22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki
22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki


[3:17][DOIC]Nine@Isis:[tonights theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRCna17gcKU

[3:18][DOIC]Nine@Isis:as we see the cast with highlights from the current invasion play out, the credits roll. As it finishes we again get a dark broody shot of the Banshee on the ice tucked into a nice hidey hole i

[3:18][DOIC]Nine@Isis:a frozen valley while the dimly lit landscape and ship are buffeted by a imposing blizzar

[3:18][DOIC]Nine@Isis:[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwLfEqfDOfw

[3:19][DOIC]Nine@Isis:The DCTs working under the ship and onher hull can barely see past the worklights and runninglights set up for them. As we watch them work and tramp through the snow..we hear Alexs log..as a voic

[3:20][DOIC]Nine@Isis:over..as he sits near thestricken Liz onher bed as she recovers from her wounds..

[3:20][DOIC]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:So Elizabeth...quick sitrep for you. We have landed on this snowglobe to do some repairs so wecan limp back somewhere safer, however there is some kind of signal emitting from underneath the ice and

[3:22][DOIC]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:well our resident borg security has been picking it up through his implants and in turn is also affecting Dira with the signal... I have given orders to dig to it so we can investigate the signal

[3:23][DOIC]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:and possibly shut it down before bad juju happens to our crew. I am trying my best here Elizabeth.... the cold hasn't bothered me anyway

[3:24][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Alex pats Liz's shoulder lightly as he stands up

[3:24][DOIC3]Nine@Isis:-only response is the soundof her monitoring machines

[3:24][DOIC3]Nine@Isis:[Devi] -waits at the door herphaser still drawn

[3:25][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Talyse was staring intently at the snowy landscape outside on the viewscreen as if she could will it to turn into an open door.

[3:26][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"It is absolutely neccessary, for the peace and safety of mankind, zat some of ze Earzh's dark dead corners and unplumbed depzhs be let alone, lest sleeping abnormalities wake to resurgent life...

[3:26][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-softly to Taly without looking to her in almost deteached voice- It was so cold...so very cold...when even your dearest ally....became an enemy

[3:27][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Shakes her head and scoffs some.

[3:27][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Incorrect. It would be overpowered by heat of rage at betrayal.

[3:28][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-blinks- What Ma'am

[3:28][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Alex looks a moment at Liz thinking* An is watching over you Elizabeth. So behave. *he joked* Same time next time? *he said as he stepped to the other room* You know, you are free to get relieve and

[3:28][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:rest up yourself

[3:28][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"You said it was cold to be betrayed. I disagreed.

[3:28][DOIC3]Nine@Isis:[Devi] -smiles a wweary warmsmile- I will ..when it is time...I promis

[3:29][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:_looks confused- Oh..I am sorry

[3:29][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"...Were you not speaking to me?

[3:29][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:Was I? I am sorry -looks worried now

[3:29][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Looks at nine with a slightly concerned look

[3:30][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Perhaps you are being broadcast to again.

[3:30][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She gave David a -look.-

[3:30][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Quite possible.

[3:30][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-sighsandlooks down- I am sorry Ma'a

[3:30][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:I hope not

[3:30][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"It is not your fault.

[3:30][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Why do you apologise for what is being done to you?

[3:31][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"i am getting that signal again..

[3:31][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:I do not wish you to be upset

[3:31][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Looks at Devi serious, but then gives a warm smile* The time is sooner than you think. *stepped closer to her and lowered her phaser* I know it is protocol, but rest the arm

[3:31][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"It takes more than speaking ominously due to signals of dead from other dimensions to upset me.

[3:31][DOIC3]Nine@Isis:[Devi] -smiles her arm barely budges but he still gets the same warm smile- It will..once you leave the cabi

[3:32][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Chuckles softly.

[3:32][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:I ...i..just coudl feel the cold..ass you die

[3:32][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"As you can see, I am very much alive for time being.

[3:32][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:Moniters things at the helm, mostly looking for traffi

[3:33][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-nods- Yes Ma'am..and i wish it to stay suc

[3:33][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Appreciated.

[3:33][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"We will strive to keep you alive, indeed. Liz would be very displeased if we do not.

[3:34][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:You should be a restaurant hostess. *he joked as he kisses Devi on the cheek* Keep the kiddo happy when she wakes. *he said as he left the quarters

[3:34][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:...so much cold...so much painis out ther

[3:34][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She eyed her sensors.* "It is likely not I you sensed, however. I have ghosts.

[3:34][DOIC3]Nine@Isis:[Devi] -nuzles to the kiss andnods- I promise to keep her comfortabl

[3:35][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"still seems to be clear of any traffic, so we should still be in the clear

[3:35][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Sensor ghosts?

[3:36][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:She did not blame you..-to Taly- When she died.

[3:36][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"...I would very much prefer if you ceased, now." *She eyed Nine.

[3:36][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Gently pats Nine's head.

[3:36][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-blinks and looks down and says softly- Yes Ma'a

[3:36][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-looks miserable

[3:37][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zere, zere... We will stop zese transmissions soon enough.

[3:37][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Perhaps disabling Commander Allen will make transmissions cease.

[3:37][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Cobra lead, is all ze equipment ready for us vanguard to move in when ordered?

[3:37][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*as he hallway montages* =^= Sharpe to Cat. Are the scout probes ready for transport to the arctic Atlantis

[3:37][DOIC4]Nine@Isis:[Mason] =^= -the soundof the stormloud behind his voice- Cat..Maso

[3:37][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I 'ad ze same zhought, Avelle.

[3:38][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra Lead] =^= Able is good to go at your wor

[3:38][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:=/\=Cat here, go ahead sir.=/\

[3:38][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Understood, zhank you. Stand by for ze go.

[3:38][DOIC4]Nine@Isis:[Mason] =^= Probe ready for launch


[3:39][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra lead] =^= Copy Tha

[3:39][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--switches channels-- =/\=What do you got for me Coomander Sharpe sir?=/\

[3:40][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--turns slightly-- "Probes up!

[3:40][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*sighs as he hallway montages* =^= Probe ready

[3:40][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Well zen call Sharpe and ask permission to launch zem. Ze sooner we get rid of zis signal, ze bezzer.

[3:41][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:=/\=Aye sir, probe is ready to go.=/\

[3:41][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Launch it, get me eyes in Atlantis. *switches channel* =^= Sharpe to Scream. Your people ready to dig

[3:42][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--presses the probe pew pewer.-

[3:43][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--the probe yeeter activates-

[3:43][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Yes, we are ready to go. Want me down wiz zem?

[3:43][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Talsha] -powers up the probe

[3:44][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Talsha] Probeis good to go ma'a

[3:44][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Send your people ahead to dig. You first better see what we see

[3:44][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-smiles some as she sees Bren has finally awakened- Ma'a

[3:44][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:*walks in from the turbolift

[3:45][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:Inara* :P

[3:45][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] What is it nine

[3:45][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Able team, probes are about to 'ead out. Go in after zem.


[3:45][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Get us full visuals and audio if you can.

[3:45][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--presses the button to send the probe flying.-

[3:45][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:I see and feel..the loss of other..David and other Taly out there..through Davids implanyt broadcasts..so much deat

[3:45][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:So much..col

[3:46][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Temporally displaced

[3:46][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-says softly to Inara

[3:46][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] What do you mean by other

[3:46][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:No..Cat has detecxted no chronoton

[3:46][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Not temporally displaced.

[3:46][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Another dimension of being.

[3:46][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"When the probe approaches the target I can put the telemetry up on the main screen if you want it.

[3:46][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:thatis why...David can not be here alice and dead out there..but it is david out ther

[3:46][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:So quantum signatures are aligned to a seperate universe

[3:46][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Cazerina, 'ave 'alf of ze main screen be telemetry.

[3:46][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:No...it shows us ..our

[3:47][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Ze ozher 'alf will be Able's broadcast.

[3:47][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:That makes... little sense

[3:47][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"That makes no sense.

[3:47][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-Cobra Lead and Able team begin their trudge throughthe storm following the probe

[3:47][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:Agreed..that is..unsettlin

[3:47][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"aye aye Commander a two way split.

[3:47][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David frowns.

[3:48][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Where is Sharpe

[3:48][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Gets Cobra lead's feed on the screen.

