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[8:53][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:Star Trek Adagio theme plays https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtvWkemCZ-

[8:54][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:The opening scene shows a side angel camera view of a group of vessel crusing at warp speeds

[8:55][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:As the camera pans in is shows various Alliance vessels of all makes and races and the camera weaves between them..as it comes in on a chase view and closing on the lead vessel

[8:56][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:As the camera draws near...the back profile of Adagio comes into view...and the camera closes until it overtakes her...and transitions to an intervior view..of Talia in her office..looking out th

[8:56][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:window..and recording her daily log

[8:57][DOIC]Talia@Isis:=^= Captain's Log Stardate 97827.07, the Adagio has completed a rather hastey set of repair work at the Citadel Shipyards over theholiday leave, mostly to our hull and internal structure. We wer

[8:59][DOIC]Talia@Isis:made ready for space as soon as possible and are now enroute leading a convoy of some 29 other Alliance vessels to the former mouth of the Kzari Corridor as a relief force. Those we stand down ther

[9:00][DOIC]Talia@Isis:will return to the Citadel for further repairs and resupply before entering rotation once more. Though Chanellor Kesslar has lifted restrictions on the Kzari Regime's border that area of space i

[9:01][DOIC]Talia@Isis:still being contested in the conflict between the Starnznavy and the Auzeherz forces controled by the party. The Black Ocean looms omniously over all of this...stopped in place as the Darks invasio

[9:03][DOIC]Talia@Isis:was stopped in our last engagement...given the scuttlebutt back on the Citadel and from Command it appears this may be just the beginning...for now..we stand watch and prepare...this mess has opene

[9:03][DOIC]Talia@Isis:far too many doors we once had locked down and secured...Talia out

[9:04][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-hugs her PADD to her cheest as she finishes- Still three days out....three more days.

[9:04][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -adjust course as needed- On course and steady at warp factor six Mr Kodo

[9:05][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren was at her usual spot, coordinating with the other ships in the convoy to link their sensors and get a clear picture of their surroundings.

[9:05][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -is still going over her ACCI Updates

[9:06][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Parker] -was doing apersonal walk through to check on all high security sites down below

[9:06][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"No, damn it, why are the Kirtascans running on the wrong channel again..." *She cursed to herself as she tried to keep everyone playing together.

[9:06][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Thank you Konmal.. Finished shaking the cobwebs off your piloting skills now right

[9:06][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -smirks- What sir? do you want abarrell roll rightnow

[9:07][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Maxwell] -Walked throgh main engineering still leaning on his cane as he moved from station to station to check on his engines

[9:07][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he chuckled* No, how we are is good enough for now

[9:07][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:*Sevuk is reviewing security reports filed during their absence.

[9:07][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -nods- Aye si

[9:08][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--turns to Eren-- "Sorry ma'am the Kirtascan seem to have a religious nobjection to using certain numbers...so they object to certain channels...i am negotiating a settlement...

[9:08][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] -a single sigh hearing MAggie

[9:09][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren sighed.* "What the hell is so objectionable about 420.69?

[9:09][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:On the main viewscreen just zipped ahead of Adagio..is her constantly companion...Yukikaaze does her own show boating, zippying..zagging in flashy manuevers

[9:09][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:*Sevuk reads with great interest.

[9:09][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--shrugs at Eren-

[9:09][DOIC5]Talia@Isis:[Dawson] -watches as Tia drills her squads relentlessly

[9:09][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] Oh sir...look..that is a challenge -to sin

[9:10][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:=/\=Can we just re label the channel?=/\

[9:11][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he sighed* Alright Konmal, what would you like to do here then

[9:11][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -smirks- Show the Yuki..the lady has better Dancemoves

[9:12][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--looks a

[9:12][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--looks at Konmel-- "Are you jealous Kon man?

[9:12][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Ada -> Why thank you Konmal..but I doubt we can manage the moves Yuki can

[9:12][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Maker, just tell them to pick the frequency if it bothers them that much," *Eren sighed.

[9:13][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Ada, don't you dare put yourself down like that.

[9:13][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he grinned* Sure konmal, let's see what you can do

[9:13][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -protests to Sin- Sir..they are claling us out -nods to the graceful Yuki's manuevers

[9:13][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"aye aye lieutenant..

[9:14][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:=/\=Adagio ops to Kirtascan operations..lets have your people pick the channel and send it to us..is that agreeable?=/\

[9:14][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -makes afew sharp and elgant manuvers of his own to move in synch with the Yuki in a balletlike dance between the twoi shipos as they lead the relief force

[9:14][DOIC]Xaelei@Arniman:-The Yukikaze stops her 'dancing' and just slide a bit back on the Adagio's Starboard side...likely in the spot of Talia's office window

[9:15][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-blinks as she wacthes her 'window' dance around the now stable Yukikaze just after it moved into postion


[9:15][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-rubs the bridge of her nose as she watches

[9:16][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:-looks at Talia- She is who is she

[9:16][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:..and she has suckered our helm into a dance of

[9:16][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:or the view outside of my window is broke

[9:17][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--Maggie responds to and incoming comm-- =/\=No no everything is fine here, we are all right how are you? Our pilot just felt the need to show off a little..=/\

[9:17][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:I do not think it is broken

[9:17][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -smugly glides the Adagio back into postion after showing off

[9:17][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:We should be thankful she is with us at all

[9:18][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-smirks and shakes her head- Now it seems to be workin

[9:18][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-looksover- Of course we are...they proved themselve

[9:18][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--switches channels-- =/\=That channel is fine, thanks Kirtascan ops I will relay it to our science officer...yeah may the Protector watch over you too...=/\

[9:18][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Beautifuly done Konmal.

[9:19][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"Eren I am sending you the new channel..

[9:19][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -nods smugly- That will teach he

[9:19][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Thanks... always disturbs me a bit when zealots have access to firepower like that, but at least they're on our side.

[9:19][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"they seem nice enough.

[9:20][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] yes between they and the kzari..we seemed to say such things alot Ere

[9:20][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:Our ships proved to be formidable toegether in battl

[9:20][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"a little rigid and set in their ways however.

[9:20][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren smirked.* "Well this is better than them trying to run inquisitions on Starfleet vessels.


[9:21][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -hiccups as she works

[9:21][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] God I could kill for a peanut butter cupcake right no

[9:21][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--sends a comm to Yuki-- =/\=Nice moves, you are making Konmel jealous.=/\

[9:22][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Peanut butter frosting... dense chocolate cake...

[9:22][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -stiffens- Maggie..I am not jealou

[9:22][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:Did you get the chance to talk to C'Tria about her ordeal in the battle

[9:22][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--looks at TRacy-- "mhmm yeah those little mini peanut butter cups..

[9:22][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] Oh god yes.-closes her eyes- and little slices of Pepperoni on i

[9:22][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"uh huh, sure Kon man..

[9:22][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Maker...

