22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki
22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki

[4:00][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:STAR TREK BANSHE

[4:00][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:[tonight's theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb4QLMfOJTg

[4:02][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:As the Camera fades in we see scenes from last week showing the battles to take out the three subsapce relays mostly with ease until the Banshee comes across a world murdered by the chantry using th


[4:03][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:The various scenes shows the Sister in charge surprise the rookie MTF squad and seriously inuring several including Scream before she is eventually subdued. She and the ranking officer are put in th

[4:04][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:Brig by David as the Banshee meets up with the 7 Provinces and the pairof Allied cruisers. The final strikeis preparede to go as we hear Liz'slog as a voice over.

[4:05][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:=^= Captain's Log, Stardate [REDACTED] the Banshee has finishedoff themajority of this little raid of ours to get deeper into chantry space. One more step to go before we make the Adagios' Pi Cani

[4:06][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:Run look like child's play. Alex has taken command of the Seven Provinces and has a Kzari cruiser and a Skara cruiser as support...using them as our front we are going to finish off this last targe

[4:07][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:and make them look like rock stars...while we..ideally cut loose toplay in the chantry's backyard unsupervised...so check back later Compy ..ya know..provided we surive this..Liz out

[4:08][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-hands her PADD off to Devi- El..set course for the final target syste

[4:08][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Mr Allen

[4:08][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=^= Aquarius to Screa

[4:08][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:sets the course, taking a deep breath "Course set and ready captain

[4:09][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Stand by Helm...Cat go full EWAR and stand b

[4:09][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly was at her station, running tactical scans at irregular intervals and making sure the lance was ready for the next joust.

[4:09][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-wavesa gloved hand at taly as if to sa I dontneed to say a word to you

[4:09][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Scream listening

[4:10][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Aye captain, fixin to beat them over the head with a static ban hammer.

[4:10][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=^= Scream..what remains of Baker is on the bench..those who can fight will stay abaord and reinforce Securit

[4:10][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Vu=iki[ Yeah go team!!! -cheers

[4:11][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Understood.

[4:11][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"alrighty specialist Viki, lets see how many ways we can come up with to ruin the bad guys day.

[4:11][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=^= Direct to target scream..nothing fancy..but let nothing stop yo

[4:12][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-louder= Mister Allen

[4:12][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:Yes captain

[4:12][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Oh for the love of...-looks at him- Instruct al hands to be in armor and set side arms to kil

[4:12][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She gave a slight scoff as she worked.

[4:12][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:Understood captain

[4:13][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Understood.

[4:13][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=^= See ya when I see ya Scream...good huntin

[4:13][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Looks at Able.* "You 'eard 'er and you know ze drill.

[4:13][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Zhank you.

[4:13][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She thumbed her phaser to the bad setting.

[4:14][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-Able as one- Copy tha

[4:14][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-to her bridge crew- Arm and armor up kiddie

[4:15][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:This is the NFL tonight we play with pads at this leve

[4:15][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David brings up his security board, moving around his minions and having them reinforced with armor and phasers.

[4:15][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She ordered some petty officer in her department to fetch her armor and bring it to the bridge.

[4:15][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-armor and sidearms are brought up for all bridge personal

[4:15][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Viki] -is in her princes of power armor now

[4:16][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly armored up, one piece at a time as she kept a close watch on the sensors.

[4:16][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Cobra Lead] -to scream- where do you want me

[4:17][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"You are coming wiz us. I need someone to take over in case I collapse mid-fight.

[4:17][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-taps her ear piece- =^= Wolfman thisi Aquarius..how do you copy

[4:18][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Cobra lead] -simply nods- Copy that

[4:19][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Cobra Lead] -to scream- You going to Juice up

[4:19][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*As the trio of viewable ships are nearing the target* Kanga lead the pack. *Kanga nodded and headed off* =^= We are good to go. Just give us the sign when you are ready

[4:19][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:gets into her tactical "armor" while monitering things and getting a Phaser that she frowns slightly at

[4:20][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=^= Stand b

[4:20][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-points at sentry- You..your job tonight is to keep the enmy off of the Helm...she falls..you do..understood

[4:21][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Undserstood, what are my restrictions?

[4:21][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I did zat all ze way back in sickbay.

[4:21][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly squinted slightly.

[4:21][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smirks- If she dies and you live..I kill you slowly.

[4:21][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:How is that

[4:22][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Good this will be fun

[4:22][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Glory or death. Nothing else is acceptable." *She strapped her backup knife to her thigh.



[4:22][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:Yes captain

[4:23][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Program the computer to entrap any gateway in a security force fiel

[4:23][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Im done playing with these guy

[4:23][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:Understood captain

[4:23][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David attempts to have the computer automate the entrapping of gateways in security fields.

[4:24][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Also...David these bastards are fantatical..figure on them getting around that...they are going to board us one way or the other...any fallen deacon has to be vaporised before they blow u

[4:24][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Hence our kill setting for thi

[4:24][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Log that and let your teams no


[4:24][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Any way we can hack them and blow the deacons up at once?

[4:25][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smirks- Wow Sentry...phrasing..focus on vaporising them..what youdo n your own time isup to yo

[4:25][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:Yes captain

[4:25][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Helm cloak us and bring us into the warp baffles of the7 Province

[4:26][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:We will follow them in Initiall

[4:26][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David adjusts the ROE instructions.

[4:26][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"aye aye" cloaks the banshe

[4:27][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:-The Banshee cloaks as she moves in behind the Thunderchild class starship

[4:27][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Taly takes usbac to red alert..all hands battle statio

[4:27][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Yes, Captain." *She pushed the big red button that took them to red alert.

[4:27][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=^= Wolfman..this is Aquarius..we are a g

[4:28][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:-Red Alert sounds oof on all decks as the crew readies themselves for battle

[4:29][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"ready to go to warp when she does

[4:29][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly murmured a prayer in her native tongue.


[4:29][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Red alert. Signal escorts to move in. Helm bring us in close and get ready for some expert level flying. *The provinces speeds up towards the target* Fighters launch when opfor launches theirs

[4:29][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Very good El...-eyes sentry some and then looks over at the helm

[4:30][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Let's show our friends how the provinces gets things done

[4:30][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:The three allied warship leap to warp and race toward the final systrem on the edge of the abyss Nebula..a dark fire burst like nebul

[4:31][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Paces back and forth, the stims not letting her stay in one place long.

[4:31][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:El leaps to wearp after them safely snuggled into the warp baffles unseen by the ships they are approching

[4:32][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:flies after the Thunderchild "Gonna put in some ideas for a thunderchild refit once this is over

[4:33][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smirks as she studies the tacticalholodisplay- I look forward to reading them Hel

[4:33][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Relay on sensors, as are three Chantry battlecruisers. Shields all raised, weapons powered and targeting other vessels. We are untargeted.

[4:33][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*moves closer to Eleria to protect her, keeping a close watch.

