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[1:07][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:STAR TREK BANSHE

[1:07][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[ for tonights theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRCna17gcKU

[1:08][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[as the credits roll the Banshee remains hidden in the vast nebula, El keeping them within the plasma jetstream hidden away as the crew readies for their next strike. As the credits roll we see the

[1:08][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:at their stations as we listen we hear Alex's log as a voice over.

[1:09][DOIC]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Commanding officers log, stardate [REDACTED] To keep it short we ran a couple of successful attack runs against enemy patrols during which Engineering had the most pressure and came out even stronger

[1:09][DOIC]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:than before. Our runs ended after an Imperium officer, who named themselves Bear, tried to lay a trap for us. During the failed attempt they did somehow do something peculiar, they managed to isolate

[1:10][DOIC]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:my voice without using comms and seemingly they placed an identity on me. Most strange. Well time to keep on hunting end log

[1:11][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She played the scanner minigame on her console.

[1:11][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:- Scutter hands Wulf a PADD and scurriesoff

[1:11][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-reads

[1:11][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-looks over to crane

[1:11][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Crane nods to her

[1:12][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Weapo

[1:12][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Commander.

[1:12][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Take the conn -turns tothe ready room and headsover to it

[1:12][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-chime

[1:12][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Understood." *She headed over to the command pit.

[1:13][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Alex sat behind his desk typing away on his computer has he heard the chime* Enter

[1:14][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Sciences, our sensors remain clear of disturbance?

[1:14][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-turn to her form Wulf enters and gets right to it- Its a go..we just received the go code

[1:14][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*chechs the sensors and the horizon so he cna give a clear answer

[1:14][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Package is ready and is heavy four bundles

[1:15][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--checks the sensors one more time..to be sure.-

[1:15][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:stands for the moment at the helm, just making sure they are not drifting or anythin

[1:16][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*inara steps through the portal

[1:16][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*As soon as he heard it, he stands up* Get us underway and have Scream with her team prepared. We have one shot at this

[1:17][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-nods- Inara should be returning shortly with the portal alligned with the needed coordi...pauses andlooks to the side and htenback tohim- she has just returne

[1:17][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Sensor range is limited by the nebula but so far all scopes remain clear.

[1:17][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] *closed her eyes

[1:17][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:I have the coordinates for the rendevous si

[1:18][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Good. Remain alert for moment this changes.

[1:18][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Speaking of the devil huh? Get us underway

[1:18][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Varla] welkcome back abaor

[1:18][DOIC2]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Aye sir -nods

[1:18][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] *nods* For now anyway. lock out portal alignment nothign incomming or outgoing until operation complete

[1:18][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly looked at Wulf and inclined her head slightly.* "Nothing to report.

[1:18][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-ass he exits the ready room- Screamprepare your Exfil strike team..the word is g

[1:19][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:--to Taly- THank you..statio

[1:19][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She walked back to her tactical box.

[1:19][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "Cobra lead, we're pulling the bunny out of ze 'ole.

[1:19][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Helm set course for coordiantes as follows -sends them to El

[1:19][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She steps towards the lift.

[1:19][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Cobra Lead] =^= Copy that..Bakeris gearingu

[1:20][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Aye XO" has a raised eyebrow as she puts in the course and checks where they are going "Course put in

[1:20][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Thing One prep for EWAR..Thing Two prep for ELIN

[1:20][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Helm ready a shuttle..I am goign to need a crazypilot this evening..feel up to it

[1:21][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Weapos..full ship toship strikepackage ..load and loc

[1:21][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Varla] -nods- Copy that..-works his station- Locked out..all station

[1:21][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*inara moved to the striek team deployment room.

[1:22][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Her brow arched slightly.* "Understood." *She started preparing their arsenal.

[1:22][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-to their credit Baker was already finishing their loadouts

[1:22][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*As the door closed behind Wulf Alex looks down at the desk still filled with Liz things. He then sees Liz's preffered glass and fills it with her scotch brand* May the fun never end. *Alex downs the

[1:22][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"I have been called crazy before

[1:22][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Want us to get going?

[1:22][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:scotch as if it were a shot and set the glass upside down on the desk before heading towards the bridge

[1:22][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*inara smiled and started to gear out herself, a slightly older model from teh locker that had her name on it

[1:22][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Engage Helm and prep a valkyrie for such a ru

[1:23][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Waits for everyone to be ready.* "We are clear on what we 'ave to do, yes?"

[1:23][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*begins making preperations

[1:23][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] While on assignment my callsight is Wraith

[1:23][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:gets the Banshee goin

[1:23][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Preparing all my greatest hits for a full EWAR performance.

[1:24][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"What sort of mission we going on? so I can prep the right loadout

[1:24][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Very well.

[1:24][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] *checks the projectile rifle that didn't seem to have any sort of optic

[1:24][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:The Banshee leaps to warp under els guidinghand like a panther now goignf or a hunt inthe tall grass..streakign with grace through the night.

[1:24][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Fangs and teeth ready.

[1:24][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*and talons )

[1:24][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] Stand by in teh transporter you will be briefed in full once we are aboard Delivery

[1:25][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:We are the covering force for an asset extraction Helm.

[1:25][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Baker 1] -nods- Geared up and ready Screa

[1:25][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"aye aye

[1:25][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:and Helm

[1:25][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] We will be plus 4 and primary

[1:26][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Tactical loadout it is, Yeah XO?

[1:26][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Contact Mace..we are goignto need you to coordiantw ithhim to rig the shuttle with extra shields and rig for speed...you are going to make your foes dizzy tonigh

[1:27][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Good. Be ready to move.

[1:27][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:No I want you to harress and annoy the target not go ont he offensive..you are my rabbit and key to thi

[1:27][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"AYe aye

[1:27][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Tonight Helm..you ge tto show us all what type of pilot you are..impress m

[1:28][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"give me a shuttle or fighter I will impress, give me a Starship and I will blow your mind

[1:29][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Youve coveed the starship..nowshow us tonight what youve leanred fromt eh boss her

[1:29][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:=^= "Scarlet to Mace, hope you are not busy, cause you are about to be

[1:29][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[MNace] =^= Been waiting for your call..im onmy wayto the hanger deck..talk to m

[1:30][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"I got Arkham already loaded up for tactical, gonna need extra shields, power and speed, without going down on weapons, what can you do for me?

[1:31][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mace] =^= Oh got it..wild weasal run..youll get the bes ti go

[1:32][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Thanks man, likely to keep me alive


[1:33][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mace] =^= Dotn worry Kid..you are rolling witht he best.,.,we gotcha covered.

[1:33][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-ises her padd to senda file to Taly=- Study target Weapos...keep in mind assests will be boots on deck on i

[1:33][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:=^= " Hit me up when its done

[1:34][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly opened the file.

[1:34][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mace] =^= Kid im prolly7 going with yo

[1:35][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:=^= "Still gonna have to tell me when the upgrades are done, looking forward to it

[1:36][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Macre] =^= Il have yur dress ready for the dance kid..dont you worr

[1:36][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-to Alex- We are prepared..rendagvous should be shortly si

[1:36][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:=^= "Great, Scarlett out

[1:36][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly raised a brow slightly.* "I could probably sneeze and rob ship of hull layers," *she muttered as she made note of the spots that would be carrying prisoners.

[1:36][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Taps her foot.* "'Ope zis was worzh it...