[9:23][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Audio comms form Yuki =^= He should be of Yukikaze nanoda! hmmph

[9:23][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-sets her jaw- Sadly no...due to the repairs I hadbarely time to speak to any on leave mysel

[9:23][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"peperoni?" --shrugs-- "whatever works for you..

[9:23][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he blinked, throwing a worried look at Tracey

[9:24][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -patted her now showing tummy some- Hey the Boo wants what the Boo want

[9:24][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--laughs out loud at the message from Yuki.-

[9:24][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-walks over to Xae- Why..were you

[9:24][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:Yes...we did rather fast track our repairs..and in the aftermath...that took alot of coordination. Many were in need

[9:25][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"That's right Yuki Kon man should be jealous..you got the moves.

[9:25][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:Indeed...Ive asked max to have some DCTS walk the halls recheckingour subsystem

[9:25][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he frowned a little, returning his gaze back at the viewscreen

[9:25][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:..and I got Yuki's version of it...not form C'Tria

[9:25][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Zacir's wife used to drink Tenaran pickled fish juice when she was pregnant..." *She grimaced.

[9:25][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -perked up- What does that taste like Eren

[9:26][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:And..what were you told

[9:26][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"Tracey no!

[9:26][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Wh--- Maker, like fish juice! What do you think?

[9:26][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -smiles and shakes her head- I dunno...I tried sardine with mint chocolate chip ice cream and wow it was so good I dropped rigtht off to slee

[9:27][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"just promise me if you start eating potting soil you will head right to sick bay...

[9:27][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] Im..gonna get Ill..

[9:27][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Konmal, you literally eat serpent worms and raw meat...

[9:28][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:I not going to spoil the story...perhaps one day when time permits..perhaps inquire yourself

[9:28][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"yet he is squemish about sardines..

[9:28][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] right..but not with ice crea

[9:28][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Yes that may be true, but at least it isn't coupled with things that shouldn't be mixed together.

[9:28][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-Smiles some andnods- I will...I am curious...she was off on her own for abit ther

[9:29][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"there is no rule that say that they can not be coupled together..

[9:29][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] See?? Maggie understand

[9:29][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Do Klingons even do desserts? Do they have like... bloodwine shaved ices?

[9:29][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"it is all a matter of personal taste anyway..

[9:30][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] Oh yes..there is ro'qegh'Iwchab...RoKeg Blood Pi

[9:30][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Sounds... just lovely, Kon-man.

[9:30][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:and seeming survived a blast from a rather powerful cannon fire exchange..

[9:30][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*She made a face at her console.

[9:30][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"i refuse to recognize anything as a dessert that has the word 'blood' in the name.

[9:31][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Tracey it sounds like you've got yourself a dinner buddy by the sounds of it.

[9:31][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he nodded at Maggie

[9:31][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] Oh yes..it is even better chilled as left over with a chilled tankard of bloodwin

[9:31][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] ...Rokeg Blood Pie..-looks up the recipe- Ooo maybe some choclate sauce and Raman noodle

[9:31][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"i am sure it is Kon man, but don't call it a dessert. I mean cold pizza and beer is great but i don't call that dessert.

[9:31][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -gaspos

[9:32][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-nods- a most impressive feat..I had counted her as los

[9:33][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:Indeed...-looks at her more focused

[9:33][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"stir fried Gagh is pretty good with rice..

[9:34][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -to Maggie- No! Gagh must be served liv

[9:34][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:you sound..stiff...and distant..as if your not really here

[9:34][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"yeah no Kon man I prefer to swallow my food as opposed to letting it crawl down my throat.

[9:34][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-looks to Xae and sighs- its that obvious is it

[9:35][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] No no you get infested with Gagh if you do not chew it firs

[9:35][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Easy there Maggie, I've already had to live through the experience, I would like to not go through it again.. *he chuckled

[9:35][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] We tried to warn you sir -to Sin

[9:36][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"see yeah that is concern there buddy. Usually i want the worst hazard I face for not chewing my food to be choking not becoming a host for a Gagh nest.

[9:36][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"I love meat as much as the next Trill, but the idea of having to bite something's skull in so I could eat it is... pushing it.

[9:36][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:-doesn't answer the obvious and just stares at Talia in silence

[9:36][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:You learn to chomp those suckers down quickly.

[9:37][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -protests to Eren- But ..that firstbite is thebest part..its the salty spurtt of blood and brain


[9:37][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he glanced at Tracey, readying the emergency baggy just in case

[9:37][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"That's... horrific." *She grimaces.* "Besides, we can replicate meat without killing any animals at all. Seems shitty of us to kill them needlessly.

[9:38][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-sighs knowing the look as she drops into the chair across from Xae- Its not hard to understand..I keep feeling like I am awaiting the drop of the other boot..as thehuman saying goe

[9:38][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] scoffs- Replicators never get theblood temparture corec

[9:39][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] ..now i want blood pie...and walnut

[9:39][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Well thankfully I've always had it fresh.. unlucky Konmal, I feel for you

[9:39][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--frowns and is just thankful she is not eating right now.-

[9:40][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:You sure that is the saying? So what do you think could still be waiting to happen

[9:40][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] I still never understand why Federation ships do not carry herd aboard..i mean we allow pet

[9:40][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"why can't I have a dog?

[9:41][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"You can, Peebs... you just have to put in a request first.

[9:41][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:She cut us off from Sector 2031...the kzari are in chaos..and the Chantry has now been left unchecked...and thebulk of our forces are now being drawn down her

[9:41][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:Its either yet another attack here...or she has a move we do not see eklse where in either secto

[9:42][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"they don't allow pets in enlisted quarters..

[9:42][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] the XO is pretty fair with such requests Maggi

[9:42][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Oh." *She paused.* "Well, try to get a field promotion to an ensign, I guess.

[9:42][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"ill work on that one Lieutenant.

[9:42][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -chuckles- Classic save there Ere

[9:43][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Hey, if getting a dog is what she needs to motivate her, so be it." *She chuckled.

[9:43][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"i guess it is a long term goal..Which is why you only usually see captains and admirals with pets on ships..

[9:43][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] a not too Illogical approach Ere

[9:44][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] Ankos has his snak

[9:44][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:I've heard that the dogs onboard also learn to text.

[9:44][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"i suppose dogs are easy to train..

[9:44][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] -eyes go wide- Sir? Who told you that?

[9:45][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:*Sevuk arches an eyebrow.

[9:45][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Sevuk told us... and has been for years, Patty.

[9:45][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:I did not

[9:45][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"You've been telling us about Boggles sending you texts!

[9:46][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"Well it wasn't me, this is the first I have heard of it..

[9:46][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] -looks relieved- Oh yes..right Mr Boggle

[9:46][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Of course you have. *he never bothered looking over at the vulcan

[9:46][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] -dryly- Mr Sevuk..yyour dog cannot send you text

[9:46][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:I do not believe he 'learned' to do so. I believe it was a prank

[9:46][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:Or you the years of experience have jadded you to always envision the worst is just ahead...waiting just outside of sight and knowledge

[9:46][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Wait... has Dog been texting you too?" *She eyed Patterson.