[4:34][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:El once we hit the system..break off and get behind the first cruiser Alex target

[4:34][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"What are our chances to take out a changtry BC with shields up with a lance shot

[4:34][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Taly...you know what to do the

[4:34][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Zero...we are in a street fight now girl..this is gonna be a bit of a slo

[4:35][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Jus toneof these things almost wrecked this ship not long ago remebe

[4:36][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Cat once we fire..cut loose full EWA

[4:36][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*readjusts his eyepatch as he studies the display* Target the middle, have both escorts take on the others as a distraction. Once in the system Sulu 3 helm, tactical fire on my mark

[4:36][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=^= Scream stand by to deploy..you go in right after we fire our opening sho

[4:36][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"aye aye captain, we'll light em up.

[4:37][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Viki] -begins to hum the ancient song 'light em up ..up up up'

[4:37][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-to Weaps- Primary target is the center cruise

[4:38][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly called up the sensor readings of the Chantry battlecruiser to determine where its engine room would likely be located.* "Noted.

[4:38][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Understood." *She nods to Able.* "Able, chief, be ready to deploy.

[4:38][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Viki, fort minor, remember the name

[4:38][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Viki] Will do EL

[4:39][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Its a song

[4:40][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:As the mainbody drops fromw arp led by the 7 Provinces..the Chantry launchs her fighters...scores of them streaming from the cruiser..all three turning as one in an elegant and efficent formation..

[4:40][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Security, remember if we get boarded. Shoot to disintegrate. Spare none

[4:40][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:they open fire on the allied ships...the battle has begun

[4:41][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Chief, get us in zere.

[4:41][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Helm..you know what to do..center cruiser isour target

[4:41][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Viki] -begins to sing el request

[4:42][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:drops from warp and uses the momentom to fly around thing to get behind the center cruise "already in route!

[4:42][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Silence the AI!" *She snarled.

[4:42][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*waits a few moments after he saw the chantry fighters get deployed.* Poor bastards won't know what will hit them. Launch the angels. *As ordered federation fighters are entering the fray* Get us in

[4:42][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"10 percent luck!

[4:42][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:slightly closer helm

[4:42][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-themain view wscreen shows the massive golden cruisers fire streaking all around the banshee as she is manuervered towards their aft positions

[4:42][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Viki, focus on the job.

[4:42][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:[ chantry fighter https://imgur.com/1Cn4CCm

[4:43][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:[ chanrtry cruiser https://i.imgur.com/R4lBPSB.jpg

[4:43][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:[chantry relay station https://i.imgur.com/xCR8k2G.jpg

[4:44][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Viki] -quietly focuses now

[4:44][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:asd the three allied cruisers close the distance they are already taking fire...the banshee races around to get into positon

[4:45][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Varla] -spinsup the portal- stand by! -timing the portal asordered

[4:45][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Crane] fighters are engaged

[4:45][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[combat action rnd ..

[4:46][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Fire. *Alex said coldly staring at his viewscreen, after that the provinces start firing

[4:46][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:Gets the ship into posistion "after we engage launch the drones to support our fighters!

[4:47][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Talsha] On it!! Drones ready!

[4:47][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*As soon as she saw the Provinces begin to fire, she aimed the lance at the ship's rear section and let their lance loose.

[4:47][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Viki] All systems go Cat!

[4:49][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Varla] Portal open!!

[4:49][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Roger that Viki, letsw light them up.

[4:50][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[el roll cat roll taly roll!

[4:50][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[el roll cat roll taly roll!

[4:50][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Runs into the portal, powered by the stims, fighting through the injury.

[4:51][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-able secure the room quickly as they gun downthe half or dozen so crewman presentin the secodary control room

[4:52][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:El lines up the Banshee as the alied ship sled by the 7 Provinces light sup her shields delivering a series of punishing shots weakening her shields..and scoring her hull...the Banshees lance sho

[4:52][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Helps with the shooty stuff, then brings up the schematics onto her HUD, starting to lead towards the core.

[4:53][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:faces nearly zero resistance as it shatters what remained of theshields and slammed into her one engine and cut deply into her hull..explosions dramatically folllow El as sheraces over the larger shi

[4:54][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:and banks up as a major opening blow is delivered..shots from the three chantry cruisers land no where significant on any of the attacking ship

[4:54][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smirks wickedly- That is how we we say hello NYC styl

[4:55][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:El banks us up and to the port..prepare to cloak

[4:55][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Viki] Yeah we blinded en!! 0cheers

[4:55][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Curious... considering I have never been." *She started recharging their poking stick.

[4:55][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Able three plants some demo charges as they go

[4:56][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smiles- We shall have to see about that then weap

[4:56][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[combat rnd actions!

[4:56][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Leads the others deeper, shootign to kill.

[4:57][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:Banks and flies to port "I am from San Fransisco

[4:57][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Reads from his chairputer to see fighter status* Damn standstill for now. Helm hard port and assist the Skara cruiser. Fire at will tactical

[4:57][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-initially the encoutner regular grey armored security fromt he holy Navy and are able to down them as the move through the coordors

[4:57][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*While they were banking, she tossed a few torpedoes at the battlecruiser while their shields were still damaged.

[4:58][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smirks at El watching as sh let her people work for now

[4:58][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Drones launched?

[4:58][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Talsha] Drones enroute to support fighters

[4:59][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Move on." *She moves past the dead navymen with a quick pace, breathing laboured despite the stims.

[4:59][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"AWesome Talsha!

[4:59][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Cobra Lead] -scans- reading portals ahead..and below..deacons in boun

[5:00][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-able switches weapons settings now

[5:01][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[el roll cat roll taly roll!

[5:01][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Be quick wiz disintegrating or pushing zem away.

[5:01][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-al subvocal back- copy that

[5:01][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-the hum of the portals can be heard on the bridge


[5:02][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*clicks his neck and preps a grenade ready to give the vistors a special welcome

[5:03][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David starts working on the forcefields.

[5:03][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:Attempting to stop their advance, captain

[5:03][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:-As el expertly dodges and evades the the heavy enemy fire erupting around the banshee, the 7 Provinces and th Banshee flip right by one another as they fire to support the Skara craft to the port..

[5:04][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Maybe we could get them to shoot eachother as well, fly between them?

[5:04][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:the Kzari cruisers is in a neck andneck fight with the third cruiser to the port..Tals shots rain down but the torpedoes are abosrbed by the first cruisers shiedls wchihc they got back up jus tin tim

[5:04][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:[Kanga] "Provinces, Kanga. They are holding their own but are only scuffing up our paint. We won't entertain them any more." *Ally fighters make a sudden hard push which surprises the enemy fighter.

[5:05][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:the Banshee vanishes as El raises the cloak and the enemyf ire is centered on the three allied cruisers...rocking their shields and buffering their hulls now

[5:05][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:enemy fighter numbers perish fast, but are replenished with some last effort work ups to try and keep it even, that is when the drones arrive

[5:05][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:-the fighters are soon joined by the drns let go by Talsha and the edge now favors the allied fighters

[5:05][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[ro9ll pls david!

