22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki
22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki

[12:38][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:STAR TREK GIGANTE

[12:38][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:The scene opens with the beauty shot of the ship's hanger deck, now restyled and restructured for shuttles and runabiut only. The fighter racks having been long removed

[12:40][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:The hanger deck crews scramble to ready the twin runabouts as they are being loaded with the camping supplies and scientific gear for the week long survey the away team has been tasked with

[12:41][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:As we watch the crew ready the credits roll..and the episode begin

[12:41][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Watson] -to El- Ma'am? Lieutenant

[12:42][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--checks what the weather is like in th elocation they will be landing in.-

[12:43][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:oversaw the runabout prep, making sure that both craft were up for it "Yeah?" she looked at Watson with a smil

[12:43][DOIC4]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly checked her hand phaser with a disgruntled expression.

[12:43][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Walked in, armored and geared.

[12:44][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"partly sunny with a chance of rain...better brink a rain poncho or something.

[12:44][DOIC4]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"I believe we were supposed to avoid drawing attention and panic from settlers," *she informed Val.

[12:44][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:*checking over the computer gear, and emergency supplies as they are loaded

[12:44][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the ensign was very similar to an action figure brought to life..a young Alan Ritchson..towering alitle over el- Ma'am both the Zeri and Polaris are in final pre

[12:45][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Three armored people guarding a science team is not somezhing so uncommon.

[12:45][DOIC4]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"I do not disagree, but Captain may," *she said dully as she went back to the hand phaser.

[12:45][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--side eyes Val, but decides to say nothing.-

[12:45][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the three guards assigned to the mission by Ortiz-Gideon stand there enar their crates not yet loaded staring at Val

[12:46][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She turned to the guards and her jaw visibly dropped.

[12:46][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"...What are -zese-?

[12:47][DOIC4]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Ensigns," *she shrugged at Val.

[12:47][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:*Elashia checked that her standard phaser is set to stun, and a spare batter is packed

[12:47][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zey 'ave ze combined muscle mass of a beryxian pole dancer!

[12:47][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"A petite one!

[12:47][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Ens Pellew] -a skinny young afriucan american man- Um..these crates are our gear Ma'a

[12:48][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-one them sets her jaw and snaps- Try me then M

[12:48][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-one them sets her jaw and snaps- Try me then Ma'am

[12:48][DOIC4]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"And I believe they can hear you," *she couldn't help but smirk.

[12:48][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:"Ahh thank you, Watson?" she asked making sure she got the name right "we will be taking off soon

[12:48][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--goes to check on the science gear to make sure its all in order.-

[12:48][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:"Is there a problem with the security? Isn't this supposed to be a research support mission?

[12:48][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the other two stand there looking awkward

[12:49][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[watson] -the giant smiles- Most callme Mack Lieutenan

[12:49][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Gave Taly a look as if to say that's the point, then grinned at the one who snapped.* "You and me, after ze mission, sparring. I like you already.

[12:49][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:---looks at Ki'te-- "the problem isn't with the security.

[12:49][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Gnoblini] The name is Goblin Ma'am...and you wil reget it -keeps her back straight

[12:50][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Pellew] She kick boixes -o Val

[12:50][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:"What is the issue Cat?

[12:50][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Lovely. I expect all of you to take up an activity such as zat.

[12:50][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Pellew] 3d chess Ma'am! -saidproudly

[12:51][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--leans in and speak quietly to Ki'te-- "egos clashing i would say.

[12:51][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:*Keeps working diligently, on the concept of one redundancy is no redundancy as she stows kit

[12:51][DOIC4]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Elsewise you will find yourselves kickboxing Commander Chalons whether you like it or not.

[12:51][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:"alright Mack, good work

[12:51][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"3D chess may be marvelous for ze mind's development, but I meatn somezhing more physical.

[12:51][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cireli] -chimes up as well- I box ma'am..Ima pugilis

[12:51][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Pellew] Top of my tactical maneuvers call and security peremeter

[12:52][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Pellew] Top of my tactical maneuvers class and security peremeter

[12:52][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Wulf waches silently near Alex

[12:52][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-not looking veyr happy

[12:52][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack] -nods- Thank you ma'am..now if you dont mind canI stow my personal gear

[12:53][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nodded approvingly to Cireli, thne turned to Pellew.* "Commendable. But one must develop zeir body just as much. And I do not simply mean combat sports. Cardio of all sorts, anyzhing zat may improve

[12:53][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Endurance.

[12:53][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Pellew] I also fence...epee is my specialt

[12:54][DOIC4]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Just stood there with his eyes closed, barely listening to anyone as he was searching for his happy place

[12:54][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:"Sure go ahead" she was thankful that it seemed Mack was profesional, she looked around for the captai

[12:54][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Cpt Gideon enters with his wife and remains near the doors as they observe the preparation.,.they nod occasionally at the scene

[12:55][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Fencing? Now zat is quite lovely. I myself partake, tzenkezhi battle axe.

[12:55][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Mack passes Wulf Taly and Alex with a crate slung over one shoulder as he heads for the Zeri

[12:55][DOIC4]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly had a thoughtful look for a moment, then reached over and picked up a nearby spanner. Seeing the captain arrive, however, she set it back down before the intrusive thoughts could win.

[12:55][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--continues on with her inventory.-- "..Do we have enough fiber optic cables to set up the computer network?

[12:56][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Viki flickers- Um...whoop

[12:56][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:"If there is not enough to do it twice, I did not pack enough." *she double checks before nodding* "Yes ma'am, it's on board.

[12:57][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-elsees the Gigantes power cuple at the main entrance doors to the hanger

[12:57][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-wulf leans in to whisper to Alex

[12:57][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:moves over and salutes both captain and wife "Captain, Ma'am, both runabout are nearly ready

[12:57][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Cool, i think we are good to go then.

[12:58][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--looks at Viki flicker-- "Are you okay Viki?

[12:58][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Pellew] I understand that is quite unweildly..how od you manage it

[12:58][DOIC4]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*leant in to Wulf to whisper back while still trying to find his happy place

[12:58][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] The transfer...a hiccup i think...There has been a few system hiccups since Nine was directly hooked u

[12:59][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"It is my size. Even for me, it is as big as say... an 'alberd. It is quite a workout every time, but I mostly focus on defensive maneuvers. Tire your opponent out, zen overwhelming force. I would

[12:59][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Really? we should check that out...i mean i wouldn't want her to get hurt or anything.

[12:59][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-whispers back keeping her face neutral- Something is wrong..having trouble reaching her...says she is 'in transit

[12:59][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Use somezhing smaller, but my weapon is an auzhentic one gifted to me by a Tzenkezhi captain, it would be immensely disrespectful to zem and to ze weapon not to use it.

[1:00][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -frets a little- she has been a little cold tome latel

[1:00][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Pellew] You must show me..i would be eager to learn te weapon Ma'a

[1:00][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"i am sure she is just really busy Viki...still we should check on her.

[1:00][DOIC4]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*he finally opens his eyes and turns to Wulf as he whispers back

[1:01][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"You do 'ave to 'it ze weights a bit first, but I shall show you.

[1:01][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -nodnods- Okay..i dont wanna think i made her mad at me..sheis usually so nic

[1:01][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:*Ki'te doublechecks that they have a 'shelter' for Viki ready should all power be taken out, (the shielded box)

[1:01][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack] -stops as the guards are still loading their crates as Val and Pellew chat- Excuse Ma Commander? -the big giant smiles

[1:01][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--opens up her PADD and starts with a computer system diagnostic.-

[1:02][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Oui?" *She looked up.

[1:02][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:looks at the captain and his wife "Sir?

[1:02][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:{Gideon] yes Eleria? -smiels to her

[1:02][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-whispers in return

[1:02][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:"Cat, you have a spare electronics tool kit?

[1:03][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"aways bring a spare, that is my motto. Elashia.

[1:03][DOIC4]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly continued to fiddle with her phaser, though in truth it was only something to keep her hands occupied for the time being. She quietly focused on prayers that this wasn't going to go horribly..

[1:03][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack] Do you need me ot help your guys load their gear

[1:03][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:"Good, then we have three.

[1:04][DOIC4]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:wrong. Or, if it did... that she'd be well prepared to beat the ass of whoever was responsible.

