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[9:04][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:Star Trek Adagio theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtvWkemCZ-

[9:06][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:The Adagio and her spunky escort vessel the repaired Yukikaze are seen coming out of slip stream and now at warp speeds

[9:06][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:-the text on the lower part of the screen started they have just arrived at the Kzari Cooridor at the edge the Citadel protect space

[9:07][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:On the left side of the camera view..the seeminging endless Black Ocean in the back drop

[9:08][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:Talia take the time while looking over reports on the bridge to record a log for the record

[9:09][DOIC]Talia@Isis:=^= Captain's Log...Stardate 99041.35...the lady A and Yukikaze have for the first time since the Iconian War..been issued orders for a War patrol. We are to patrol along the Kzari corridor tha

[9:10][DOIC]Talia@Isis:area of space between the Kzari Regimie border and the Black Ocean...the most like avenue of assauult by the Tanasan IMperium and Chantry and Delphi Forces..we are to report any enemy activity an

[9:11][DOIC]Talia@Isis:engage and assist our Kzari Allies at my descretion. The Kzari's massive military might ..still recovering from their civil war..has once more begin to stir and fully mobilize...caught unprepared an

[9:12][DOIC]Talia@Isis:out of position..their enrmous fleets are nearing full mobilzation in an effort to respond to this unwarrented invasion by the Apostate forces....an invading force that has alreay demonstrated th

[9:13][DOIC]Talia@Isis:willngness to use weaponsof mass destruction on civilians...We have received word of numerous skirmishes spinward in the Kirtascan Theater of Operations as well as reports of shipping attacks in th

[9:14][DOIC]Talia@Isis:ICC theater of operations...reports from the Kzari/Skara theater are brief but it is cleear several systems have fallen to boththe Imperium and chantry forces..mostly small colonies or unaligne

[9:15][DOIC]Talia@Isis:systems...this maddness has to end and end swiftly...So once mor emy ship and crew have heard and will answeer the call..with both..Strength and Honor..Talia out

[9:15][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Dacia...eyes up..full sensor sweeps of the area...coordinate with the Yuk

[9:16][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Sin...take us to yellow alert...full combat loads locked and loaded and ready to g

[9:16][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Mr Sevuk

[9:16][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:Yes captain

[9:17][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:I want a full securty lockdown on all decks and hgh security areas of the ship throughout this patro


[9:17][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:UNderstood ma'am. *he pressed a series of buttons carrying out her orders as yellow alert came around

[9:17][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:and have all decks prep for Bunkhouse protocul

[9:17][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:Yes captain

[9:17][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:=^= Sevuk to Lieutenant Parke

[9:17][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Helm set course for patrol way point numbe

[9:18][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Parker] =^= Lieutenant Parker here si

[9:18][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--Talia mentions 'bunkhouse' Peebs sighs-

[9:19][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Aye, Captain." Her fingers move across the console, but nothing else. Internally listing a series of prioties, slipstream trails, tachyon emmisions, and areas of interference in addition to standar


[9:19][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:=^= Full lockdown on all decks...secure high value areas of the ship, and prepare for bunkhouse protocols

[9:20][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Parker] =^= aye commander..increasing deck patrols as well...lock down now being initiated...Il get teams to hit each deck and prep the bunkhouses

[9:20][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-cans her head- Maggie

[9:20][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"aye captain?


[9:21][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"i always ready captain.

[9:21][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-heaves the Padd over her head arching back towards Maggie



[9:21][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--turns quickly as the PADD is chucked, obviously she is not 'always ready'-

[9:22][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Ada -> yes, captain

[9:22][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--takes a PADD to the face.-


[9:22][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-her antennae curl inward at the sond of the face smack

[9:22][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Wait one Ada...-looks behind her- Maggie

[9:22][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*Sin looked down at Maggie and furrowed his brow

[9:22][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Paytterson] -winces- Ouc

[9:23][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:-fumbles the PADD as it falls from her face-

[9:23][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Taylor] -winces and..shakes her head

[9:23][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"i'm alright...not the first time I been hit in the face.

[9:24][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-nods after making sure and then- Ada..have the hanger deck keep a flight of dragons and supporting Valkyries at ready one statu

[9:24][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--turns around and takes the PADD back to her station, looking embarrassed.-

[9:24][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:Her head snaps hard in Peebles direction, but doesn't linger. In a second jerky motion she stares at the screen once more. "The area is clear, Captain.

