[8:45][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:Star Trek Adagio theme for tonight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrHnKF-l8_
[8:47][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:The camera opens while the music plays with Adagio, Yukikaze and what looks to be 4 freights vessels and a medical vessel in a conoy formation...gliding at warp speeds..
[8:48][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:As the camera angles more to a chase video..it shows off the in the distance..and every present Black Ocean off to the port side of the screen..
[8:48][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:Talia look out her ready room window as she recording her personal log
[8:50][DOIC]Talia@Isis:Captain's Log, Stardate 98513.28. The Yukikzae and Lady A are oncemore outto dancer amongst the stars. We have been tasked with convoy escort duty to deliver supplies to the situation in theSeka Sta
[8:50][DOIC]Talia@Isis:System. A rather unigue temporal effect that effected the homeworld of the Seki and oneo ftheir largest colonies in system following efforts to save themselves from last years Black Ocean Tsunam
[8:51][DOIC]Talia@Isis:Effect. The Sentinel, the Bartas and several Kzari warships are now on hand to aid in treating the wounded and asid in maintaining calm across that very fortunate world. From what I am able to gathe
[8:53][DOIC]Talia@Isis:from the Sentinels many reports on the subject a great many lives were spared from that disaster by the Sentinels actions. A fine ship and a fine crew..upon delivery of the convoy for us , well we ar
[8:54][DOIC]Talia@Isis:to return to patrol. The Yuki and we will once more ply the Kzari corridor in an effort to maintain the peace and explore the dmages should any remain following the Black Ocean's retreat back to he
[8:55][DOIC]Talia@Isis:orginal 'shorelines'..we do have one mystery waiting for us on this patrol...reports from the Alliance and several merchant vessels from travel have reached coomands ear
[8:56][DOIC]Talia@Isis:It seems we may have asensor ghot out here in the corridor...one that appears to be random in nature..yet seems to have increased in frequency over thelast several weeks
[8:57][DOIC]Talia@Isis:So it seems oncemore we may face an unknown...whter it turns out to be beign or hostile..well thatis yet to be determined...with anyluck we will get that chance. I have alerted all departments to ou
[8:57][DOIC]Talia@Isis:current mission so following our brief stay in the Seka system we shall begin our ..ghost hunt. -chuckles some- Talia out
[8:58][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-hugs her padd toher chest following signing off and takes amomento let her eyes drift back out to the stars beyond her window
[8:58][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Aliens who got frozen in time and avoided a cataclysm... curious.
[8:59][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -looks up for her console finally back fromleave- It does sound neat doesnt it
[9:00][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Yeah. Still, sickbay is ready... who knows what kinda chaos happens when you realize you've been frozen in time for a year...
[9:00][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] One wuld imagine many cardiac issues among the populatio
[9:01][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:=/\=...who is this...um I think you have a wrong number...This is is the USS Adagio...no thank you sorry bye.=/\
[9:01][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:And lots of fainting.. *he turned to look at Maggie
[9:01][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -blinks at Peebs
[9:01][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Turns and blinks at Peebs.* "What?
[9:01][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Hansen] -looks over at her friend
[9:01][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -chuckles and shakes his head
[9:01][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"Nothing sir, some Ferengi trying to sell us an extended warranty for the ship.
[9:02][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] -dryly- To the fleet's flagship
[9:02][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Deities, they're like cockroaches.
[9:02][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he shook his head* Remind me again why we let them out here.
[9:02][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--looks at Solia and shruggs-
[9:02][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"It would be morally wrong not to have let them...
[9:03][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"And they sometimes sell cool doohickeys.
[9:03][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -amused- Credit for creativit
[9:03][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"And ambition." Dacia chimes in without taking her eyes off her console
[9:03][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] If they were a true threat ..Artesia would not have granted them acces
[9:04][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"They are a threat to anyone's latinum, that's for sure.
[9:04][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] They are still annoyin
[9:05][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"that is true, all of the Ferengi merchants I have met here in the LMC have been quite pleasant. Even if they never stop trying to sell you stuff.
[9:05][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"I can't help but admire their single-minded grind.
[9:05][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] and wow..their shops have truly improved with their new LMC product
[9:05][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Ada -> It does take a large varied effort to maintain our supply chains...and open trade
[9:06][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] Quite true Ad
[9:06][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Ada -> We always seem to have many populations in need..and rarely seem to want for supplies to assist..
[9:06][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Ada does make a point." *He nods at Tracey.* "Oh, yeah... You buy baby stuff from them? I think they're already stamping them with cute images of Bursali.
[9:07][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -chuckles and nods- Dean and I got a nice new stroller from their Bursali Huggy Bear collection
[9:07][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"overall, if nothing else Ferengo are experts in supply chains..