[3:48][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:We...saw this once before and did not understran

[3:48][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"If they are not of another time or another dimension, what could they be?

[3:48][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"On a potty break, probably." *To Inara.

[3:48][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-screen shows..bliazzard andslithering through the deep snow

[3:48][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Clones? Constructs? Who knows?


[3:48][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--monitors the probe's progress-

[3:48][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-slowly nods to INara

[3:49][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-the probeis easily handling the storma s it grows nearer and nearer tot he signlsource

[3:49][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:*she pinches her nose

[3:49][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Talyse folded her arms, staring intently at the screen.

[3:49][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"..the ghost of Christmas future.

[3:49][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*enters the bridge

[3:50][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Talsha] I alwaysprefered the ghost fromc hristmas present...he had a feas

[3:50][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:shakes her head a little with a frow

[3:50][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"...True but our unknown signal sender out there does not seem that happy.

[3:50][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:...the vocies ..retur

[3:50][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Ze probe and Able are away, Sharpe.

[3:51][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:What do you hear Dira

[3:51][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-closes her eys and shares


[3:51][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Thank you Scream. *looks at the viewscreen

[3:51][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--sets up the two way split on the main viewer with the probe and able's feeds-

[3:52][DOIC]Nine@Isis:The probe is now hoveringover the site

[3:52][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:The soldiers are an apple produc


[3:52][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly squinted at the screen, trying to discern anything at all from that vantage point.

[3:52][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Go to thermic

[3:53][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Able, switch to thermals.


[3:54][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"There... shadow in ice. Something large is buried here.

[3:54][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I always imagined sirens to be gorgeous, not... David. No offence.


[3:54][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David rubs his nose.

[3:54][DOIC]Nine@Isis:Able is almost there..they are making great time considerin

[3:54][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:I hear a voice too, one that cannot be here

[3:54][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Keep a lookout. Our resident snowman says zere is somezhing large buried beneazh.

[3:54][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-nods- The impossibl

[3:54][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:And it is different

[3:55][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[CDobra lead] =^= Copy tha

[3:55][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"...You could stop speaking in riddles, you know? Whose voice is it.

[3:55][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:These echoes, they are cries for help yes. But i think formulated in a way that appeals to each of you

[3:55][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Are we certain they belong to true owners of voice, not manipulations of thoughts and memory?

[3:55][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:I cannot confirm he is actually still alive

[3:55][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:He being

[3:56][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:I don't beleive the voices and distress you are seeign is actually Mr Allen or Ms Avelle

[3:56][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She nodded once.* "Mimics.

[3:56][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:I believe its a message, either of warning or distress. But the new voice is trying to calm the others

[3:56][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:Buti cnconfirmit is a Borg signa

[3:56][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Intriguing. Ze signal Cazerina picked up was a borg one.

[3:56][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:Or Iwould not hear it nor davi

[3:56][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:A borg signal can be faked

[3:56][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:David knows what it should be like

[3:57][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:So does Cataerina

[3:57][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"confirmation from the probe's sensors there is a structure buried down there, about one kilomter down.

[3:57][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zat is a fair point. But would such not require telepazhy?

[3:57][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:It would..as we know i

[3:57][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Cobra lead, Probe confirms a structure buried a kilometer down.

[3:57][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Perhaps they are reaching out in the only way they know how

[3:57][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Many beings are capable of telepathy. Even those we would not normally consider gifted with intelligence.

[3:57][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra Lead] =^= Understood...will not take long to burn throug

[3:58][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Sharpe, this planet. was their anything special about it that made us land here

[3:58][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Start working... in case you see anyzhing dangerous, prioritise your survival.

[3:58][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:*very obvious inara has been out of touch with the world while she recovered

[3:58][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:We could land here. That's it

[3:59][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Talsha] and it had ana mospher


[3:59][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"This system gets little traffic. Oldest was civilian and weeks old.

[3:59][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Whats the status of our power reserves

[3:59][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Good place to repair and lay low.

[3:59][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Ops answer the nice lady

[3:59][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Assuming this is a warning. Because of the message of death, and you say there is a structure a kilometer down

[4:00][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-on screen the MTF sets up aperimeter and begins to dig down with drilling pphasers..making a slow sloping ramp down to the structure

[4:00][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"You wish for us not to go prodding potential dangers when other issues are at hand.

[4:00][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] Our power reserve are al at 100% and shoudl astus agreat whil

[4:00][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"aye ma'am, sensors are picking up some sort of artificial structure one kilometer down.

[4:01][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Caterina can you estimate how long it would take for ice to bury the banshee under a kilometer of ice

[4:01][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Thats good. Please monitor that Crane

[4:01][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] Of course Ma'a

[4:02][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"it would take thousands of years to end up under that much ice.

[4:02][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Talyse what i am worried about is that mgiht be a ship that sought refuge here

[4:02][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:And was unable to leave. Thus the warning

[4:02][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:You fear thatis..us out there



[4:02][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Why not just leave a regular beacon, zen? Somezhign is off.

[4:03][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:I believe it to be alien to us

[4:03][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"that is a possibiity ma'am that is a buried ship out there. That seem more plausibile that someone building a structure out here.

[4:03][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Scream you have experience with half a dozen entitities that would only be able to communicate in such a way

[4:03][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Observe carefully, dark shape within ice. No ship is that big save for Kzari mother ship.

[4:03][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-continue to be all buisness as they drill down

[4:03][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Inara.* "Indeed, but zey normally do not use ships.

[4:04][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Size is too massive, must have been a structure of some kind.

[4:04][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Not necessarily

[4:04][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-the probe follows them down

[4:05][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:I sens enothing alive but my powers are notably weakened. Which also means Alex I can't protect you

[4:05][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:I am unble to offer much as well...it took much from us int he attac

[4:06][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:So it is gonna be like days of old. Just an psychic eye out for whatever is alive out there

[4:07][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra lead] =^= We are at the half way marke

[4:07][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Understood. Place a transporter enhancer, just in case.

[4:08][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-the feed shows twoof Able seting up a com signal enshancer as well as a transport enhancer at themid way point

[4:08][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Able three] Damn its cold..hold it stead

[4:08][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"According to the probe, the structure is a dome of solid deuterium, a larger area inside.

[4:08][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Able four] got it..here we go..powero

[4:09][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Chief, we should 'ave a transporter en'ancer in place now... keep a lock on Able in case zhings get 'airy.

[4:09][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Watches the recording, ocasinally glacing around the room, to ensure it was secure.

[4:09][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Maybe it is some sort of failed colony or something.

[4:09][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"A biodome for survival on planet with extreme temperature difference for founders, perhaps.

[4:09][DOIC3]Nine@Isis:[Varla] =^= I now have locks on al

[4:09][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Let us 'ope it is as innocent as zat.

[4:10][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Zhank you, chief.

[4:10][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Could also be penal colony with temperature difference as part of punitive measures.

[4:10][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-Able continues to press onward with great efficiency as if this is something they have donebefore

[4:10][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Whatever it is we'll find out soon enough

[4:10][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Or a laboratory...

[4:10][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] Or a mine

[4:11][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] -nods- any of thisis possibl

[4:11][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She nodded to Alex and watched the screen in renewed silence.

[4:11][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Goes to make a joke but then remembers nine his here and doesnt want their to be yet another misunderstanding so keeps his trap shut

[4:12][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-as trime passes the feed beginsto show a darkobject now in the ice..looming large as able cuts through to it

[4:12][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra lead] =^= Contact with object surfac

[4:12][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-the team pauses just before the surfaceis revealed

[4:13][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra Lead] =^= Do we proceed

[4:13][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Have the probe go in first after they make an entrance

[4:13][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Open an entrance and 'ave ze probe go first. You 'old until furzher orders.

[4:13][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra Lead] =^= Hold until order..copy that..-to her team- Openit u

[4:14][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly murmured a prayer to her gods as she watched.

[4:14][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Kudos to able Scream. They deliver fast

[4:14][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-the drilling comences..the metal dully shines through as thelastof the ice is ,melted away and a efficient door sized opening is created an an entry point

[4:14][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "You got Sharpe's compliments, Able. You work fast.

[4:14][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra Lead] =^= -as always- Copy Tha

[4:15][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Let us see what ze probe gives us...