[1:37][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Mace and his team get right to work on the brandy new shuttle provided for this mission

[1:37][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] It will be

[1:37][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Baker 1] You said four heavy...ideas on who or what

[1:37][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] They don't pay you to ask

[1:37][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Baker 1] -smirks under th e mask- dont hurt to try -kzari accent

[1:38][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Alex nodded at Wulf

[1:38][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Alex nodded at Wulf

[1:38][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-to him- She will be proud of what you all have don

[1:38][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-looks back t the main screen- for what thatis wort

[1:39][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] Tell me baker 1, have you served aboard a mothership before

[1:39][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly noted down the parts of the ship that appeared to still be dedicated to ship functionality and crew quarters.* "Sending priority targets and areas to avoid to helm, ensure your replacement..

[1:39][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:is made aware.

[1:39][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Baker 1] -nods- four tours in on

[1:40][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:I know Wulf... And they'll be made aware when the time is right

[1:41][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Should I change to flightsuit now? or will there be time?

[1:41][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] Good

[1:41][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Yes do so El..your extraction team will meet you int he hange

[1:43][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] it will be useful

[1:43][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:"Calling up relief then" calls up her relief, she high fives and heads to the lif

[1:44][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Davis] give em hell Bos

[1:44][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Time on Mark Davi

[1:44][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Davis] ten minutes to mark ma'a

[1:45][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Thing One commence passive scan

[1:45][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly continued to look over the layout in case there was anything she had missed.

[1:45][DOIC1]Eleria@awendr:thumbs up to Davis then woos

[1:45][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Nothing too over

[1:45][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -is sbouncingup and down with excitement

[1:46][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Baker 1] You tell me wehre..ill led us right to i

[1:46][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] Hold still

[1:46][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"aye aye starting passive sensor sweeps.

[1:46][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Baker 3] -the Big guy- He has briefed me ..if he falls I can do it -the bursalisays

[1:46][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Baker 1 holds still

[1:46][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] *touched her hand to baker 1's head

[1:47][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Ooo someoneis out there..but cant see em yet..we are converging with someone

[1:47][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] Very thourough every stand by for upload if your nose bleeds you will be fine

[1:47][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*inara closed her eye sa moment

[1:48][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Baker 1] i can deal..go ahea

[1:48][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:arrives in the hanger in her flight suit and goes to the Arkham, doing a walk around he

[1:48][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"You break it, you pay it.

[1:48][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Baker 23[ -chuckles- some of us have bigger noses thoug

[1:48][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Baker3

[1:48][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-chuckles from his teammates

[1:48][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Inara.

[1:49][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] its almost time everyone ready

[1:49][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Unger] -to El- Waters and Hans and Fritz are abaord..Mace is about down maa

[1:49][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"coming up on unidentified contct.

[1:50][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Unger] You just get us close enough to beam in..we will extract and then head for the barn..right

[1:50][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Baker 1] Copy that -all baker nods

[1:50][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:"THis is gonna be fun, how close you think we need to get?

[1:50][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Expecting someone?

[1:50][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:That we are..

[1:51][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She nodded once and kept working.

[1:53][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:We are to receive ...replicatables and resupply...once contact is made..verfify her registry Weapo

[1:53][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Understood.

[1:54][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:unreplicateables

[1:55][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Paces back and forth as she waits.

[1:55][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] *puts in a piece of chewing gum

[1:56][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Davis] arriving at coodrinates..

[1:56][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-nods to Taly

[1:56][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Crane] -to Alex- Sir..we are being haile

[1:56][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Don't blow bubbles in a helmet, for ze love of God.

[1:56][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] Not that kind of gum

[1:57][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly would try to verify the registry once they were in range to do so.

[1:57][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Experience 'as taught me zat it is neccessary to give zat kind of warning.

[1:57][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Unger] skim the surface to infil..and you houl ddo the same whent he time coes to exfil..just dont get blown upbefore we canget back to you -0smiles

[1:57][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Wait till verification Crane

[1:58][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:as the Banshee slows...the Ship is now faced by a Brek class Klingon bird of prey..weathered andwornthe ship lookslike a weathered batle ax strudy and dependabl

[1:58][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Older one...a classic -smiles

[1:59][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-said as if admiring an old muscle car as a collector

[1:59][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:"Won't be good if I get blown up after that either, but I was right this will be fun

[1:59][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Verified, vessel is IKC Mauk-to-Vor, B'Rel class bird of prey. Power output is... very high.

[2:00][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Unger] -pats her shoulder- let go strap in...and do thi

[2:00][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Answer the hail Crane

[2:01][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Crane] -nods- Aye sir..you are o

[2:01][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Chuckles as she watches the viewscreen feed.

[2:02][DOIC]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Klingon] *an klingon appeared on the screen, his face was scarred and one eye was visibly cybernetic, he was in rough leathers and a warriors baldric the house insignia gone.

[2:02][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -looks at thewarrior and at Cat- Wo

[2:03][DOIC]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Klingon] I am Captain Kadall, your delivery driver. We have 10 quantum torpedo reactants, a full resupply of unreplicatable medical supplies, and one Cat for Commander Wulf

[2:03][DOIC]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Kadall] I warn you the Cat is a formidable warrior

[2:03][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Her head tilted slightly.

[2:03][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*eyed Wulf at that

[2:03][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Mace sits in the copilots seat as he readies his gear- Max output to shiedls and engine..you got one souped up bir

[2:03][DOIC]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Kadall] Stand by to recieve transport

[2:04][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--looks at Wulf, hoping the cat is meant as a pet-

[2:04][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-nods- My thank

[2:04][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-bows her head to him

[2:04][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:smiles at mace and takes her seat in the pilot's seat "you my co pilot for this then?

[2:05][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] SHow time on the pad

[2:05][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:We'll gladly take the load from your hands Kadall. I am afraid that as of yet I have nothing to give as a tip for your services, so raincheck

[2:05][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Shes getting a kitty?

[2:05][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Ianra] we will beam aboard when they beam the cargo

[2:05][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Is on the PADD.

[2:05][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Varla] as soon as the skipper tells me to receive..ill signal the

[2:05][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat shrugs at Viki.-- "i guess so.

[2:05][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Baker is all in place

[2:05][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Is not real cat, animals have no place on ship at war," *she told Viki as she worked.

[2:06][DOIC]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Kadall] Sure. Vay vjol tak. *he shouted to the others on th ebridge

[2:06][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-smirks not adding anything to the convo about her 'cat'

[2:07][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Qa'pla Kadall. *nodded as if to say end the hail and start the transporting

[2:07][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:"Well not this age anyway, no more need for it

[2:07][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Crane does end te hail and signals varla

[2:08][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Varla] here we go..goodluck gan

[2:08][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Varla as they are sent over.

[2:08][DOIC]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Kadall] Good Hunting. *the line cuts

[2:08][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the team is send

[2:09][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*as they materialize they are in a very modern almost federation looking interior

[2:09][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-to Alex- we are an arrow in flight now...we can proceed tot he final coordinates to the targe

[2:09][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*looks back at Wulf with an eyebrow raised

[2:09][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-to Alex- we are an arrow in flight now...we can proceed tot he final coordinates to the targe

[2:09][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] *moves to a console

[2:09][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Don't want to check up on the cat first Wulf

[2:10][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-unphased the MTF makes their final prep andsecire their loadouts

[2:10][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Man] Welcome aboard, what do ya say we get t'is t'ing started.*he had a think irish brogue and was a mountain of a man clad in armor

[2:10][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-looks back to the screen- Cat? what cat

[2:10][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Prepares her loadout as well, then nods to the irishman.* "Sounds good to me.

