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[1:27][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:STAR TREK BANSHE

[1:27][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:[tonights lead in theme... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuQ3PaFyb9A

[1:28][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:We the meldoy crashes out we watch as El seperates the Tigershark from the belly of the Banshee and dive down at incredible speed direclty into the icey wrld belows atmosphere

[1:30][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:Within the shuttle are strapped the well armed and well armored Away tem with their MTF support...Liz in her armor is moving between the rows of drop seats reminding them of their jobs "We will hi

[1:31][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:the target zone injust under five minutes at Els current pace...Able you are with Scream...Baker with the Away team...-points at 3- You keep that device silent and inactive until Sceream tells you to

[1:31][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:[Able 3] -nods- Copy tha

[1:32][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:-Liz goes on- On site...the ship will pepper the primary cargo hold doors....the blizzard will add extra cover as El and Taly blast an openming into the buildingfor u

[1:32][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:[Liz] Taly...>El..do nothold back...pepper the structure..take as many troops located there as we can while giving us an opening..copy

[1:33][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:-she looks to both while laying a hand then on Cats shoulder pad as she waits for their answer

[1:34][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly inclined her helmeted head to Liz, a dried streak of blood across her forehead just above her eyebrows and one down her chin in traditional Dolyahri style.* "Yes, Captain.

[1:34][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods her head quietly.

[1:34][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:-nods to Her and looks to El- El copy

[1:35][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Aye aye, got it!" she sounds like she is in her prime, just loving flying the ship, a big smile on her face "Copy

[1:36][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:-nods- Cat..you stay close to Alex...as soon as we find you a terminal..relase the Viki..and guide heron your arm PADD..copy? I want you two causing as much chaos as possibl


[1:37][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"copy that.

[1:37][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:[Viki]-looks at Cat all happy and easger in her Hello Kitty armor- Copy

[1:37][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"This little ship is fast, too bad we can't enter it in the Devron 500, we would take the cup for sure.

[1:37][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:{Liz] Alex..direct to threat..Cat and Vikis data places our assest in the largest lab on Sublevel three..get in there and secure it..fas

[1:38][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:-Liz smirks at Cat

[1:39][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:[Liz] Scream..your target is the sublevel lab's primary power core...directly beneath it..seize it..lockl it down and set the devic

[1:39][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Alex simply nodded as he watched the viewscreen

[1:40][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:[Liz] El? once we deplpy you set the Tigershark to auto...Ive preprogramed its course...it will loop and hold cloaked until we need to exfil..any wounded or dead will bee extracted to the Banshee...a

[1:40][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Liz.* "Will be done.

[1:40][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:she lives..that is..as for Wulf..she has been indivudually briefed...she has already reported that diverted flee tis on its way back..so we need to haul ass peopl

[1:41][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:The clock is ticking..get in..do you job..-eyes Taly kill as much as you can..collect what we came for..ansd get ou

[1:41][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Got it

[1:41][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:Then El flies us all back home and we make our run bac

[1:42][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:[Liz] Alex iw illbe with you for the most part..but you have lead..your mish has the prioirity her

[1:42][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"As you command," *Taly nodded again to Liz and turned back to her screen, making sure their guns were hot and ready.

[1:43][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She cracked a smirk.

[1:44][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:[Liz] Alex? Can Momma get an amen at least?? -smirks at him

[1:44][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Gave Liz the bird subtly as he kept staring at the viewscreen

[1:44][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:-the shuttle now shook and rattled as El broke atmo..and screamed now towards her target..ther nape of the earth flying is near breath taking as she skims over the glacial fields

[1:45][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Someone is just annoyed zey are no longer in command.

[1:45][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Gods are with us tonight. Long have they thirsted for more Tanausan blood.

[1:46][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:[Liz] -smirks- He understands me Scream,...he also knows what happens to that finger if he fumbles my football..-grins as she steps forward and the opener ends..

[1:46][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"If anyone was unsure, that was atmo" she continues to fly fast, smirking broudly, loving this little shi

[1:46][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Liz] El..time ot targe

[1:46][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Back where I am from, we thirst for our God's blood, not ze ozher way around...

[1:46][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Does not sound like very powerful gods, then," *she shrugged and watched her console.

[1:47][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Leave God alone..he is just a jolly old gu

[1:47][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Or maybe we are just zat powerful of a species." *She grinned.

[1:47][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:(Void, derp, she's with a helmet

[1:47][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Oui, 'e is agreeable.

[1:47][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"a single minute to target

[1:48][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--looks at Liz-- "that would be Santa ma'am.

[1:48][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:andknows th ebest burger joints -to the others- gear up...Taly El..ready to clear yor gun

[1:48][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smirks to Cat as onemight speak to a child- sur eit is hone

[1:48][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"I have been ready, Captain.

