22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki
22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki

[12:48][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:STAR TREK BANSHE

[12:48][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[ the show opens tonight with this playing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ws6DdrDtyo

[12:50][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:the Cameras fade in with a glorious shot fo the Banshee, her towed captured stwalker and the massive repair dock ship hephaestus hiden away in the reddish orange and gold gas clouds of th

[12:51][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Abyss Nebula, hidden away and occasionally back lit by the distant5 bursts of static discharges. We thens ee the camera move within the sleek black warship to show the dimly lit corridors depictin

[12:52][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:the beginnngt of thenight cycle and the few crew still not recovering goingabout their duties and the rest either sleeping or taking some much deserved rest. As we lsiten we can hear Alex's log as

[12:52][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:voice over ..

[12:52][DOIC]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Alex stared at the patch he took from Bear just 12 hours ago * Captains log stardate [REDACTED] Boarding that stalker was something. Chaotic, seeing the crew performing admirably first hand and abov

[12:53][DOIC]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:else....Knowing that Scream is hating me more and more while I slashed that pesky blue bastard who had been annoying us for way longer than he should - I loved it. - However we lost some good people

[12:53][DOIC]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:but still came out stronger with resolve and now we have commandeered our second enemy ship. Oh the shame on that side, but wait there's more! A chantry nun and her military aide had surrendered t

[12:53][DOIC]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:us, my suspicions are still raised, but I know my people can handle her. For now I will enjoy some rest in sickbay...that's a lie I will run away as soon as I can. End log

[12:55][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Kenny] -smirks over by his desk as he finishes u p his reports, the dark cicrcle under his eyes look like deep shadows- Har har si

[12:55][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Enjoys her dinner in mess hall, leg still in a brace, slowly draining a bottle of rosé with duck confit.

[12:56][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-reads from her PADD as she keeps an eye ont he transfer by tractor the wrecked stalker to the larger Hephaestus

[12:56][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Makes a heart figure with his fingers and shows it to Kenny* Just sleep already kenny, I promise I will behave

[12:56][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Moonlight serendade still plays from Liz's donated wurlitzer Juke Box in the cornerof themess hall

[12:57][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Kenny] -slirps some lifer juice 'cofee from hi smug- Mmhm..sure you wil

[12:58][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat is at the science thing one station, tap tap tapping away-

[12:58][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra lead] -slithers inand moves to select her tray of food

[12:58][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*A wild Talyse appeared, hovering behind Kenny.

[12:58][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -is pouting next to her as she works

[12:59][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Kenny] -partically jumps outof his skin- Jesus! -spins around and sees who it is- Damn it Woman

[12:59][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--looks at Viki-- "waht?

[12:59][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -sighs-..nothin

[12:59][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Eyed Taly and then back to kenny* Should've gone to bed Kenny heheh

[12:59][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"i'll be done soon..

[1:00][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the little hologram rocks on her heels some with her little arms behindher back

[1:00][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly couldn't help but smirk.* "Must always be on guard in LMC, Kenny. How is patient?

[1:00][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] ...ka

[1:00][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Kenny] -side eyes the skipper- Terminal..but..he has somebreahtof life left -chuckles- oswea nbetwene the two of oyou.

[1:01][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Humms delightedly at the taste, staring off into nothing in particular.

[1:01][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"...I've just never seen an Imperium vessel with electronic security this advanced.

[1:01][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] But..but we beat it..right

[1:01][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"I am certain you will be able to fix... some of whatever is wrong with him." *She eyed Kenny then.* "Do you not have relief?

[1:02][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"of course we did..which means we get to pick the bones clean.

[1:02][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Kenny] Yeah I do..but its Tony's watch and im lettinghimget some extrarest after the boarding actio

[1:03][DOIC6]Eleria@awendr:sits in her office after having gotten some lovely sleep, likely the best sleep she has had in a long while, she seems to be relaxing with a milkshake, feet up on her desk

[1:03][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Right...didnt we do all of that? I mapped it all out for you..right?? -the usual pre teen boredom tone

[1:03][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat signs and looks at the time-

[1:03][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-across the way on her side of the quarters Nineis plugged into her cubicle regeneratingpeacefull

[1:03][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Fine. Lets go get something to eat.

[1:04][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Admirable." *She paused a moment, glancing between Alex and Kenny before asking.* "Has anyone else reported... dreams and visions like type we had earlier? Alien valley, strange sky..?

[1:04][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -rthrows her arms up into the arm- Woo Hoo

[1:04][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat smiles a bit at Viki's reaction, then heads to the lift.-

[1:04][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Kenny] -eyes her some- Still? simialr to your visions

[1:04][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Thing One

[1:05][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-calls after the pair

[1:05][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--She looks at Wulf-- "aye ma'am.

[1:05][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*softly shakes his head* Not as far as I know, you still have them Taly

[1:05][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Indeed, when last I slept I had another one." *She nodded to Alex.

[1:05][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-nods to both- Very well done yesterday.

[1:06][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"thank you ma'am. Just glad everytihng worked out for the best.

[1:06][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Kenny] -ponders this amoment- Ill beginto ask around the

[1:06][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-looks back to her PADD- it did..largely because of the two of you..rememebr thi

[1:06][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -BEAMS hearing this and looks to Cat

[1:06][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Sharpe to Wulf

[1:07][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"I would appreciate it, Kenny." *She walked over to stand next to Alex's biobed.

[1:07][DOIC6]Eleria@awendr:Eleria smiles looking over at Nine briefly, watching Luna basically lay on Nine's fee

[1:07][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--she nods-- "I like to think we help save some lives.

[1:07][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:You did -blunt as always

[1:08][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Have a good night ma'am.

[1:08][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Turns around in her seat.

[1:08][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Kenny] -nods and stands- I need to check ona few other patients..you can see youself safetly to your quarters skipper..you can goon light duty...but push thelimits and back here ya come -fake stern

[1:08][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[CObra lead] -clears her throat on the other side of the table

[1:09][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Turns to face the snek.* "Hmm?

[1:09][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:You want me back here Kenny. *then turns to Taly* Hi

[1:09][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Happy doggo is happy

[1:09][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Kenny Wel naturally your such a damn good looking guy sir -rolls his eyes and out the dor he goes

[1:10][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra lead] -do you mindif i join you

[1:10][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Not at all, do sit.

[1:10][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly gave him a little smile.* "Hi. You ready to return to quarters, or did you want to pretend to convalesce in hopes of more lollipops and injections to ass?

