22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki

[3:52][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:[Majel Voice over] Last time on star trek banshee

[3:53][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:the scene shows the discovery of a Marauder and three Prowlers hidden in a debris filled , 3 concentric asteroid fields star system...of LMC-717

[3:54][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:Images show the Banshee set up and lay out their carefully executed plan to use the systems gfravity and debris against the numerically superior force...setting into effect a Kessler cascade of wha

[3:56][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:an enormous avalanche of high speed orbital debris..to engulf the surprised Tannasan Starships. As we watch the ships begin to understand their pierl as the debris clobbers and destroys their suppl

[3:56][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:freighter..and then they take a vicous pounding themselves..as the Banshee then appears and opens fire pinning them in the ever growing destructive effest.

[3:57][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:Oe by one their shields fail under thepressure of the mass debris attack and fire power of the Banshee..until only one lone Prowler emrges damaged from theorbital plane and struggles tot he edge o

[3:59][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:the systema nd heads directly for the Banshee...Liz orders Cat and Via in to begin to battle the Prowlers systems as El is ordered to meet the Prowlers charge head on..Val Sentry and Cobra lead.

[3:59][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:charge into the Portasl opened by Varla to board the attacking ship as the camera fades to black..

[3:59][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:[Majel Voice] and now ..

[4:00][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:STAR TREK BANSHE

[4:00][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:[ war theme plays https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRCna17gcKU&t=1s

[4:01][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:The opening credits show our roster of characters with the various images of the on going struggle ebhind each ind ramtic fashion until the credits end!. The camera fades back in just aftr Liz ordere

[4:01][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:in the MTF..

[4:01][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Helm! Full about..match speed and charge trhe target

[4:02][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-the MTF sharges oneby oneinto the portal opened by Varla after Val ordered the grenades tossed in

[4:02][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Aye" Comes about and matches the speed of the prowler "Do I pull off at the last moment or are we gonne let him be the chicken?

[4:03][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Taly! stand by all Weapons

[4:03][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Leads the teams inside and checks her surroundings, weapons raised.

[4:03][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly was already priming their lance and their torpedo launches. She paused, then nodded once.* "Standing by.

[4:03][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*launchers )

[4:03][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:David...reinforce all patrosl..prepare to repel all boarders

[4:03][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:Aye captain

[4:03][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-to El- ..Ram him if need be..do not veeroff until ordere

[4:04][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smirks- They will turn..

[4:04][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Glances over at the captain at that order-

[4:04][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Assuming they wish to live, yes... and that they assume same of us.

[4:04][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Cat...Via...go get them

[4:05][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Aye captain we are on it.

[4:05][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Living is over rated Ta


[4:05][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Hear that Via you get a new chew toy.


[4:05][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"I would not know, Captain, I have no basis for comparison.

[4:05][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Via] -tries to sound all tough ass she rolls up her sleeves..yet fails and just sounds cute as she growls

[4:06][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"that's right girl bare those fangs.

[4:06][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-the MTF arrives into a smoke filled portal transfer station with a squad of their troops layingbleedingonthe floor..the portal operator dead

[4:07][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:The Banshee comes about and lunges as El presses the pedel tot he meddle and dives right at the charging prwler to meet it head on

[4:07][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:-on the main scrreen they can see the Prowler begin to angle at them as well and grow largeron the screen

[4:07][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She murmured a prayer in her native tongue.

[4:08][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Alex crosses his arms* Wanna place bets on when they veer off

[4:08][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*looks at Liz

[4:08][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Moves onwards.* =^= "Banshee, syncing HUDs. Give us a map.

[4:08][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Before me

[4:08][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--works to over power the Prowler's computer system-

[4:08][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Remember, anyone of ze rank of Lieutenant Commander or 'igher, we capture.

[4:08][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[Cobra lead] Baker move! -to Val- Copy that



[4:09][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly hurled their lance right at their dumb face.

[4:10][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:[ battle theme for this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=so10dKbhorI

[4:10][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[el roll..cat roll...taly roll pls

[4:11][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[a bonusof tenf or Lizs leadership to all rolls


[4:13][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Via] HA! -surpise ambushed a OctaVia as it appears on her screen and a massive slapfight ensures

[4:14][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Remember go for the eyes first! That way we disable thier sensors and targeting.

[4:15][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:As Their Via enages El has them lined up perfectly..the lance flares out to be absorbed by the shiedls of the prowler which in turn the remaining fire is absorbed as well...the two ships race toward

[4:15][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:one anotrher as the Prowlers shots rocks the Banshee

[4:16][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:[BanVia grapples withthe very surprised Via and they begint o rollaroundonthe ground pulling hair and slapping at each other

[4:17][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[BanVia] -goes for her opponets eyes- You facist! you dress sooo bland!!

[4:17][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:-- Cat looks nervously up at the Prowler growing larger in the main view screen-

[4:18][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Shot absorbed, their shield at 56 now!

