[12:23][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The scene fades into a corridor just outside holodeck 23b on Starbase 220. As the training squad has assembled for a little light training. Lieutenant Peebles is about to brief them on the scenario
[12:24][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:[Maggie] --looks over her PADD-- "okay boys and girls today's exercis will be a fun one. I call it the Obstacle gauntlet.
[12:25][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:[Maggie] "An ever changing field of dangers and challenges. Your objective is to reach the other side and deactivate the robot overlord.
[12:25][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*Telek is there in his expeditionary armored suit, nodding along to the instructions.
[12:26][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*The blue woman folded her arms as she listened.* "Suppose I should have put off my hair appointment until -after- this exercise. Ah well.
[12:27][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Oh, please, as if a few hairs out of place will ruin your charm.
[12:27][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:[Maggie] "Each stage presents its own set of challenges and difficulties culminating in the boss fight at the end.
[12:27][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Robot overlord? Sounds ominous.
[12:28][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She smirked.* "But -I- will know.
[12:28][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:[Maggie] "That is all you get for a briefing, i would not want to spoil the surpsise. Any questions before i set you loose?
[12:28][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"ROE ma'am?
[12:29][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"They're evil robots, we scrap 'em.
[12:29][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:[Maggie] --smiles-- "Shoot anything that isn't part of your team.
[12:29][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"But are there good robots being held hostage?" *She chuckled.* "Very well, ma'am. Robot massacre incoming.
[12:30][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Aye ma'am.
[12:30][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:[Maggie] "No hostages, this is straight up pew pew.
[12:31][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She opened her mouth as if to say something, but seemed to think better and just nodded once.
[12:31][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Seems straightforward. Okay, if anyone gets shot or torn apart or anything, just scream really loud and I should be there.
[12:31][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:[Maggie] "Good luck. Remember failure isn't an option, you repeat it until you win.
[12:32][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He nodded to Peebs and headed in.
[12:32][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Aye ma'am.
[12:32][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Oh wai
[12:32][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Feels just like being home with mother," *she mused as she went in.
[12:32][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"One last question, who has Command for this sorty?
[12:32][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"...You and your mother shot evil robots?
[12:32][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She sighed.* "Not quite.
[12:33][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:[Maggie] "I am going to let you guys sort that out. How you want to work together is up to you.
[12:33][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:*Adama stood still a moment as he wa sgetting his head in the game before following the others in
[12:33][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Combat operations should probably be Adama.
[12:33][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"I know my way around a gun but I'm not a shooter. I relinquish command to someone who knows their shit.
[12:33][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"I'm better with machines.
[12:33][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Yeah, probably Adama. If nothing else he's played enough army men to know how to move a squad.
[12:34][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"I'm more of a software lady. But I can shoot and stab well enough.
[12:34][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Well i knwo that but we aren't 10 foot tall genetically engineered soldiers of a god emperor.
[12:34][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"They would be quite useful around now, I believe.
[12:34][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"That sounds like it'd be pretty cool.
[12:34][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The squad enters the gauntlet they see a vast open field with barriers, energy fielss, walls and other terrain types
[12:35][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Alright... Now, I ain't a strategist, but I know standing in an open field isn't too good." *He went to try and take some kind of cover.
[12:35][DOIC3]Peebles@Demoncheru:[Maggie] --enter the obervation booth and takes a seat, there is a bowl of popcorn ready
[12:35][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She looked for a weapons selection.
[12:35][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Well this looks fun.
[12:36][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*campbell grabbed a pdp7 a side arm some grenades and a few det charges
[12:36][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*checked the power celes
[12:36][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He grabbed himself a gun, EMP grenades and a medkit.
[12:37][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:*Adama equips a "p90" and checked it as he eyed the surroundings before getting further equipment
[12:37][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:inside the simination the squad hears a voice, "Stage 1:. Objective: Clare the area and advance to the next zone. As the voice speaks the team is surrounded by a dense fog visibility driops dramatica
[12:37][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Alrighty on you Skip. *he said to adama
[12:38][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She also picked up a PDP7, a few EMP grenades and a tricorder, if available.
[12:38][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The terrain has barriers set up at intervals so there will be plenty of cover as they cross
[12:38][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*cambell grabbed a engineeres kit and put it on hsi back
[12:39][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Just in case.
[12:39][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Oh, remember, double tapping robots is not a war crime. I think. They're robots.
[12:39][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:Alright stick together but leave enough room for free movement. Find cover when able and move up when I say so. Stay liquid, fill the gaps. *Adama pointed his gun forwards as he moved still eyeing
[12:39][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:his suroundings for movement
[12:40][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He stayed on Adama, a bit to his right and back, moving with him and looking into the fog for automatons.
[12:40][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She chuckled.* "I think we'll be forgiven for making sure the diabolical holodeck robots do not live to see another day." *She then went to join the others.
[12:40][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*campbell took a position in a 2 meter distance from adama
[12:41][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Round one: AS the squad advances. Everyone make a perception roll
[12:45][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:All of you spot a drone moving in the fog and may shoot at it, except Adama he still can't see a damn thing in this fog
[12:45][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"..She did say shoot anything that wasn't our team." *She pointed and fired at the drone.
[12:46][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Drone. Up to the left.
[12:46][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He shot as well.
[12:46][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*Campbell held his fire watching for other threats
[12:46][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Adama make a defense roll, as a phser bolt comes at you from somewhere in the fog. The rest make a shooty roll if you choose to
[12:47][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*campbell woudl return fire in the direciton fo that phaser bolt
[12:48][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Adama deftly evades the phaser bolt and Lilliath takes a drone off the playing field with a skilled shot. Campbell and Telek miss their shots
[12:49][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Drone down," *she reported matter-of-factly before she moved to find cover from the shots coming from the mist.
