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[3:45][DOIC]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:.:STAR TREK: STARDANCER:.

[3:45][DOIC]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:EPISODE VII: The Force Awaken

[3:45][DOIC]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(We have just been informed by our legal team that we can't use that title. We apologize for the inconvenience.

[3:46][DOIC]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:Stardate: 2454312.6

[3:46][DOIC]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:Planet: Tatpha, Large Magellanic Clou

[3:46][DOIC]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:** We open cold at a small Starfleet camp in the midst of a vast, verdant forest gathered between mountains and an inland sea.

[3:47][DOIC]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:The cadets are assembled there as Doctor Bessley grins, approaching them with her PADD in hand. *

[3:48][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] "Good afternoon, cadets! Sorry for pulling you off the ship so quickly, but the Captain agreed with me that while we're guests of the Xegi people, now would be the perfect time to see..

[3:48][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:how you all fare on a ground survey!

[3:49][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Marlin] "I like it here. It's very... woodsy." *He nodded sagely.

[3:49][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She seemed pleasantly surprised, grinning as she slipped her tricorder out, eyes darting around fhe woods.

[3:49][DOIC1]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:looks around curiously even if a bit out of her element

[3:49][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Oh, yes. We finally get to explore properly.

[3:50][DOIC]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*There was a gentle sound on the air, a music in the breeze here that seemed to echo across the valley.

[3:51][DOIC1]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*maeve was looking at her tricroder

[3:51][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Interesting... What was that sound?

[3:51][DOIC1]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"the musical sound?

[3:51][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] "That's the spirit. Now, these are what the locals call the Singing Mountains. The wind hits them just right to create the effect.

[3:52][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"That is... really lovely, actually.

[3:52][DOIC1]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"Ohh that is cool

[3:52][DOIC1]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi unpacks some gear for the training mission, and prepares to set out.* "it is an intersting sound, mhmm

[3:52][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] "There are a few locations that have their own unique sounds and distortions as well... passages and caverns given their own monikers by the Xegi people. For instance, to our direct..

[3:53][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:north lies what they call the Lamentation Wind. They say that the voices of the disquiet dead speak to the living who pass through.


[3:53][DOIC1]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"Did we bring recording equipment?

[3:54][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] "You should all be able to record with your tricorders. In fact, that's why you're here in the first place.

[3:54][DOIC1]Antony@Gonz.:*Opening her tricorder, she records a sample thinking her brother would dig the sound.

[3:54][DOIC1]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"Ohh right

[3:54][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Is there anything in particular we are looking for, Ma'am? Or do we just go off in a random direction and record what we see?

[3:55][DOIC1]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:takes out her own tricorde

[3:55][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] "We've detected over one hundred different species of animals in this valley... now, whoever can document the most will receive a special prize from the science team.

[3:55][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*Nods her head.

[3:56][DOIC1]Tolena@Captain_Rien:"Mircobes don't count in the total count.

[3:56][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] "However, remember that this is an exercise to get yourselves some experience on the ground... prioritize that.

[3:57][DOIC1]Chatam@Jabroc:*Removes his tricorder from his pocket and activates it and cylces it to scan for lifeforms.

[3:57][DOIC1]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi slings her tools over her shoulder, and takes the time to wind her hair into a bun to keep from getting it snagged in the forest.* "Are we working individually then?

[3:57][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] "Oh, yes, good point. And not necessarily, you can team up. In fact, I would recommend it.

[3:57][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] "Do not ever wander off alone on an away mission.

[3:58][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*Hedwik licked her finger, sucking on it with a fair amount of fervor, before closing her eyes as she held it up, trying to determine wind direction.

[3:58][DOIC1]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"wandering off alone would be a violation of established away team protocols.

[3:58][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The wind seemed to be coming from the north presently.

[3:58][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"...Ironic coming from the daughter of one of the most unorthodox captains in the war." *She gave Zarina a teasing smile.

[3:59][DOIC1]Antony@Gonz.:"Alright then, teams of 2 or 3?

[3:59][DOIC1]Tolena@Captain_Rien:"Those of you into 3s."

[3:59][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] "Now, to the east you have the Summer River and the Sloped Forest, to the south lies the Great Silver Lake. West is the Autumn Highlands, but don't wander too far in that direction..

[3:59][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:as there is a town about six kilometers away.

[4:00][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Zeke] "Man, translated names suck. I wanted to see the Sea of Gorgonthozar or something.

[4:01][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"I like translated names, it is very rustic. Like Whimsydale, that one is my favorite.

[4:01][DOIC1]Antony@Gonz.:"Hedwik, I suggest we go with seperate teams to split our skill equally for defense of the teams.

[4:01][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Very well.

[4:02][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"I will need someone decent at science... I do not suppose I can comandeer the ensign?" *She smirked.

[4:02][DOIC1]Tolena@Captain_Rien:"Zeke you and Fallo are with me. I won't inflict you on others.

[4:02][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Zeke] "Yeah, but are you really going to make Fallo watch?

[4:02][DOIC1]Antony@Gonz.:*rolls her eyes

[4:03][DOIC1]Tolena@Captain_Rien:"I can think fo an interesting use fo a tuning fork.



[4:03][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Zeke] "You know I like it when you're feisty." *he slung his bag on his shoulder.* "Let's get to it, then.

[4:03][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"He looks like the type who would enjoy it.

[4:04][DOIC1]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Fallo] This is going to be fun

[4:05][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Fine. Chatam, Zarina, do you wish to come with?

[4:05][DOIC1]Chatam@Jabroc:"Very well, lets get underway.

[4:05][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Marlin] *He carried his and Marla's bags, one on each shoulder.

[4:05][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She nodded to Chatam, then nodded her head towards the north.

[4:05][DOIC1]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"Affirmative.

[4:06][DOIC1]Antony@Gonz.:"Erys, Bethany, are you good with the River? I think we will find good diversity there.

[4:06][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*As she went a little way away from the others, she spoke up.* "We are headed north because that's where the wind is coming from. Less chance we'll get sniffed out.

[4:06][DOIC1]Erys@Cuatel:*shrugs and looks at Bethany

[4:06][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"if that is a bust we'll head towards the lake, but hopefully the element of surprise should help us.

[4:06][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"Sounds logical.

[4:07][DOIC1]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"Sure the river sounds great to me

[4:07][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*He nods.* "Wise." *He activates the tricorder and begins scanning for biological life forms.

[4:07][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*They could hear the soft trill of insects and something whistling pleasantly from the treetops.

[4:07][DOIC1]Erys@Cuatel:I'm just here in case your tricorder breaks. Otherwise I'll follow your lead

[4:07][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She quietened down, moving as silently as her body allowed, looking for animals on her own tricorder.

[4:07][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She turned her tricorder up to see if the birb in question is within range for a scan.

[4:07][DOIC1]Antony@Gonz.:"Bethany, I'll watch for dangers so you can focus... just don't trip, I can't protect you from that.

[4:08][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**Zarina flips open her tricorder and begins scanning. being dure to turn the sounds off so as to no bother the neighbors*

[4:08][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**sur

[4:08][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(Scanny scan rolls.

[4:08][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*Follows the trilling of the bugs and scans the insectoid life.

[4:08][DOIC1]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"Ohh dear

[4:09][DOIC1]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"we go east then

[4:09][DOIC1]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi sets her tricorder for motion sensing and links it to her ears for subtle alerts, and looks about for a 'walking stick' as they head out

[4:10][DOIC1]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:starts heading east with the others in search of the rive

[4:10][DOIC1]Antony@Gonz.:"Pretty steep there, beter way around that way

[4:11][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She very slowly started creeping up on the bird, confident in her Kzari jungkorps survival training.

[4:11][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"I am taking the flat as possible paths, I would rather not break anything

[4:12][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi keeps her head and eyes up and aware

[4:12][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:starts scanning some plant life while they wal

[4:12][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**Zarina made sure to record everytihng...for the report.*

[4:12][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"I don't want you to either... I didn't pay attention as a kid too well on the medical care.

[4:12][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*follows along with the group, looking simultaneously relaxed and bored.

[4:13][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:I'm sure you'll be fine as long as you don't die

[4:13][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"curious" **Zarina turns and wanders toward the direction of something interesting her tricorder picked up*

[4:13][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"yeah, i can't bring back the dead, can you Erys?

[4:14][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*Continued to scan for the insect life.

[4:14][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:Sure, I like it from behind

[4:14][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"Is that the river over there going trough the archway? that is kinda cool

[4:14][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"A natural bridge... cool

[4:15][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"Curious, most curious.

[4:15][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*as they approched the arch they heard a sound like a pickaxe on rocks

[4:15][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*Logs the insect species in his tricorder and continues recording the insect's behavior.

[4:16][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She let the others play for now as she snuck towards the birb, trying to get in range for a proper scan without scaring it off.