[4:18][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-sets her jaw- Increase speed El! full throttle

[4:18][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Recharge the lance..let them have it with secoarday batteries Taly

[4:18][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat look a little pale at that.-

[4:19][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Full impulse!" rocks the highes speed the can without going to war

[4:19][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"As you command." *She plugged the secondary batteried into the lance.

[4:19][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:The two ships contine their head long charge at the other


[4:20][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[MTF! orders and actions!

[4:21][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Move on. 'Ead for ze computer core.

[4:22][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[Cobra Lead] -moves to the door of the room and as it opens Baker teammoves through...the longc ooridor shows a lift beyond..they find themselves imediately underf ire by Imperium troopers under cove

[4:22][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:int he corrodir

[4:22][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[Cora Lead] Contact! -goes flat...snake like flat and opens fire int he middle of the corrirdor

[4:24][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Val uses Cobra lead's cover fire to get herself into cover, then starts peppering the enemy positions with fire as well, hoping to buy Bravo time.

[4:25][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:(Baker*

[4:25][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[ roll pls everyone shooting

[4:26][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Moves up with his team in poistion and attempts to fire on them when he sees an opening.

[4:27][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-the fighting uis furious CObra Lead drops a trooper and contrinues to fire on the enemy as Baker fall in and opens fire..two more enemy fall to their fire as Scream score yet another hit...Sentry i

[4:28][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:shot int he shoulder spinning him tot eh floor with aburninghole in his armor and flesh as his shots go wide


[4:28][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Taly roll...El roll..Cat roll pls.

[4:34][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Avelle adjust firing solution 2 degrees starboard, 1 degree upwards. (TW

[4:34][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[TW work approved!

[4:34][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly immediately made the adjustments.

[4:35][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:[Cat sees another ImpVia join in on the fight and Via swimgs away mightioly pulling hair on both as they roll aroundont he computer screen

[4:36][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:the Banshees shots go wide as the two ships continue their insane charge at one another..El is able to keep the Banshee aimed directly at thebow of the charging prowler as the distance grows closera

[4:36][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"oh watch out for her left hook Via.

[4:36][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Via] -takesa left hook with an EEEp!

[4:37][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--sends in supporting 'bots' to aid Via in her fight-

[4:37][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:The banshee is rocked yet again by the lethal and accurate Porwler firepower..their shields flare up and the crew is shaken up some as they grow evenc loser now

[4:38][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"It is unfortunate we do not have statue of captain's mate on prow of ship holding trident aloft for spearing...

[4:38][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-a herd of angry cute kittens dive at the battle of the Via's

[4:38][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smirks- next refit...i rather like that ide

[4:39][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--they happen to be 'ninja' kittens with swords-

[4:39][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"It is Dolyahri tradition." *She loaded up their torpedoes for a shotgun blast to the face should they get too much closer.

[4:40][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:looks focused and ready to act as she keeps the ship pointed directly at the prowler while going at full spee

[4:40][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-the ninja cats engage...via now in cute ninja garb attacks as this plays for the bridge to hear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bV1BNy-Gzj4

[4:40][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-leans into whisper to Alex

[4:41][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-the twin FVias enraged at the strange tactics of their stolenc oounterpart also attack!

[4:41][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*nodded at Liz and then walked up to the helm

[4:42][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-nods to Taly- Target their bridge Taly and let them have it

[4:42][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Yes, Captain." *She would attempt to lock on to the Prowler's bridge to shove a handful of torpedoes through their windshield.


[4:43][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[Vals team..orders and actions!

[4:45][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Cover me!" *She cut off her fire to go grab Jacob by the collar and pull him into safety while he writhes on the floor.

[4:45][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-Cobra Lead covers her laying down a vicous field of fire as her team steadily advances throwing flashbangs down at the entrenched Imperium troopers firing at them through the flashes and smoke


[4:48][DOIC4]Jacob@redwolf567#235:grutns and curses, as he is shot and grunts* "Thanks..." He grunts as he gets back to his feet, He'd attempt to fire at the enemy once he gathered himself

[4:48][DOIC4]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] -remains kneeling before the isolarted cell David set up int he brig, her eyes closedand her hands tightly folded in her lap muttering something as she concentrates

[4:48][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:grutns and curses, as he is shot and grunts* "Thanks..." He grunts as he gets back to his feet, He'd attempt to fire at the enemy once he gathered himself

[4:49][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[rol for actions

[4:50][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-the firefightint he hallway has reached a stalemate as each sides fire is ineffective due to each being under cover...shots burn into decks and bulkheads as even the flashbangs went off to no effect

[4:50][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-the lift opens and out scuttle twof those walking turrest bots..firing as they now advanced up the corridor

[4:51][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-The imperum troopers add their fire to the botsa nd begint o advance with them

[4:51][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Ma'am on your eleven!" (T

[4:51][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[TW wapproved Val

[4:51][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Change Ma'am to Screa

[4:51][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-Jacob gets off one shot that takes downan advancing Imerium trooper..shot through the eneck

[4:52][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:Screamis able to adjust as th Imerium forces begint o advance and she shoots one right through his visdor..sending his body to the deck

[4:53][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[orderss and actions

[4:53][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Wide arc fire! Press ze advantage!" *She switches her fire mode and fires for the advancing group.

