liftit up plase

[6:23][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-sets his tools andpadd once more onhe rlap

[6:24][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Bore slid away just in time, feeling the wind from the big, heavy blade just barely missing him. The good thing about such a large weapon and woman, however, was that her motions, though powerful..

[6:24][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:were slower than his, and he and Zhal were faced with another opportunity to try and hit her!

[6:24][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] *he just chuckled darkly.

[6:24][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"You are the most beautiful woman who's ever tried to kill me... I'm very sorry about this." *He said, and attempted to strike at the back of her leg where he'd chipped the armor off once more.

[6:25][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-to the Simirian- You laugh..but you crawl in the same gutter as she does..begging gor table scrap

[6:26][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Flourished the staff and swung it up at her jaw praying that there was a glass jaw somewhere on this hellscape of a planet.* "Really?" *He glanced at Bore like the man was crazy.

[6:26][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] "I know my place. You'll learn yours or you'll perish.

[6:26][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-quriks a brow- As we did over Kirtascan

[6:27][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] "Kirtas was the failure of one man, and he and his house have paid for it.

[6:27][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(Rooolls!

[6:27][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"That is sad." --she says to the Simirian-- "You are clearly no happy with this life.

[6:27][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:And yet..here you are..not on that world..striking from shadows..the proud Imperium fleet..

[6:27][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:She with her other hand she starts to "test" her finger dexterity

[6:27][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:How nobl

[6:28][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Perhaps there truly was a Maker, because Zhal's staff slammed into the Latejo's jaw, completely surprising her as she stumbled back into Bore's slash, drawing dark red blood as she bellowed in rage.

[6:29][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] Yes yes..so eager for the test..ytour systems are reboudning..that terrible brute..could not stop you..knew you were strong..yes..knewit fromt he day...the day -drifts off a moment

[6:29][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore gave Zhal an approving nod.* "And yes... really!" *He quickly tried to go for the other leg.

[6:30][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-seems tobe staring off at the wall a vague smile on his lips

[6:30][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] *Hs scowled at that.* "I serve the Imperium proudly. This image of oppression you've created in your heads is a result of your own boundless hedonism. Your lack of proper structure.

[6:30][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:"I feel much better now, Mender. Thank you.

[6:30][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"

[6:31][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] -blinks Well..yes..of course I am here to protect you..to fix you..yes..-h esmiles- now..letus see to -he makes somenotes- to your skin my dear..yes ye

[6:32][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"Your world has too much structure, it stiffles creativity.

[6:32][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The massive woman turned on Bore then, reaching to try and grab him by the throat!* (Roll, unless he doesn't want to dodge this

[6:32][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*He spuns his staff in his hands as a distraction trying to keep the big ladies focus.* "Let's not flirt with the crazy arena lady who is trying to kill us huh?

[6:33][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Latejo] "His world is mostly Tanausans," *the big man commented.

[6:33][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:"I rend, you mend." She says in that dull monotone while her fingers flex

[6:33][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] "No one asked for your input, latejo.

[6:34][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"is he wrong?

[6:34][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:Curious..is the latejonot on your side

[6:34][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Bore felt a hand clamp around his throat, but he managed to hang on to his sword as Zhal attempted to draw her attention.

[6:34][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] "We all serve the Imperium.

[6:35][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"I... am not... flirting..." *He managed to gasp out, then tried to stab the sword -upwards- into the arm grabbing him by the throat.

[6:35][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender -nodnods- Yes yes..you rend and I men

[6:35][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Latejo] *He went silent, but they could see the faintest smirk on his lips.

[6:35][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(Zhal roll to distract, Bore to stab!

[6:35][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] -makes somenotes

[6:37][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-=nods- Begging for table scraps...like Sehlat pu

[6:38][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The woman's eye was drawn to the annoying trill spinning his staff around just long enough for Bore to jam the blade right through the Latejo's forearm. She let out a scream of agony and Bore was..

[6:38][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:dropped down into the dirt with a severed hand and half of a wrist going with him, blood spurting over the human.

[6:39][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:"I rend, you mend. Symetry

[6:39][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] *he advanced on V'Tira then.* "You need to shut up if you want to make it out of this room alive, you hornless bitch.

[6:39][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] -nods as he attends to her synth skin- Now..you will be acareful inthe arena yes

[6:40][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"She wants you to kill her. Don't let her bait you into doing so.

[6:40][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore fell down onto his feet with a grunt, then stood over her and aimed his blade down at her throat, but did not actually stab into it.

[6:40][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-smirks a vicously smug smile at him

[6:40][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Then she wins

[6:40][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:"I will do what I must. I will be useful.

[6:40][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] "Maybe she does, but so do I." *his hand reached for the device on his belt.

[6:41][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-deadpans- Cowar

[6:41][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Do you?

[6:41][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Well I'll remember that when I am performing a live disection.

[6:41][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] *He didn't take the device off then, but then wound his hand back and slapped V'Tira hard across the face on her infected side.

[6:42][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender]-gently cups hjer chin as hefixzsher skin- and Ilive to serve...symmetr

[6:42][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Latejo] *She glared up at Bore then, gripping her severed wrist.* "Give me a clean death then, human.

[6:42][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-her head snaps over as he head aslpodes inpain her eyes awkening again as he can see

[6:42][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Or you can live and escape with us soon.