[2:10][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] Thank you Master Chief

[2:11][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Hueh. 8turns back to the viewscreen* Get us underway when able Wulf

[2:11][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Baker two] -walks over to master chief and offers a hand

[2:11][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Man] *shakes it

[2:12][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Baker two] I know of you. an honor to be allies..-is al she says and goes back to work

[2:12][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Baker 1 pats her shoulder and then does the same

[2:12][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:After her question to mace checks on the fluff squad

[2:13][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Man] For this misison I am Wrath. And welcoem to operation Ghost Dancer

[2:13][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-true to her word..wulf has them secured and sleeping peacfully in stasis so they will not be effected at all by this

[2:13][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wrath] Gather around we don't have much time to brief

[2:13][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Baker 1] Baker team Wrath..ImBaker 1 baker acuta

[2:14][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Helm get us moving..Thing One

[2:14][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wrath] Aye I know who you ar

[2:14][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:"Ready to CO Pilot Mace?

[2:14][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[taly roll pls

[2:15][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"aye ma'am.?

[2:15][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wrath] AS you all know we are extracting Aquarius. And also placing aquarius

[2:15][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mace] Will be standby..i suggest power up..they will weant youto launch once they give th orde

[2:15][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*inara walked over to a stasis chamber and pushe da button revealing a corpse clone of Liz

[2:15][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods.* "Scream.

[2:16][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wrath] The target is plus 4 to extract we will need to gain all five and leave

[2:16][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Klingon vessel entered slipstream immediately upon cloaking." *She looked amused.* "Seems someone has been sharing.

[2:16][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:"Alright, lets do this then" starts to power up the shuddle going trough the full procedur

[2:16][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wrath] At the same tiem Wraith and I will proceed to a secondary mission targeting warden

[2:16][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Baker 1] -nods- copy tha

[2:17][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-amused as well- They sure did build them well...didnt the

[2:17][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wrath] Alpha is being held in an old Kzari mothership or well what remains of it that has been converted to a prison cell, once on board Wraith will locate Alpha and give location for you to proceed

[2:17][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wrath] you will carry with you the replacement, once in the cell you will shoot it and leave it there

[2:17][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-tyher four man security team belt inand stow their rifles- Unger gives her a thumbs up

[2:18][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wrath] Then exfil with Alpha plus 4 and beam back aboard Delivery

[2:18][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wrath] Wraith and I will link up with you at Exfil point. If we are not there you will go without us

[2:18][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-nods from Baker team

[2:19][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wraith] Questions about the actual mission

[2:19][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Baker 1] exfil with or without..cop

[2:19][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"So it seems." *She went back to marking points on the Kzari prison ship.

[2:19][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Baker 1] Four heavy? medicos awareon Mauk

[2:19][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wrath] Aye

[2:20][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I 'ave no questions.

[2:20][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wrath] Don't worry about t'at

[2:20][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wrath] Then we wait

[2:21][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wrath] *he picked up a phaser puslewave and secured his helemt on the old Maco assault armor

[2:21][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Baker 1] after we switchand exfil the anshee teama rrives to exfli the replacement and then trie their exfil yes

[2:21][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wraith] yes

[2:22][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Chuckles softly.

[2:22][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Thing Two

[2:22][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Thing one

[2:22][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Kadall] * over comm* Assault team we will be arriving in system in 3 minutes, position in 5 after that

[2:22][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Three? I leave it to you to carry ze replacement.

[2:23][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Baker three] Copy that -nods

[2:23][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the big bursali goes over to rig the body bag as one might an ammo bag to carry

[2:24][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"yes ma'am.

[2:24][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Ze bag is rigged wiz ze usual scan protection, oui?

[2:25][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Davis] coming up on target locatio

[2:26][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wraith] yes

[2:26][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-tp Cat- ready EWAR and full sweep tolook for enemy CAP upona rriva

[2:26][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wraith] Your job is to move through as quietly as possible kills are fine as long as they are hidden

[2:26][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wraith] Disentigration is approved. But they may detect weapons fire so be warned

[2:26][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"aye aye ma'am..EWAR and full CAP sweep on arrival.

[2:27][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"We shall endeavour to move wizhout kills.

[2:27][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Davis get drones in the air when we arrive, use them to combat CAP

[2:27][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wrath] Knew I should have got my 45 back from captain talia

[2:27][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[FDavis] Aye sir..ill make sre they dont touch her out ther

[2:27][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:double checks she has everything she needs cordinates and such as well has that every system is runnin

[2:27][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Talsha] reading drone

[2:28][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*the lights went darker

[2:28][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mace] -side yes El- You got ths L.T

[2:28][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wrath] Alright helmets on... we're going in through the suck

[2:28][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] -arrives onthe bridge and stands back behind the rail

[2:29][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*wrath moved out of the room they were in and over to a room that looked like it had drop pods.

[2:29][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*where there used to be escape pods

[2:29][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-woth but a touch to their wrists..the MTF helmets morph upa nd over their heads sealig them in

[2:29][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She set the schematics on her other screen as she prepared for their imminent arrival.

[2:29][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:"We are ready for when the order is given, Mace just in case this goes south, its been an honor

[2:29][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Baker 1] formup for infli lets go go g

[2:29][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wraith] *got in a pod which had no seats only a door beneath them

[2:29][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Walks into a pod.

[2:30][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mace] -=smirs andnods- for me too kid..for me to

[2:30][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Davis] on station captain ready to drop war

[2:30][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-slight inhale- we are here si

[2:30][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Kadall] In position for insertion. Three Two Drop

[2:30][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-El cansee the ground crew gettin ready for her final departure-

[2:31][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Here we goooo

[2:31][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:**the doors opened udnerneath the MTF team and they were pushe dout into space by the exiting air under a cloaked vessel as they "fell" towards the hull fo the mothership

[2:31][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Steps closer to the centre of the bridge and clicks on his magboots as he folds his hands behind his back* Commence attack run

[2:31][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*Wrath and Wraith activating mag boots as they hit the hull

[2:31][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:"I got a bad feeling about this" she grins "that is usually then I do my best work

[2:31][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:=^= Bridge to Arkha

[2:32][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Turns her boots on and attaches herself to the mothership.

[2:32][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wrath] *moved over to an external airlock and placed a key in it which opened it then he entered

[2:33][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= *Helmet to helmet to Bravo.* "Three in the middle.

[2:33][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She stepped into the opening.

[2:33][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:=^= "Arkham reporting in

[2:33][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wraith] *closed her eyes a moment then moved in

[2:33][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:the Banshee dropsfrom warp andtears intot he ssyte

[2:34][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:=^= Stand by for Launch Arkham..need to pace with the storm as they sa

[2:35][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:=^= "Smutt standing by, Arkham ready to launch" smiles and winks at Mac

[2:35][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mace] -offers her a fist bump

[2:35][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*chalons was met with a nearly sterile interior but sparsly populated while the walls were kzari everything about this place screamed Tanausan retrofit.

[2:35][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:pUnger and waters confer with hans and fritz

[2:36][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Helm, points on prison ship suitable for attack during infiltration have been mapped. Let us give Scream one less thing to bitch about.

[2:36][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Waits for the rest of the team to come in as she took one side of the corridor, keeping an eye out for hostiles.

[2:36][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*before her was a few supply crates that oculd provide cover

[2:36][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*the team moved into a securing position

[2:36][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:fist bumps Mace "We got this

[2:36][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wraith] Attempting to locate. *over helmet comm

[2:36][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:She'll find another thing to bitch about Avelle...It's in her nature

[2:37][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She moved behind the crates to get her bearings, then nodded to Inara.

