22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki

ECS Moroni DY-597 is a DY-500 Earth Cargo Service freighter constructed in Luna orbit 2102 and launched for Vega in 2103. Commanded by CPT Joseph M. Smith, a leader in the LDS Church.

Notable Events:[]

  • 2103-2123 - Transfer of Colonists between Earth orbit to Vega IX


The first colony ships of the late 2060s Discovery class could carry 200 colonists and their needed supplies and equipment. They were truly pioneering craft in their time period, some capable of as much as warp 1.3. Constructed in space, they would enter an atmosphere only once, the ship then disassembled for housing and the warp core would become the power station for the colony.

The Y-500 and the DY-500 were pioneering as well. The DY-Series that followed the loss of the first of the DY-100 on launch in 1996 were constructed on Earth, at first using salvaged submarine hulls. Early DY-100s were used in the colonization of Luna and several larger asteroids of the Sol system. Later models would have expanded mission profiles and different variations on the design. The primary hulls would be constructed in shipyards on Earth, then launched using boosters to gain orbit where they would be finished. The facilities in orbit would add the mission modules and warp nacelles as well as to serve as loading facilities for the supplies, crew, and passengers. These would be known by the NAR registry, which predates the Earth Cargo Authority. Those in operation after 2100 would all carry the ECS Registry which proves inspection and licensed operations.

The warp 2 capable J-class and later Y-class ships were intended to be constructed in space, and remain in space. Docking with stations in microgravity situations at most, the class was intended for heavy cargo hauling, with detachable cargo modules. Cargo modules would have their own reentry systems capable of being dropped safely from orbit to be picked up on the ground.

OOC Information[]

This is Historical Information for reference concerning Dr. Delancey