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Delta Triciatu is an M-class planet located in the Lta (Delta Triciatu) star system in the Alpha Quadrant. It is the third planet in a primary star system in orbit of an white dwarf star. It was home to an insular people who chose limited contact with outsiders. They shared their star with the Seyalian people of Delta IV.

The Triciatu people referred to their star with the same word as their planet, which was confusing to most who tried to develop relations with them. In early earth year 2000ce, the Triciatu attempted to colonize the Vega system, and settled in the ruins of a species native to Vega IX which records only refer to as the Vegan Tyranny (a translation).

In 2223, when the Seyalian people of Delta IV joined the United Federation of Planets, the Triciatu were offered protectorate status. They remained a protectorate for more than a century before joining fully. The few visitors allowed, typically found the crystal palaces to be the most impressive sights.



Delta Triciatu is a Class M (Minshara) planet within the habitable range of its star. It was home to a bio-diverse ecosystem, richly populated with flora and fauna. Atmospheric make up was 70.01% nitrogen, 23.05% oxygen, 1.1% argon, 0.03% krypton, 0.1% carbon-dioxide, 0.05% xenon, and other trace gases.

There is liquid water, and a temperate zone allowing habitation in roughly 15% of the planet. Electrically charged storms at the poles make any sort of navigation hazardous over nearly half of the planet.


The are a series of post volcanic archipelagos and larger islands, but no full visible. The largest of them contain towering mountain peaks which were once volcanos. Two continental land masses exist, one at each pole, layered under miles of ice. Very few land masses between 20* and 80* latitudes.


  • Mount Prima: the highest mountain, a former volcano rising 8,100 meters above their sea level. It is the home to the most revered leader of their people, the Prima Palace, and at the base of the mountain a huge palace structure capable of housing hundreds of thousands known as the Sīmābandha Palace, or the greeting place. The mountain can be seen on a clear day for a thousand kilometers, and is visible from space.


  • Manas Mela: A religious enclave encompassing an island mountain.
  • Rudra Mela: A seaside city on the largest of the land masses.
  • Vaishya Mela: The largest city, the grand marketplace of the Triciatu homeworld.
  • Thousands of small villages dotting islands, and nomadic island people who live on floating artificial Atolls.


Their stellar cycles are equal to .68 Earth Solar Years (5960 [FS] Hours), and are divided into ten constellation periods (596hrs), made up of ten day/night cycles each. An average day will provide roughly 20 hours of daylight, and twenty hours of night, separated by ten hours of twilight and predawn each.

In the central belt, equivalent to the tropics, roughly 15* North and 15* South of their equator is considered to be the habitable zone. Average temperatures are 35c at the equator, 25c at 15* latitude. Above 45* latitude the average temperatures range from 0c to a - 50c at the poles. The habitable zone has two main seasons, which are the 'Shudran' and the 'Arunan'.

  • Shudran; is marked as the rain season, with the heart of this 6-7 month period being marked by Himsamkara (Tears of Triciatu), a period of 10-15 days of daily rainfall in excess of 20cm.
  • Arunan; is marked as the dry season, average rainfall in the tropics during Arunan is 1cm/daily, when falling during the daylight hours it often turns into a mist which becomes a series of rainbows.
  • Pranic Aurora; the higher atmosphere of Delta Triciatu is often lit by primordial light (the source of the name) similar to the aurora borealis of Earth. These lights are indicative of the stellar winds impacting the high energy magnetic field that surrounds the planet.


The Triciatu people are long lived and do not tend to repopulate more than to replacement level, which caused them a significant drop in population half a millennia ago when a large number of their people were taken as slaves, and then a group attempted to retrieve them a century later. Those two groups, never returned to their homeworld, choosing instead to remain as a colony world, as far as anyone knows the only colony world ever taken by the Triciatu. There is though a monastery outpost on Delta V, high in the mountains of a lone island there.

The current population distribution:

  • Manas Mela: Approximately 250,000
  • Rudra Mela: Approximately 9 million
  • Vaishya Mela: Approximately 13 million
  • Smaller villages and nomadic groups spread over the circumference of the the world: approximately 7 million


The Triciatu culture revolves around harmonies. They live in a harmony with their planet that is rarely matched, and find harmony in the light of their star.

The Triciatu practices a caste system consisting of three social tiers;

  • Acharayan; the religious caste, marked by Monastic orders, which make up roughly 10%

The monastic orders provide for the spiritual wellbeing of the people, maintaining temples in every major city district on average a temple for every 100,000 Triciatu of Vaishya Mela, and one for every 250,000 Triciatu in Rudra Mela. The whole of the city of Manas Mela is a temple of itself atop the island peak.

  • Shudran; the worker caste, so named by the sweat that rains from their skin, which make up roughly 70%

The worker caste, is made up of all those who perform manual labor, producing foodstuffs, building, or providing services not covered by the Artisans and Craftsmen.