[2:37][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mace] -nods- its gona be rough..and thi sis along shot..but she would come for u

[2:37][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:"picking up an inbound six fighters

[2:37][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"We hace incoming fighters, six total, two waves of three.

[2:37][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"confirmed in bound fighters.

[2:37][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"And I am all too aware... but may as well hope it is at someone else this time.

[2:37][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wrath] Alright, we got five minutes to get t'is done

[2:37][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki Oh Oh! they are using linked coms..not unlikeour ACCI..they are vunerable Cat!

[2:37][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*attempts to gather their specs and data, as well as the ususal tactics employed by said fighters

[2:37][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wraith] Got her, three levels down. She knows we are coming

[2:38][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Beginning EWAR.

[2:38][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-smirks- sheis french Weapos..dotnexpect too much

[2:38][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wraith] Go get her scream


[2:38][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[terry rool for bonus..alex roll for bonus

[2:38][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wrath] *Stored a pack in the crates* Emergency vac suits

[2:38][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"On our way. Good luck." *She started leading her team deeper into the ship.

[2:38][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wrath] Jus tin case

[2:38][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Understood.

[2:38][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-baker follows down with her

[2:38][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[terry roll pls

[2:39][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wraith]*tapped her helmet in repsonse then her and Wrath headed off down a differnet corridor

[2:39][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Bonus of ten from terry!

[2:39][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Avoid conflict if possible. If neccessary, stun instead of kill, and do it with your 'ands. We do not want to leave traces.

[2:39][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-fighters ar enow in range and locking on

[2:39][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*moving in a staggered movement Val and Baker managed to get to a lift at the fork of a corridor right where it was suppose to be, but there were choices, take the lift or take the access ladder

[2:40][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Davis] angles the ship to make their run

[2:40][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Drones intercept fighters

[2:40][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[music vfor the scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVxKAYA7WlI

[2:40][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:"sending information on the fighters they will employ these tactics, sending suggestions for counter manovers" *Sends the data to the relevant people

[2:41][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Talsha] deployign droones -doe so

[2:41][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly shrugged and kept her focus on the big ship as they approached.

[2:41][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-el canfeel the thuds fromthe hull as talshas droens are deplpyed

[2:42][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[cat roll pls

[2:42][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[cat roll pls

[2:42][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 1] That should take us down three levels. Lifts faster but we won't have eyes

[2:42][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"We go by ladder.

[2:43][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"They power their weapons... curious. Chantry and Tanausan technology. Let us hope it is as dysfunctional as their alliance has thus far proven to be.

[2:43][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 1] *Nods for baker 4 to open and go down

[2:43][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-smirks- Indee

[2:43][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"4 and I go first. Zen it is 3, zen 2. 1, keep an eye on our backs..

[2:44][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 3] Acknowledged

[2:44][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[4] *mvoed in position to follow scream

[2:45][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Started moving her way three levels down.

[2:45][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Started moving her way three levels down.

[2:45][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Well that sucks." --she looks at Viki-- "These guys learn fast. We are going to have to up our game.

[2:46][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Viki give me a particle dispersion on a rotating frequency. Let hit enhard and keep them guessing.

[2:46][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:onthe dscreenthe first waveof three are damaged by the drones and break off..oen serverely dmaaged..the secnd wave dive in as the bases weaposn areno wlocked ont he approaching bashee

[2:47][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*as val descends she spots a pressure alarm on the floor they needed to enter stopping jsut in time

[2:47][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:Old!

[2:47][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the shuttle bay shakes some as el can see they are nearingthe launch poin

[2:47][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*the team holds in the kzari jeffreies tube

[2:47][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She looked in closer, seeing if she can disable it.

[2:48][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki -nodnods- On it Boss ! spinning the frequency wheel..we wilget em

[2:48][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Approaching first mark," *Taly reported as she spun up the lance.* "Get me angle before they fire on us!

[2:48][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Terry roll pls to keep the bonus][

[2:49][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Two. I need you. We will switch.

[2:49][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:*meanwhile in another part of the ship

[2:49][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wraith] *holds up two fingers

[2:50][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wrath] *Nods

[2:50][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] -osftly- Alex..sir.

[2:50][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:*inara then turns the scopeless rifle on a door and fires two shots both of which beam out on fire

[2:50][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*softly back* Dira

[2:51][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] the big bds expected..arenot ehre..icannot sense them as of ye

[2:51][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:*then she moves through the door with wrath findign the two tanausan guards very dead

[2:51][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:*wrath stuffs them in the closet and they mvoe on

[2:51][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*two shimmies past three fitting only because she is smaller

[2:51][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:CLoses her eyes getting ready getting in the mindset, she takes deep breaths there is a calm and an acceptance of sorts about he

[2:51][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Bonus stays...alex roll for the drones..cat rll for ewar an extra five for a cool emote

[2:51][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*then starts to look at the door

[2:52][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 2] Looks freshly installed, i bet Alpha got out once

[2:52][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:=^= Bridge to Arkam fligh

[2:52][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*Types away at his console and sends out the updated information

[2:52][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 2] 30 seconds. Need to set the comm on a feedback loop

[2:52][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Keep carefully probing, they might shield themselves for some reason or another

[2:52][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:=^= "Go ahead bridge

[2:52][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 2] *worked quickly* got it

[2:52][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:the fighters go rght passed the drones and head for the ship..taly can act

[2:53][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:=^= Stand bvy El..give mea moment..Weapos..pleas

[2:53][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*the door opened and they could head into the corridor

[2:53][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She cursed in her native tongue and immediately would fire on the fighters that broke through the line of drones.

[2:54][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:=^= "Call sign is Smutt, standing by

[2:54][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-smirks as sh waits

[2:54][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:still has her eyes close

[2:54][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I take point." *She switched with two again and moved out into the corridor, keeping low as she kept an eye out for other security systems or hostiles on the way.

[2:54][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[roll pkls taly

[2:54][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*the floor they were on was recognizabel as the old brig wing but they had cut the deckign out of the central square creatin a pit for the prisoners cells and catwalk above it for the guards.

[2:55][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:the ice htnress unloads on the fighters destroyigone and damging the otehr two forcing their shots to go wide and inneffective as they break off

[2:55][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"They thought better of it," *she reported.

[2:55][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-nods to Taly- =^= Talsha drones will be opening a gauntlet for you to run sendig you down the rout

[2:55][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:just ahead of val was a security station station for entranced manned by oen guard who had not seen her yet, there were two doors one on the left and one on the right, which should be a control

[2:56][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Well done Wweapos..Thing One..reclaibrate your array

[2:56][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:room on the left and an armory on the right, the guard was watching down into the pit

[2:56][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -pits- these guys are good Ca

[2:56][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-chief talshas intended route comesup on Els flight console

[2:57][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Tried to move behind the guard and put him in a sleeper hold, hoping to knock him out and drag him into the jeffries tube without making too much of a fuss.

[2:57][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mace] -looks over the data- lookslike a canyon ru

[2:57][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--nods-- "yeah they really got us pegged don't they. We need to get creative here.

[2:57][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] Yeah! lets get em!!

