[8:51][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:Star Trek Adagio theme plays...funtimes in the opening cast scroll and stuff..
[8:52][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:We finally transition to the camer settling on a side chase cam view as a small group of ships is seen in a small sphere of golden light..in and otherwis
[8:52][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:voltile churning of the Black Ocean
[8:53][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:Talia looks ahead at the main view screen as she catches up on her log a summary of recent events
[8:55][DOIC]Talia@Isis:=^= Captain's Log, Stardate 98918.06. We were able to breach the distortion field of the Anamoly and locate the missing Kzari Cruiser Gallen's Pike and themissing freighter they had entered this are
[8:56][DOIC]Talia@Isis:of space to recus...thank Lor'vela neither ship suffered any severe damage nor loss of life...though thanks to the temporal distrubance..they have not experienced any loss of time...held in a state o
[8:57][DOIC]Talia@Isis:stasisin relaity..we were able to extract both ships andby extending our sphere of energy using the Artemis ssytem we were able to get them clear. I spoke with the Kzari CO, a StanrzKommande
[8:58][DOIC]Talia@Isis:Henrich and have allowed him to complete his rescue..we have assumed escort positions to see both ship safely out of the Black Ocean...I must say it has ben quite the experience..and we have gathere
[8:59][DOIC]Talia@Isis:quite abit of scientific data during this operation. Once we have cleared the Black Ocean..I am ordering the Lady A back on patrol and we shall commence working out way back to the Citadel for a fe
[9:00][DOIC]Talia@Isis:days of somew ell earned shore leave...I am poroud of my crew...this was a job well done. Talia out
[9:01][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-closes out her log on her PADD and hugsit to her chest a momentas she lets her eeys wander back to themain viewscreen
[9:01][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Ankos sips his coffee, humming in enjoyment as he stretches out in his chair and relaxes.
[9:02][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Ada...ETA until we hit the shoreline of the Black Ocean
[9:02][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--Peebs breathes a sigh of relief.-
[9:03][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Ada -> At our reduced pace, estaimating 5 more hours
[9:04][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:I am assuming Kommander Henrich is at this ace for the frieghter
[9:06][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*Sin continued monitoring the tractor beams in place and the power drain
[9:07][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Dacia maintain full sensor sweeps on our way out as befor
[9:07][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Sin how are we looking powerwise
[9:07][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Ada -> Several factors, involving the frighter, yes, though there a no life signs aboard it
[9:08][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-blinks- Crew secured aboard the Pike
[9:08][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:It would make sense to evacuate the freighter crew
[9:08][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-nods- Agree
[9:08][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Most likely.
[9:09][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:The freighter may have had around 50 on board...that being a generous estaimate ..more likely a few dozen
[9:09][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Aye, Captain. As during our previous excursions into the Black Ocean, sensors are extremly unreliable. However, I will alert you should anything register
[9:10][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-smirks- Depending on just how much we were effected by the temporal distortion,,I am likely getting a taslking to once we are back at the citade
[9:10][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Thank you Ensign...in this place its best to cover all your bases..thank you
[9:10][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Yupp... Fun police are gonna have a field day, Captain.
[9:11][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-nods- Oh you be
[9:12][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-to Xae- Can you just hear her now? -amused slightly
[9:12][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*Sin shook his head and shivered slightly
[9:14][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:You think it will be a thing
[9:14][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Not really...well it depends on her mood andhow dead things have been on the citade
[9:16][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-realizes she is still holding her log PADD
[9:17][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--glances over at the captain.-
[9:17][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-looks back at Maggie and smirks holdingitout- Ready
[9:17][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--stands getting into catch position-- "aye captain.
[9:18][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:-has a distant look to her for some moments
[9:18][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Sighs.* "My mom would yell at me and tell me not to throw stuff indoors...
[9:18][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--looks at the captain, expectantly.-
[9:18][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Or well, not neccessarily yell... like telepathically... you know what I mean.
[9:20][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-heaves the PADD over her shoulder arching back towards maggie
[9:21][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--manages to adjust to the unorthodox throw and makes a pretty decent catch.-
[9:21][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-nods- Good Catch Maggi
[9:21][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"thank you captain..