[6:43][DOIC]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:** Without warning, an explosion came from somewhere in the south of the camp.*

[6:43][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"The dawn alliance could always use warriors like...

[6:43][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-she then merely returnsher head to whereit was when he slapped her and then looks to the south

[6:43][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He immediately dropped his body down onto the latejo to try and cover her from the blast he heard, before he realized the blast was not in the arena.

[6:43][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] -throws himself over Dacia at the sound of the xplosion

[6:43][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Turned toward the sound of the explosion.

[6:43][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The others in the room turned their head in that direction.* "What in the goddess' name?



[6:44][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The door burst open then.

[6:44][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-nods- that to

[6:44][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "You, with me. Leave one Latejo behind and lock down the room.

[6:44][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-the officer- Good news is it

[6:44][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He raised himself back up and looked down at the latejo.* "Things are already heating up. We may need an ally in the coming days. Think fast.

[6:44][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The simirian and one of the latejo looked at the officer and immediately moved to do as they heard the tone of his voice.

[6:45][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"How many are injured you may need me.

[6:45][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "You stay here." *he looked at T'Lena.* "We'll come get you when the situation is under control.

[6:45][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*They could hear the sound of disruptors faintly.

[6:46][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"And how many might die before?

[6:46][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[officer] "Goddess. Fine! Come with us.

[6:46][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:"I am unharmed, Mender. Thank you. Is it a common occurance for there to be explosions this close to the prison?

[6:46][DOIC2]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she moved with them

[6:46][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:Let them die...no leaveher! -rushes the officer-

[6:46][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Latejo] *She looked at Bore, growling lowly.* "This is not the day I die.

[6:47][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] -gets off of her and then smoothesout his cloak with as much dignity as he can muster and then gets a small dust broomand begis to dust her off

[6:47][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*He looked at Bore then the Latejo, then back to Bore.

[6:47][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "What are---" *He was grappled by V'Tira, trying to push her away.

[6:47][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(roll

[6:47][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] Well always something going on..busy busy busy are w

[6:47][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Good. A warrior's agreement." *He offered his hand to her.* "Come on. We will find a way to contact you, Zamotha.

[6:48][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*V'Tira was shoved backward as the officer reached for his zapper.

[6:48][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:"You should contact the guards, and tell them that I have been repaired. If the explosion was nothing, they will likely come quickly.

[6:48][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Announcer] "Please remain calm ladies and gentlemen, make your way to the nearest emergency bunkers or exits!

[6:49][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-lands with a thud but makes no effort to get up right away seeingit is futile..and TLean ahs chosen

[6:49][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Zamotha] *She stuck her bleeding stump under one arm and gripped his hand with her remaining limb, getting up.

[6:49][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"Don't suppose we should run for the weapons rack and the Cap?

[6:49][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore looked up and shouted.* "ANNOUNCE OUR VICTORY, DAMN YOU!" *Before he helped her back towards the entrance.

[6:49][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Yes... that is where we are headed.

[6:49][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The doors to the entry/exit points were starting to close!

[6:49][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Okay. RUN!

[6:50][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Whats going on?

[6:50][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she asked the officer* "Break out?

[6:50][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "Stay." *He slammed the door shut and went to quickly walk T'Lena and the other officers outside.

[6:50][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"Who gives a shit about the win! Run!" *He hauled ass towards the exit trying to ignore the pain radiating up his leg.

[6:50][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "We're not certain yet. Someone seems to have blown up Spoils.

[6:50][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:Mender, do not forget your PADD. She picks it up to hand back to him


[6:51][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore would try to pull both Zhal and the injured latejo onwards, stumbling a bit himself from that blow to his head.

[6:51][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*As they head outside they could see fighting breaking out, as Latejo officers were firing mercilessly on other Tanausans.

[6:51][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"More due to hwo difficult it must have been to sneak and explosive.

[6:51][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Guess you don't need an explosive if you have rabid lajeto.

[6:52][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she took cover

[6:52][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "What in the goddess' name are they doing?" *He quickly moved into cover.* "They've sworn oaths!

[6:52][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Bloodrage doesn't care about those.

[6:52][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*As the trio start to run toward the exit, it continues to get smaller and smaller... roll!

[6:53][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] =accepts it and checks the PADD and looks to her and barely she can see him shake hishead, he drops the padd onher lap

[6:54][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"They've been hit have your men take cover completely.

[6:54][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Bore manages to slide under the gate, Zhal coming up right behind him. The Latejo narrows her eyes as she sees the space and grabs on to the bottom with her one remaining hand, muscles straining..

[6:54][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Don't give them targets.

[6:55][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:as she holds it still until she can get under and it slams shut behind her.

[6:55][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Inside they could see officers running out of the arena rather than toward them.

[6:56][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Inside they could see officers running out of the arena rather than toward them.

[6:56][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Nice! Stock up on weapons and head for the cells. Let's free as many as we can!

[6:56][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "Cover! Now!" *They scattered around to try and avoid the fire.

[6:56][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-walks over to the latejo- Excuse me sir

[6:56][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Latejo] "What?

[6:56][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He looked for a bag or anything he could collect armaments in, something Zamotha can hopefully throw over her huge shoulders.

[6:56][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:"Very well. I will remain here." Dacia sits upright and stays put until Mender moves to pop his head out. The moment he does so she starts to search for some kind of scanning device that might b

[6:56][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:similiar to a tricorder

[6:57][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*From over the fire they can distantly hear a voice.