[12:49][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*campbell moves to cover
[12:49][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Still have incoming i didn't see wher eit came from.
[12:49][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*Telek moved into cover as well, hoping to catch where the phaser is coming from next time.* "Didn't see it either.
[12:49][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*he put his back to the cover and pulled out a tricorder
[12:50][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"With luck, now they have limited visual on us as well.
[12:50][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:round two: Roll for drone spotting
[12:50][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"...Here's a thought... if they're robots, can you hack them?
[12:50][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:Take cover! *Adama moves over to cover while aiming at the general direction he thought the shot came from* Let them come closer. Scan for signatures
[12:51][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Potentially, depending on their networking.
[12:51][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*campbell scanned
[12:52][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Hackign takes time. IF we can get to a downed one maybe
[12:52][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Just a question, I don't know the first thing about robots.
[12:55][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Lilliath spots a drone moving in the fog. Campbell doesn't spot a drone but his tricorder picks up a couple enegy signals one directly ahead and one at ten o'clock. Telek and Adama can't see anything
[12:55][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Got a signals through the fog 12 o clcok and ten oclock
[12:55][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Lots of interrference.
[12:56][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*he attempts to reconfigured the tricorder
[12:56][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Wait. I am better with a tricorder than I am with a gun. Let me help you clear it up.
[12:56][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Switch out then.
[12:56][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Drone incoming," *she reported, training her gun on it.* "Do I take it out or wait for you to line up the other shots?
[12:57][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*he ready to aid in the shooting
[12:57][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He nodded, then took his own tricorder out to see if he can clear up the interference and feed the signals to the team's sights.
[12:57][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:Take it out blueberry. *He shifted his pose to try and see the one at 10 oclock
[12:58][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Don't call me Blueberry." *She aimed at the drone and squeezed the trigger.
[12:58][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*campbell would time his fire toward the 12 o 'clock vector at the same tiem liliath fired
[12:58][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*blind firing to cover
[12:59][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*Telek kept doing his support/buff class thing, hoping his tricorder manages to synch up well to the team's PDP7s' sights.
[12:59][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:shooters roll shooting. Telek roll a tricorder thing
[1:03][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Lilliath misses her target in the fog. But, Campbell firing blind in the direction of one of the energy siugnature readings amazingly manages to pop a drone
[1:04][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Telek manages to work some tricorder magic and the reading clears up enough to let the tricorder read that there are six more drones in the zone
[1:04][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She breathed a curse.* "Damned fog..." *She would drop back into cover, anticipating retaliation.
[1:05][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"We got six more drones! Signatures are in your sights!
[1:05][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Taerget down.. I've got the clear picture Targeting.
[1:05][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*he pushed the assisted target button
[1:05][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He raised his rifle up to fire in the direction of one of the drones.* "Taking the rightmost one.
[1:05][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:everyone make a defesne roll as the retalliation come in a flurry of phaser bolts from multiple directions
[1:07][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Everyone manages to evade the shots. One shot comes dangerously close to clipping Lilliath, but she survives
[1:08][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*campbell returns fire on a painted target
[1:08][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Well shite that was close.
[1:08][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Taking the rightmost." *Telek fired on the target he called out.
[1:09][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Everyone firing, roll for pew
[1:09][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:*Adama would firre on the drone that came close to smashing his blueberry
[1:09][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Shi--" *She froze for a moment, then quickly shook it off.* "Trying for the flying drone again, cutting off their aerial view." *She turned and tried to shoot it down again.
[1:12][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Adama manages to drop the drone that tried to shoot his precious blueberry. The rest miss, five drones left. Liliath is rattled and misse her shot, she wont be able to take action this next round
[1:13][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Damn it..." *She sank down into cover, trying to collect herself.
[1:13][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"We willg et pinned down here skip, Suggest grenade.
[1:13][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Motherfucker, these things are fast." *He turned to Campbell.* "I got EMP grenades.
[1:13][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Nabbed them when we heard we're dealing with robots.
[1:14][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"I brought some, too...
[1:14][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:Campbell and Telek toss a nade. *Adama would continue firing to cover them for the throw.* You okay there Var
[1:14][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*campbell readied a grenade to throw
[1:15][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Taking the ones on the right, Campbell." *He prepped an EMP grenade for the toss.
[1:15][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She gave a nod.* "Just... need to catch my breath a moment.
[1:15][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:okay Telek and Campbell throw some grendaes. rol
[1:15][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He counted down in his mind and tossed.
[1:20][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Both Telek and Cambbell pop up from cover to toss a grenade. Telek make a good lob and manage to cook three drones with his greneade blast, Campbell get one drone in the blast of his grenade
[1:21][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Three down on my end.
[1:22][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Tink i got one.
[1:22][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Any actions this round from Adama
[1:22][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"That leaves us with two signals. I'll get back on the tricorder and see if we got more surprises, I trust you guys to handle them.
[1:22][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:*Adama wass still providing covering fire
[1:23][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:roll for covering fir
[1:24][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Adama manages to pop one of the two remaining drones, leaving one drone for the final round
[1:24][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*Telek dropped into the safety of his cover, running the tricorder to see if anything else pops up, trusting the other three to pop the last drone they have eyes on.