[4:15][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra lead] =^= Okay backup..let the probe throug

[4:15][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--nods-- "aye ma'am.

[4:15][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Cazerina is putting it in now.

[4:15][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"sending the probe in.

[4:15][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-the rest of able rearmsandsteps back takingup defensive postions as the probe slip sinside the cold dark opening

[4:17][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-the probe fires off two illuminaries smallerprobes to the roof of the cavern and waits for them to flareon and the feeds turns to show the following....

[4:17][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[ https://i.imgur.com/gAqUtEA.jpg

[4:17][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Mon Dieu.


[4:18][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"It is nto a structure, it is a city.

[4:18][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Said. Arctic Atlantis

[4:18][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Huh, a city indeed

[4:18][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Said it.*)

[4:18][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-no reaction from cobra lead nor able as they watch on their feed

[4:18][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:The plo thicken

[4:19][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-the probe slips inside further running its scans..showing it is slightly warmer due to being underground..wich explains the river and waterfall

[4:19][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Another doomed city. Do not touch any giant crystals we find there.

[4:20][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Not touching giant crystals in abandoned places is a newbie rule.

[4:20][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-the design howver is most curious of the buildings

[4:20][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Tell Kirtascans.

[4:20][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Fair point...

[4:20][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Probe detecting any lifesigns or whatever

[4:21][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-as the probe grows closer..the 'streets paved..show darkened lumps here and there..bodies frozen in the ice laying probe

[4:21][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"maybe this city is R'lyeh?

[4:21][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Do not be ridiculous. Zat is in ze ocean.

[4:21][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"i am not picking up any life signs.

[4:21][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Ma'am what is ice, if not frozen water?

[4:21][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] Those buildings...look like..Federation design

[4:21][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"But plenty of dead. Scan bodies.

[4:22][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zey do, do zey not?" *To Crane.

[4:22][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] Very much s

[4:22][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Have it scout the signal source. Scream, send your people in and have them do their thing

[4:22][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--moves the probe to scan a body or two-

[4:22][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Able, 'ead in. Investigate ze signal source, find any administrative building and extract information if possible. Stay on guard.

[4:24][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--taps some keys heading the probe toward another body.-

[4:24][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[pCobra Lead] =^= Copy that..proceeding in to sigal source and secure Inte

[4:24][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-the probes feed and ables feed show thembyu pas the probe and head inward

[4:25][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"this can't be right...

[4:25][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Let's hear it Cat

[4:25][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Spare us usual LMC incredulity.

[4:25][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Able Three] -on point- Bodies ahead...huddled int hecorner near what was a parks tructureof some kin

[4:25][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"..according to the scan the body is of a young Bolian female..

[4:26][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zey 'uddled togezher for 'eat most likely.

[4:26][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Can you determine cause of deazh?

[4:26][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-the teamsmoves into the park area..and near what was some kindof refreshment center..they close in on the bodies all seemingly wrape up in blankets and huddled tightly together

[4:26][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"I don't think I can ma'am...the body is pretty badly decomposed.

[4:26][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[CobraLead] =^= Wait one...Two sca

[4:27][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"So it was able to decompose before being frozen.

[4:27][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Decomposing? In zis weazher?

[4:27][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Able Two] -moves to a decicated mummfie body..similar to andes mnts mummy of a vulcan

[4:27][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Taly.

[4:27][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Perhaps it wasn't decomp but a weapon

[4:28][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:It is hot enough down there for water to flow. It is hot enough for rigor mortis to set in, however slower

[4:28][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Able Three] singsof a massive ancient fire..purposefully set near the

[4:28][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Have able carbon date the fire

[4:28][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Can you date ze fire?

[4:28][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Two] Iam showing possible signsof dehydration and ..damasge fromcsevere cold...but the readings mghtbe off..due to descicatio

[4:29][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra Lead] Two

[4:29][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"The structure would have to be thousands of years old for that much ice to form over it.

[4:29][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Unless it flash froze

[4:29][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Able Two] -scansthe wood burned and firepit-...give or take a century..a good seven thousand years or mor

[4:29][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Zhank you, Able. Move on.

[4:29][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"We know anything that could make that big a flash freeze?

[4:30][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Nozhing natural.

[4:30][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra lead] +^= Copy that movingto signal sourc

[4:30][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--has a self satisfied grin on her face as she turns back to her console.-

[4:30][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] can be flash freeze..if they are mumified..can it??

[4:31][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I do not zhink it can be a flash freeze... but who knows at zis point?

[4:31][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Assumes the city froze after they died

[4:31][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-the teammoves in deeper..off to the site as they approach ajunction,,a sign covered insnow and ice looms before them

[4:31][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"What and why are not our primary objectives, however. Disabling signal is.

[4:31][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Show us the the sign

[4:31][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra Lead] =^= Standby...four

[4:32][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"likily it took quite a while for the city to lose heat to the environment, even after it lost power.

[4:32][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Can you get us a good shot of ze sign?

[4:33][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Able four] -swings his rifle butt and breaks the ice andsnow off of the sign to show a sign that reads..ADMIN SECTION FOUR...and two arrows..one reads Medical to the left...CommandAdmin to the righ

[4:33][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:in Federations tandard

[4:33][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"oh that isn't good.


[4:34][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra Lead] =^= The Font is federatio

[4:34][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Indeed. So is ze langugae.

[4:34][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Sharpe? Zis is likely a containment site.

[4:34][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"i am sensing some temporal shenanigans here..

[4:34][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra Lead] =^= Clear more Fou

[4:35][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Awfully reminiscent of a containment site, is it not?

[4:35][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*nods to Val

[4:35][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Able four] -finshes thelower half of the sign

[4:35][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra Lead] =^= Ver

[4:35][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-bottom half shows directions to security Hub right..and Research to the lef

[4:35][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"..like a prison? or a concentration camp?

[4:36][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Scream send in another team. Join 'em

[4:36][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Its a refugee induction zone

[4:36][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] That is one of our

[4:36][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"No, Cazerina. Pray it is not what I zhink it is.

[4:36][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Crane.* "I zhink I know exactly which one too.

[4:36][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Heads to the lift.

[4:37][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"...you are thinking of something worse than a concentration camp?

[4:37][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Bravo, we are 'eading out to join Able.

[4:37][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] We never had such a facility out this wa

[4:38][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:[Bravo One] =^= copy tha

[4:38][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"How long would it take for that place to freenatural?

[4:38][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat shakes her head slowly-

[4:38][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:It is the LM fucking C, You seriously surprised something like it can pop up here

[4:38][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Heads to join Baker, stopping to grab some equipment.* =^= "Able, take defensive positions, do not touch ze ice any more zan you need to. Me and Bravo are on our way.

[4:38][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*turns his helmeted head to val. Completely serius mode.

[4:38][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane]Ons omething this scale..yes si

[4:39][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra Lead] =^= Copy Tha

[4:40][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Maybe my sense of wonder left after I got bitchslapped by a giant invisble skeleton hand awhile ago, but this place won't surprise me anymore

[4:40][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] -turnsback to his console and his fingers fly over it

[4:40][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra Lead] =^= Copy that...Able defense posture..dig i

[4:41][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"I this point I feel we all need to rediscover our excitement about discorver

[4:41][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Sentry, join me and bravo, make sure your skin is absolutely covered.


[4:41][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-Able does so securing the inter section

[4:41][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"I am content with excitement to kill Tanausans.

[4:41][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:I..agree with he

[4:41][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*points at Taly* Now that is something I agree with during the war

[4:42][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-looks at Alex with a small smirk

[4:42][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Damn smurfs..

[4:42][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:Do not blame smurf

[4:42][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:I don't think this is a facility from the past

[4:42][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Don't care what it is, as long as its a good fight.

[4:42][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"From the future then?


[4:43][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:=^= "On my way

[4:43][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Heads out the bridge to double check his gear as he does, it was already sealed but a double check never hurt.

[4:44][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Looks to Bravo.* "Absolutely, under no circumstances, touch ze ice wiz unprotected skin.

[4:44][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:-Bravo al nod- Copy tha

[4:44][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:blinks with surprise "Something just entered the system!