[9:24][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--rubs her face where the device hit her a small bruise is forming.-

[9:25][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Very good Dacie..establish a irregular randon schedule of sensor sweeps as we patrol if you pleas

[9:25][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Ada -> Acknowledged

[9:26][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Taylor] -slinks over to Maggie with a ice pack for her and offers it

[9:26][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] -watches

[9:27][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] XO


[9:28][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Schedule set, and initiated." After a few more inputs

[9:28][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--looks up at Taylor and offers a thankful smile-- "thanks, its not that bad though.

[9:29][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] Update...such as they are from the citadel..we have confirmation of a battle in Kirtascan space..still trying to get details..looks to involve the USS Pilgrim and Manta Ma'a

[9:29][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-smirks hearing this

[9:30][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Taylor] -sets the ice pack on her console with a towle under it- Its here if you need it hon -slinks off

[9:30][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--nods to taylor with a smile-

[9:30][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Thank you Jessi

[9:30][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Thank you Dacia..take some time andupdate on all data available on Imperium and Chantry vessel

[9:30][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:-looks to Talia- Why...why are they making moves now

[9:30][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -nods to Xae- Yes Ma'a

[9:32][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-shakes her head- I am unsure...seems like that Imperium Admiral up there must have amandate to conquor tthose last Two Kirtascan world

[9:32][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--picks up the ice pack and puts it on her face.-

[9:32][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:He mightbe ..behind schedule perhap

[9:33][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Either way..seems like T'Pang has them occupied ...for now

[9:34][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:You would think after Tyr and Bursali..they wouldve...pause

[9:35][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-looks to Xae

[9:37][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Why even start the aggression at all

[9:37][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:That is what bothers me about all of this....we are missing something her

[9:38][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:This can not just be about territory or rescources...or just Apostate versus Alliance...there is amissing elemen

[9:38][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"There is very little concerning Chantry technology in the computer, Captain. However, it has been observed that their Crusiers are capable of atmospheric flight and are often landed on planet surfac

[9:39][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:I do not suppose potential answers will reveal themselves in sort order, I was simply musing

[9:39][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-nods to Dacia- Indeed..we have even wittnessed their largest..their cathedralships making planetfal

[9:39][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:surfaces where they act as staging areas for ground invasions

[9:39][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-nods to Dacia- Indeed..we have even wittnessed their largest..their cathedralships making planetfal

[9:39][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-to her- They call it...missionary missions Daci

[9:40][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:a sick twist on what is usually a merciful act for sucha religio

[9:40][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"convert the heathen at gun point.

[9:41][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] Conversion also seems to be through lobotamy as well it seem



[9:41][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"..and I thought scientology was bad..

[9:42][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Convert, indeed. The Chantry are known for performing neural surgery, and empathic reprogramming to ensure absolute loyalty from their crew.

[9:42][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Your take on the possible cause for this sudden invasion Commander

[9:42][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Hanson] -shiverrs as she lsitens to Dacia monotone recitation

[9:43][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"It is also noted that Chantry personel wear a special body armor capable of being detonated. This is a concern should we be boarded during combat.

[9:43][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Indeed...Mr Sevuk encoutnered just that on the landing site on Tyr III -nods to Dacia

[9:43][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:In fairness..in many histories and cultures..idelogical converstion of assimilition is not gentle

[9:44][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"See they are religious nutters, the sister superior probably saw an vision in her morning oatmeal and decide they needed to kill everything.

[9:44][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:*Sevuk nods.

[9:44][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he shook his head* It doesn't make sense, why push hard for those resources.. It's a distraction really captain, to be honest I'm more focused on ending it quickly with the rest of us here together.

[9:45][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-nods- I very agreed Deadeye..for the moment we hit them where we find them,,,until we find out what they are looking fo

[9:46][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:We are playing catch up here...so much of this occured with us being on deep patrol inside the Black Ocea

[9:46][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-nods to Xae- with most races experiencing such in their pas

[9:47][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Parker] =^= Lieutenant parker to commander Sevu

[9:47][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:=^= Sevuk here

[9:47][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"I'm afraid I am unable to bring up anything of significance on the Tannausian Imperium. Our records simply state they are a large and pwerful police state located on the opposite side of th

[9:47][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:Magellenic Cloud.

[9:48][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Parker] =^= Sir all high security areas of the ship have been locked down..force fields strengthened to deal with the fallen deacons....we are now seeing to the deck by deck Bunkhouse activatio

[9:48][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:=^= Understood

[9:48][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] Hang on Dacia..Intel has gotten us alittle more on the Imperium's racial makeup...Ill send it to yo

[9:51][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] and here is the file on their ships..we know of to dat

[9:51][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] You should have full security access to them now Ensig

[9:52][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Thank you, Lt. Commander. Accessing now.