[1:04][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--nods-- "if that isn't enough we are doing it wrong.

[1:04][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I am certain zey would appreciate ze 'elp, zhank you.

[1:04][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Okies -to Elashia and Cat- I have the full inventory loaded..-displays it for them for ease

[1:04][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:"As I just said sir, the runabouts are nearly ready, I will have to say, that I for safety and securty reasons will be putting on a flightsuit, also I request permission to speak to you on subject o

[1:04][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:"And climbing gear... yes, loaded. in case we have to run at height.

[1:04][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Goblin] -smirks and overloads herself to try and hshow up mack..but mack ends up pickingup twiceher loadand doesnt notice her

[1:04][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:"I think that does it LT.

[1:04][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--looks over the inventory.-- "Great work specialist Viki.

[1:04][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:uniform on completion of away mission

[1:05][DOIC4]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Alex rubs his shaved chin* There always is Teresa. *he sighs* Let's just hope all goes as hoped. *He pats her on the shoulder before heading over to Taly

[1:05][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Gideon] Flgihtsuit approived Lieutenant..onthe otheroissue be sure to run it up the chainof command first before comingot me on it..understood

[1:05][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--turns back to her quick investigation of Nine's situation.-

[1:05][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:*nods to Cat quietly* "I have a jumpsuit with lots of pockets for on the planet too.

[1:06][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[nods and takes this a her cue ot head to the bridge since sonny and cher were here in the hanger bay

[1:06][DOIC4]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly glanced up at Alex as he approached.* "You know, if you insist on keeping mustache, I will insist on having beard to pair with it. Suits your face better." *She smirked.

[1:06][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Watched Goblin's attempts with a little smirk.

[1:07][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:"OF course Captain, would that including asking for a uniform alternative on our return?

[1:08][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--sees Wulf leaving rushes over and tries wave her down.-- "Command Wulf ma'am.

[1:08][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Ortiz-Gideon] -sweetly smug smile- Of course dear...Both Teresa and Alex would be dissapointed if they did not hear the issue priorto briningit to u

[1:09][DOIC4]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:But Glock PI had one.... Was maybe also considering getting a Risian shirt to match. *he winks at her* Fine... I'll maybe grow the beard back soon

[1:09][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-stops- Yes Thing One -says for old times sake

[1:09][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Gideon] -nods to el and smils at his wife

[1:10][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--smiles at the old nickname.-- "Yes ma'am since you will be remaining on board i was hoping you could checki into something for me.

[1:10][DOIC4]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*An ear twitched slightly, and she cursed the gods for giving her vulcanoid hearing. She shook it off and eyed Alex with a little playful smile.* "Glock PI also did not have wife of discerning..

[1:10][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:*straps on her phaser and tricorder, tucking away a tool kit on the belt and and stands prepared to go.

[1:10][DOIC4]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:tastes such as my own. But good, I await its return.

[1:10][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-looks almost grateful for the request- Of course..what do you require

[1:10][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:salutes and goes to chang

[1:11][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Viki infomred me that Nine has been plugged into the computer system and has not been behaving like her normal self. I find that worrisome. I was hoping you could check into her situation.

[1:11][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Mack and goblin who continues to try and one up Mack soon has all security gear loaded

[1:11][DOIC4]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She glanced over at Cat, brows furrowed.

[1:12][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-her eyes narrowed to slits- Plugged her...in

[1:12][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Good work." *She told the loaders, before waving the security goons over.* "You know what we are doing for now, yes? Standard babysitting op, unless somezhing changes.

[1:13][DOIC4]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Did you hear this?" *she asked Alex, looking back at him.

[1:13][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Pellew] I briefed them fully Commander...standard sidearms until combat is indicate

[1:13][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"yeah that is what Viki told me. I was not informed of anything of the sort. But, i also have not see Nine since i came on board either.

[1:13][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Goblin] ..and we hopethat it i

[1:13][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack] -bows out as Val briefs her gang

[1:13][DOIC4]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Also glanced at Cat after seeing Taly do it and then shrugged at her* I don't have your fancy elf ears dear. *smirks* What's going on

[1:14][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-sets her jaw- I will look into this immediately, my wor

[1:14][DOIC4]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"She says that Counselor Sea has been plugged into ship. Did you know of this?

[1:14][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:*Pausing, Elashia Reachous out for Nine

[1:14][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:((reaches too)

[1:14][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:Returned in her flightsuit and went to double check both runabout

[1:14][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"thank you ma'am it woudl really ease my mind.

[1:15][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Pellew, then turns to Goblin.* "We 'ope it is not. I am just returning from a warzone, I 'ave deserved a vacation.

[1:15][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Goblin] -meets her eyes- well I am not out here for a vacatio

[1:15][DOIC4]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:She what? Plugged in? *he side eyes the gideons* Wulf is on it I hope, if this is true I'll the pair myself

[1:15][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Pellew] Gobby -warns

[1:16][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Give it two years, girl. You will 'ate zis job and everyone around you and want to do ze bare minimum.

[1:16][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--turns and heads back to where Viki and Ki'te are-

[1:16][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:"Was there a reason she needed to be plugged in? she is, overwhelmed with the myriad of functions this ship does at once.

[1:16][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-nods and strides out her shoulder brushing into Ortiz-Gideonsas she does so nodding ot the skiper

[1:16][DOIC4]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Surely she would not have consented to such thing." *She frowned deeply.* "I did not appreciate dismissive tone taken with her at briefing, either.

[1:17][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-cat hears Elashia as she arrives back to her

[1:17][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"i don't know Elishia, none that i know of. its highly unusual.


[1:17][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Goblin] -smirks back in challenege- Maybe that is how it is for you at..your advanced /age/ ma'am..with respec

[1:18][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the other two guards both tense then

[1:18][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Val's eyes narrowed some.* "Wiz age comes experience, and you will do well to remember zat.

[1:18][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack]-inhis new approived flightsuit enters the Zeri ad the Polaris awwaits Eleria

[1:18][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:"Sir," *to Alex* "She is as if she is being used as part of the main computer. I would suggest checking on her.

[1:19][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Goblin] -meets her eyes boldly- I will ma'am..experiencei intend touse as a weapo

[1:19][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"i asked Commander Wulf to do just that Elashia.

[1:19][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:went to get in the Polaris =^= "Hey Mack, comm check, do you have a Callsign yet?

[1:20][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Since she is remaining on board.

[1:20][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack] =^= No Ma'am...still new at this..this will be my first aways mission but i grew up flying in these thing

[1:20][DOIC4]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:There is indeed something going on here Wulf.... *he looks back at Taly* A certain someone is also nearby I just heard..

[1:20][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Good answer." *She nodded to Goblin.

[1:20][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Goblin] -blinks and smiles and nods sharply- Ma'am ..yes ma'am

[1:21][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the other two relax

[1:21][DOIC4]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly frowned at Alex a moment.* "Perhaps I should remain aboard. Wulf may end up needing assistance. We can say I need to run additional drills on department.

[1:21][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Alright, people. You know what you are doing, Pellew prepped you. Just keep your eyes open and try not to let anyone wander off, touch any foreboding ancient artifacts or lick newly-discovered

[1:22][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Species of flora and fauna. Zat is all.

[1:22][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Guards] -likemostjust out of the academy guards- Ma'am..Aye aye Ma'am

[1:23][DOIC4]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Or perhaps illness acts up and I must meditate.

[1:23][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"If you are unsure about anyzhing, comm me." *She nodded.* "Zat is all.

[1:23][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:*Getting into her position and strapped in, says to Cat* "I hope they are not the type to shoot at shadows.

[1:23][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:=^= "Happy to hear, just don't expect anything cool for a callsign, usually they are not, mine is Smut

[1:23][DOIC4]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Choice is yours, but I think it may already be too late from their view. *nudges his head to the captain and wife* Can this get any slower... *looks towards the runabouts and then nodded at Taly*

[1:23][DOIC4]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Do what you feel is right

[1:24][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack]=^= Smut eh -chuckles- Aye aye Ma'a

[1:24][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the runabouts beginto hum to life as el and Mack go through their final checks as if they had been working together for years

[1:24][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--as she is getting into place-- "i don't know they look pretty green. But, i am sure Val can put them on the straight and narrow and keep them there.