[1:11][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Cookie is hard at work making a breakfast special for Devi and Stacey..who is still looking angry about something

[1:11][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-smiles a thin smile- You tweo as well Caterin

[1:11][DOIC6]Eleria@awendr:takes a drink of her milkshake, feeling very happy about thing

[1:11][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:When you put it that way....The drugs were pretty damn nice. But I could use a shower

[1:12][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Agreed." *She offered him her hand.

[1:12][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"NIce work out zere." *She tells cobra lead as she pours herself another glass.

[1:12][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat getsd on the lift and waits for Viki, then selects deck 2-

[1:13][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra Lead] -nods her hood gently lowers makingher head seem smaller than usual- Thank you..same to you..well fought indee

[1:13][DOIC6]Eleria@awendr:Eleria looks over at the two cats both sleeping on her pillow

[1:13][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat enters the mess hall and heads to the bar to place an order.-

[1:13][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Accepted the hand as he slowly got off the biobed* You saying that I stink? *half smiled at Taly

[1:13][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Viki bounds in as the doors close behindher

[1:14][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Viki right behindher

[1:14][DOIC6]Eleria@awendr:Eleria stretches her arms very relaxe

[1:14][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zhank you. I am glad zat is over wiz. One mouzhy CO with overblown confidence and a penchant for monologuing was already too much.

[1:14][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cookie] Hey there its my two favoritelittle ladies..what can i get for yu two tonight ma'am..miss

[1:14][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Cookie we require sustainance in the form of strawberry waffles with a side of bacon.

[1:14][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-cookie downhome country cowboy drawl is most evident tonight

[1:15][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cookie]Down home coutnry waffles..or dem fancy Belgian ones ma'am

[1:15][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"My sense of smell tends to be more acute than humans'..." *She left it at that.* "But is said battle is not truly over until blood of enemies and sweat of effort is cleansed from body.

[1:15][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She lead him out into the hall.

[1:16][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"oh i think we will go with the home country waffles, as mi have never been to Belgum.

[1:16][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra Lead] -giggles a hiss- He came across quite brave this battle thoug

[1:16][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Yes yes country waffs please!

[1:16][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Dueling someone wiz a knife when you 'ave already been -run zhrough- once? Non, zat is not brave, zat is braindead. 'E could 'ave shot 'im and 'ad it over wiz.

[1:16][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cookies] All right ill get right to to it -doffs his sailor cap to bth and gets right to work ontheir order

[1:17][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra Lead] and the French..have never dueled with swords when they had firearms available? Miss Musketeer

[1:17][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Oh Cat! what type of syrup do we use tonight?

[1:18][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:You stink.. *Alex said softly in jest* And I was thinking of giving you a show, but you can forget it now miss Avelle. *As they neared his quarters

[1:18][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zhat was back in ze day when you could fire one shot before spending a whole minute reloading. Swords were a neccesity.

[1:18][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Now 'e only did it to feed 'is overblown ego.

[1:18][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-a apair fo guards trots on by with a purpose- Sir..Ma'a

[1:19][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly gave him a playful look and a light nudge as they walked, then inclined her head in turn to the guards.

[1:19][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra Lead] -another giggle hiss- Ego..eh...soemthign again lost to the french ma'am

[1:19][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-clearly teasing her

[1:20][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*merely nodded at the guards before entering his quarters* I assume they are on their way to the nun

[1:20][DOIC6]Eleria@awendr:grabs her padd of the desk and tries to figure what to do until it was time for Gamm

[1:20][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zere is little need for ego on zis job. And 'is stupidity will get 'im killed, and maybe ozhers eventually." *Was dead serious.

[1:21][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Either that, or some other secret bullshit we will never be told of for... reasons." *She shrugged as she stepped inside, taking off her jacket. She pulled a flask out from an inner pocket.

[1:21][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Suppose I won't have to smuggle you this if you were released," *she winked.

[1:21][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"We are not a children's playtime ship like ze Pilgrim or somezhing. We are shouldering enough work for five ships all by ourselves. Well, wiz ze 'Ephaestus now, zhankfully.

[1:21][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the corrdior junctionbehind then is blockednow by a forcefield

[1:21][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat waited for the order and then took it to the table.-

[1:22][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly glanced back out the door before it closed, arching a brow.* "Guess it was secret bullshit after all.

[1:22][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki][ -follow3ed her with a small tray of various warmed syrups provided by Cookie

[1:23][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat sat the tray down on the table and sniffed the deliciosu waffles.-

[1:23][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*began undoing whatever sickbay had him in as he turned to Taly. He eyed her and then the flask and then her again* You know? Fuck it. They can be all spy like if they want, as long as it means that

[1:23][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"oh yeah.

[1:23][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-as they neared the doors to his quarters the next junction i slocked downand two guards are standing there ina rmor and with rifles..they are allens men

[1:24][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:we will be winning the war. And I get to drink that attempted smuggleware

[1:25][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[delete thwt last iof yo are already in qalex cabin :P

[1:26][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-fluff aquad cuteness continues as does thepeacefula tmosphere

[1:26][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat munches on a strip of bacon as she looks around the room-

[1:26][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra Lead] Few i believe understandthe depth of what we really do Screa

[1:26][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -hopsup onto her seat and smiles- Cat..are you okies?

[1:27][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"yeah I am fine. why?

[1:27][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She rolled her eyes.* "Or so they say." *She tossed Alex the flask.* "Consider contraband confiscated, Captain.

[1:27][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-she sees thenext table over is Cobra Lead and Scream and a fewothers fromother watches

[1:27][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Indeed... 'Ow are our people 'ealing up?

[1:28][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Alex's PADD beeps showing a minir message alert on his command tab

[1:28][DOIC6]Eleria@awendr:Watches the Fluffy ones, a big smile on her face "Maybe I should get some food

[1:28][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--after seeing who all was in the mess hall she turned her attention to the Waffles, grabbing the maple syrup-

[1:28][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra lead] Well Able is hurting..only oneis up and about..we lost four and twoand three are still in sickbay..Baker is still good to go..but also healin

[1:29][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*After catching the flask with a slight fumble he oped the top and took a small chug from it, becoming annoyed that his padd beeped* I can never rust huh? *He screws the top back on and tossed the

[1:29][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra lead] -lays a taloned hand onthe platter cover of her bowl- You do not mind ..that i eat as well

[1:29][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"We lost four? Merde. And no, go right a'ead.

[1:30][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*The flask had whiskey in it. Irish, obviously.

[1:30][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:flask back* Love you Tal. *he goes to find his padd and check the message

[1:31][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:{Etor] All teams in place Commande

[1:31][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"...Nothing beats authentic maple syrup...from Canadia of course.

[1:31][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-doesntlok up from her reprot reading- ...agai

[1:31][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly caught it with a wink.* "Love you too. And no, never rests. For all perks of job, there are many more downsides.