[9:07][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*He chuckles.* "Bursali huggy bear? Those cuddly giants are probably loving it.
[9:08][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Hansen] -chuckles- Ive seen the Ads back on the Citadel they are adoreabl
[9:09][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"I saw a plushie H'tiy being sold.. I think I'll get Ynera one. They're really going all out on the LMC merch.
[9:09][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"I got one of those Bursali plushie dolls for my neice on her birthday.
[9:09][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Daw, that's cute. I didn't know you were an aunt.
[9:09][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Hansen] I saw that too! The Plushie Maude
[9:09][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"yeah my sister has two kids. A boy and a girl.
[9:10][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-hits her combadge- =^= Captain to Commander Kodo
[9:10][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Smiles to Hansen, then looks to PEebs.* "Oh, wow, really? They bother you a lot to tell you stories about your adventures here?
[9:10][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:=^= Captain
[9:11][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"when i make it home, they wont leave me alone...which I am okay with.
[9:11][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"That's adorable.
[9:11][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Crewman Peebles is an exceelent story teller. You should ask her to tell you the one about the greedy fox.
[9:11][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:=^= We wil be in the corridor proper as we begin our approach to Seka...commence with sensor sweeps in the event our reported 'Ghost' out here rears up its hea
[9:12][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Oh? Well, Peebs, would you Tell me about the greedy fox once shift is over and we're in the lounge, please?
[9:12][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--lets out a chuckle and smiles at Dacia-- "i am no where near the level my grammy was.
[9:13][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:=^= Yes captain, I'll tell the others to keep an extra close eye on the sensors
[9:13][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"My grandmothers weren't really much for storytelling... They had both hit -that- point in a betazoid woman's life.
[9:13][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"yeah sir I will tell you a bed time story..
[9:13][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:=^= Thank you...keep me informed
[9:13][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"I have no basis for comparison. However, the story was amusing and clearly told.
[9:14][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Thanks, Peebs.
[9:14][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--nods to Dacia-- "thank you ma'am.
[9:14][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:=^= Will do Ma'am
[9:14][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:=^= Talia ou
[9:15][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-closesoff the comlink and heads over to her desk setting down her PADD and picking up hernow warmed tranya
[9:15][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:-looks- You knoe..they have cups that can chill or warm you know..
[9:16][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--goes over the ship status panel looking for issues, before gong back to the comm panel.-
[9:16][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-smirks at her- I prefer my old mug..thank you...-chuckles- she has abit of life still in he
[9:17][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Dacia, Patterson. Keep a close eye on the sensor sweeps when we're in the corridor. Captain wants us searching around for this ghost that everyones been talking about
[9:17][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--readjusts her ear bud so it is more comfy-
[9:17][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:Of course..you enjoy the ritual of letting the Tang get warm..and them making a scrunchy face in disgust..
[9:17][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] -nods- Yes sir..though the details from command are..well still a bit vague on this ghost of their
[9:18][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"I'll keep an ear to the ground in case something weird goes down on a telepathic level.
[9:18][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-smiles as she takes a sip and just barely stops her face from wincing- ..and it is not tang..it is Trayn
[9:18][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:As you say..
[9:19][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Aye, sir." In truth she had never taken her attention off the sensor readings. Almost as an afterthought, she adds a sweep for markers typically associated with cloaked vessels
[9:19][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:We'll keep recording anything and everything just in case. Who knows, could just be a space whale
[9:19][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-chuckles- for the last time..Tang is what the old human astronauts drank...Tranya is a relished drink from the First Federatio
[9:19][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"so basically our mission has not changed any...
[9:20][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Pebbles] a Meldodian...out here sir
[9:20][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:Yes....reslished... -nods
[9:20][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"You never know, Peebs.
[9:21][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"My second day on the ship, I made friends with a giant space squid and her babies.
[9:21][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-shakes her head- You arenot going to bait me..nor am I being stubborn -says as she crosses over to her replicator
[9:21][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he shrugged* Exactly
[9:21][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"She was maybe twice the adagio's size.
[9:21][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[lol Pattersonnot peebles :P my bad :P
[9:21][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"we already fly around looking for wierd stuff...command just wants us to do it here rather that there..
[9:22][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia],,,not weird Yeoman..simply unknown as of ye
[9:22][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"Right, ma'am sorry...
[9:23][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-sets her warm mug of tranya in the replicator, resets it and says- Computer...Tranya...chille
[9:23][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"You can't deny a lot of the stuff we've found has been pretty weird, Commander.