[9:22][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-chuckles- Your motheris not captainhere counselo
[9:22][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:It is a good idea to avoid throwing objects indoors
[9:22][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"See, Captain?
[9:22][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-side eyes Ankos- and look who said it
[9:22][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Yes you could poke someones eye out.. *he rolled his eyes
[9:23][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"You know that old human saying about broken timepieces?
[9:23][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] -chuckles at sins comemnt- Good one si
[9:23][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-chuckles- Really you fell back on that one
[9:24][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"It's a good saying.
[9:25][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-Taylor slinks up to thec ommand center to offer Talia a newly chilled mug of tranya and refillsAnkos coffee to keep it hot for him
[9:25][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:=Accepts her mug andnods- Thank you Yeoma
[9:26][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Taylor.* "Thank you, how kind.
[9:26][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Taylor] -war4ms mile- Of course captain...-another to Ankos- Of course Counselor
[9:27][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Smiles and sips his coffee.
[9:27][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-and with a soft turn she slinks back down to her other duties
[9:27][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-chuckles andlook at Ankos
[9:28][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Captain," Her head snaps suddenly towards the Captain's chair. "When we reach the Citadel, I would like your permission to... introduce Eireen to the crystaline lifeform we picked up in the debri
[9:28][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--Peebs griinds her teeth.-
[9:28][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-half turns- Be sure to clear that with Commander Arniane first Ensign as she is your department head
[9:29][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] -watches her go
[9:30][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Indeed..we'll take that offline Dacia later
[9:30][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he hit Patt in the stomach* Mind looking at the tractor beam holding the freighter in place for me
[9:30][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] -blinks shakes hishead ashe clutches his stomach- Sir? Oh rght..eys sir.on thatn ow si
[9:31][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--smirks as Patterson gets hit in the stomach.-
[9:31][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Thank you
[9:32][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Of course." A sharp tilt reorients her face in Xaelei's direction. "Commander Arniane, when we reach the Citadel, I would like your permission to introduce Eireene to the crystaline lifeform w
[9:32][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:picked up in the debris field.
[9:33][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-gives Ankos an odd look with a smal smile
[9:33][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--looks at Dacia, with a smirk-- "You mean like schedule a play date.
[9:33][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Chuckles softly.
[9:35][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"In a manner of speaking, yes. It would appear the crystal we found is physically very similiar to that of the Citadel. It occurs to me that Eireene may have an easier time communicating with it tha
[9:36][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--Peebs nods-- "that seems reasonable.
[9:36][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Like I said...we pick up the topic offline Dacia...though what do you mean, similiar
[9:36][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:us. If she is able to directly interface with the crystal, we should be able to learn more about it.
[9:37][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"Are we sure we can trust this crystal...I was always told you never put data card you pick up off the ground into your computer..
[9:37][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-rubs the bridge of her nose at that
[9:38][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Cannot help but chuckle.
[9:38][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--looks around-- "what?
[9:41][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--turns back to her station, adjusting her ear bud-
[9:41][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Pick up the topic offline?" A cant of her head at that. "Without a full analysis it is impossible to say whether they are of the same species, but it was you yourself who noted that lifeforms such a
[9:42][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:our latest passenger are of the same crystal yet contain a different emotional resonance.
[9:43][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Perhaps I mispoke or there is a misunderstanding. I believe we were discussing potential study of the crystals..
[9:44][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:and I cautioned that in certain perspectives the crystals themselves may have a form of sentience and potentially alive
[9:47][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Which is precisely why I would like to introduce it to Eireene. Were she given the chance to directly interface with the crystal, she may be able to determine whether it is truly sentient, or merel
[9:47][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:a repository for collected emotions. However, I defer to your judgment.
[9:50][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-chuckles some at something
[9:51][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Eirene does have quite the knack at communication
[9:52][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:BYu Offline Ensign I believe the Commander merely meantonce clearof the black ocan we can take thenew crystal offline..sinceit is currently pluggged into the Artemis system..to provide us with th
[9:52][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:shielding effect that enabled s to retreive the two Kzari ship
[9:53][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:I believe thatis what shemeant by 'offline
[9:53][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Oh. Of course.