[1:25][DOIC4]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Call it intuition... but I believe I will be of more use up here today." *She stood up and offered her husband a quick kiss to the cheek.* "Do not use opportunity to do anything I would not do.

[1:25][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Climbs onto the runabout as it starts humming, and straps herself into place.

[1:25][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] =^= Attention Away Team...Ship will bein optimal orbital position drop descen to surface in nine minutes 34 seconds

[1:26][DOIC4]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*soflty smiled at her as he returned the kiss on the cheek* Try not to kill the bosses..

[1:26][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--looks troubled at the announcement.-- "that is Nine's voice...but it hardly sounds like her.

[1:26][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Gideon] Alex seems ot have this my dear..shall we retire to the bridg

[1:27][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:=^= "Your academy scores reminded me a little of my own, sounds like we are good to go

[1:27][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Ortiz-Gideon] Why of course accepts his hand as the pair leaves the hanger deck handin hand

[1:27][DOIC4]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"I will make every attempt to avoid such outcome." *She turned and looked as the Captain and Mrs Captain departed.* "...Makes that easier, at least.

[1:27][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack] =^= Same ot same here..i have barber poles all around Bos

[1:28][DOIC4]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Good luck," *she nodded to the others and departed from the hangar.

[1:28][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Pellew] all gear stored and locked down from drop -to Val

[1:28][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Goblin and Tony strap in

[1:28][DOIC4]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Goodluck. *softly squezes Taly's upperarm as he walks over to Mack's runabouts, letting his arm slip as they both leave

[1:29][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Well done. Strap in.

[1:29][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:"Our gear is set Cat... both the research and the build/repair kits.

[1:30][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly stepped into the hallway, about to access a wall screen when she paused and thought better of it. She tried to recall where the computer core was on this class of ship as she made her way..

[1:30][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:toward one of the lifts that tended to see less traffic.

[1:30][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--is finishing strapping in.-- "Copy that Elashia...after a short trip to the surface we get to turn around and unload it all.

[1:31][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:=^= "Scarlett to big boss, shuttles are ready

[1:35][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-from the bridge- =^= Polaris this is the bridge we copy, Yiu are...-cuts off

[1:35][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-from the bridge- =^= Polaris this is the bridge we copy, You are...-cuts off

[1:35][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the lift sill has not yet arrived

[1:36][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly folded her arms and waited.

[1:36][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] Lieutenant Avelle, were you not assigned to the current away mission to the surface

[1:36][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Tapped away on her wrist PADD.

[1:37][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Gideon] =^= Polaris this is captain gideon...we read you as mission ready..confirm please

[1:37][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Her brow arched slightly and she looked up.* "Commander Sharpe relieved me from away mission duty. He trusts Chalons and company will be adequate protection on planet.

[1:38][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:*To Cat* "I do not understand the uniforms, it seems bizarre. Not uncomfortable, but lacking needed pockets.

[1:38][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:=^= "Polaris here, both runabouts are go for mission

[1:39][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat just shrugs-- "i don't know. I like it but i am unsure what the rationale is.

[1:39][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] I do not see any such offical notation. Please have him confirm such for the ship official logs Lieutenant

[1:39][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:*Taking out her PADD, she attempts to download current correspondance before they leave, to work on during down time later.

[1:40][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Viki= hums and swing she rlittle legs under the seat nex tto cat- This is excitin

[1:40][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Val's completely disinterested from the rest of the world and is running the ancient Earth classic Doom on her wrist PADD, tapping away as little pixel demons get blasted.

[1:40][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Her head tilted slightly, and she hit her combadge.* =/\= "Avelle to Sharpe. Requesting confirmation of relief from away mission for official record.

[1:40][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"yeah, away missiona are always exciting.

[1:40][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Gideon] =^= Stand by POlaris..we have some words for you all as you proceed on the New and Improved Gigantes first away missio

[1:41][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"...okay maybe not ALWAYS.

[1:41][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Bu is one is all abou SCIENCE -throws her little arms inthe air- and we get to sleep in tents

[1:42][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"I know, right? the perfect away mission.

[1:42][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*From the Mack runabout* =^= Permission granted Avelle. The ship needs you more than us. *he looks at Mack* So you will be my pilot for today

[1:42][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:=^= "Polaris standing by

[1:42][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"I trust that was adequate, Counselor?

[1:43][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack] Aye sir..Ensign Mack Watson..but most folks call me Mack..I will be pilot oday..;we wil be desending for anout 19 minutes and then another ten to our destination for a total flight time o

[1:43][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:about 30 minutes or so dependig on planetary head wind

[1:44][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the giant smiles warm with youhful excitemen to Alex

[1:44][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] Logs have updated and confirmed

[1:45][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"It is appreciated. However, I must ask something of you in private. May I come and see you?

[1:46][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] Stand by ..request is pending

[1:47][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She frowned deeply.* "Query was made to you, no one else. You need not ask permission.

[1:47][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Ortiz-Gideon] =^= Away mission this is te bridge..onbehalf ofour captain we wish to first say how proud we are of each of you for this momen

[1:48][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"wow a pep talk for an away mission...cool.

[1:48][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Ortiz-Gideon] =^= as you proceed forth do rememebr that which youy represent,,.,this ship and the iderasl the Federation and starfleet were founded upon...however...personally i ask each of you t

[1:48][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:remember,,"It's not the number of breaths we take, but the number of moments that take our breath away.

[1:49][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat nods at that as if its some sort of profound wisdom.-

[1:49][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:looks at the shuttle controls "what does that even mean?" she looked confuse

[1:49][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*ignoring the speech as he takes the copilot seat* I know son, I can read the panels. Just spare the boring talk and act like a damn pilot. But don't stress, I am just some guy who was the best

[1:49][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:*looks a little confused

[1:49][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Keeps playing on her wrist PADD.

[1:50][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:fighter and starship pilot there was for a decent amount of time. So keep it up Mack

[1:50][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--looks at Ki'Te and smiles-- "wow that was deep.

[1:50][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Ortiz-Gideon] Look through to the future...and see today..godspeed Polaris and with you Zeri...we shallkeep a candle burning this week for you all...-song and confident tone

[1:50][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:"As a puddle

[1:51][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I've been given blowjobs deeper than that and I do not 'ave ze equipment for zem.

[1:51][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--shift awkwardly in her seat.-

[1:51][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:*quietly* "he is trying, way too hard.

[1:52][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:"Not every moment, is historic

[1:52][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] Security protocol Metis is in place. Such a reques must be issued to coman

[1:52][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:*sounds, preoccupied

[1:53][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:"Is a candle in the window not a way to remember the dead?

[1:54][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:"Or wayward travelers.

[1:54][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Goblin] -chokes out a snicker a vals commen and is swated by Pellew

[1:54][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Her jaw clenched slightly as she felt the righteous fury boiling in her stomach, but she managed to rein it in.* "Define Security Protocol Metis.

[1:54][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:"So she wants us dead or lost, interesting

[1:55][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Gideon] =^= POlaris..Zeri..you are cleared for launch -a pause] Alex...keep them safe..and see them all back to us...Gigantes ou

[1:55][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:*Looking at her PADD, she sends Talyse a quick message before they launch, then puts it away

[1:56][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"well here we go!

[1:56][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] Iam sorry you are not cleared for that information Lieutenant. This exceeds your command level as tacical department head

[1:56][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:=^= "Aye aye captain, Zeri follow me out" she rolled her eyes before taking off and heading out of the gigante

[1:56][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Wooo hooO!

[1:56][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack] =^= On your Six Smu

[1:58][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack] -nods his tone holding deep respect- I know your record sir..your squadrons...yourship assignments. You are sort of a legen

[1:58][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She felt her PADD buzz and checked it quickly, tapping back a concise response before looking up again.* "Who does have clearance? Is it only captain?

[1:58][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:once out took a moment ensuring Mack had it undercontro

[1:58][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] -merely repeats in the same neutral tone- I am sorry you are not cleared for that information Lieutenant. This exceeds your command level as tacical department head

[1:59][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[roll pls el

[1:59][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Understood. However, this is emergency. I require your counsel in matter only you have been qualified to handle.