[9:23][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] We have had quite our share of unique finds during my tenure with the Captai
[9:24][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:-moves a pawn forward in their epically slow..play by mail speed of their current chess game
[9:24][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] -quirks a brow at Ankos..looking maybe amused
[9:24][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-collects her new chilled mug and walks over- Finally made your move
[9:25][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"..wondering what we will encounter to day is what gets me out of my bunk every morning..
[9:25][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"...that and my alarm and a mug of coffee..
[9:26][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -eyes Sevuk some- ..I wonder if he is awake or asleep...i dont seem to recall him being this quiet
[9:26][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:Only to not hear you complain further...I only play this silly game because you enjoy it. -slight hmph at trailing end
[9:26][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Lately it's Ynera who gets me up.
[9:26][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he gave Stacey a look
[9:26][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Sometimes with threats.
[9:26][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-studies the board some- Now now...helps me stay focuse
[9:27][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"He may be meditating. Deep meditation is a practice quite common with vulcans.
[9:28][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--nods at Dacia-- "that must be it ma'am.
[9:28][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] While true...it is hardly practicedwhile one is on dut
[9:28][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:*Sevuk raisea n eyebrow at Tracey.
[9:29][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -feigns a gasp- he ,,,, moved
[9:29][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he rolled his eyes
[9:29][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:The ability to speak does not designate intelligence
[9:29][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Don't get used to it, Tracey.
[9:29][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:Then always glad to provide the service..
[9:30][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] I didnt say speak..and oh wow...you managedi
[9:30][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:Did you read Shantal's mission encounter report
[9:30][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:You were questioning why I was quiet
[9:31][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey][ -giggles- yes but inno way did i mean thatmade you an idiot sill
[9:31][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-nodnods her eyes still on theboard- it seems the Seki were very very ..lucky -eyes her some
[9:32][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:-casually coughs
[9:32][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"If I am not mistaken, Lieutenant Commander Sevuk is suggesting he only speaks when he has something intelligent to say.
[9:32][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--monitors and catalogs transmissions in the area, looking for references to ghosts or any other unexplained phenomenon.-
[9:32][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] -shakes her head follwing Dacias comment- No...far to eas
[9:32][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--nods at Dacia-- "He is stoic like that ma'am.
[9:33][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Stoic indeed.
[9:33][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*He does not look towards Sin
[9:33][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] -eyes sevuk some-Far far too easy that openin
[9:33][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*Sin found the viewscreen very interesting
[9:34][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:A fluke or so with an experimental system meant for their defense..yes
[9:34][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:*Sevuk quirks an eyebrow at Solia.
[9:34][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] -eyeshimback- Do not forceme to say i
[9:34][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Ada chimes in -> Maybe an bit about stoic and closer to static.
[9:35][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--busts out laughting at Ada, covers her mouth and looks around-- "...sorry sir...
[9:36][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Grins cheekily as Peebs laughs.
[9:36][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Hansen] -covers her mouth very very quickly behind two hands
[9:36][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:Appearently. But you are correct..the odds if it all falling into place like it did...and for the Sentinel and safely unravel it..
[9:36][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"I haven't seen bullying that bad since me and my ex boyfriend roleplayed "Bully" and "nerdy kid"...
[9:36][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-nods- with the aid of a science off icer aboard a runabout who was caught in the effect as well?
[9:37][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Ada -> OhmygoshIamsorryI'llgointotimeoutnow
[9:37][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--regains her composure and straightens her uniform-
[9:37][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Ynera] =finishesreadjusting the lateral sensor array and begins to help Dacia with her scans
[9:38][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*Sin glanced down at a dirty spot on his shoes then
[9:38][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -osftly yet amused- Im sorry Sevuk I am just teasing you..I did miss you all
[9:38][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"We missed you too.
[9:39][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] aww thank you Ankos it is good to be hom
[9:39][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--as if to break the tension-- "i am not getting any traffic in the area about any 'ghosts' or any other unexplained stuff..
[9:40][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"In addition to the anomoly itself, I have begun sweeps for markers typically associated with cloaked vessels." She says to Ynera when she comes over to help. "While I have had a thought the 'ghost
[9:40][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Ghosts aren't real... except when they are. It kinda sucks then.
[9:40][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:may be an unintended side effect of temporally freezing a planet in time, I do not yet have a way to test the theory.
[9:40][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"..rights sir, whatever we are looking for...seems to not be around..
[9:41][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:Indeed...I am not sure about many..but I find comforting that such an against all odds occurance can happen
[9:41][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Ynera[ -does come over after returning to the bridge- I do have the sentoinekl reports...we could try looking for matching temporal flux signalry for comparisions
[9:41][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Smiles as Ynera returns.