[9:54][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:As I recall their hulls are laced with that small horrid residue thatis prodcued by the Red Blight plague...very tough elemen

[9:55][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Which does give the Lady A and the Kzari and edge...given our upgraded weapon ssytem

[9:57][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Mister sevuk....how would you rate the fighting ability of the Chantry's ground soliders..these Deacons of theirs

[9:57][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:They were effective soldiers, ma'am, but not as well organized or commanded as ours

[9:58][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-nods- So...essetniually fantics..one track thinking


[9:59][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"i think thier training is mostly religious.

[9:59][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:Yes captain

[10:00][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-nods- We can work with that too...though their love of suicidal runs...bothers m

[10:00][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:It could be more that we and our kind are bringing unknown elements to these engagements, and perhaps they are having a slower adjustment period

[10:01][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Starfleet records contain information on three classes of Imperium vessels, Captain. An escort vessel designated Prowler Class armed with weaponry powered by RN74 crystals. A Sentry Class of similia

[10:01][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Good point Xae.

[10:01][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:size and armament to our own Intrepid Class. I do not believer either of these pose a significant threat to the Adagio. However...

[10:02][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"The Sentry class are their command and control crafte, they have advanced communcations and sensor equipment.

[10:04][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"There are records of a Tanusian Command Carrier. It has a crew complement of five thousand and is armed with Five RN74 Foward and 2 aft mounted Beam Directional weapon systems, PDCs

[10:05][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:120 Array-type Directed energy weapons, and Torpedo Weapon systems. I believe such a vessel will pose a significant threat to the Adagio.

[10:05][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-listens, her mind working over the tacxtical data she is being briefed on

[10:05][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*Sin briefly glanced at Pattterson at that

[10:05][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-smirks- But...not to the Kzar

[10:06][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:How rare is this class of ship...Im assuming ths to be a fleet command ship

[10:06][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:and how big is it

[10:06][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"yeah is it wrong that I want to see one of those Kzari mother ships and that Imperium Command Carrier duke it out?

[10:06][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patrterson] -gulped and looked at Sin in return

[10:07][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"My latiunum is on the Kzari.

[10:08][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Four thousand nine hundred and eight four meters in length. Six hundred and seventy six meters in width and a depth of Three hundred and seventy six meters.

[10:08][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Rare..I take it

[10:10][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"This vessel is typically used for the purpose of fleet command and control. I would recomend erring on the side of caution in assuming there is a single such vessel overseeing the invasion.

[10:10][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] SIGINT from the Citadel reports at least one in Kirtascan Space and two deep coreward in Kzari space.


[10:11][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] yes Ma'am..

[10:12][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--smirks-- "they know the Kzari are the real threat. What was that old Earth quote about waking a sleeping giant.

[10:12][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:{Tracey] -smiles to peebs- They are indeed poking the bea

[10:13][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"i am going to enjoy watching them get mauled.

[10:13][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] That has to be way they intially went after the Kzari homeworld prior to the invasio

[10:14][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Only for COmmander Blaine's boys and girls to defeat the attempt made by the Chantr


[10:14][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Yes, Captain?

[10:15][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:You think based onthe data you know have..you will be able to accurately ferret out ID's for me on long range sensors now that we are hunting

[10:18][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he looked down at Dacia and waited for her response

[10:19][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:The long pause in answering is punctuated by the quick input of commands she's imputing into the sensors

[10:20][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Mr Sevuk?


[10:21][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Do you think you feel confident enough t run drills between you and Gwens deltas...given what we know about the Imperium and Chantry ground forces

[10:24][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"I have done my best attune the sensors with the required parameters, however Captain it will be largely dependant on where they are in relation to other objects in space. If our adversaries are wis

[10:24][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:I do captain

[10:25][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-holds up a finger to pause Sevuk as she listens to Dacia

[10:25][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:they will stay close to spatial bodies which will create areas of sensor inteferance. If they are unwise they will linger deep in empty space where they will be easy to detect.