[2:57][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:opens her eyes looking at the route "No plan ever survives

[2:58][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:=^= "awknowledged , ready to go

[2:58][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mace] Nope but w imrpovise better than these chantry guys d

[2:58][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:=^= Standby Smutt..we are trying to bait the hook for yo

[2:58][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*To himself* Damn drones, lack the personal touch... *shakes his head

[2:58][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*val was able to sneak up to the guard and pull him back the tanausan not in full combat armor leaving his neck exposed

[2:59][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-smirks- new technology..youngminds new ideas old man -teases

[2:59][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 2] This is probably the control room, does he have a key

[2:59][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Viki we need to target individual target with focused particle streams, as before lets vary the intensity and frequency.

[2:59][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She checked him.* "If not, you may be able to open it from ze console 'e was on.

[2:59][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 1] Probably two in there going to need to go hot

[3:00][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki ] -nodnods - Okies Cat! I will try very hard!!

[3:00][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"In range. Firing." *She unleashed the volley she had prepared on the prison ship's guns.

[3:00][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*clciks his hands and attempts to send the next round of predicted data to the drones so they could better manover, to Cat the data on their ships so she can find a good entrance to do the EAWR and

[3:00][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 3] Well i coudl jump down but then we'd be in a killzone

[3:00][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 3] *small large chuckle

[3:00][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:to Taly so she could line up those shots just right

[3:00][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--nods and waves to Terry.-- "thanks that should help.

[3:01][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Terry roll..cat roll..and taly rol

[3:01][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:**As they heared the muffled sound of impact and soft rumble of the massive ship the alarms turn on and a voice is heard

[3:01][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Talsha] Drones fannignout now to cover Arkams approcac

[3:02][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Held up a hand to Three and One to listen to the boiec.

[3:02][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:(Voice*

[3:03][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*For several moments seems lost to his own thoughts as he looks at his console

[3:03][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat glances over to Terry, she can't seem to shake these feeling she is having as the pair work so well as a team they almost move as one.-

[3:04][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the shots lance out and taly taes out two weapons towers ..as she begins to pave the road for El to beginher run

[3:04][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Nice one Taly

[3:04][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Warden] This is Warden Kallus Mar, we are under attack by the federation vessel in and it is of no consequence, we beleive they will be acting on intel we provided you all know what to do.

[3:04][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"I have only just begun," *she smirked at Alex.

[3:05][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:*a blue tanausa was bleeding form the nose after speaking in the comm and ordering most of the troops away from the cell liz was in inara's ungloved hand on the bvack of his head

[3:05][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Good. We move into ze control room, try to take ze element of surprise to take down ze two wiz knives. Two, you spoof lifesigns from in zere best you can. Zen we move in.

[3:05][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:(Zen we move deeper in*

[3:06][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*they could see some of the troopers outside ont eh catwalks getting orders and redeploying away from them

[3:06][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:=^= Wulf to Smutt -smirks at her name

[3:06][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 2] Acknowledged

[3:06][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[terry roll pls

[3:06][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 1] Breaching on you

[3:06][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:=^= "Smutt here, are we go?

[3:07][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:=^= -cxant resist- Youare a go...weapos has started to pave the road for you..impress me hel

[3:07][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wraith] Good Now... you die. *inara's eyes glowed white

[3:07][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[no bonuish for terry..this rondheis distracted :

[3:07][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She would open the door to the control room using the keycard or whatever they got from the guard as to avoid drawing even more attention.

[3:07][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mace] hto damn thsi is i

[3:07][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Next target, helm... science, no additional targets on sensors?

[3:08][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:=^= "Heading out, see you on the flip side

[3:08][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:=^= Understood out

[3:08][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*Terry doesn't answer seeming to eb away with the Fae

[3:08][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:*she turned the tanausan man towards her and leaned in like she was going to kiss him but instead white bounding shadow left her mouth and eyes into his as he shook violently suspended form teh groun

[3:08][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Arkham is a go sir

[3:08][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"...Science!" *She barked at Terry.

[3:09][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:Takes a deep breath before taking the shuttle out of the hanger, then bringing it up to speed, heading per route to the prison ship

[3:09][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*the door opens and there are two guards baker one's knife goes right into the firsts neck the second hasn't registered what just happened yet* (action val

[3:09][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--shakes hereself out of her trance and turns to her console.-

[3:09][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Then let Arkham fly Wulf

[3:09][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:*then he fell to the ground motionless a moment before standing up and wiping his nose

[3:09][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the Arkham raceoutof the banshee and right into torpedo bursts rockingthe shuttle as if flak burstsof old

[3:09][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*Jumps slightly* "Who..wha?

[3:10][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Warden] Trojan personality successfully configured

[3:10][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Sheis on her way..now we see how well youve mentored he

[3:10][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:"So close, no matter how far

[3:10][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:*inara wipes her nose

[3:10][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Tries to strike for the second's neck, just like One had done, no flair to the action, just quick efficiency.

[3:10][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] Well glad to not have you in my head any more

[3:10][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Warden] This body is not as lovely. You should go

[3:10][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*As Arkham darts out* =^= Wolfman to Smutt. Good hunting. *cuts off before she could reply

[3:11][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Are there additional targets on sensors? Ship this large has many flight decks." *She was working on the next bombardment.

[3:11][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--as she reads the sensor data, she looks around nervously-

[3:11][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[roll pls cat!

[3:11][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*looks into the sensors for any new targets and checks the horizon, nervously

[3:11][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[roll psl terry!

[3:11][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:smirks a bit as she flies towards their target at high speed "Couldn't be much more from the heart

[3:12][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:*inara and wrath moved out quickly

[3:12][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[roll pls hon!!<3

[3:13][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*Val's knife found its home

[3:13][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*and the other guard was dead

[3:13][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:"I got four more sets of three fighters

[3:13][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[baker 2] *moved over to the terminal

[3:13][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Two! Spoof signals for lifesigns on internals, then see what we can do about security systems and codes.

[3:13][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:The Arkham under els hand races like a batout of hell towrd the prisonship..torpedo burstds all roudnher but keep missing as she dives into the fray

[3:13][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 2] Five prisoners five cells releasing

[3:14][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Unger ] hol don folks..

[3:14][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"They learned. Keep them off us, will shoot them down if they come too close.

[3:14][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*baker three and 4 moved out to head down into the pit form the now activated lift

[3:15][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She moved with them.* "One, keep an eye on Two as she covers our ass.

[3:15][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"okay Viki ready with that new EWAR scheme.

[3:15][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 1] On it

[3:16][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-walks outof her cell and slips her restraintsoff asif shehad been workingont hem already, she moves to the other cells to gether her lost sheep

[3:16][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:"Forever trusting who we are" makes slow deep breath between words, she flies like her name is Tom Cruise, dodging incoming fire for the momen

[3:16][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*Nods and attempts to track and predict the fighters movements and formation to give their side an edge in this battle

[3:16][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 4] *looks at Liz* Captain one moment

[3:16][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:=Taly can see three more weaposn towers lock and comence firing..sheis now inf ull range of themother ship prisone

[3:16][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Liz, then looks at Three.* "Toss it in

[3:17][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Waits- go for it

[3:17][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:{liz] -nods- Gof or it

[3:17][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 3] *pulls out liz's dead twin which came with a spare jumpsuit

[3:17][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Represses his fighter background as he focusses on the larger picture* Easy pickings Tal... could do it with your eyes closed

[3:17][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 4] *he looked at her face

[3:18][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"There's our towers." *She would attempt to establish a lock on the weapons towers and let loose.

[3:18][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 4 anythign else internal

[3:18][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Holds a sidearm out to Liz, then nods to her twin.* "Want to do ze 'onors?