[9:54][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-looks over to Dacia- You seem quite fondof eirene Dacia...made a friend in her did you
[9:54][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Actually I meant it more simply..that on duty on the bridge is not a good time for the discussion..
[9:54][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Shorthand to..."offline
[9:55][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-nods some- Or you know...that -hadnt considered that part herself
[9:56][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"I understand, Commander. I will not discuss the topic again until our shift is over." And with that her head snaps back to the sensor console
[9:58][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--pulls her earbud out with a quiet sigh-
[9:58][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Tursn to give Peebs a little look.
[9:59][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--gives Ankos a look back-
[9:59][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"You doin' good, Peebs?
[10:00][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:The Adagio starts rocking a alittle more jarring and frequently
[10:00][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-scowls some- Report
[10:00][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--grabs her console at the rocking-
[10:00][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Another current
[10:01][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*Sin double checked the artemis system and the tractor beams
[10:01][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--to Ankos -- "i am fine sir, there is just only so much of the Dark Ocean static a person can listen to without going crazy.
[10:01][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:Her fingers tap at the console as she tries to fight through the sensor interference
[10:02][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Trust me, Peebs, I get it.
[10:02][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--nods to Ankos.-
[10:02][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:The Black Ocean is known to be volatile especially at the frindge
[10:03][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"we have to be getting pretty close to the edge by now?
[10:05][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Ada -> Still several hours at current pace Maggie
[10:05][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"that isn't what I want to hear Ada.
[10:05][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:The rocking becomes constant and shaking
[10:06][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:This however..
[10:06][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-frowns- Something has the Ocean stirred u
[10:07][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:it was not this rough on the way i
[10:07][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Maybe it was us being in here for too long
[10:08][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Either that, or something big is going down along the edges.
[10:08][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:....possible...also possible counselor....anything on sensors..or are we still neck deep in interference
[10:08][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:*Sevuk arches an eyebrow.
[10:09][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:Warning lights and alarms blare form Konmal's console
[10:09][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Helm report
[10:09][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--Maggies hangs her head-
[10:10][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"One moment, Captain." She says in her typical monotone as she continues to try to fight through the interference
[10:10][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Konmal -> Rear deflectors just snapped on to maximum power! Detecting a power surge at the edge of a light radius
[10:10][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Konmal -> It is coming on fast...hold on
[10:10][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Dacia...direct sensors aft
[10:11][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:-holds on-
[10:11][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Maggie alert all decks to race themselves! sound collusion alert
[10:11][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:=/\=Attention all decks, brace for impact! brace for impact!=/\
[10:11][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Straps himself into his seat.
[10:11][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Then gives Talia an expectant look.
[10:12][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-braces herself as she stands
[10:12][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:*Sevuk stands firm.
[10:12][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:Konmal silences the alarm as his console alerts flash
[10:12][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Rubs his temple.
[10:13][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*Sin glanced up at the ceiling, hoping Ada does them a solid and braced
[10:13][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Directing sensors aft, Captain. Narrowing spectrum... Gravity wave detected, Captain. It's generating kinetic energy and will overtake the ship in twenty two seconds." She says like a bored waitres
[10:13][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:taking someone's order
[10:15][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Shield status
[10:15][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"The wave is accelerating." Without taking those blank unblinking eyes off the console she pulls a strap across her waist and buckles in
[10:15][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Sinez...lash tractors onto the Gallens Pike and the frighter..form a triangle
[10:16][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Ada! update the Yuki on our new maneuver
[10:16][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:and her Yuki take the lead to not takke brunt of the wave...she can manuever in front of us as needed, it what she does best
[10:16][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Maggie see Sin gets the power he need
[10:17][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Let c'TRria know MAggie.she has pint defens
[10:17][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"aye captain..
[10:18][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Konmal -> 7 seconds...it is still accelerating
[10:18][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:When the wave impact reaches the ten second mark she starts a countdown. "Six... five... four... tree..
