The Laudrenate Republic, or "Orphan's Republic," is a political entity comprised of Simiria, Zypenia and Varna - three worlds formerly occupied by the Tanausan Imperium. In the turmoil following the Imperium's collapse at the end of the Dawnbreaker War there were multiple governments formed, dissolved, reformed and dissolved again, and the Laudrenate Republic holds the record for remaining intact without losing any planets for the longest thus far - eight years.
The republic was named for Ain Laudrenate, the famed war heroine who served aboard the USS Pilgrim to help bring about the defeat of the Imperium. Her exposure of Imperium secrets to the servitor species aboard Imperium vessels was responsible for countless mutinies against their Tanausan oppressors. After the war she was captured and murdered by the Tanausan Maelis Vex, and her death ultimately became a martyrdom that has inspired acts both great and abhorrent in the years since.
The name "Laudrenate" is one given to all Simirian orphans of unknown parentage. The people living under the Laudrenate Republic find it to be a fitting tribute and metaphor all in one.