[4:45][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Able, no touching ze ice wiz unprotected skin under any circumstances until I can be sure it is not what I zhink it is.

[4:45][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-the probe continues to scan the area street by street..bodies are all in the ice..some huddled together..some look like died by violence

[4:45][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra lead] =^= Copy Tha

[4:45][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Once Jacob is ready, she leads out into the ice, turning her feeds on for the bridge to see.

[4:45][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly was immediately scanning to see who the other ship belonged to.

[4:45][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:What is it Scarlet

[4:45][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-shenods to her team who all od once inr eturn

[4:46][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Soon joins them giving them a nod.* "Anything we need to know other then the ice?

[4:46][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Avelle

[4:46][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Trying to figure it" tries to figure what it i

[4:46][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Any cries for 'elp you 'ear are not real.

[4:46][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Tanausan Prowler, commander... single. They hunt in packs, others cannot be far.

[4:47][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:A scout.... Keep an eye on them

[4:47][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Confirmed Prowler

[4:47][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Cobra lead, you may start 'earing cries of pain or begging for 'elp. Ignore zem.

[4:47][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Right, is it somehtign that can mimic voices of those we know? Is it something we can figh or is it a run and hope for the best?

[4:47][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra lead][ =^=630 protocols

[4:47][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Scharpe to MTF teams. Be adviced Tanausan prowler entered the system

[4:47][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "630 protocols.

[4:47][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"I shall." *She watched the Prowler intently.

[4:48][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Understood, Sharpe.

[4:48][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cibra Lead] =^= Copy that..and copy Bridg

[4:48][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:looks more broadly to see if it has companny, letting Taly follow the known on

[4:48][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra Lead] kill all but subtle feeds...go dark Abl

[4:49][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*As she walks through the ice towards the opening.* "Zose you know, zose you do not know... And it is not somezhing you can fight. Zere is no real proof of it being alive, even, if it is what I zhink

[4:49][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"It is.

[4:49][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Bridge, we are cutting our feeds.

[4:49][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-the feeds from able cut all to all but low light images

[4:49][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Its packmates have appeared now. Three Prowlers in total, hanging midsystem for now.

[4:49][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Good hunting Scream

[4:49][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:We are vulnerable

[4:49][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Goes dark and heads for the breach.

[4:49][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:How hidden are we for them

[4:49][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:We need to power downt he ship and stop repairs

[4:50][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:They hunt for u

[4:50][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"A break in clouds would give us away, we are not covered in snow just yet.

[4:50][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Sir, I should cut the feed to the probe, turn control over to able locally. So the signal is not detected by the Prowler.

[4:50][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:A dhiabhail. Make it so people

[4:50][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Understood," *He follows Scream weapon ready, searching the area, just encase as they go. In formation

[4:51][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:they begint heir long dark walk intheblizard

[4:51][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--cuts the feeds sending control of the probe to Able team locally.-

[4:51][DOIC]Nine@Isis:lights all over the shipo dim..as shields shutoff..and snow begins togather ove the ships hull..Masonand his teams reneter thes hip

[4:52][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:The tanuasian are trying to find us

[4:52][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:They won't

[4:52][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Using an esper but... they don't seem to care

[4:52][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra Lead] =^= Cat we have probe control..landingit and poweringit dow

[4:53][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly raised a brow.* "Their witch is 'phoning it in?'

[4:53][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:=/\=Acknowledged Able, tuck her in and dont forget the bedtime story.=/\

[4:53][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-to Inara.- ...reluctance...maybe

[4:53][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Walks in silence.

[4:53][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:-the snow stings as thwindbites..as they march silently through the snow..

[4:53][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Or is perhaps weakened as well

[4:54][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:They..were reduced..or rememebr the fateof theothers

[4:54][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Yes. It is likely also fear

[4:54][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:I..feel i

[4:55][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Fear of us I hope

[4:55][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*smirked slightly has he relaxed in the chair

[4:55][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:...fearof the fate that wait

[4:56][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Now that is a moodkiller. *his smirk slowly faded


[4:56][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:I believe i can remove them

[4:56][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Give me the risks

[4:56][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Prowlers approach this moon's parent giant, Commander.

[4:57][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:el roll pls

[4:57][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:They will detect us, unless i make sure they cannot

[4:57][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:I cannot shield your minds

[4:57][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Have Dira help you if needed

[4:57][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Contiunes to march alongside, keeping an eye on their surroundings, just encase. He liked to always be aware of his surroundings.

[4:57][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Mind will recover, body must remain intact.

[4:57][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-nods to Inara- I am here tohel

[4:58][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"They are scanníng the Giant and the moons

[4:58][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*The silence didnt bother him in the least, inace ti was almost quiet pleasant.

[4:58][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:bravo cannow see the fdarkened dig site up ahead

[4:58][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-on thr asle feed..they cans ee the team silently await

[4:59][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Very well

[4:59][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:*she offers her hand to nine

[4:59][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Moves forwards towards the dig site.

[4:59][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-reachesout takes naras hand

[4:59][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Entering orbit, commander.

[5:00][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"No comms until we are safely under the ice. We don't want the tanausans finding us.

[5:00][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:-simple signal nods from each

[5:00][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Be ready to engage when spotted. *Alex stands up and gives the bird to the ceiling of the bridge intending it to the blueberries.

[5:01][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Nods* "Understood, if we fidn them how do we deal with them just to double check

[5:01][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:*inara's tearducts bleed

[5:02][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-tenses asshe strainsw ither eyes closed..a single trickle ofblood from her nose

[5:02][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"...Find who?

[5:03][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:They will be moving of soon i believe

[5:03][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly peered at the bleeding women.* "Do you require tissues?

[5:03][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:sits tense but read

[5:03][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"If we happen to come into contact with Tanasusans.

[5:03][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Kill zem. But we will not come into contact wiz zem.

[5:04][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"They area breaking orbit

[5:04][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:*she wipes her eyes with a cloth

[5:04][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"comon just keep leaving

[5:04][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-opens her eyes and looks to inara

[5:04][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Unlikely yes, but just encase best to be clear about it.

[5:05][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"-If- we 'appen to find zem underneazh ze ice... fire at maximum power. Disintigrate zeir bodies, make sure no fluids drop on ze ice.

[5:05][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*still gave the bird a few moments more as the ships leave and Alex mouths something, shy away enough from the camera so lip readers cant figure out what provanities he said

[5:05][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Confirmed, breaking orbit and moving to depart.

[5:05][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Mutters to herself.* "It is strange, zhough... zere was a river.

[5:06][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Understood, and what happens if fluid touches the ice?

[5:06][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:[Bravo Two[] the air is warmer in here..maybe somefor of geothermal updraft

[5:06][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Keep an eye on them. We're staying powered down till they left the system

[5:06][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"If zis -was- what I zhought it was, it would create more of ze ice.

[5:07][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Yes, Commander.

[5:07][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"'Owever, I do not zhink it is... zere cannot be a river. It is strange. It is just zheories so far, until Crane gives me an update.

[5:07][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:[Bravo Three] So whatis this then

[5:07][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Somezhing new? A 630 offshoot? An old salvation attempt to use 630 as weapons?

[5:08][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"more ice? What make this ice different?

[5:08][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"They have achieved warp and departed.

[5:08][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"If you touch it, you die, to make it short.

[5:08][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:[Bravo four] -chuckles at sentry- Rookie

[5:08][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-smiles at Inara- well don

[5:09][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Power up in 5 minutes

[5:09][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Give 'em some room

[5:09][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"To close

[5:09][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-nodnods to El

[5:10][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:*inara is quiet her eyes closed

[5:10][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Yeah i got that part. Just wodnerign if it was the slow and painful or the quick and meriful kind

[5:10][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Slow and painful.

[5:10][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:[Bravo one] -pats Sentry onthe shoulder- Welcomne to the farm ki

[5:10][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*turns to Inara and Nine* Good work you two.... Inara you okay

[5:11][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-to Taly-Do you habvea tissue ma'am

[5:11][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Typical it is as i thought and thanks

[5:11][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-to Alex- Thank yo

[5:12][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"We will have to wait until power is restored to replicator, now.

[5:12][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-nods- Of course..thank you anyways -uses her sleeve toblot away the blood from hernose

[5:12][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Moves deeper down towards the city.