[4:54][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Nods and switches up his firing to match what was ordered.

[4:54][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[Cobra lead] You heard her..Baker..direct to threat!-she slithers onher belly firing a the Turret bots..as Baker charges to meet the enemy!

[4:54][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[roll pls

[4:56][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[Jacob roll pls


[4:57][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[wide arc fire fills the cooridor ..the troopers asre caught under the oppressive fire of the MTF..and fall wuivcly as they advanced not expecting their advantage to be turned on them...Sentry an

[4:58][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:Screams fire burns down the teams behind the turret bot..oineof which explodes and damges the second....two of baker..2 and 4 are hit..two wounded in his leg..the second 4..fals tot he ground unmovin

[4:59][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:yet the corridor is now..clear...save for one very dmaaged turret bot...which Cobra Lead..couo de grce shoots


[4:59][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Cat, Taly El all roll pls!

[4:59][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*softly to El, so she doesn't break her focus too much* Scarlet, I want you to duck us down under that prowler at the last possible moment. We are gonna gut this beast. So go by feeling, not thought

[5:01][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-on screen the Ninja Via and her cat attack pack..overwhlem the two enraged Imperium Vias as sprinlkes and cupcake throwning stars blind and they are beaten downw ith glow stick nunchuks

[5:01][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"oh yeah that's what you get!

[5:02][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:as the Prwler fills the screen...closing everfaster ont he Banshee...El steadfastly maintaining her collusionc ourse..taly opens fire..the phaser lance crashing across and then shatrtering theshield

[5:03][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:of the charingprowler...the shot burns right through the hull over her bridge,,,as the torpedoes rip into her hul...sending the charging starship into a wild spin as itr races directly at the banshee

[5:04][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smirks- Way to go Weaps! ...adjust and stand by to rip into her belly Taly

[5:04][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Now Helm! now

[5:04][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:makes a small nod of her head "aye sir" she simply replies getting ready to make the ordered manuver, going under the proler at the very last moment, going on gut instinkt like ordere

[5:04][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-the ship shakes heavily under the MTF boots..as the banshee tears into her

[5:05][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly bared her teeth at her console as she quickly adjusted to drag their phasers down the belly of the ship and effectively disembowel the Prowler.

[5:05][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"We do not 'ave much time! Rush for ze computer core!" *She tags 2 and 4* =^= "One wounded, one fatality, take zem 'ome.

[5:06][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-the two wounded are beamed back and directly to kenny in sickbay

[5:06][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"We got them now...their computers are wide open.

[5:06][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Good have a field day Cat

[5:06][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"aye captain..

[5:06][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Now! El..get Weaps her belly shot

[5:07][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Via let's steal as much intelligence as we can as she bust the place up...good old fashioned smash and grab.

[5:07][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:Narrows her eyes and tries to give the angles that are needed for the shots

[5:08][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[NinjaVia] You got it Cat -says as her ninja cat minions tie up the two Enemy Vias- CHARGE! -heads off for further mayhem!

[5:08][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Moves forwards towards the computer core.

[5:08][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "We will give Cat access directly at ze source soon. I do not know if zere will be a ship left by ze time we can get to ze bridge, zhough.

[5:09][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-occasionally enroute the MTF is accosted by desperate crew who are easily and quicly dispatched..while the onboard troopers scrambel tyoget in place to repal the invaders

[5:09][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Nods and moves with the two teams, quickly checking the corners for any enemies. To keep the team seccure best he can as they approach

[5:09][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=^= Scream..the bridge is no more...Weaps scragged it..keep heading to the core

[5:10][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Understood!

[5:10][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Captain, Tanausans may have backup bridge like we do. Remain vigilant.

[5:10][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Keeps moving forwards, shooting to kill at the random crew, unless she manages to spot someone with a particularly enticing set of pips.

[5:10][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[okies Alex roll..Cat roll.Taly rol..el roll pls:) thisis our big momney fx shot :P

[5:11][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=^= Scream..go for their CIC! last direct core access located there

[5:11][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Understood. 'Eading zere now.