[2:00][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:The twin runabuts of Polaris and Zeri glide free of the hangerbay of the gleaming white andblue vesta class and angle down to the lush green of the colony. Looming above is the lovely swirlin

[2:00][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:cosmic clouds of the Hromi Cluster

[2:01][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] ...-a pause...a long pause- Please sand by...processin..processing your reques

[2:02][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:I'm a legend? So rubbing that in Chalon's and Avelle's faces. *smiles as he closes his eyes and leans back in his chair* Well son, good flying, make me feel safe

[2:02][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack]-nods- Aye sir..sorry if i fan boyed ere too much -seems to be right at hime behind the conrols..even if heis forced o hunch over them a little

[2:02][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:sets the course and head to their destination, relaxed being away from the captain coupl

[2:03][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly shifted slightly, checking the hand phaser at her hip between glances down the hall.

[2:03][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] -neutral tone..but seems sliightly different- Lieutenant pleasse proceed to the deck briefing room..fourdoorsdown to the left please

[2:04][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"By whose request?

[2:04][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Mack has the Zeri fall right in line behind El as the pair asif dacing a simple yet lovely ballet dance as they drop down to the emerald green worlds cloud canopy

[2:05][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:"Cat, how are you with shuttle piloting?

[2:05][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] -repeats in that neutral tone..that seems sliightly different- Lieutenant pleasse proceed to the deck briefing room..four doors down to the left please

[2:06][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:=^= "looking good Mack, the flying to" she joke

[2:06][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Pellew] -to Val- Sidearms only of course...but do you want us to sweep the landing fields perimeter ma'am

[2:07][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack] =^= Same to same Smut...just following your lead ma'a

[2:07][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Her eyes narrowed, trying to determine the difference in tones with her elf-ears.

[2:08][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She paused another moment, then replied,* "Very well, Counselor." *She turned and went to the briefing room.

[2:09][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*He opens one eye to check how things are going* Why haven't you asked the engineers to make your seating better Macky boy? Seems tome you can't use your max potential.....She is going by smut again.

[2:09][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Keho] =^= Dr Keho to Polari

[2:09][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Of course, Pellew. Razher safe zan sorry.

[2:10][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack] -smirks some playfully- get comforable in a runabou..at is where hey will keep you...i wan bigger and better si

[2:10][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Pellew] -to the others- Tony sweep 12 to 6..Gobby 6 to 12..use the shuttles and me as spok

[2:11][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-bothnod to him

[2:11][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the small conference room is empty when she arrives in it

[2:12][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Keho] =^= -tries again- Dr Keho to Commander away team

[2:12][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods in agreement, then rests her head back as she waits.

[2:12][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Outfly the dwarf and I'll see to it you will get the chance with ... Smut..

[2:12][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack] -chuckles andnods-Aye aye si

[2:12][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly walked inside, letting the door close behind her. She looked up.* "Counselor... Dira. I heard what they have done to you. I wish to assist, but I require your aid.

[2:13][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:That is me. =^= Commander Sharpe here, how can we help you Doctor

[2:13][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] ...Talyse? Lieutenant?...can you hear me

[2:13][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Indeed, I can. Can you hear me?

[2:13][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:*Continuing on to Cat, as it makes her more comfortable to be talking at the moment* "See, I only learned the basics of shuttle piloting in the academy I'm not even sure what the difference between

[2:14][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:a shuttle pod and this small starship is, for control purposes.

[2:15][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"there really isn't much of a difference as far as flight controls are concerned. Runuabouts have warp capability unlike shuttle pods however.

[2:17][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:"I could program an AI to fly, but have never had reason to fly myself. I suddenly find it odd.

[2:19][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Dr Keho] =%= Good to hear your voice commander..Dr Tilo..the resident digger here and i are both looking forward to meeting you..The Tragi Ranger service has prepared a decent landing spot for yo

[2:19][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"i am not really a pilot myself. I did take a basic shuttle piloting course in the academy. its was required.

[2:19][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:rightnear the qyarry lake...

[2:20][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki]I am not allowed to fly ye

[2:20][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:"yes, same... haven't flown even a trainer in 13 years.

[2:20][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"i am sure you will get to fly some day Viki.

[2:21][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] Yes..yes..quickly..what was the counseling matter...-genuine concernis clear for Talyse in her voice- are you okay..have you been hurt or...are you okay???

[2:21][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki[ Thyat wiull be fantasitc.I will make you soooo prou dof me -to Cat-

[2:22][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:"Perhaps when we are back, I can program a simulator for you Viki.

[2:22][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"i already am Specialist Viki.

[2:22][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:the pair of runabout finally break the high cloud cover and find themselves above a vas and lovely pristine forest..similar to the pacific northwest of the Americas

[2:23][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -to Elasia- Honest?? really??? -then melts and hugs her moms arm tightly- Thank you i alway want you to be proud of me

[2:23][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:=^= "I like this part, she down under the cover followed closely by Mack, then heading for their landing sight

[2:23][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack] Wow...look at all of those tree

[2:24][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"I will not be very soon if I do not get to bottom of this, Counselor. Why are they using you as ship's computer?

[2:24][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Send over the coords and we'll see you soon doctor, we finally see the trees

[2:24][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:every now and then cut into the trees with what seems a deep respect for the forest are the Tragi towns....streets and cars can be seen

[2:25][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Keho] =^= well get used to them...-warmly- sending ur beacon codes now.see you for dinner commander..Kehoo out

[2:25][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-no answer for a long moment

[2:26][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Hearing the pause Taly quickly added,* "Do not go back to dark, Counselor! I need you to stay with me. I wish to help.

[2:27][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:*trying to take her mind off stuff, she gets her PADD back out, and tries to pull up public file on the Captain and his wife to learn about them, and when did they join SF.

[2:27][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] I am ...trying...runabouts..with the others...not yet lnaded...concern...worry...life suppoirt systems to be maintained...engine magnetic bittle to be balanced...

[2:27][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly snarled.* "Do they not have normal computer core for such functions?!


[2:28][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-then silence

[2:28][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:recieves the cordinates and adjusts the course slightly for the cordinates =^= "you got the cords aswell?

[2:29][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Dira!" *She ground her teeth.* "If you can hear me, help me! You must let me into core before this goes any further!

[2:29][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*tapscratches his nose* Smooth sailing Macky boy. *inserts the new coords for Mack* Increase speed by 2.42

[2:30][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] I am sorry Lieutenan please undersand during away team missions all high securoty areas of e ship are to accessed by code cleared ships personel only -the neutral toneis firmly back in place-

[2:31][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack] -nods- aye sir..will trouch downfive by five..=^= I see it and have the coords...on your lead Smu

[2:31][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"...Gods damn them." *She pulled off her combadge and stuck it on the table before heading for the doors.

[2:31][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-they do not open

[2:31][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly narrowed her eyes, then checked for the manual release.

[2:32][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] warning...unauthorized use of emergency manual release is a security violation Lieutenan

[2:32][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] Please...reattached your combadge

[2:32][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Take it up with Chalons when she gets back." *She pulled it.

[2:33][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the doors pop open

[2:33][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:=^= Excelent, let get down there, I am hungry" she grinned as she speed up a bit and headed for the LZ

[2:33][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly headed out into the hallway, trying to remember the location of the nearest jefferies tube and heading straight for it.

[2:33][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the LZ is a pavaedparkinglot near a beuaitiful lake side camping site near the lake...children kept back by the local workers all cheer as hey arrive

[2:34][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Taly runs rightn into a force field on the doors entrance and is unable o ex the room

[2:34][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] Lieutenant please...reattached your combadge

[2:35][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack] welcoming commiktee it seems si

[2:35][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:=^=" Hey Mack wanna show off and park side by side in parking booths?

[2:35][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly growled.* "Counselor, if your true self can still hear... you must fight. This is not how you are meant to be; this is what collective tried to make you. This is not Starfleet. This is..

[2:35][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:not freedom.

[2:35][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack] =^= I am game ma'am..

[2:36][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-a long pause-......go....quickly -voice sounds in utter pain

[2:36][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She tried to leave again.