[1:32][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Etor] -sighs and has the drill reset and teams back to their startingpositons to..run it again

[1:32][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Its yummy in the tummy for sure

[1:33][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"You know they get it from trees, right?

[1:33][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-CObra lead lifts her platter top to show six or seven red bloody and raw lumps of something skinned raw and she plucks oneup and swallows it

[1:33][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*turns back to Taly* Well in this case. 8tosses the padd on his desk* They are doing counterboarding drills. So some rest after all. *Alex smirked as he slowly walked backwards to the bathroom while

[1:33][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Vki] -blinks- Rerally??! trees

[1:33][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:undressing* Behave now

[1:33][DOIC6]Eleria@awendr:gets up and gives the fluffy ones a threat each "Now you all take care of Nine" then she heads ou

[1:34][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--nods all sage like-- "Sure do. Maple trees.

[1:34][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"No offence, but can you really feel the taste like zat? Seems like a rather... efficient, but... basic way to eat.

[1:34][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Talyse laughed, shaking her head.* "What trouble could I get up to in five minutes?" *she called after Alex, heading over to sit down on the couch.

[1:34][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-her boots are swamred by ltitle furry protestsof them not wantingher to go

[1:35][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] So ..why is it sweet??

[1:35][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra Lead] -smirks0- It is seasoned...and theblood is as wel

[1:36][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Indeed, but you just seem to swallow it wizhout taking ze time to savor it?

[1:36][DOIC6]Eleria@awendr:Each fluffy one gets an extra treat, so Ele can get out the door and close i

[1:37][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Maple tree sap is just naturall sweet and candy like. It does a have a woody flavor though.

[1:37][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-she has escaped by pet bribery!

[1:37][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Not all tree sap is sweet though, som e os more water like.

[1:38][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[VIki] that is SO coooool! -she icks herlittle legs under her chair as she listens to the all knowing one- ..and the tree is from..Earth?? earthhas maic trees

[1:38][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra Lead] -chuckles- We have different taste bud placements than you Screa

[1:38][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"its from Earth and Canada. But, other planets have plant life with sweet sap too.

[1:39][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Jumja??!

[1:39][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"like the sap of a Jumja tree, from Bajor.

[1:40][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki]] Will we go there soemday?? To Canada? and Bajor

[1:40][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Ah, I 'ad not zhought about zat. Alright, zat makes sense. I suppose most are a bit disturbed ze first time zey share a meal wiz a skara?

[1:40][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"i hope so..some day.

[1:40][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra Lead] Most choose not to.or if they wish my company ..I amasked nicely to eat late

[1:40][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] If that your home? -allsmiles now

[1:41][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Not long after she was back on her feet, eyeing their Stalker prize out of the window.

[1:41][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Earth? Yes, Canada is a place on Earth, where I am from.

[1:41][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the stalker is currently being secured inthe underbelly carraige of the hephaestus

[1:42][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] What was it like there..when you werelittle like me?

[1:42][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*returned from the bathroom with a towel wrapped along his waist* She's pretty huh? *Moved over to some fresh clothes

[1:42][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zat just seems like a 'assle. Zen again, I suppose zat work 'as desentisized me to so much, I am more disturbed by people ordering ze wrong wine wiz zeir food zan I am by your eating.

[1:42][DOIC6]Eleria@awendr:walks the halls of the banshee heading for the loung

[1:42][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Cold with snow.

[1:42][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-she is greeted respectfully buy the crew she passes along the way

[1:43][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[CobraLead] --nods- well for ths meat I am told..a red wine is appropriat

[1:43][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Snow..like..like..Santa times now?

[1:43][DOIC6]Eleria@awendr:greets everyone with a happy smile and a no

[1:43][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Snow..like..like..Santa time snow?

[1:43][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly smirked.* "Imperium does have nice looking ships... probably stolen from other species, or dreamed up by one of their subjugated races." *She glanced at Alex over her shoulder.* "Is better..

[1:43][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I am not entirely sure of its taste, but red wines are generally ze appropriate choice for bloody red meats, yes.

[1:43][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:in our hands, I think.

[1:44][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra Lead] Do your people never ea their meat raw

[1:45][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"yeah snow like Santa time snow. Where i lived in the souther part of Canada near Vancouver half the year it was cold with snow.

[1:45][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Oh, we do. I can show it to you sometime. It is razher good.

[1:45][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -gasps- A winter wonderland ?

[1:45][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra Lead] -nods- I would be honored to tr

[1:45][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Technically we got more rain than snow.

[1:46][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Think of a shipname and I'll forward my recommendation. *As put on some pants, socks and boots.* Couldn't have captured it without you

[1:46][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"But the snow was more fun.

[1:46][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Like...really? it rains alot on Earth??

[1:46][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Depending on where you live. Some places get more rain than others.

[1:46][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"It is called steak tartare, alzhough we do not serve it completely by itself. Of course, it is seasoned, but it also sometimes 'as egg, or vegetable, or sauce.

[1:46][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:as the watch the dry dock underbelly arms slowly and grqacefull clmap around the stricken ship lockingherinto place

[1:47][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki Wow! So earth..has ..oceans?

[1:47][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra Lead] -grins- I amable to eat eggs too of cours

[1:47][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"oh yeah, Earth's surface is 75% water.

[1:48][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -her little eye salmost pop out of her head- Wow

[1:48][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly turned a bit to lean a hip against the counter beneath the window with a grin at Alex.* "I am not very creative with names... but Retribution sounds fitting. Or perhaps Justice would be..

[1:48][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"yeah the planet looks blue from orbit.

[1:48][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"they call it the blue marble.

[1:49][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Sterling walks over and hands Wulf a padd, after readingit wuld hands it back- Confirm thi

[1:49][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zen you shall enjoy it. Alzhough you may need three or four portions to be completely sated.

[1:49][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:more palatable for command? Regardless, was glad to do so. We get ever closer to goal with each taken ship.

[1:49][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] the blue marble..do you stil live there???

[1:50][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[CObra Lead] -laughs- You try and fatten me

[1:50][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"not really, I am stuff living on this bucket. But, some day I will go back to EArth.

[1:50][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"not really, I am stuff living on this bucket. But, some day I will go back to EArth.

[1:50][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] um..with me too

[1:51][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:'Not quite. But for us, it is an appetizer, so it is generally not too big a piece of meat.

[1:51][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-El has arrived at the lounge

[1:51][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"i hope so, i would like for you to see EArth. I think you would like it.

[1:51][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra Lead] and...what of this..sushi is it called

[1:52][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"i really want to visit some places in the LMC. I imagine there are some nice worlds here too.