[9:46][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] Not the Harpy agfai

[9:47][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] -eyes wide- What me? Nooo nonono...I was just curious who Sin..err Mr Kodor meant is all -chuckles some

[9:47][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*She squinted at Patterson.* "Come clean, now.

[9:48][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he looked back at Patt* Oh no, I just pulled a prank on him and changed my contact name to Dog on his PADD

[9:48][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-considers this a moment and smiles some- I used to liek to call it ..being prepared...-eyes Xae- when did it become...somethjing 'Jaded'

[9:48][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he winked back at tha tac console

[9:48][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:*Sevuk quirks an eyebrow at Sinez.

[9:49][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] ye syes..a prank..Mr Kodor is ajoker..he is always doing stuff like that to us over intacitca

[9:49][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] I think it is cute that Mr Sevuk has adoggie who texts his dadd

[9:49][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Sure... I may have to run some tests, regardless. On the holodeck. With a frisbee.

[9:50][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--quickly relays the latest gossip to Nancy and to her contacts in the mess hall staff.-

[9:50][DOIC]Talia@Isis:-the gossip/scuttbutt spreads

[9:51][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-looks over their untouched chessboard to her XO

[9:52][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Only a frisbee? Would that be sufficient Eren

[9:52][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Probably not... I'll need additional tools for a proper test.

[9:52][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:-quietly replies- The future is never quitre certain..it can certaain hide the worst we had feared, but it also can promise the best we could ever hope for...in a bittersweet blend of contradition

[9:54][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-smirks- So it does not hur tto be prepoared for both...a pity the Black oceans tide was restored I had been looking for further explorations into what had been emerging from i

[9:54][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Hmm, perhaps Commander Solia would love to offer her assistance? Or maggie even

[9:54][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--laughs at an internal comm message-- =/\=I know right Nancy, just another day ending in y here on the Adagio..=/\

[9:55][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-chuckles- if it were up to me..I would plan a nice month long exploration of the Crimson Expanse...or the Burning Nebul

[6:56][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] -looks up from her sensors readings- Assitance with waht exactly

[6:56][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:Sounds like a lovely vacation destination...I am certain the travel agencies are booked well into the future..

[6:57][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-smiles and settles back into her chair- Well i do longf or our days in the Rolar Nebul

[6:57][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"A scientific study of the abnormal behaviours of the terran canines aboard this vessel via replicating their natural socialisation habitats and customs, Solia.

[6:57][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:So much of the nearby nebulas has gone unexplored since we arrive

[6:58][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] -quirksa brow- a most interesting study...who do you have in mind for a test subject

[6:58][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--turns to Sevuk with a smirk-- "Internal comm from Mr Boogles...he wants me to remind daddy he has walkies after watch..

[6:58][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:You...just wander off into aimless exploration? Really

[6:58][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Mister Boggles and Dog, of course.

[6:58][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] -pouts- Oh come on leave poor Dog out of thi

[6:59][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"i am only relaying the mesaage...dont shoot the messenger.

[6:59][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"I assure you, Dog will be unharmed... but will get plenty of exercise.

[6:59][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:I'm sure the dogs will be rewarded with canine treats? *he looked at Eren for confirmation

[6:59][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Naturally, to study their reactions.

[6:59][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-pulls herlegs up along side of herself andleansback- Oh you remember those days..the Giselle..the first Adagio..we made the Rolar nebula our home away from hom

[10:00][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[patterson] Hmm...a tired and wornout Dog...works for me -chuckles somemore

[10:00][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:I do...but not always there as a tourist...many times on a mission and in conflict

[10:00][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"i am sure the doggos would love all the extra attention.

[10:00][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"i would volunteer to play with the doggoes if that would help.

[10:01][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Tch, Peebs... we're not 'playing with the doggos,' we're conducting a very serious scientific study.

[10:01][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-nods as if going over some of the memories personally- But we made so many discoveries back the

[10:01][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:The conflict is always part of the proces

[10:02][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] Indee

[10:02][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"...right, serious experiment..totally serious...I get it..

[10:02][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] Well whatr do you think Sevuk? -looks over to him

[10:03][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Excellent, I'm excited to read the findings when its all done

[10:03][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] get ready for alot of running..Dog is awhippet I think.he loves to run...a lo

[10:04][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:So in contrast, now you feel as if we discover and explore little

[10:05][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-sighs and after amoment of thought- No..not really i suppoose...perhaps i am just currently nostalgi

[10:05][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"a runner huh...you just got to give them somewhere to run..a beach, a park...any other wide open space..

[10:05][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:Or rather just pining over the ye olde days with the beverage induced rose tinted glasses

[10:05][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Luckily, I'm quite good at running," *she chuckled.

[10:06][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:I believe we are at thes ame level...-chuckles-0 yes that...i believe i am looking back..a smaller ship.a smaller cre

[10:06][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[patttersojn] the beach! Dog loves the beach and racing away from the surf..i swear he could run for day

[10:07][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:and smaller responsiblity..

[10:07][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--nods to Patterson.-

[10:07][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:much like growing in maturity

[10:07][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:a ...thought at times...but afleeting on

[10:08][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Well to be fair Eren, you haven't been tested in running -after- someone.

[10:08][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] *snerks

[10:08][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:That you can recall your past fondly is a good thing, yes? You are not entirely broken, yet... -smirks

[10:08][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren smirked.* "As far as you're aware, Kodor.

[10:09][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-smirks in return- I am a toghnut to crack I like to think..I do not like giving up ..not in the leas

[10:09][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] You keep forgetting all of her lives Sin..tsk tsk ts

[10:10][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Well... the two...

[10:10][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:In pointof fact...I stil believe we can achieve much still out her

[10:10][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he looked over, blinking* Hmm? Well ok fine, in the past five or so years

[10:10][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] Twop and you.currently..yes

[10:10][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Just me and the old man, so far.

[10:11][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] Oh! Im sorry Eren..ithought there was one mor ein there.

[10:11][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren chuckled.* "It's alright... compared to some I'm still a baby.

[10:11][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:So much hope was rekindled in our last engagement I believ

[10:11][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"And typically, Kodor, I haven't had to do the chasing in some time." *She smirked.

[10:13][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Well you acquired new assets.. blonde hair... younger spots.. It's a no brainer.

[10:13][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren chuckled again and kept an eye on her scans.

[10:15][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:How'd things go with you Maggie? Rarely came across you during leave now that I think about it.

[10:24][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:What is the saying...no matter how you change thelrics..the song remains the same

[10:25][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Parker] =^= Lieutenant Parker to Commander Sevu

[10:25][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Walks out of the lift and heads to his seat.

[10:25][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Have a nice nap, Counselor?