[1:48][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:For months now Taly..tonight is fo rthe Engim

[1:48][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"I am eager to shoot down a down and what ever else there is

[1:48][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:a door

[1:48][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--nods to Viki-

[1:48][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:What we do now..we do for her cre

[1:48][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She nodded once.* "Indeed.

[1:49][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-nods back to her

[1:50][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-the MTF seal up and ready their rifles unstrapping and movinmg to the back door

[1:50][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Moves with the team.

[1:50][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"ALmost there

[1:50][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Cobra lead] -loudly to her people- For the Engima

[1:50][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[MTF] Ooo AH

[1:50][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-Armor Death is now ready at the door

[1:51][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She clapped a fist to her chest for the MTF and went back to her pew pew console.

[1:51][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"30 seconds, game faces!

[1:51][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Liz] once there... Hover at 10 meters and open fire ladie

[1:52][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:-as they fly over the outskirtsof the facility they can see several surprised troops running through the blizzards unsure where the extra wind is coming from..the main buidling is now in sight

[1:52][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Spinning up the chains, I see the building!

[1:52][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Liz] -points- There..south side..the cargo bay loadin

[1:52][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Taly, preparing her harpoon gun.

[1:52][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Viki]-hugs cat- here we go!!

[1:52][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She spun up the quantum gatling gun and chain phasers, waiting for the seocnd they were in range.

[1:52][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Baker 3]] -charges up his mini chain gun

[1:53][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Able 3] -packs up somethignshe is cooing to like an infant

[1:56][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:as the shuttle is brouight to a stop by El..the speakers on the wing run a song preprogramed by Liz for this moment..and thisblares out across the snowy storm and vast cargo ba

[1:57][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqeYKf8tdsU

[1:57][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:[ posted in discord too

[1:58][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:-a lot of surprised Imperial trops and dock wrkers look around in stunned surprise at the haunting music

[1:58][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Liz] -as she watchyes the crowd gather...she says coldly- ladies..FIRE

[1:58][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly's eye twitched slightly as the noise assaulted her vulcanoid ears, deciding to drown it out with gunfire as she let their guns rip.

[1:59][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"What ze -fuck- is zis racket?


[2:00][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"It assaults our ears more zan zeirs...

[2:00][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"The Captain gave the order and you know we started blasting" points the ship at soldiers and other things below them opening fire with the fixed posistion weapons while Taly does all the moveable

[2:00][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[Liz] -smirks- How about that

[2:00][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[roll pls ladies!!

[2:01][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:-over the din of the hanting scotsh drums and bagpipes the two Banshee officers lirterally unleash hell..as they turnthe cago bay are into a vast inferno..a kiln of retribution..bodies are vaporize

[2:02][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:or blow apart..the pin point accuracy of the shots guts deeper into the building as one shot from both El and Taly collpaes ponefloor onto another as fires begin to speread up from onef loor t


[2:03][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Taly!..unleash the rear mortar fire..target the air field


[2:03][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:El put it in park and gear up

[2:03][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Were we not to blast the door first?" points the ship at the doo

[2:04][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-the door is gone as per kitty description sweetie :P

[2:04][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"oHh sorry the smoke was covering it

[2:04][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly hit the sequence of buttons to activate the rear mortars, using the scans from earlier to calculate a trajectory before letting them fly as well.

[2:04][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smiles at El- It sokies..well down Elli gal..now lets go get em

[2:05][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[roll taly

[2:05][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:puts the TIgershark in park mode, before getting up and getting armor over her flight suit, the Tigershark patch briefly see

[2:05][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Scream unass theMTF and secure the docks

[2:06][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:the seriesof autrofire dull thumps from tals vicisous mortar attacks can be felt in their chests as she drops deadly volley after deadly volley on the airfield and the struggling reinforcements wh

[2:06][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"As soon as we are off, I will put the Tigershark in auto mode

[2:06][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:were scrambling to reach thwe cargo bay...more troopers now lay deador dying by the dozens out there

[2:07][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Airfield burns, will not be of any more use to them," *Taly reported, throwing a few more just for good measure.

[2:08][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She nodded to Liz and hit the door open.* "Move! You got your opening!

[2:08][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She led out as soon as the hatch had cycled open.

[2:08][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[-nods to Taly- gear up Taly..Alex..they are all yours ..lets go.

[2:08][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Next time we are playing shoot to thrill

[2:09][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-the MTF stream out firing and only receiving skant resistence as TRaly and El left oslittlelout there..the MTF move deepr into teh cargo bay on fire

[2:09][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Do not ruin it," *she snapped to Eleria as she got up, pulling her rifle off of the back of her chair and checking it again to be sure it was powered and on maximum power.

[2:10][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Fires a shot or two into the resistance, the mini-replicator making the armor-piercing "harpoons" as she ran towards the opening.

[2:11][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:checks her weapon "Its a good song" she is ready to head out "Ready!

[2:11][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:[rol pls Val!