[1:52][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Ah, zat is actually fish, not meat.

[1:52][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Both fine names, I am sure Arfacio would like it. *walked over to Taly as he tucks in a tshirt* I just hope the other ships are also doing their part when able. Then again I am content with all

[1:52][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:enters the lounge giving a wave before walking up to the food area, hoping to see Cooki

[1:53][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:bragging rights. *puts his hand on Tal's arm

[1:53][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -tries to think- Well there are the pladces we have been too..i gues

[1:53][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[CObra Lead] -chuckles - I am able to eat fis

[1:54][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cooie] Ahh my fellow chef..howare ya tonitght Ma'am

[1:54][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Indeed, but it is not somezhing I enjoy too much. Fish, I prefer cooked.

[1:54][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"we have been places. I was thinking like some of the home worlds of the some of the allies.We saw Kirtas...but it was blighted when we saw it...so that sucked.

[1:55][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Ynada loks fun

[1:55][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly nodded.* "I am certain they are, else Arfacio would have started doing it herself and would have probably taken me back to hunt them," *she teased, then stepped closer to slip her other arm..

[1:55][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Yanda

[1:55][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:around his waist.* "Not to say we do not have much to brag of. Did, after all, capture both Stalker and Chantry sister.

[1:55][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:"I am good, I was actually hoping to do a bit of cooking, if you don't mind? don't want to get in the way

[1:56][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra Lead] -shakers her head- How cn yo digest something that is seared into leather is beyondm

[1:56][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cookie] Nah girl..-opens the door for her- come on back andhelp yersel

[1:56][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:"Thanks cookie, your the best

[1:57][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"yeah I be the Yanda have a nice planet.

[1:57][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cookie] Aww shucks Ma'am -blushes some as he cooks for another crewman

[1:57][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She chuckles softly.* "We do not neccessarily sear it into leazher. 'AVe you 'eard of rare steaks?

[1:57][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] and and Brexia seemed nic

[1:57][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra lead] ...juicy leathe

[1:58][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Yeah, i ished I could have seen it before the occupation.

[1:58][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-to Etor upong hearign they finished their drill- ...agai

[1:58][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*smirked* How pathetic are we doing only that while more or less alone in this theatre of war. *his hold slipped into an embrace* And if Arfacio called you back...well I think our long range comms

[1:58][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:suddenly don't work

[1:58][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Etor resets and orders the dril again

[1:58][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"You sound like you truly 'ave not tried a rare steak.

[1:59][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra lead] I can not fully digest i

[1:59][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:gets a large wok and puts it on the stove, adding cooking oil to it before she gets some mushrooms and start dicing them, every now and again throwing the diced mushrooms in the wo

[1:59][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Oh oh! what about Y'Silia

[2:00][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-cookie only asists by making sure El has eveyrthingshe neerds and giving her her own space to create

[2:00][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"i hear it is a nice place, a lot like Risa.

[2:00][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"i have heard they have mermaids.

[2:00][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Ah, fair enough.

[2:00][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Still, we do like our meat bloody and raw too.

[2:01][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly chuckled as she leaned in to Alex's embrace.* "Mm, unacceptable, really. Think by now we'd have singlehandedly toppled Chantry and convinced those left over to join us in battle against..

[2:01][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra Lead] -nods- It is soemthing we do have in common yes

[2:01][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Mermaids?? really? Like Ariel?

[2:01][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:once done with the shrooms she turns on the heat, before getting out a slap of bacon dicing that up as well, while every now and again stiring up the shrooms "sometimes simple makes for the best food

[2:01][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:Imperium... or at least Coln. No one likes Coln." *She offered him a playful kiss to the cheek.* "That may work, however... but only so long before she shows up with phaser shotgun in hand.

[2:02][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat shrugs-- "i don't know, its a rumor i heard, have not confirmed it.

[2:02][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Tha tis cool..but i wanna see the Kaiju

[2:03][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--nods-- "yes now that would be domething..

[2:03][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] I readall of Miss Veeri's reports

[2:03][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Indeed. Do your people actually eat anyzhing apart from meat?

[2:03][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra Lead] -nods- Steamed vegatable

[2:04][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:once done with the bacon dices up some chicken breast as well, still making sure to stir the shroom

[2:04][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Not a bad garnish.

[2:04][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra lead[ We have evolve dinto omnivores..just not as veristile as mammal

[2:04][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I see. Do you digest soups properly?

[2:04][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Well if she is here anyway...I think we could invade Delphia. A bird told me that an angry Arfacio with a phaser shotgun could easily maul down companies of soldiers. *Alex kissed taly on the lips

[2:04][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[CObra Lead] -nodnods

[2:05][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zen zat is somezhing I can also give you recommendations on. We 'ave many. I would be interested to try yours.

[2:06][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat adds more whipped creap to her waffles.-

[2:06][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:once she feels the shrooms are done she throws the diced bacon and chicken into the wok as well and stirs it all aroun

[2:07][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly hummed amusedly into the kiss.* "Oh, good strategy... hold me 'hostage' until she helps us slay leader of Chantry, then we go after Imperium. Wonder no one thought of it earlier.

[2:08][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra Lead] Ever hear of Sssyirrs

[2:09][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -begins to hum a pretty little tune asshe happily eats

[2:09][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:set up to boil some rice in a pot while she makes sure to stir the wo

[2:09][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I cannot say I 'ave.

[2:10][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:---bops along with the tune as she noms on some waffles.-

[2:10][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*let's go of Taly while tapping the side of his head* Tactical genius, with suicidal tactics. I will do my best till finally Scream wants to mutiny. *Alex had a big smile on his face as he winked

[2:11][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:once the meats are done she pours cream into the wok and stirs around, her expression is focused and determined, yet there is a big smil

[2:11][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Oh, so that was intentional, was it?" *Taly laughed, then headed over to pick up the flask she'd set on the table.* "And I do not believe it counts as suicidal tactics unless you actually get..

[2:12][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:self killed doing it... if it succeeds, was stroke of tactical brilliance." *She winked a violet eye and took a quick swig.

[2:14][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra Lead] -nods- Itis a simle soup of a vegatable sauce similar to your tomato ..somemelts cheeses and over course..small chunks of avian meat...though it is prper for mamamals to cook themea

[2:14][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:firs

[2:15][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] happily hums the song as she eats with cat enjoying the peace

[2:15][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*softly chuckled* Okay I admit, there are some imporvements to be made. By the way, half expected that favourite drink of yours to be in it

[2:15][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*nodded at the flask

[2:16][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Oh, zat sounds lovely. I do 'ave to search for zat in ze Skara shops next time I am on ze citadel.