[5:12][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*walks up to Inara and places a hand on her arm* Inara

[5:13][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra lead] wait like statues

[5:13][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:"I am here.

[5:13][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Once they are deep under the ice, Val switches to low-range comms.* =^= "Able, do you read?

[5:13][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:I can see that. But are you okay

[5:13][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cbra lead[ =^= Cop

[5:14][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] I have killed thousands in recent days in perhaps one of the most intimate ways one can kill. I am functional but okay... No

[5:14][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "We are under ze ice, we will be wiz you shortly. We 'ave no word on ze tanausans yet.

[5:14][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra Lead] =^= Understoo

[5:15][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:If you need to lay down, do so. You want to talk I am here for you. *lightly squezed Inara's arm as he leans in to whisper

[5:16][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] My power is also extremely diminished for awhile but it will return

[5:16][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:*she nods to alex

[5:17][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly glared silently at the sensor readouts.

[5:17][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Feel free to use my office and whatever medicine you can find there. *slightly raises his voice jokingly* Which is nothing

[5:18][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*for the rest on the bridge

[5:18][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:Sir..maybe tell the MTF people we are clear ? I dunn

[5:18][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:I'll just steel Liz's tequila

[5:18][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Science. See if Tanausans left anything behind; cloaked probe, perhaps.

[5:19][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Contiunes to move with the team keeping an eye out on their surroundings, head on a swival. Keeping aware

[5:19][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*nodded at Taly* Just as soon as science tells us it is clear

[5:19][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:now passing the huddled massof bodies abl discovered at the park


[5:19][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Returned to the chair but remained standing

[5:19][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"If probe is out there, we are not clear.

[5:19][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:Starts looking for any signs of cloaked things in the system with the sensors she has access t

[5:20][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Huffs some.* "I cannot believe zis.

[5:20][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Power the ship back up

[5:20][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Looks almost liek they sufficated themselves, or even tramped to get more heat...

[5:20][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"I don't see anything out there

[5:21][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"No... nozhing of ze like.

[5:21][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"It looks like bog standard 630 deazhs... Alzhough some of ze bodies on ze way 'ere looks like someone tried to protect zemselves.

[5:22][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"When ze cold ones touch you, you get cold too... and zen you try to find ozhers for zeir body 'eat.

[5:22][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"My sensors look clear.

[5:22][DOIC]Nine@Isis:-the ships powers backupand the temperature begins to warm

[5:22][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:-bravo fianlly reaches ables position

[5:22][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly would run a tactical scan once the ship's power was restored to look for new sneaks in the atmosphere.

[5:23][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"I meant that in the sense of all huddling, those at the botten got stuck... so its like a parasite almost... Well at least no Varme Ty

[5:23][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Able, we are wiz you.

[5:23][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Avelle

[5:23][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Commander?

[5:23][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"But they would be easy to deal with here, wrong climate.

[5:24][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra lead] Friendlies coming fromthe east..

[5:24][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:I assume you are scanning yourself. What is out there

[5:24][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Walks up to Cobra lead.

[5:24][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-nods toScreama s trhe two tems finally link up

[5:24][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra lead] -rises up from her coil

[5:24][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra lead] No 630 auditory hallunation

[5:24][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"I have nothing to add, Commander. All clear.

[5:25][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Yes... ze river and ze waterfall do not match up to 630 eizher. But ze deazhs and ze zhings Nine and Lester felt...

[5:25][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra Lead] Noneis receiving a broadcast..like alog down load ithought

[5:25][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods.

[5:26][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Sharpe to MTF teams. Coast clear

[5:26][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:And here is hoping they will get it

[5:26][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Understood. We just made contact wiz Able. Continuing mission as before.

[5:26][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra Lead] -looks toVal

[5:27][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Turns to Cobra.* "As before. Try to find ze signal source, as well as intel in administrative buildings. Let us move out.

[5:27][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"okay I am receiving a data from the probe again.

[5:27][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-probe controlisoncemore passsed toCat

[5:27][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra lead] signal source is showing 1800 yards north from her

[5:28][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Probe back online, transmit bodycams

[5:28][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-Able and Bravo turnon full feeds again

[5:28][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"I have control over the probe again.

[5:28][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Cobra lead and turns her bodycam on.* "Move on. I take point. If we find administrative centers on ze way, we move in to check for intel.

[5:28][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-the images of the faciloty arenow back in full

[5:29][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra Lead] -does soas wellandnods- coppy tha

[5:29][DOIC5]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Nods and follows the leaders

[5:29][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Moves down towards the signal.

[5:30][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-Bravo and sentry follow her wth able and CL bringin up the rear

[5:31][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Looks for buildings that may contain intel or other clues along the way.* "If we come across a water source, please scan it. I want to see if it is regular water.

[5:31][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-as they proceed..they fightbodies..this time some show signs of a violent death

[5:32][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zey definitely got killed in a fight...

[5:32][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-they dopass a aquduct leading to the river inthe centero the city

[5:32][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Bravo teo] Lookslike ananimal attack of some kin

[5:32][DOIC5]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Looks around for signs of threats, what killed the people and if there was water.* "Snow demon?

[5:33][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Indeed... scan me ze water. Ze ice as well.

[5:33][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"so far all the data from the probe just confirms my original hypothesis the facility was frozen some seven thousand years ago at the beginning of this planet's current ice age.

[5:33][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Able two ] -runs the scan and shakes her head- No signof 630 containinatio

[5:33][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zhank God.

[5:34][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Crane, we 'ave confirmed no signs of 630. Repeat, zis is not 630.

[5:34][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--said in a voice with a hint of 'told you so'.-

[5:34][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:What about the signal source cat

[5:34][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Let us move out... of course, now comes ze unpleasantness of not knowing what we face.

[5:35][DOIC5]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Well lets see if we find out

[5:35][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Leads further down the path to the signal.

[5:35][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--makes some adjustments to the probes sensors, scanning for chroniton emissions-

[5:35][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] =^= Farmc onfirms 630 is still containe

[5:36][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-as the move on they come to the adminstrators command center

[5:36][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Bravo, stay outside and keep watch. Able, come in wiz myself, Sentry and cobra lead.

[5:37][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-=Bravo takes up a defensive positon and waits

[5:37][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Walks in, heading straight for the administrator's office.

[5:38][DOIC5]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Looks for any tracks as they walks to see if he can determine what killed the people. if there was still signs of battle* "Wilco

[5:38][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Alex sits in the centre chair in a figure 4 as he takes out a cigar* How you feeling Allen, Dira? Anymore voices from the signal

[5:38][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-they must go up a spiral ramp two level..to the commandoffice..the inside is afrozen time capsule of what looks like a cross bewteen mid 2260s furniture and modern furniture andconsoles

[5:39][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:No change..always the sam

[5:39][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:It is still broadcasting...I have kept silent at reques

[5:39][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-nods to Taly

[5:39][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:the teamf inally reaches the commandoffice door

[5:39][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Intriguing.

[5:40][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Able Two] it does look like theimagesofoneof Salvationsold site

[5:40][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra Lead] Definitely not our modernsite

[5:40][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"That it does... Two, try to get ze door open.

[5:41][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[pAle two eginsto cut through the door it takeslittle tim to drop the door inwrd tot heoffice..three body like shapes canbee seen in thedarkned offce

[5:41][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-the probeis overingoutisde onewindow..cat's eye is here as well

[5:41][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Shines a light on the bodies.

[5:41][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-thebody at thewindow slumpedover..ismumified but bears a clear semelenceof Taly..

[5:42][DOIC5]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Points his rifle just encase towards the corses, torch on his rifle pointing at them

[5:42][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Fishes out an ashtray from an XOchair hideyhole* Say it if anything changes Dira

[5:42][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-the othjer sittingonthe floor..as if he just shut down is..David..

[5:42][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "We got Talyse and David.

[5:42][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Well there is our Taly.... *he starts puffing the cigar

[5:42][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Two, give zem scans and send ze data up to ze ship.

[5:43][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Goes to check the third body.

[5:43][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-the third body huddled under a blanket at her desk..is Captain Caritha Arfacio..all three are wearingnot starfleet uniforms..but th faded andblackened uniformsof project Salvation

[5:43][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-shakes her head- No change in broadcas

[5:43][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly stared at the corpses on the screen.* "Not I.