[10:25][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -sees Ankos- Now it is a party.


[10:26][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:=^= Sevuk here

[10:27][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Parker] Primary inspection tour is complete..report will follow..moving now down to secondary priority section

[10:27][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"It wasn't a nap... I was helping do an inventory of medical.

[10:27][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:=^= Understood

[10:28][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:=^= Captain to Yeoman Peeble

[10:28][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Whatever you want to call it, Ankos." *She chuckled.

[10:29][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -hiccups some andpats her tummy- Now i think i could go for a liverwusrt andonion cheeseburge

[10:29][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"That sounds kinda nasty... how far along were you now?

[10:30][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] about four and a half months now Ankos..getting deeper into the second trimeste

[10:30][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Yeah, you got some time yet before your mandatory leave time.

[10:31][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:=/\=Aye Captain, Peebles here!=/\

[10:32][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -nods and scowls some- yes i know..Im not looking foreward to io

[10:32][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:=^= Ahh there you are maggie..come to my ready room pleas

[10:32][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:=/\=Aye captain, I am on my way=/\

[10:32][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Look on the bright side... tons of restaurants on the Citadel to take advantage of during.

[10:32][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-looks at Xae a moment and reachesover to move out a pawn to begin a new match

[10:33][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] yes that is ture and Steven will be there...and my mother...but still..my place is here with all of yo

[10:33][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:You'll come out of all of that with a brand new baby.. Exciting times Trace.

[10:33][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--approaches the ready room and presses the chime-

[10:33][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:-matches with a mirror pawn opening for black's move

[10:33][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -BEAMS at Sin and nods- I know..it is so wonderful isnt it

[10:34][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"You'll get a break from babysitting us to look after an actual baby, yeah.

[10:34][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-moves out yet another black pawn in response- Ente

[10:34][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he chuckled* They have their moments yeah.

[10:35][DOIC2]Peebles@Demoncheru:--approaches the two officers and stands at attention.-- "Yoeman Peebles reporting as ordered captain.

[10:35][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] Well of course they do Sin..so have youand Ria talked about such yet?

[10:36][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-smiles to her- Stand easy Razor..-hands over her PADD with the log on it- How goes the coordination effort with the sensors

[10:36][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] *snerks

[10:36][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren took a big sip of her iced coffee.

[10:36][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he looked at her, being caught off guard* Us? No.. Not at all actually

[10:36][DOIC2]Peebles@Demoncheru:--stands easy, accepting the PADD-- "There was some rough spots captain but we it sorted out.

[10:37][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] Oh?? how come..you ugys have been togetherf or like ever no

[10:37][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-smirks- The numbers again

[10:37][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Sinez doesn't want to ruin his figure with a baby.

[10:37][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he cleared his throat lightly, glancing nervously at Ankos' own feet* It.. just hasn't come up.

[10:38][DOIC2]Peebles@Demoncheru:--nods-- "yes ma'am the Kirtscans are pretty rigid about certain ideas.

[10:38][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] Oh yeah..youre asking the wrong person Jessie..you should ask K'Ria about thi

[10:38][DOIC2]Peebles@Demoncheru:"But, we managed to work around it.

[10:39][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he rubbed his neck* And you Konmal? Have you finally gotten over your heartbreak and found someone yet

[10:39][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:But..youve smoothed things....-nods- good girl..keep anear open out there...there still maybe stragglers and strays thatmight need assitance as we near the former corrido

[10:39][DOIC2]Peebles@Demoncheru:--places the PADD under her arm-

[10:39][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -stiffensand wicnes snarling softly- Well...played..si

[10:40][DOIC2]Peebles@Demoncheru:"aye aye captain, we have been keep vigal over the comms, especially the emergency channels.

[10:40][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] What about yo and Ynera Ankos?? have you guys talked about such?

[10:40][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:and thus far

[10:41][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Not yet at least. But you know, it's somehow easier with us. Biologically incompatible and such, so it will happen when we both want it and decide to adopt.

[10:41][DOIC2]Peebles@Demoncheru:"So far nothing major, some minor technical issues that other chips have taken care of.

[10:41][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:It was an honest question Konmal.. I never meant no harm.. *he glanced at Ankos* And the wedding

[10:41][DOIC2]Peebles@Demoncheru:((**ships not chips..)

[10:41][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-nods- Keep your eye on our systems maggie..cordinate with Mister maxwell..we were somewaht rushed with our repair

[10:42][DOIC2]Peebles@Demoncheru:"Aye, captain..We will stay alert. So far all systems are in the green.

[10:42][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Well, the war slowed down planning, but I hope we'll be able to kick it down the stairs before Risa. Since we want the ceremony to be on one of the yanda worlds here. One of those with land, though.

[10:42][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:Good then...anything i should know about?? -prods the little gossip gently

[10:43][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] Well ifor one cant wait osee a Betazed Yanda wedding! it sounds so ....so...so -snigffles - fun..

[10:43][DOIC2]Peebles@Demoncheru:"..I am not sure ma'am...rumors of dog texting people...Lieutenant Eren is looking into it.

[10:44][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -begins to softly cry

[10:44][DOIC2]Peebles@Demoncheru:"i let you know if there is anything to it.

[10:44][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Yeah, mixing and matching traditions is... You ok?

[10:44][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-looks to Xae at this- Dogs..texting..who

[10:44][DOIC2]Peebles@Demoncheru:"Apparently Mr Boggles can text..

[10:44][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -waves her hand- yes..-sniffles- Im fin

[10:45][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-slowly nods- Well Ims ure Eren will get right tot hebottom of that...anything else we should know

[10:45][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:-juat silently moves a knight out ot covering the center square positions

[10:45][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Also..." *He switches the topic to circumvent Tracey's hormones going wild again.* "Me and Ynera watched a cartoon Sinez would love.

[10:45][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Huh, thought the only people crying at the thought of that wedding were Ynera's parents.

[10:45][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"It was about clownfish.

[10:45][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-counters with an aggressive block

[10:45][DOIC2]Peebles@Demoncheru:"so far that seems to be it ma'am...at least from my department.

[10:45][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"They like me, Eren... I know how to make a positive first impression.

[10:46][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"First impression, yes... it's the impression you give off after that, though...

[10:46][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] I met them actually..her father is aratrher accoplished scientist and researche

[10:46][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:a rather

[10:47][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Science seminar or something, Commander?

[10:47][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-nods- very well then maggie..carryon as odered then..and do not forget to log in that log for me.

[10:47][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Why would I love a cartoon about a clownfish

[10:47][DOIC2]Peebles@Demoncheru:"Aye Captain, I will catalog and upload the log as soon as possible.

[10:48][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"I was messing with you.

[10:48][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] A discussion over drinks Anko

[10:48][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"It's one Az loves. She cries at it though.

[10:48][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:All right then maggie...carry on then -nods to her

[10:48][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Science sounds easier to stomach down with drinks, yeahe.