[2:36][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:=^= "You go left" she said before coming in for a landing in a parking place, taking up as few booths as a runabout coul

[2:36][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the field sill showing as up..allows her through

[2:37][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:*blanches slightly

[2:37][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Not one to squander chances, she turned and began to run at full speed down the hallway toward the jefferies tube.(

[2:37][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[rool pls el

[2:37][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[rool pls el

[2:38][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Pellew] -looks to val to see if she wants them up and running righ before anyone else leaves e shules

[2:38][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:shuttle

[2:38][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Gives Pellew a small dismissive wave, as if to tell him she sees no need for that.

[2:39][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Boh shuttles ouch down perfectly in two seprate parking slots as the small tragi children cheer

[2:39][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Goblin] -unhooks and es o the back ramp ANYWAYS

[2:39][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:=^= "We have landed

[2:39][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She would attempt to pop the hatch open and quickly check inside to be sure she wasn't about to run right into some hapless ensign.

[2:39][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Goblin] -slamsher fist into the open hatch button

[2:39][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Easy, Goblin. We are not 'ere to shoot ze campers.

[2:40][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"wait a minute, this is a parking lot?

[2:40][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Goblin] how about we make sure no one is here to shoot at US?? -goes outin a chagr phaser drawn

[2:40][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:"We are in public eye it would seem.

[2:40][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the smaller newt/salamander like Tragi gasop as Goblin emrges phaser up and drawn

[2:41][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Pellew] Gobby NO

[2:41][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the finds the area clear of hapless ensigns

[2:41][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*stood up from his chair and patted mack on the shoulder. If you are serious about wanting to fly bigger feel free to contact me when we are back on the ship

[2:41][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--watches Goblin rush down the ramp-- "where does he think he is going?

[2:41][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Emerges after goblin and grabs her by the scruff of her neck like a naughty kitten.

[2:41][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Naughty kitten has been scruffed

[2:42][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Goblin] -tugs onlyonce and signs loweringher phaser

[2:42][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Not wasting another moment she climbed in, quickly checking the helpful wall markers for the direction of the computer core and heading that way.

[2:42][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*And closing the hatch behind her, of course.

[2:42][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"You are to defer to my judgement if you wish for zis to not be your only away mission zis year, yes." *She said lowly.

[2:42][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:powered down the shuttle, getting up and stretching before going outside, blinking at Val but making no commen

[2:42][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--looks at Ki'Te how far are we going to have to transport our gear? i am computer specialist not a pack mule.

[2:42][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-seems like someone else..other than nine is openin interior vents and lighting wall markers for her as she goes

[2:43][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Goblin] -sigs and holsters her weapon defeated- aye aye ma'am 0clearlynot happy about hings but obeys-

[2:43][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Now... you shall sweep wiz your weapon 'olstered according to ze pattern Pellew gave you earlier.

[2:43][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Let go of Goblin and nodded to her.

[2:43][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack] -pops his head into Polaris- any oneneed help unloading?

[2:43][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Her brow furrowed some at this, but she put that mystery off for later as she did her tunnel crawl.

[2:44][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Goblin] Aye ma'am -heads off to do so wih Tony

[2:44][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:"Not sure" *distracted* we will find out, but the kits have wheels Cat

[2:44][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Gideon] -over wulfs shoulder- checking on the away team Commande

[2:45][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She nodded to Mack.* "I am certain we could use your 'elp getting ze science team's zhings to our site.

[2:45][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-stiffly- until they return safel

[2:45][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Gideon] -nods- very good.carry on -moves back down the ramp

[2:45][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"I just figured we would have parked closer..maybe the site is closer than i realize.

[2:46][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:walked out and over to find Alex, waiting for him outside his shuttl

[2:46][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Looks to Pellew.* "You and I shall carry security's crates while ze ozher two sweep.

[2:46][DOIC4]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*as he stepped out his runabout he looks around and let the nature sink in for the moment before turning to El* Yes

[2:46][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She moved as swiftly as the tunnels would allow, quietly thinking of all the ways she could kill the Gideons and make it look like an accident.

[2:46][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Mack then helps Pellew as a pairof Tragi and a Human Starfleet science officer in a green forest ponch of tragi tailoring arrive

[2:46][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:*whispered to Cat* "do you know what they were doing to Dira? She ... lashed out in pain... but she has not responsed the way she would normally at all.

[2:46][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:"Not even an acknowlegement

[2:47][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--unbuckles her safety harness and stands.-- "Well may as well step out for a breath of fresh air.

[2:47][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Pellew]-to el- Aye Ma'am -as thebig gianhelps as well

[2:47][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--looks at Ki'te-- "huh

[2:47][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki]-darts outside and seees other KIDS ..and yep..as always kids bond fast

[2:48][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:"Something is wrong, I know, she was being looked into, but I feel something is wrong on that ship.

[2:48][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Talyse can feel she is but a deck or two from the core

[2:48][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"So this whole science trip is likily just a way to get rid of us.

[2:48][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the Tragi seem to beno taler than four feet-

[2:49][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[posting pics of them in discord now

[2:49][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods to the starfleet science officer and the tragi as she hauls out one of the crates, letting Alex speak as she did the grunt work.

[2:49][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:*nodding to Cat* "you are still in charge, maybe this is something the Commander should be more aware of?

[2:50][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She snarled softly to herself, letting that righteous fury propel her the last few decks as she looked for the hatch that would lead to the core.

[2:50][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"yeah, right." --Cat exits the runabout.-

[2:50][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[they al seem very friendly qand cheerful but wary of the new comers as they should

[2:50][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:*Grabbing kits and starting to unload them

[2:51][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[will use five for aolex and command stuffies for now

[2:51][DOIC4]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*shakes his head at El and moved forward to meet the doctors

[2:51][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat goes to find Alex-- "Sir, can i speak with you a moment.

[2:51][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:"How did he do sir?

[2:51][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[val roll pls

[2:52][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:"Looked good from my point of view

[2:52][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Alex nodded at them and offered a handshake* Commander Sharpe

[2:53][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods approvingly as she watches the security trio work.

[2:53][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Keho] -shakes his hand firmly two pumps= welcometo colony four commande.r.may i tintroduce Dr Til

[2:53][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--moves in closer as Alex meets with the doctor, but merely observes as he speaks to them-

[2:53][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the small newt like scientis offers his small hand- Commande

[2:54][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Both tragi immediately do a human wave to Cat to no appear immpolite

[2:54][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--waves back to the Tragi scientists.-

[2:54][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Mack goes by hoisting two of cat and kits kit crates and tents on his shouloders

[2:55][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-she finally reaches it at last

[2:55][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*nodded in respect as he carefully exchanged the handshake with the tiny lizard* A pleasure doctor, now what can we do for you and where

[2:55][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Carries the security things, nodding to Mack.* "Good to have someone else who can use zeir size.

[2:55][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly took only a few seconds to catch her breath and grab her phaser off her hip. She set it to heavy stun and then smacked the hatch release button.

[2:55][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Tilo] well commander..this is very exciting..we have for some time been investigating these traces we have found of this worlds former race...one that just may have gone extinct throiugh a terribl

[2:56][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:war or asteroid impac

[2:56][DOIC4]Ki'te@Gonz.:*Lining the kits and crates out outside, looking for a mobile grav sled to put them on.

[2:56][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Tilo] and we have made a ..curious discovery of intermittetant signals we can nt identify here by this very lak

[2:57][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Ranger Fio] she chimes in- it is a tad beyond u

[2:57][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:moved around checking both the shuttle's exterior making sure they had no taken damag

[2:57][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-sheis granted access and is hi wi a warm humid blas of air..as if entering a green house

[2:58][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"...What in gods' names?" *Taly wondered allowed before she went to crawl out of the hatch and take a look around.

[2:58][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*aloud )

[2:58][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack] -provides Elashia with her sled- Will this help ma'am

[2:59][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:"Thank you," *she keeps working, mission minded at least in appearance. Worry in her eyes

[2:59][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--turns and looks toward the lake.-

[2:59][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the room has a mixed look of a normalcomputer core..state of the art federation computer technology but the walls are lined with a flkeshy cover rib lattaic that covers the core walls and runs up t

[3:00][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:to the high ceiling..the fleshly like coverinoverthe ribs pulses as if by brehing in tandem with a heart beat-

[3:00][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*nods as he listens in* Well let me get my resident expert on things I know very little about. Cat come here please

[3:00][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-as if talyse had steped int he very heart andlungs of he gigantes

[3:01][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Keho] Cateina Canedo

[3:01][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly stared. Her lips parted in horror at what she beheld, and she gripped her phaser in both hands.* "What nightmare spawned this?" *she breathed, then called out,* "Counselor! DIRA! Where..