[5:43][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-shakes her head- No change in broadcas

[5:44][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"This is not creepy at all.." --said sarcstically-

[5:44][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Arfacio, Talyse or David were not part of us.

[5:45][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zis is most definitely anozher universe's version of zem.

[5:45][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Cat there was nothing indicating time displacement or dimension changes right

[5:45][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:Justlike thebodies we found of ourselves on that moon with the messag

[5:45][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She tries to get the administrator's terminal working.

[5:46][DOIC5]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Once the bodies were sure not to move, he looks aorund the area. To him this would be a good trap or potential ambush

[5:46][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-no power whatsoever

[5:46][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Nothing my sensors are picking up sir.

[5:46][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Anyone 'ave power cells?

[5:46][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:We wore our starfleet uniforms then... Now we have Arfacio there and all wearing Salvation uniforms

[5:46][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Able four] I d

[5:47][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Can you get ze terminal running? I want to see what 'appened 'ere.

[5:47][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] We have ni record of the captsin ever being apartof salvatio


[5:47][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Able four] Ill try but this hunkof jnk has been expose tothe elements for seven thousand years Screa

[5:48][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Neither Avelle and Allen. *to Crane.* As Scream said

[5:48][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane I can confirm as much si

[5:48][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods.* "I know it is a longshot, but it is worzh trying.

[5:48][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Able four] -does whthec an to powerit up

[5:49][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:You can't confirm anything unless it was a full farmhand crew and even then I wouldn't fully believe you. No offence ofcourse

[5:49][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] -quirks abrow- As you say si

[5:50][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Able four] -shakes his head and makes a kill gesture over hisneck- No chance here Scream.the consoleis toas

[5:51][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"I am not getting anything on sensors that would indicate any temporal or dimensional shenanigans sir.

[5:51][DOIC5]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Could we take the memory drive out and have cat work her magic to see if we can restore it there

[5:51][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods.* "Snag ze drive, we comb ze rest of ze building for anyzhign else and move on.

[5:51][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:This place is nothing but a tom

[5:51][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I am not taking zese bodies onto ze ship, it is a recipe for a tear in space-time.

[5:52][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra lead] Copy tha

[5:52][DOIC5]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Should we disintirgate them, to give them a kind of send off?

[5:52][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Able four] -pullsout the drive

[5:52][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Scream, cat is still picking up nothing out of the ordinary. Assume our sensors not helping

[5:53][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Understood. Want ze bodies destroyed, or kept for furzher study later on?

[5:53][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Cat how long would it take for chronitons to dissapate

[5:54][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= get what data you can from them and then destroy

[5:54][Error]You have been idle for over 50 minutes. If idle for 60 minutes total, you will be automatically logged out

[5:55][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra Lead] The whole facility

[5:55][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Just Avelle, Arfacio and Allen for now.

[5:56][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She goes to scan them, motioning to the medic to d othe same.

[5:56][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Cobra Lead] Sentry vaporize Mister Allen..Ill tske Avelle..able two..the captai

[5:56][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:'the absence of a signature does not rule out temporal or domensional shenanigans, after thousands of years any signature may be long gone.

[5:56][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Scream how far till signal origin

[5:57][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Zis is ze signal origin. David, in particular.

[5:57][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Cat can you determine if what powered this city was a class VIII warp reactor

[5:57][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Wait. Keep Allen

[5:57][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Sentry, do not fire on Allen.

[5:57][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-the MTF pauses firing

[5:57][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Zhink we should get Nine and Cat down 'ere?

[5:58][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"No ma'am. not from here, not without it being powered up.

[5:58][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Have spare enhancers

[5:58][DOIC5]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Was jsut getting his ready to fire, but lowers his rifle, a tiny bit disapointed.

[5:58][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"But, based on the design of the city it is a strong possibility.

[5:58][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Bravo should 'ave some, I took one on ze way down as well. Placing it in ze room outside ze administrator's office.

[5:59][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Val steps back to set up an enhancer outside the office.

[5:59][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Place them. Sending over Cat and Dira

[5:59][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Dress warm.

[5:59][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-looksover at cat

[5:59][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"it is strange thought, Starfleet designs ususally have the reactor on a lower level, this place has no such lower level.

[6:00][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Cat, Dira. Cover your skin and head over to Scream

[6:00][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"..head over...

[6:00][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:"Dress warm" as she said it

[6:00][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-slowly nods- As you wish si

[6:00][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Transporter room Cat. She has placed enhancers for you to get close

[6:00][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-pats Inara gnetly ontheshoulder as she passes

[6:01][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-joins cat

[6:01][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--heads for the lift, pauses before getting on looking back at the bridge as if for the last time.-

[6:01][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-looks no happier

[6:01][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Bravo, we are going to be spending some time in ze building while ze egg'eads work. Fortify ze building for ze time being.

[6:02][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Bravo One] =^= Copy Tha

[6:02][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*puffy puffs

[6:03][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:-Nine suits up and zips up her parka dnputsonher blizzardmask

[6:03][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:I need to rest now Alex

[6:03][DOIC1]Bren@Captain_Rien:Good Hunting everyone

[6:04][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:-to cat- Inarais correct why didnt we show a reactor level

[6:04][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:-to cat

[6:04][DOIC6]Caterina@Demoncheru:"that is a good question...maybe that part got lost?

[6:05][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:[Varla] begins to send them over

[6:05][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:Might explain why they died..poor soul

[6:05][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-Nineand cat apper justoutisdeof thecommandc enteroffice

[6:05][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Waves them into the admin room.

[6:06][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--looks around as they appear, getting her bearings.-

[6:06][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-gass seeing this davidp close andwicnes- So loud no

[6:06][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--then heads toward the team-

[6:06][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-staggers some andleansonthe door frame

[6:06][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Avelle how cold is it out there again? As in outside the ship, not with the away team inside the city

[6:06][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:Cant shut out the dowloa

[6:06][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--moves over and check on Nine-- "are you okay?

[6:07][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She checked the current temperature.

[6:07][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-her eyes flutter- Alert..alert..displacementin progress...containmentbreach...arm yourselves


[6:07][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Cazerina. Scan which body part of Allen's 'olds ze implant zat is broadcasting.

[6:08][DOIC5]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Rifle is ready he keeps one eye on nine* "Location of threat?

[6:08][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Negative twenty celsius, Commander.

[6:08][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-drones on- Powerisout..rerpeat brace yourselvesfor Drop!! brace brace brace..

[6:08][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"aye ma'am." --moves over and opens up her tricorder to scan the borgsicle.-

[6:08][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*barely hears what Taly is saying as he watches the feed

[6:09][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Easy, Sentry... she is repeating ze last zhings in 'is memory banks.

[6:09][DOIC5]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Yeah... i just got that bit...with the last part...

[6:09][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:....all power out...alert..MTFs respond containment breach confirmed..

[6:10][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-Arfacios voice- Calm downdamn it WORK THE PROBLEM!

[6:10][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--works to narrow the exact origin of the signal.-

[6:10][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She looked up at that sound.

[6:10][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Patiently listens to the recording.

[6:10][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:-Arfacios voice- Beam the bomb down...all bateries open fire on 076

[6:11][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:076.... Which one is that Crane

[6:11][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"O76...

[6:11][DOIC5]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Grits his teeth he doesn't like seeign nine like this...

[6:11][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] thebibilcal Able sir....a ferious undying warrio

[6:12][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] It cantbe him..he is on the Farm..we got hima way froms ection 31 after the fal

[6:12][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"The signal is coming from some sort of cranial implant.

[6:12][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[David voice] The Tigershark isnot responding..it it is like they are no longer in orbi

[6:12][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Looks at the Able medic.* "Can you recover ze implant?"

[6:13][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Able Two] How delicate do you wish me to be

[6:13][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:A wise man once told me, the only way to kill an undying warrior is to ensure there is no war for him or her to fight.... Let's hope the bodies are the only thing from whatever time, place and

[6:13][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Next person who says 'it can't be' whatever we have data for is getting nose broken.

[6:13][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"The implant is deep inside..

[6:13][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Ze most delicate you can be to pull it out wizhout breaking it.