[2:16][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the hephaestus begins to turn and move off now, gaining distance from the banshee

[2:16][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:seasons the food in the wok with salt and peper until its just right, then turns down the heat to low and lets the shrooms, bacon and chicken stew in the cream, creamed shrooms with Bacon and chicke

[2:16][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly gave him an amused look.* "Is not something one can get easily, is why I was so surprised when your... butler had it. Besides, was meant to aid your recovery." *She glanced out the window..

[2:16][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra Lead] I can give you my clutch mother's receip

[2:16][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:behind Alex.* "Seems they're done there.

[2:17][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zat would be quite ze 'onor, zhank you.

[2:17][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra lead] She would have liked you Ma'a

[2:18][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:"Think anyone would actually eat this, Cookie? without needing to be bribed?"

[2:18][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cookie] -as he passes El- smells great

[2:18][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cookie] Il take a helpin if ya dont mind

[2:18][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*turns around* Hopefully we won't see them for awhile

[2:18][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zhank you. My parents would like you too. It is only fair I give you my own mozher's onion soup recipe. You may go easier on ze cheese, zhough, I am not quite certain just 'ow much cheese your

[2:18][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Organism can proccess.

[2:19][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Talsha] So will I Bos

[2:19][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-with a sudden lurch they are gone! leavingonly the swirlingnebula gasses behind-

[2:19][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:"thanks Cookie, just need a bit longer to really get the taste into the cream" blinks looking at Talsha "Hey Talsha, did not see you sneak up

[2:20][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobrs Lead] Our cheeses are created in a simlar method and froma similar source as your

[2:20][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Hopefully," *she agreed, heading back over to slip her arms around Alex from behind, leaning her cheek on his shoulder.* "Yet is still some comfort knowing they can be here when needed.

[2:20][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zen I believe you shall like ze soup. It is customary around my parts for it to be razher cheesy.

[2:20][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Talsha] Im crafty..i was gonna get some eggs..but that smells wonde4rfu

[2:21][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:"I may have the most supportive department on ship that is not medical related

[2:21][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra Lead] I look forward to i

[2:22][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She fiddled around with her wrist PADD a few moments.* "Ze recipe 'as been sent.

[2:23][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra lead] -ws doing the same- Same to same..youshould have min

[2:23][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:---Cat stops eating and looks around, sniffing the air.-

[2:23][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-to any on looking out of thw window..te Banshee sesm to be gnetly moving deeper into a fog bank like set of rolling stellar gas clouds

[2:24][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-she smells El's lovely recipe now!

[2:24][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:after a bit of time sampels the dish she made, she nods satisfied at it before taking three bowls, puting rice in each, then filling up with the creamed shrooms, bacon and chicken

[2:24][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Tilts his head against Taly's* That it is. And there we go, deeper and deeper in the fog. Like a banshee

[2:24][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:On course...watch the shee

[2:24][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Do you smell that?

[2:24][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Davis] Aye ma'a

[2:25][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zhank you." *She looked out the window a moment to enjoy the view, before taking another sip of her wine.* "'Ow are you finding our new XO so far?

[2:25][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -sniffs- I do..that smells delcious

[2:25][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra Lead] ..one not to cross -chuckles a hiss

[2:25][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:then hands a bowl to Talsha and one to cookie, taking the last for herself, still plenty left for many in the pot and wok, she grabs a fork and starts to ea

[2:25][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"No...not the food...the smell of pine trees?

[2:25][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -cants her head- What does a pine tree smell like

[2:26][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Agreed. Good to 'ave 'er, zhough.

[2:26][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Talsha] Thank you Ma/am

[2:26][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--frowns-- "never mind..

[2:26][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cookie] -accpet shis and triesit- MmmmHhhhhmm! Damn..that is good cooki

[2:26][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -her face falls some- ..im sorr

[2:27][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Mh, only not wailing to foretell doom, but whispering death to foes. Wonder how large cloud is... if perhaps could use to advantage in exiting back to Chantry space...

[2:27][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"its okay Viki.

[2:27][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Does it smell wonderful

[2:28][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra lead] I agree..she is very professiona

[2:28][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"yeah, it smells wonderful.

[2:28][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] an..Earth tree

[2:28][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I 'ope she will be a good balancing act for some of our CO's more... usnavory tendencies.

[2:28][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:I trust Wulf that she has set a new suitable target for us. Well seeing we have the time, what would you like to do

[2:29][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra Lead] -laughs- I like Alex...Aquarius slected hom for her Xo for a reaso

[2:29][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:"Its fairly simple and easy, plus it tastes really good, not healthy really, but once in a while its not to bad, often and one would get...large

[2:29][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:checks the time to see how long to Gamma watc

[2:29][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cookie] Well ilike it -nod sto El

[2:30][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-she has two hours now

[2:30][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-sighsa s she is handed a PADD- and this ahs been confirmed and verified

[2:31][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Sterling] -nods- yes ma'a

[2:31][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:"Thanks cooking, if anyone actually wants some, just hand out, made enough for Plenty, besides it only gets better on the stove at low heat over time

[2:31][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cookie] -nods- Will surely do and he makes some room onthe chalkboard menu for it

[2:32][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:=^= XO to the Captai

[2:32][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She rolled her eyes behind his shoulder.* "I'm sure she does... and hm. We are both supposed to be taking things easy, so I suppose sparring is out of question. Could try---

[2:32][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Gods, every time.

[2:32][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"'Is glory-seeking tendencies are not a good fit for zis ship. But yes, ze XO is a good choice.

[2:32][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Val gets a text

[2:33][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:I swear they have this sixth sense.... =^= Go ahead number one

[2:33][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Wait..is a Pine tree a ..santa tree

[2:33][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Yes Viki.

[2:33][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:=^= You have a priority one call coming in sir

[2:33][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly released Alex with a soft chuckle, shaking her head.

[2:33][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -beams- then I do know what a pine tree smells like

[2:34][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"oh good. They smell wonderful.:

[2:34][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Checks her PADD

[2:34][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:=^= Encoded and this has been confirmed and verifie

[2:35][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:=^= -as if anticpatinghis next question-..Video Hail si

[2:35][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Patch it through to my quarters Wulf. *He said as he moved to thee desk with a computer

[2:36][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-nods to over to Tish

[2:36][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Everytime

[2:36][DOIC4]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"At ze ready, Cobra lead. I shall go prepare as well. *She sighed and went up to recycle.

[2:36][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Should I go into other room?" *She looked at Alex.