[1:24][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:because of his great covering fire the drone don't manage to get a shot off at the grenade thrower
[1:25][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*campbell leaned slighlty over the cover to try to get a bead on the last drone
[1:25][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:You mean one signal. *Adama moves slightly forward to the next best piece of cover
[1:26][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*campbell covered his movement
[1:27][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Got you covered Skip
[1:30][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*campbell was looking for the last drone to fire as adama moved
[1:30][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She was also searching for the last drone.
[1:31][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:As Adamamoved the last drone moved in trying to get a clear shot
[1:31][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*campbell fired on the movement
[1:31][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*Seeing the drone appear, she would immediately aim at it and fire.
[1:31][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Campbell and Liliath roll for drone killin
[1:32][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The drone gets double poofed by two phser shots
[1:32][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Drone's down! Any more on sensors?
[1:32][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"I am keeping eyes on the tricorder... seeing no further signals for now.
[1:32][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She nodded once to Telek and went to move up with Adama.
[1:33][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:As soon as the drone disappears the fog does as well and a voice from above says "Stage one clear.
[1:33][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He got up to move, keeping the corder running.
[1:33][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Oh.
[1:33][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Wonder how many of those there are...
[1:33][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:As the fog lift the team can see the end of the zone and can just walk to the next one
[1:34][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Well that was fun.
[1:34][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*he formed up
[1:34][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He went to walk with the group.
[1:34][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:Well goody. *simply walks to the next area while checking his gear again* You did good folks
[1:35][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"I could tell by the fact that we're all alive and they're all dead," *she said simply as she went to the next zone.
[1:35][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"From now on it may be a wise idea to start with me on the corder and you covering me, I think we were more effective that way.
[1:36][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:As they arrive at the edge of stage two they seen a patch of sand they will need to cross, the sands are shifting beyond that are moving platforms over a deep chasm at over looking the zone ar
[1:36][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Aye, unless we run into something that does require tinkering.
[1:36][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:phaser turrets. So they will have to cross all of it while under fire
[1:36][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She frowned.* "Sand... of course it's sand.
[1:36][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"...An obstacle course with turrets? Why the hell not?
[1:37][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*he pulled his tricorder out
[1:38][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The voice from above, "Stage two. Objective: Navigate to the other side while under fire to reach the safe zone on the other side
[1:38][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Let's see..." *He was scanning the patch of sand, trying to see where the patch is more solid and where it's wetter and more shifting.
[1:38][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Don't suppose anyone thought to bring a shield generator...
[1:38][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:*adama looks at the sand in disgust* So any other surprises hiding there? *he looks the surroundings over
[1:38][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Might be able to do something better.
[1:38][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*he scanned
[1:38][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"With our luck, snakes." *She looked to Campbell and nodded.* "Engineer away, by all means.
[1:39][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Scanning the sand now, Adama. I'll try to get us a clear path that makes us the least likely to be swallowed by shifting sands.
[1:39][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"If I can figure out how to tweak the tricorders i might be able to mask our life signs.
[1:39][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"WHich means then its jsut an opstical course. Telek can you get everyones lifesigns.
[1:39][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Of course i can, sending them to you.
[1:40][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He sent the team's readings to Campbell, then went back to trying to find an optimal route through the sand.
[1:40][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*Meanwhile, Lili took the more mundane route of trying to see anything that might be of use to them on the visible trail ahead.
[1:44][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Lilliath sees nothing but sand and platforms on the trail ahead. Telek sees the sand is just sand and Campbell is able to put up a masking field with his tricorder so the turret are firing blind
[1:44][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:You know? Never wrestle naked in the sand. Sand in your privates can be one the most painfull medical conditions imaginabl
[1:44][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"That is not a medical condition, that is just being stupid. Besides, sand's nice.
[1:44][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She arched a brow at Adama.* "Speaking from personal experience?
[1:45][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Alright fields up and broadcasting, stay close, and we need ot mvoe decently quic
[1:45][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Alright." *He nodded and headed with Campbell.
[1:45][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:*Adama eyed Lili not denying nor confirming anything
[1:45][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Let's get this over with quickly and thank our deities that holodeck sand is easily removed." *She went to stand with the group.
[1:46][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:runing acroos the sand take two turns but each turn requires a rull to see if you can stay upright. If you fall it take add a turn to the run
[1:47][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*campbell set out on teh sand
[1:47][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*The lizard happily followed.
[1:47][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*Lili began to move.
[1:48][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:*Adama followed along* Don't get hard there Telek.
[1:48][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"You're the one talking about rolling naked in the sand.
[1:50][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Telek, Campbell, and Adama manage to stay upright during this round. But, Lilliath trips and goes face down into the sand. The turrets are firing, but none of the bolts get close to hitting
[1:51][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He went to try and get Lili back up.* "C'mon, now... no time for that!
[1:51][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*Lili let out a muffled grunt as she went down in the sand. She wouldn't lay there long, attempting to quickly recover and get back on her feet.
[1:51][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"We need to hold for her skip.
[1:51][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Shes at the edge of the field.
[1:52][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:*Adama stops* Move slightly back, give her the space
[1:52][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Wasn't my intention," *She murmured, reaching to accept Telek's aid.
[1:52][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:it does not take Lilliath long to get back up and get to moving again. Since the rest of the team waited everyone has one more round tacked onto the run
[1:53][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:You good for the rest blu... Var
[1:53][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"I'm good, let's not waste any more time!
[1:54][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*Telek helped Lili up and turned to move again.
[1:54][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"She liked your idea about the sand so much she just had to try.
[1:55][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:okay roll to stay on your feet for another round
[1:57][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Telek and Campbell manage to navigate the sand but Lilliath goes down again, this tiem Adama joins her
[1:57][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Lilliath and Adama make a defense roll, as a couple of bolts get dnagerously close since you are not moving
[1:59][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Dinnae pay mooch attnetion in desert survivl.. wider bases.