[10:49][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Clownfish are fish? Uhm.. Nice try coiunselo

[10:49][DOIC2]Peebles@Demoncheru:"Yes ma'am.." --she says then turns sharply to leave.-

[10:49][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] -just quirks abrow at that and eyes Ankos

[10:49][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[tracey] I love that movie to

[10:50][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-chuckles- Dogs..texting..so they are in good spirits at leas

[10:50][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--returns to her station, does work related stuff.-

[10:50][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"I thought you'd fall for it...

[10:50][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Hansen] -smiles andnods to Peebs as she reapaears

[10:51][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] I trhink the idea of it being a fish makes it not scary counselo

[10:51][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--smiles at Nancy in their usual conspiratorial fashion-

[10:51][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Hansen] -winks back as if to confirm something to her friend

[10:52][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"A clown that can drag you underwater for good? I dunno...

[10:52][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Aren't they.. tiny

[10:52][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:I half expected them to sic the super slueth Sevuk on the case...he has not had a visit form his arch nemesis in some time

[10:52][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] Oooo a clown Yanda would be scar

[10:52][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -chuckles

[10:52][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he shifted in the seat a little

[10:52][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Now, if you'd gone on about the Mimeshark of Troya Nine, maybe...

[10:52][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:Oh wait..he is proably part of the "texting" dog gang himself..

[10:53][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] Dont Yanda have like rows of razor sharp teeth?

[10:53][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"clown are just creepy.

[10:53][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Hansen] I agree Maggie..they just look like they can pop out of no where on yo

[10:54][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Yanda are nice, though, Tracey.

[10:54][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--nods-- "if one pops out of no where I would have a heart attack..

[10:54][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-smirks- He has been idle for a bit...I believe Sevuk has given u

[10:54][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he turned to -look- at Eren

[10:54][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*She looked back at Sinez innocently.* "What? You never heard of them?

[10:54][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] I have seen images of that shark Eren..it is a most efficent predato

[10:55][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"Mimesharks...silent but deadly..

[10:55][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Let's not-- *he sighed, hearing Solia going along

[10:55][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] a sleek black body and a pale white circle aronunds its long snou

[10:55][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"And -very- good at charades.

[10:55][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"I decided not to be cruel and keep quiet about those, but you guys had to bring them up.

[10:55][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] -eyes Sevuk a moment

[10:56][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] Ooo now imagine aYanda..mim

[10:56][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:*Sevuk gives Solia an inquisitive look.

[10:56][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] You are not going to try and save him?? -nods inSins direction

[10:56][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he glanced at Konmal, letting him have his payback

[10:57][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"There is probabyl one or two already, Konmal. They're very open to such ideas.

[10:57][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"Yanda are pretty cute in their little bubble suits..

[10:57][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] They do seem to be very playful Ankos..I agre

[10:57][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:*Sevuk quirks his eyebrows.* I was not aware anyone was in danger on the bridge

[10:57][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] Oh i bet they make great clownsand mimes-all exciterd and happy at thethought

[10:58][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"I should ask Ynera about that. Could be fun to visit a Yanda circus.

[10:58][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] Surely you are awareof Mr Kodor's fear of such clownsa nd mimes..you are hisbest frien

[10:58][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he casually wiped his palms on his thighs

[10:58][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] Oh yes..like this tiny sub,.that so manyYanda clowns swim out of.

[10:59][DOIC1]Sevuk@ClingingMar:Commander Kodor is a capable officer who is able to overcome such fears in a discussion

[10:59][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -metls at the thought- that would be adoreabl

[10:59][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Good to see you still have his back, Sevvy-kins.

[10:59][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Chuckles at Tracey's idea.* "Oh, yes, that would be great.

[10:59][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Solia] -eyes Sin a moment and then loos back to Sevuk at erens comment

[11:00][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] Oh we must find out if they do ankos..so you and Yenra can haveoneor two at the wedding for the children who come

[11:00][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he grabbed at the PADD nearby, pulling up a report to distract him

[11:00][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Oh yeah... wedding clowns are something I definitely didn't think of. Thanks for the idea.

[11:01][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"We could get you a stripper clown for the bachelor party, too.

[11:01][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-eyes Xae amoment- Now who is being the quiet one

[11:01][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -chuckles

[11:02][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Oh, yeah. Sinez gets the right to second dance.

[11:02][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Just think, the facepaint, the red squeaky noses attached to the nipples...

[11:03][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Ankos laughs.* "Oversized shoes stay on.

[11:03][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--looks over a internal comm, and presses a few buttons.-

[11:03][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Hey, it's your party.

[11:03][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he continued scrolling through the PADD, battening down the hatches

[11:03][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:I always have been..

[11:03][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Gives an all new meaning to honkers.

[11:03][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--she turns to the bridge crew-- "hey everyone tonights pie menu is posted..

[11:04][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:You got me to talk and then..drifted away ther

[11:04][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Nice." *He checked the menu and made sure to text Chef his choice ahead of the pack

[11:05][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:Perhaps that effort took all my socially interaction and good vibe reserves to manage

[11:05][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-ankos gets amessageback

[11:05][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-chuckles some- I see..wel then i am grateful for the effort none the les

[11:05][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"..hey Tracey and Kon man, Blood Pie is on the menu..

[11:06][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] Add whipped creamand choiclatre sauce to my order oh! and sunflower seeds please Maggi

[11:06][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -is utterly horrified now

[11:06][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he relaxed back into his seat, glancing cautiously at the others again

[11:06][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] Im going to try it

[11:07][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"you do you girl, i am not sure i can be part of that though..

[11:07][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren ordered herself a big slice of turtle pie.

[11:07][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -proud of herself- more for us the

[11:07][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:So what other nostaliga did your wandering mind take you too

[11:07][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"..But, I can send chef your order though..

[11:08][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-smirks- Club dancing...very much previous holidays dancing..I didnt get the cnace this yea

[11:08][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--sends that unique order to Chef for TRacey.-

[11:09][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Could you order me a trillberry split ice cream pie? *clearing his throat

[11:09][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"Sure I can do that sir..

[11:10][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--laughs at Chef's response.-- =/\=..oh it is serious as a heart attack Chef!=/\

[11:10][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--sends in Sin's order as well-


[11:11][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-quirks her antennae up some- What

[11:11][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:We were on the clock repair wis

[11:11][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--smiles over at Tracey-- "Chef says she will make your order and then pray for you and the baby.

[11:12][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -melts again andsniffles- Oh that is...soo -sniffles- sweet of her -covers her face


[11:13][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Peebs, you made Tracey cry, now you're gona have to try blood pie with chocolate and sunflower seeds.

[11:13][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"I am just the messenger here.

[11:13][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:=^= Captain to Counselor Itr

[11:13][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:-^- "Yes, Captain?

[11:13][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"besides the Federation has laws forbidding cruel and unsual punishments.