[4:16][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Erys, do you .." *Ears piqued, attempting to localize the sound

[4:16][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Zarina approaches to see what could almost be mistaken for a coccoon hanging upside down from a branch, save for the fact that it had two little spiny claws gripping the branch.

[4:16][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(Hedwik roll to be a sneaky cat

[4:16][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:looks confused on the talk about bringing back the dead and liking it from behind, she shakes her head "that sounds interesting" tryies to locate the source of the sounds with her tricorde

[4:17][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*it was very obviously comign from the arch over the river

[4:17][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi moves ahead of them, carefully

[4:18][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"So that is a crakana." **she tries to sneak around close enough to get a good scan of the creature.*

[4:18][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*walks toward the arch and looks it over with an obvious interest in climbing on top of it

[4:18][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"Wonder if its on it or under it

[4:18][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*as tavi approached she did in fact see what was making the noise... a armor tail was hitting the arch that seemed to be attached to some sort of mamallian creature

[4:18][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*it looked like a cross between an otter and a beaver and it seemed ot be shapping the rock brdige, it was abotu 1.2 meters in length and probably weighted barout 26 kilos.

[4:18][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi is visually looking for signs of working on the rock, chisel, breaking, chips etc

[4:18][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*With a feline grace Hedwik approached the bird, which was none the wiser to her presence. It was a long and graceful creature, sporting two sets of eyes that blinked in tandem and a dark black..

[4:19][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"These creatures are cataloged as Duuri. A colony species of insect.

[4:19][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi scans it, and sets to share with her team

[4:20][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"Ohh huh that is cute, I like it" she tries to scan the creature as wel

[4:20][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*it was hard at work

[4:20][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:throat and belly. Its wings were a deep verdant shade to rival the foliage around it, and it had long white plumes upon its head crest and interspersed between the shorter feathers of its tail.

[4:20][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*Hedwik's breathing seemed to have ceased, an almost perfect stillness to her as she let the tricorder gather all the data on the beautiful bird, ignoring that little voice in her head that told her

[4:20][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*the sanki bird looked like it would taste -very- good in a casserole as she waited for the tricorder to light up green with scan complete.

[4:21][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*He stands up and dusts his pant leg off and continued his scans for new lifeforms.

[4:21][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*several smaller ones came out of the bank next to them swiming on their back and surfacign holdgin somethign that looked like a oyster shell but atleast 20cm in diameter

[4:22][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Their tricorders easily scanned their respective focuses. Zarina's scans would reveal that though it had the appearance of a bat with a mantid head, it was in fact an insect. It was covered in..

[4:22][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**as soon as she felt she was close enough she would scan the creature, making sure she got plenty of images and viceo for the record.*

[4:22][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"I know a species like that from Earth, used tools to open shellfish" *quietly* "Try to get what it is trying to open too, additional species

[4:23][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*After the tricorder had gathered its data, she slinked off just as quietly as she had snuck in, taking a few farewell glances at the bird, admring its grace, before going back to the others.

[4:23][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:short black spines and speckled with red spots along its wings.

[4:23][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"A most interesting specimen.

[4:23][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:tries to scan the smaller ones as well, trying to confirm if they are younger versions of the same species and on the recomendation tries to get a scan of the oyster aswel

[4:23][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*pauses before reaching the arch and backs off slowly, walking back toward Tavi and Bethany

[4:24][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She went to Chatam to see if he needed aid.* "I have species T037. Sanki bird. Beautiful, but rare, even more rare due to to the fact it is easily frightened.

[4:24][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**after gathering the data Zarina turns and returns to the group*

[4:24][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She uploaded the data and recordings of tthe Sanki bird to the other two's tricorders, then sent the data to Dr. Bessley too.

[4:24][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"You have the data on the Sanki bird now too.

[4:24][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavin nods to Erys, signaling that climbing isn't a bad idea to get good viewpoint

[4:24][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"Well done, I have located a colony species the Duuri, faily common.

[4:24][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Well done. One rare, one common. Anything on your end, Zarina?

[4:25][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*they were juvenlies oen of them laid on their back and then use the powerful tail to crack open the oysterwhjioch they all ate from*

[4:25][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*shakes her head and turns to watch the animals

[4:26][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"They not only use their tails as tools but also eat as a community

[4:26][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"II found a specimen of TO22, refered to by the locals as a crakana. according to the record its rare to find them out in the daytime.

[4:26][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"yes, family structure most likely. So cool.

[4:26][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**Zarina shares her data with the group.*

[4:26][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Perfect! Don't forget to upload to Dr. Bessley. Shall we move on?

[4:27][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"yes, lets see what else we can find.

[4:27][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*they see a another larger one surface with two more of the oysters cracking them to give to the other juveniles

[4:27][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The path ahead of them branched off two ways; one direct to the mountains, the other taking an eastern detour.

[4:27][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"Indeed, let us move forward.

[4:27][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She nodded and headed deeper east, eyes open, once again tiny slits as she hunted.

[4:28][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"I imagine those tails also being great at fending off predators, like one hit and that has to hurt

[4:28][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**Zarina followed, although she looked off toward the mountains. Curious about the singing.*

[4:28][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*Hedwik seemed rather comfortable in the woods, her body much more relaxed than the usual rigid posture she kept around the superior officers on the ship.

[4:28][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"Shall we go on top the arch? or try to?

[4:29][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*nods* "it would... we could watch more, or move up the river looking for other species.

[4:29][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**after she stopped gawking, she started scaning with her tricorder again.*

[4:29][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*Chatam was careful about his footing clearly not accustomed to outdoors.

[4:29][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The trees thinned some as they moved east, and they could see up the slope of the mountain to the north through the trees. There was a four-hoofed creature with a long and surprisingly smooth and..

[4:30][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*shrugs* Fine by me

[4:30][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:silky coat absently chewing on a bit of wild grasses.

[4:30][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She gently tapped the other two's shoulders, speaking lowly, hoping at least Zarina's quarter-elf ears can pick it up.* "We got one.

[4:30][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*Aimed his Tricorder at the creature carefully for a passive scan.

[4:30][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"Yeah you are right, up the river it is" gets a couple more scans and starts going up the river

[4:31][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She turned to scan as well.

[4:31][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*the little family paid them no notice as they passed

[4:31][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*passing up the riffer they'd see more of the rock bridges

[4:32][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"I wonder if they are used to people or they just don't see us as a threat

[4:32][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"Can you identify the creatures or do we need to try to get closer?

[4:32][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Or they are just more baddass then they look" *she winks

[4:32][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Unknown as of yet." *She says quietly.* "If need be, I offer to try and sneak.

[4:33][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"I at least don't want to be hit by those tails

[4:33][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"Better you than me, I far prefer the atmosphere aboard the Stardancer.

[4:34][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:You could always try to ride one and find out

[4:34][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*They could just barely get a scan from that distance. It registered as species T002, the tohrada; a fairly common creature, but one of only a handful of mammals that made this particular biome..

[4:34][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:((give me perception rolls)

[4:34][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi continues mostly monitoring for the team safey* "We could cross over one of the bridges as well, if we need to get closer for scans.

[4:35][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:their home. It appeared to have similarities to a mountain goat or shetland pony.

[4:35][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She smiled to Zarina.* "We got the scan.

[4:36][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"It's fairly common, named a Tohrada, T002.

[4:36][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*all of them see tracks in front of them

[4:36][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"Excellent. We are successfully completing this assignment.

[4:36][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She shared her data.* "There is not many mammals up in the mountains, but... We may have a chance to grab scans of birds of prey and reptiles.

[4:37][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*they are large three toed, bipedal side by side... walking gait

[4:37][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Want to try and go up into the mountains?

[4:37][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Suddenly an avian with a wingspan that briefly blackened the sun swooped down from behind a cloud, grabbed the creature and flew off before it could even begin shrieking.

[4:37][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"...I -WANT- a scan of that.

[4:38][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She fuitlely held her tricorder out, hoping to capture as much of she could, if not scans, then at least videos.


[4:38][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:looks at the tracks and scans them "seems like something bipedal?

[4:38][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(Lol, roll

[4:38][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*there was a large feather beside them

[4:39][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*Chuckled.* "Of course you do.

[4:39][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Oh... cool... Beth, can you get a DNA scan from that track? see if it matches the people here or if it is wild?

[4:39][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*and the indention showed soem webbing

[4:39][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"It is the most magnificent beast I have seen.

[4:39][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"Such a large flying predatory creature no doubt lives up in the mountains where is can get a good look of the valley below.

[4:39][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Hedwik was so damned surprised by the swoop that she dropped her tricorder in the mud and missed the whole thing.

[4:39][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"Ohh I can try

[4:39][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*the tricorder would show... closest match Avian

[4:39][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She just now realized she wasn't holding her rtricorder anymore.* "Scheis!