[9:42][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-smiles as well- Well it was a nice changeof pace for this area of space along...suchmuch suffering has cocured her
[9:42][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Ynera] -gives ankos a happy wave from Dacias station
[9:42][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"An excellent suggestion." She starts to prepare the sensors to do exactly that
[9:43][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:On would counter...to live is to suffer, but that is for deeper mind to phanthom than me. -smirks
[9:43][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Ynera] there were some vairatiosn as well with the power variables fromt heir new tech..those are on pages 35 to 48 -shows her
[9:43][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Ynera] -to Dacia-=it was untested technology used in desperatio
[9:44][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Returns the waev to Ynera.
[9:44][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-=smirksa mused- Oh yes...clearly...yet as you know I do not subscribe to sucha theor on the nature of livin
[9:45][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -calls over- Sin
[9:45][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:Her head snaps in the direction of Ynera's Padd, and she reads up on the report
[9:45][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Smiles and keeps monitoring the situation telepathically.
[9:46][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:Indeed..I believe you only active subcription is the Kaiju Fan Club newsletter...-eye roll
[9:46][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Yes Trace
[9:47][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] Ican confirm what Maggie is saying...Command has no current reportsof any ghost sightnings in the past 24 hours from the shipping in the region..at least not from this partof the corrido
[9:48][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"So I guess we have a clear shot to the Seka system, no?
[9:48][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--nods and smiles at Tracey
[9:48][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-chuckles- Not Kaiju....just ..-clears her throat some- Just the Godzilla FanClub newletters...and 'GFAN Network' is an informative newsletter imm tell yo
[9:49][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he nodded* Captain still wants us sweeping around for it. It could've expanded it's wandering some maybe
[9:49][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:Yes..my mistake..
[9:49][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:and for the record...itis the Kaiju and friends newsletter...-then smoftly mutters- .im subbed to that to
[9:50][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-moves a pawn one spaceover andone space up
[9:52][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"aye sir I will keep my ears to the ground..
[9:52][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Thank you Maggie
[9:53][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-eyes her- Soo this is a no to the KOTM viewing this week
[9:53][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"That is a very real possibility, Commander. Should anything unusual come up on long range sensors, we will inform you immediately.
[9:55][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:I'll enjoy watching anything with you and Ada
[9:56][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Maxwell] =^= Maxwell to yeoman Peeble
[9:57][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-smirks- I think you will rather enjoy this version..itis a remastered version from the original early 21st century print..
[9:58][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:One of the few decent Western takes on Godzill
[9:58][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:=/\=Here Maxie, what you need?=/\
[9:58][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:Indeed...and what is the plot of this one
[9:59][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Maxwell] =^= well..'A Night in Horror Manor' is finally up and running on Holodeck tw
[9:59][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:=/\=Well alrighty..that is great news. I will let everyone know!=/\
[10:00][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Maxwell] =^= Please do! itll run til the first..thanks Maggie! Maxou
[10:00][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:=/\=Thanks Maxie..=/\
[10:01][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--looks around the bridge-- "Good news folk, haunted house up in holodeck two. 'A Night In Horror Manor' will be running til the first!
[10:01][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -beams- yes! finally
[10:02][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"i know what I am doing tonight!
[10:02][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Hansen] -fist pump
[10:02][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"I'll join you happily. Yne? Coming
[10:02][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Ynera] A haunted home??? -askseagerly
[10:03][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"I think that's what it is, yes?
[10:03][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"i hope they have the chainsaw murderer who wears other people's faces in it...
[10:03][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:Oh in this one..a eco-terrorists take advantageof a greivingmother..who is Monarch scientist anmd trickhe rinto setting free many Kaiju acorss Earths surfac
[10:04][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:and Ghidoraha nd Godzilla ahve to fight it out untiloneor the other is crowned King of the Monster
[10:04][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:King of the Monster..-nods
[10:04][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--stops a moment-- "..now that i think about that, that is pretty disturbing..
[10:04][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Ynera] -eyes Maggie amoment and then gigglesa seriesof high pitched fishy laughs- yes..I am in
[10:05][DOIC]Dacia@nathan#353:"That sounds remarkably violent. Does the program also serve as a combat training scenario?
[10:05][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Chainsaw murderer who wears people's faces?
[10:05][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"not so much combat training...more horror survival training in general.
[10:05][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"That sounds super familiar... I Think Az showed me that movie?
[10:06][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] More like atrack and fieldsimulator -chuckles
[10:06][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-is al smiles as shenods- Kingof the monster...the alph
[10:06][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--nods to TRacey.-- "yeah that is the secreat to survival, being a fast runner.
[10:07][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Or pushing someone in front of the murdered as a scapegoat.