[3:18][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-aroud the now stands three older men and a female..four dfferent races..a seke..a tryian a tandan and a Lyra thewomen is a lyr

[3:19][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Liz ebginsto strip out of her trornbody suit and tosss the rags to Val - put em on the corpse me plase sweeti

[3:19][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 3] *hands her the other jumpsuit being bashful

[3:19][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Starts putting it onto dead Liz.

[3:19][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:"And nothing else matters

[3:19][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-to the rest- Scram Bajker..meet theleaders of their respective worlds..chairmaenand presidents al

[3:19][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Liz] -smiels to Three- thnkies big gu

[3:20][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-she dreses

[3:20][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I would shake your 'ands, but I am a bit busy playing dress up wiz a corpse.

[3:20][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 4] Can you all move

[3:20][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-al nods

[3:20][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[seka president] ive been a slider son..you try and stop m

[3:20][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zere is an armory on ze way back. Two will unlock it for us and get you weapons, just in case.

[3:21][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Liz] wish fullment Scream -chcuckles- Side arm whenyou ca

[3:21][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Pulls back when dead Liz is dressed up and gives her pistol to Liz.

[3:21][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[cat rl..alex roll for the drones..taly rll pls!

[3:21][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Liz] 0steps back some and aims with lethal precisonbruns the necessary elthal shots into her self

[3:22][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:El roll pls

[3:22][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Alright. Three, lead zem to ze lift. I bring up ze rear.

[3:22][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[terry bonus remainsin place

[3:23][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 1] Moving

[3:23][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wraith] We are moving to rendevous. I know you have Alpha now

[3:23][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*Sends off the data to all relevant parties each data is, tailoured specificily to each person

[3:23][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:as El takes afew hits and dings forcingher to rol lintot he balsts..making her passengers a little queasy taly is able to blast a weapons tower nearst El...Cat has finaly scrambled the fighter

[3:24][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:=^= "We do, Wraith. We're arming the others and moving.

[3:24][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:chasing after El and forcing their shots wide though the balsts shaking els shuttle as she heads for the srufface

[3:24][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wraith] You have two minutes before the other team boards

[3:24][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Brings up the rear as they move to the lift.* =^= "Two, unlock the armory, grab weapons for five and link up wtih us

[3:25][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Lizx catches a box tossed to herby 2 and presses itto the wall and hurries fter them

[3:25][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:"Damn it cant take to many more of those" she says continuing their flight, she does some returning of fire against anything infront of them, that is shooting at them, like weapons on the shi

[3:25][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 2] On it

[3:25][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*the armoury door opened and now the presidents had guns

[3:25][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Alright. Double-time to Exfil.

[3:25][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mce] you got this;..-backs up her sheidls- damnthey are mad at yo

[3:25][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 1] Suggest we take the lift

[3:25][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Agreed.

[3:26][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Liz] Scream sitrep..whereis Ianra

[3:26][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wrath] Ah fook.. thats a squad, can you

[3:26][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wraith] No im tapped for now that takes alot it shwy youa re here

[3:26][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"She and Wrath moved on a secondary mission. We will meet zem at ze exfil.

[3:26][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[actions!

[3:26][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:"They usually are, did someone call ahead and tell them it was me coming? they really want to give it to me hard

[3:26][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wrath] I though it twas because you liked the company.. *he smiled and somewhere the guards heard boss music

[3:27][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Inger] -gets his team ready- Helluva fanclub ma'a

[3:27][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"One down. Continue on route, Helm." *She would attempt to knock over the next weapons tower.

[3:27][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Liz] Wulf got her cat

[3:27][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:*and with a flurry of blood and weapons fire the room fo six guards became a room of no guards as the old Marine made short work of them

[3:27][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Davis] Aye ma'am..making runnow...all your

[3:27][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"She did.

[3:28][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*Taps and types away at his console, attempting to get the data, once he had data he would anaylise said data and then tailour the relevant each part to each party, so they could counter and destroy

[3:28][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Liz] -very ashlike- Groov

[3:28][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Takes the lift to the exfil point.

[3:28][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:their enemies. Trying to make their lives that little bit more eaiser

[3:29][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*the lift opens up and in the hall way is a....

[3:29][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Angle ever so slightly starboard... and..." *She squinted at her screen, then launched the lance.

[3:29][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Unger] El..we are ready..head for the surface of big bitc

[3:29][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:((give me a random encounter roll liz and val)

[3:29][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Davis Nudging.nudging..damn..got it go go g

[3:29][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:more EWA

[3:29][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Stop intyercepting the fighters Talsha, we hunt them now. When all fighters down assist in taking down towarers

[3:29][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:towers*)

[3:29][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[pViki] Yeah eat this baddies!!! -goes more EWAR

[3:29][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:"ALright, try not to take to long, gonna pick you back up after all

[3:30][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Taslha ] aye aye sir

[3:30][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[el can see Talshas drones pushingbakc the fitghters as she makesher run

[3:30][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:kicks the flight into gear and heading for the infiltration point, narrowed eyes "We got this

[3:31][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[terry roll..cat roll alex roll and taly roll!

[3:31][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*in the hallway with her three deacon elite guards was the chantry inquisitor who had tortured liz as they were making their way to the docking ring

[3:32][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*Liz sees them first

[3:33][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Cat..try hitting the lower bandof their curve..they are too arrogant to cover thos

[3:33][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[tw for cat!

[3:33][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Good idea ma'am.

[3:33][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Liz] drops tio a knee and ylls -contact -and fires aiming for her chief torturers forehead

[3:34][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--she does that.-

[3:34][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:((gimme roll)

[3:34][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Sees Liz drop onto a knee and fires over her knee at one of the deacons, hoping to boom the whole group.

[3:34][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*on liz's shout baker team moves to guard the vips

[3:34][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:(Over her head*

[3:35][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:ell roll pls!!

[3:35][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*liz's gun still set to kill turns the pretty gold head into pretty mist ebfore the body completely disentigrates.

[3:35][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*with a scream

[3:35][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:(roll val for your shot

[3:35][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Liz] -smirkspainfully- bastar

[3:35][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"its a pretty narrow window, but you are right they don't have ti covered as well.

[3:35][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*val's shot hits a shied on one of the elite deacons

[3:36][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*seems to be an energy absorber

[3:36][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:They shouldbe all yours now Thing On

[3:36][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*baker 1s and baker 4's shots do the same

[3:36][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"aye ma'am..unless they adapet.

[3:36][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Three? I trust you 'ave your projectile weapon?

[3:36][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Talys sht dirvesback a wingof the fighters as does talsha cuttng the prusuit fighters numbers inhalf..oneof two of their pilots ejec

[3:36][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She attempted a simpler solution that had worked in the past - throwing a knife at the deacon.

[3:37][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 3] *chuckles as he revs it up

[3:37][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Cat is jammingthem forcing the other two wings to try two difrfernt approaches openingthe door for El t rwch her close run

[3:37][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*the Deacoons draw blades and advanced forward

[3:37][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Then stuff it down teir throats Thing On

[3:37][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:((liz action and then rolls

[3:39][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:{liz] races out to try and slide what seemsto be inbetween the deaconslegs..only lifitngher leg for a full on kicj to the groin toattemp tto disable tlet the others light him up

[3:39][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*Baker three's weapon fires into one o fthe deacons pushing it back and to the ground but unfortuantely does absolutely nothign to the shield

[3:40][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[actions!