[11:14][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:Nothing...the things you wanted when you were younger...funny how they change in time

[11:14][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:=^= Status update on the sickbay inventory resupply..status on it yet

[11:14][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-smioles to her covering her com- I adapt....for the sake of my partne

[11:15][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:dance partner

[11:15][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:=^= "Everything's good, Captain, nothing missing from the resupply.

[11:15][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:=^= Very god nothing else to report


[11:16][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:=^= "Nothing, Captain, everything is in order.

[11:16][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:=^= Thank You counselor..Talia ou

[11:17][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -chuckles at something- i just thought of something Ere

[11:17][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Holy shit, should I call sickbay, Kon-man?

[11:18][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -l;aughs

[11:18][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*She smirked.* "What is it, though?

[11:18][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] There is turte pieonthe menu tonight yes?


[11:18][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"True that... I already reserved myself a slice.

[11:19][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] I figured..now think of the briefing you are going to have to hasve ready on that subject when Skye returns tou

[11:19][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmasl] you saw how sherected tothebuffalo wing

[11:19][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"it is not made with real turtles Kon man...

[11:19][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren scoffed.* "It has nothing to do with--- exactly, what Peebs said.

[11:20][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] Oh wow..that isright..but okay..I rememebr her initial shock over thew ingds as wel

[11:20][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"it is a good thing Skye has not heard of girl scout cookies..

[11:20][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] Skye has a little turle as a pe

[11:21][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"It's just caramel, chocolate and Earth nuts!

[11:21][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:Regrets then over lost plans

[11:21][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -chuckles- All right..all right..do not say i did not warn yo

[11:21][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he facepalmed

[11:21][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:Me? Plans? Regrets

[11:21][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"Just don't hide her turtle before you tell her about it..

[11:21][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Skye may be... naive about some things, but she's a smart girl... she'll probably even like the taste.

[11:22][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:You are capable of such -makes anothermove

[11:22][DOIC2]Xaelei@Arniman:I am but a humble servant

[11:22][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] Here is to hopin

[11:22][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:-smirks- bah..icould say the same about mysel

[11:23][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"I heard about this trill tradition of the berry fairy of snowharvest... That sounded familiar.

[11:24][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] Berry...fairy..

[11:24][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"It's for little kids... and Veeri.

[11:25][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] Okay now his makes sens

[11:25][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:The berries she did bring were delicious though.

[11:25][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] i know werent they so Sin

[11:25][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"So it's like the... what was it? Tooth fairy?

[11:26][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Sort of? Only you didn't have to leave body parts under the pillow.

[11:26][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmals] andhumans call Kilgonsdar

[11:26][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Yeah, I always thought that one a bit disturbing.

[11:26][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:She brought food, not currency yes.. Which makes her better than the tooth fairy

[11:26][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] The tooth fairy brings cand

[11:26][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Candy in exchange for kids' bones...

[11:27][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] baby teet

[11:27][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"the real disturbing part was what the tooth fairy might need with all those teeth.

[11:27][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"What, to make sure she gets her next tooth faster?

[11:27][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Sounds cruel to me

[11:27][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -looks very sad again-...its acute tradtiont hough...-sniffles

[11:27][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Weird thing is, some human parents would actually keep the teeth they collected from their offspring...

[11:27][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -nods Trophie

[11:28][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he cleared his throat, looking at Eren

[11:28][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -bottomlip trembling-..keepsake

[11:28][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:One I'm sure you'll uphold for your child when it's time, yes

[11:28][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"it is fun for the kids..

[11:28][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -weepy- Thank You MAggi

[11:29][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren snorted.* "Yeah... sure thing, Kodor...

[11:29][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Not you Eren.. Tracey.

[11:29][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"They really think something magical happened when wake up and their tooth is gon replaced by candy or a coin..

[11:29][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"I'm just saying, if I go to your house and find a bag of children's teeth in some drawer, I'm calling the authorities.

[11:29][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -laughs

[11:30][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey[ =hides her face behind her hands now sniffly and weepy

[11:30][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:=6= Captain to Commander Kodo

[11:31][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"I mean, I'd leave offerings in an altar in the jungle too.

[11:31][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Sorry Tracey.. Eren's just hav- =^= Yes captain

[11:31][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Though the monkeys probably ate that, not the deities...

[11:31][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Aw, Trace, I'm just teasing you. Every culture has... eccentric habits.

[11:31][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:=^= I believe we can safely bringup thenext watch Mr kodor...asnd giveour folkson Alpha time to enjoy some pie dont you

[11:32][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"I'm fairly sure that Klingons have a proud tradition of bowling with their children.

[11:32][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -looks immediately grateful and cheers up as if turningher moods ona dime- Aww thank you for saying so Eren..that is really sweet of you to sa

[11:33][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal -ammends- hitting them with painsticks until they can reach 'homebase

[11:33][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"You don't even want to know about how symbionts deal with their spawnlings," *she chuckled.

[11:33][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:=^= Yes captain, I'll switch it up out here... Anything else

[11:33][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:=^= Currentships status report Sinez

[11:33][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Don't symbionts have an army of attendants at the pools? So you know... babysitters?

[11:33][DOIC1]Xaelei@Arniman:Ada -> I think it is cool to believe in something magical

[11:34][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:"I agree Ada, we all need a little magic in our lives.

[11:34][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Hansen] me to

[11:34][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:"Mhm... it's a cushy position to be in, symbionts being as valued as they are.

[11:34][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Definitely makes my life easier, Ada. Like with those Kzari kids.

[11:34][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] They collect their kids fangs to

[11:34][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:=^= NOthing much has changed ma'am.. Still on course to our destination and morale is good up here.

[11:35][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Who, the kzari?

[11:35][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:=^= Very good..good job Commander..lets cut em loose the

[11:35][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -nods

[11:35][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"So who takes those? The tooth chancellor?

[11:35][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] Their mother..and then they get abig breakfat int hemornin

[11:36][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:=^= Yes ma'am.. *he waited for her to end the call

[11:36][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Well, the kzari are more pragmatic people.

[11:36][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] got it from this Kzari nurse I was..talking to on leav

[11:36][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -nods- its seena sa comingof age rit

[11:37][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:Talking? To

[11:37][DOIC2]Talia@Isis:=^= Carry onthen talia ou

[11:37][DOIC1]Sereya Eren@liorexu:*Eren yawned softly.

[11:38][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Konmal is buddy buddy with a kzari nurse now, apparently. She pretty?

[11:38][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -npods- and tall and quite stron

[11:38][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--elbows Nacy playfully at the new that Kon man has a new girlfriend.-

[11:39][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"You go, Konmal. Veeri seems pretty happy with that kzari of hers, maybe you will be too.

[11:39][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he made the call for beta watch to report in

[11:39][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Hansen] -whiseprs to Maggie


[11:40][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:--Peeb's eye go wide at the gossip-

[11:40][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Hansen] -nodnods to her

[11:40][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:She kicks his ass Ankos.. I find that more amusing now.