[1:59][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"You're doing fine, campbell. C'mon, we're almost to the end." *He was completely oblivious that two already went down.
[1:59][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Lilliath manages to geacefully roll away from the phaser blast. Adama not so much and he goes down stunned
[2:00][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*Lili somehow managed to suppress the instinct to pose at the end of her roll, instead looking back to see Adama get shot.* "He's hit!" *she shouted to the others as she went to try and help Adama.
[2:00][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:Fuck! *he blurts as he trips before getting stunned to hell
[2:01][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Oh, come on!" *He turned to Lili.* "I'll drag his fat ass." *He went back to try and drag Adama with himself.
[2:01][DOIC3]Peebles@Demoncheru:[Maggie] --laughs and eats some popcorn, she looks at the tech-- "i call this part Omaha beach.
[2:02][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Here, we need to stick together anyway," *she said as she went to help suppoer Adama's other side.
[2:02][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*support )
[2:02][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He nodded to Lili.* "I'll administer the hypo once we're off the sand, it will help him shake the stun off.
[2:03][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Let's try not to drag it out until then, in that case!" *She would help move him back to where Campbell was.
[2:04][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He moved with Lili to drag the big snow-elf off the sand.* "Next time we're on Risa I'm having Adama run in the sand till he faints...
[2:05][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:okay rolls to stay upright. the difficulty is increased for the two dragging dead weight
[2:07][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"We are almsot through.
[2:08][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Campbell manages to stay upright, Telek and Lilliath manage to drag Adama a bit before they once again goe down
[2:08][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*Lili let out some choice Tanausan curses that the network declined to translate.
[2:09][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Some phaser bolts manage to get close to the group reminding them they are sitting ducks out here
[2:09][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Alrgith come on then..
[2:09][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*he moved to help them
[2:09][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He grumbled as he fell on his ass, pulling himself back up, not too gracefully, nodding to Campbell as he grabbed Adama again.
[2:16][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:while it isn't a pretty sight, the trio manage to stunble and drag their way out of the sand trap and are now on the other side
[2:16][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Alright lets get the skip back up right.
[2:16][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*Telek huffed and dropped to one knee as he pulled out a hypo.* "Way ahead of you.
[2:16][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*he looked around that other sid
[2:16][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She nodded and helped sit Adama up for his shot.
[2:17][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He went to prick it into Adama.* "All the sand under his foreskin is a just punishment.
[2:17][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Did he fall dick into the sand or something?
[2:17][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"No, but I bet you some got into his pants while we dragged and dropped him.
[2:18][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"You'd think I'd have noticed something like that... unless he has even worse fortunes than simply being shot.
[2:18][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:While the shot takes effect, the team looks ahead to see what awaits. A deep chasm, too wide to jump. There are three paths composed of two moving platforms
[2:19][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Moving platforms and a fall to the death...
[2:19][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"This is pretty cool, I gotta admit.
[2:19][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Keep an aye out for italian plumbers.
[2:19][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:they will have to jump from platform to platform to reach the other side
[2:19][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Or two idiots fighting with glowy swords.
[2:19][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She peered at the next puzzle.* "Think if we jump down they'll let us have a break for drinks?
[2:19][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"I doubt it. But we can push Adama in while he's still stunned and see what he says.
[2:20][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"I'm fairly sure that team killing gets us marked down in this course, unfortunately,
[2:20][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Man, they really tried to suck the fun out of it, huh?
[2:21][DOIC3]Peebles@Demoncheru:[Maggie] --Munches her popcorn and sips on a soda.-
[2:21][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"I'm told it happens to most people after they make Lieutenant." *She looked around for anything she could toss at the platforms.
[2:21][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"He should be slippign out of the stun any moment now.
[2:22][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Lilliath sees some sand
[2:22][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She frowned.* "No one sees a rock or something?
[2:23][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Why do you need a rock?
[2:23][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"No rock but coudl use a non primed grenade.
[2:23][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"There are multiple paths. That implies one or more could be the wrong one. I want to test the stability of the platforms before we jump onto them.
[2:23][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:unfortunately no rocks, the terrain is not natural
[2:24][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"I got the empty hypo, but it's probably not heavy enough.
[2:24][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"A grenade might do," *She nodded at Campbell.
[2:24][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"A roll of bandages, maybe?
[2:25][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She took out one of the EMP grenades, deactivated it and tried to toss it to the nearest platform as it moved close.
[2:25][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:roll for the toss.
[2:26][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:meanwhile Adama is coming out of his stupo
[2:26][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Good morning, princess.
[2:26][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:wondering why he has sand all up inside his armor
[2:28][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Lilli manage to put the grenade onn the nearest platform and clatters round a bit before coming to rest and just sittinf there
[2:28][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Well... that one works, at least.
[2:29][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Thats good to know.
[2:29][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"I guess our only choice is to try to cross.
[2:29][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Adama is up.
[2:29][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Are you able to make a leap of faith, then?" *She asked as she looked back at Adama.
[2:29][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Yeah... alright. Cross the giant death chasm on moving platforms, nothing much to it.
[2:30][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:okay the platform with the grenade on it is the middle path, fy
[2:30][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:*As Adama woke up he could feel all the sand inside* Fuuuuuu....*his seething resentment for sand is dissapates as he stood up* Jumping
[2:31][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Yeah. Jumping. If Liliath's intuition is correct, we gotta take the middle path.
[2:31][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She turned back around, took a few steps back, and then took a running leap toward the platform with the grenade.
