22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki
  • Race Designation - The Avynei
  • Species - Humanoids, Telepathic. very similar to the Travynei
  • Initial Contact Made By - USS Adagio, NCC 99691-A
  • Technological Level Observed - Highly Advanced Crystalic Power Systems, Highly Advanced Bio-Empathic Starship/Crew Integration Abilities and Resources.
  • Cultural Notations :
    • Notes about the Avynei that have become general knowledge through observation, interaction and contact during combat situations :
    • Average height for this species is between 2.1 and 3 meters tall ranging from slender to muscular builds.
    • The Avynei lifespan tends to be several thousands of years, thus, they appreciate taking a slower pace with life's events.
    • As a race they are empathic and telepathic. They can also directly interface with their vessels and much of their technology.
    • Their culture is disciplined and spiritual.
    • 13pRbJZ

      Avynei Female

      Music is the primary artistic expression in their culture. Crews will also note familiar looking crystals [RN-74 Cyrstals] used in the world ship's architecture, various art pieces as well as adornments in Avynei fashion.