[2:11][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-Liz heads out with Scxream and the MTF

[2:12][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*turns around also showing dried up blood, but smeared across the bridge of his nose just before sealing his helmet on* Stay close Cat. *pulls out his dual phasers pistols

[2:12][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"aye sir. Staying close.

[2:12][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--turns to Viki-- Stay close.

[2:13][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat gets her phaser rifle ready.-

[2:13][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:As Scream arrives she is able to pinpoint targets withher shot but does not drop any..allowng for the MTF and Liz to do so as silence soon desceneds as Alex leads pout the away team...Baker moves t

[2:13][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:positionwith Alex

[2:14][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Baker 1] We are ready si

[2:15][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:Viki] -to Cat- Ooooh they are mad..they know we are comintg cat -shows her the many VIAs preparing

[2:15][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Able.* "Stack by ze... remains of ze door.

[2:16][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"..That is a lot of VIAs.

[2:16][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Liz pops into a smoldering office and roots around in there for a moment

[2:16][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Baker take rear, Scream you and able lead the way till we diverge

[2:17][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Baker 1] Copy that -deploys his team to the rear

[2:17][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Is signal going out to entire fleet, is important enough to have best cybersecurity in Imperium, I imagine," *she informed Cat and Viki as she moved near Alex.

[2:18][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Viki] Yes it is heavy dit and they are really preare

[2:18][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Alex.* "Able. Wiz me. I am on point." *She headed into the building.

[2:18][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:Moves out just ahead of the rear guard, she waits for everyone to be off the Tigershark, then activates via her wrist padd the auto mod

[2:18][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Able flanks out and follows Scrwam in in near perfect formation

[2:19][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Keep an eye for automated defences and ambushes at junctions.

[2:19][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Liz nod sto El as the shuttle banks back up and away claking as it does so..alarmsarenow blaring allover te facility

[2:19][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--stays close to Alex, right behind him-

[2:19][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Liz] to El- Stay near Alex..keep Cat alive..go go girl -wavebs her along

[2:20][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"yeah keep Cat alive. I like that plan.

[2:20][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Viki] Me too

[2:20][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:"AYe aye" moves to Cat's side, doing her best tactical movement, weapon raised and ready "Hopeful I am good at this, ehh Cat?

[2:21][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"i wish the best of luck Ele." --she smiles at Ele-

[2:21][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly looked out upon the burning fields of devastation, muttering a little prayer to the goddess of vengeance as she entreated her to accept the sacrifice and empower her to gather more.

[2:21][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-as El does this and the cre heads deeper inside..Liz pasuies by one of the few remaning survaliance cameras anad cants her helmet head so..before essaying a cute little wave to whoever is watching.

[2:21][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:and then darts after the crew

[2:22][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Did not wait for prayers and other sentimental bullshit, leading Able deeper in.

[2:22][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Cobra lead] -stays close to Alex and Cat with El

[2:23][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[first intersection..val roll pls!

[2:24][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-auto turrets rise up and open fire at the lead elements of the team

[2:24][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Screrma nd her team are all hit but their armor while knocking them back..abosribs the enery go the shots

[2:25][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[alex roll pls

[2:26][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She growls as she's hit back, sending off a command through her interface and raising her weapon to fire at the turrets.

[2:26][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Liz]paisesand looks at alex suddenly

[2:27][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[roll pls val for your teams shot

[2:27][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Behind us! *Turns around and pushes Cat behind him as he sees Liz get hit

[2:27][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-th4e MTF match her fire trying to diable the turrets as they recover

[2:28][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly immediately turned at Alex's exclaimation, rifle up and looking for the target.

[2:28][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--looks confused as she is pushed around-

[2:28][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Liz takes a hit in the shoulder that was meant for Cat..Alex saving Cats life froma second shot as the sleek armoed Imperial soldiers drop their personal cloaks and engagte the away team at the rear

[2:28][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[actions val you went this roundf

[2:29][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:Screamand able take down the auto turrets as they can now see that have been amnushed to the rear of their pasrty

[2:29][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:- a team of six imperial armor.high lighted in red trim have egaged

[2:30][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"That is not normal Imperium armor..." *Taly hissed as she waited for her initiative.

[2:31][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Liz] -yells out as sh eis spun around her shiulder smoking- They are The Aurumi ! SPec Ops.burn em down

[2:31][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:Turns towards the incoming attack and opens fire on hostile

[2:32][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Alex Taly and El rol pls..agil

[2:33][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat drops down and readies her rifle-

[2:33][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-the Troopers with SMG styil blasters all fire at them elements Baker 4 goes down...nbaker threeispinned to the wall as alex, el and Taly are shot

[2:35][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:Taly shoulder is bored into much like Liz's was..and Alex and El's shields abosrobt ehrio sattacks but are staggered some...actions!

[2:35][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[New round!

[2:35][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Liz] -growls- Sionof a botch must pay -stands and even with ehr ruined shoulde rtakes aim and fires

[2:35][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Spec ops on our six! Drop zem!" *She turned around and carefully aimed before letting out a shot.

