22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki

The Dawnbreaker War is the name given to the nearly two-year conflict between the Dawn Alliance and the combined fleets of the Tanausan Imperium, Coln Confederacy, and Chantry of Delphia. During that time, reinforcements from the Milky Way were cut off as the 22nd Mobile (Fleet Daedalus Omega) remained in the Large Magellanic Cloud to help defend their allies in the Dawn Alliance.

Significant Events:[]

  • The closing of the Milky Way Artesia Gateway.
  • The destruction of the USS Enigma.
  • The blighting of Kirtas.
  • The invasion of Beryxia.
  • The Great Retrograde of Tanausa.


  • The Tanausan Imperium was crippled and broke into a number of independent worlds and factions. Within five years the Imperium would cease to exist entirely.
  • The Latejo population of the Imperium were made aware of and subsequently took their ancient name of Nymati, vowing to reclaim their lost culture and rebuild what they couldn't.