[4:39][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*tavi collects a feather

[4:39][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:Tries to see if she can find any DNA traces to sca

[4:39][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"We should go try to locate its nest.

[4:39][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*tricorder's projection sized woudl be a half meter foot,

[4:40][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She dropped down to take her tricorder back, wiping it off on some leaves, nodding to Zarina.* "I am with you on that.

[4:40][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*dna traces are there, avian species uncateloged

[4:40][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*there were mor tracks ahead leading down the river

[4:40][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Shall we?" *She nodded towards the slope, eager to begin her climb.

[4:40][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*spacing suggests a large swaying pattern in teh walk

[4:40][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi, scans the feather, then puts it into her hair* "This looks interesting.

[4:40][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"UNcateloged, we should follow the tracks, right?

[4:40][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**Zarins turned and headed off toward the mountains.*

[4:41][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"We should keep an eye out while we move. All sorts of reptiles, insects and smaller animals can make their home amongst the rocks." *She noted as she moved with Zarina, uploading the data on the now

[4:41][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Yes, but quietly, birds tend to be very easy to startle.

[4:41][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*Sighs.* "I have a bad feeling about this, but very well.

[4:41][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*Now-deceased mountain goat-pony to Dr. Bessley.

[4:41][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"Ohh right that is true

[4:42][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:starts following the tracks while using the tricode

[4:42][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*the tracks move down the river until it widens and they lead direclty in

[4:42][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi looks to the nearby bridges, intent on looking for a good spot to see farther.

[4:43][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*whatever it was had entered the water

[4:43][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"My mother was once on a planet of kaiju... I do wish to discover something like that myself, some day.

[4:43][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*tavi saw something down river it looked like a moving log

[4:43][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"My mother was once on a planet of kaiju... I do wish to discover something like that myself, some day.

[4:43][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**Zarina has her tricorder out and and is scanning.*

[4:44][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*Hedwik also scans as she moves along the rocks.

[4:44][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"Well this flying creature was particularly large, although i doubt we are the first to see it.

[4:44][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Hmm. Not quite kaiju-size, but it is a start indeed.

[4:44][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Beth... don't get too close to the water..." *she attempts to get a better information on the 'log', remembering 'see ya later Aligator' games as a kid.

[4:45][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The three cadets headed up the slope of the mountain, the incline getting steadily more steep and perilous as they went.

[4:45][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"We should call it in just to be safe.

[4:45][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(Perception rolls

[4:45][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"ohh?" looks puzzled and then looks at the log "Is that a creature of sorts?

[4:45][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*as tavi watches the log move she sees somethign breach the water under it and a billed mouth close aroudn the middle of it shooting out of the water and flyign into the air a massive wings span


[4:46][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*the creature looked like a duck... a massive duck with sleek grey and brown fethering that streamed water from it as it carried the large reptile into the sky

[4:46][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"But... also prey

[4:46][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*after acheiving altitued the large duck liek avian dropped the reptile from a great high which fell to its death on the rocks below

[4:47][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*the bird descended and began to eat

[4:47][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Stop. I have enough experience with mountains to know that if we go any higher, we're screwed. It would be proper mountain climbing, and we lack the equipment.

[4:47][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:blinks and tries to scan both creatures "Ohh damn

[4:47][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi begins to think her 'walking stick' is inadequate

[4:47][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"-But-... *She pointed the others to a slightly concealed cave entrance off to the side.

[4:47][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"A whole ecosystem waiting for us.

[4:48][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*smaller avians descend as well and begin eating from parts of the larger reptile

[4:48][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi is now doubling her scans and attention for protection of her team.

[4:48][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*the "duck" doesn't seem to mind

[4:48][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"If we are to head in to the cave, may I make a suggestion?

[4:48][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"a logical thought. I had not considered we were ill prepared for high altituded exploration.

[4:48][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*these avians are several different species

[4:49][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"I wonder if it tastes like chicken" *she whispers

[4:49][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"Animals here don't seem to mind sharing food

[4:49][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"My eyes are better suited to darkness. Let us not resort to flashlights unless it is an extreme situation or we risk scaring away our quarry.

[4:49][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"Then we trust your eyes.

[4:49][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"I will take point, and let you know if there are chasms or other dangers.

[4:50][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"I will run my tricorder as well, but i wont turn the light on.

[4:50][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She nodded and took point, heading into the cave, keeping her tricorder running in case any good beasties are around.

[4:50][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"interesting isn't it... good observation.

[4:50][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Voice] Get off the bridge

[4:51][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Looking for the voice's origin

[4:51][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*a humanoid avian glided from just over the ridge landign in front of them

[4:52][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**followed into the cave, keeping her tricorder scanning*

[4:52][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*she was clad in hides, she was tall almost 1.9 meters in heigh slender bodied her arms had feathers and seemed to aid in her movement and she had four fignered hands... hands that were currentl

[4:52][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*Carefully followed after the group.

[4:52][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:leveling some sort of spear in their direction with a crystalline tip

[4:52][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Voice] I will nto ask again skylander

[4:52][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Greetings, and with respect, "are we violating you territory or is it a suggestion for our safety?

[4:52][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*As they entered the cave, the sound of the musical wind from outside was instantly muted. It was dark save for the glow of their tricorder screens, and they could hear scuttling.

[4:53][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"Ohh Hello" smiles and respectfully bows her hea

[4:53][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Voice] Vastet off the bridge now. *her voice was incensed,

[4:53][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She turned her eyes in the direction of the scuttling, hoping her cat eyes can find the beastie so she can get a good scan.

[4:53][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Better decend

[4:54][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"Agreed" starts getting down from the bridg

[4:54][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Woman] *watched as they left

[4:54][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi would try to move them down, keeping herself between the spear and the team

[4:54][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*then approached

[4:54][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Hedwik would find herself face to face with a pale cream colored beetle with six unnervingly long legs and two sets of beady red eyes perched on the cave wall.

[4:54][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Woman] *looked at the three of them* You are Star people

[4:54][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[WOman] *she didn't seem to be using a translator her speach while broken was in federation basic

[4:55][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She scanned the bugé, speaking to the others.* "Insect. Beetle, six very long legs, on the wall, upper left.' *She scanned.

[4:55][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Hello" *tavi as an aside to Beth* "Did you get the guard on your scan?

[4:55][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*The cat still spoke quietly, as not to scare off any beasties.

[4:55][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*she would nto have shown up on the tricorder... not even now

[4:55][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"Careful we don't know if its dangerous.

[4:55][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"I will lead you a safe distance from it once we have the scan.

[4:56][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*Let's get a scan of the creepy crawly thing.

[4:56][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*rolls her eyes at Tavi as she walks to the edge of the bridge and steps off the side

[4:56][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:tries to gets a scan, but looks at the tricorder with wonder "my tricorder might be broken

[4:56][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Woman] "Who are you?

[4:56][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"I am scanning... but shit. The tricorder cannot seem to focus. We may have interference. Can you two work with me to see if we can clear it up?

[4:56][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"right if we can identify it we will know how much caution is required.

[4:57][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"We can try and link the tricorders together to increase resolution.

[4:57][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"We are star people as you ask, or rather Starfleet Cadets, I am Bethany

[4:57][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Good thought. Come on, you three." *She started working on setting that up.

[4:57][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:(You two*

[4:57][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Woman] Delcare yourselves and business walking Tatpha

[4:57][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**works on setting up her tricorder*

[4:58][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Greetings" *Tavi would present herself to the woman* "I am Cadet Tavi Antony... to whom do I address?

[4:58][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*Tries to link his Tricorder with the others.* [4:59][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Woman] I am in yoiur tongue called "Sorrow's Song

[5:00][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Woman] You may call me Oro

[5:00][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] And who are you? *she looked at erys

[5:00][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Well Met Oro, what is a tapha?

[5:00][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The link didn't seem to do much of anything.

[5:00][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Fuck. This is a bust.

[5:00][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Tatpha, I mean to say.

[5:01][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"There may be something in this cave interferring with our scans.

[5:01][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Shall we head in and try to find what it may be? Even if we do not win the contest, I am getting curious.

[5:01][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[oro] You are standing on Tatpha, her embrace is what you walk on.

[5:02][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"The planet?.. this is what you call this world?

[5:02][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"The cave must have minerals dampening the signals from our tricorders. We may be able to get a visual scan of the creature and analyze it later.

[5:02][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She nodded to chatam.* "Let us just take recordings for now.

[5:02][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] That is what we call her provinence Skylander

[5:03][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She used her tricorder's night vision mode to record the bugé.

[5:03][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"acknowledged.

[5:03][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] You walk seperated from her

[5:03][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*they woudl realize that oro was nto wearing any sort of shoes or coverings on her feet

[5:03][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*Switches the Tricorder in his hand over to visual recording mode and slowly sweeps it back and forth to get a look at the creature.