[6:57][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Holstered the staff and looked around for weapons he could carry either in his hands or over his shoulders.

[6:58][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Nil] "LATEJO! Many of you sword your oaths during the reign of my father Emperor Daharius Nil! By bloodright I command you to obey me now!

[6:58][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-=deadpans- thereis s multilegged creature crawling on yur shoulders crawling to your nec

[6:58][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*swore )

[6:58][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*internal facepalm

[6:58][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore stocked up on weapons too, looking at Zamotha and getting her the biggest sword she can use with one hand.* "This good enough?

[6:59][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"If we get out, we can regrow your hand on our ship.

[6:59][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Zamotha] "...Fine..." *She was trying to bind her bleeding wrist up.

[6:59][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore ripped off some of his jumpsuit and went to bind her.

[7:00][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Latejo] *He blinked and smacked at his shoulder.

[7:00][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] =looks out into the hallway

[7:00][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Kept scrounging around looking for something to get the shackles and collara off.* "Surely somebody dropped something.

[7:00][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:Dacia leans forwards to adjust one of her boots, but says nothing

[7:00][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-Vulcany Nerve Pinch time

[7:00][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "Goddess I hate that bitch. Kill them!

[7:01][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Not sure what she's hoping to do now

[7:01][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Whatever is happening, there's bound to be corpses around. We will check on our way out." *He finished the binding and started collecting weapons again.* "Ready to move?

[7:02][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"Ready." *He gave Bore an nod and gave the Latejo lady a smile.

[7:02][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "She's a madwoman, couldn't you tell?

[7:02][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He dragged some weapons behind him, having grabbed their handles, and moved out for the cells.

[7:03][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] *he leaned out and pumped one of the Latejo full of disruptor holes.

[7:03][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(Roll V'Tira

[7:03][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Started down the hall after Bore carrying as many of the weapons as he could.

[7:03][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:Dacoa fidgets with the PADD while she waits for Mender to come back

[7:03][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Mad yes but i don't think she's one to go down in a blaze of glory.

[7:04][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore tried to follow the path they took beforehand, trying to find Blaine and his new lizard fren.

[7:04][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] *He paused for a moment, looking thoughtful at that.* "No... she's not." *He looked at the others.* "Something's going on here, get then down as fast as you can!

[7:05][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Do you have a ship?

[7:05][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] *he gave her an odd look.* "Of course we do.

[7:05][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"And is it guarded by lajeto?

[7:06][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*As Bore turned the corner he would see Jun standing there, rifle in hand and pointed at Blaine in his cell.* "Well, I thought you'd be coming back here eventually.

[7:06][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Rounded the corner and glared at her.* "This bitch...

[7:06][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "Some latejo, and others.

[7:07][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Smart -and- beautiful. Damn." *He slightly held his hand up to try and keep their own latejo from showing yet.

[7:07][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"That could overpower them?

[7:07][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:Dacia slips off the work bench and lets herself wander around the workroom, taking everything in. Quite suddenly her arm lashes out behind her and to the side and she tries to rip an ugly lookin

[7:07][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:fixture off the wall

[7:07][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The big man stared at V'Tira as she grabbed on to his thick neck muscle.* "Don't do that.

[7:07][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"Gross, just gross.

[7:08][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Zamotha] *She lingered behind the wall.

[7:08][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:What? this? -tries againj real quick before she has to do lot of apologzzing

[7:08][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore dropped all his weapons and raised his hands.* "I'm cooperatin', see? Don't shoot Blaine.

[7:08][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[roll pls

[7:09][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] *He eyed Jun for a moment then looked at Bore.* "Forget about me. She's not going to kill me, just get the others and get out.

[7:09][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He gave Zhal a quick glance, hoping Zamotha catches it too, as if to tell them he's planning something.

[7:09][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-the ugly fizturecomes off of the wall

[7:09][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Zhal... drop your weapons. We don't want the commander hurt, right?


[7:09][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] No No..-turns- bad bad..

[7:09][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "If need be.

[7:10][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Sighs and drops the weapons and then lifts his hands.* "Right... wouldn't mind if she got shot in the face a few dozen times though...

[7:10][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] = shuffles over toher- Naughty

[7:10][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Behind them, the Imperium troops were starting to press back on the rebelling Latejo.

[7:10][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:"I'm afraid, I have terrible news. The explosion appears to have caused damage to your work room.

[7:10][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"You sure about that ship being secure?

[7:10][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] -nods slowly and looks athjer- I knew you were smart...very good..that did not occur to m

[7:10][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore slowly stepped over, hands raised.* "Fine... pop me back in the cell. You should know me and Zhal put in a good fight... we're assets.

[7:11][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Latejo] *He smacked her hand away.* "I said don't do that!" *he roared.

[7:11][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:Wel i wold not have to if you would take up arms withus and help us escape -responds

[7:11][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "It's the Rear Admiral's ship, I would sure as hell hope so!

[7:11][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri looks at the Latejo-- "its just a way her people show affections.

[7:12][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:...yes..thank you Ezr

[7:12][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Jun] "Thats a good boy." *She clicked an empty cell open.* "In.

[7:12][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"But, she is right you should help us escape.

[7:12][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Well then theres nothign to worry about, its not like she might have supporters within the tanausan navy.