[3:40][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[actioons[

[3:40][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*The deacon val threw a knife at deflects it with his sword and jumpts towards her with almost a blink swinging

[3:40][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-els security teammoves into postion

[3:40][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mace ] is holdingn for dearlife as she works his console t keep them protected

[3:40][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat keeps trying her new EWAR tactics until the they don't work any more.-

[3:41][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*Types away on his console, once more attempting to ayalise the data of the enemy and make predeictions of their movements or weaknesses and then send each revelvant data to the apporiate people

[3:41][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:keeps on course as much as possible "Coming up on the point" she says as she tries to fly for the insertion point "Goodluck

[3:41][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*liz ducks under the sword of her deacon and lands a solid kick in the groin unfortuantely it does nothing. it would seem temptation had been removed from these deacons permanantly

[3:41][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 1] Sheiß

[3:42][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She looked for a target.

[3:42][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:What's our timescale Wulf

[3:42][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Ekl should be in place abut no

[3:42][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:We have klept pace withthe sotrm si

[3:42][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:storm

[3:42][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 3] *does a bear charge towards deacon 3

[3:43][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 1] *Pulls out a stun baton and throws it to liz

[3:43][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Prepare mines Tal. Talsha keep hunting the remaining fighters and bug them off

[3:43][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:(Defensive action val offenseive action liz

[3:43][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Unger] You too..see you in a few..-to waters- As soonas she signals we go

[3:43][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Waters] copy

[3:43][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Tries to sidestep the deacon going for her last moment, hoping to get the bastard to smush up into the wall.

[3:44][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Taslha] copy that..sir..its weird it is liek they are taking us seriously..they have crossed orders here or soemthin

[3:44][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-smirks hearingthis

[3:44][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[terry roll pls

[3:44][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 3] Manages to grapple with the hand holding th eblade on his deacon slamming him into the wall causing te balde to drop then headbutting it over and over and over agian

[3:45][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She eyed Alex with that, then said,* "Understood." *She prepared to drop a mine on the pursuing fighters.

[3:45][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*the crumpled mess of a deacon falls to the ground a shield flickering on the corpse

[3:45][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Oh but you are a force to be reckoned with.Drones are like bugs, ignore them and you get bit, kill them and you get bit harder. Get 'em Talsha

[3:47][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*val expertly dodges the attack and opens up an open counter

[3:48][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:"AT the drop point!

[3:48][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-0the team beams out

[3:48][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*With the deacon close up to her, she'd try to nudge the barrel of her rifle into its center point blank and open fire full auto, hoping the point blank distance doesn't activate the field.

[3:48][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mace] OKay now we surive until the are ready to go hom

[3:49][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*With the deacon close up to her, she'd try to nudge the barrel of her rifle into its center point blank and open fire full auto, hoping the point blank distance doesn't activate the field.

[3:49][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*val's touch attack succeeds and fills the deacon with plasma energy as it slumps over.

[3:49][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Liz] tries to catch the batonbut reache a split second too late dueto her fatgie and exhaustion riddenform - damn i

[3:50][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Liz] tries to catch the batonbut reache a split second too late dueto her fatgie and exhaustion riddenform - damn i

[3:50][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:"way ahead of you" keeps moving as to not be a sitting duck, trying to do her best shuttle flying, but staying close to the extraction sit

[3:50][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[terry roo..cat roll..taly roll ...alex roll

[3:50][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[roll pls el

[3:51][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*at the same time liz misses stun baton and is about to take a sword to her neck when it is blocke dby a mekleth, a klingon man countes the sword with a slow draw cut across the deacon's neck

[3:51][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-the arkham is hit by a two micro torpedoes but maces shield hold..thelghts flicker inehr cabina s sht fights a dangwerous roll

[3:51][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Kadall] You can't die twice Aquarius

[3:52][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Techhnically, zis is way more zan twice at zis point... Good save. Let us move before zey explode!

[3:52][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:Tries to get things undercontrol, as things are heating up, not wanting to make more hits like tha

[3:52][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[cat??

[3:52][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Kadall] Come on. We need to get them up to the ship, Wrath and Wraith are delayed we will pick them up at a different exfil

[3:53][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She nodded and helped Liz up.

[3:53][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*for some reason they don't explode

[3:53][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Good 'ead on your shoulders, three.

[3:53][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*baker 4 helped get the presidents into vacsuits and on up

[3:53][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Liz] -smriks and stands- Kendall you son of a bitch -smiles and then gets bac t buisness- good to see yo

[3:53][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 3] I've been told it can be bearable

[3:53][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Liz Thank you Screa

[3:54][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Kadall] Good to see you two Barbie

[3:54][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Once the last of the presidents were out, she covered Liz.* "Good one, Three..." *She snorts back a chuckle.

[3:54][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Liz] -smiels hearingher old nickname

[3:55][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Liz] Ken doll..that rattle trap of your still ingear? not double parked are yo

[3:55][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Good work Viki. Let's see if we can sxploit this opening.

[3:55][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*the vacsuited presidents all go up into the ship as a Drunk mayeb russian engineer helps them in

[3:55][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[el rll pls!

[3:55][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Do not call it a rattle trap. It is charmingly vintage.

[3:56][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Sergei] Come on... welcome aboard..

[3:56][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:the fighters fly right intot h middle of taly very well palced mines..each one explosed into a hauntingly beautifuk blossumof death

[3:56][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Kadall] *he fired an ascender and took liz up in the temp suit

[3:56][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*and then they felt themselves moving

[3:56][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Moved up after them.

[3:56][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:all fighters remainignbrak off and tregroup as the towers contineu to rein fire downon El..who they cannot seem to hit as she evades and doges lik a mad woman

[3:57][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:*Wrath rolled forward killign another two before inara mustered all she could and broke through the bulkheads creating their exit

[3:57][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"FIghters no longer present threat," *she reported.* "Bring us back around to finish remaining three towers, helm.

[3:57][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-smirks- look at her go

[3:57][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Well done weapo

[3:57][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Will Wraith and Wrath need us to go in for zem?

[3:57][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:*she collapsed and in one motion wrath picked her up fired his shotgun at a Lajeto and jumped through the breach

[3:57][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"Not finished yet," *she smirked as she spun up the lance.

[3:58][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:'[Davis] comingback around! starrting run now..angel at 30 derges down..divin

[3:58][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Kadall] No

[3:58][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-smirks

[3:58][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*loader than he meant* Fucking drones.. *he turns to Taly with a loving smile* Good shooting Tal. *turns back to the viewscreen.* Stay on alert Talsha, those bastards won't interupt us

[3:59][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Good. Baker, be on standby just in case, knowing our luck some gigantic interdimensional space beaver will appear any second now.

[3:59][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Unger] =^= taklingheavy fire El..be ready..be read

[3:59][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:*once away from the station they were transported

[3:59][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Talsha] got my gang running blokaing for her

[4:00][DOIC4]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Male voice] *Comm* Sir we have them *in a detached manner

[4:00][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*She winked to Alex as she waited for the perfect distance to fire as they dove.

[4:00][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-el finds sheis no longer lone talshas drones swarm aroundto help

[4:00][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*And then would to just that.

[4:00][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:"Nearly took that one up the rear" she flies as if LUcifer himself was after her, then on the comm heads back to the extraction that she never went far from =^= "be ready for extraction

[4:00][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*As the ship turns around and goes in for the kill, attempts to analise the data, the distance, so that he could send the data so the ship could line up properily and get a good shot in

[4:00][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Unger] -^= break right..fritz be ready...hans letsmove mov emov

[4:01][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:"Get them on board!