[2:35][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Baker 3 engages in a bear hug battle with is attacker

[2:36][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Able tries to get LOS

[2:36][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--CAt looks at Viki-- "Viki i need you to run some interference between us and those troopers.

[2:36][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Baker 3 os hand t ohand with ehrs

[2:36][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*fires his duallies with a cold expression behind the face plate of his helmet

[2:36][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly took the hit with a hiss and a growl, powering through the pain as she aimed for the joints between the chestplate and neck on the nearest one.

[2:37][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Viki] -nodnods- Yes Cat! =-and she vanishes

[2:37][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*And then pew pewed.

[2:37][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat leveled her rifle at the bad guys and pew pew her little heart out-

[2:38][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:tries to return fire against the people shooting at them, while she tries to get some cover, hopefully recovering quickly from being stagere

[2:38][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[roll pls all!

[2:41][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Alex shots go wild on his target as Liz fires and drills hers through its side sendingback deeper into Baker 3's arms which the big Brusali now has off of the floor ...as he attempts to break hi

[2:42][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:spine....Taly fiores and finds a break inthe armor by her targets neck..and drills right into it..her taget however turns and shoots Talu right through the thigh as if unaffected by being shot throug

[2:42][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:the neck! Baker 2 ans 1 finall get a kill between point blank shots and bayoneting it i th side..but need to keep doing it to kill their target

[2:44][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Cat scores a hit on her target as Ek dies as well Cats shot was aboarbed..but El's again went through the neck only for it to reach out and grab Liz by the neck and lift heroff of the deck squeezing

[2:44][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly's eyes widened as her target advanced forward in spite of what should have been, by all rights, a killing shot, letting out a cry as she was shot in the thigh and dropping down to the ground.

[2:44][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:Liz dropsher file as she fights to free herself

[2:44][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Liz begins head butting her target now as she is throttled

[2:45][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[a new round..actions

[2:45][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly bared her teeth in a snarl as she shifted over, lining up her rifle at her target as best she could as she tried to put another phaser blast through it, aiming for the other side of its neck.

[2:45][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:Vals shot hits Alex in the face plate..burning into its eye..or where it should be and the armoed figure adavances now on Alex

[2:46][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat lowers her rifle and readies her tricorder as she begins scanning the armored Imperium troopers.-

[2:47][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Val growls and switches to her harpoons, firing into her target again, hoping to either pop its head or pin it to the wall.

[2:47][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[asctiosn for the new roundpls!

[2:48][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat begins to scan the troopers, to see why they are so damage resistant and for any potential weaknesses.--

[2:48][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[No..valdid not shoot alex folks..val shot a armoed figure a imp trooper..she drilled it through its eye and it is still coming for alex .

[2:48][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Val did not shoot alex..for calirty :L) <3

[2:48][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:"Cat get into cover" she says as she keep shooting at the one grabbing LIz wanting to put it down

[2:50][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[cat rol pls to scan!

[2:51][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[new round..actions pls!

[2:51][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"what the heck, they don't even show up on scans.

[2:51][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Alex dropped his pistols on the ground and pulled out his swordready to stabby stab or slash goons nearing him

[2:52][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly bared her teeth in a snarl as she shifted over, lining up her rifle at her target as best she could as she tried to put another phaser blast through it, aiming for the other side of its neck.

[2:52][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Val growls and switches to her harpoons, firing into her target again, hoping to either pop its head or pin it to the wall.

[2:53][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat looks around for fallen enemy armored troopers.-

[2:53][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I am willing to bed zeir armor 'as Veracysium worked into it some'ow.

[2:53][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:(Bet*

[2:53][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-she sees only one by Baker 1 and 2

[2:54][DOIC5]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*From the more back lines, would attempt to lean out and take a few pot shots at the baddies

[2:54][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Able finally get sKLineof sight and fires

[2:55][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:(repost)"Cat get into cover" she says as she keep shooting at the one grabbing LIz wanting to put it down

[2:55][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[roll peeps!!

[2:55][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Literally doing the opposite of what ele wants, Cat takes a few deep breaths and darts toward the fallen bad guy-

[2:56][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Cat reraches the falen trooper as Val impresses herself with a very very wel placed money sho...err well placed shot

[2:57][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Val does manage to finally drop her target after already doing catastropic dmaage to hger before

[2:57][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-since that leads to a very abrupt climaxof her events

[2:58][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"...Damn. If only you weren't a tannie." *She purrs out.