[7:13][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"imagine fighting for our side and getting to kill Tanasuanas?

[7:13][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Followed Bore slowly and sighs, and starts into the cell.* "Dont say it.

[7:13][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] Now now..back on the gurney dearest..hurry..Mender will 'mend' that..in time..yes?? let them findyou back on the gurnery yes

[7:13][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*As she opened the cell, he slowly stepped over to the entrance... then tried to literally punch her in the throat, shouting.* "NOW!" *Hoping Zamotha uses the distraction for stabby.

[7:13][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Latejo] *He eyed Ezri.* "They are my masters, as ordained by the goddess, as affirmed by my oath.

[7:13][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:But they dont like yo

[7:14][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:We do though -looks to Ezri

[7:14][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "Who the hell would still support..." *His eyes widened slightly.* "Oh, that motherless xenophile! Fucking Son gave her to us!

[7:14][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:"Yes, Mender. I will do as you ask." Dacia tosses the remains of the surveilance camera into a pile of junk and then lays back down on the gurney

[7:14][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"yeah sure, you seem really nice.

[7:14][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Zhal reacted and went after her weapon hoping to tie up her weapon hand so that they could get the advantage.


[7:15][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender[ --picks up the discrded brekaage and places iton his workbench collection and then moves to help her settle back down

[7:15][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Zamotha then came barreling out from behind the wall with a bellow that shook the very walls around them.

[7:15][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(rolls!

[7:15][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] good girl..smart girl..yes..you will see all things in time yes yes?


[7:16][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Suddenly the shots in their immediate area dies down. The officer got up and stormed down toward the smoldering wreckage of what had been the officer's club, the bodies of many Latejo and..

[7:17][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:Tanausans strewn about on the icy ground.

[7:18][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*t'lena followed

[7:18][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Jun] *She wasn't expecting the punch to the throat, nor for Bore to have that much strength behind the blow. She was knocked back as Zhal grabbed her rifle and then the full-blooded Latejo..

[7:18][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:simply slammed into her sending them both to the ground to start throwing fists at each other.

[7:19][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:"In time, yes. I will be patient and I will be careful. I promise.

[7:19][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Latejo] "Just sit down and be quiet, they'll be back soon enough.

[7:19][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] -fidgets around working onher synth skinbut has not restrapped her down

[7:19][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore scrambled to get Jun's little device/keycard and free BLaine.

[7:19][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"One chance to surrender or die!

[7:20][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-stands and then makes an attemtp to kick him inthe presciou latejo jewels

[7:20][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] "Captain Son. He commands the ship that took yours... tossed Nil's brat when she ran out of chances with him.

[7:21][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*There were a few wounded Tanausans, badly burned as they tried to crawl from the burning rubble.

[7:21][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] you know the old peom..that facorite of yours..that says..not all roads traveled on behind..are left empty

[7:21][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Where is your doctor these men need a little more than what we have in the medical ward.

[7:21][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I could take care of them on the Manta.

[7:22][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Jun] *She roared in fury as she struggled with Zamotha, Bore just barely managing to grab the device and a slight caress of ass.

[7:22][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore hummed in approval, then went to open up Blaine's cage.* "Zhal, help Zamotha!

[7:23][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"-WITHOUT- shooting!

[7:23][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the road less travelled by, and that has made all the difference.

[7:24][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Tosses Bore the rifle.* "You just took my fun away!" *He dives into the fray and tries to help Zamotha by swinging his fists down at her face.

[7:24][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] for many miles to go afiore you rest...a gift fromthe goddes

[7:24][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] *He ran a hand over his face, looking at T'Lena.* "Fine. If you can save them with your Federation technology... we'll discuss your future in this camp once all is dealt with.

[7:24][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore held onto the rifle as he unlocked the cell.

[7:24][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Get me on board and get them on board.

[7:24][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] *He pulled out his communicator, stepping to the side to begin barking orders.

[7:25][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] *He got up as soon as the cell was unlocked.* "Damned impressive, you two," *he grinned.

[7:25][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(Roll for the struggle, Zhal

[7:25][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Never punched a latejo in the throat so far!" *He nodded BLaine to the weaposn he dropped.* "Help yourself." *He aimed his rifle down at Jun afterwards.* "Surrender, Subcommander!

[7:26][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"Just let me shoot her!

[7:26][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(Sorry sorry! Roll to use the Illy technique.

[7:26][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[lol no worries! <3

[7:26][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Oh, yes, shooting someone who's in close combat with allies is -SUCH- a smart idea, ENSIGN!


[7:26][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:"Yes, a different one by Robert Frost. The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.

[7:26][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:[cani stubborn that?

[7:26][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(I insist!

[7:27][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Officer] *He turned back to T'Lena.* "Don't fuck this up," *he ordered her, then spoke into his communicator.* "Now.

[7:28][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-grtis her teeth and really tires this time!


[7:28][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Grumbled as he struggled.* "I can be a pretty good shot!" *Zhal tried to wrap an arm around her throat trying to choke Jun out.

[7:29][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Between Zhal and Zamora, Jun was putting up a valiant fight, but as her air was denied she simply slumped back, limp.

[7:29][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Nicely done, kid. Alright, Blaine? Ready to take command back for the time being, or do I go on?