[2:36][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the screen shows the symbol of Starfleet Intelligence fromthe Citadel

[2:37][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-CObrtaLead- says nothing recylces her stuff and slithers straight out

[2:37][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -nodnods Hail Santa

[2:37][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:If you keep quiet, I'll keep quiet. *till he sees the symbol* I think it is perhaps better you go to the mess or your own quarters

[2:37][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Viki watches the two MTFers scramble out

[2:37][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--laughs-- Haill Santa.

[2:38][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Baker One] -rises fromhis bunk- All right..gear up! Rouse Rouse

[2:38][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly nodded, then went and grabbed her jacket and slipped it back on.* "Will be in my quarters, then." *She left him the half-full flask just out of sight of the camera and went to depart.

[2:38][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the MTF bay comes to life

[2:39][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:continues to stand and eat in the kitchen watching the special forces gets up, she shakes her head a bit "Hopefully its a drill or something for them only

[2:39][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-to Etor- Suspend all drilsl..have teams not ond uty stand down and returnt o barrack

[2:39][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Love you. *as Taly left* Fucking bastards...*answers the call now

[2:39][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Etor Aye ma'am -nods relieved but does so

[2:40][DOIC5]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She gave him a wink and slipped into the hallway, headed back to her much less nice quarters.

[2:40][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Walks out on the bridge, best she can with her brace after stopping by an armory on the way.* "MTFs scrambling... Lucky I only take off my armor in my quarters.

[2:40][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-smirks but nods- It may be nothing but..this call is irregula

[2:41][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Irregular 'ow exactly?

[2:41][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-on scrteen is the face of a older man middle tolate fifties , starfleet uniform with captains rank on his collar., he nods to Alex- Commander..

[2:42][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-kist gives her a look over her shoulder

[2:43][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Captain[ You have your descrambler activated of course and are alone

[2:43][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods.

[2:43][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Crane and Stafford and Storm report to their duty stations

[2:43][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:I have and I am sir. What can little old me do for you fine people today

[2:43][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cookie] the MTF are a strange breed..never can tel with em can ya

[2:44][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Captain] Well good..i prefer blunt and informa;..means you are read to not fuck around and get thigns done..we need you for an important pick up Comander...and a swift one at tha

[2:45][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She made it back to her quarters and took off her jacket again, releasing a breath and crossing her arms for a solid moment. She then abruptly went to sit down in the middle of the floor to catch..

[2:45][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:up on her prayers.

[2:45][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Cat padd chimes...as does El's

[2:45][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:"Its more that if things are going on come Gamma watch, I likely won't get my...watch, damn

[2:45][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat sighs-

[2:45][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:checks her pad

[2:46][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--she thens tares at her PADD, but doe snot check it.-

[2:46][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -looks atCat- Oh no..

[2:47][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:empties her bowl finishing off the final bits, puts down the bowl and headbutts the wall, not hard "See you later cookie

[2:47][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:What is our pick up going to be sir

[2:47][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Captain] You will proceed to a system not far from your current theaterof operations and pick up the small contingentof intelligence personal operating a subspace signal monitoring station locate

[2:48][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:there...have them shut down the duck blind facility and then you will be given coordiants t rendevous with a Kzari ship tosee them home to friendly space

[2:48][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"So much for getting some sleep in..." --she says not even looking at the PADD-

[2:48][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cookie] -smiles andnod to her- Illbe ehre ma'a

[2:49][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -eyes the padd ad then Cat- what? are we in trouble again

[2:49][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:sneaks out the kitchen the back wa

[2:49][DOIC4]Eleria@awendr:then heads to the lif

[2:49][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--she picks the device up and checks the message-- "No Viki, we are likily being called back to the bridge for an alert.


[2:49][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Captain] their data core is ppriorty Alpha Commande

[2:50][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat savors one last bite of waffle before standing and taking her dished to be recycled.-

[2:51][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki folows and does the same like a good little hologram

[2:51][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat then goes back and grabs the PADD and acknowleges the message and heads for the bridge.-

[2:51][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -follows quietly and with a worried look on her face

[2:51][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--she waves good bye to cookie-

[2:51][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Great waffles cookie.

[2:52][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Understood sir, I will have my top people on it

[2:52][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Captain] Any questions

[2:52][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Any additional targets as oppurtunity arrises

[2:52][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:arrives on the bridge, walking to the railing and taking a moment to look aroun

[2:52][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cookie] Yes mama thank ya ma'am littlemiss

[2:52][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Captain] No..ths mission is yurnumber onepriorit

[2:53][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--with a nod and a smile she heads out into the corridor toward the lift, she sniffs the air for pine as she does.-

[2:54][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Captain] You will proceed under steralth and afvoid all enemy contact until complition of your missio

[2:55][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Understood. We will be underway asap

[2:55][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat smiles, feeling comfoted as she climbs on the lift.-- "Bridge please.

[2:55][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Captain] -nods- Good luck Captain. This is mssion is classified ..goodluck..out. -he vansihes

[2:56][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -follows- You are not mad

[2:56][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:moves down to the helm "Sorry Phil, I got orders to take the helm

[2:56][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--smiles at Viki-- "No, Viki i feel a sense of peace and contentment.

[2:56][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Davis] -nods- I understand -turnsover the console- all your bos

[2:57][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Okies good!! I like whenw e ge tto do science too!

[2:57][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Theres food in the Lounge, I did a bit of cooking

[2:57][DOIC4]Caterina@Demoncheru:--CAt nods as the lift moves.-

[2:57][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Cheery fuck.... *Alex stood up and forwarded the coords to helm.* =^= Sharpe to helm set course and engage to sent coords, silent running

[2:57][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Conbra Lead] =^= Cobra Actual to Scream..at ready one

[2:58][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--as the lift arrives on the bridge, and the doors open, Cat steps off and quietly and calmly walsk to her station.0

[2:58][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Your heard the captain..verify coordiantes and proceed under cloa

[2:58][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Understood. Standby for specifics.

[2:58][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-taly gets a chimeonher padd

[2:59][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Sharpe to Wul

[2:59][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She opened her eyes, getting back to her feet and heading over to pick her PADD up off the table and check it.

[2:59][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:recieves coords =^= "Scarlett at the helm, big boss, cordinates recieved and course...set, rigging for silent and we are underway" rigs for silent running and gets them underway to their new destinat

[2:59][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*makes his way to the bridge


[3:00][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:=^= Here Captai

[3:00][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"I was about to ask you for orders XO, Big Boss got there first

[3:00][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Go fuck yourself," *she said aloud to her PADD before sending a much more restrained text of,* "Acknowledged.

[3:00][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-smirksd- it is fine Helm..you did well

[3:00][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She then went to armour up.

[3:01][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat takes a deep breathe and smiles.-

[3:01][DOIC3]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She then tied up her hair and headed for the bridge.