[5:06][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-force field snaps arounsd the portal disruptingit..the poles dissapting

[5:06][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly snarled as she saw her shots get absorbed by the shield.* "Asaloc-pyadi!

[5:06][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Well done Mr Allen

[5:06][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:El get in behind that wounded cruiser agai

[5:06][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*SIghs and puts the greande back

[5:06][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Cat Viki well done

[5:06][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David raises his eyebrows at Taylse.

[5:07][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"thanks captain.

[5:07][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Able One] sees the coordior ahead filled by charging deacons- Contact front

[5:07][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:flies around trying to get behind the wounded cruiser again while dodging incoming fire "They might see it coming if we try the same again

[5:07][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"All fire, wide-arc!

[5:08][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"This time, helm, soar beneath belly of beast and allow lance to graze along underside of hull.

[5:09][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"With proper timing we can spill its entrails and make for easier kill.

[5:10][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"alright, going under this time

[5:18][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Cat adjust EWAR to focus on their targetig arrays..lessen the hld on their coms...i want confused calls for hel

[5:18][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:the team and CL fan out and dig opening fire asordered..the deascons never slow their charge as they return fire

[5:19][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Aye captain, opening up a window for paniked calls for help.

[5:19][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[el cat and tlay roll pls

[5:20][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Fire everything you have on the bastards Tactical. Show them no mercy

[5:20][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"One, two, dead center, max power blasts! Everyone else, wide." *She commands as she fires single, high-powered blasts too.

[5:22][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-the firefight in the corridor is a fierce one..able is dug in perfectly and quickly cuts down deacons after deacons..a half a dowen or so..their bodies blaxe orange and vanish..before the charg

[5:23][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:is halted and fire rains down on the team from another six now dug in too

[5:23][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-able toe and our are hurt but still int he fight


[5:24][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:The 7 Provinces moves into help the wounded Skara cruiser that seems to have sunk its fangs into the starboard cruiser as they trade blow for blow..shields weakeningonboth..the thunderchild batter

[5:25][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:at theshields of the chantry cruiser..buffering her hull as the cruiser fires on them as well..weakening their shields and ratleing the crew...the Banshee decloaks as El brings her up under the cente

[5:25][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:cruiser and cat blinds them...thelance...is ifred..only for taly to see the MISFIRE warning appear on her console..thebansheeis shaken repeatily then as the chantry cruiser pounds her shields..ove

[5:26][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:andover..several hits buffering across her hull as the lights flicker and some consoles spark...rthe fighters and drone begin to turn the tide as somefed fighters streak on over to assit the Kzar

[5:27][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:cruiser in itslug fest with the chantry cruiser to the starboqard..both going at it like alley brawlers now...boarders are now reported on all three allied ships now

[5:27][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Damn it ! Where is my lance!

[5:28][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-braces herself as yet again the portal can be heard forming- David

[5:28][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[combat rnd actions

[5:28][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Misfire, Captain, Engineering must see to it!" *She grabbed the side of her console as she tried to fight back against the battlecruiser's turrets with their phasers.* "Suggest moving swiftly..

[5:28][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:helm!

[5:28][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Make em dizzzy El

[5:29][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Cat hit em again

[5:29][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:sentry eyes up

[5:29][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Gonnacome at her from below, might be better when its lance is back up!" she says before doing her best to fly fast and be hard to hi

[5:29][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Do not get bogged down! Structural damage acceptable! Wide-arcs! Keep covering us! Everyone else, frags!" *She throws a grenade for the deacons.

[5:30][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"aye captain, hitting them with my wizardy

[5:30][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-grenades are prepped and through as covering fire is maintained...Able three adding a special little surpised demo charge to be tossed as well

[5:30][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:[Security] Reports of boarders coming in! [Alex] "Have your people toss in grenades through the portals and totally make opfor vanish! *Alex made sure he could quickdraw his phaser if needed*

[5:30][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:the portal coloumns apepar and rise

[5:31][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Tactical fire all torpedo bays when ready. Helm set course for the Kzari and engage after tactical fired. Can't let our friends do it alone much longer

[5:31][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Gets out a grenade again, getting ready just encase

[5:31][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Twenty percent skill!

[5:32][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[rol pls ca el and taly

[5:32][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:(Tal is weap ops right?


[5:33][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:(i could attempt a TW?

[5:34][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[try if suggestionis worthy ill allow it

[5:36][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Try firing at position Two, high looks like a nice fat juicy target, about to come into range in three! hit them where it hurts!


[5:36][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[teamwork approved

[5:37][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly gave Jacob a bewildered glance, then adjusted her targeting.

[5:37][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-the explosive respoonse from able and scream is overpowering..blast after blast tears through the structure of the hallway causing the deck plating to buckle sending what is left of the deacons dow

[5:38][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:a level in a pile of burning wreckaage and smoke...shortly after the deasonc go off devestating that corridor too

[5:38][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Cobra lead[ Clear


[5:39][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:The Skarta cruiser and the 7 Proviences find themselves locked no win mortal combat with the stubbron bastard commanding the starboard cruiser..blow after blow lands on each others shiedls...th

[5:40][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:enem ycruiser holding her own until all three shields are down..and shot guttingoenanothers hull..sectionsof space on all three are vented..crew sucked out...fed fighters and rones div in on th

[5:40][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:chantry cruiser...dropping torpedos into her hull..and still she fights on..blazing fire into teh Skara cruiser...until her engines explode..cutting the sleek allied ship in two

[5:41][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:fighting rages on inside the Kzariship and on alexs..as his hekm fights to brng her around and is doing so but slowly..as they sstill trade blows with the chantry ship...theother fighters andth kzari

[5:42][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:ship are locked horns with the port cruiser still as El drops the fire from the chantry cruiser in the center's shots are either distrupted by Cats sensros array jaming or talys pots shots as sh

[5:43][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:defends the banshee untilEl is able to cloak her again..the lance still poweringup..

[5:43][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-th eportal i sopen now..and five deacons rush onto the bridge firing now at the bridge crew...actions!

[5:44][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[cmbt actons!

[5:44][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[cmbt actons!

[5:44][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[cmbt actons!

[5:44][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David works to contain the portals.

[5:44][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Brefore they would get a chance to come threw Jacob would of tossed his prepped greande through as a 'welcome' gift. Before drawing hsi weapon to shoot them dead

[5:44][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Move on." *Val goes to bypass the floor that fell under their blasts... by activating her magboots and going to step onto the walls, leading on.

[5:45][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:recloaks the ship while she continues trying to dodge incoming fire, trusting fully in SEntry to keep her saf

[5:45][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly kept the lance charging while they slipped back into cloak, taking the opportunity to draw her phaser and fire at a deacon center mass.

[5:46][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*hearing the reports of losses Alex tightens his grip on the chair, his one good eye twitching as if he were turning. His left hand got gripped by a woman* [Rose] "No, not now. You are Alex, not the

[5:46][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-drops to a knee and opens up full autoon the arriving deacons who nicely lined up for her as they come onto her bridge..