[7:29][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] Frost...--snies and adds- for in these woods we find our peace...for once we rest..and see to those who love us most...itonlyh then that we can ceas

[7:29][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He went to open up his own cell to free his lizard buddy.

[7:30][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Suddenly, T'Lena shimmered out of existence and reappeared in sickbay. She could see a lot of it had been disassembled already, but the biobeds and some of her equipment was still there.

[7:30][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] ..Atala ' a winter's reflection

[7:30][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"Can we throw her in the cell and shoot her in the leg or something at least?" *He panted through the pain and sweat.

[7:30][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Fvadtting fools.

[7:30][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"I was thinking of throwing her in my cell, yes.

[7:30][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she looked around

[7:30][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Unless Blaine has other ideas.

[7:31][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*There were three officers there, one Simirian, a Latejo and a Tanausan. Wounded Tannies were already starting to be beamed in.

[7:31][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Are you medically trained?

[7:31][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Any of you?

[7:31][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The Latejo's eyes widened as he sees a future generation vanish before his eyes and he is sent down to the floor with a roar of pain.

[7:32][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-moves for his control- Ezri help me find a way to open this doo

[7:32][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-movers to grab the latejos binders to cuff hijmbut good while heis down

[7:32][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she moved to the first casualty

[7:32][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] "Toss her in the cell." *He wasn't being quiet, his player just had a lot to type.

[7:33][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri shrugs-- "its a pretty basic door mechanism.

[7:33][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] "I have some combat medic training." *He walked over to assist.

[7:33][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore tossed a jagged, mean-looking axe at Seneth's feet, then tossed Jun there as well.* "Off we go, buddy.

[7:33][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Or well... dragged Jun.

[7:33][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"Hit her had on the cell... just because she deserves it.

[7:33][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Well that might let them die painlessly.

[7:33][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-deadpans0see if it is lkced by his controller ezri..

[7:33][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:Ezri..weare now escapin

[7:33][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I need you to lift whatever lockouts you have on the computer so I can activate my EMH.

[7:34][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] "They don't seem too far gone that they can't be saved.

[7:34][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Tanausan] "EMH? What is that?

[7:34][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"okay..

[7:34][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"No not these but we are going to get alot more.

[7:34][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Emergency medical hologram, a doctor.

[7:34][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--checks the controller, to see if it unlocks the door-

[7:34][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*She starts working on the first one

[7:34][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:Wanna help me...-sighs- what is wrong?

[7:34][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:"That is a poem written by one of your people, Mender? I do not believe I have heard it before.

[7:34][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Tanausan] "You can make a doctor just appear holographically?

[7:34][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"3rd degree burns over 78 percent of the body.


[7:35][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(Roll Ezri

[7:35][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Alright, people. We free and arm all the other gladiators, then we run to the barracks to see who we can grab from there." *He started going around cells, freeing and arming randos.

[7:35][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] a Poet..Atala..onme of my wife's favorite poets..i was helples then when it came to such thing

[7:35][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Ezri did not hit the button to shock them, which would have been bad, but instead hit the button that unlocked the door with a click.

[7:36][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Walked after Bore helping him unlock cells and arming people.* "Prison break time.

[7:36][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"Well that worked.

[7:36][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Seneth] *She took the axe, smirking.* "It seems the Protector sent you instead," *she informed Bore.

[7:36][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:Indeed. it did -checks thelartejo for hs weapons

[7:36][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Quick i need 75 cc of hypobenzaline.

[7:36][DOIC2]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*V'Tira acquires one Tanausan disruptor pistol.

[7:36][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Now or this man is going to go into a shock and likely crash.

[7:37][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--moves over to the Laetjo-- "sorry about this" --as she start patting him down-

[7:37][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:"I would very much like to hear more. But if I am to be honest with you, I think it's strange that the guards have not come for me yet. I am starting to think we should find out what's going o

[7:37][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*She looked at the simirian

[7:37][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-stands hefting the pistol- Let us go find our shipmate

[7:37][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Hell yeah. And don't forget Zhal and Zamotha, they did half the work.


[7:37][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Simirian] "Right... where is that?" *He hurried over to the cabinet.

[7:37][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"You have to make it.

[7:37][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"alright, lets go.

[7:37][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Medical replicator there.

[7:37][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she pointed a tthe device

[7:37][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] Yes...Yes i think you should..go now..pl,ay with your firends outside dea

[7:37][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He clapped people on the back, giving them various pointy objects of death, moving on from cell to cell.

[7:38][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] "You'll all get a 'thanks for breaking us our of prison' party later!" *he called as he went about helping Bore.

[7:38][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*while running the dermal reginerator to try ot save the tanausan

[7:38][DOIC2]V'Tira@Isis:-heads out withehr to try and freeher crewmates

[7:38][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri followed V'Tira-

[7:38][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"This is why i need my doctor what makes a starfleet medical bay perform miracles is the crew.

[7:38][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:She sits up, and swings her legs over the side of the bed. "Mender, you are coming with me.

[7:38][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*V'Tira and Ezri walk in to find Bore, Zhal, Blaine and friends already freeing prisoners.

[7:38][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Hell yeah. Zhal said Ezri is in the barracks, we got to grab her. I don't know where V'Tira and Dacia are.

[7:38][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Oh. Speak of the devil." *He waved to them.* "V'Tira, you look like shit.

[7:38][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Pants through the sweat and pain.* "At this point I just want a shower... and my bunk... before the internal bleeding, and mental shock takes over.