[3:01][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:are you?!

[3:01][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--steps forward-- "Lieutenant Caterina Canado at your service.

[3:03][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-a bulge formed before talyse from the wall and the skin parted as f a arterial valve opening to reveal Nine's upper torso, hairless grey skin, her body merged into the bio-organic and borglik

[3:03][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:recpeticle beneath- We are here Lieutenant

[3:04][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Dr Keho]-offers his hand- What an honor..I know alol about your work witht he Stardust program. Liz speakshighly about youand your wor

[3:05][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--reche sout and chakes Keho's hand-- "Does she now? That is news to me.

[3:05][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Dear gods..." *She recoiled backward, eyes wide before her nerves steeled themselves and she forced herself to walk forward.* "...What can be done? How can I even separate you?

[3:05][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Keho] Wel it is an honor none the les

[3:05][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:*Using the grav sled, she pulls the organized gear over to where cat is.* "Unloaded, just need to know where we are getting to work Lieutenent.

[3:05][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] That would be unwise

[3:06][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Pellew] Commande

[3:06][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Pellew] Commander

[3:06][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"I care not if it brings entire ship down! This is... abominable!" *She growled.* "Captain Gideon did this to you?!

[3:07][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Oui?

[3:07][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] I am sorry you are not cleared for that information Lieutenant. This exceeds your command level as tacical department hea

[3:08][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Pellew] Sweep completed...area is secured....Tony was even offer what he believes are chicken nuggets by a child..shallwe unload and help set u the tents?

[3:09][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Oh, fuck your programmed responses!" *Taly walked right up to Nine.* "You broke free of Collective! Your mind is your own and belongs to no one! Now damn it, Dira, you fight this or I'm cutting.

[3:09][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Both Tragi immediaely wave to Ki'te tono appear rude

[3:09][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She nodded her head.* "Prep ze camp and aid wiz ze mobile lab. Once everyzhing is up, I will assign each of you to a spot to provide maximum visibility.

[3:09][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:as much of you out of here as I can without your guidance!

[3:10][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:*smiles and nods* "I assume you want us to get started right away Cat, let the others set up camp.

[3:10][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[roll pls Talyse

[3:10][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"um yeah as soon as we figure out what we are getting started on...and where.

[3:11][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[nine screams out in errible pain as the ship slights flicker and the ship shakes

[3:12][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Gideon] What the....-he blinks confused horriboy confused- what is going on?

[3:12][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:=^= GIgantes to away team! Emergency! Respond immeduatel

[3:12][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Chalons 'ere. Speak.

[3:13][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly stumbled slightly at the shaking, but remained on her feet.* "Yes! FIGHT it! Pain is temporary, if you push through it will be over! This is not what you are meant to be, this is affront..

[3:13][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the brudge crews all looked alarmed as sysems begin to flicker on and off

[3:13][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:to gods, to man and most of all to YOU!

[3:14][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-static coms are heard

[3:14][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:*Holding her head* "Cat... it's getting worse... Dira is in pain, great pain.

[3:14][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:=^= calmly- Computer core failing....stay clear and stand b

[3:15][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Understood.

[3:15][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--looks at Alex-- "Sir we really need to return to the ship.

[3:15][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Ortiz-Gideon[ 0rises and looks at Wulf- WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! ..WHERE IS AVELLE?! -her voice hollow and echoing over e bridge

[3:16][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[roll pls hon with a boinus fdor the rp <3

[3:16][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Free yourself, Dira! Free yourself and together we will make them pay for this outrage!

[3:16][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Wulf and Avelle are there...we have nothing to fear as long as they are handling things. You two focus on the mission for now

[3:16][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Was approaching Alex, then gave him a nod as she heard his words.

[3:16][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*turns back to the doctors, I shall leave you in their capable hands I have to check up on the rest of my team

[3:16][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-on Els combadge- ...El!...El?? EL?? -nines voice

[3:17][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:=^= "Nine, what is wrong?" she asks Nine with worry in her voic

[3:18][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*After saying that he walks up to Val* What's going on Val? I had static

[3:18][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She kept her phaser drawn, occasionally glancing back at the door, fully expecting someone to barge in at any moment and try to stop her.

[3:18][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-a sudden huge shower of black viscous fluid warm and thick washes down over Taylse and sparks fly as the room is filled with a RAGE INDUCed SHRIEK-

[3:18][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"It was Wulf. She told us to stay clear and stand by for now.

[3:18][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] =^= El sory El sorry I am so sorry..

[3:18][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--blinks and looks at the Tragi-- "Do you know where this signal is coming from?

[3:18][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-darkness and silence descend

[3:18][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly immediately regretted her decision to stand so close as she stumbled back, trying to keep her mouth closed.

[3:19][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I recommend we do our work 'ere. Wulf knows what she is doing bezzer zan anyone.

[3:19][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:=^= "No need to be sorry Nine, I am sure we can fix, just tell me what is wrong, I am with you always, just like you are with me!

[3:19][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:It has to do with Nine.... *sighs and nodded at Val* Agreed. We'll hear it if we are needed

[3:20][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:*slight shreek, then silence, gripping the grav sled handle

[3:20][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] +6= ,eam t protec..you..protect all;..onlywanted to...help -cutsoff and then silence

[3:20][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-all feeds from the Gig go dark0

[3:20][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-all feeds from the Gig go dark

[3:20][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly tried to shake the fluid off, speaking to the darkness and silence.* "...Dira?

[3:20][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:"Whatever it is sir, it's causing Dira a great deal of pain, and I think she just passed out from ot.


[3:20][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--rush over to Elashia-- "Are you okaqy? what happened?

[3:20][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-a small a,phibean hand offers to steady her by the sled

[3:20][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:gets into the polaris shuttle and goes to the pilot seat =^= "Nine? Nine please reply? NINE?

[3:20][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Ranger Fio]-stands near Cat wishing tohelp elasia

[3:21][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack] -poips his head in- Boss..we lost all feeds from the Gi

[3:21][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:"He's right Cat, we need to get this job done, so we can get back to her.

[3:21][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Alex.* "As I said, I trust Wulf wiz my life. We shall do what is up to us down 'ere.

[3:22][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"We are suppposed to be here a week Elashia.

[3:22][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-in the total blackness she hears nothing

[3:22][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:*Slight tears on her cheeks* "I know.

[3:23][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Mack moves over inside to El- Boss

[3:23][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She tried to clear off the gunk from her hand phaser and activate its flashlight function.

[3:23][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:"I know damn it I know" =^= "Scarlet to big boss, just had a message from nine, she sounded hurt and in trouble, we need to get there

[3:23][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--pulls out her trusty tricorder and starts scanning for this transmission.-

[3:24][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Sighed and gave Alex a "All you" look.

[3:24][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[roll pls cat

[3:25][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:*Using the gave sled and one of the crates like a mobile work platform, she sets up the com relay and uses it to focus on the signal they were looking for

[3:25][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:I should've taken the flight instructor job at top gun...*sighs as he taps his commabdge* =^= Negative Scarlet, we received instructions from Wulf to stay clear from the ship for the time being. We

[3:25][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the Tragi rangers and workers keep the onlookers and kids back to give thenewly arrived crew ime o deaol with this

[3:26][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:focus on our current task and hopefully manage to get there asap. But for now trust that Wulf and Avelle are looking out for Nine

[3:26][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"And I should 'ave seen if ze kzari need people... ze opportunities we miss.

[3:26][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:=^= "This hurts, but yes sir

[3:26][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-she sees ashe activates the room is no longer active.lthe walls dripthat victious fliud and Nines form droops forward her eyes open but sheis noth moving

[3:27][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:she looked at Mack "If I try to start this shuttle without permission, stun me or somethign

[3:27][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack] Nine....sheis a friend

[3:27][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack] Nine....sheis a friend

[3:27][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Turned to look if security are doing their job, looking neutral as ever.

[3:27][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly grit her teeth a bit, then approached Nine's form again. She shined her light over her, trying to see if there was any possible way to detach her or if she was indeed merged with the..

[3:27][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:biomechanical nightmare.