[2:31][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Well my da woudl say the almighty watches out for those that trust in him.
[2:31][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He sighed deeply, then followed Lili, taking off into a sprint before jumping.
[2:31][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"I say that the odds of this being impassable is small. someone built the platforms for a reason
[2:31][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:rolls to make the first jump
[2:33][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:*Adama shakes some sand off before making the running leap try
[2:34][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*campbell goes to make the jump after its clear it can support more than one person.
[2:36][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:okay the team makes the jump. Lilliath makes the jump and land on the platform near the edge. she is teetering dnagerously on the edge about to go over. Talek make the jump easily. and so does Campbe
[2:36][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Adama barely makes the edge, but is safe enough
[2:36][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*Telek goes to grab Lili's arm.* "I got you.
[2:36][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Shit--!" *She did the windmill arms as she nearly fell back, nodding to Telek gratefully as he grabbed her.* "Thanks.
[2:37][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:roll to grab Lill
[2:38][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Telek grabs Lilli by the arm just as she begins to fall
[2:38][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Easy. Steady." *He pulled back towards him, not too quick as not to ruin her balancing further.
[2:39][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:more like by the wrist, it was by a narrow margin
[2:39][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She was gladly pulled onto the platform.* "Let's hope not to repeat that.
[2:40][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Well, we got one more platform, so I expect you to return the favor if I mess up.
[2:40][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He turned around and took a deep breath, before starting with a sprint and a jump towards the second platform.
[2:40][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The next platform just sits there moving back and forth waiting for the ensigns to make thier move
[2:40][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Presumably." *She went to pick up the deactivated grenade, the paused at Telek went for it.* "...Well let's hope I was being overly paranoid." *She said as she watched to see what happened.
[2:40][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"One down..
[2:41][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:*adama is still removing some sand
[2:41][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*campbell goes to make the jump
[2:41][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Toss some of that sand over the side... I saw it in an old movie once.
[2:42][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:You think there is an invisible bridge? Why not? *Adama tosses some sand in the space between the two platforms
[2:43][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The sand falls into the seemingly bottomless chasem..
[2:43][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"It's very unlikely, but-- oh. Well, worth a shot.
[2:43][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:Maybe watch less old movies huh? *Adama would try the running leap again
[2:44][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:If they can get to the next platform, its eeems close enough to the other side you can just step off
[2:44][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Maybe get shot less," *she offered in return as she went to jump as well.
[2:44][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:leap of faith! roll for it
[2:47][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Both Lilliath and Campbell made the jump easily. Telek hit the edge and slipped off the side. However, because of his awesome roll Adama both makes the jump and gets a chance to save Telek
[2:48][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Shiiiiiiii-" *He slipped on the edge, losing balance.
[2:49][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:It's my job to get shot at! *Adama says while jumping, once there he'd turn and try to grab telek
[2:49][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:rolld to grab the Cardassia
[2:51][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:in a stunning turn of events Adama misses the grab and Telek plummets to his doom..
[2:51][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*Lili turned just in time to see the Cardie drop.* "...Well, that's not good.
[2:51][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"ARE YOU FUCKING SHITTING MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" *He called out as he dropped.
[2:51][DOIC3]Peebles@Demoncheru:[Maggie] "oh yeah this shit is getting good now." --she munches on popcorn.-
[2:52][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The remaining squad members can complete the zone by walking into the safe zone
[2:52][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Well... three quarters is still a passing grade." *She stepped through.
[2:52][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:*Adama looks over the ledge seeing the ever droipping cardie* He's so gonna manhandle me next check up.... Anyway. *turns to the others* l;et's finish this..
[2:53][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:*Adama heads over to the safe zone
[2:53][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Telek finds himself in the penalty box-
[2:53][DOIC2]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*Telek sits down and pouts.
[2:53][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Allas poor Telek... we knew him Horatio...
[2:53][DOIC2]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Fucking karma for going back for him in the sandbox.
[2:54][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The voice from above: Stage two complete
[2:55][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Now the question is, what of stage three?
[2:55][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The squad see ahead of tehm a maze made of energy barrier. The voice, "Stage three. Objective: Navigate the maze while avoiding the sentries.
[2:56][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She peered at the barriers to try and discern how transparent they were.
[2:56][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:They notice something odd about the maze, the energy bartries through the ceter of the maze have control panels on them likily to turn them off to create a path through the center
[2:57][DOIC2]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*As he sat in the penalty box.* "Can I get a ball or a karaoke machine or something? This place sucks ass.
[2:58][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The barriers were not very rtranparen
[2:59][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Suppose it wouldn't have been that simple." *She activated her tricorder and scanned for anything that might be the 'sentries' that were mentioned.
[2:59][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:As if on que a red rubber ball appears in the penalty box with Telek
[3:00][DOIC2]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*Telek started playing with the ball, picking it up in his hands and swatting it upwards in a volleyball serve, then trying to keep it up, tapping it from underneath.
[3:00][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Lilliath scans but detects no sentries
[3:00][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"I'm not detecting anything, which means we'll have to do it the old fashioned way.
[3:01][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She looked at the entrances to the maze before them.
[3:01][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:At the entrans the path turns right. But straight ahead is a barrier with a control panel on it
[3:02][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:What about them control panels? Want to take a look at them Campbell
[3:02][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She shrugged at the others and made her way to the control panel.
[3:02][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"I'll take a look
[3:02][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:*Adama joins lili
[3:03][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Panel cuts oft the barrier, needs security code. could potentially be hacked. Trhough software or I could hardware bypass and try ot short it open. Suggest Lily takes a look for the software one fir
[3:04][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Once i start tearing things out won't be abel to go back
[3:04][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*Lili nodded and attempted to access the panel.