[2:58][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:Alex draws his blade and cuts a swatch into the armored trooper before him as he deos so terry s shot burned deeply intot he mans chest bringin him to his knees befoere alex

[2:59][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Liz sees Eltake aim and ghrabs the armored troopers arma nd does something out of sight..as El strikes her targhet jkust at the neck bring her down to her knees before Liz

[3:00][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:Taly hoowever drills another perfect shot intot he other side of her targets nbeck killing him as the resounding sound of back being crushedby a very angry BEar ..as Baker 3 tosses his target to th

[3:00][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:ground..leavingnow only the two..one at Lizs feet and one at ALex's alive


[3:01][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--CAt looks for any access points as she attempts to hack into the armor.-

[3:01][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[she finds oneor two for amor maintaince

[3:01][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:"What the fuck are those?" she asks while going to cover Cat and do her best to keep the science saf

[3:02][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Leaves the finishing blows to the others as she carefully scans the area around for more hidden troops or surprises.

[3:02][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*stands ready to execute the one before him by decapitation

[3:02][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly grinned wolfishly as she blew her target's head off.* "They are not Tanausan!" *she barked over to the others, pointing.* "Crimson blood!

[3:02][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--she will plug in her tricorder to attemtpt answer just those kinds of questions.-

[3:02][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[alex roll MIND

[3:04][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Liz kneels and forcesher hand through the neck aroundo fher targwet and snaps the armoed womans neck keeping her visor to the others as she dies before stepping back letting the dead woman fall to t

[3:05][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:the floor

[3:05][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:They are telepathic or something like it... This one wanted me to shoot you Aquarius. *executes the baddie

[3:05][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:0snaps at once to him- KILL HER


[3:07][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly trained her rifle on the one by Alex as well, just in case it had the audacity to survive the execution shot.

[3:07][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Viki and Cat override the security andbegn to download the armos maintince files

[3:08][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--looks over the data as it rolla in-

[3:08][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-itrs heavly coded in tanausan

[3:08][DOIC5]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*Terry has his pistol with amurderous look on his face, wanting to shoot the one as well.

[3:08][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Viki can you decode this?

[3:09][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-as they watch alex decapitates the trooper

[3:09][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Viki] I can..but would be safer back on the Banshe

[3:09][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"fine we can save it for later.

[3:09][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Baker 1] -sends Baker 4 off to the Tigershark

[3:09][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly set her rifle down then, groaning as she finally let herself roll over and check on the wounds to her shoulder and thigh.

[3:10][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I do 'ave to remind you we are on ze clock. We should get moving.

[3:10][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-secures her armor and tighens it around her wounded shoulder- We need to keep movin

[3:10][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--detaches her tricorder from the dead guys armor.-

[3:11][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly closed her eyes momentarily, nodding as she grabbed her rifle and pushed herself to stand.

[3:11][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:Scream..hav 3 wire the bodies..Alex?? we needto g

[3:11][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*sheathes his sword and then goes to pick up his pistols* Tried to brand you a traitor. *to Liz* Move out people

[3:11][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Val el and taly roll pls

[3:11][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zhree, you 'eard 'er.

[3:11][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-to Alex..hard to believe eh

[3:12][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--just shrugs at Liz's question-

[3:12][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-dryly toCat- Im on your side at least Cat.

[3:13][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"for that i am eternally grateful.

[3:13][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Baker 2[ -to Cat- She did take a shot you too..-as she helsp Cat up

[3:15][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Able 1] We are clear to move Screa

[3:15][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"there is that

[3:16][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:Blinks thinking she saw something, but makes a note of it for late

[3:16][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Baker 1] -to Alex as thyey move- Baker 4 was KI

[3:16][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Move." *She leads onwards.

[3:16][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly remained silent, studying the dead enemy combattants while waiting for them to move.

[3:16][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*And then moved with them.

[3:17][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-the clomun is lead dowards the downward ramp by Sxcream..aiwth able 3 and 4 firing grenadfes of smoke and shrapnelk as the take the wnding ramp down to sublevel one

[3:17][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[roll Val!

[3:17][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--follows along behind Alex and his head chopper-

[3:17][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:So we have another reason to finish this B1. And when we're in the clear will drink their favourite drink

[3:17][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Baker 2]-her qaccent her true showing amoment- That was Vodka..no ic

[3:18][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[baker 3] a simpkle good man..afinemedi

[3:19][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Val sees the tripped wir defenses..andexploisives..as those below try and set up their defenses..they need to be defudsed before you can proceed

[3:19][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--as Cat follows she periodically glances behind as if expecting another ambush.-

[3:20][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She raises a hand.* "'Old!

[3:20][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Liz]-moves to Alex-0 Dont do that again -nods to the sword

[3:20][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-the formation freezes

[3:20][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly froze with them.

[3:21][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"We 'ave tripwire and ozher booby traps." *She points them out.* "Able zhree. Would you be so kind?

[3:21][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat manages to see the formation stop and doesn't run into Alex-

[3:21][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Able 2] yes ma'am..copy that...ooooo lookee here a sweet trip layered lase pattern..sand on wow sonics..grove

[3:21][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:And why's that? 8to Liz as he turns to help guard the rear

[3:22][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:AS everyone stops she lowers down taking a kne

[3:22][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Liz] -i to him- Because if they arenot mostly dead..youa re going to die..and i wont be able to help you next tim

[3:22][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:Keep them at arms length...i mean i

[3:23][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--turns to guard the rear with Alex. She readies her rifle-

[3:23][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She side-eyed Liz with that.* "Anything else you care to share about our opponents before we meet them next?

