22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki

Current Fleet Date: December 5, 2454

Welcome to the 22nd Mobile Daedalus Wiki

The 22nd Mobile (Fleet Daedalus Omega) is a Star Trek Online roleplaying fleet. The 22nd Mobile ships listed below are crewed by players and overseen by a Game Master (called a "DGM") in a way similar to a pen-and-paper roleplaying game. Each ship has one official meeting time per week, where it meets for roughly three hours. These session are called "episodes" and are logged in Episode Logs.

If you would like to join the adventure, check out our Discord! You can also browse our forum archive for historical information.

Player-Crewed Ships in the Fleet

The ships in this list are player crewed and available to join by joining our discord. The fleet has a home base at Starbase 220 and has also conducted operations out of the Citadel. We are currently in the process of transitioning through a change in ships. The currently available ships are as follows:

Ship Name Ship Class Day / Time (EST) Day / Time (GMT) Status Logs
USS Adagio Solbianca Sunday - 3 PM Sunday - 8 PM Active Logs
USS Stardancer Rendino Friday - 8:30PM Saturday - 1:30AM Active Logs

Major Events in Daedalus Omega RP

Pages of Interest

Character Ranks Available

This list contains ranks attainable by players. You may note that flag ranks are not listed, as the vast majority of players in the fleet will not attain these ranks. Officers start by attending Starfleet Academy, and most players will start at either Cadet or Ensign. Enlisted start at Crewman. Exceptions may be made at DGM discretion.

Starfleet Officer Ranks Starfleet Enlisted Ranks Available Starting Ranks

Positions in the Fleet

Available Positions

These positions are available to players. Senior Staff positions are restricted to veteran players or characters who are well-established and earned promotions. Basic positions can be filled by any player or character.

Division Senior Positions Junior Positions
Command (Red)
Operations (Gold)
Science (Blue)