[5:47][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[thos firing at the deacons roll pls

[5:47][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:wolf." *The woman spoke witha soft angelic voice. Alex calmed down and took a few deep breaths* [Alex] "Launch all aft capable weapons and get us over to the Kzari. This bastard is ideal for the

[5:47][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Banshee

[5:47][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Moves on the wall with the MTFs.* "Remember, we need zat core, all of it.

[5:48][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-the MTF follow her by doing the same..their clunking boots are heard as the stationis rocked by fire from outside

[5:48][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Cobra Lead] onemore junction aheead

[5:49][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David whirls around after setting the forcefields in place and shoots at the nearest deacon.

[5:50][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:the computer disrupts the portal as david corrects the autodelay error

[5:50][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Keeps leading on, trusting the live feed from the Banshee's passive sensors.

[5:51][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-the volumeof fire from Liz is near catastropic for the Deacons..as the first three vaprize before thjey can even aim..David zaps away the fourth and Sentry disntigrates the fifth as he aimed at EL.

[5:51][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:his grenade detonates on the other sidde on the chantry ship=

[5:51][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:El brngs back down on that ship to the port! Weaps finsh her

[5:52][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly smirked at the sight.* "Fools." *She checked their lance's status.

[5:52][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Sentry David..damn good shootin

[5:52][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:Thank you captain

[5:52][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly started to focus the lance.* "I am ready.

[5:52][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:focuses on her flying bringing the ship around and incoming on the enemy ship's port side "Coming in on port side!

[5:53][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:[captain Gibbs] "Emotions imparing your judgement commander? Should I take my place again as commander of the ship? [Alex] "Gibbs, one more word from you and I will confine you to your quarters on

[5:53][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly tried to spot a nice piece of the hull that had already been damaged for them to sink their claws in deep.

[5:53][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:The 7 provinces still trade shot for shot witht he port cruiser as both limp away from oneanotehr..the chantry ship to regain its baalance and control the thunderchild to aid the Kzari ship ands her

[5:54][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:your own ship. Can you live with that? *Gibbs silences himself

[5:54][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"No problem..

[5:54][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Crane] We lost the skara cruiser..escape pods jettisonin

[5:54][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Mark the

[5:54][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Cat full EWAR on the port ship

[5:54][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Send in Viki

[5:55][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Roger captain targeting the port ship, giving them th ebusiness.

[5:55][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:[ops] Skara sending out escape pods! [Alex] Get as many of our bothers and sisters in

[5:55][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Helm, take us to third battleship, port side. There is damaged section where well placed lance would disable ship entirely.


[5:55][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:Captain

[5:56][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Prepare for Invter transporter use..alert all decks

[5:56][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"We are coming at the port side of that one!

[5:56][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:Aye captain

[5:56][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-a deacons uddenly appears directly inthe middle of the MTF

[5:56][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:[Ops] Aye! *Provinces begin taking in the escape pods Banshee isn't picking up

[5:56][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Cobra lead] Contact

[5:56][DOIC]David Allen@ClingingMar:=^= All hands...prepare for boarding action

[5:56][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:is flying directly at the ship in question from the port side of i

[5:57][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Cat roll el roll ttaly roll!

[5:57][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Aim me at damaged section... it will be hard to miss." *She readied their hurty beam.

[5:57][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David gets to work trying to beam the Deacons into space.

[5:57][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*takes out his pistol and disinteragetas any remaining Decons doing it the easy way

[5:58][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-Viki vanishes as if captured

[5:58][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"here we go

[5:58][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Cobra lead! Push!" *She tries to drive a knife into the deacon, trusting cobra lead to push it back from the team.


[5:58][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Viki] Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo


[5:58][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Security try to keep some opfor alive, but unarmed. get rid of their suicide vests and transport them to the Banshee when able. Someone there could use the.... Someone there would appreciate it

[5:58][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Everyone else, back!


[5:58][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:El come in higher..angle to z pu 24 degrees


[5:59][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:angles higher making the suggest adjustement from the captai

[6:00][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"15 percent concentrated power of will

[6:01][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--tries to locate Viki.-



[6:01][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:You know I mean get rid of their armour right? Armourless they are so..... getable. Try to disable them from a distance, if not able first order applie

[6:02][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*security nods and sends out the orders

[6:02][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--tries to block the enemy efforts to hack the computer-

[6:02][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:[-the Banshee appearas andlines up a shot perfectly for taly..right above a gapng wound onthe heavily wounded chantry cruiser...taly cuts loose and the powerful lance rips right into her mdsection gu

[6:03][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:guttingher..decks by deck melts and explodes as taly s shot bnrusn her from wihtinand the resulting explosion tears th emighty craft rigt in half!..the banshee is targetted but the shots from th

[6:04][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:venter cruiser miss as El dodges and evades...the figthters now swarm overt the Kzari ships strboard cruiser ads the 7 proivincers moves into assit firing as she bears

[6:05][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:-her shots teart into the Chanrtry ship shearignaway her warp arch on the supper deck..sendingit crashing down as the cruiser then turns up aburptupkt smashign her forecastle into the shields of th

[6:06][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:Thunderchild as the kzari now opens fire as well to aid theship that rescued her..guttingher from below now..as the three cruisers find themselves locked in a fight to the finish

[6:06][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Helm, recloak us..get us over her aft on the center cruiser!..Taly prep th elnce once more

[6:07][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Already on it." *She was priming their lance.

[6:07][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-Val drives the knife deeply intot he deacons chest as he tries to grabn her to take he rwith im as a tail cols around his waits..cobra lead grabs the bulkhead and whips the deacons down the hal

[6:08][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:throug hte air behind him using her whole body to do so...the deacons explodes dying for hs goddess all alone

[6:08][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Able 1] shitl..clear

[6:08][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:cloaks the ship once more fading from sight and hopefully sensors, heading for the aft of the center cruiser "in route capt'

[6:08][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"5 percent pleasure

[6:08][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-looksup a tthe cruiser brawl- Come Alex..holdon..we';re comin

[6:08][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zat was beautiful, cobra lead. On we go." *She turns and keeps heading for their target.* "Waste of a good knife." *She scoffs.

[6:09][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Have you developed tic, Helm?

[6:09][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Cobra lead] thank you Boss! Ill buy ya a new on

[6:09][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-the MTF heads for the dsoor to the core roo

[6:10][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-on her screen she can see vikiis in the fight of her life to hold them back

[6:10][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Much appreciated.




[6:10][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*alex stands up and opens up his comms for all of his ship to hear* "Brothers, sisters. We are on the homestretch. You allowed me to lead, but I have found myself in awe at your prowess. Let's finish

[6:11][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:COmes at the cruiser from the aft side trying to line up for Tactical to take it out, "No tic, just something I like to do

[6:11][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Cover me while I open zis." *She digs into the door's control panel.

[6:11][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Able three sets more demo charges

[6:12][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Perhaps do it in head." *She would launch their lance as soon as she was in position.