[3:23][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-:oz ses her hand to ensuire Cat doesnt aim the barrel end at her as she does so

[3:24][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:Yes..if you feel like you are beingpulled off target..call out..let someone else take the sho

[3:24][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Liz:uses her hand to ensuire Cat doesnt aim the barrel end at her as she does so-

[3:24][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Able 3 rolls

[3:24][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat lower her weapon-

[3:25][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:They are clerly empathic or telpathic..dont mess around...put it dow fast..up close they are goingto win..every tim

[3:25][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-she looks back at Baker who nod..and then to scream to relay this to Able

[3:26][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--looks at Viki-- "Viki stay sharp, keep your sensors going.

[3:26][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"They are not normal soldiers, either. Not if they can survive such blows and continue on battle.

[3:26][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Viki[] I got alot of movementbelow Cat..same type of armor..they are relaly mad and areloaing u

[3:26][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods.* "You 'eard 'er, able. Next time you see spec ops, you kill zem 'ard, and you kill zem fast.

[3:26][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Call out if you feel anyzhing off wiz yourself mentally.

[3:26][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-nods to taly- Agreed..these are sepcially altered soldier

[3:27][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"We didn't have time for a proper investigation, but i was able to download data from one of their suits.

[3:27][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Able 1-4] copy tha

[3:27][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She nodded back.* "Other crews have encountered augmented Imperium soldiers before.

[3:27][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Very rare, however. Not these many at once.

[3:27][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:Seems like we got the top of the lne models here to

[3:28][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I would be offended if I got anyzhing less but ze best.

[3:28][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:Im telling you..they are truly serious about keeping us away fromwhatevert they got down here

[3:28][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She nodded, pausing in contemplation.


[3:29][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"yes ma'am?

[3:29][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-reachesout to her- give me your han

[3:30][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--hold out her hand somewhat reluctantly-

[3:30][DOIC5]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*Nods at them as he follows along

[3:30][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-takes a rather firm grip on her hand and squeezesit holding their arms outstretched

[3:31][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:Hold still now..its wont take lon

[3:31][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"What wont take long?

[3:31][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly kept an eye out on their surroundings in silence, listening.

[3:31][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Able 3] -shsakes her had- a thingof beauty but that did it..Screram..this had to be to delay u

[3:32][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-lets go of her- Thank you Cat...i apptricate i

[3:32][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I 'ad a feeling, zhree, zhank you. Alright. When we reach ze next bigger room, I want flashes popped immediately, zen Baker zhree, I want you to join me and lay down a blanket of fire.

[3:32][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Baker three] Copy tha

[3:33][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Viki] they are waitingfor us

[3:33][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-toAlex- Sooo shall we

[3:33][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nodded to Viki's words.* "Wiz me, Baker zhree." *She headed onwards.* "Ables, prepare flashes.

[3:33][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"No point in keeping them waiting any longer.

[3:33][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:Watches Liz and Cat closel

[3:33][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Baker zhree, be ready on visor dimming.

[3:34][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--after Liz lets her go, Cat check on what was done to her armor.-

[3:34][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-able rerady their grenades as the big gy moves forward with Scream

[3:34][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Switches off her voice channels for a moment as she interacts with her voice interface.

[3:35][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--just looks at Liz with some concern-

[3:35][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Screama nbd baker 3 are preared to breach th entry roomto sublevel

[3:35][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-softly to Cat0 trust me..you will be fine..

[3:35][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*prepares himself for the next showdown* On your mark Scream

[3:36][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly readied her rifle, ignoring the ache in her shoulder.

[3:36][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Ables, open up and zhrow flashes." *She raised her weapon.

[3:36][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-taps alex on the forearm- see ya later..ive..stuff to do -gets up and trots down the ahll yelngback- Ill see you all on sublevel 3...i hop

[3:36][DOIC5]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*gulps and readies himself for whats next

[3:36][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*After having dimmed her visor to compensate for the incoming flash.

[3:36][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--remains back behind Alex, mving off to the side to get behind some cover-

[3:37][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly flickered a glance after Liz but remained facing forward, waiting for the charge.

[3:38][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-the ables drop/thorw their grenades as behind them Liz rounds the far corner the flash bangs and snmoke going off as planned..shouts frombelow are heard

[3:38][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She moved in after the flashes and immediately fired off a harpoon, then another one, waiting for the blast.* "3, full auto. You know what to do.