[11:40][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] Haha...-dryly

[11:41][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Well, kzari are pretty strong for humanoids.

[11:41][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] She had alot of fight inher ye

[11:41][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:-The beta watch begins to filter in now

[11:42][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:So.. when're you going to introduce us

[11:42][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"If she goes too rough on you, come to me, I'll help bandage your booboos.

[11:42][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] It is all about timing

[11:43][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] it is alittle...complicate


[11:44][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] -trypes out a text murmmering- No no get offof the des

[11:45][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:You don't need to share with us, we're just excited for you.

[11:46][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -nodnods- Thanks....butyes she is...interesting to say the leas

[11:46][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"I am always down to talk about boys and braid our hairs though.

[11:47][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] ..how do they allow you to keep your man card cousnelor..how?? -ina tone sounding like Dr Cox

[11:47][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"It may have been a joke.

[11:48][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] ....we may need to talk...someday Anko

[11:48][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Sure, I'm always around."

[11:48][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he looked between them both

[11:48][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Now, let's eat." *he headed to the lift.

[11:49][DOIC1]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -turnsover his console- yes..foo

[11:50][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*he got up and updated his replacement quickly before making his way to the lift

[11:50][DOIC1]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Takes the lift down once people are in.

[11:51][DOIC1]Sinez@the5of43:*Finding great interest at a spot on the turbolift doors when Sevuk was close inside

[11:51][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Sooo... Sinez, Sevuk, did anything fun lately? -Together-?

[11:52][DOIC3]Sinez@the5of43:Unfortunately I was busy.. *he stepped out and made way for his trillbery split pie

[11:52][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] Oh! Sin how did the sweaters go over?

[11:52][DOIC3]Sinez@the5of43:*he pretended not to hear as he walked away

[11:53][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:-themob headed for the lounge and...pie

[11:53][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Gives Tracey a sad head shake and folows.*

[11:53][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -wincesandswats Sevuk- What did you do this time?



[11:54][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Walks into the lounge.* "Hey, Chef.

[11:54][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] What did you do trhis timeto Sinez

[11:54][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:{Chef] Hi there darling -each of thierpre-orders awaited them intheir usual spots

[11:54][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Chef] -used a serving spoon to push Traceys oreer on over toher

[11:54][DOIC3]Sinez@the5of43:Thank you mom.. *he stuffed his mouth with pie

[11:55][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Ankos takes his lemon and cream pie and digs in.

[11:55][DOIC3]Sevuk@ClingingMar:I did not 'do' anything. He took my criticism of the sweater design personally

[11:55][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Well your criticism can be a bit.. flat.

[11:56][DOIC3]Sinez@the5of43:No.. You just flat out rejected my present, in front of me

[11:56][DOIC3]Sevuk@ClingingMar:I think the design could be improved

[11:56][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Dude, that's kinda cold.

[11:57][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Konmal[] -mouthful of bloodpie-what was wrong with it

[11:57][DOIC3]Sinez@the5of43:Don't care anymore..*he ate some pie

[11:57][DOIC3]Sevuk@ClingingMar:It is not relevant anymore

[11:57][DOIC3]Sinez@the5of43:He didn't want to wear that badass sweater and take a picture with me for the holidays.

[11:58][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Tracey] -melts weepy again- Aww that is sooo sa

[11:59][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] Cameras shy?? a vulcangetscamera shy

[11:59][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Nah, they just think badass sweaters are illogical.

[12:00][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Cehf] Now now we know Sevuk isbraver than that konma

[12:01][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"He is brave, but lets logic dictate his life too much.

[12:02][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Dawson]-enters and collects hr order and hipbumps sevuk- hey there cowboy..hey gan

[12:03][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Hey, Gwen...

[12:03][DOIC3]Sinez@the5of43:*he briefly glanced at Dawson before returning to his pie


[12:03][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Gwen] -smiles warmly- hello Anko

[12:03][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Gwen] -nuzzles Sev ear once- Hello bac

[12:04][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Wow... Dirty dirty.

[12:04][DOIC3]Sinez@the5of43:Don't bother.. *he looked at Ankos

[12:04][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Gwen] -smiles to Sin- Aww Sin whats wrong

[12:05][DOIC3]Sinez@the5of43:Ankos wants to host a sleepover.. *he shrugged

[12:05][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Yeah. As I told Konmal, braid our hairs and talk about boys.

[12:05][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -scoffs

[12:06][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Gwen] -laughd-0soundsc ut

[12:06][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:sounds cute

[12:06][DOIC3]Sinez@the5of43:Sounds terrible actually

[12:06][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Gwen] Aww why Sin??

[12:07][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:-Traceyis happily eatingher rotkegblood nightmare of cholacte sunflower seeds goodness

[12:07][DOIC3]Sinez@the5of43:I'm sure konmal doesn't want to talk about boys and I've no hair to braid.

[12:08][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Ankos watches Tracey, a bit disturbed.* "Well, we can get you a wig.

[12:08][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] We can discuss girls and Ill bring the keg of blood win

[12:08][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"No bloodwine. Regular alcohol works.

[12:09][DOIC3]Sinez@the5of43:*he scrunched his face up* No thank you

[12:09][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Gwen] Well Sin youcanbring the bee

[12:10][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Gwen] andbemanly men doing manly thingsd -chuckles

[12:10][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Like talking about girls?

[12:11][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Gwen] -smirks- Why not build a pillow fort

[12:11][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Why not, actually? Az and I used to do that.

[12:11][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -pauses and considers- A fortress ofpillows

[12:11][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Yeah, it's easy to make.

[12:11][DOIC3]Sinez@the5of43:Sure.. we can call it fluffy town.

[12:11][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -chuckles- Interestingide

[12:12][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"We can have our flag be a snake holding a knife. Chrissstina can model for us

[12:13][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] We canreplicate as many pillowes andblankets as rewuired to foritify the tow

[12:13][DOIC3]Sinez@the5of43:*he began wondering if taking his pie togo like Eren was the smart move

[12:13][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Gwen] -winks at Sevuk- What do you think cowboy

[12:15][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"It sounds nice and logical.

[12:15][DOIC3]Sevuk@ClingingMar:I do not have any particular opinion on this subject

[12:15][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Gwen] Would youhelp them make it secure

[12:16][DOIC3]Sinez@the5of43:*he rolled his eyes

[12:17][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Gwen] Sev


[12:17][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Gwen] perhaps you need to ask yourself..what would ..V'Tira do

[12:17][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Well, I know what we're doing after the pie." *He then chuckled at Gwen's suggestion.

[12:18][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Solia] -looks over from her Pie at that to Sevuk

[12:18][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] I agree counselor -nods- I kindalike this ide

[12:19][DOIC3]Sinez@the5of43:He doesn't like it.. See

[12:20][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Gwen] hehasnt answerwed ye

[12:20][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Aw, c'mon. It will be fun.