[6:12][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:this and avenge the fallen, show the enemy what we are made of and above all else... Show them what it means to lose a precious system. Fire on enemy bridges tactical. End. Every. Single. One

[6:12][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Catr rol el roll tay roll pls!

[6:13][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Viki ] -appears!- what who when where how?

[6:13][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-the door refused to open with an annoying chirp

[6:13][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"just let me do my thing, 50 percent pain for them!

[6:13][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Show our friends we will never stop helping them

[6:14][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Viki thank God I though i lost you.

[6:14][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Give me a bit more time... if zis does not work, prepare a very low-yield demo charge. We cannot risk ze core.

[6:15][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Eli can you turn that up?

[6:15][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She tries to brute force it instead of performing a delicate and complicated hack.

[6:15][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:The Banshee reeparers over the center cruiser..perfectlyliningup Talys shots..again Taly cuts loose wittheh lance..scoring a near perfect fateal shot..ripping into her engineering sectionand detonati

[6:15][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"already used the other fifty percent

[6:16][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:her warp core..debris flies up as El dances through the blast for high ratings..sppinning gracefully as Taly finishes off the second cruiser...guttingher now burning hulk..allied fighters scream outo

[6:16][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:the way as the chantry cruiser tears itself apart!..th banshee rocks back andforth voilently..

[6:17][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-a pair od deacons appear on th ebridge one next to weaps and the other next to El as if perfectpky palced there..both already aiming

[6:17][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*jacob doesn't hesit\ate his rilfe is up and puts a shot at the deacon.

[6:17][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-Val forcs the door open her muslces strainngpainfully due ot he prior injruies butshe opens the dsoor


[6:18][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly would attempt to grab for the deacon's weapon and twist it out of the way.

[6:18][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-which is a mwetaphor for her hack

[6:18][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:we will fix it in post

[6:19][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Move in." *She walks in, weapon raised, checking for hostiles.

[6:19][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:Flies the ship, recloaking and moving in for a shot from the top of the remaining of the three cruisers, trusting in sentr

[6:19][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Viki] Thank you Cat!!!

[6:19][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*alex cuts of his speech line to the ship and goes to look at Rose and mouths* "Come with me." *Alex then turns back to the viewscreen and stepped ever so closer* Obliterate the final cruiser

[6:19][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-the mtf races in and finds only four of the surgically aletered crew now

[6:19][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*the provinces heads out to show their might

[6:20][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Fires to wipe the crew out.

[6:20][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Commander! Assistance!" *She bellowed at David.

[6:20][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-liz fires to assit Sentry

[6:20][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"You are welcome Viki.

[6:21][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David turns and tries to shoot the Deacon in the head.

[6:21][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Let try to get some payback.

[6:21][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[roll pls all

[6:23][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-taly is ina struggle barely grabing the weapon before it fired the shot narrowly missig davids head..david vporizes the deaconbut the blow back fromthe blast throws taly back into his console and t

[6:23][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:the deck [body roll pls taly],...jacob and liz vaprize the one threatneing el..el is buffeted and toses some in her chair but only gets her armor singed

[6:25][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Able two begins to takeout the core for them to leav with

[6:25][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Covers two.

[6:25][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:groans a bit as she is buffeted "Thank the ancestors I strapped in" she shakes her head and lines up on the third ship coming directly from above it "How long to we got ready weapons?

[6:26][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly smacked into the console and hit the deck with a grunt, but her armour appeared to take the brunt of it as she was soon back on her feet and checking her console for damage from the 'splosion.

[6:27][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David observes that Taylse is fine, and returns to his station working to transport Deacons into space.

[6:27][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:Whitel the MTF retreives the core..and the banshee deals an end of th dying graps from the central cruiser on their bridge...the 7 Provinces moves in withthe Kzari cruiser like two ancient battl

[6:28][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:scarred whales and fires their last salvo at the chantryship...their sots findno shiedls..nor a returned fire response as theship is torn to peices...as if someonehad shut down the last ships compute

[6:29][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:systems..the fighrters finish her ofof..as well as chase and bring down the last of the chantrys fighters...leaving..simple silencenow..

[6:29][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--smirks as the last Chantry ship is torn to pieces.-

[6:29][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"and a 100 percent reason to remember our name!

[6:29][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:God damn right..crne get m a damag repor

[6:29][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--goes to high five Viki-

[6:29][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"I believe... I no longer need lance." *She began running scans for escape pods.

[6:30][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Viki] -hive fives hr and the hugs her- thank you for ssaving me!!

[6:30][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=^= Aquarius to scream..updat

[6:30][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:tries to collect the damage report

[6:30][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Two is removing ze core. We will be 'ome shortly.

[6:30][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=^= Casualites?

[6:31][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Crane] Daage to decks 3 5 6 ..and 11..DCTs on it Maa

[6:31][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=^= Aquarius to Wolfman..statu

[6:31][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Two MTFs wounded but still in ze fight.

[6:31][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:seeing as Crane was on shift to help in the search for escape pod

[6:32][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:was on it, shift

[6:33][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Interference is heavy, I am not detecting escape pods.

[6:33][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:-the Kzari cruise..though daage has moved to the skara wreck to effect rescue op

[6:33][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Give me a casualty report. *turns to Rose to see her response and she simply nodded at him with a smile* [Tactical] Boarders are dealt with. [Ops] "heavy casualties however....Kanga reports

[6:33][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Stay on it people...we leave in thirt

[6:33][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:I want as many found as we ca

[6:33][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Cat..go to long range scans..watch the chantry border as well as the Kzari on

[6:34][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"aye captain, marking escape pods for transport.

[6:34][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:no fighter lost." *Alex looks down thinking to himself* [Alex] "Gibbs those people are on me....send me their names and family details and I will take care of it....

[6:34][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Sure things captain.

[6:35][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Cat..see to it the skara recovered go thte kzari or the 7 provence

[6:35][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--watches the Chantry and kzari border-

[6:35][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"I got 24 beacons on the Nav sensors

[6:35][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Elkeep track onthos epods for the Kzari cruise

[6:35][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Able 2] Gotr it -hefts the core up andout

[6:35][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Will do!

[6:36][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:David..casualites below decks

[6:36][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Want me to relay it as well?

[6:36][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Well done, everyone." =^= "Chief, we are ready to return.

[6:36][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= We have major casualties...but the Kzari are still in the fight ans so are we..... we have people to avenge...People to make the others remember

[6:36][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David checks the casualties count.

[6:36][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:The wounded are reported from damage to the ship...all boarders have been repelled

[6:36][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=^= We are sending you the skara as well as to teh Kzari..once done we go our sperate way

[6:37][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=^= This their victory..we want teh cnatry looking at the

[6:37][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= I am ordering the Provinces to leave when I am transported off with a potential recruit however

[6:37][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Wel done Mister Allen you are todays steely eyed missle ma

[6:38][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=^= ...come again

[6:38][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:Thank you captain

[6:38][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-her smile freezes some

[6:38][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-Varla opens the portal home

[6:38][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Chief varla] -smiles waitingfor them

[6:38][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Please tell me Commander did not find bride in three hours he was over there.