[3:39][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-firing and explosion are heard where liz went as Baker 3 joins Screamanbd lays down the pain as his super fast surper charge

[3:40][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:plasma is flung down all over the entry chamber to sublevel 1..screamsofshock andapin areheard...from the regular troopers...yet..the porescenc eof the red trimmed troopers can be felt..waiting

[3:40][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[val rtoll pls..alex roll for leadership

[3:41][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:Baker 3 and Screamhead down the ramps..as blast shockwave after blast shcokawabe washes ofver each..so far no return fire..able isnow ready to follow

[3:42][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Ables, move, move, move!" *She adjusted her visor again, and scanned the room for movement.

[3:43][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Able joins as a formaion of pure energy and fire driven death is raineddown andinto sublevel 1..the rest cna now ,moveup

[3:44][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly immediately advanced, scanning the area visually for anything of note or which she could use to their advantage.

[3:44][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Baker teambrins up the rearonce alex cat and el moveout as well

[3:45][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[rol pls taly

[3:45][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*When able he moves in and helps shooting if still is needed, otherwise he looks around the room for noteworthy things

[3:45][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[roll alex

[3:45][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:Moves with the group, weapon held at the ready while they mov

[3:45][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--moves from cover, following Alex.she periodically checks behind as she moves-

[3:46][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Keeps the others covered, a new harpoon's tip already poking out of her weapon's maw.

[3:47][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:There are two still cloaked here! *turns to the rear and shoots randomly* * Behind us

[3:47][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[alxes cathec the shimmer of a pair of cloaked targets rightbefore car and taly are shot from behind-0

[3:47][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Baker 2] -dives over Taly and is shot in theback

[3:47][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Baker 1] dpoes the same fr cat and is also shot in therback as two red triummed armor troopers reveal thmselves

[3:48][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Turns to try and fire on the cloaked targets, shooting a harpoon to try and pin one of them.

[3:48][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[You are downthe ramp

[3:48][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[and aboutot have your own issues :P

[3:48][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly automatically spun around as Alex turned, eyes widening briefly before her teeth bared in a snarl as Baker 2 took one for her. She raised her rifle in return, firing on the neck of the one..

[3:48][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:who had shot at her as she tried to move to cover.

[3:48][DOIC5]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:(Oh, my bad!

[3:48][DOIC4]Razzor@Isis:[Va l move her..with abl

[3:49][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[vcat nd el you are still in this channel[

[3:49][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Moves with Able towards their target, scanning for further isuses.

[3:49][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat levels her rifle and fires as she tries to move off to the side for some cover-

[3:49][DOIC5]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*Attempts to see if he can do some hacking, to find the frequency of the cloak targets clocking machines and decloak them

[3:50][DOIC4]Razzor@Isis:-as Screanmand able turn they find themsevles facing four of those red trimmed armored troopers abnu to fire..

[3:50][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:turns and opens fire, shooting for any shimmer, or just at the general areas alex is shooting at

[3:51][DOIC4]Razzor@Isis:[taly el terry cat and alex roll pls!

[3:51][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[taly el terry cat and alex roll pls!

[3:51][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Fuck!" *She tries to be quicker and get a harpoon into the one opposite her first!


[3:52][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Taly drops to a knee as Baker 2 rolls off of her like apuppet whoes strongs have been cut..she aimsandblows the head off of her target with a one in a millionm shot..howecver..the armored bein

[3:53][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:still raisesup its rifle..

[3:53][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:or tries too as ene headless..it fired a shot..though into th wewall behind her...

[3:54][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:El fires a shot in tandem with Alex and they spin thes econd one around beringinit to her knees...chipping at the armor though wounding her some too..Terry does actually get a lock on the maintainc

[3:54][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:frequnbdcy for the armor ascatr;s shot glanecs off of the headless ones chest as if falls forweard

[3:55][DOIC4]Razzor@Isis:[able andbaker 23 and scream manage to fire the imperials into a drama high fx shootrout tha tis tension filled as themusic booms louder andlouder...as both pin the other side down


[3:57][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly couldn't help but grin widely at the sight of her opponent without a head, wasting little time after it went down before turning on the next one and firing at their head, too.

[3:57][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Viki] -flails -= ahhhh! -asseis finally locvated and VIa Piled on

[3:57][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat moves into ocver, looking shocked a the headless trooper.-- "They are zombies..zombies!

[3:57][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[Viki Cat!Cat! HELP

[3:58][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"They are augmented! Takes extra time to die!" *She barked at Cat.

[3:58][DOIC5]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*Attempts to see what he can and if they are like deacons activate their self destruct or any other way he could take them down

[3:59][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"walking around without a head is a bit more than augmented.

[3:59][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*spins his dualies as if cooling down before continuing shooting on the the remaining zombie trooper* Keep calm people! They are bastards and bastards go down like any other asshole

[3:59][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--turns her attention to activating antiVIA protocols at aid Viki-

[3:59][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Cover me!" *She called out, audibly... then tossed a spare power cell towards the enemy, hoping to confuse them that it is a grenade. She would then pop out to fire another javelin at them!