[6:13][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"We want it outside ze body so we can bring it back to ze ship and study it.

[6:14][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:dimension they come from are here. However prepare for if this eternal warrior is out there

[6:14][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] if this is another dimesnion..then 076 is secure..heis back in his coffi

[6:14][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] but if they go aggressive..heis gonna hit them..then u

[6:15][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Humour me and prepare. I have faith in Scream she knows what she is doing

[6:15][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Able two got it..give me a moment -kneelsbeside theother david- Imsorry brother..illbe gentle0todavid as she cuts into hismummified skull

[6:15][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] Two MTFs wontbe enough -sounds theshipwade security alert

[6:16][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly looked between the David mummy and the David near her and tried to determine which was more lifelike.

[6:16][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Sharpe, be ready to beam us out as soon as we 'ave ze implant.

[6:16][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Arfacio voice] Fine..secure himbelow..bury his ass NOW

[6:16][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Ye of little faith. We have two MTFs they are enough. If not guess Avelle and I will do

[6:17][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"I have always wanted to duel undying warrior.

[6:17][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Starfleet computer voice] Life support...failing...ambiant temoerature isnow negative nine degreesa nd fallin

[6:17][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"I rather that does not happen

[6:17][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] t- Alex- Sir with all due respect..you ahve no idea what you are talkingabout..si

[6:18][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Able two] Almost got it...-dry crackingisheard ssdshe goes deper- Foundit...its dug in goo

[6:19][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:No I don't, but you have no idea that your words cut deep. Have faith Crane. In the MTFs, your fellow crew and yourself. I never want to hear you say something is impossible again

[6:19][DOIC5]Nine@Isis:[Able two] -slowly pulls it out- Got i

[6:19][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Because nothing is impossible.... It has I'm possible in it

[6:19][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] -nods- yes si

[6:19][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "We 'ave ze implant zat gave ze signal. Pull us out.

[6:20][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:[Varla] =^= Sir i havea lock on al

[6:20][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:So Crane everytime you think something is impossible I want you to think about Audrey Hepburn

[6:20][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Do it

[6:20][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] who thehell is Audrey Hepburn

[6:21][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:-all of th away team are beamedback to the ship

[6:21][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Study Earth cinema history. You seem uncultured like this

[6:21][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] yes sir..sorry if i hit anerve commande

[6:22][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Take ze implant to a lab and secure it. Make sure Allen does not enter said lab.

[6:22][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:-drops toher knees as she is beamed abaord besiee the implant

[6:22][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Make it up by believing in your fellow crew members

[6:22][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:[Avelles voice]...the cold..iwelcome such a deat

[6:22][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*glances at David* However silent and none existant they may be

[6:23][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] Uh huh..yes si

[6:23][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Isolate ze laboratory so no signals go out.

[6:23][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:[Able two gives the implanmt right toCat

[6:23][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:[Able Two ] Ma'am here you g

[6:24][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Cazerina. Once ze implant is secured and isolated, I want you to get inside its memory banks and find ze location of a black cube, about twice as big as a 'uman.

[6:24][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Find anyzhing else you can too. Layout of ze city, anyzhing.

[6:25][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"...the black cube?

[6:25][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Immediatly goes to nines side to support her.

[6:25][DOIC6]Caterina@Demoncheru:"...the black cube?

[6:25][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Talyse gave the system around them another scanny scan, just because why not.

[6:25][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Yes. It is what killed many of zose people.

[6:25][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:-leans into jacob-...power...we need power...dying...everyone is dyin

[6:25][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Anyways... how cold you say it was Avelle? Minus 20 something

[6:26][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Correct, Commander.

[6:26][DOIC6]Caterina@Demoncheru:"..aye ma'am...

[6:26][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Get me all ze data you can, but ze cube is priority.' *She turns to Cobra lead.* "Well done, MTFs. Rest up and stand by for furzher orders.

[6:27][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Gently strokes her hair, tries to comfort her. Trying to be supportive.* "It's ok...Nine, come back to us.

[6:27][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I need to talk to sharpe now." *She heads for the lift.

[6:27][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:[Cobra Lead] Copy tha

[6:27][DOIC6]Caterina@Demoncheru:"aye ma'am prioritizing the cube of death..

[6:27][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:Closes her eyes a moment, a slight smile on her face "Our teams got this

[6:27][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Her head snapped up.* "Commander. Previous scans were inaccurate; there is a cloaked probe midsystem. If we launch we will be discovered.

[6:27][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Hmmm mhmm. Yeah I can't jog out there without a couple of layers of clothing... menaing I can't job but slowly walk...

[6:28][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:A dhiabhail. Can you track the probe

[6:28][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"My sympathies for your human limitations.

[6:28][DOIC6]Caterina@Demoncheru:"i can tap into his cortical implant.

[6:28][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Walks up onto the bridge.* "Sharpe, I must talk to you. In private.


[6:28][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:One minute in my office Scream

[6:28][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:[-hugs Jacob-= Im tryjg..Im tryin

[6:28][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"I will continue to track it. Should be easier now that we know it is there.

[6:28][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods.* "I will wait zere.

[6:29][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:If you can destroy it from here and make it look like an accident so the smurfs won't find it you have a go ahead, further Avelle. You have the bridge

[6:30][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"I know... it will be ok...your safe here,

[6:30][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"It will be difficult to do so from planetside, Commander, but I will attempt to devise plan.

[6:30][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*as he looks to Crane* I have faith in you Avelle, that you can do whatever you can. *heads for his office

[6:31][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] -jsut shakeshis head- Rookie

[6:31][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:Jaqcob -after theprobes go- takeme tothe bridg

[6:31][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:-she semss trongernow

[6:31][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"I will

[6:31][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"What we are dealing wiz down zere is a displaced Salvation containment site. And not any containment site." *Once Alex walks in.

[6:32][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*as he enters his office* Computer max security. *or whatever that allows Val to be Val and not scream

[6:32][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly pursed her lips slightly as she walked down to warm the chair.* "Give me further data on system. Does star give off regular solar flares? Are there asteroids we can manipulate?

[6:32][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*He would then attempt to help her towards the bridge

[6:32][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Pulls her helmet off and plops down.* "Zis place contained Abel. Or at least a version of Abel.

[6:32][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[David] -the replacemnbt science officer- yes to all of thos

[6:32][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Crane told me Abel is an undying warrior. Any signs of him actually being there

[6:33][DOIC6]Nine@Isis:-0leansonhim for support as he takesher tothe bridge

[6:33][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Definitely some of ze bodies may 'ave been killed by 'im. Zere is no ozher actual sign of 'im down zere, -yet-. But I would recommend zat we transport a war'ead of ze 'ighest yield possible down

[6:33][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Could flares, by chance, disrupt or disable probe?

[6:33][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zere and explode it, just in case.

[6:34][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[David] if timed with such a flare..ye

[6:34][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*nodded* We'll transport it there and explode when we leave this rock. Unless ofcourse science clears us to do it now

[6:35][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Attempt to discern when next flare will be... in meantime, perhaps gravitational fluctuation causes asteroid to go careening toward probe... as backup.

[6:35][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:But I rather we wait till we leave. blueberry cloaked probe is out there and I rather not they detect us till at the last possible moment

[6:35][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Would soon arrive at the bridge supporting Nine as he does,

[6:35][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods.* "Zen we declare zis planet off-limits on all maps, just in case.

[6:35][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:0looks about- Whereis Al..um the commander

[6:36][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"In meeting.

[6:36][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:If Crane does his job right, than I am sure the Farm is busy doing so

[6:36][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-nods to her

[6:36][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Nine, you alright?

[6:36][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"You see, Abel can take extraordinary amounts of punishment. Enough to take down a small army. And when 'e "Dies", 'is body regenerates in a matter of decades.

[6:37][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Has anyone tried to parlay with it

[6:37][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:No el..we are all in great danger...her

[6:37][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"In danger from what?


[6:37][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Yes. It flies into a fit of rage whenever it sees a sentient being.

[6:38][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Ze only way zat ends is wiz Abel's deazh.

[6:38][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"We are in great danger everywhere." *She was shopping for an asteroid in orbit on her PADD.

[6:38][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Who is him?

