22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki
  • Race Designation - The Bursali
  • Species - Ursanoid Race Appeared to be Evolved from carnivoran mammals of the family Ursidae, akin to The Terran Bear or The Trill Hanza.
  • Initial Contact Made By - USS Sentinel NCC - 99014
  • Technological Level Observed - On par with mid to late 21st century Earth/ Mid-Era Betazed around 107654 CE. Warp drive technology in its early stages. Believed to be capable of warp three flight.
  • Cultural Notations :
    • Species appeared warm, friendly and very receptive to the initial contact. They seemed to have accidently discovered the missing Starfleet Runabout USS Tigria with had been disabled by a failed baffle plate and the crew had succumbed to radiation sickness. Their ship part of their initial warp exploration program, Outreach Program (Similar to the Apollo and Phoenix Programs on Earth and the Ts'hiva Project of Andor). The Bursali towed the Tigria back to their system and treated the crew as best that they could. They placed the crew into stasis and then deciphered part of our Subspace communications to send out a call for help.
    • Thus initiating contact on their own, to save the lives of the rescued yet still sick Starfleet crew.
    • Bursal IV, the homeworld to the Bursali is the 4th of Eleven plants. The only class M. The planets has two main continents and one minor island like continent. Fifty major metropolitan centers have been detected each surrounded by thriving suburban areas. The possess an extensive satellite network and global telecommunications and entertainment.
    • The government appears to be a parliamentary democratic republic. The People's Republic of Bursal
    • The Sentinel was escorted back by the ship dubbed 'Outreach 3' and the starship was then contacted by Outreach Control by a Dr. Dara, the head of the Bursali's space programs. Politics and diplomacy came secondary to the care of the Starfleet crew. The Bursali do seem to be friendly and an honest caring people these actions seem to confirm this.
    • *NOTE* Current Theories postulate that the Bursali may have at one time been a major ally against the Dark in the war fought more than two million years ago. There may be evidence in system that the Bursali were at one time a highly advanced star farring power who two million years ago were blasted back 'into the stone age' and are only now recovering and taking themselves back into the stars..
    • It remains uncertain if these theories are true, what if any memory or history has survived with these people. What do they truly know about their past? Only future contact will be able to tell.