[5:04][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"We are explorers, or to say, in training to be explorers of the stars. Curious, and seeking knowledge and friendship.

[5:04][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Even the recording function seemed to be flickering slightly in this cave, but they could get passable footage.

[5:04][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"i would recommend we leave the cave, since we have no reported our location and scans seem to be block. Standard protocol would dictate we report in before proceeding.

[5:05][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Well, not perfect, but serviceable, if I say so myself." *She hummed at the scan.

[5:05][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*They could hear a low, rumbling growl from somewhere deeper...

[5:05][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"Lets just get the hell away from the creepy crawly before it decides we are lunch.

[5:06][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"...Oh, come on, did you hear that? Let us report in, then go back inside.

[5:06][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] Comes walking up with zeke and Fallo

[5:06][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She clicked her commbadge to try and see if they have comms or if the things crewing with the tricorder is messing with them too.

[5:06][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] Mor Skylanders..

[5:06][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:=^= "Hedwik to Commander Bessley?

[5:06][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**her eyes go wide at the sound from deeper in the cave

[5:06][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Zeke] "We prefer ground-walkers, where I come from.

[5:07][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] Also to the one in the water i woudl get out before the Jila decide to try to feed you

[5:07][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] They can be quite insistant and the oysoy are toxic to most

[5:07][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*No response.

[5:07][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Ensign Tolena, this is Oro.

[5:07][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"Solidly time to go.

[5:07][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Scheis. Fine. Let us head out and call in.

[5:07][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] Nice to meet you I am Maeve

[5:07][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"You two head back first, I will keep an eye on our six in case something comes after us.

[5:08][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Looking to the water to see who is in the water.

[5:08][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"Yes...that seems logical." --there is a hint of concern nin her voice.-

[5:08][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Another growl... followed by a series of hisses.

[5:08][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*Starts back carefully but quickly.

[5:08][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] Bethany We found something we need to run abck to the shuttle and I'd like you to start anlysis so go with fallo and Zeke

[5:08][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**Zarina turns and tries to hurry toward the exit, without running*

[5:09][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She keeps her cat-eyes trainedo n the darkness behind them, remaining on their six.

[5:09][DOIC4]Bethany M Scarlett@awendr:"Ohh aye ma'am" smiles and nods her head going with Fallo and Zek

[5:09][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"I am with you.

[5:09][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*erys would find that she was startign to tgeh the attention fo a family of beaver otters

[5:10][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Zeke] "Pretty neat. Though I also saw a bear-dog thing, so... kind of tied in terms of experiences." *He headed out.

[5:10][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Erys, come out of the water... don't want one of those killer giant ducks to turn you into the next meal.

[5:10][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*the top of her head emerges from the water, exposing her eyes and nose. She looks around with a minimum of movement

[5:11][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*disappears into the water again, just as slowly

[5:11][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*erys woudl see the beavers gettign closer

[5:11][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*As they began to move quickly...* (Perception rolls

[5:11][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] She is strange

[5:11][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] She's Hawaiin they are a water people on earth

[5:12][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*...Zarina feels a sickening crunch under her boot, followed by a sound akin to a cat being murdered.

[5:12][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"I did not realize this.. intersting.

[5:12][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*erys woudl emerge from teh water with a beaver creature swiming her to shore

[5:13][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*the other beavers making sure she didn't drown aka not escape as they moved her to shore

[5:13][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Move." *She ordered, not waiting on figuring out -what- made that sound.

[5:13][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] They think she is a wingless child... that has fallen int he water

[5:13][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*is completely relaxed in the beaver's grip

[5:14][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*beaver puts her on the shore and then gives a piece of the oyster and goes underwater

[5:14][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] Do not eat that

[5:14][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Such a friendly gesture, do they communicate so we may thank them for their assistance?" *Attempting to be diplomatic

[5:14][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**Zarina managed to supress an urge to scream, she looks down hoping she can see what made the sound*

[5:14][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*puts it to her mouth, but pauses before eating it* You don't like oysters

[5:14][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*Started moving faster towards the exit the way they had come in.* "Why is it always us?

[5:14][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*In the dim light Chatam can see that there was a flock of tiny little featherless birds no larger than a soda can each.

[5:15][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*They were also running to the entrance now.

[5:15][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"...Zarina..." *She sounded saddened when she realized -what- had crunched.

[5:15][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"Watch the little birds we dont want to hurt them.

[5:15][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"it may be too late for that.

[5:15][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*pulling up Beth's scan of the oyster and cross referencing it with human physiology for dangers.

[5:16][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*sniffs at the oyster as water drips from her hair and soaked uniform

[5:16][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Just... move out of the cave as carefully as I can. I will let you know if anything rushes our six.

[5:16][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*They could hear one still wailing behind them... and something moving to investigate. Just as the rock began to vibrate under their heels they made it back out into the sunlight.

[5:16][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*it was highly toxic

[5:16][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*At least fifty of the little featherless birds came pouring out with them, some trampling over each other to get away.

[5:17][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*As the others headed out into the sun, Hedwik called out.* "Scan the birds..." *And remained just a bit closer to the entrance to see the source of the vibrations.

[5:17][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[oro] Come with me

[5:17][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi shows the readout to Erys rather than saying anything.

[5:17][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] You all smell.. and will attract predators

[5:18][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] That's what I tell them

[5:18][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**tried to not think about how she just crushed some poor unsuspecting bird and scanned the rest of the flock.*

[5:18][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*shrugs and pulls out a sample container to store the oyster for later

[5:18][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[oro] You smell different.. only half as bad

[5:18][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] I'm only half Human

[5:18][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Boom. Boom. BOOM. The rumbling shook bits of dirt from the cavern wall and sent some crakkana that had been brooding deeper in deciding to burst out of the cave entrance before it. Hedwik's cat.

[5:18][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*elbows Maeve and whispers* "you smell" *grins at her

[5:19][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] *lead them away from the river

[5:19][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*picking up what looked liek several small reptiels on a dryign rack to carry

[5:19][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:eyes can see a huge, dark head crested with impossibly thick scales appear, a lengthy tongue darting out and scooping up the fallen birb on the floor for what could have barely been a morsel for it.

[5:19][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] So you two having fun

[5:20][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*She addressed erys and Tavi as they walked

[5:20][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"Oh fuck off...

[5:20][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*Hedwik recorded the video as long as she could, one finger readied on her falshlight in case she needed it

[5:20][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi watches Oro, in particular her feet as she walks* "Yes.. but then again, I am not all wet.

[5:20][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*looks over her shoulder and waves at the beavers. She stares longingly at the river for a few more second before following the group* I was..

[5:20][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Chatam, Zarina, stay out there. It is afraid of light.

[5:20][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:Besides, I like being wet

[5:20][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] You are a water people

[5:20][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She silently prayed to Athena she manages to get a decent recording of the snek, video if not a full scan.

[5:21][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:I am, but my... tribe is an exception

[5:21][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] Human have many tribes

[5:22][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"We are people from many worlds that work together, sharing our skills and experience. Humans, and other species. I was born very far from her tribe.

[5:22][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Something strange happened then. The creature seemed to look right at Hedwik... and bared its teeth as if smiling.

[5:22][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Oh. Hello. You are -beautiful!-

[5:22][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**Zarina made a point to stay out of the cave as she recorded the data on the bird creatures.*

[5:22][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*nods, more or less agreeing with Tavi

[5:22][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Lizard] "RAAAAAAGH!" *It agreed.

[5:22][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] Others of my kind do leave this world. Go to others. But we rarely run into others.

[5:22][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**she seemed relieved they did not register as some sort of protected species.*

[5:23][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] The longer we are from Tatpha's embrace the weaker we become

[5:23][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] *she lead them towards a cave

[5:23][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Such a gorgeous being! If my commanding officers allow, I wil lreturn to you with lots of chicken. You will -love- chicken." *She promised, still recording.

[5:23][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"You are bound to your world... cool.

[5:23][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:Physically, or emotionally

[5:23][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Chicken is muchm ore delicious than these little ones." *She promised, slowly backing off now.

[5:23][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] The stories tell of a sickness of soul

[5:24][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Lizard] "Raaaaagh." *It seemed content with that, laying its big stupid chin right on the ground.

[5:24][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She smiled and recorded a bit more before stepping out of the cave.* "This is officially the best day ever.

[5:24][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:That makes sense. A lot of people feel a longing for home. We call it homesickness

[5:24][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She gave the lizard a happy wave.* "I shall be back, hopefully!

[5:24][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*as they approache dhte cave a juvenile that looked similiar to oro came out, she was slightly different however, her arms lacked the feather wing structure of Oro's

[5:24][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Lizard] *It let out what was probably a burp.

[5:25][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"Hedwik the snake wrangler.