[6:38][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:I dontknow...his name..he doesnt useit when hethink

[6:38][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:but he is very very old andrestles

[6:38][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Some civilization, far, far, far beyond our own locked 'im in 'is coffin... but all ze keys to it 'ave been lost to time, and it is currently unlocked.

[6:39][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Can he be beaten?

[6:39][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Right now we cannot 'ope to defeat it, only contain it... and if 'e truly is down zere, our best bet is to just collapse ze entire city on top of 'im.


[6:39][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Hmm mhmm. Too much time has passed to track the keys. We'll do what you recommended. You're in charge of dealing with it Val

[6:39][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] at a great cost ofte

[6:39][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods.* "I am certain Liz would be wiz me on zis one too. She 'as fought 'im.

[6:40][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Then theres nothing to worry about, we deal with him.

[6:40][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] -looks at sentry-..Uh..sure ki

[6:40][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:I believe you Val

[6:40][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Anything else

[6:41][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Crane you seem to know something

[6:41][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"We know our enemy, so we can adapt our staretgy to deal with this him

[6:41][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Shakes her head.* "Nozhing furzher. I was just bringing you up to speed on ze discoveries.

[6:41][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"And recommending a course of action.

[6:41][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] Ive been there for a 076 breach attemp

[6:42][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:I know, Thank you Val. *nodded* I'll let you go, but one thing thoug

[6:42][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] ive seen what it takes tokill hi

[6:42][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Yes

[6:42][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:?

[6:42][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"076? More of the top secret stuff? or can you tell us who and what 076 is?

[6:43][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Crane has no faith in just 2 MTFs dealing with this... I know he speaks the truth...but show him that one MTF should be enough to deal with whatever we encounter. I want noone to fearmonger

[6:43][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"What does it take?

[6:43][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] 076 as I said befoe is the biblical Abl

[6:43][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] We would need touse everyhting we have Sentr

[6:44][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"'E is not fearmongering. 'E is just being 'onest.

[6:44][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"As I said... we do not use MTFs for zis. We just bury ze bastard. We already 'ave en'ancers down zere, so we make a doomsday bomb.

[6:44][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:He is fearmongering when on the bridge with people not experienced enough to know he is telling the truth

[6:44][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] and then..wemight stop him...he woudl lke Taly here thoug

[6:44][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"I remember this, Abel was killed by his brother Cain

[6:44][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Sounds like fun, i take it this prick doesnt know the meaning of stay dead. That kinda defeats the story of cain being the first murderer

[6:44][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nod.* "Zen I will 'ave a personal talk wiz 'im.

[6:44][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] 076 prefers a standup figh

[6:45][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Sounds like we'd get along

[6:45][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*nodded* Just be kind. Once again you're in charge of dealing with 076

[6:45][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] -to El- they both survive

[6:45][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Clips her helmet back on.* "If zat is all, I will let you get back to it." *She then nods.* "Worry not. We wil ldeal wiz 'im.

[6:45][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"I have better things to do with time, as in returning to fight with Tanausans. I see no reason to fight at all, let him have this world.

[6:46][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Heads back out onto the bridge.* "Avelle?

[6:46][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Yes?

[6:46][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"I take it from your talking he is meant to be some skilled warrior of sorts.

[6:46][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"What is ze 'ighest-yield bomb you can get me? Somezhing zat would collapse ze entire city down on itself?

[6:47][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"-Wizhout- blowing up ze entire planet. We need it to encase our target.

[6:47][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Easy enough

[6:47][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] -eyes jacob-=./..you could say that rooki

[6:48][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Many of our torpedoes would do the job.

[6:48][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zen I will entrust you to prepare somezhing we can transport down and collapse ze entire cave system.

[6:48][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"if my ban is lifted which it is there for good reason and i have enough time... nah we cna have bigger then that. Tircobalt

[6:48][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"...Sentry, I trust Avelle wiz ze mazzer.

[6:49][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Fair enough... just putting it out there.

[6:49][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] We do have Tricobalts -to Taly

[6:49][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"...I am surprised they permit you to use anything more dangerous than crayons." *She said coldly.

[6:49][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"We are on the same side here, act like it

[6:49][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-scowls- hey be nice

[6:49][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-nodnodsto El

[6:49][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Everyone, -silence-." *She raises her voice.


[6:50][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Crane. Tell ze farm we are going to bring ze planet down on top of ze supposed SRA-076 alternate instance. Zey will know to wipe it off of any maps or cover it up so nobody goes down zere willingly.

[6:50][DOIC3]Nine@Isis:-below as liz stirs some..Devi remainss teadfast by her side

[6:50][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Goes to respond but then is silence by Val

[6:51][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Alex takes off one of his gloves and rubs his stubble

[6:51][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Cranbe[ You want them to code 710 the system

[6:51][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Simple torpedo barrage should be adequate to close and entomb without depriving us of much-needed ordinance for upcoming war.

[6:52][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Yes, Crane, I do. Avelle, so long as we 'ave at least 500m of rock burying 'im, I will be 'appy.

[6:52][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Crane] -nods- Il let the Farm kno

[6:52][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"If we can conserve ammo, all ze bezzer.

[6:53][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"However, first we will need to deal with probe in midsystem. I had intended to have asteroid nudged toward it with probe, unless anyone has alternate idea.

[6:53][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*turns on his computer and checks the repair status

[6:53][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[David] We canblindit by using a flare too it willlook like and acciden

[6:54][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I do prefer ze flare idea, but bozh could work. Did you ask Sharpe about it, Avelle?

[6:54][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[David] Oh I thouight we were combining them 0looks totaly

[6:54][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I 'ave execute auzhority only on ze Abel mazzer, zis one is all starfleet.

[6:54][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"We are. Otherwise probe will see our probe moving the asteroid.

[6:55][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Do we have timer on next flare?

[6:55][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[David] -nods to Taly- We got ths Screa

[6:55][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods and goes to take a seat.

[6:55][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[David] yes..in just over 19 hours...around the time our repairs wil becompkte


[6:55][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:18 fucking hours... Our boys and girls out there need us out there. *swipes away padds from his desk in anger and then rubbed his stubble once more before putting his gloves back on

[6:56][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Prepare a probe to move the asteroid and calculate the needed trajectory.

[6:56][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*move asteroid )

[6:56][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[David] already prepped and ready to go Ma'a

[6:56][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Frowns.* =^= "Chief? Can you send a remote-activated forcefield generator at ze city's entrance?

[6:57][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:=/\= "Bridge to Commander Sharpe. We have solution prepared, it will take approximately eighteen hours before we can deploy to destroy probe undetected.

[6:57][DOIC3]Nine@Isis:[Varla] =^= Can do Scream...when

[6:57][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*nineteen hours )

[6:57][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Now. Please, make sure it 'as enough juice to last twenty 'ours, and seal ze entrance Able made.

[6:57][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Set the countdown. Repairs should be done by then and we take off

[6:58][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:=/\= "Will do, Commander." *She nodded to NPC David.* "Set timer.

[6:58][DOIC3]Nine@Isis:[Varla] =^= Will do Ill be as quiet as a church mouse in placinmg i

[6:58][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Zhank you. If you can spare one more to seal ze top of ze 'ole, I'll be grateful, too.

[6:58][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:[Davis] -changinghername :p to avoud confusion- Aye Maam..timer set

[6:59][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Now we lick our wounds and pray we are not seen in next nineteen hours.

[6:59][DOIC3]Nine@Isis:[Varla] =^= Will do..ill have it sealed up inthe hour or two screa

[7:00][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:By them...or HI

[7:00][DOIC1]Nine@Isis:-to them all

[7:00][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Zhank you. Use only remotes and probes. Do -not- go down zere.

[7:02][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Well if he is a warrior, we could distrct him if needed. What do we know about him, spiked booze could put him to sleep for a reall long time if needed.

[7:02][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Sentry? Shut ze fuck up.

[7:02][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly settled back in her chair, staring at the snowstorm.

[7:02][DOIC]Nine@Isis:the wind howls over theship as the screw prearesand the wait begins...as we wach the screen goes black as we hear this play iver TO BE CONTINUED...

[7:02][DOIC]Nine@Isis:[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzTPu9ChVDc&t=1s

[7:03][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:Rubs her forehead "we are doomed" she mutters to herself