[5:13][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-as Taly called it there had to be control from an Imeprium CIC on the prowler..as the ship tried onelast desperate dive at the Banshee as they two ships almost impacted eacxh other...at lizs order E

[5:13][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Would be shooting to kill anyone dumb enough to get between him and the core, no hesitation, no mercy. Unless they look important enough to capture

[5:13][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:-as Taly called it there had to be control from an Imeprium CIC on the prowler..as the ship tried onelast desperate dive at the Banshee as they two ships almost impacted eacxh other...at lizs order E

[5:14][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:perfectly angled the Banshee down to give Taly her belly shot...the twohulls just barely missing the collusion..as Taly now has the uderside of the enemy ship lined up perfectly in her sights...whe

[5:15][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:she opens fire..her phasers rip into the unshielded hull and slice deeply into it,,her torpedos detonate into her hardened hull..shaking all inside to the deck [agil rolls MTF

[5:15][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:-light go out all over the prowkler as emergency power finally kicks in..resotring some lightning andpower

[5:16][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:-the prowlers did not fire this time as Cat and NinjaVia wreck full on havoc in their systems....Alex had provided El just the right advice for her maneuver

[5:16][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Reaches in to steady Sentry as she sees him losing his footing.

[5:16][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:El brings us back around...Alex get Weaps a perfect finishing blow from a dorsal shot

[5:17][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:(is that apporved

[5:17][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[sweetie do not forget to sdend me your roll :P but i told her to not worry about a team work :P she rolled good enough to steady you

[5:18][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-Screamc atches and steaides Sentry

[5:19][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"AYe Cap't" brings the ship around and flies back towards the prowler, wanting to give the best angle possibl

[5:19][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Thanks again...

[5:19][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Keep moving.

[5:19][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Know what is good for you and die already," *she snarled at her console as she readied their lance for a killing blow.

[5:19][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Moves on despite Taly's best efforts to make it difficult for them.

[5:20][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-the MTF reaches the coordiro just outside of the enemy CIC.Several remaining troopersd have set up a hasty defense..includingone HUGE Latejo with a nasty looing chain gun

[5:20][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*lightly jogged over to Taly* Now Avelle, you really want me to tell you how to do your job? I will do it gladly, but that would take away the kills for your bloodoath wouldn't it

[5:20][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Be silent and hold hand of mewling ensigns, I am capable

[5:20][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:" *she snapped.

[5:20][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Sentry! Frag! Everyone else, flashes!" *She rolls a frag grenade of her own as fast as she can down the corridor and dives for cover.

[5:21][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[Cobra Lead] copy that!@ -nods to her teama nd flash bangs are launched as they go to cover

[5:21][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Now use that anger Avelle. Target it straight at those bastards that cause me to tell you this

[5:22][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Keeps movign forward with the team, he nods to Val a grin on his face, the danger was making this a lot more exciting. He takes cover and takes out hsi frag and throws it pitcher stle at the chain

[5:22][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:Ekl brings the banshee back around tolineup the shot on the very much strugglingProwler


[5:22][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[roll gang!

[5:23][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"They are gods' problems now." *She fired their lance, attempting to skewer the prowler right through the middle.

[5:24][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-the flash bangs go off blinding the remaining guards ad the huge Latejo...jacobs frag sends the huge man back.w.oudning the other blind guards..who shots go way wide

[5:24][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-just then,,,choas erupts evenmore!!...as the decks...

[5:26][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:-As Ellines up and dives ina full on strafing run..Taly cuts loose with the lance which drives right through the spine of the Prowler...pasuing a moment before blwioing right out throughherbelly.

[5:26][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:torpedos pummle her dorsal hull tearingmore at her spine..cauing secondary explosions witrhinher engine room...

[5:27][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-conduits expode into the hallway..as trhe lights go out..and flicker back on..as the hull safety door behind the MTF seals them into this section...as they hear the multiple hullbreaches

[5:27][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[agil rolls pls MTF

[5:29][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-the Latejo trooper his armor..chewed up..rises inthe smoke fileld corridor and charges the MTF as they are shaken up...he cries out "For the HONOR!' and detonates the two grenades he is holdingin th

[5:29][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Gravely wounded. Will not be long before it bleeds out, Captain.

[5:29][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:middle of them all-0 BOOM

[5:29][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*glanced at the viewscreen and then looks at Taly* Talyse, good shot... Love the temperament. Keep it up

[5:29][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She nodded once.

[5:29][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-nods- El maintan station above and behind them..-smirks- good weraps..let thembleed ou

[5:30][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:the crippledprolwer spinshelplessly aboave the chrunign field of asteroids as el recives her orders from Li

[5:30][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*In assassin like style throws a knife aiming to cripple the dude, Aiming for a pressure poin their natural biology, attemptign to get him before he can blow himself up

[5:30][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:Flies to get them above and behind the Prowler "Moving into posistion


[5:31][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-thje knife sticks into the armored giant..yet does nothing to stop him - BOOM

[5:31][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[actions as the blast goesoff?

[5:32][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*As it is too late and the blast goes off, Valerie does her best to duck behind whatever resembling cover she can find.

[5:32][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Would of attmepted to roll away encase the knife fialed to take cover from said blast.