[5:25][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] "Precious Song, You may call her Pre,

[5:25][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Oro, thank you... greetings Pre.

[5:25][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"I believe it may be more of a lizard. And it is not wrangling. My mother worked in an animal shelter in the LMC for a while and she claimed every being understands your intention towards them.

[5:25][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] Majad Bha reen rhaos udyp twa'na

[5:26][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"in retrospect entering the cave may not have been a wise move.

[5:26][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*looks at the child* Hello, prey

[5:26][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] These are Skylanders, they come from Star Fleet

[5:26][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"If you treat them with respect and admiration, you have a much better chance of getting along with them.

[5:26][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] Star-fleet..

[5:26][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro]*walked over to the juvenile and touched her forehead to hers

[5:26][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] Oh Star fleet. yes okay I understand now HI

[5:27][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"i am content to give them their space.

[5:27][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"That, is quite impressive

[5:27][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:=^= "Hedwik to Dr. Bessley? We entered a cave that appeared to be blocking out comms and scans. I do not know if it's explored properly, so I will mark it down for you. It is home to a large and

[5:27][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Predatory but ultimately friendly, very majestic reptile, but I would still advise caution in case of further exploration.

[5:28][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] =/\= "A tech-blocking cavern? Was it naturally formed? Were you able to get any samples?

[5:28][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:=^= "It appeared naturally formed, Doctor, but we could not spend much time in there, due to the lizard's appearance. We were not sure if it was dangerous, so we made a retreat. It seems... at least

[5:28][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Somewhat intelligent, though. It -posed- for my video recordings.

[5:29][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] Tatpha gives the gift of understanding

[5:29][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[oro] I observed you long enough to understand before i made approach

[5:29][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:=^= "I may have also promised it chicken.

[5:29][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] You walk loud and disconencted

[5:30][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Oro, I am curious. The one with a spear that ordered us down, who were they and why? Were we doing something wrong?

[5:30][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] Disconnected

[5:30][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] =/\= "That does seem to align with what we've been discovering here on the surface. Many of the species appear to be connected on a more innate level... But don't let me go rambling now.

[5:30][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] "We'll send a team to investigate the cave soon... and I'll make sure they bring plenty of chicken.

[5:30][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:=^= "Wonderful, Commander. I suppose it would be too much if I ask to be on the team?

[5:30][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] Your foot coverings

[5:30][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] Oh

[5:30][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] Fire

[5:31][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi takes off her boots

[5:31][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*she started the fire pit qith a small stone

[5:31][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*and the tipe of her spear

[5:31][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] Will help you dry

[5:31][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] *went about setting out the lizards on another rack

[5:31][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] =/\= "I'll see what I can do, Cadet. Very nicely done.

[5:32][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] *looked at Tavi* Five toes? Five digits! Why so many

[5:32][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:=^= "Thank you, Commander. We are returning to our primary objective.

[5:32][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:Don't mind if I do... *takes her own boots off, but doesn't stop there as more articles of clothing come off

[5:32][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:=^= "Hedwik out." *She looked to the others* "What say you we return to our earlier path?

[5:33][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"I think that's probably a good idea.

[5:33][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*wiggling them* "It was simplly what worked best for us as our species developed on our world. We call it evolution, experimentation by nature.

[5:33][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**nods*

[5:33][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"I pray I get to come back to this cave with the team..." *She sighed and started backtracking to the trail they were on so they could head east.

[5:33][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] *takes hers off

[5:33][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*they would hear the sound of a note on the wind

[5:33][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*and feel that vibration in their feet on teh groun

[5:34][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*now completely bare, she lays out her wet clothes near the fire so they can dry

[5:34][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] You Don't have feathers

[5:34][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] Erys! Really

[5:34][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*Follows after the team passively scanning for lifeforms.

[5:35][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"We .. " *smirking at Erys, then turning back to Pre* "we grow hair instead of feathers.

[5:35][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*Hedwik was on the lookout as well, in case they find something they missed their previous walk along here.

[5:35][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] I don't have as many feathers as i should have either..

[5:35][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] *hands erys a hide blanket of some kind

[5:36][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:{oro] Obviously they are of the mammals

[5:36][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:Oooh, cozy. *wraps the blanket around herself and snuggles into it

[5:36][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**follows along, looking and scanning as they go.*

[5:36][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Moving back to the path and continuing eastward, they would soon find themselves overlooking a vast stretch of highlands colored in hues of emerald and mahogany and dotted with occasional oases of..

[5:37][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi wiggles her toes, experimenting with the feeling, touching with her hand to see if she feels the same with it.

[5:37][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*she does the world seems to be alive with virbation when the ntoes sound on the sky

[5:37][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:wooded areas. Their tricorders were picking up numerous species in the grasses, mostly avian and insect.

[5:37][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] So survival without feathers is possible


[5:38][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] The elders are wrong then..

[5:38][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"This is amazing" *She tries to attune the tricorder to record what she feels.

[5:38][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] Pre, thala shi tanash aqu zwanas ch'ahu

[5:38][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She slowly and methodically started targeting the avian species, seeing she had success with them earlier... and hadn't stepped on them.

[5:39][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*glances between mother and daughter* So the lack of feathers is a problem

[5:39][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Stay quiet, scan as many birds and insects and we should overtake the other team quite comfortably.

[5:39][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"We know little of your world Pre, if not for Oro, we might have not been able to survive. Oro is giving us knowledge to help us.

[5:39][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:(As many birds and insects as you can*

[5:39][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**Zarina started combing through the grass for interesting bugs and flowers*

[5:39][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] Sha'sha maja

[5:40][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] *sighs* yes

[5:40][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] Normally those without feathers would not be allowed to hatch

[5:40][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] *she was skinning the reptiles

[5:40][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*Continues to scan for insects, birds, rodents whatever he could find.

[5:41][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*As Zarina moved into the grass, insects and birds began to scatter away from her. When the grass was parted however, she could see that there were short, lovely little cerise flowers hidden near..

[5:41][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:the ground.

[5:41][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] Our scanning devices can't detect you. We were unaware any of you were outside of the vilalge


[5:41][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] We are one with Tatpha, others have started to forget their connection

[5:42][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She happily scanny scanned some of the birds she had found, seeming rather content with today's mission for once.

[5:42][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] Majad is a hunter

[5:42][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**she sees the flowers** "oh pretty." **she would kneel down for a better look*

[5:43][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*looks around the cave* I take it your people don't normally live in caves, away from everyone else

[5:43][DOIC]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The sun above was beginning to sink behind the nearby mountain range, casting gold over the valley.

[5:43][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] No... we are exile

[5:43][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Majad, is that the name of the fellow with the spear, Oro?

[5:43][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] Majad means mother

[5:43][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She scanned a small rodent, then smiled as she stopped her work for a moment, basking in the rays of the sun.* "Athena, -now- I get it.

[5:44][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Ah..." *making a note of that

[5:44][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] If they travel the stars they must have a Halish'qarashn

[5:44][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*then scanning the reptiles to cross reference with human physiology for toxicity.

[5:44][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*they were edible* [5:47][DOIC3]Antony@Gonz.:"What do you call these" *gesturing to the reptiles

[5:47][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"What do you call these" *gesturing to the reptiles

[5:47][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] Tac

[5:48][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Nice... we have something we call taco too...

[5:48][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] Taco

[5:48][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] Is it an animal

[5:48][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] Sometimes people name animals taco

[5:48][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] usually small canines

[5:49][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:Why would you name your pet after food

[5:49][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] I will prepare meal I apologize i was not hunting expecting to feed so many

[5:49][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"chihuahua" *giggling

[5:50][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] Its alright, we are likely fine if you wish to eat without us

[5:50][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"We are imposing, you do not have to feed us Oro, we appreciate the hospitality.

[5:50][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[oro] No, it is tatpha's wish to aid others and provide meals

[5:51][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Wiggling her toes, she checks her kit to see if she has prepacked foodstuffs

[5:51][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:We are in no danger. I'm actually surprised the Commander hasn't called to check on us yet

[5:52][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] Yeah I'm curious about that as well

[5:52][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*maeve hit her comm badge

[5:52][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*it gave the distinctive chirp of no conneciton

[5:52][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She scanned a small rodent, then smiled as she stopped her work for a moment, basking in the rays of the sun.* "Athena, -now- I get it.

[5:53][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:{maeve] Thats odd

[5:53][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*curlse up near the fire and deadpans* Oh no, whatever shall we do

[5:53][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*she scanned

[5:53][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**Zarina sees the pretty flowers and gets closer for a good look*

[5:53][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] The valley we are in seems to absorb comm signals...

[5:53][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] Tatpha protects here

[5:54][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"i'm sorry to bring back what may be painful, but what did you mean outcast?

