- Race Designation - (The) Coln
- Species - Humanoid
- Initial Contact Made By USS Sentinel NCC 90014 on SD 95154.65 at the Apostates Nebula
- Technological Level Observed - On par with current Federation Standards. RN74 capable. Observed to have tricobalt warheads.
- Cultural Notations:
- Biological supremacist culture who has waged war upon the Ulsa for a very long time on the basis the Ulsa are not biological.
- Allies / Followers of the Dark/Dark forces. (Investigation to their coexistence with the Xert suggested)
- Fiercely zealous to their cause and to the order of things.
- Polite and well mannered in communications.
- Typical physiological build of average humanoids.
- Warrior culture. Seems to go with a philosophy of means justifying the ends along with a strict hierarchy.
- Their ship building techniques shows great capacity as shipwrights and long knowledge of warship construction.
- Report Update :
- This species has now been identified as The Coln. The Coln Government is known as the Coln Confederation, a serie of regimented colonies around their home stars system. There is reason to believe the majority of their colonies may hae one time belonged to the Ulsa.
- Information now acquired by the Ulsa database correctly identifies their homeworld as Coln Prime. Their government has deep ties to the religion of the Dark and as such their Navy and Military Forces are members of what we now know to be the 'Apostate Fleet'. They are coordinated and supported in their operations by the Travynei who are loyal to the Dark.
- The extent of the effect the Dark and the religious fanaticism known to be associated with this religion on the Coln Government is not yet know. Though speculation at this time indicates a great level of influence on their actions and fleet deployments.