[6:38][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:raises an eyebrow looking back at Li

[6:38][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-sets her jaw at this

[6:39][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Walks into the portal and emerges on the banshee.* "Two? Give me ze core, I will secure.

[6:39][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[2 does so- Permissin to go get my kee repaired? well.put back in

[6:39][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= I am bringing someone for you to judge. But she will aid us in ways we don't know yet.... Provinces standing by to receive heroes

[6:39][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-chjuckles from the others who are also chewed upsome themselves

[6:40][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly hid a smirk.

[6:40][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Alex looks towards Gibbs* Get them home safely Gibbs. *Alex then turns to Rose as he waits what Liz has to say

[6:40][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-rubs the bridge of her nose- =^= Alex...does she havbe any idea the type of ship this is yet

[6:40][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Permission granted. You all earned it. Well done.

[6:40][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Cobra Lead] -pats val on the back- go Ills ee to themBos

[6:41][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=6= She will sign the contracts when able under your gaze

[6:41][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-sighs and pasues

[6:41][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Cobra lead and goes to secure the core in the deepest lab with the highest securities she can authorize.

[6:42][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=^= Permission granted..we are on the damn clock..finish ip over ther

[6:42][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=^= andget the hell hom

[6:42][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Captain, Core secured. Our lab.

[6:42][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=^= Code word only Screa

[6:43][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-nods over to crane at that who nods back

[6:43][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:Checks the fluff squad cam, to make sure they are alright in the Bunker of Fluffynes

[6:43][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Understood.

[6:43][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-fluff sqaud are all safe and secure not a fur outof place

[6:43][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Mr Allen

[6:44][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:Yes captain

[6:44][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:8Alex looks over the bridge crew of the provinces* You reminded me of what I aspire to be, you are the heroes we need, you are the heroes we want. You are heroes. *Alex turns to Gibbs* I....we will

[6:44][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Steps back onto the bridge.

[6:45][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:When The XO returns with his new possible recruit..see to it..two of your best field recruitment officers see this person to an availble cabin and restrict them there until i release the

[6:45][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:return to the Banshee and fight further, you and the Kzari and Skara survivors return back home and rest. Be the banner we stand behind. *Alex and rose then headed towards the transporter* =^= On

[6:45][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"...New recruit? Is 'e retarded?

[6:45][DOIC6]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:our way to the transporter now

[6:45][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-sighs- We will se

[6:46][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:Are you certain you do not want them in the brig, captain

[6:46][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"He may have been injured in battle.

[6:46][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Trust in him, he usually knows what he is doing

[6:46][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smirks- Your recooemdnation David

[6:46][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zat is very debatable, Scarlett.

[6:46][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Normally yes El..but this field of endeavour is not his speciality ive foun

[6:46][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"I would not be surprised if this is a plant

[6:47][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:You sentry Im almos ttempoted to ask if you mean potted plantor sp

[6:47][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"I am sure he knows what he does. It remains to be seen if what he does is intelligent.

[6:47][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I would not be surprised if it's just somezhing 'e wants to stick 'is dick in.

[6:47][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Thats anything

[6:47][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Enough,..-waves herhand at scream= that is the X

[6:47][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Battle brides are not uncommon, at least in some parts of my homeworld." *She shrugged.



[6:49][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Crane] the Kzari and 7 Proviences report all skara rescued who eacaped theirshi

[6:49][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:Yes captain

[6:49][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Do you reccomend the brig

[6:49][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-rubs the bridge of her nose now

[6:49][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:I would recommend..

[6:49][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Do i

[6:49][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:Confined to quarters with armed guard and a forcefield

[6:50][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:A...nicer brig

[6:50][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Do so the

[6:50][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:Yes captain

[6:50][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Gives David an approving nod.

[6:50][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:looks briefly with surprise up towards David then back to her consol

[6:50][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David sends two of his best minions to meet Alex in the transporter room.

[6:50][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Right to go..do not colelct 200 dollars ..an they see nothing but the transporterroom at thecabi

[6:51][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"We could have black bag and blindfold arranged, Captain.

[6:51][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Taps away on her wrist PADD, then paces some, the stims still running through her system.

[6:51][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smirks- I wouldve had we lost the fight.but im feeling gracious Weap

[6:51][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly chuckled.

[6:51][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:But i likeho wyou thin

[6:52][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"It was in jest, Captain. Officially.

[6:52][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Black bags and blindfolds are for ze after-battle celebration.

[6:52][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Ohye syes..of course..officially -chucklles finally

[6:52][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:El standby to plot a course on the followingheadin

[6:53][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Course 029..mark 12

[6:53][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Things would be better if everyone were nicer, aye aye captain, plotting course

[6:53][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:plots the cours

[6:54][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Doing a little hideaway?

[6:54][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Coveringour tracks as we head into the heart of chanry held spac

[6:54][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:There is a wolf in the sheep herd no

[6:55][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:andit is time to feas

[6:56][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-alex and rose are beamed over to the Banshee

[6:56][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Varla] Welcome home X

[6:57][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-two security officers in black armor and rifles are waitigby the door

[6:59][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Whatever happens..... I won't leave this time. 8Alex then nodded at Varla* Thank you Varla. *rose looks at the security officers* [Rose] "Nice friends you have, hope you have nice replicators."

[7:00][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Guard 1] Sir we have orders to see your guest to their quarters until furhter notic

[7:01][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Alex nodded at the guards and complied* [alex] "Surprised I am not part of the package, but we understand. I will report to the captain.

[7:01][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Gaurd 1[-to rose- Ma'am..this way pleas

[7:02][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-the guards gesture out the door and escort her off-

[7:03][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Okies El..engag

[7:03][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-nods to her

[7:03][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:sentry stand downa nd resume usual duties.well done son -ndos to him

[7:04][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"thank you captain

[7:04][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Heading out" cloaks the banshee before speding out into the stars going to war

[7:04][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Returns to his post

[7:04][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:the stars soon give way to a gloirousl beauitful but clearly deadly dense nebula..a blaze of orange and red dust and plasna clouds

[7:04][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Rose gulps some and nodded at the guard following them* [Rose] "Even Risa can't compare to the niceness.

[7:04][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Sits down with a heavy sigh, but feet still tap nervously.

[7:05][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*stayed to see Rose get escorted off and then heads for the bridge*

[7:05][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:=the guards say not another word as she is led to a cabin and sealed in behind a locked door and forcefield

[7:07][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:cant help but yawn, smiling at the fluff squa

[7:07][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Well done al of you today...I am proud of yo

[7:08][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly went right back to running tactical scans at irregular intervals.

[7:08][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Merci... able performed admirably. Our only loss is a knife.

[7:09][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"To late to go back and get it?" asks jokingl

[7:09][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Ill take it outof Cobra Leads pa

[7:09][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-chuckles at El= Cat..rig snesors for nebula operatrions pleas

[7:09][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Oh, it is kind of my fault. It endedu p buried in a deacon who exploded.