[10:07][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] -dryly- Or at leastfaster than the person next to yo
[10:07][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] -eyes Ankos at that too
[10:07][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"..by definition fast only means faster than the other guy...
[10:07][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Ynera] -more high pitches trils
[10:07][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Hansen] Well last years Manor had both Freddie and Michae
[10:08][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*He nods to Solia.
[10:08][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] -nods in return
[10:08][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"That is highly unethical.
[10:08][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Unethical? Maybe. Practical? Highly.
[10:08][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] -considers this- But..logica
[10:09][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--does her Freddie voice-- "...Fresh meat, sweat to eat!
[10:09][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] What about you Sevuk..are youandgwen going this year?
[10:09][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Hansen] -giggles at maggie
[10:09][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"i got to get one of those gloves..
[10:09][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"I think I'll go as a lighthouse keeper and Yne can be a mermaid.
[10:10][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"..Ynera would not even have to dress up..
[10:10][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:I do not know. I assume so
[10:10][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Ynera] -nods her helmet- I will make a perfect mermai
[10:10][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Ynera] Aww why thank you Maggi
[10:10][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Well, we can get her a fake fish tail. She is still bipedal, after all.
[10:11][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Given the paremeters for survival, I believe I will pass on the program. I would not enjoy sacrificing my crewmates for the sake of self preservation. I would enjoy being sacrificed even less.
[10:11][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Ynera] Im agreat hopper!!! -nodnods
[10:11][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -giggles- Dacia..not everyonebehqves as Ankos and Soli
[10:11][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"its okay ma'am is it all good humored fun...no one is getting sacrificed..
[10:11][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey[ they are pulling your le
[10:12][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"..it is just a jump scare program...perfectly safe but scary.
[10:13][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Think of it as training for our coming encounters.
[10:13][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"The dark rarely pulls any punches on the scary part.
[10:14][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -to Sevuk= Have you chosen costumes yet
[10:14][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Very well. I will attend.
[10:15][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"it is one of the various holiday traditions aboard the Adagio.
[10:15][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"Haunted Houses are an old Earth Halloween tradition..
[10:16][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Ada -> It is...the captain usually has be go all out on total holiday decor and simulations..ship wide..ooooooOOOoo
[10:16][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--nods at Ada-- "Captain loves her holidays..
[10:17][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"I think it's fun.
[10:17][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"I like the variety.
[10:17][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"I like holidays centered around food..
[10:17][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"The Bajoran gratitude festival is fun..
[10:17][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"So I have heard. In preparation for the festivities, I have done an analysis of fears most common among starfleet officers. I am confident that I will be wearing the most frightening costume on th
[10:18][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:entire ship.
[10:18][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*Sin turned to stare at Dacia
[10:19][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--looks at Dacia-- "..a costume scientifically designed to be maximum scary?
[10:19][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Ynera] Costumes...are to be..scarey?
[10:19][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"...Costumes don't have to be, but a lot of people like the scary costumes..
[10:20][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Not neccessarily. They can be cute, sexy, funny, scary... anything you desire.
[10:20][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Ynera] Oh Okay then
[10:20][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Yes, this one is based on the psychological profiles of over one thousand starfleet officers." Her head swivles to Ynera. "There is no specific rule specifying this, however it is in the spirit o
[10:20][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"I will probably just go as a zombie or something...
[10:20][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:the holiday.
[10:21][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] I intend to aim for 'cute'...-smirks barringhsi fangs- that alone should make my costume..unsettlin
[10:21][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--pretends to be a zombie-- "...brains...brains...
[10:22][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] What do you think you might try this year Sevuk?
[10:22][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:I do not know
[10:22][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] Oh you cannot alwayslet gwen chos
[10:22][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"You could go as Sinez and Sinez could go as you...
[10:23][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] -eyes Sevuk at that
[10:23][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Absolutely not
[10:23][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:I do not know if that would be a good idea
[10:24][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -seems confused- Why
[10:24][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Tracey you don't remember? You balled your eyes out when you found out
[10:25][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] I did that once with myu bestie back in...-blinks- wait..what
[10:25][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:*Sevuk quirks his eyebrows.
[10:25][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] -shakes her head- Sinez..be carefu
[10:26][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"I thought about dressing up as a Borg...but, i thought better of it..
[10:26][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*He clears his throat.* "The two had a massive falling out around Christmas when Sevuk didn't like Sinez' present.
[10:26][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*He gives Jessi an apologetic look
[10:26][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -blinks- But...wait..still?? after all this time??
[10:27][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] rubs her face-..be ready for it ../boys
[10:27][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he shrugged* Strictly professional now
[10:28][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -her face falls completely- Oh...and then i go and..just bringit all up again...-she sinffs some..her eyes wartering a little
[10:28][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"It's so not your fault.