[5:54][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*As Zarina leaned in, she would see that the flowers were made up of small clusters of bells... and some of them appeared to be sealed shut. Some were faintly moving.

[5:54][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] There is no shame is speaking truth. I was not willing to crush my last egg

[5:55][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] So i took exile knowing Tatpha would provide. And left. And now I have Pre

[5:55][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"You are brave, I respect your choice.

[5:55][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*Hedwik went about doing her own scanny scans of birds and insects, unaware of the fact the beryxian is playing with strange flowers.

[5:55][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] Merely a mother

[5:56][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"curioua." **flips open her tricorder and scans the twitching BELLS*

[5:56][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:{oro] I assume you all would do the same for your children

[5:56][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*appears to have fallen asleep by the fire

[5:56][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] I don't have any children yet but I imagine i would

[5:56][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:(Roll for scanny scans.

[5:56][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"I know my mother would.

[5:56][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] Really? No children you are all of child age right or did i misread your species

[5:57][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*Walks around scanning passivly happy to be away from the giant lizard.

[5:57][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Capable, but not yet ready for motherhood. Very much to learn before being repsonsible to raise young.

[5:59][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] Hmm.. *she used some sort of herbs and wrapped the skinned and deboned lizard meat in a leaf puttin git into the fire

[5:59][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*This area proves to be very prosperous for the young scanners... in total, they rack up twenty-three species over the course of about an hour.

[5:59][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] Do you have males

[6:00][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She sent the new scan additions to Dr. bessley.* "We are doing some beautiful work today.

[6:00][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*When Zarina scans the flowers, she finds that there are small insects and even a few infant reptiles trapped inside the sealed bells... they appear to be the flower's meal.

[6:00][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] yes or do you mean do we have mateS

[6:00][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"When acceptable." *wink

[6:00][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] Yes! That is the word

[6:00][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"I do wish I could pull out a blanket and have a beer and a meal out here.

[6:00][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:{pre] We do not know our fathers

[6:00][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"facinating, a carnivorous plant.

[6:00][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"You hatch, yes?

[6:01][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**Zarina makes sure she records this interesting find for the record.*

[6:01][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Ooooh." *She went to glimpse at what Zarina found.

[6:01][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] Yes

[6:02][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] Males are rare it is said long ago they angered the Dark Goddess and she struck down all who fought against her

[6:02][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"Personally I'd rather be in the comfort of the Stardancer in my bunk.

[6:02][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Humans, and may other species of the federation are live born. We grow within our mothers, and come out without a shell.

[6:02][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"There are a number of small creatures trapped in the bell shaped structures, they are being dsissolved by the plant, presumably for nutruents.

[6:02][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The creatures trapped in the flowers struggle weakly... until they stop struggling at all.

[6:02][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] So they are often spread among the villages

[6:02][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"That is amazing." *She watched Zarina's find.* "Creepy. But amazing. Well spotted, Zarina.

[6:02][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] Mammal


[6:02][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] Thats a story we've heard a few times

[6:03][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*maeve let erys sleep

[6:03][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"And I suppose everyone has their thing, Chatam. I grew up on a mountain estate, so this is quite familiar territory to me.

[6:03][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Let us continue eastwards. We may be able to hit the lake before sundown, no?

[6:03][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] There are other species of avian under tatpha that have a similiar pattern

[6:04][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] You appear to outnumber your males as well

[6:04][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] Its closer to half and half

[6:04][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] But might favor females by a small amount

[6:04][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"perhaps, but depending on whether there is a moon out at night we may not have light to return back to the base camp after the sun goes down.

[6:04][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"It depends on where, which world. But overall, yes, what she said.

[6:05][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] I would never have a mate

[6:05][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"Grew up on Frieghters, and Starships, and after you two." *He follows the team towards the lake and continues his scanning and recording.

[6:05][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*pre seemed saddened

[6:05][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"let us see how far we can push through for now. Even if we do not get to the lake, we may find something else interesting.

[6:05][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*As Zarina said this, they could see three faint orbs in the deepening sky.

[6:05][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] No one does dear..

[6:05][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Right on cue." *She nodded to the moons and headed south to go find the lake, scanning meanwhile.

[6:05][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] But I won't even have a child... I am hjalk

[6:06][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**follows along.*

[6:06][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Your males, do they hold themselves seperate and hidden? Or do they live with your people as a whole?

[6:07][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] They are protected

[6:07][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*They move southwards. High above, they can see another of the giant birds soaring lazily through the air, clearly high above the valley but still appearing massive to their eyes.

[6:07][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"It is distant, but I will take video at least... That thing is -gorgeous-.

[6:08][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"By those that fly down with the spears?

[6:08][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*she retrieve dthe leaf and then seperated it handing pre a large portion of the meat who quickly ate

[6:08][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Such a majestic world.. the locals are truly blessed." *She sighed happily as she recorded the gigantic bird of prey.

[6:08][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] Our warriors use spears yes

[6:08][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:{oro] Like the one i carry

[6:08][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"When we were on the bridge, was it a danger to us or were we violating some rule?

[6:08][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*They could hear a few tiny sobs from behind a tree far ahead of them.

[6:09][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*Stop... do you hear?

[6:09][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**Zarina looks up at the flying creature, stops and listens*

[6:10][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Someone seems to be... crying.

[6:10][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*Starts looking for the source of the sobs.* "Hello?

[6:10][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Just in case it is a predator who mimicks cries as a hunting strategy... Let us approach from different angles?

[6:11][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She slowly took a roundabout way, through some other foliage on the left, trying to circle around while chatam speaks to see what the rigelian is dealing with.

[6:11][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**move off to approach the tree from a different angle than the other two*

[6:12][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[oro] The bridges are tatpha's chosen

[6:12][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[oro] If the village had seen you there it woudl have been a proble

[6:12][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Curious look* "What does that mean, to be tatpha's chosen?

[6:12][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[oro] Tatpha's builders make them

[6:12][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Voice] "...Hello?" *it called back. It was a child's voice by pitch, with a naturally melodic lilt of an avian species.

[6:13][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*mumbles* The beavers... so fluffy

[6:13][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Do they have a purpose? The bridges?

[6:13][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"How curious." *He continued to carefully approach the voice.

[6:13][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*Hedwik sighed in relief, standing up.* "Hello, we are starfleet. Are you alright?

[6:14][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] The jila build them to let the spirits cross the waters

[6:14][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*As Hedwik circled around she would see a tiny child that she would recognize as being of the predominant race on the planet, the Xegi. Their big eyes rose to meet the Kzari's.* "I'm lost.

[6:15][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Well, hello, there. I am Hedwik. Do you live in the town nearby?

[6:15][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"So many questions, what are the jila, and spirits?

[6:15][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] For when one of Tatpha's chosen fall they lose their wings

[6:15][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Child] *His little forehead knit. If she were to estimate, he couldn't have been older than the equivalent of a five year old.* "I don't know.

[6:15][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] The Jila are the creatures you saw in the water the families that helepd your friend and eat the oysoys to keep them from poisoning the waters

[6:16][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"It is alrigght. We will get you home.

[6:16][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"We need to report this.

[6:16][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:=^= "Hedwik to Dr. Bessley, we got a situation. We came across a lost Xegi child. Do you want us to take them to the town out west or to you?

[6:17][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Already on it, Zarina." *She smiled at the child.* "What is your name?

[6:17][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Wonderful... but I am confused. The bridges are the chosen or are they for the chosen?

[6:17][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] For the chosen

[6:17][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:{oro] Sorry I am still learning your speak

[6:17][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] =/\= "A Xegi child? No... we should probably handle this. Are they hurt?

[6:17][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*Looks the little boy over for injuries.

[6:18][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"No no, you are wonderous... helping so much. Who are the chosen?

[6:18][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"how did this child get this far out?

[6:18][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**she looks around*

[6:18][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:=^= "They seem alright, just scared. Chatam is checking as we speak. Do you want us to walk or transport? The transporter may be frightening, the child is very young.

[6:18][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Child] "I don't know," *he sniffled. He appeared unharmed, if a bit dirty.

[6:19][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"My name is Chatam, we are with Starfleet. We will do our best to get you back home." *He looks to Hedwik.* "No injuries that I can see

[6:19][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**Zarinf uses her tricorder to scan the child and then scan the area for similar life signs.*

[6:19][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] My people..

[6:19][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She nodded gratefully to Chatam.* =^= "Chatam reports no visible injuries, Zarina is doing a full scan.

[6:19][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] =/\= "Start walking back to camp, we'll make some inquiries if anyone's missing a child in the nearby village.

[6:19][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] We are Tatpha's chosen. And our dead use the bridges to walk the world as they can no longer fly

[6:20][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:=^= "Understood.

[6:20][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[pre] it is why they would kill me

[6:20][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Your people, or the spirits?