[10:18][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Konmal -> It w
[10:18][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"three... two.. one. Imp--
[10:19][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:Even before the countdown the wavefront hits the Adagio hard
[10:19][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:Eventhing and everyone is lunged forward from a massive rear impact
[10:20][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:Actual auible rumbling is hard through all Adagio
[10:20][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:Emergeny sirens and light flair
[10:21][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-digs in as best she can, bending her knees as she fights t brace herself
[10:22][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-shouts over the deep rumbling- Status on the other ships!
[10:23][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*Sin did his best to grab hold of the console so he wouldn't tumble over it* Captain the freighter is all over the place right now, even with the tractor linked it's dangerously close to colliding
[10:23][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:The Yukikaze is clearly seen visible ahead on the main screen
[10:24][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Do your best Sinez! But do not let it collide with either ship
[10:24][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:If it really is empty, it might not be a bad idea to let it loose captain.
[10:25][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Only if there is no other option
[10:25][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:Dacia immediately starts scanning aft again, to see if there are any follow up waves incoming
[10:25][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Konmal -> We are in a wavefront captain
[10:25][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Hold Fast Helm...keep her as steady as you can
[10:26][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Konmal -> I am trying! Helm...unresponsive
[10:26][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Sin status on that frieghter?
[10:27][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"The wave is continuing to accelerate, Captain. We've been caught up inside of it
[10:28][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:It's not a wrecking ball just yet ma'am.
[10:28][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Good work Commander..keep fending her off...course headingof the wavefront
[10:29][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Keep at is Sinez....even if we cut it loose..it is swept up here in this wave with us
[10:29][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Patt let me know if and when the power consumption gets too much
[10:29][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:I ant the tractor on ..if only to fend it off of us and the Pik
[10:30][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"I am getting the impression we may have over stayed our welcome.
[10:30][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] -over thedeep rumblings- Aye sir! I wontt akemy off of thereading
[10:34][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*He nodded, focusing on keeping the freighter away from hitting them both in the meantime
[10:35][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Konmal -> The wavefront heading is unknown! We were impacted af
[10:35][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:So..outward toward the Black Ocean barrier
[10:36][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Is it the ocean itself doing this? Or something big deeper inside?
[10:37][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-sets her jaw- We ride it out then,,,,at thi spoint anythingis possible...its like someone dropped a huge rock in behind us..or an explosio
[10:37][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:On the main screen the Freighter quickly slide into close view blocking everything else on visual
[10:37][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Sorry.. *he gritted his teeth
[10:38][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--looks at the captain-- "i am surprised it isn't shaped like a giant boot.
[10:38][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Sin! get that tin can under control
[10:39][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Yes ma'am.. *he made sure the freighter stayed in front of them* Sorry, but get used to the view.
[10:39][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-grits her teeth- at least we will know where iti
[10:39][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Typically, gravimetric waves such as the one that hit us are formed when two stars collide.
[10:39][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:from the overhead speaker Yuki chirps "Conga line!
[10:40][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-smirks at Ctria's comment
[10:51][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Ada hull and shield status!
[10:52][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Maggie...see if you can contact the Gallen's Pike and see if they can move in front of the freighter
[10:55][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"aye captain.
[10:56][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Will the pike still fit inside our little sphere
[10:56][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:=/\=USS Adagio to Galen's PIke, can you move in front of the freighter to help try and stablize it?=/\
[10:56][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:It is the best we can do Sinez...and she'll still be closer than Yuki
[10:57][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Heinrich -> We will try, helm is not responsive
[10:58][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:=/\=Understood Galen's Pike.=/\
[10:58][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:=^= Hnerich use..teh gtravimetrics..try to ride the flcutiations into positio
[10:58][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:=^= As if body ..surfin
[10:59][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-as they are shaking- Or trying to ride out of hydroplannin
[11:00][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:They're slowly getting into position ma'am.
[11:00][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:All the main strean shows is the mass of a frighter a point blank range ahead..
[11:01][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:Everything it still shaking all over the shi
[11:01][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Its like tryig to ride an anvalanche straight down a glacier fron
[11:03][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Ynera] Or surfing a strong current at high tide
[11:03][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Whatever it is, it's not fun.