[10:28][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] -shakes his head and mutters- not that sevuk cares.
[10:29][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--looks at Sinez and SEvuk-- "..wow. just wow...
[10:29][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] No..itis..Ishoudlve asked first..Im so sorry -more watery eyes
[10:29][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he rubbed his face with a sigh
[10:29][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"You just squeezed out a baby, you can't remember everything that's happened.
[10:29][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"No TRacey you are not the bad guy here..
[10:29][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] Counselor perhaps after watch you can instruct both gentleman on the effects of post parte
[10:30][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"I could also go and beat my head against the wall, Commander. It would have roughly the same effect.
[10:30][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*Did Sin just smirk a little
[10:30][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] =covers her face some to wipe away the tears- I just feel stupid..-sniffles- thank you maggie...im sorry guys...god this is so stupi
[10:31][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:Dacia rises from her station, and walks over next to Peebles
[10:31][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"It's okay, really.
[10:31][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"You have caused no harm, I promise.
[10:31][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:It's not your fault Trace.
[10:31][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--looks up at Dacia-
[10:31][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] =npds to Ankos someandlooks to Sinez- Sirpermsiionto leave the bridge for amoment to cllect myself sir
[10:31][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"..can I help you ma'am?
[10:32][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Yes Tracey.. Sorry
[10:32][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey[] -gathers her PADD and heads out wquicl to the lift
[10:33][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--Maggie shrugs-- "i am sorry ma'am. I have no idea..I wasn not aboard at the time..
[10:34][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"I see, thank you Crewman." Dacia returns to her station
[10:41][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-Jessi returns to the bridge and takes her station
[10:43][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:A few taps of her fingers at the console and Dacia falls into a motionless state, staring blankly at screen in front of her while she waits for some sign of the 'ghost' to present itself
[10:44][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*He gives Jessi a concerned look.
[10:44][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -smiles collected and back to her usual self- Sorry all -winks to Ankos
[10:44][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:She then giggles at something and shakes her head to Ankos
[10:45][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Well I am glad you're doing okay.
[10:45][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -chuckles alittle- its hormonal sweetie..i forgot then felt stupd for putting the guys on the chioppingblock they ay i di
[10:47][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Trust me, you're not the one who put them on the choppign block.
[10:47][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-sips her tranya- Ada..ETA until we reacht he Seka star system
[10:47][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] you Know what i mean
[10:48][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Ynera] -conmtinues her efforts to keep Dacias efforts updated
[10:49][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Grins at Tracey.
[10:49][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"We'll straighten them out, one way or the other.
[10:50][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] I am sure they can do that for themselve
[10:51][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:Ada -> 28 hours at current speed of warp 6
[10:53][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -looks around and says softly- I am sorry if I killed the br4idge chatte
[10:53][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Ada -> I was still in time out! I usually kill it
[10:54][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] No I think I topped you tonight Ada -chuckles some
[10:54][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Ada -> Whew..
[10:54][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Don't worry about it, both of you...
[10:55][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] Yes do not concernsyourselves -chuckles
[10:55][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"i know right...no worries.
[10:55][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Hansen] Im f ine ma'am...Ad
[10:56][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"..i mean if you need some bridge chatter to break the silence I am your huckleberry.
[10:56][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] Now I am curiou
[10:56][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"i have been told I talk too much..
[10:57][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] Well Dacia did say you tell a mean Tale Maggi
[10:57][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"Dacia was impressed with a story I told..
[10:58][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"You are working in comms. Your job is to talk.
[10:58][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"i was just recounting one my grammy told me....more than once.
[10:58][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"I know right sir? it is the perfect job..
[10:59][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Exactly. You found yourself in the right spot.
[10:59][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"its kind og how I got this job in the first place..
[10:59][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"It was an entertaining story, and you--- Commander, sensor echo detected Port Side. It appears to be tailing the convoy..." A small pause. It is gone, now sir.
[10:59][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"Had this this chief petty officer during my training..he asked me if i ever shut up.
[11:01][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--looks over at Dacia.-
[11:01][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Right..." *He looks to Decia.* "I am sure Commander Sevuk would like to see where exactly you saw the ghost.
[11:01][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Please share data with him.
[11:03][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"i am checking with the convoy members to see if anyone else picked anything up.
[11:03][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Aye, sir." From there she relays the coordinates, it was some distance away
[11:04][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Peebs. Dacia. Do you think you could deploy sensor drones behind us and have them follow us at a set distance?
[11:04][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:=/\=Adagio to Yukikaze, we picked up a momentary anomaly on sensors, you got anything on scope?=/\
[11:05][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"sure sir..i can't sya how much it would help..