[3:02][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:straps i

[3:02][DOIC5]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:=^= Bring Scream and meet me in my rteadyroom

[3:02][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the Banshee is cleakedby El and guided on its new course and heading..indcated speed seems tobe warp 5

[3:03][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:=^= Aye sir..ive had all key Alpha watch peronel..makeway t their alpha duty station

[3:03][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat enjoys the peace and calm-

[3:03][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-nods back to scream at that

[3:04][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -plugs in so to spea and gets down to work humming baby shark

[3:04][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -plugs in so to speak and gets down to work humming baby shark

[3:04][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Heads towards the ready room.

[3:04][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Helm..assume the con from your statio

[3:04][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:turnit over to Weapos upon her reprotingto dut

[3:04][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Aye Xo, I have the con

[3:04][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:reporting

[3:04][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-nods and goes to jin Scream

[3:04][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly arrived.

[3:05][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-just goes right into the ready room

[3:05][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Went in after Wulf.

[3:05][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She headed right to the tactical box.

[3:06][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Etor] turnsover the console to her and assumes david's station

[3:06][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*entered the bridge his face even more stoic than usual, his direction heading straight for the ready room

[3:07][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-entering the rewd room he finds Wulf and scream waitingfor him

[3:07][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly immediately began checking their tactical sensors.

[3:07][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Computer seal room

[3:08][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Computer] Room is now secured. -doors is locked and field goes up over it

[3:08][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"I detect nothing on sensors Co---" *She paused, realising there was no one on the command pit.* "...Who is in command?

[3:09][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:briefly raises a hand "I currently have the con

[3:09][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"So nothing interesting out there?

[3:10][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly had a flat look for a moment before responding.* "Correct.

[3:11][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"I half expected there to be something, but I do like a bit of good luck on when rigged for silent

[3:11][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Wulf, Val, we just received a priority alpha mission from Intelligence. We are currently enroute to a nearby subspace signal monitoring station. We are to pick up our boys and girls and shut the

[3:11][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Devi] -moves over to stand near the command chairs hugging her padd as she waits

[3:12][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-listens carefully

[3:12][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:station while securing the datacore. Val I want one of your teams escorting the operatives as extra safety and make sure that nothing goes against the farm

[3:13][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She continued to monitor their sensors and position.

[3:13][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods.* "You shall 'ave Baker. Zey are in much bezzer condition. I would probably feel bezzer if I went down zere myself too.

[3:14][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:You able to

[3:15][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"YOu alright there, Devi?

[3:15][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Devi] -level toned

[3:15][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Do not worry about me.

[3:17][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:You will need Cat...and will wish a copy of this core

[3:17][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Take an extra stim with you. *shifts his gaze to Wulf* When the station has shut down, we are to rendevouz with a Kzari ship. We escort them back to friendly space and await further orders ror as I

[3:17][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Devi] -level toned- Yes I am ma'am..thank yo

[3:18][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:hope. Some leave. This stays between the three of us and I assume the mind reaader known as Inara

[3:18][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Wulf.* "I imagine Viki will be able to make a copy quickly and wizhout being picked up.

[3:18][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-nods- We will need both Inara and Nineot verify each of this statiosn crew before we bring them aboar

[3:19][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Good, we are all in this together, science, can you tell me anything about where we are going?

[3:19][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-narrows her eyes- We are being..ordered out of Chantry space

[3:20][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:We are. So either there is a big operation coming they need us for or the brilliant minds of command have something else in store for us. But this came straight from Starfleet Intelligence, so I

[3:21][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:farmer Brown may know more

[3:21][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:I assume farmer>>**)

[3:22][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-smirks- You would think...wouldnt you

[3:22][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:It is possible we are being asked to help the shut down given the Kzari are curretnyl involved with operations agains the last twooccupied systems in their space

[3:23][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:I think Val can vouch for me as i say... I don't think

[3:23][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:...I se

[3:23][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Wea re on course for LMC-3075-31. it is uncharted, but long range scan and rumor would indicate it has 8 planets and a nice asteroid field. Probably lots of hiding places.

[3:23][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*nods at Wulf* None the less, we await further orders once back in friendly space

[3:23][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:...I se

[3:24][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"For us and for enemies.

[3:24][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods some.* "I vouch...

[3:24][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--nods-- "right.

[3:24][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Whatever the case may be... We need to prep Viki to be.. subtler zan usual.

[3:24][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Wow..this ssytem si wel away from any known shipping lanes to

[3:25][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"thank you science, my thoughts as well weapons, hopefully we are better at hiding then them

[3:25][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Be right on it Val. We are done here

[3:25][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Yeah very out of the way Viki

[3:26][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"What is estimated time to arrival at system?

[3:27][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"an hour and fourty

[3:27][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods and steps out.

[3:28][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Her eyes narrowed slightly.* "I see...

[3:32][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-lingers some eyeing her CO

[3:33][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"I am curious what we are gonna be doing so far out of the way

[3:33][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Take a picture so you can enjoy longer. *he quipped

[3:33][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-smirks- So you are dismissing me as well

[3:33][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Bezzer not to zhink about it.

[3:34][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:grins with a smile "Likely Scream, but I don't think I have that setting

[3:35][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She glanced briefly at Scream with that, then back at her console.

[3:35][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Was tapping away at her wrist PADD.

[3:36][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Well unless you have anything to say yes

[3:36][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-waits a moment still just watching him

[3:37][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*watches her back, stoic face still on

[3:37][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the face off continues on ,,

[3:38][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*and kept on going as Alex muscle memories begins to smoke

[3:39][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-remains unemotional and serene as this goes on

[3:39][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Is it just me or does the air feel tense?

[3:40][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Devi] -sighs at that clearly feeling it as well

[3:40][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Everyzhing seems perfectly fine to me.

[3:41][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Levels of tension are normal for me, as well. Perhaps you merely have issue with silence.

[3:41][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Devi] -chucklles- Of course I d

[3:42][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"The sound of Silence, very good song, hello darkness my old friend

[3:42][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*takes one long drag and begins to speak as the smoke escapes his mouth all while having the faceoff* You should join the poker nights me and a couple of others have

[3:42][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Gods, was not invitation to start doing that again..." *She groaned.I

[3:43][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-deadpans- Poker? is that a game of some kind

[3:44][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Don't worry not starting now, saving that one for another day where its fitting"

[3:44][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Is this some kind of German humor I am too human for to understand

[3:44][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Please do not, no one likes it when you do.

[3:45][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:No..perhaps it is something else? mayhaps a search for intuition..even in a blossuming stag

[3:46][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Odd I am told I do good work when I do

[3:47][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Your work is good in -spite- of..." *she seemed to stop herself, then shook her head.* "Useless to try.