[4:01][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mace nt in range ye

[4:01][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Jek] *approached Liz picking her up to take to medical* They would let me come get you all hero like...

[4:01][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:*the nausicaan smiled a toothy smile

[4:01][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:"I know just get them when we are!, almost there

[4:02][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Liz good to see ya fang -leansinto him as sh eis scoped up

[4:02][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mace] -unbucklesnd heads to te back- Il snag once we are in range...keep us clear as long as you ca

[4:03][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:narrows her eyes flying like hell not wanting to leave anyone behind

[4:03][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Unger] =^= Arkham..heading back..be ready..watersis it..fritz nd hans fgoing for the packag

[4:03][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Captain..itis almost time..

[4:04][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:*as liz was brought into sickbay she'd see inara already in a bed an Orion woman wokring the auto doctors and a EMH mark 2 prototype powered on

[4:04][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine[ -closesher eyes now as sh eis tested time and time again

[4:04][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[cat actions?? terry actions?

[4:04][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Holo Bashir] Oh good my most troublesome patient has arrived

[4:04][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:(my action is above :P

[4:04][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[seeit!

[4:04][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Niamh] Welcome back

[4:05][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Alex takes a few steady breaths as he awaits the actions.

[4:05][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:*the orion held liz's hand a moment

[4:05][DOIC6]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Liz] -throat dry voice- damn good to see you.

[4:05][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Liz] -throat dry voice- damn good to see you.

[4:05][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-swueezes her friendhand tightly- very damn good to see yo

[4:05][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Wrath] *remvoed his helmet* Aye good to have ye back. *liam smiled

[4:05][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Remains with Baker, relaxing as she's sat down on a crate.

[4:06][DOIC3]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Liz] -smirks- i owe you ..we yo big for this..wepullingit off

[4:06][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Kadall] get us out of here

[4:07][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:*he said heading to the bridge

[4:07][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Tay fire rains down on the towers clearingmore of pathofr el..whos shuttle is stil pounded on..Mace work bingput t the tst but el canfeel the strainonthe craft

[4:08][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:"Comon Arkham, just hold together a little longer" she is determined and focused on getting their people back on boar

[4:10][DOIC4]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Unger]=^= Emergency Efil now now now!!

[4:10][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mace] angle us in El

[4:10][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Sir we ned to cover them..somethinghad gone wron

[4:11][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:MAke it so

[4:11][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:"I am working on towers to best of current ability.

[4:11][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:angles them in, doing her very best flying, but fear is slipping into her voice "Comon Arkham, we can get them

[4:12][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:el roll pls

[4:13][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Mace ansag the pair aboard..as el sees Unger is sho tinthe shoulder and heis carrying waters who has been shot inthe leg..unger goe sto work on her- Go go .abort..skipper is gone..so are th eothe

[4:13][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:two..punchit el or weve had i

[4:14][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Helm go in..meetherhalf way..

[4:14][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:"What do you mean gone?

[4:15][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Ingeris busy workingon saving hi s partners leg

[4:15][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:Moac head sback anddrops into teh flight seat next t oher- abort ..get us thehell put of here E

[4:16][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:punches it and flies away from the prison ship "No its not possible, its just not" she uses all of her determination to keep focus "Is she dead?

[4:16][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[mace] get us home..let him save hjis partner ndthen repor

[4:16][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[taly roll for cover fire!

[4:16][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[erl rol to escape anevade

[4:17][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"If anyone asks... Your story is clear, yes, Baker?

[4:18][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:**Would be sendign data to attempt to give taly a better shot

[4:18][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[rroll terry

[4:18][DOIC6]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Baker 1] Ve were never here as always

[4:18][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[elk roll again

[4:19][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Indeed.

[4:19][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"'Ow preventable it would 'ave been if MTFs were utilized properly." *She jokes.

[4:19][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:rthe station prison ship fire relentlessly at El and cannot come close to her..she makes the gunners look like they are tanding mud as she flies circles around them in stunningmoves and evades..tal

[4:20][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:drestroys tower after tower ow as usual ..el and taly conbinationis apoor thing for theenmy..as el gliedes th woudned shuttle into dock.her hul stillsmoking...her panels sparking some

[4:21][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:We have the shuttl

[4:21][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[CXrane] coms secre

[4:21][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Status on objective

[4:21][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:p[Viki] we ave the downloads

[4:22][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mace Unger..reprot..status..what d you mean gone

[4:22][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:Once in and having secured the shuttle, she just sinks back in her ship, no longer able to hold back the tear

[4:22][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Ungers -lok back ashe gets water sbleedingunder control- ..they blewher up..sheis gon

[4:22][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:And


[4:23][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mce] takes els hand an squeezesit- =l tll the

[4:23][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mace] =^= Arkham to bridge..

[4:23][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:"Get the wounded emergency transfered to medbay

[4:23][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Mace] =^=...objective failed..package ..los

[4:24][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Ungr[] -nodsandobnerysher order nad beam off with waters tosickbay

[4:24][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly's brow furrowed.* "Lost?

[4:24][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*As Alex hears this he looks down, his stoic appearence breaking* =^= Repeat Mace

[4:24][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:=closes ehr eyes

[4:24][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:*suddenly liz starts convulsing and blood coming out her nose

[4:25][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Nine] -blinks insoft clicks

[4:25][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-thebridge goes silent

[4:25][DOIC5]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[mason] =^= Lost the apckageis los tsir..the captainis dead..mission faule

[4:25][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Holo Bashir] Oh blood hell! prep surgery. They must have put in a failsafe

[4:26][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:*holo bashir quickly scrambles to save Liz

[4:26][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:*Grits his teeth and clenches his hands.* "Dammit...

[4:26][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:*liz's monitors start goign erratic as the orion woman works to secure her

[4:26][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:*Taly drew in a sharp breath through her nostrils, lowering her head slightly. She would continue to fire on whoever thought it was still a good idea to pick a fight with them while they digested..

[4:27][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:-Seethes and cloes her fists

[4:27][DOIC3]Bren@Captain_Rien:[Inara] *jus tlooks on very worried

[4:27][DOIC1]Talyse Avelle@liorexu:that news, muttering a prayer tightly.

[4:27][DOIC5]Eleria@awendr:sits and stares at the shuttle controls tears strreaming down her cheek

[4:27][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*his will to fight left* Helm...get us out of here.

[4:27][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Viki] -slumps to the floor- No..w win..we always wi

[4:27][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Cat remains quiet, she stares over at the command officers a moment then turns back to her console and lowers her head.-

[4:28][DOIC6]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Remained with Baker, oblivious to any happenings.

[4:28][DOIC1]Terry Moss@redwolf567#235:"We will get vengence for her... We lost the battle... But the wars going on.

[4:29][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[nine[] fllsint the railing- how curle is it -she says ina choked sonb- ..tha ti can..not...cr

[4:29][DOIC1]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[nine[] fllsint the railing- how cruel is it -she says ina choked sonb- ..that i can..not...cr

[4:31][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:[Davis silently brings the ship to warp as the TO BE CONTINUED fades inover the beepingmedical machines on the Mauk..

[4:31][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:TO BE CONTINUE

[4:31][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Go dtí an chéad troid eile mo chara (Until the next fight my friend) *alex said solemnly* We...we won this fight... *Alex said trying to uplift spirits* But this win was at a cost...

[4:31][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:One I rather had paid myself.

[4:31][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:..and then a single dull tone of the paitnet..Flatinnin

[4:31][DOIC]Teresa Wulf@Isis:end credits