[5:32][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-copbra lead and baker 1 and 3 try to do the same

[5:32][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:pagil rolls pls

[5:33][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:El parks the ship perfectly aboveand behind the crippled ship

[5:33][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly kept their weapons trained on the ship in case it did anything of monumental stupidity in its death throes.

[5:33][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Alex eyed Taly a second before heading back to his chair

[5:34][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"In posistion


[5:34][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:Yes captain

[5:35][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:get down to the transporter room with two security teams...and help secure prisoner

[5:35][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:Understood

[5:35][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Fully search any David..and lock the bastards u

[5:35][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David calls his minions to the transporter room.

[5:35][DOIC4]Razzor@Isis:[Krisla] =^= Onour way sir

[5:35][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:Deck 2

[5:36][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[Corba Lead] -wounded but not crippled rises as 1 and 3 lay ont he deck injured0 They are out Scream...just me no

[5:36][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Damn!" *She grabs Sentry by the ankle and literally pulls him back with all her strength.

[5:36][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-whooshed away

[5:37][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"It really is not ym day... thats three i owe you.

[5:37][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-Sentry is pulled back by Val and both are uninjured

[5:37][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Understood, Cobra lead. We advance to ze CIC." *She tags the wounded.* =^= "More wounded, take zem back.

[5:37][DOIC5]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David enters the transporter room.

[5:37][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*By some dumb luck... Val magaes to pull him back without any injury.

[5:38][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Etor is there to meet him.not Krisla because she died

[5:38][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Etor andsix gaurds wait for their boss

[5:38][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Etor] Ready sir

[5:39][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Once the wounded are out, she continues for the CIC.

[5:39][DOIC5]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David nods and steps on the pad.* Let's get to work

[5:39][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Varla beams the two baker wounded to sickbay as well

[5:39][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Crane] Signal the ship for them to surrende

[5:39][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=^= David..shoot to stun..any you encoute

[5:39][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Followsa Val like a shadow, checking corners and moving in sync with her. Anyone to get in their way would be killed unless they look important

[5:40][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=^= Tag em and bring em hom

[5:40][DOIC5]David Allen@ClingingMar:=^= Aye captain

[5:40][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-the three of them stand just outside the door to the enemy CIC

[5:41][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Send them the message Crane. Either cooperate, or tell us what we tell their families. *he said coldly

[5:41][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-on all powered screens now..Ninja Via and Ninjakitties can be seeen raiding and stealing stuff for Cat

[5:41][DOIC5]David Allen@ClingingMar:Energize

[5:41][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Stack. Two flashes, zen shoot to stun. Ze most valuable surviving ones will be in ze CIC.

[5:41][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Crane] aye sir 'Enemy vessel..surrender now...or tell us what we tell your families...this is your only chance to accept our offe

[5:42][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[Cobra lead] -nods to ehr and readies- Copy that...ready

[5:43][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-davidis beasmed abaord with his troops as Cranes voice can now be heard through all powered ships speakers..echoing through the halls

[5:43][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Nods* "Understood" *Switches his weapon to stun

[5:43][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Opens the door to toss her stunn inside.

[5:43][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:(Toss her flash*

[5:43][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[Cobra Lead] -looks rto Screamand then does as ordered as trhdoor opens

[5:43][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[roll pls

[5:44][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-shots imediately pepper the door as Scream opensit

[5:44][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Throws in his flash if he was one to do so

[5:44][DOIC5]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David pulls out his sidearm, noding to his minions.

[5:44][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-David sees four Imeriumc rew huddled on the deck trying to treat three other wounded crewmen

[5:45][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-the flash bangs go off with a deafeningnoise inside the beasieged CIC

[5:45][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Etor]sir! -points

[5:46][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Curses* "Shit its a dud!

[5:46][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:looks at her console doing her work while comtemplating what she would do if she had been in command of the other cre

[5:46][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Taly..prep all weapons to slag that ship once we are done her

[5:46][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Enters after the flashes, shooting a wide arc stun.

[5:46][DOIC5]David Allen@ClingingMar:I see them. *David looks for any active threats.

[5:46][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[Cobra Lead] does the same

[5:46][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Ahead of you, Captain.

[5:47][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-tweo of the four hold up their hands in surrender looking terrified..none of the crew seem to be of the prime Imperium race

[5:47][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Looks at Liz* Let Taly have her fun. I'd say shoot at will once the teams are back

[5:48][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Crewman] a Catadai male- Please..letus save them! we surrende

[5:48][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-nods- works forme..as long as it is dus

[5:48][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Follows through with them and firing in wide arc coverign the side those two werent at

[5:49][DOIC5]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David nods, looking to the other two.* Do you surrender as well

[5:49][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-inside the damaged and smoke filled CIC they find several bdies now lyingonthe deck...andone very woudned Tannasan Impereium race officer strped into her command chair

[5:49][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Now did you hear that Avelle? As soon as the teams are back, the ship[ is all yours to play with... Just... Make it spacedust for the sensors

[5:50][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"My ears are not for show, Commander," *she said coolly.