[11:03][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] More like being bulldoze
[11:04][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:Ada -> or a tsumani wave..and ise just gets faster and faster! Those things are multi times hyper sonic
[11:04][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Ada -> or a tsumani wave..and ise just gets faster and faster! Those things are multi times hyper sonic
[11:05][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Are we maintaining the bubble around all ships Sin?
[11:07][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:It's still holding ma'am.
[11:07][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:We are running the Artemis is normal Black Ocean configuration..like we entered with captain. We did not need to same setup and tight formation like in the annomoly
[11:07][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-nods- of cours
[11:12][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Dacia...and chance of breaking throiiuguhj that interfertence
[11:13][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Ankos did you pick up on anything thatmight have led to this ...wavefrontw e are in
[11:13][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Maggie..do we still have open comlines with all ships
[11:13][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"I would have told you if I had, Captain.
[11:13][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Sin what is our hull status?>
[11:13][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-to him- a shot int he dark..of course you woulv
[11:13][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:As suddenly as it all started..the shaking has stopped
[11:14][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*Sin looked up at the others after checking the status
[11:15][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Captain, tac sensors are fully functional now.
[11:15][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-blinks and rises some- ..Statuis report
[11:15][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Dacia...sensor status
[11:16][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Main sensors online, Captain. We have exited the Black ocean.
[11:16][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Get us anavigational positionf or the hel
[11:16][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"general communications back online.
[11:16][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Maggie get a statuson al lship
[11:16][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"aye captain.
[11:17][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:=/\=All ship's report status.=/\
[11:17][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:Konmal -> Aye captain! Helm is responsive..current speed warp 9.99999..
[11:17][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Konmal -> Aye captain! Helm is responsive..current speed warp 9.99999..
[11:17][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--looks over at Konmal.-
[11:17][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Ease us down Helm.
[11:17][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Konmal -> Working with the Pike to deaccelerate
[11:18][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:C'Tria -> Looks like we are in the clear
[11:19][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:=^= and flying way to fas
[11:20][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:C'tria =^= but whoa! What a ride! Can we do it again?
[11:20][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Konmal -> warp 9..and slowing
[11:20][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:No.. Let's not.. *he let out a sigh
[11:21][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:=^= I am tempted tosday yes..but we have work to get back Yuki...lets get ourselves slowed downands ee toour kzxari friend
[11:23][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Sin...we strill have ahold of the freighter
[11:24][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Yes ma'am
[11:24][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Good work Deadey
[11:24][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-nods to him impressed
[11:24][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Damn good wor
[11:25][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he nodded* Thank you ma'am
[11:26][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--has her ear bud in and is focused on comm traffic-
[11:26][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Konmal -> slower to cruising speed at warp
[11:26][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:We have a navigational positon Helm
[11:26][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Captain, I am detecting evidence of a slipstream corridor. One running along the Kzari corridor. It's heading towards Alliance space, on a trajectory to the Citadel.
[11:26][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"..I hav traffic coming in on the emergency bands captain.
[11:27][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Konmal -> Assessing now...clearly back along the Kzari cooridor
[11:27][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"..whatever it is, it is encrypted.
[11:27][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-scowls- SLipstream towards the citadel? how sizable is the signal
[11:28][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Decode it Maggi
[11:28][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"ill try captain..
[11:28][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Get me an ID on the slpsteams ignature as wel
[11:29][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"Ada are you familiar with this encryption?
[11:29][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"I'm afraid they're just energy traces, Captain. Whatever was travelling to the Citadel did so several minutes ago.
[11:30][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Understood Dacia..keep up sensor sweeps while we hold stationf or the momen
[11:31][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Ada -> Hmm...whoever did this..it is layered...is that Kzari code it too?
[11:31][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Aye, Captain. I believe it is notable that the corridor does not lead from the Black Ocean.
[11:31][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"...Someone wanted to keep their conversation secure.
[11:32][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Can you back trace its pointof origin then Daci
[11:32][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Ada -> and more semgents using stanard Alliance protocol..some Star Fleet...whoa..and even some specific form the ships of the 22nd fleet..