[3:05][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The panel was not standard Starfleet equipment, but it was not to strange
[3:06][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She would attempt to familiarize herself with it, looking to see what she could access from that point.
[3:06][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:a roll. d100 add any relevant computer bonuses
[3:08][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:people not hacking roll perceptio
[3:08][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:12 +
[3:11][DOIC2]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:roll+security generla + x2 min
[3:13][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Lilliath manages to find a vulnerability in a diagnostic routine gets her access to the barrier controls to shut them off
[3:13][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:While waiting for the barrier to drop Adama see s blur of air to the left as something invisible movee
[3:14][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Okay, I believe I'm able to shut off the barriers completely. However, if there are 'sentries' that means we will suddenly be open to them. Be ready.
[3:14][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:*Adama his half eyes squint to the left* There's something to the left of us...Did they make the sentries invisible..
[3:15][DOIC2]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Oh, save me, Telek, I fell in the sand. Oh, save me, Telek, I got shot and stunned. Oh, save me, Telek, I am falling off the platform... But when I need help? Motherfuckers." *He seethed as he
[3:15][DOIC2]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*Played with his ball.
[3:15][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Its possible..
[3:15][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*he pulle dout his tricorder
[3:16][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Campbell only detects a voic in the air next to them
[3:16][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Im not seeing anything on the tricorder
[3:16][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"I wasn't able to detect any on my tricorder earlier..." *She frowned a moment, thinking, then tried to see if she could increase the brightness of the energy barriers.
[3:17][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:--The brightnes increases
[3:18][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:*Adama kept his watch as he was wondering what Dru and Telek were doing for a moment
[3:18][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The barriers drop and there is suddenly a stright shot down the middle of the maze to the other side. At the sa,e time a drone sppears in mide air next tot he team off to the left
[3:19][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"...Okay, I was kind of hoping that would make them more visible, but I'm not sure it did anything. Should I just drop them and hope for the--- what the hell?
[3:19][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The drone prepares to fir
[3:21][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:maybe a meter and a half
[3:21][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*campbell tries to dive for cover
[3:21][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*Lili would attempt to dart behind the console for cover, drawing her weapon again.
[3:21][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:Fucking shit! *tries to quick fire his "p90" against the drone sentry* Move it
[3:22][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:*he says while covering the other two
[3:22][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Adama roll to fir
[3:24][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:in an impressive display of reaction time, Adama levels his weapion and downs the drone
[3:25][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Good shot skip.
[3:26][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Nice... but that won't be the only one." *She quickly looked around for any more.
[3:26][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:There were no more drones visible..just a path down the center of the maze
[3:27][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:You two still have EMPs
[3:27][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"I have oen grenade left.
[3:27][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"I have two, if I reactivate the one I was using as a rock.
[3:28][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:Do so. *Adama thinks a moment* I have an idea, but it isn't a good one
[3:28][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She went to reactivate the EMP.* "An idea that isn't good beats no idea at all.
[3:30][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:I will dash in and either goad the sentries into coming for me and you two can finish them off with the 'nades or hopefully the execution of their drone friend here scared them enough to let us go
[3:31][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Sound risky but if thats the call sir.
[3:31][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Robots don't feel fear, that's one of the pros of utilizing them in this manner." *She shrugged.* "But if you want to draw them out, it may well work.
[3:32][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:It beats nothing... *he took a deep breath as he shook his head* prepare, I go in on the count of three
[3:33][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She readied her throwing arm and nodded once.* "Ready.
[3:34][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:One.....two...Three. *Adama jogged towards the ceentre his gun raised to engage if needed* Come on you robotic bastards
[3:35][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*campbell waited to throw the emp nade after him
[3:37][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Adama runs about halfway through the corridor and stops. in response to his actions three drones drop thier cloaks and move into the corriodo
[3:38][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*campbell throws!
[3:38][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She waited to see what the results would be, in case more appeared after the first group went down.
[3:39][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Campbell rolls for throwing
[3:39][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:*Adama turns around
[3:40][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Th ewell palced grenade detonates and fries the three drones, they drop to the groun
[3:41][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:Well that worked
[3:41][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Hold... that may not be all of them.
[3:42][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:*Adama drops to a knee maintaining a tactical pose* I got you all covered here, but am open for more suggestions
[3:43][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:No more drones seem to be appearing
[3:43][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She paused a moment, then shrugged.* "Well it seems we can just keep moving at this point.
[3:44][DOIC2]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Say, have you ever heard the one about the two bajorans, the ferengi crossdresser, and-... Wait, actually that one may get me in trouble." *He was kicking the ball around, talking to the computer.
[3:45][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*aye he readied his weapon and move dup to join adama
[3:46][DOIC2]Campbell@Captain_Rien:[Inara] Do go one Telek
[3:46][DOIC2]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*she seemed to apear
[3:46][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She went with them.
[3:46][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The rest of the aquad moves up to join Adama, the exit is in sight
[3:47][DOIC2]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" *He jumped, before he realized who it is.* "No offence, but your teleportation magic is creepy as hell.
[3:47][DOIC2]Campbell@Captain_Rien:[Inara] THis isn't telepathy
[3:47][DOIC2]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"I said teleportation.
[3:47][DOIC2]Campbell@Captain_Rien:[Inara] This is a synced holodeck through the artesian relay
[3:47][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:We can all just dash towards the end now
[3:48][DOIC2]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Wow, I didn't know we could synch holodecks through the relay, I thought we could just send messages.