[11:05][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:C'tria =^= Nothing over here...we are five by five
[11:05][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:=/\=Alright, but keep your eyes peeled.=/\
[11:05][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-blinks as she looks to Cyg- Ankos is reporting a sensor hit
[11:05][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"If anything, it would make the ghost hang further back. Show them they won't catch us unawares.
[11:05][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Curious, the computer did not log the echo. It may have appeared and disappeared too quickly.
[11:06][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"it should fairly easy to implement, might take a some time though.
[11:06][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Hold on the probes, Peebs.
[11:07][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"aye aye sir.
[11:07][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-picksup her PADD- Shall we mind the store
[11:07][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Captain is coming.
[11:07][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:Of course..
[11:08][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-strdiesout andonto her bridge heading right for the command center- Repor
[11:08][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:-with a slight of hand and smirk she makes some subtle moves on the chess board..clearly not in the rules
[11:09][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Talia.* "Captain. YEoman Peebles caught the Ghost on our portside, trailing the convoy.
[11:09][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"The Yukikaze reported not seeing anything... the computer has not logged it either. It appeared and disappeared too quickly.
[11:09][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Ada -> I do not think it was Maggie..
[11:09][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--tilts her head at Ankos.-
[11:09][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-her antennae perkup some- What exactly did you detect maggie
[11:10][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"It may have been Dacia. Sorry, Ada.
[11:10][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-smirks amused and waves a hand- Who spotted our white whale..speak up gang -looks around the bridge
[11:11][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"That would be Ensign Dacia ma'am..I got zilch over here.
[11:11][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"It was a sensor echo, Captain. Tailing the convoy from some distance away. Port side, just as the counselor said. While it is possible that the blip was just an echo and nothing more, I felt it wa
[11:11][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:prudent to report it.
[11:12][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:No no you were right to do s
[11:12][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:So far this falls inline with the reported sightings..
[11:12][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"I think sending out some sensor probes in our wake to follow us may be at least something, Captain. Even if it doesn't help early detection, it will clearly show them we are prepared for them.
[11:13][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"that is how ghost sightings always start, you see things moving out of the corner of your eye..
[11:13][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Ada..while Dacia monitors the sensors..lets kick a set of flanking probes to either side of the convo
[11:13][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-nods to Ankos
[11:13][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Good precaution Counselo
[11:14][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Mr Sevuk?
[11:14][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:Yes captain
[11:14][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Take over tactical fire controls for now with Mr Kodor belo
[11:14][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:-to Talia- The probs will not be able to sustain warp 6 for long...they do have a limited fuel cell
[11:15][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:Yes captai
[11:15][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"We could launch a couple of Valks with a sensor loadout.
[11:15][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-nods- Once they fall off they can remain on station as makrker bouys XO until their batteries expire...they can act as a remote pairof eyes from ther
[11:15][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Peebs has a good point, Captain.
[11:16][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:at the very least they might catch theghost away from erveryone els
[11:16][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Though I would not want to get people out there for now, at least until we know if we are dealing with a real threat or not.
[11:17][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Ada -> I will run a diagnotic on the arrays...I did nto sense anything and nothing wrote into the system logs of a contact..
[11:17][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"This ghost has been chasing us for a fair few hours now.
[11:17][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Its not abad notion Maggie..but the counselor is correct...so far while we dontknow this to be hositle no sensein risking others for themomen
[11:17][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"It is most unusual, but I doubt it is just a malfunction in the system.
[11:17][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"aye aye captain.
[11:19][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Our mystery thickens...Dacia..nothng showed on playback..but you saw it yes
[11:19][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Yes, Captain. It was only for a very brief time. But it was there.
[11:20][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-smiles- but you recall it
[11:20][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Witth the ensign's... unique characteristics, Captain... I would not doubt her words.
[11:20][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"That is correct, Captain.
[11:20][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:I dont doubt her Anko
[11:20][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*He nods
[11:21][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Im countingon it..that means our friend by choice or not..maybe able to fool the systems..they are aware o
[11:21][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-looks over at Dacia= Not unexpectednor unique one
[11:21][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:A piece of the puzzl
[11:21][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"There is always the chance they may not even know our systems, Captain.
[11:21][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Very tru
[11:22][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:-to Talia- That would be consistent with several of the reported contact incidents...as in leaving no data log...just the word of the sensor operators at the time
[11:22][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"We have met cultures who had no idea how we function before.
[11:22][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:But whatbver the case...if got by or systems..but not he
[11:22][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Talia.
[11:22][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-nods Ankos and then Xae
[11:22][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-smiles- Okay we know now this is the ghos
[11:23][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:-to Talia- It does make me wonder how often this has happened...because many would not report something they could not confirm
[11:23][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:..and Port side..