[5:50][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Medic] -a crewman tha tlooks like a imperium race..wehos skinis gray...most likely a Shanoura snaps- Yes yes..let me work here

[5:50][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "We are in ze CIC. Patching you into zeir systems now." *She poinnts to the officer.* "Cobra lead, tag 'er for transport, directly to sickbay.

[5:50][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-the crew surrendeing are covered by David team

[5:50][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"I would almost be jealous

[5:50][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Sentry, watch ze door." =^= "Banshee, you got wounded prisoners incoming.


[5:51][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Nods and takes a knee to cover the door, rifle ready

[5:51][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[Cobra Lead] -nods- copy that..-chechsr- she is out cold...-bindsand tags her- Ready Screa

[5:51][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-Ninja Via goes to work for cat and the download begins

[5:51][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Good job, Via.

[5:52][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "VIA is in zeir systems.

[5:52][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=^= Copy that..judging fromthe way Cats hard at work..we are receivin

[5:52][DOIC5]David Allen@ClingingMar:Let them work, then tag them all for beam out

[5:52][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Chambers] Aye sir..-begins to tag all 7

[5:53][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[etor] -looks to david- Lookslike ra tag bunch here from allover the ship si

[5:53][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Have the wounded prisoners transported to their cells and send for medics to meet them there. HVT sickbay only

[5:53][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Understood. Prisoners ready for transport." *She checks the others in the CIC to see if they're moving.

[5:53][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Agreed..give the order X

[5:54][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:smiles while she listen

[5:54][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Varla transport prisoners to their cells. HVT to the sickbay

[5:54][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-Val sees two other guards laying stunnedonthe ground it seems the toehr three crew were killed by Talys lethal firing

[5:54][DOIC5]David Allen@ClingingMar:We may have an easier time here than I thought

[5:54][DOIC4]Razzor@Isis:[Varkla] =^= Copy that bridge -begins to do so witheach tagged prisoner

[5:55][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:as he says that a shot whizzes right by his neck

[5:55][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Val goes to secure the guards and then tag them for transport.

[5:55][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Sharpe to sickbay. Have a few medics on go to brig and do your thing over the prisoners there. Be prepared for HVT

[5:55][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Troopr] Die Barbarian! -thepair of guards wounded..charge the xsecurty team ..unconcerned about the woudned crew ebignworked on

[5:56][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Kenny] =^= You got it Bridge

[5:56][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-theofficer is beamed away as are both guards as scream tags them-

[5:57][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Banshee, prisoners are wiz you. We move out as soon as you say we 'ave enough data.

[5:57][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Kenny] =^= bridge HVT is abaord and being treated..Davids guards are her

[5:58][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=^= Understood Scream..hold postion until core is emptie

[5:58][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-actions davie poo???

[5:58][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Understood." *She turns to Cobra lead and Sentry.* "Move into defensive positions. I am sealing ze door

[5:59][DOIC5]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David ducks down to avoid the fire and fires his phaser at the pair of guards.

[5:59][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Davids teammove to cover..with chambers and petersc overing the wounded Tannies as well

[5:59][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Etor] fires as well

[5:59][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[roll david!

[6:00][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-two of the crew who surrendered dive on two of davids guards in panicked desperation as well

[6:00][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Nods and takes up a good defensive postion, rifle ready for action

[6:00][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[remeber icannot see your roll :P

[6:00][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Goes to seal the door and takes up a position as well, waiting for VIA to be done ransacking the core.

[6:01][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:-the soundof firing somewhere else int he ship canbe heard

[6:01][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[Ninja Via][ -is pakcingupand sendingher stolen files backhome

[6:01][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Banshee, did you send anyone except us to ze ship?

[6:02][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Davids shot goes wide...the guards behidn he an etor are busy dealign withthe two sddesperatec rewa nd do not fire at the troopers..but they over power the two paniced crewmen

[6:03][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:Blinks at the communications comes i

[6:03][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing... Well, shit

[6:03][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-etor fires and hits oneof the trooeprs sendignhim to the deck stunned..as the other shoots etor in the throat..sendignhim backa s well.David takes ashot off of his chest shakinghim up some

[6:03][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Allen and his team are down there aswell Scream. What's going on

[6:04][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly side-eyed Liz and Alex.

[6:04][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "We 'ear a lot of gunfire.

[6:04][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "As soon as VIA is done we will reinforce.

[6:04][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-scowls- stow that XO..stay on targe

[6:04][DOIC5]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David grimaces, going to charge the other trooper in hand to hand combat.

[6:04][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-the trooper meets david as well.his bayonet cliking into placeonhis rifle


[6:05][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-the securty teams now secures all 7 of the otehrs as Chambers backs up David

[6:06][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*whispers to Liz

[6:07][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-nods and whispers back

[6:07][DOIC5]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David charges the guard and beats him over the head with his phaser, then stuns him for good measure.