[6:20][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] Those that can't fly are seen as been a soul returned that should be sent back. A bad omen

[6:20][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] The elders

[6:20][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She smiled at the child.* "Hey. We will get you to safety. There will be food and water, and our friends will help you find your parents. Do you want me to carry you? We'll get there faster that way

[6:20][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*Zarina's tricorder does not register the child or any Xegi in the vicinity.

[6:20][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*maeve tries some of the reptile meat

[6:20][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*finds it rather good

[6:21][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*eats more

[6:21][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"I can off you a piggy back ride if you like.

[6:21][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:"Tastes like Chicken.

[6:21][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Or he can piggy-back you." *She nodded.

[6:21][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Child] "What's a piggy?

[6:22][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Ah... it is an animal from other worlds. It means he'll carry you on his back.

[6:22][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"interesting. My tricorder is not registering the child or any other Xegi in the local area. Perhaps a manifestation of the interference we encountered earlier?

[6:22][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Are these reptiles like the one the large bird took from the water?

[6:22][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] er well.

[6:22][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*Chuckles.* "What she said. It is also a way we carry friends and young people who may get tired on long walks.

[6:22][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[oro] Yes juvenile

[6:22][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] Whats chicken

[6:22][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She furrowed her brow at Zarina's words, then nodded.* "Likely. There may be something on this world that interferes with scans, we just have to figure it out.

[6:22][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*nods to Maeve* "Called it

[6:23][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"But that is of low priority at the moment.

[6:23][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Child] *He sniffed and nodded.

[6:23][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] A saurian descendet on our homeworld

[6:23][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] Oh a bird! Mammals eating birds make sense. We eat some of the other avians as well

[6:23][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She smiled and nodded at Chatam.* "When Chatam here gets in position, you just jump on his back. He'll take care of the rest.

[6:24][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"it is quite the mystery." **she says looking around suspiciously*

[6:24][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*Turned around and knelt down offering his back to the child.* "Just put your hands over my shoulders, aand hook your legs in my arms.

[6:24][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Chicken was taken for meat for thousands of years, it is said that it has little flavor of its own so it tastes like everything it is cooked with.

[6:24][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Child] *He stared at Chatam for a moment.* "Your legs bend the wrong way.

[6:24][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"You are not incorrect, Zarina. But as I said, we do have certain duties as starfleet. Right now, our highest priority is this child.

[6:24][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"it is a centuries old joke, that when we can't describe what something tastes like, we say it tastes like chicken.

[6:25][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] What is a joke

[6:25][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She chuckled at the kid's words.* "Oh, you would be surprised. Some people amongst the stars do not even have legs.

[6:25][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"A statement or story that makes us laugh, or at least smile, feeling humorous.


[6:25][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] What is laugh

[6:26][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Something that happens when we are happy, like a smile." *she smiles to Pre* "It is a way to communicate at a very base level our amusement.

[6:27][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Child] "...Oh." *He blinked suddenly, as if something had sparked inside.* "My name is Blessed Storm.

[6:27][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"Its very nice to meet you, hop on up, and we will get you home.

[6:27][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] I do not understand

[6:27][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Pleasure to meet you, Blessed Storm. As I said, I am Hedwik, and the green one is Zarina.

[6:27][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Golden... green... not certain myself.

[6:28][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi cheets by saying something she knows Maeve will always laugh at.

[6:28][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Les] *He climbed up on Chatam's back.* "I live in Epva," *he recited.

[6:28][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:--frowns-- "i am not that green am i ?

[6:28][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Mostly golden, true.

[6:28][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*maeve giggles

[6:28][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:=^= "Hedwik to Dr. Bessley. We have more information. The child's name is Blessed Storm, and he lives in a town called Epva. We are walking to you.

[6:29][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**Zarina seems relieved to here she is mostly golden.*

[6:29][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"That is a small laugh

[6:29][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She gave Chatam an approving pat on the shoulder and started off back towards camp.

[6:29][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] =/\= "Good work!

[6:29][DOIC1]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Fallo] Commander Bessley, i haven't been able to contact Maeve to update her on ewhat we found

[6:29][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*Stood up with the child now on his back and started walking with the team.* "So Blessed Storm, how did you get out here by yourself?

[6:30][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] "Do you remember where you last saw her?

[6:30][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] Oh! So what is your home like tavi

[6:30][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She kept up the passive scans as they moved, just to get a few other scans up on the other team if possible.

[6:30][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"I'm tempted to tickle Erys for a full belly laugh.. what do you think Maeve?

[6:30][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*chooses that exact moment to "wake" up. She stretches luxuriously for a moment before standing up and starting to dress again without a word

[6:30][DOIC1]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Fallo] When Zeke her and i ran into Beth Tavi and Erys, we switched out out with beth they had met a native

[6:31][DOIC1]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Fallo] I thought she would have checked in

[6:31][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*Then suddenly she remembered something and checked her PADD for info on the Xegi people and their biology, to see if she can at least share the water in her flask with Les.

[6:32][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Les] "I was scared. I couldn't remember anything, so I started flying until I couldn't fly any more.

[6:32][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"what was it that caused you such fear?

[6:32][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] "Take the Rigby twins and go see if you can't get a hold of her. It'll be nightfall soon.

[6:33][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Pre] *waited curiously for tavi to answer

[6:33][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"My home" *thinking a moment* "I have several... but the home I think of most, is Capua. It is a rich valley, with a river like yours, lots of trees, very warm and dry in the summer, and mild, an

[6:33][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] They shoudl be getting back to their other sky people

[6:33][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Les] "My head hurt. And I couldn't remember.

[6:33][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:wet in the winter. My family lives in a large home built of natural substances of the land.

[6:33][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:{oro] it will be dark soon you will want to return before the predators stalk at dusk

[6:34][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"That is a good point.

[6:34][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"Hm, did you bump your head?

[6:34][DOIC1]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Fallo] Yes ma'am. Marlin Marla come on

[6:34][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**looks concerned but says nothing*

[6:34][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Sounds like amnesia induced by head trauma. But he seems alright...

[6:34][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] May we return tommorrow

[6:34][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] AS tatpha would have you walk

[6:34][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Les] "I don't know. My head doesn't hurt any more, though. And now I can think.

[6:35][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi takes a small pinch of the meat to eat, says thank you, and gathers herself up, carrying her boots.

[6:35][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"We'll help you, don't worry. Our doctors are -very- good. And we're almost there.

[6:35][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*slips her jacket on and zips it up. She looks over at Maeva, then glances toward the cave entrance

[6:35][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"Hm well we will get you home and see what we can find out.

[6:35][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Marlin] "Rescue mission!" *He cheered and went to follow.

[6:35][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She nodded to Chatam.* "They'll probably replicate you something tasty to eat too.

[6:35][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Marla] *She sighed and went behind him.

[6:36][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Les] "Good... I'm really hungry.

[6:36][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"What is your favorite food?

[6:37][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Maeve] Lets go

[6:37][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] You remember the way back to the river

[6:37][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Les] "I think... I like mushrooms?" *He considered it.* "Yes! The old one showed me which ones were good to eat.

[6:37][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Mm. We make great mushroom soups.

[6:37][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"I think so.

[6:37][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] Good

[6:37][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"The old one?

[6:38][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:We do. Thank you for your hospitality. It was enjoyable to meet you both

[6:38][DOIC1]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*fallo headed off into the river's direction with her missionaries

[6:38][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Les] "I think... she was my mother?

[6:38][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi offers a handshake to Pre, then Oro* "It was a great honor to get to meet you both.

[6:39][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[pre] *shook her hand

[6:39][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Oro] Did as well with her win

[6:39][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:=^= "Hedwik to Dr. Bessley. Do we have any medical personnel in the camp? Blessed Storm sounds like he may have some memory loss, and for whatever reason, our tricorders cannot scan him properly.

[6:40][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*once colelcted maeve would lead them out to head back to the river

[6:40][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"Hm. Lets pick up the pace, kiddo how are you feeling right now?

[6:40][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Lets go" *she picks up her stick and boots

[6:40][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She nodded to Chatam, her long legs making bigger strides now.

[6:40][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] =/\= "The Xegi tend to be resistant to typical scans, but we have something rigged in camp that should be able to get a good picture of what's going on with him.

[6:40][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*walks with the group. As they walk, she pulls out her tricorder and makes some adjustments

[6:41][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:*Quickened his pace towards the camp.

[6:41][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:"I still haven't been able to get it to detect them.

[6:41][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*maeve said putting her oen away.

[6:41][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:=^= "Good, thank you, ma'am. Was just hoping we'd have someone on hand to give him proper care. We shall be there shortly.

[6:41][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Les] "I feel much better now... I feel like I could fly again.

[6:41][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi keeps eye to security, keeping her tricorder running with motion sensor alerts on again.

[6:42][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*They can see the camp just ahead.