[7:39][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Lift your lockdown and tell the VIA to stay the vrent out of my way if you want all these men to return 100 percent

[7:39][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Zhal, this will be the best sleep of your life, but you gotta power through for now.

[7:39][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Tanausan] "I don't think---" *he growled as more bodies were zapped in.* "Goddess... fine, but I'm watching you.

[7:39][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:As do you Bore...-nods Z- Captai

[7:39][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] I will be along directly..go now..quicly chil

[7:39][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] "V'Tira, am I fucking glad to see you.

[7:39][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"What me all you want, we have a secondary med bay that can be rigged in teh cargo bay.

[7:39][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"once lifted.

[7:40][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Did you guys blow shit up?

[7:40][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Assuming you haven't pulled all the projectors.

[7:40][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:No but i do believe we broke a Nizareana nd i ended a lblood linef or a Larejo ofamil

[7:40][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Tanausan] *He scowled and walked over to a console, hitting a few buttons.* "Security authorisation 733-9222-44 Tan.

[7:40][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Nice. Well, we fought a latejo and she's now an ally, and I got to punch Jun in the throat.

[7:40][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:"Very well." Standing up Dacia exits the workshop and investigates outside

[7:40][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she quickly moved to stabelize patients waiting for the lockdown to lift

[7:40][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:T'Lena is likewiseout and about..we must watch for he

[7:41][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Computer Activate EMH Mark I.

[7:41][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] Render

[7:41][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Placed a hand against his head.* "The doc is gonna have fun putting all the neurons back in their right places." *He looked sharply at V'Tira.* "Was it my friend?

[7:41][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"I imagine Dacia and her new buddy are responsible for the explosion, then.

[7:41][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:She stops short, "Yes, Mender?

[7:41][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:How would I know that -to Z

[7:41][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He grabbed a crescent-shaped halberd, the closest he could find to a lirpa, and held it out to V'T.

[7:41][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] Makeme proud child..as you always d

[7:41][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"Because you were there when he mind fuc- you were there.

[7:42][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-accepts the lirpa thingy thing

[7:42][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:"You are not planning on escaping with us, are you Mender?

[7:42][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Looked to the weapons pile... then to Ezri. Then to weapons pile... then to Ezri again. Then to Blaine.

[7:42][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[The Doctor] *He appeared then.* "Please state the nature of your medical emergency.

[7:42][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Prometheus protocol, mass explosion.

[7:43][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He muttered a quick apology to Blaine and handed Ezri a sword.

[7:43][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] Iwill e along directly child..go play no

[7:43][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-does look like heis packing

[7:43][DOIC5]Dacia@nathan#353:Her eyes linger on Mender a few seconds, and then turns to leave

[7:44][DOIC5]V'Tira@Isis:-after she goes he smiles down at a long faded and worn ourt holo9picture- Yes..make me as proud as you have always done..

[7:45][DOIC2]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri takes the sword and gives it a quick flourish-- "yeah this will do.

[7:45][DOIC4]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:--Ezri takes the sword and gives it a quick flourish-- "yeah this will do.

[7:45][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"...Please don't swing it around too much when standing in the middle of a friendly group...

[7:46][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"We have massive amounts of explosive and diruptor injuries that will be coming in. I am going to set up emergency in cargo bay 2.

[7:46][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"We will send the worst here.

[7:46][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He looked at the people gathered.* "We move on the barracks. Ready?

[7:47][DOIC4]Ezri Tegan@Demoncheru:"What is at the barracks?

[7:47][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:Dacia ends up walking around the cornerandinto the grou that hasd finished arming themselves

[7:47][DOIC2]Dacia@nathan#353:Dacia emerges out into the camp and when she sees the crowd gathering she moves to join them

[7:47][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"...You were -there-, Ezri! Other prisoners!

[7:47][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*She moved over to the locker to put on a mask

[7:47][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[The Doctor] "Understood. Prometheus protocols activating.

[7:47][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:Dacia emerges out into the camp and when she sees the crowd gathering she moves to join them

[7:47][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*There was a soft hiss from overhead.

[7:48][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He nodded to Dacia.* "I assume the explosion is your doing. Great job. Grab a weapon.

[7:48][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"you all should be safe here.

[7:48][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she continued to work using the o2 mask to filter

[7:48][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Tanausan] "What did you... do...


[7:48][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she took her mask off* "What is wrong?

[7:49][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*t'lena worked

[7:49][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-quirks abrow and nods to Dacia

[7:49][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:"It was not. However, it may have been prisoner 4321. There is much that he knows that he is not telling me. Tranports to and from the surface are heavily guarded, and heavily surveyed. I recomend w

[7:50][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:try to locate their communication center and see if we can locate the Manta in orbit.

[7:50][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:Indeed...the dioctor and i both confirmed with ezris help the manta has surived andis clos

[7:50][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The Tanausan suddenly dropped, the Simirian after him. The Latejo took a few steps toward T'Lena, clearly wobbling.

[7:50][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:Curiously, Dacia has some sort of stuffed animal attached to her jumpsuit. A purple bat plushie

[7:51][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:=smirks alittle - wel she confirmed a few things -eyes Marcus

[7:51][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Whats wrong?

[7:51][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"That's a fucking relief. But let's first bust as many people out as we can, yeah? Once we're on board we'll need to run fast.