  • Vaishayan; the artisans and craftsman caste, which make up 20%

The Artisans are those that produce art, music and dance. Craftsmen guilds train, monitor and maintain the skillsets of skilled workers, many of whom push their skillsets to the level of art on a daily basis.

  • There is no military or law enforcement casts, as law is enforced by the leadership of each caste based on tradition and believe in their duty to their world. The greatest punishment known to be exist is becoming outcast, and cut off from the society. Most who have become outcaste, and 'sailed south' to redeem their dishonor.


Traditionally, a royal family decreed by their religious order had the right to rule, this had been in place for at least 30,000 years. Beginning 2256, the Triciatu began a popular vote system to elect their leader. The Leader then appoints an ambassador to represent them to the United Federation of Planets. The Prim 'Uninasama the Elder' was the head of the royal family for more than 1,000 years, when he stepped down in 2256.

  • The elected leader in 2256 was one of the daughter of Uninasama, Doscanna who has been confirmed in every decennial election since.
  • The Ambassador to the United Federation of Planets and Seyalia currently holding office on the Seyalia moon Seyann, is

Mayasik'eela, daughter of Uninasama and Olannia, the Seyalian Ambassador to Delta Triciatu.


The Triciatu are a monotheistic people, their temples are dedicated to principles of their understanding of the universe. The nearest analogous example would be Daoism of Earth. Priests, and monks practice a purity of mind and strive for deeper understanding of the whole by traveling through the different principle levels gaining mastery in each before continuing.

Because the Triciatu people are telepathic and communicate quite openly, the elevation of a few, is as an elevation of all. The temples are supported in their holy works because of the recognized benefit to all of society.

One of the unique and identifiable tenants of the religion, is the connection to the world they life within. It is a child of the star, and they are children of the world, yet they are all one. They give worship to the planet, and the star that both give them life.


  • Sea; the majority of travel is via sailing vessels
  • Land; mostly foot travel, wheeled carts are used to transport items, but technology does exist to create magnetic lifting vehicles which are used for heavy loads.
  • Air; a small minority of transportation is via airborne sail barges, riding on magnetic field levitation systems but still by tradition using sails to ride the winds.
  • Space; A variation of sail barge technology was developed into a stellar class sail ship capable of exploring their star system and returning.


None allowed from outside worlds


Openly traded materials included: Rare exports include crystal based artwork

Special Interest[]

OOC Information[]

Unique technologies not shared; The Triciatu are capable of using their technology and the precise control allowed by telepathic link to their tools to produce amazing feats of art, and technological advances. They can grow crystalline matrixes, and do so for many of their needs. Most metallic objects in use of the people were created in this fashion.

Their naturally forming crystals are exceptional examples of power storage media. The planet is very rich with this mineral crystal which causes much of the magnetic field which is found there, as well as the extreme electrical storms at the poles. These crystals are the core of all of their technology.


The Triciatu went to the stars in sail ships to explore their system for thousands of years. They consider it to be a meditative communion with the spirit of their star to be in space with it. Their technology for space travel is very much a passive functioning of navigation, they do not maintain a fleet. There is a small colony, consisting of a monastery of a kind on Delta V. With their communications being such that telepathy is such a deep part, they do not enjoy separation from their people for any great distance. It is believed, from the Seyalian accounts, that they encountered each other while exploring local space and merely agreed to remain separate.

Their are records that indicate it is possible their stellar sail ships may have traveled for a number of systems within a hundred light years of home. It is questionable if they ever returned home from those sojourns however.

Roughly 1900ce or so, the Triciatu encountered another species on their stellar winds. The account is unverified, but it is believed that they may have followed the course back to their homeworld, which is how it is believed the Vegan Tyranny found them. The Vegan Tyranny had built an outpost on Delta III, captured and were enslaving thousands of young Triciatu to mine the crystal that is the heart of their society and technology valued for its harmonics. It did not go well for the Vegan Tyranny, within a generation they succumbed to a disease of their own making. It spread so fast in the outpost as to leave their outpost and ships behind on Delta III for the Triciatu to claim.

Using the Vegan Tyranny starships, a thousands of the you adults who had been forced to labor, who were seeking some kind of answer as why this cruel people invaded them. They had learned some of this cruelty from them, and some wanted vengeance. Dozens of ships, packed with thousands of their youngest adults left their homeworld for the first time. The Prima did not approve, but did not stop them. When the ships found the Vegan Tyranny, they landed among one of the cities of the Vegan Tyranny, expecting some sort of confrontation. They were surprised to find all had perished, in recent years. The investigating of their former oppressors, lead them to discover a fully functioning infrastructure. They chose to remain, and form a colony there among the ruins as they learned of a multi-system spanning culture.

The colony culture changed significantly from the homeworld, based on their experiences. It is a tragedy that they were wiped out in 2409, because after only 400 years on their own, a lot of their culture had adjusted, including multiple children to a mated pair being normal.