[3:28][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[rool pls talys

[3:28][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:she ran hand trough her hair with frustration, she felt her friend would be alright, but she wanted to be sure "Yeah, my best friend, roomates almost my entire career and we share pets

[3:29][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack] Wai..thefluff squad? is that you guys

[3:29][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:nods her head "Yeah, yeah that is us

[3:29][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--CAt goesw back to Doctor Keho.-- "Doctor can you take me to the source of this transmision?

[3:30][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Alex looked around and notices some of the kids being held back by the rangers.* Well enjoy your work vacation. *he walked over to the group and knelt infront of them, just shy from the ranger*

[3:30][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Gods damn it, where is Kenny when I need him..." *She muttered, then stepped back. She set the phaser to a higher setting, then attempted to instead cut the portion of the mass that Nine was..

[3:30][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Keho] me..no;...Tilo? He ca

[3:30][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Keho] me..no;...Tilo? He ca

[3:30][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:beautiful world you have here

[3:30][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:attached to away from the rest of it, leaving plenty of room in case her limbs were inside somehow.

[3:30][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Which one of you is Tilo again?

[3:30][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Dr Tilo] I can only sho9w yu thegenral areas wehave detected i

[3:31][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"that will have to do doctor.

[3:31][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:*Is there to back up Cat, and be her techie, will push the grav sled around with the coms relay on it till she is satisfied.

[3:31][DOIC4]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*Suddenly appears from the realm of the background charatcers* "It will be ok we will help Nine no matter what

[3:31][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[roll pls

[3:32][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-she manages to detach the torso of what remains of Nine.l..which seems her Borg like upper bod

[3:33][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly slipped her arms around Nine's torso and lifted her as gently as she could from that wretched socket she'd been plugged into.* "Worry not... arms and legs are easy to replace.

[3:33][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-trhe makeshift camp of large quarters tents and two lab tents are set up as Cat and Kite walkm over to a location with Tilo

[3:34][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--follows Doctor Tilo-

[3:34][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] -her head lulls over to have her dead like 4eyes look at Talyse- I feel awfu

[3:34][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She looked over the area.* "Well done." *She tells the security kids, then started guiding each of them to their spots, keeping Goblin on walking patrol.

[3:35][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Pellew] -nodsto Tilo Cat and Elashia walking over to a different site- Ma'am

[3:35][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat nods-- "Carry on soldier.

[3:36][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"You will feel better soon enough," *she assured her as she moved to set her down somewhere -away- from the puddles of black gunk.* "Now I find somewhere safe to put you and go pay Captain due visit

[3:36][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[roll pls el

[3:37][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine]....yes..i am ut of ..unifor

[3:38][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine]....i feel...Elasia..and El! I feel El again -her voice sounds soo weary and weak-

[3:38][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly smirked slightly.* "Join club. Should have known something was wrong when he insisted on dressing us like this." *She looked down at Nine.* "Rest for now... I will keep you safe. They..

[3:38][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:will not harm you again.

[3:39][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine[.....not...hi

[3:39][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:lets out a sigh and leans back in her seat "Hey Mack, how do you know of the fluffy ones?

[3:39][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine]...her..

[3:39][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Then who?

[3:39][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine]...her..

[3:39][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She frowned.* "His wife?

[3:40][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] -is trailing off- ...Majestic....Mah..jes...i

[3:40][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Majestic? What is?

[3:40][DOIC4]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*Looks from Eleria and to this Mack, inspecting Mack having just come ontop the teh scene still unsure of everythng

[3:40][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine]....watch Talyse..her eyes....eyes...eyes -drifts off

[3:41][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-seems to be pasedout outof sheer exhaustion

[3:41][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-emergency lights poip on al over the ship

[3:42][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Her brow furrowed even deeper, watching her a moment as the borgzoid drifted away.* "...Right." *She went to pick up Nine again and carry her out of that damnedable room.

[3:42][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:*beep booping doing the tech thing

[3:42][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Tilo leads the pair to the other side of the lake before a massive cliff face from the quarry wall

[3:42][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-both Ki'te and cat picku the sinal strong and clear now

[3:42][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She stretched out with a sigh, looking around, familiarizing herself with the area, before her eyes fall on Goblin, keeping an eye on her.

[3:43][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"i am for sure reading a signal now.

[3:43][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:"Tricorder has a decent mapping of the area now. I'll load it into the computer for full analysis as soon as you mark our set up zone Cat.

[3:44][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[mack] -nods to Terry and syas to El- Ive a rescue aboard ship..my best frien

[3:44][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Right i want to try and get a location on that transmission. Let's try triangulating it with our tricorders.

[3:45][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[roll you two

[3:45][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[roll you two

[3:45][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She picks up her PADD and quickly inputs something.

[3:45][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"maybe we can see how deep in the cliff face it is coming from.

[3:45][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--taps on her tricorder-

[3:46][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:"we can leave the com relay here for point one." *she collects her own tricorder and starts off in the opposite direction from cat

[3:46][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:"huh I see what you are doing, got comms training?

[3:46][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--nods to Elashia and starts moving away to establish a thrird poiint.-

[3:47][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[the readings show the area is close but then need to try agains to triabgulate

[3:47][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Is totally being a good representative for the federation and is learning how to play Tragi soccer as a way to distract himself from Gigantes madness

[3:48][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:"We could probably use one of the runabouts in the air, using sensors to get a high angle, unless you want to use a drone.

[3:48][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Val approached one of the lizard kids and whispered where their ears would be.* "Alex 'as 'ad bad leg injuries. Just tire 'im out.

[3:49][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Be quicker to use a drone. I can deploy one from here using my tricorder.

[3:49][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the kids adore this as we get a Tragi soccoer footbal moment similar to this with Mack and Alex and the tragi

[3:49][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNEUkkoUoIA

[3:50][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Waits for a break in the game to wave Alex to her side.

[3:50][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--enters some commands to the drone and send the coordinates for its position.-

[3:51][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*the kiddo's who listened to Val absolutly smashed it as Alex has to leave the game somewhat out of breath like Maverick. He notices Val and heads over to her

[3:52][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the drone coos and buzzes over the area needed as ca and Ki'te got more data for gtheir triangulation

[3:52][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Whispered to Alex.

[3:52][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:*tapity tap tap, beep boop

[3:53][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Lets see what we can see.

[3:53][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-out inot the darkened hallways Taylse can hear echoing donw the coordiors confusion from theyoung officers anduntested enlisted

[3:53][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-giventhewhole feel of a haunted ship now as she moves gthrugh the dim lighting

[3:53][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*listened to Val and nodded before whispering back

[3:54][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[roll pls Kite and Cat for their scan

[3:54][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Talyse shifted her jaw some, then straightened and adjusted Nine to hold her in one arm against her side while she gripped her phaser in her other hand. She strode forward, calling out sharply.

[3:54][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"ENSIGNS! With me now!

[3:55][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-four ensigns two engineering one security and ne medical snap too- Ma'[am

[3:55][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-themedic gasps as she sees what remains oif nine

[3:57][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She walked right up to them.* "Ship has been compromised! Captain's wife is not what she appears to be; she has brutalized Counselor Sea. You will fall in line and assist me in apprehending her.

[3:57][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Anything else? Except for telling them how to cheat

[3:59][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Not at all. Do continue." *She stepped back to keep an eye on the nerds.

[4:02][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Davies] -security- Ma'am...weve told you and Commander Wulf are sabtuer

[4:02][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:he doesnt seems convinced

[4:03][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[MachGrath] Oh for gods sakes Lieutenant dont carry her like that -moves into take Nine

[4:03][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the other engineer movrs o help Mac

[4:04][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Indeed. I did sabotage ship, in that I removed Counselor from vile biomechanical abomination they had her attached to." *She let them take Nine.* "Witness what they did to her and tell me my..

[4:04][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Both Kite and Cat have located the source of the signal and its frequency...it is in a voids some ten metrs behind the Cliffface in front of them

[4:04][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:choice was in error." *She lifted her chin at Davies.

[4:05][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Davie] -looks down in horro as the two tech and themeidic move to help Nine

[4:05][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Davie] -looks down in horro as the two tech and themeidic move to help Nine

[4:05][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:"Marking it in the 3d mapping and loading it into the computer core Cat.