[7:10][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:You Know what truly bothers me so far? about thiswhole damn war up to this poin

[7:10][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:I cant shake it..but its ther

[7:10][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"What is it?

[7:10][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"aye captain, setting sensors for nebula ops.

[7:10][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-looks at Val- Where the hell are the 'Archons'

[7:11][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I believe zat is a question for ze avynei.

[7:12][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:They are not avyeni Screa

[7:12][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Doing something, this all good be a distraction to divert our eyes.



[7:12][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*alex enters the bridge

[7:12][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Extremely powereful..dark embued warrior

[7:12][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I 'ave faced one.

[7:13][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"It is not an experience I would like to repeat soon.

[7:13][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Maybe trying to catch up with us? but we are staying unwittingly one step ahead?

[7:13][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Scream and Decia...yes...that is the one...six of them cracked the coreof a moon once when we first arrive

[7:14][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Some think Apostates are fighting without Dark... trying to gain approval. Perhaps Dark has not given it yet.

[7:14][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:We are missing something is all I am sayin

[7:14][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:Then they must be prepaing for something big. Soemthing to delivery a heavy blow... have any places not checked in correctly?

[7:14][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-nods to Taly

[7:14][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"or too correctly?

[7:14][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:I thinkyou are right.

[7:14][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"When Dark deems war worthy of her time... perhaps then she will dispatch Archons.

[7:15][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:and that will be a botch of a da

[7:15][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Let us 'ope she ends up pissed off enough she excommunicates a large amount of chantry and tanausans.

[7:15][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:We will be ready none the less

[7:15][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-eyes Alex a moment

[7:15][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"always something worse

[7:15][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Turns her helmet to Liz.

[7:16][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Right El..the nature of wa


[7:17][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Taly...if you please -nods at david

[7:17][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"War is worse then hell

[7:17][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:Yes captain

[7:18][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Hell isnt so bad any more Helm..trust m

[7:18][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly pulled back when David responded.

[7:18][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:David..take the conn...and call up Beta..lets getour folks some res

[7:18][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:Understood

[7:18][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Was more thinking of the fact that Hell has no innocent by standers

[7:18][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Alex..Scrsam..My ready roo

[7:18][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"...Yes it does.

[7:18][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David proceeds to the center chair.

[7:19][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Drops down into a chair with a huff.

[7:19][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-sets her rifleon the desk and moves to pour herself a drink

[7:20][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-picks up a PADD and keys it

[7:20][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Remains silent, tensing up some as the stims start to wear off and the ache sets in.

[7:20][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*joins inside the ready room, saying nothing for now

[7:21][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-drops thepadd showing Rose in her room- What is this

[7:21][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"I heard something about Beta watch?

[7:22][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Commander Allen needs to call it," *she reminded him.

[7:23][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:She is what will keep us grounded while out in the shit. She stopped me, she can help the counselors with the pilot psyche. 8looks at Scream* She will be the reason why not everyone of us will be on

[7:24][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:stims. Her outsider knowledge will remind us of what we do, without sacrificing much

[7:24][DOIC]David Allen@ClingingMar:=^= Attention Beta Watch...please report to the birdge

[7:24][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"...I am on stims because I got stabbed, you fucking retard.

[7:24][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-smirks- Well this for sure makes your confidence in Nine clea

[7:25][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Scream..keep it civi

[7:25][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Very well...

[7:25][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly handed her console over as soon as her relief arrived.

[7:26][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:You got stabbed? Can't tell with that resting bitch face through your helmet. Next time you talk like that to your superior officer get the fuck out of here. *doesn't care what Liz says*

[7:26][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"You are not my superior officer in any capacity. You would do well to remember I am outside of your chain of command unless explicitly stated ozherwise.

[7:26][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:"for once act like a normal person and not say anything untill asked or allowed.

[7:26][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-a chiled icey tone- Enoug

[7:27][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:high fives Davis he arrives "Helm is your, Hey Talsha, get some rest!

[7:27][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Settles down when Liz interjects.

[7:27][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*listens to Liz

[7:28][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-jabs a finger at Alex- and the next time you overide me like that after ive addressed it..you and i are goingto have words in private X

[7:28][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:I havena issue i need addressed and im running the show here..understood ..bothof you

[7:28][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Understood captain

[7:28][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Understood.

[7:30][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:heads to her her and Nine's room, replicates herself a ham and cheese sandwhich and a strawberry milkshake, then undresses and colapses into bed, before eating her sandwhic

[7:30][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-Takes a deep breath to steady her voice= Now.Iam going to ask again...are you tellog me we are lacking in the area of a ships counselor

[7:31][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Knowing our counselor, yes. Our mission in mind. We need all hands on deck to keep us grounded and sane

[7:31][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*After ridding herself of her armour, she made her way to the gym to burn off some of her excess energy from the battle on the treadmill.

[7:32][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-smirks- Ill see that is noted in Nine's jacket...as wel as your overall crew assestent repor

[7:33][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Please do so, you can never have enough people helping on the mind side of things.

[7:33][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-smirks- Naturall

[7:34][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:What rank does this person hold

[7:35][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Field commision lieutenant junior class.... She was a civilian before the war

[7:35][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Who wasn

[7:35][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-pours herself a drink

[7:36][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*looked at Liz* Good joke captain before I was made a lieutenant commander

[7:36][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:_smirks- tell me how much experience does she have

[7:39][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Almost since birth she grew up on starships, she specialised in pilot psyche a year or two before she joined the Provinces with her father while I was still onboard. She knows ships, crew dynamics

[7:40][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-sips her drink as she listens

[7:40][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:and above all else pilot mentality while remaining a civvie keeping all of us grounded. We all remembered why we fought the war without letting go of who we are...who we were


[7:41][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-nods some

[7:41][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Soo just tobe sure iam hearign you...her specialty is Pilot pysche -teases some

[7:42][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Somezhing almost entirely an afterzhought on a ship wiz few pilots as ours?

[7:43][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Now It is not a bad thing to have Screa

[7:45][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:She is the reason why the provinces sent prisoners.... Sent food for Inara



[7:45][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:And pilots are the ones who make sure you can do you mission Scream

[7:46][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-shakes her head- What? what are you talking about

[7:46][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Ignores Alex, just facepalming.

[7:46][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Inara is not some kind of vampire Alex..she eat regular foo

[7:47][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:and I dont think anyone here is questioning the valueof pilot

[7:47][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:I would prefer if you just..answeredmy questions X


[7:50][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:You know what I mean Elizabeth....Inara has more...food for thought with them.... Elizabeth, she'll mean more for crew moralle

[7:51][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Im sure ill see it too once i get some answers...for one.what is her ESPER rating

[7:53][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:She is plain human captain, same as me. ESPP rating can mean alot, but also nothing. Despite an ESPER maybe being able to sense feelings, sense minds and further, you need a grounded person for a

[7:53][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-facepalms some

[7:53][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:baseline

[7:54][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Turns her helmet to Liz, raising her shoulders up in a shrug.