[3:48][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"We have two EMPs left and I imagine this is the last stage... we could toss one ahead in case any are lurking and waiting for us.
[3:48][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Then we run.
[3:48][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:Be my guest. *Adama stood up aiming into the corridor
[3:49][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She chucked her EMP grenade ahead of them.
[3:49][DOIC2]Campbell@Captain_Rien:[Inara] There is some delay. Technically I am a Neural map of Director Lester responding as she would
[3:49][DOIC2]Campbell@Captain_Rien:[Inara] SO do go on about hte ferengi
[3:50][DOIC2]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Are neural maps even technically legal after the new legislation? Actually, no matter. It's an old joke, not fit for modern times.
[3:50][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The emp grenade goes off near the exit as the aquad begins to run. They manage to close the distance without incident. Once they hit the exit the sky voice says, "Stage three complete.
[3:51][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:Well....that feels anticlimati
[3:51][DOIC2]Campbell@Captain_Rien:[Inara] I see
[3:51][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"What, no Beryxian woman jumping out of a cake?
[3:52][DOIC2]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"So... uh... I suppose you're here to grade us?
[3:52][DOIC2]Campbell@Captain_Rien:[Inara] have you learned your lesson from dying
[3:53][DOIC2]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Uh... don't trust your team to catch you?
[3:54][DOIC2]Campbell@Captain_Rien:[Inara] No Telek. That death is inevitable. How it happens is not up to anyone. Now go rejoin your tea
[3:54][DOIC2]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*she waved
[3:54][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*and telek appeared next to them
[3:54][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:As the team stands on the other side of the maze and look out over the final stage, Telek suddenly reappears next to them
[3:55][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Uh. Oh. Sup.
[3:56][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The final stage is a open field with very little in the way of cover. in the middle is a rathe large looking robot with some impressive looking guns. Are thos plasma cannons
[3:56][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Thats a big robot.
[3:57][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:Telek did you put sand in my collar while I was downed? *Adama casually says as he looks at the robot prince of auchtertool
[3:57][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Yupp. I got a single EMP grenade left, so we should probably figure out its weakspot.
[3:57][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"And no, but I 100% would have done it if there weren't cannons, shooting at us, Adama.
[3:59][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Aye we need to get close enough to do that... I'll see if i can do the target jammign trick.
[3:59][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The giant robot turns to look at the squa
[3:59][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:We have to try leveling that robot if that jamming trick won't work perfectly
[4:00][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Well, shit. At least I have one left.
[4:00][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:Now spread out and give it no chance to ttarget you
[4:00][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"The EMPs will likely stun it... and we have two. So Telek, throw yours first and we'll shoot it down as much as we can while it's stunned, then when it pops back up I'll throw mine and we'll do it.
[4:00][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"I got one at least." *He darted off in a random direction, pulling out his tricorder to scan the robot for any bits that seem to house a power core or the like.
[4:00][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:again. If it keeps--- and there he goes.
[4:01][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:I'll try to keep its attention.... *Adama darts of to a different direction trying to get the robots attention
[4:01][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Adama told us to spread out, he has command.
[4:02][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*campbell activates the field
[4:02][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The robot watches Adama move off in a seperate direction and one of its plasma guns swivels to follow him
[4:02][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"And he has no--- for fuck's sake. Just do it!
[4:03][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He tossed the EMP grenade as the bot turned away.
[4:04][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:roll for throwing grenade and Adama defense roll
[4:07][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The robot fires off a plasma bolt in Adama's direction. Adama manages to avoid being fried by it. The bolt leaves a smoldering crater in the ground
[4:08][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Telek lobs a grenade at the robot, it is well palced. But a force shield pops up that blunts most of the effect. But the robot seems stunned
[4:08][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:the squad gets a free round of action
[4:09][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*Lili switched her weapon to fully automatic mode and aimed at the stunned robot.* "Now!" *She started unloading into it.
[4:09][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*Telek started unloading on the bot as well.
[4:10][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:roll for robot slayin
[4:10][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:*Adama hopefully unloads the fury of his goddess
[4:12][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The team unloads on the robot and it takes heavy damage. losing one of it s plasma guns. it retreats backwards and as it does four smaller flying drones pop out of the ground and fly toward the ensi
[4:13][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Everyone defsne roll to evade drone fire
[4:16][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Telek and Campbell both take out a drone. Two left. Adama is stunned unconscious again. Lilliah is stunned but still conscious she is just helpless for the next round
[4:17][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Damn alright need to get this thing dead.. Cover me telek going to see if i can get the drones to fire on the big guy
[4:17][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Shit, two down! Campbell, can you cover me?
[4:17][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She slumped onto the floor as she was stunned, forced to watch everyone else while her EMP remained useless on her hip.
[4:17][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Fine, covering!
[4:17][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*he raised his tricorder and inputed some quick inputs
[4:17][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He switched back to full auto and started laying down cover fire.
[4:19][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:roll for cover fire and roll to hack some little drones
[4:21][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Telek manage to hit nothing, but he does delay the drone fire for a moment as they evade. Giving CAmbel time to work his magic
[4:22][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The two drones stop their attack and turn toward the big robat and begin shotting at it
[4:22][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:**shooting at i
[4:22][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Fuck, that was a close shave. Nice one." *He repositioned as best he could to avoid hitting the drones, and joined them in shooting the big bot.
[4:23][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Concentrate fire now.