[6:07][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:Briefly looks back at the cap and the XO before looking back to her consol

[6:08][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-the hallway and allof the prisoners are now secure...Etor is beamed away to medical by peters

[6:08][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[NinjaVai] All done Scream!! -happily

[6:09][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Taly give me a full sensor sweep of the area..make sure we are alone out here stil

[6:09][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She nodded and did the scanning thing.

[6:09][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "VIA is done.

[6:09][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Well done, VIA. Return 'ome, we will follow shortly.

[6:09][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=^= Come on home MT

[6:10][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Chief, take us back.

[6:10][DOIC6]Razzor@Isis:[NinjaVia] Okies! -brightly andcheerfully- See you there

[6:10][DOIC4]Razzor@Isis:[Varla] =^= Understood..here we go -brings Sentry Cobra Lead and Scream back hom

[6:11][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:XO get me a status report from securit

[6:11][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Sharpe to Allen, sitrep

[6:11][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Well done, you two. Go get your wounds looked at.

[6:11][DOIC4]Razzor@Isis:[Cobra Lead] -nods- Copy that...Sslithian Ale after

[6:12][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Sounds lovely.

[6:12][DOIC4]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Nods* "Understood

[6:12][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods and heads for the bridge.

[6:12][DOIC4]Razzor@Isis:[Cobra Lead] -pats Sentry onthe back and goes to check in to see to her wounds

[6:12][DOIC4]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Follows CL to the medbay to get his wounds seen to as well

[6:13][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Steps on the bridge.

[6:13][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Varla you still have a lock on Allen and his team

[6:13][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:El plot us an escape vectorout system..angling towards Kirtascan space.

[6:13][DOIC4]Razzor@Isis:[Varla] =^= Ayefirmative si

[6:14][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:starts plotting the vector, angling it towards Kirtascan space "PLotting, just a moment

[6:14][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-looks back at Scream- Welcome back aboar

[6:14][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Merci. One fatality, everyone else was wounded save I.

[6:14][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Merci. One fatality, everyone else was wounded save I."

[6:15][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Sharpe to Allen, sitrep

[6:16][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:starts plotting the vector, angling it towards Kirtascan space "PLotting, just a moment

[6:16][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Very good helm..-nods to scream- Understoo

[6:16][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Their wounds beign seen to

[6:17][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Course plottet and awaiting order

[6:17][DOIC5]David Allen@ClingingMar:=^= Ship is secure

[6:17][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Yes. Zey are all in sickbay.

[6:17][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-nods to Alex- bring Davies boys hom

[6:17][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Come back home Allen. And if you have made friends... we have some cosy cells for them

[6:18][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"None in our immediate area, Captain, but we are detecting large force of vessels near Holy Kirtascan Empire.

[6:18][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-to Taly- Kep apassive lock on that signal Weap

[6:18][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*looks at Liz* We should have a peak

[6:18][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Yes, Captain.

[6:18][DOIC5]David Allen@ClingingMar:=^= We've tagged everyone...most of them surrended, we had a brief battle

[6:18][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Oh yes..that justmeansw e are not done for the da

[6:19][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Senmd that genral fix to helm Weap

[6:19][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= I'll read it in the report. Come back allen

[6:19][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She sent it along.

[6:19][DOIC5]David Allen@ClingingMar:=^= Allen to Transporter Room. Energizie

[6:20][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"data recieved

[6:20][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Helm get s us within max scanning distance oncew e are under wa

[6:20][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-the team sis beamed back abaord

[6:20][DOIC4]Razzor@Isis:[Varlka] welcdomehome sir..your prisnoers are all in their celll

[6:20][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"I assume once everyone is back and we get underway to recloak

[6:21][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Ofcourse Scarlett

[6:21][DOIC4]David Allen@ClingingMar:Excellent

[6:21][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smiles coldly- Once ataly redcues that pieceof junk to dust..ye

[6:21][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:gives a thumbs u

[6:21][DOIC4]Razzor@Isis:[Varla] -^= Bridge...all family is back in the bar

[6:21][DOIC6]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*walks into medbay to get his shoulder checked up

[6:22][DOIC4]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David walks out and heads for the turbolift.

[6:22][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Weaps..sheis all yours..finish her of

[6:22][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Shall I commit to them stellar dusts, Captain?

[6:22][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Pull us out Scarlett. Give Avelle her play room

[6:22][DOIC4]David Allen@ClingingMar:Bridge

[6:22][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Oh yes weaps..do so pleas

[6:22][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She nodded and went to finish them with a salvo of torpedoes.

[6:22][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Backing away and giving space" backs the ship away from the prowle

[6:23][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:Taly expertly firesa nd the lethal energy lances out from the Banshee to rip andtearapart the prowler to dust inmoments..adding its debris to the highly dangerous asteroid storm now filling the sta


[6:23][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Target destroyed, Captain.