[7:54][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:8sees the facepalm* You think I know from each and everyone their ESP rating? I am not you. I am not Scream

[7:54][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Alex..lets try and pretend I am basically the smartest person in this room..I am farily well versed in what I am asking hon

[7:54][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Scream and I are not the same person either Ale

[7:55][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:She would be the first to tell you this..our levels of expertise is on two diff level

[7:56][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Look Alex..what i was asking is she an Esper..that is all iwanted to know and you answered thi

[7:56][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Which means Nine keeps her job...so to spea

[7:56][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Blissfully ignorant of it all, Taly moved on to the punching bag. The blue one, of course.

[7:57][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:I never said she would replace her, just help her

[7:57][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-smirks- No...but I was thinking it..see...its whyI get paid mor

[7:57][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I would like to ask why it is zat you believe Nine is insufficient?

[7:58][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Hold Scream amomen

[7:58][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods

[7:58][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Who is around to assist the crew when Nine is helping out Inara

[7:58][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-to Alex- Back to my questions....-stops

[7:59][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Alex im gonna chalk up most of this defensiveness to the adrelineburn off after a battle...buti need you to focus on me for the moment okay

[7:59][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:You are not under attack..just beig questione

[8:00][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Are we clear here now?

[8:02][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Okies...whatis her clearenace level? Has she ever...i mean ever been vetted for top secret clearance

[8:02][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly snarled as she began to hit the bag harder and faster, drowning out the noise with the sound of her fists against the bag.

[8:03][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:She knows everything I have done, as far as I know she hasn't been cleared on your level

[8:03][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:But I have never asked her or looked up on it

[8:03][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-blinks- She knows about the Banshee and yourmissions to date

[8:04][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:She knows about the objectives, but not targets, dates or loactions. She isn't with the farm....yet


[8:04][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Targets being in specific

[8:05][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Alex has she been told about any prior missions? or ship capablilties prior tothis operation

[8:06][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:No and ship capabilities have been shown today

[8:06][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-chuckles- sure they hav

[8:07][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-sits back and sighs- Okay buti got my answer then...so she has not beenvetted..Ill see that she i

[8:07][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:and ill let the Farm know youve brought a normie aboard as an asses

[8:09][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Alex how much is this Rose aware of what type of crew this is

[8:10][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*alex nodded* Visit her aswell please, elizabeth....." 8Alex looked up at that question* "She knows we aren't a standard crew considering mission specs. But she can adapt when required. hell she knew

[8:11][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:nothing about pilots before the Provinces, she is now specialised in them.

[8:11][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-smiles once shehears the word 'adapt'

[8:11][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Good..to be honest and bluntmy reluctance is not because of any reason you might think..its more of a concern for he

[8:12][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:From whjat you know of us..you are choosing the right thing..but there is a lot about what we axctually do youhave yet to lear


[8:12][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:I do trust you...or you wouldnotbe here or in this postio

[8:13][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:I also jhaveno need to ask do youtrust her..

[8:13][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:I would hazzard a guess Scream has similar objections as mine...mostly due to concern for Rose 's safet

[8:14][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Its why you shouldnt be recruiting Alex...not yet

[8:14][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:But its done and she is here...ill meet with her once im done having her vette

[8:14][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Fair enough

[8:16][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:I haven't been actively...but she is what we need, And I don't care what Scream thinks about this, just you... I am willing to risk all I have done and learned here for her acceptance. *Alex nodded*

[8:17][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Kinder than I would've guessed despite me knowing you. Thank you Elizabeth. I...She....We won't disappoint

[8:18][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:I have one last question...and its more about you..than her. What is it you think we were lacking here? What gap os she filling in

[8:18][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:That was yourquestiont oo was it not scream

[8:19][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods

[8:20][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:She has a speciliasation and a background we are lacking. We have been too much thinking as a fleet instead of a people. We have been neglecting a part way too long than it should. Despite what it

[8:21][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-frowns some as she tires to follow this

[8:22][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:seems, flight has been at the forefront of all that has happened, all that will happen and all that will ensure our safety while escaping when needed with help from tactical. *looks at scream* Let's

[8:23][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:be honest with each other. I wouldn't be here without you and your kind, and you wouldn't be here without my kind. I want to sevure the balance, with Scream...with cobra lead I would like to seek a

[8:23][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:counselour specialised in their needs

[8:24][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:We have one of those alread

[8:24][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Shehas treeated quite a few of the cre

[8:24][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Obviously i cant say wh

[8:25][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:I retract. But message still applies. I only have the best viewfor the crew in sights

[8:26][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-smiles- Well of coure you are their XO...its why I chose you that isnot in doubt here

[8:27][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:You say she is best for the crew..Ils ee she gets the try out

[8:27][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:They key word that sold me was adap

[8:27][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:So we shall se

[8:28][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Scream you concur with me

[8:29][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"We will give 'er a fair try. I 'ave my reservations, more abotu ze way she was brought on board zan 'er skills, but it remains to be seen.

[8:30][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Thereis the trifecta Alex...al threeof us on the same pag

[8:30][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:She wont be onlock down lon

[8:33][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:We good now? -sips her drink

[8:33][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*alex takes a deep breath* And I am thankful, so please once again Elizabteh please visit her when you can...*Alex looks at Scream again* You too...she calmed me down some, so maybe she can help you

[8:33][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:too wherever she can, where Nine hasn't been able to or whoever else... The civilian part will help us... *looks to Liz* I am

[8:34][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I am no pilot.


[8:35][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Alex she is gonna ave plety of civilianplaymates if we everlet her see the farm..we are jus tone brach of the plac

[8:35][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-chuckles- But as i said sheis getting her tryand ill try and say hello before be

[8:36][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Scream you are the pilot of the MTF on this ship. *to Liz* Please do, it doesn't have to be formal

[8:37][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-smiles to this- When am I ever formal

[8:37][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Just talk none farm business untill the farm allows it.... Just talk

[8:37][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Talkingis never an issue for me sweeti

[8:37][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:I view it a formality to hold a glass when talking to you captain

[8:37][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Well .okies thatis a give

[8:38][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:pours yourselves some drink..and lets take a moment toourselves gang..weve earnedi

[8:39][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:I earned nothing, my crew did, you did. Well done on what you have done

[8:39][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-sighs- get a drink ale

[8:40][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*sighs and fills his glass with water* Happy

[8:41][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:In ancient rome.that would be considered an insult..still is on Magna Rom

[8:41][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-dowsnher scotch..

[8:42][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:You drink scotch despite me giving you Irish whiskey. That is an insult

[8:42][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:I save the 'good stuff' for celebrations X

[8:42][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*merely sips his water

[8:42][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I shall leave ze two of you to it. I 'ave a date wiz ze medical staff." *She stands up and turns to leave.

[8:42][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Scotch is for wor


[8:42][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Yes?

[8:43][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Well done tonight