[11:33][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"Something is going on? Any flash traffic on the ACCi?
[11:33][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:What the hell is going on here..-lookjs over to Tracey- Jessi
[11:34][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -shakes her head- I haveonly local ACCI feeds...nothing from command at al
[11:35][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Maggie..raise the citadel direc
[11:35][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Maggie..think you can ask our Kzair friend for help decoding thier segments...I think I can handle the rest
[11:35][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"I can only tell that it follows along the Kzari corridor Captain. There's not enough trace energy to leave a trail for us to follow.
[11:35][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"aye ma'am...I'll see what they can do for us.
[11:36][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Nono thjatios good enoughf ro now Dacia..nothing really down that direction save forKzari and unfriendlie
[11:36][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:At least we know a little more where they are not from Ensign...keep up those sensors sweeps locally...im startingto get a very bad feeling her
[11:36][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Sin you as wel
[11:37][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--pulls her ear piece out quickly-- "oww.
[11:37][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Ada..take us to yellow Aler
[11:37][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-snaps her head around to Maggie- Report
[11:37][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Aye, Captain.
[11:38][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"I am getting a lot of interference and feedback on comm channels back to the Citadel.
[11:38][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Or anatural feedback signal lovcally
[11:38][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"..aye maybe.
[11:38][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*Sin furrowed his brow
[11:38][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Xae..take all decks to red alert ....we canalways stand down if need b
[11:39][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"i have never seen anything like it, if it is jamming it is really powerful.
[11:39][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Maggie alert the Yuki and th ePike we are goign to red aler
[11:39][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Sin shields and weapons u
[11:39][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"aye captain.
[11:40][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Heinrich -> Adagio...thank you do the escort. We are unable to raise Central..but I have reached out to nearby Kzari patrols
[11:40][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:-red alert sounds all decks
[11:40][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:=/\=Adagio to Galen's Pike and Yukikazi, we are increasing our alert status to condition red.=/\
[11:40][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:=^= What have they to report KOmmander
[11:41][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he nodded, pressing buttons to raise shields and weapons
[11:41][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Heinrich -> They are investigating increase traffic activity and black out zones of communcation by unknowns in the region...they suspect Apostate activity
[11:42][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:=^= Kommander...I suggest we stay in formation until such time eitherof us is able to make contact with their respective command
[11:42][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Ada, please display a list of all known slipstream drive technologies to this console. I would like to compare the residual energies left behind to the one the sensors picked up in the hopes o
[11:42][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Heinrich -> I got your Ada'a request. shared our decrption for what she needed
[11:42][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:identifying the species who passed through here.
[11:43][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:=^= We are being jammed by what just may be a very powerful jamming cycle...we should stick cloxse for themomen
[11:43][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:-Xae looks at Talia- We need to follow that slipstream...now
[11:43][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Indeed...but i dont antto leabe Henrich onhi sown..we are stronger togethe
[11:44][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Helm lay in acourse after that slipstream signa
[11:44][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Ada..spin up our own slipstrea
[11:44][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:=^= What say you Pike..are you with us
[11:44][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Heinrich -> I see you laying in a course away from my mission objective captain
[11:45][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:=^= We are goignto attempt a intecept on aslistream that apepars oncourse for the citade
[11:46][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:=^= Kommander itis clear somethingis going on..your mission objective might be obsolet
[11:46][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Heinrich -> We cannot take the frieghter with us on a pursuit...in fact I need to have her delivered and her crew to some relative saftey
[11:46][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:=^= Understood thenw e part comnay here...goodluck to you bot
[11:47][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:=^= Be sfe and stay onyour guar
[11:47][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Heinrich -> You as well Adagio
[11:47][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-nods to him and signals maggie to cut the feed
[11:48][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Ada..spin up te slipstream..Helm plots us a intercept cours
[11:49][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Konmal -> Pursuit course laid in..best guess captai
[11:49][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:It will have to do..engagt
[11:51][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:With that the Adagio with Yukikaze wisk away into a shared slipstream and into the unknown
[11:52][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:and with that the conslusions of this weeks episod