[7:51][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"And I don't want to leave people behind if we can help it.

[7:51][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:I do dnot disagre

[7:51][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] *He eyed V'Tira as he grabbed an axe.* "One thing at a time.

[7:51][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she feigned shock and moved to help the lajeto

[7:51][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:Ofcourse...of course captai

[7:51][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He grinned at Blaine.* "Lead the way.

[7:51][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Latejo] "Feel... diz..." *He collapsed, nearly crushing her on the way down.

[7:52][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Big boys...

[7:52][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she took another breath form the o2 mask putting it back on

[7:52][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Status of boarders?

[7:52][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she looked to the emh

[7:52][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[The Doctor] "Significantly less ornery and rude now.

[7:52][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[The Doctor] "Significantly less ornery and rude now.

[7:53][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Good beam beam them all to cargo bay 2.

[7:53][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Except these.

[7:53][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Save them.

[7:53][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[The Doctor] "Of course, Doctor." *Beamouts occurred.

[7:53][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-to Dacia- New transfer

[7:53][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she triaged the ones that wouldn't live without intervention.

[7:54][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"We're doctors after all I will be on the bridge. I need to figure out how to get the rest of our crew up here

[7:54][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:"I am. Lietenant Junior Grade Dacia. It is a pleasure to meet you.

[7:54][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Looked around and then walked forward.* "Placing a hand over his abdomen.

[7:54][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] "C'mon, then. Let's go home." *He motioned to them and started for the arena exit.

[7:54][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she finds a tanausan comm

[7:55][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*then heads toward the bridge

[7:55][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-an old dirty cloaked and bandaged Shanoura, a blnd of Tanni and Catadai arrives with a bag as if it was snata's own with Jinx like gizmos and gadgets

[7:55][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*He followed, holding onto the tannie rifle.

[7:55][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] -falls in line behind Bore

[7:55][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"You the guy who blew shit up? Thanks for the assist.

[7:55][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[V'Tira] IO am Virta..thsisi Ezri..welcome to the Mant

[7:55][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*As she stepped outside, she would see that a lot of the ship was still in the beginning stages of being disassembled, with tools and piles of materials and tech that she had to step over as well as.

[7:56][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] No thank you..thank you Yes..yes..thank yo

[7:56][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Well lets hope we still have engines.

[7:56][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"We obviously still have transporters.

[7:56][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:a few bodies that were still in the process of being beamed out.

[7:56][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:Her face turns to Mender. "It makes me happy to see you join us Mender.

[7:56][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore looked very confused as to whether or nto the answer was "Yes" or "No"

[7:56][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-lets loose about a dozenor so wind up mice like bots who go whizzingoff toblow up random thingie things

[7:57][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*would keep moving to the bridge

[7:57][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Huh? So what do those do?

[7:57][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Windup Mouse bombs- Zzzzzzzzzz -as they spee d off

[7:57][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] they go ..Boom! -pantaomimes that with his hands

[7:57][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Eventually she would get there. The communicator in her hand starts to buzz and a woman's voice can be heard.* =>= "Des! Status update!

[7:57][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Smart.

[7:58][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] I am old but off thehidges yet..they will go boom every where we are no

[7:58][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*As they get to the arena doors they can hear more disruptor fire outside as more Latejo appear to have joined the uprising.

[7:58][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender][ -to Dacia-I said go play outisde..yes..but you have to be surpervised..yes yes.

[7:59][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore frowned.* "Weapons fire... are the chantry here? Or are other prisoners rioting?

[7:59][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:=>="This is 52, we need to quarantine the area around the officers lounge the explosions had a biological contaiminent in them in i've ruled out blight but it seems to be targeting imperium races.

[7:59][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Kept walking but was steadily slowing down as the pain was radiating from his chest, abdomen, leg and so much more.* "Priosners I hope.

[7:59][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] Latejo bloodrage...upset former imperium,officer..bad fooda t spoils..oh yes.yes..poor combinationof event

[8:00][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Woman] =>= "...52? Where the hell is Lieutenant Des?

[8:00][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:=>= I have been able to isolate the pathogen already and quarantined the infected

[8:00][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore laughed happily.* "Perfect!

[8:00][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-the mouse bot explodey plode all round the perimeter adding ot the chaos

[8:00][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:=>= He fell ill. Can you please have the people around the lounge quarantine themselves. Whatever it is seems to start with dizzyness

[8:01][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] "Well, this is a perfect shitshow." *He grinned.* "But how are we gonna get out of here? I doubt there's anything else for miles after the gates.

[8:01][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:Dacia marches towards, the exit. "We will supervise each other as we go. We must find the prison's communication array. It is likely that is also where we will find a means of transport to our ship.

[8:01][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Dacia said there's transports.

[8:01][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] Yes yes..trnasporters but hevily monitored..but yes coms array ye

[8:02][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] "There are? Alright. Fuck it, comms array it is. We know where it's at?

[8:02][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Zamotha! I trust you can tell the latejo we're all in this together so we don't get squashed?

[8:02][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Mender may know.

[8:02][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] where is which? -to Blaine


[8:02][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Zamotha] "You don't bear the faces of our enemies... they won't kill you unless you put yourself between them and their target.

[8:02][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*heads over to the bridge terminal and sees if she can detect the crew on the planet

[8:02][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Good enough for me!