[12:20][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Gwen] give hima chanc

[12:20][DOIC3]Sinez@the5of43:*he just stared at Gwen

[12:20][DOIC3]Sevuk@ClingingMar:I am not V'Tira

[12:20][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Gwen'] No..no.yuare not..but what would she do

[12:21][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"She'd have fun.

[12:21][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Gwen] Ypu haveto bealittle bendy here se

[12:21][DOIC3]Sinez@the5of43:*to the others* Come on guys, let's get right to it

[12:22][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Sure. You coming, Sevuk?

[12:22][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -nods- Right Im in

[12:22][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] Im in to

[12:22][DOIC3]Sinez@the5of43:We got enough to start now. Patt took his spot, let's go

[12:23][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Gwen[]] Hey Sin..easy sweetie..he will get there..sev..ya gonna help them..right

[12:23][DOIC3]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Ankos waved to Chef and led the way to the room.

[12:23][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Gwen] -gives him the'eye'

[12:23][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:-Konmal andPatty do the same

[12:23][DOIC3]Sinez@the5of43:*he just sighed heavily, leaving with the others

[12:24][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Gwen] Sev..

[12:24][DOIC3]Sevuk@ClingingMar:I will attend for a time

[12:24][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Gwen] -shoos him- go go ..catch u

[12:24][DOIC3]Sinez@the5of43:*he groaned as he left the lounge

[12:24][DOIC3]Sevuk@ClingingMar:He does not wish to speak to me

[12:24][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Enters his room and points to the replicator.* "Go crazy.

[12:25][DOIC3]Talia@Isis:[Gwen] he will to make Fluffy town..now go play with your frien

[12:25][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] Wait..what room are we to begin in?

[12:27][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Well, my room? Or we can take Sinez's. But I don't mind he mess.

[12:27][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -looks to Sin at this

[12:27][DOIC4]Sinez@the5of43:No smoking, no farting and no pillow fighting.. ok

[12:27][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[patterson] Deal

[12:27][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] We pillow fight..only intruders

[12:28][DOIC4]Sinez@the5of43:No, it puts the entire town in danger of cave ins.

[12:28][DOIC4]Sevuk@ClingingMar:*Sevuk walks in.

[12:28][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"We exit the safety of the walls sometimes then?" *He goes to replicate a fuzzy blue blanket for the fort's roof covering.

[12:28][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -nodsto sevuk- Thenhow do we defend fluffy town

[12:29][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] Wea re goingto seen some tent stsakers too yes?

[12:29][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Yeah... what are we drinking?

[12:29][DOIC4]Sinez@the5of43:*he went to replicating, working as far away as he could from.. him

[12:31][DOIC4]Sevuk@ClingingMar:We could utilize defense turrets

[12:31][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"...Pillow defence turrets? Would they work?

[12:31][DOIC4]Sinez@the5of43:*he laughed out loud* .... No

[12:32][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] Why no defense turrets? OH! what about nerf weaponry

[12:32][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"We do it the old fashioned way... Ooh, yeah, that sounds nice.

[12:33][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Patterson] Oh yes..nerf guns

[12:33][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"I get the nerf TR-116.

[12:34][DOIC4]Sevuk@ClingingMar:What is a 'nerf' gun

[12:35][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Toy weapons that shoot soft foamy darts.

[12:35][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"You never played with them in school?

[12:35][DOIC4]Sinez@the5of43:*he stacked up their supports, his back facing Sevuk

[12:36][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Ankos helped with the sides, making it wide enough for the group.

[12:36][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -begins to help

[12:37][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Patty] -helpsAnkos

[12:37][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"My first nerf gun was a klingon disruptor, actually.

[12:38][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] Mine was achain gun emplacement atthea cadem


[12:38][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Patty] You will like <ister Sevuk i thin

[12:39][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"That sounds sweet." *He goes to start replicating them guns.

[12:39][DOIC4]Sinez@the5of43:*he scoffed* No he won't..We already know that

[12:39][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[POatty] Well hemight justnotbe able toshowit

[12:40][DOIC4]Sinez@the5of43:Let him shoot one then..I'll keep building this corner.

[12:41][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Ankos uses the chance while Sin's back is turned, heading right behind Sevuk, and shooting a dart at Sinez... only to drop the gun and stand far to the side.

[12:42][DOIC4]Sevuk@ClingingMar:*Sevuk gives Ankos a look.

[12:42][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Ankos was innocently replicating two more pillows.

[12:42][DOIC4]Sinez@the5of43:*Once he got shot Sin stopped building* Seriously? *he turned around to look at them

[12:42][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Huh? What?

[12:43][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -asheplaceshis pillows- That wasnot m

[12:43][DOIC4]Sinez@the5of43:*he pointed at Sevuk* He hasn't moved one bit! He didn't shoot that

[12:43][DOIC4]Sevuk@ClingingMar:Thank you Commander

[12:43][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Patty] Ididnt do i

[12:43][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"It wasn't me either.

[12:43][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:-patty keeps replicatingpillows andblanket

[12:45][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"I have all the guns here, though." *He lays them down on the table.

[12:46][DOIC4]Sinez@the5of43:*he stared at the ground a moment before standing up to leave* You know what, I forgot that I offered Trace help with some of her workload for tonight..

[12:46][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -blink-0s OhN

[12:46][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] We just got starte

[12:46][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Just gives SIn a disappointed look.

[12:47][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[patty] Sir..shes aid shew as goignt o bed thoug

[12:47][DOIC4]Sinez@the5of43:I'll be back? *TO Pat* No she didn't..she said after I help her

[12:47][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Patty] -seemsconfused- She did?/ she was talkngabout a hitbath ithoought

[12:48][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Let him go if he wants to.

[12:48][DOIC4]Sinez@the5of43:She has time for a bath because I volunteered to take some of her work.. Anyways, I'll be back gentleman..

[12:48][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -scowls at him- ..fin

[12:49][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Patty] -seemslost now- But sir..yes si

[12:49][DOIC4]Sinez@the5of43:I call dibs on that corner.. *he pointed over and left

[12:49][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:*Shrugs to the others after Sin goes out.

[12:50][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -looks at sevuk and Ankos- what was that about?

[12:51][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"I think he's still a bit unhappy over that sweater thing.

[12:51][DOIC4]Sevuk@ClingingMar:*Sevuk quirks his eyebrows.* He did not appear to take kindly to Ankos' prank

[12:52][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] -gibbs-smacks Ankos- Niceon

[12:52][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Ouch! Hey, he needed some incentive to shoot Sevuk and take some of his anger out.

[12:53][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Pattty] Whjy is he angry with mister sevuk

[12:53][DOIC4]Talia@Isis:[Konmal] Sevuk is a pictgure phob

[12:54][DOIC4]Ankos@bulgariandragon:"Apparently Sevuk refused Sinez's christmas present."