[3:47][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Devi] Breath Avelle..-smiles- Breath..-to El- you are indeed a fine ..pilot

[3:48][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She tapped on her console.

[3:48][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:You've been doing this ever since you came onboard Teresa. Maybe instead of staring, start asking questions if you have 'em. Reports and personell files only go so far

[3:49][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-narrows her eyes- Why do you persist in seeing me as an adeversary of some form? I amhere to serve under you and support your commandof this ship

[3:52][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Thank you Devi, anyway, I won't be doing such, not under these conditions

[3:52][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:You think I see you as an adversary? *butts out his cig* You just remind me of myself when I was CAG under captain Byrne. Sizing up the boss, see what kind of person it is

[3:53][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:True enough and fair...i do not enjoy assuming from other people judegements of yo

[3:53][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:I make my own. -bluntly stated

[3:55][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Now there is a lesson I learned from byrne and have been firmly reinforced by Razzor. Don't give a damn what others think of you, just try to do right by your crew....and have some fun along the way.

[3:55][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:The angrier some people get, the better the feeling

[3:56][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly paused in mid-type with a visible shiver, reaching to brace herself on her console as she looked around the bridge in confusion.

[3:56][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:and waht would you do..if you felt your captain might be arrogantly over looking something

[3:56][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:looks up at Taly "Weapons? is something wrong?

[3:57][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Tell the captain, think with them. What I learned as XO is that all captains are like children

[3:58][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Just... felt chill is all," *she said slowly, looking back down at her console with a furrowed brow.

[3:58][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:You are overlooking the simple fact..that this call came to you...personally

[3:59][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:And that is why I informed you and Scream. I don't trust this

[3:59][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-smirks- and then you dismissed both of u

[4:00][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"If you feel like something is off or wrong, speak up, but if you are sure we proceed as ordered"

[4:00][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:I dismissed Scream outright to prepare, I am trusting her instincts and Razzors judgement of her. You remained here to test an assumtion at your convience

[4:01][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:I did.

[4:01][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Hard for me to share thinking..when shown out

[4:02][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Hard for me to share thinking..when I am shown out.

[4:03][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[sorry getting punchy :P

[4:04][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly shook her head.* "Is not issue. Will say so if that changes.

[4:04][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:You think that stopped me with Razzor? I expected better here Teresa. Now here is what I want and feel free to comment on it

[4:04][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-sets her jaw and seethes at that

[4:05][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"alright, huh coincidence we will be arriving at about the time Gamma was meant to go on

[4:06][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Winces visibly.* "Fucking 'ell.

[4:06][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Indeed... almost as if could have afforded to-" *She looked at Scream.

[4:06][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Just before we arrive near the station we launch a couple of stealth drones and patrol the area, have science 2 subtly try and track any comms, signatures whatever. We go for the core, but main data

[4:06][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:goes to the farm, copy with some...failsaves go to intelligence

[4:07][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:..and we have INara and Nine clear and verify each of the intel personal before we bring them aboard the Banshe

[4:07][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*nods


[4:08][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:I am contemplating on sending one of them with the MTF team and keep one here, do a check on station and a check on ship

[4:08][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:A wise precaution. Someone is setting us up for something Sir. Just who is doing this..I can not be sure

[4:09][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Was the nun and her aide transported to Hepheastus

[4:10][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:No, the Hepheastus is under orders by the old man to go directly to Arfacio with the ship. Given its importance there were tobe no side trips of any kind

[4:12][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:I found their surrender to easy. Interrogate her personally teresa. Maybe paranoia maybe right

[4:14][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-nods- It will be done. and I agree something about all of this..seems wrong. Captain Arfacio...the Old Man...even Admiral Compton..shouldve been the ones to orderus ..out of this space

[4:15][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:That was what I had been searching for in your eyes si

[4:17][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:And now you know why I was reluctant sharing with you, I needed to know if I can fully trust you both with keeping me thinking and thinking with me

[4:18][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:I am here only to see you and this crew succeeed sir

[4:18][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Nothing can be allowed to stop me from doing this

[4:20][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Scream, you alright?

[4:20][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Devi] -looks back at Scream at this

[4:20][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I am. My leg acted up.

[4:21][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*his stoicism falters as a slight smile comes* And like that a wolfpack is formed. I am giving you full freedom on how you act with the nun, just inform me if....we become lighter on people onboard

[4:21][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Look you are pretty much the toughest person I know, I don't think anyone would think less of you if you sat down

[4:22][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Aye sir...I will let you know prior to our arrival on station. anything else sir

[4:23][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zhank you, but I will be fine. I will just take a stim before ze mission.

[4:23][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-she does smile to match his own

[4:23][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Poker nights are every beta shifts on wednesday. Feel free to drop in. You know what to do. i will be on the bridge shortly

[4:24][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-nods- Sir..and thank you sir. -she departs

[4:24][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly remained silent, listening for something.

[4:24][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"If you are sure, I trust you to know what you are doing

[4:25][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-exits and heads for the turbolift steppinginside to woosh away

[4:25][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:-telepathy- "I do have an idea on how you can let me take a closer look around their base, we can fake a disturbance that makes part of baker usher the VIPs away for their safety.

[4:25][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:(MT

[4:25][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*types something on his padd

[4:26][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She drew in a breath through her nose but remained otherwise unmoved.

[4:30][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*enters the bridge and took a few steps up to lean against the Taly console* Scarlett have your people ready stealth drones, launch them before we enter the system

[4:30][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-rides the lift down towards the brig

[4:30][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"aye aye big boss, getting stealth drones ready

[4:31][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly blinked and looked up as Alex was suddenly there.* "I wasn't certain before... but something is speaking to me.

[4:31][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:What is Tal

[4:31][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:=^= "scarlett to Talsha, need you to prepare stealth drones for actions

[4:32][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"I know not. It asks if I see, then told me to seek to see.

[4:32][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Talsha] =^= Understood Boss..lemme stop inthe drone bay to prep em and illbe right up

[4:33][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:=^= "Thank you

[4:33][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Do you think you could subtly and at no to little risk to yourself comply with the visions

[4:34][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She frowned.* "I know not how it expects me to 'seek,' but I suppose I could try to concentrate inward?

[4:35][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:After we hear from Wulf, you may have to. Hold fast for now. And give the voices the bird

[4:35][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She smirked slightly.* "Very well.

[4:37][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:And Scarlet, if you must sing to concentrate. Do it to yourself. It ain't vibing with what goes through my mind

[4:38][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:sighs looking slightly disapointed, "Yes sir