22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki
DFIG Orbital Design Mark 1
Badi Transfer Station 2123


Clan Badi


Vega System Mining Co-Op


Transfer Station


Active (Refit 2428)

Dimensions: (original)




Guest Capacity

96 Double Occupancy

Maximum Occupancy

400 Max Life Support

Orbital Design Mark 1 is a modular station to be assembled in space, transported to location via cargo modules.

No one is sure of who is responsible for the design, but the original manufacture was performed at the New Berlin colony space port at the request of the DFIG in return for continued support. The original module was launched to Lunar orbit and loaded on board the ECS Hieronymus 2105.

Badi Transfer Station was assembled in orbit of Vega IX over several months and went on line January 14, 2114, Earth Date. The original station consisted of a crew ring, a docking ring, reactor assembly, consumables storage and reprocessing tanks. Over the next decade, additional sections were added to include the internal hangars, refinery, sensor enhancement, extended quartering and resource storage.

The BTS served as a waypoint for docking of ships for 122 years in orbit of Vega IX, geosynchronous orbit over the growing city of East Gideon. During the time in orbit, it was expanded greatly into a trade hub and warehousing station. As trade increased, it was unable to keep up with demand and required replacement. Once replaced, it was towed to orbit of the Second Moon of Vega VII, and placed into service of the mining efforts there and the gas harvesters of Vega VII. In 2427 DFIG and the [[Vega Min

Badi II as the locals called the Vega Starbase was constructed locally and brought online May 3, 2236. As a Federation design, locally built but supplied with technical upgrades by Starfleet, it was more than capable of serving as the trade hub for the Vega System. It was also contracted to provide repair services to Starfleet vessels, and in return received technical support and resupply from them. Badi II was lost in 2409.

Power Systems[]

  • Fusion Reactor
  • Power Distribution upgraded to EPS Grid 2225
  • Battery power is distributed via a original grid


  • Station Keeping / Orbit Correction
    • Chemical Thrusters
    • Upgraded to ion thrusters 2225


  • Capacity
    • Internal hangar with capacity for 4 small craft
    • External Ports x 4
      • Designed to dock with standard docking ports
      • 2 in use to extend to additional habitats
Badi Transfer Station

Updated BTS in orbit of Vega VII Moon II