[8:03][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Woman] =>= "It's a damned war zone here! What do you mean quarantine?!

[8:03][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:=>= Then you need to go to hazma

[8:04][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:=>= And assume biologicals in the explosives

[8:04][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] -nods-You meanwhere are the coms array

[8:04][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] "Yeah... that.

[8:05][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] Yes yes..good officer..goodman..this way..follow mender..i will show yo the way..then i can find peace..only then canI cease -heads off towards thecoms array

[8:05][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] *he took off behind her.

[8:05][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore walks towards the strange old guy, rifle raised in case he needs to cover the group.

[8:05][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*So did the other escapee NPCs.

[8:06][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-floowed along to keep her friends and ship mates covered withehr pistol

[8:06][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-bore rol pls


[8:06][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Suddenly a shot rang out from overhead, just barely missing Zhal.

[8:07][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blaine] "...Fuck me. Sniper, run!

[8:07][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-fires a thte directionthe shot came to provicde cover

[8:07][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"Oh come on...

[8:07][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she checks to see if the bridge holdout phaser she stuck in the medical cabinet is still there

[8:07][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore starts firing at the sniper's position to cover the others, moving mroe slowly.

[8:08][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Amazingly, the Tanausans did not get that yet.

[8:08][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] -fumbles around his bag

[8:08][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:Dacia keeps in time, positioning herself right next to Mender. When the shot rings out, she takes hold of his arm to help him along and in a change of roles she keeps herself in between him and th


[8:08][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she arms herself then beams Nil to the bridge

[8:08][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Starts running as best he can towards their destination.

[8:08][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-Mender] -take sher arm and stays close to Dacia as he fiddles looking itnto his bag as the run- smoke smokle..smoke..what do i have that makes smok

[8:08][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Nil] *She appeared in a stolen officer's jacket over a torn red dress, spinning toward T'Lena the moment she materialised with a disruptor raised.

[8:09][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"We goign to put these away?

[8:09][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(All roll

[8:10][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"I need your help to get the transport inhibitor offline.

[8:10][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Nil] "You." *She paused, then lowered her weapon.* "That may be easier said than done.

[8:10][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Maybe, but the collars have to have some sort of central control right?

[8:11][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Nil] "Indeed, at the Rear Admiral's estate.

[8:11][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Oh really.

[8:11][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:*Bore quickly grabbed Ezri and -shoved- her into cover as he saw a scope glinting.

[8:11][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(reroll Ezri

[8:11][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Where at.

[8:12][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Nil] "I imagine it would be in a control room, likely on a lower level.

[8:13][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Bore grabbed Ezri and shoved her down just in time for a shot that would have, by all accounts, gone directly through Ezri's skull. It instead hit V'Tira behind her, burning a hole right through..

[8:13][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:her thigh.

[8:14][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Fvadt why can't things ever go smooth. What would happen if it were suddenly not able to send any signals at all?

[8:14][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-drops to her knees and criesout in pain as her thighis drilled through

[8:14][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:Dacia stops, turns and picks up V'tira in a fireman's carry almost immediately after she falls. "We must keep moving.

[8:14][DOIC4]Bore Ristovski@bulgariandragon:"Shit! Someone, grab V'Tira's gun and cover as she's dragged out!" *He kept firing on the sniper's position, moving ever so slightly to throw off his aim.

[8:14][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she sat down in the captains chair and pulled up the command console to check ship status

[8:15][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Nil] "I don't know. I never worked at this camp... it could go one a few ways. One, it just shuts off, we all skip off happily into the sunset. Two, it makes their heads instantly explode.

[8:15][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Nil] "Three, lockdown until it's manually overridden.

[8:15][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:*Turned back and rushed over to V'Tira's gun, rolling toward it and scooping it up. He opens fire on the snipers Position as he runs.* "Fucking hell.

[8:16][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-smirks as she tries to srtand- Enmsign...languag

[8:16][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"All do respect Lt. Shut up." *He keeps running through the pain and keeps shooting in short bursts.

[8:17][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(Roll if you're trying to shoot the sniper

[8:17][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-limps after the group as best she can

[8:17][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*V'Tira was being carried by a little robot

[8:17][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[is swept up by Dacia nd then hjust goes with it..sdorry missed the mote!

[8:18][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:"Fvadt it...

[8:18][DOIC3]T'lena@Captain_Rien:*she intiated a massive phaser barage on the admirals estate

[8:19][DOIC]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:** Zhal managed to nail the sniper and saw his body drop down from the high walls above them. Just as they manage to get to the comms station, a massive pulse of energy is felt from behind them, ..

[8:20][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender Brac brace ..Orbitals

[8:20][DOIC]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:and when they turned they would see the Rear Admiral's estate engulfed in light.*

[8:20][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:-the old man clings to Dacia arms as she carries V

[8:20][DOIC]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:**They hear their collars beep once... then twice... *

[8:20][DOIC]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:** On the third time the screen goes black. *

[8:20][DOIC4]Zhal@Jabroc:"What the shit...

[8:20][DOIC4]Dacia@nathan#353:V'tira is unceremoniously dumped to the ground, and Dacia moves to cover both her and Mander

[8:20][DOIC]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:** TO BE CONTINUED. *

[8:21][DOIC4]V'Tira@Isis:[Mender] ....well i expected our to go Boom but this is better! -to Marcus-