[3:59][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:Does not stop shooting at the damn thing until it stops moving, still making sure she knows where cat i

[4:00][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Terry findsif it was possble the fequency would lauigh at hin for trying that..unlike rthe deacons..these spec ops troops are not so disposable

[4:00][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Have you never cut head off of chicken!

[4:00][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--glances at Taly-- "eww no.

[4:01][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:as Scream makes her stand andher team digfs into suppoort her ..the other can feel the explosion fromdown below..meaning screams people are undwer fire

[4:02][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"They move, but not with thought and not for long!" *She was firing all the while.

[4:02][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:as the twin battles take place the entire structure then shakes foillowing amighty explosion some where else..the lights flicker and go out..leaving thes cne lightby burning fireas and battery back u


[4:03][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:[all firingup here roll pls

[4:03][DOIC5]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*Cliks his tongue in annoyce and sees if there is some kind of armour luck, or another thing he can do to make thigns easier on his allies

[4:05][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:As Terry fiddles with his tricodrder looking lik Al from quatum Leap..Taly shots burn into the armor of the rmeaning soldier spinningher around..only to have alex blow her helmet..firs tin have..an

[4:05][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:then blows it clean off withhis second shot burning her face and hair horibly ..only for a half aheartbeat after..El blows the trooprs head clean off

[4:06][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-killing thelast of the two ambushing toopers

[4:06][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly quickly took a knee to check on Baker 2.

[4:07][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*flourishes his pistols again* Casualty report

[4:07][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-taly sees she is alve but horrble woudned

[4:07][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Baker 2 lives, needs evac," *she nodded to Alex.

[4:07][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*keeps vigil as peeps check and report

[4:07][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Mark 'em for Banshee

[4:07][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly stuck a transporter marker on her.* "Marked!

[4:08][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-baker 1 lays quiet nex tto cat

[4:08][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Baker 2 isbeamedaway by the Tigershark

[4:09][DOIC5]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*Saves the frequencey just encase

[4:09][DOIC5]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:"I might have something for future uses...

[4:09][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:What did you find

[4:10][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly went to check on Baker 1 as well.

[4:10][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:looks to cat, then sees Baker 1 and goes to check he

[4:10][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Cat and Viki are neck deep in their figfht witht he Vias

[4:10][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-Catisfine as sh efights to save viki..baker 1 is not moving..having tkane a shot for cat

[4:10][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly checked her for life signs as she readied another transporter marker.

[4:11][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--CAt activates her anti-VIA software, A pack of four snarling pitbulls moves to intercept the VIAs-

[4:11][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:Bajer 1..the guy with the kzZri accentis alive.but barly

[4:11][DOIC5]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:"The frenquncy to those guys armour...

[4:11][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*looks at Taly* Tell me the Cat is still around pleas

[4:11][DOIC5]Razzor@Isis:-as Taly marks him for transport..the fighting rages blow fiercely..and cat here tries to tto save viki

[4:12][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Baker 1 also needs medical evac." *She nodded to Alex.* "She is here, I believe she is... busy.

[4:12][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"i am here sir...Busy warding off some VIAs

[4:12][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*to Moss* forward to the other team and mark it as possible ue

[4:12][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:Anothjer massive blast shakes thebuilding from outside

[4:13][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She got back up to her full height, walking with as much grace as she could with her injuries and the shaking.* "We must move.

[4:13][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Can you keep at it while we continue our objective

[4:13][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:"sure i can multitask.

[4:14][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:On me. Tal take rear, nerd between me and Avelle

[4:14][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:the dust fromt hebulding shaking falls over them

[4:14][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She nodded to Alex and motioned the nerds along with her rifle.* "Move, now.

[4:14][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--gets up and follows the group, but mostly keeping her attention on her wrist compy-

[4:15][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:as they begin tio mvoe..they can feel the building..multi story structure begin to give weay..the bukldigis coming down..

[4:15][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Shit. We must get underground!

[4:15][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:-more and moredebrisbeginso rain down ont hem as they race for sublevel

[4:15][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:Blinks a bit being by Cat, then stays with ca

[4:16][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Go! Go! Go! *as he picks up pace to movee forward and down

[4:16][DOIC5]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*follows taly

[4:16][DOIC5]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*He would forward the frequency to the forward team as instructed

[4:16][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"AHEAD OF ME!" *She bellowed, rushing them onward.

[4:16][DOIC5]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*Starts running

[4:17][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:-the scene is now very action oriented..as if from thiss ummers blocknbuster as they run down the ramnp as the building falsl in on itself..dbries and clouds of smoke wsah over them and he battle wit

[4:17][DOIC5]Caterina@Demoncheru:--focuses on the running part of her multi-tasking -

[4:17][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:theables scream and the imeprialsspec ops troioopers..the smok wash3es over the camers as we fde to blac

[4:17][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:TO BE CONTINUED