[6:23][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-nods as she watches the death of thelast ship of that patrol fromthe Imperium

[6:24][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Wel down Weaps..stay focused on that distant signalfor me no

[6:24][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:On towards the next

[6:24][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:El..cloak us us and get usback into the figh

[6:24][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:This was but our first catch of the day.

[6:25][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Banshee cloaking and going underway" cloaks the ship and gets her underway, heading by the plotted course to the max scanning range

[6:26][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-david ebgins to receive a full security report on the 11 POWs aboard now

[6:26][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Warp seven E

[6:26][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:El cloaks the ship and gets her underway and on coruse as ordered..leaving the rmenants of their last hunt behind

[6:27][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly paced a little in her box, still staying focused on her console.

[6:28][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Warp seven" gets the ship to warp seve

[6:28][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:let me see the tatcial display..where away is this mainbody signal

[6:29][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*closes his eyes for a few seconds as he listens

[6:29][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly brought up the display on their cool sci fi holomap.

[6:29][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*closing his eyes to centralise himself

[6:29][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Cran we are to go full ENCO

[6:29][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Crane] -nods Full Encome iniated Aquariu


[6:31][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Opens his eyes again and looks at the map

[6:31][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Taly...do we have any allied forces there?

[6:31][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Indeed. Reports indicate it has been taking brunt of assaults since fall of Kirtas." *She checked something.* "Pilgrim and taskforce currently deployed in system.

[6:31][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-Via works with cat on al lthe data stored now

[6:32][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Kirtascan forces also deployed and currently inbound from Irial.

[6:32][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:...they are still running shorthanded since the Enigma

[6:32][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Pilgrim? May all ze deities in ze universe 'ave mercy...

[6:32][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*There was a slight, cold pause.

[6:32][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Yes, Captain.

[6:33][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:They could use a friend. I say that is us Captain... Us for now

[6:33][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-frowns-...theyare moving in forces from Irial......El increasee speed to warp

[6:33][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Without the enigma..tha leaves them an Luna classanda Rhoeisland class.

[6:34][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Damn right we needed to look into this..they have calledin reinforcements...weneed to see wh

[6:34][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Scream..get baker patched up..and back into action..as swiftly as you can.

[6:35][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"We still 'ave Able, Captain?

[6:35][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:As El presses the Banshee along unseen through the star the signal taly is scanning grows larger andmore distinct now

[6:35][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:increases the speed to warp 8 "Could push to nine Captain

[6:35][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"If I were to wager, next part of Imperial invasion of Kirtascan Empire underway. This force is large.

[6:35][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:I want both Scra

[6:36][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:We have any ids yet Taly on Enemy main body

[6:36][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Kenny, I do not care what forbidden magic you tap into, I want Baker up and running.

[6:36][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Kenny] =^= Proirity order scream

[6:37][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"No, Captain. But there are enough.

[6:38][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Keep feeding helm and update on their course and speed...El..get us right behind them...we will follow the enemy right into battle and strike in force flanking them as they engatge our guy

[6:38][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Absofuckinglutely.

[6:38][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-looks to Alex-..going to be one long day no

[6:39][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"That should briefly confused them" follows the data she keeps getting and aims to get behind the enemy forc

[6:39][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Kenny] =^= You will have them back Scream..my word..sickbay ou

[6:39][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*looks back at Liz* What is a day, when lives are at stake

[6:40][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smirks at that- ..for us...Tuesda

[6:40][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Yes.. what is a day when you are sitting on your be'ind in a chair?

[6:40][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:I'd say sunday.... But Tuesday is fine

[6:41][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smirks hearing scream

[6:41][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"We are all putting it on the line

[6:41][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:We fight int he dark Ellie gal..so they can live inthe ligh

[6:41][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Crane] Hear hea

[6:42][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Was more to screams chair comment

[6:42][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smiles- Yes I know.

[6:43][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Damn good flying El..keep it up..

[6:43][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Now..-grins unable to help herself- let's hunt some Ork.

[6:43][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She raised a brow.* "Ork?

[6:44][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Just... let 'er 'ave zis, Avelle.


[6:44][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Fantasy creature, made popular by such fiction as The Lord of the Rings

[6:44][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:As Liz says this..the creen fades to black and we hear..

[6:44][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzTPu9ChVDc

[6:44][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:as we see..To Be COntinued on STAR TREK PILGRI

[6:44][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:A wise man once said: When you go through hell, keep going. We will keep going like it is a game of candyland

[6:45][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Welcome to the Farm Alex.

[6:45][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:always fields to tend t

[6:45][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"I have heard of them before... in different context." *She left it at that and faded out.

[6:45][DOIC3]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Grins at Kenny

[6:46][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:HAve your people make better speeches than Churchill and I just might feel welcome

[6:46][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:We prefer4 to just take action ..as his peopel did after the speeches..I leave thesppeches to Tali

[6:47][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:She has abigger shi

[6:47][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*smirks and fades out