[4:05][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Davie] I am with you Ma'a

[4:05][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Medic] we need to get her someolae safe and secure -never casting her vote given it is obvious

[4:06][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-cat is now getting a repeatong signal..that i sgetting stronger..as if insistent-

[4:06][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Macgrath] Im with you Lieutenant..this is horror movie stuf

[4:06][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:sits worried in the pilot seat, wishing she could help her friend

[4:06][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Engineer[] she nnods] Me too..i am not even sure what i am looking a

[4:06][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She nodded once.* "Get phaser and come with me. Medic, I trust you to fulfil your oath; ensure no more harm comes to her in your care.

[4:07][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Having regained his strangth he rejoins the football game by tackling Mack so the kiddos from his team can score

[4:07][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:"Viki... you want to join us on the analysis?

[4:07][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Medic] My name is Trixie..they want her back Lieutenant they are gonna have to0 kil m

[4:07][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Viki appears

[4:08][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She gave an approving nod.* "Trixie. I am Talyse, and I will hold you to that.

[4:08][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:"The core is active if you want to access it for the analysis.

[4:08][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the pair are sewarmed by oher Tragi tackolers as the kids roar down the field to score

[4:08][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Trixie] I need Kara with me -nods to the 0ther engineer

[4:08][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[DFavies comes back with sidearms for them all-

[4:08][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She looked at the others.* "Rest of you... we move on bridge. When we get there, watch her eyes. Was what Counselor Sea warned, and I am not inclined to find out what happens if we ignore such..

[4:09][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-all nod

[4:09][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:advice. Kara, you go with her.

[4:09][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Kara nd trixie haul nine away to safey.,kara and Davies share a look and heh depart

[4:10][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Davies] They wont let anyone touch her Lieutenant -to Taylse as she forms u0pher posse-

[4:10][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Um..Cat...Miss Kite

[4:10][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Um..Cat...Miss Kite

[4:10][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Um..Cat...Miss Kite

[4:11][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Getting a translaion on the signal...I am not sur eyou are goign to like i

[4:11][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She nodded.* "They likely thought they would be able to get away with this more easily with inexperienced crew. What they did not expect was that even the least experienced Starfleet officer is..

[4:11][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:"yes Viki?" *she is working on PADD interfaced with tricorder doing analysis* "Please, go ahead.

[4:11][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -lets the signal trasnlation be heard

[4:11][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Moves closer to the nerds to listen.

[4:11][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"what is it Viki?

[4:11][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:worth a hundred normal men. Now we move quickly." *She turned and marched off toward a jefferies tube that would lead to the bridge.

[4:12][DOIC4]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*Takes a seat next to her and attempts to hold her hand to comfort her

[4:12][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Transmission] - a deep male voice..stern yet exact- Repairs nearing completion...Source tracking..Identify...indentify indentify.

[4:12][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:*puts a ear bud in from the PADD so listen clearly

[4:13][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She turned around and strode over to the football field.* "Commander. Get your ass 'ere.

[4:13][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the ground shakes a little

[4:13][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"..repairs on what exactly?

[4:13][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-some rocks tumble down the cliff face

[4:13][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Tries to sit back up trying to brute strength push the kiddos, but fails as more of the army of swarmers take him down

[4:13][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Tilo] -looks to the cliffface

[4:13][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Waves Dr. Tilo over.* "Doctor!" *She calls out.

[4:13][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the ground under the runabout shakes

[4:14][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*All the while smiling happy he is providing a good time for their hosts

[4:14][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-a large crack apears in the clifface

[4:14][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-thegame slow sops a the quaking-

[4:14][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"...oh shit.

[4:14][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:"The fuck was that?

[4:14][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki[ getting a 3d inage if what is in th'ere no

[4:14][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She looks at the children.* "Go find your parents, get in your cars, and drive away. Alright?

[4:14][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:*Records and goes to the cart for more equipment* "Something is in the cliff face

[4:14][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki[ getting a 3d inage if what is in th'ere no

[4:15][DOIC4]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:"I was hoping you knew the answer...

[4:15][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*he turns his head when able and as quickly as he could stand up* Arm your team Val. *he said as he made his way to the nerds

[4:15][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--goes over to look at Viki's 3d image.-

[4:15][DOIC4]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*jumps on his console to see if he can find out

[4:15][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the kids beginto head to their parens cars are fired up..some are hover some wheeled

[4:15][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Already giving ze order.

[4:15][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Goblin, distribute ze rifles among ze whole away team.

[4:15][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Goblin] I knewit i knewit -as she runs for the runabout

[4:16][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Goblin] =^= Aye ma'a

[4:16][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:tries to use the ship sensors to see if she can find what is going o

[4:16][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*As he reaches the nerds* Report

[4:17][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the wall explodes ooutward and a huge debris cloud flows down rushing the camp an dlandings sights as if it were a pryoclasic flow from a volcanic erup0tion

[4:17][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Climbs onto the runabout and gets her own gear, charging her rifle and strapping in with the rest of the equipment.

[4:17][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-as if a great beruilding had collapsed and hen..there is a terrifying rumbling....

[4:17][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--looks at Alex-- "Something is in the cliff sir and its refusing to stay in the cliff.

[4:17][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Tilo] BY all that is holy

[4:18][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] LOOK!


[4:18][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-a terrifying dark shape begins to appear in the cloud and the rumbling growing louder

[4:18][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:*ducking for cover from debris

[4:18][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*unholsters his sidearm as he looks towards the cliff* Get away from the cliff

[4:19][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Stumbles some at teh shaking as she makes her way out of the runabout, going to round the away team up.

[4:19][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:suddenly ebfore them out of e cloud is massive set of quad treads...each standing more than thrity feet high

[4:19][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:"Viki, evac the computer" *she goes to the grav sled to push it out of the way

[4:19][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[ Viki] does and vanishes

[4:19][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"...Dark's pale tits, where do I get one of zese?

[4:20][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:"I miss my baby" she says to hersel

[4:20][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the massive machine more than a 100 feet in widtgth and nearly jus as high thunders down on them

[4:20][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"what the heck is it?

[4:21][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Well, shit.... Get to the Runabouts! *Said almost Arnie like

[4:21][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Looks to Alex.* "Get everyone to ze runabouts!

[4:21][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:*mentally transmitted to Cat* "That... is why we are here, I'm sure of that

[4:21][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:the massive and many turrets move siffly as if by aged disuse seem to be doign someting as the tragi cars raceto escape

[4:21][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[pic is in discord

[4:22][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mack]-yells into the Polaris- Lieutenan incoiming HUGE TANK

[4:22][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Security! Everyone toss your charges at it and 'ope zey stick! Detonate once on ze runabout! We 'ave to draw its attention!

[4:22][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[alex oll val roll pls

[4:22][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:gets the runabout fired up and ready to go as fast as it is possible =^= "Polaris fireing up!

[4:23][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the tank sops its weapons still moving about now with simming purpose

[4:23][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:"I really miss my baby now

[4:23][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"It is targeting!" *She pops a breaching charge off of her belt and tries to toss it at the giant machine.

[4:23][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Mack races over to the Zeri

[4:24][DOIC5]Ki'te@Gonz.:*pushing for all she is worth, once the cart is clear of the treads, she is running for the runabout with a case in hand.

[4:24][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-her team follows suit

[4:24][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[tank pic in discord

[4:24][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Once everyone had thrown, she looked at security.* "Onto ze runabout! 'It ze detonators on me!

[4:24][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[val roll pls

[4:24][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the charges are heaved and ...smack rightinto the tankls shields-

[4:24][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Pilots take off and distract till we can exfil. Draw its atention! *combat rolls as he saw one of the turrets aiming at him and just darts to cover

[4:25][DOIC4]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:"Thats a lot of guns" *Attempts to se eif he can hack into it or mess with in anyway

[4:25][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--avoiding the treads, Cat starts scanning the massive tank-

[4:25][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--beep boop bweeoop.-

[4:26][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the tanks opens fire!......taking out...the evenmcamera..and he souts of explosions and screens aqre heard as the screen goes toblack and credits roll

[4:26][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:sighed and got her shuttle in the air and heading towards towards the tank =^= "would it not be an idea to keep one on the group for people to get into

[4:26][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:TO BE CONTINUED