[10:26][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-scowls in thought a moment before- Lets not underestiamte our foes..lets assume wise..and try and work to compensate such attempts to hide...every object out there leaves a tell tale sign..lets se

[10:26][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:learn to spot the

[10:27][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Do we know if there is a level of cooridination in Apostate forces

[10:27][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-to Sevuk- Good...assume our enemy is not probne to static behavior and work onthe theory they will adapt and go fromt here Mr Sevu

[10:27][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:Understood captain

[10:28][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] They do seem to be supporting one another and currentintel suggests their offensives are not in mixed fleets..asof ye

[10:29][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Work them hard Sevuk..i want us prepared and not just for defensive operations...i wantus up prepared to assault as well as repe

[10:30][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-toXae- so...a joint operation the

[10:30][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Interesting. I ask because the Chanrty does have a form of gateway technology..which could aid an unpredicatable logicitcal manuevers

[10:30][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:Yes captain

[10:30][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Indeed..and from Jessis last briefing..seems like the Imperium has been attempting to raise and use gateway artifacts..far more primative than Artesia..but limited wormholes none the les

[10:31][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Might be why they sought out the Chantr

[10:31][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Speaking off..in a battle of the Tyriian system..there appeared another type of vessel that uses some form of gateway to facilitate both its arriveal and force withdrawl

[10:32][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:This vessel was did not appear as a known faction vessel

[10:32][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Indeed their was...the poor Yuki rana foul of the

[10:32][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:No...so we have atleast one other third party no

[10:32][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Command is assuming it is an unkinown Apostate rac

[10:33][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Me iam..not so sure ye

[10:33][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Is it possible the Chantry or allied apostate forces attempt to use asteriod to attack less manueverabel planets and facilities

[10:34][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey[ They did to Acrim

[10:35][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] Three major impact


[10:36][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"Aye captain?

[10:36][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:send an encyrpted messageon an encoded subspace freqwuncy that we are in the ara to Kzari Fleet comman


[10:37][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"I captain, I will let them know we are out here, so they don't report us as a prowler.

[10:37][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-smiles at that- Thank you maggi

[10:47][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*To Sevuk* Commander could you also share your recordings and training with my department. Just in case we do get boarded It'd be better to familiarize as many officers as we can with their moves

[10:47][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Letme know if and when you get an Answer Maggi

[10:47][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] -blinks andlooks at Sin

[10:48][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-smirks and looks to Xae- Remember Opoeration Tiger's Claw?..The Pi Canis Run

[10:49][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:Of course

[10:49][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] -eyes Sevuk some at that

[10:50][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Best to be prepared no

[10:50][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:-to Talia- The good, the bad or the ugly parts

[10:50][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"aye captain

[10:50][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-smirks- Just...came to mind is al

[10:51][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Thank you Maggi

[10:51][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] -looked at Sin- Was that to Me...or him

[10:52][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Also Maggie..keep you ears peeled for any signs of ..signal abnormalites...seeif we cant try and located the enemy that way as wel

[10:52][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:To you, duh.

[10:53][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] Oh rght...yeah..well yeah..um..of course best to be prepared...um..who runs those drills then

[10:53][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"aye captain, I read the brief on the comms protocols the Tannies and the Chantry use, I think I know what to look for.

[10:54][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-nods- Good Razor..stay on them the

[10:54][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Haven't decided yet

[10:57][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] -nods- Well..yeah sure...okay

[10:58][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Mr Kodor


[10:59][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Commence with targetting and firing drills...all watches...i wantto see status update reportts following each watc

[11:01][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Of course ma'am. Will begin here shortly

[11:01][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Also have sevewral wild weasal probes prepped and on standb

[11:01][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Contact they Yukli and have them do the sam

[11:01][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:Her head snaps in the Captain's direction.

[11:02][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Wild weasal probes?

[11:02][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-looks over at Dacia and smiles- Warp signature decoys..fashioned out of class VI probe

[11:02][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Patt? Ready some weasel probes for us please

[11:03][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:We used them long ago behidn neemy lines during the early days of the Klingon war...on the original lady

[11:03][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] Aye sir..prepping the weasal

[11:04][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:We tend to release them as we go to warp sednignt hem offon different trajectories to fool the enemy as to our course and headin

[11:04][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"I see." Her head snaps back to her console. "I like weasals

[11:04][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-smiles and nods- So do

[11:05][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Oh and Mr Sevuk

[11:06][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:Yes captain

[11:07][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Do asssit Mr Kodor and his Division in their prep to combat hostile ground forces

[11:08][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he looked at Patt then and answered quietly* I've decided who's going to take lead on that now


[11:09][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] -blinks and whispers- Yeah guess s

[11:09][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-to Xae- Any suggestions XO for the prep

[11:11][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he focused on creating drills for his staff

[11:11][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Nothing that stand out not already covered, captain

[11:12][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-sets her jaw and nods- Then we just get down to buissness then and get this done

[11:14][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:Star Trek Adagio extro music as the event ends