[11:23][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Much like my worlds old flying darts or Earths flying saucer
[11:23][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Dacia look
[11:24][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Maggie sweep for comssignal
[11:24][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"aye aye, sweeping for comms..
[11:24][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Counselor sense anything
[11:24][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:Dacia immediately runs an intensive scan of the Port Side
[11:24][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:-The view screen pans a bit fo port and the backdrop of the Black Ocean..looking peacefully static and devoid of all light or movement in the distance
[11:25][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-squints as she tries and find anything unsusal
[11:25][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Sevuk sweep as wel
[11:25][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--adjusts her ear bud and sets to work-
[11:26][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:Yes captain
[11:26][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:*Sevuk begins a tactical sensor sweep.
[11:26][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:-to Dacia- Are you familiar with the Black Ocean from your review of LMC material
[11:27][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-chuckles at something
[11:28][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"I do not believe I have seen those reports, Commander.
[11:28][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:-looks to Talia
[11:28][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-nods to Xae- give her the basics Commande
[11:31][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:-to Dacia- I had thought they would have provided the basics of it as standard material for deployments into the LMC..
[11:32][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:We will need to contact Command over this difficency..
[11:32][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-to Dacia quickly- Ensign...the Black Ocean..was initally thoughtby our astronomers to be whatis called a void..
[11:33][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:The Black Ocean is an vast zone of Dark enrgy that encompasses a large swath of this entire galaxy
[11:33][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:an area utterly devoidof star ssytems and otherstell material..a vast ocrean of nothingnes
[11:33][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-nods toweaht Xae has said- That....the after effects of a major seriesof battles fromt his galaxy's last war soem two million years ag
[11:34][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Or at least masked from the rest of the galaxy by nothingness.
[11:34][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Masked is the right term... it is not an actual void.
[11:34][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"A series of battles has proven it can be driven back, and planets previously under the black ocean reclaimed.
[11:34][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:It is impossible to tell what remains and what is gone...but there are exceptions...Hope's Light...and Xert.
[11:34][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*He nods.
[11:35][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Is this the same dark energy we encountered while inside the Rolor Nebula?
[11:36][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:The Black Ocean also looks serene from the outside..but the fridge of it..were it contactcs normal space...it quite the opposite...as is any travel inside it
[11:36][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:...and similair but not the same as we encountered in the Rolar
[11:36][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Similar in nature Daci
[11:37][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:It is also not a static zone...it ebbs and flows much like a body of water..
[11:38][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:and maybe hostile entities seem to dwell within it
[11:38][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -mutters- ..there be there dragon
[11:39][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Do you believe it is a possibility the ghost we are after may be one of these hostile entities?
[11:39][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:...it is currently believe it is a creation and certain maintained by what the Avyeni refer to as the Aspect of Terror.
[11:39][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:We have traversed it a few times...thjey are usually less that this subtl
[11:40][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Talia.* "I am more convinced it is some other ship tailing us for one reason or another.
[11:40][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-to Dacia= this ghost...if it is such a beast..is far more subtle then the usual monsters in ther
[11:40][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"A kzari "Submarine", perhaps?
[11:41][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-nods to ankos- I am unsure yet its hostile...we wouldvepickedup the tell tale signs of the dimensional ripple if it was aKzari 'submarine
[11:41][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Dacia wouldve had a recoding of suc
[11:41][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Fair point.
[11:42][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Anything maggie?
[11:42][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"nothing on my end yet captain.
[11:43][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Mr sevuk...anything?
[11:44][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:No captain
[11:45][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"this feels like a snipe hunt..
[11:45][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-smirks- it looks like we got a taste of our little mystery..but we have a relief mssionto see to port firs
[11:45][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Sicbkay is ready to see to the Seki when neccessary
[11:45][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Indeed Maggie...letsget the Yanda hospitalship and these freighters toseka..and then we canghost hun
[11:45][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Very good counselo
[11:46][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"aye ma'am.
[11:46][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Maggie, Dacia...be sure to brief your reliefs when they comeup on what we encoutnered so they cankeep an extraeye ou
[11:46][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:Dacia..-nods other- good eye tonigh
[11:47][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"Aye, Captain. Thank you.
[11:47][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:I getr you int he right areea again..you think you can spot it again??
[11:47][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"aye aye captain.
[11:48][DOIC1]Dacia@nathan#353:"I believe so, Captain.
[11:49][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-nods to her- Good..youll get your chance then..once we clear Seki spac
[11:49][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:For now we worry about the relief mission..steady on course hel
[11:49][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:Extro song..as the scene winds down..as fade to black and the credits... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TuSrLPMvpk