[4:23][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*campbell joine din the fir eon the big bot
[4:23][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Lilliath roll to try to recover from the stun effect. anyone fireing rol
[4:26][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:Lilliath manages to shake off the effect. The combined fire from the group is taking a heavy toll on the big robot. it turns its remaining gun to try and fire toward Campbell but it sizzles and fail
[4:27][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"Luck of the irish thanks mum.
[4:27][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The robot instand begins to charge toward Campbell intento on trying to pound him into goo
[4:27][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Oh, fuck no!" *Telek sidestepped and fired on the roboot, hoping to hit it before it reaches campbell.
[4:28][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Besides, luck of the irish didn't work out for the other one!
[4:28][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*Lili snapped back to just in time to see the robot wheeling toward Campbell. She seized her last EMP off her hip and hurled it at the robot boss.
[4:28][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*Campbell attemtped to get out of the way
[4:28][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*runnign perpendicular to the things attack path
[4:29][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:roll for shooting Telek, roll for emp tossing Lilliath
[4:31][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:CAmpbell can easily evade the hulking robot because it is really not that fast. Telek misses his shot. But, Lilliath makes an awesome toss, place the grenade in the right spot. The detonation frie
[4:32][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:fries the robot in a shower of sparks and fire. The berast slumps and goes dark. The sky voice says, "Stage four conplete.
[4:33][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*Lili poked her head up.* "...Wasn't so bad.
[4:33][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Good throw.
[4:33][DOIC3]Peebles@Demoncheru:[Maggie] "I can't believe they didn't die!
[4:33][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He went over to stick adama with a hypo again.
[4:33][DOIC3]Campbell@Captain_Rien:[Inara] Good she will be pleased
[4:33][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She nodded as she went to get up.* "Thanks. Good job to everyone, except the guy who passed out.
[4:33][DOIC3]Campbell@Captain_Rien:[Inara] I will report back
[4:33][DOIC3]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*inara disappeared
[4:33][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"If you find sand, pour it into his collar before he wakes up.
[4:34][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She chuckled.
[4:34][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He got done injecting Adama with the good stuff.* "Not -too- horrible for our first outing like that.
[4:34][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:The simulation ends and the squad finds themselves in the empty holodeck. Adama finds she is no longer stunned
[4:34][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Or well, our first outing like that together.
[4:35][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"In this particular configuration," *she nodded, then reached to fix her hair with her fingers.
[4:35][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:before too long Lieutenant Peebles enters
[4:35][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Well, the magic dragon slaying doesn't count, that was magic.
[4:36][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:[Maggie] "Good job team, you managed to beat the gauntlet on the first run. that is pretty impressive.
[4:36][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"If magic nullifies everything, you'll find we won't end up doing much of anything at all in the LMC." *She looked to Peebs and nodded her head respectfully.* "Ma'am.
[4:36][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:*As he awoke again heshouted swears in amixture of irish and Etrynarian , once that was out of his system he still punches the ground before standing up
[4:37][DOIC]Peebles@Demoncheru:[Maggie] "only one death...and one incapacitated...not too shabby.
[4:37][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:[Maggie] "only one death...and one incapacitated...not too shabby.
[4:37][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Thanks, ma'am.
[4:37][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She seemed to think better of the question that nearly rose to her tongue, and simply nodded.
[4:38][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"One to many for my liking though i suppose that was the point of hte excercise.
[4:39][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:[Maggie] "just remember in a real fight you wonk get second chances and dying is a permanent thing. But, for now you have earned some rest. Dismissed.
[4:39][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Thank you, ma'am," *She nodded and filed out.
[4:39][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He nodded and walked out as well.
[4:40][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:"I think im going to hit a shower and paint some minatures.
[4:40][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Universe saw me saving a tanausan and took it personally." *He winked to Lili.
[4:40][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She laughed.* "Not the worst thing that happened to someone who decided to stick their neck out for one of us.
[4:41][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"I think falling down a bottomless pit is preeeeetty high on the list of bad things.
[4:41][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:[Maggie] "While you rest think about what you could have done different to improve your performance.
[4:41][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"There is always something worse." *She straightened some as she realized Maggie had come out with them.* "Yes, ma'am.
[4:42][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He nodded to Maggie.
[4:42][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:[Maggie] "and i will think of ways to make the gauntlet tougher." --she smirks.-
[4:42][DOIC1]Draganov@Gonz.:"Hey guys, how did it go?
[4:42][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Not bad, not good.
[4:42][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"He's just upset because he died.
[4:43][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:*adama rubbed his face still fuming at himself
[4:43][DOIC1]Draganov@Gonz.:"Better in training than in the field... I'm jealous, I was doing book work training all day.
[4:43][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"I died despite you owing me a save too. Imma remember that next time you need medical work.
[4:43][DOIC1]Campbell@Captain_Rien:*campbell chuckled and headed off
[4:44][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Book training? Not too bad, honestly.
[4:44][DOIC1]Peebles@Demoncheru:[Maggie] "Don't worry Dru, you will get your time in the simulator with the rest of them.
[4:44][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"Mhm... just remember who can eaccess your search history...
[4:44][DOIC1]Draganov@Gonz.:"Thanks ma'am, I will work hard to improve my security scores.
[4:45][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"You are powerless before incognito mode.
[4:46][DOIC1]Adama@n7pathfinder#397:You know security can still trace that right
[4:46][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:*She stretched some.* "That's what they want you to think. In any case, I'm going to go shower and change. You want to keep watching that show later?
[4:46][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:"Of course. Hit me up when you want.
[4:47][DOIC1]Liliath Var@liorexu:"I'll bring the Saurian brandy.
[4:47][DOIC1]Telek Liron@bulgariandragon:*He smirked at Adama.* "Talking from experience once more, I see.