[6:42][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:mhmm.... *clearly not paying attention to the other two

[6:42][DOIC3]Chatam@Jabroc:"Let's hold off on the flying for now okay? I just want to make sure you are okay.

[6:42][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Yes. Do you see the camp up ahead? That's where our people are. Food and water for you.

[6:43][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*as they reached the river they could then turn up to head back up river

[6:43][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Checking her communicator along the way time and again for signal

[6:43][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*eventually they get a signal about 2 kms from base camp

[6:43][DOIC3]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Les] "Okay. And I see it.

[6:43][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Cadet Antony to Base Camp

[6:43][DOIC3]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Great. Now you start thinking what kind of toy you'd want me to make for you to remember this trip by.

[6:44][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:=^= "Cadet Antony to Base Camp

[6:44][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] *She was there to greet them as they arrived just as the triplet moons began to light up the massive lake to the south, making it gleam silver.

[6:44][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She gave Dr. Bessley a smile and a quick snap to attention.

[6:44][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] "Come, bring him in.

[6:45][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] =/\= "Base camp here, report."

[6:45][DOIC1]Chatam@Jabroc:*Heads towards Dr. Bessley with the child.* "Alright buddy, we are here at the camp. He walks towards a good place to help Blessed Storm Down and walks back to his team.* "We will be right over there

[6:45][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Yes, we will. This lady is Dr. Bessley, and she'll help you.

[6:45][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:=^= "Ma'am, we are about 2km out form Base Camp, we encountered some sort of interferance and we didn't realize we were out of communications until pretty deep in.

[6:45][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Blessed Storm] *He looked up at Chatam, meeting his eyes.* "Thank you." *He turned to Bessley.* "I will go with you.

[6:46][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] *She looked somewhat unnerved by the kid but multitasked.* =/\= "Understood, did you meet with Fallo and the Rigbys yet?

[6:46][DOIC1]Chatam@Jabroc:*Smiled at the kid and gave him a thumbs up.* "Cute kid.

[6:47][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:=^= Fallo and the rigby's ma'am

[6:47][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:=/\= "I take that as a no?

[6:47][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Definitely... I am horrible with children, I am glad you were here.

[6:47][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*points slightly to the left of the direction they were walking* I think they're over that way

[6:47][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:=^= "Fallo and Larris collected Skarlet hours ago... did they come back out looking for us?

[6:47][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:=^= No ma'am

[6:48][DOIC1]Chatam@Jabroc:"Spacer kid, you have to help the little ones on the ship entertained until your in your mid twenties.

[6:48][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:=^= Hold one second ma'am

[6:48][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:"Do you see them erys?

[6:48][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Fair enough. I do have a little brother but we are not really that far apart in terms of ages.

[6:48][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*they could hear commotion coming from near the direction erys pointed out

[6:48][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] *She ushered the kid into a medical tent in the meantime.

[6:48][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:No, but I think the tricorder does. Either that or it's more beavers

[6:48][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Always been better with animals, myself.

[6:49][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:"Lets go but carefully.

[6:49][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"You have a tricorder reading on them?" *redirecting her own

[6:49][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*maeve follwoed her own tricorder which was showign a bolian and two humans

[6:49][DOIC1]Chatam@Jabroc:"Like you said, we all have our things." *He smirked.

[6:49][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Definitely." *She sat down on one of the foldable chairs and took a drink from her flask.* "All in all, today was a success, I would say.

[6:50][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*eventually they got close and they woudl see int eh clearing 6 Xegi warriors with spears around the three starfleet officers with ropes on their arms

[6:50][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*shrugs and follows Maehva

[6:50][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Moving to intercept and giving a gesture to Maeve to respond on coms

[6:50][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*maeve hit the ground

[6:50][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*she held up her hand to say shh

[6:50][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"We found a curious cave, we saw some incredible beasts -and- we found a goldmine of biological scans in that meadow.

[6:50][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Fallo] Im a starfleet cadet let me contact my commander

[6:50][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi took cover, and silenced her gear

[6:51][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Xegi] Silence Skylander

[6:51][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Marlin] *He had already clearly taken a whack to the head and was sitting dazed on the ground.* [6:51][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[Fallo] This is a misunderstanding

[6:51][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*slips closer to the river and disappears into the water again

[6:52][DOIC1]Chatam@Jabroc:"Lets just try not to piss off a lizard next time.

[6:52][DOIC4]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Marla] "You hit him! You can't do that!

[6:52][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Oh, we didn't. The birds did. It seemed to find them a very tasty treat.

[6:52][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"We'll see how it takes to chicken if I get to visit it again.

[6:52][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:[=^= *quietly maeve reports* Ma'am... fallo and the rigby's are currently captured by a group of the Xegi

[6:52][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:=^= What do we do

[6:52][DOIC3]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**Zarina went to get some water while she waited, not quite able to shake that suspiion from earlier*

[6:52][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*They could see two medical personnel racing past their table.

[6:52][DOIC1]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**Zarina went to get some water while she waited, not quite able to shake that suspiion from earlier*

[6:53][DOIC1]Chatam@Jabroc:*Frowns as the two medical personnel race past.* "I don't like that.

[6:53][DOIC1]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**Zarina cants her head watching where the medical personnel were going*

[6:53][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] =/\= "You can't be... fuck! Don't get involved! See where they're going!

[6:53][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*The agitation was high and very uncharacteristic in her voice.

[6:53][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:*She rested in her chair, raising her eyebrows as she saw the sudden commotion.

[6:54][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:*They went into the medical tent.

[6:54][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:=^= Yes ma'am

[6:55][DOIC1]Chatam@Jabroc:*Walked towards the medical tent concerned.

[6:55][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Prepare.. I think our rest will be cut short very suddenly.

[6:55][DOIC1]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"perhaps the child was more seriously injured than we thought?

[6:55][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi closed her eyes, trying to think of how she could help, digging her fingers and toes into the soil unconsciously

[6:55][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:* a giant bird landd with what looked like some sort of harness on the back

[6:55][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Maybe, but did you see Dr. Bessley? She was comming with someone... and she looked -pissed-.

[6:55][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*the three officers were loaded inot the bird

[6:55][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*then all 6 and the bird took off

[6:55][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*turning back at the commotion


[6:55][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*they were gone... but the direction was clear, they were headed in the direction of the main settlement

[6:56][DOIC1]Chatam@Jabroc:"Doctor? Is everything alright?

[6:56][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:=^= Ma'am they are gone they flew them out of here..

[6:56][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Chatam..." *She nodded back to the chairs, trying to wrangle him up so he doesn't agitate the situation further.

[6:56][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:*looking at her tricorder

[6:57][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:=^= Direction suggests teh settlement

[6:57][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*reappears directly under the bridge. She swims back toward the others, clearly annoyed

[6:57][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] *She turned as Chatam entered the medical tent. On the screen in front of her, he could see an interior scan of the boy's head with strange white roots buried through his brain.

[6:57][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:"Erys you went back in teh water

[6:57][DOIC1]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:**Zarina drank her water and waited*

[6:57][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Tavi thought to herself, fuck this nature walk bs, and pulled her boots back on then stands back up to join Maeve

[6:57][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] "Get out, cadet!

[6:57][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:Seemed like a good idea at the time

[6:58][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:"Predators in the water... remember

[6:58][DOIC1]Chatam@Jabroc:*Turned back out of the tent and started to pace.

[6:58][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] =/\= "Get back to camp immediately.

[6:58][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:=^= Yes ma'am

[6:58][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"So?" *She asked Chatam.

[6:58][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*just smiles at Antony

[6:58][DOIC1]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:[Bessley] "Blaine's going to love this one...

[6:58][DOIC4]Tolena@Captain_Rien:"Lets go...

[6:58][DOIC4]Antony@Gonz.:*Realigning with her tricorder* "This way.


[6:59][DOIC1]Chatam@Jabroc:"Something wrong, something is in his head, looked like roots? I dont know...

[6:59][DOIC4]Erys@Cuatel:*follows along with the group

[6:59][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"ROOTS?" *She suddenly raised her voice.

[6:59][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"That's the Vauri...

[6:59][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"Scheis... scheis, scheis, scheis.

[7:00][DOIC1]Chatam@Jabroc:"Hedwik... lower your voice... and what the hell is the Vauri?

[7:00][DOIC1]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"idle speculation is unproductive.

[7:00][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"The tree... don't you remember what it warned us about?

[7:00][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"It is not idle speculation. It said so, -directly-.

[7:00][DOIC1]Zarina Dyrellia@Demoncheru:"i remember but without some confirmation we should not leap to conclusions.

[7:01][DOIC]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:** As the situation churns ever more into a proper shit show... the credits roll! *

[7:01][DOIC1]Hedwik@bulgariandragon:"They "take roots" in people's minds, and we'd know them by "looking inside

[7:01][DOIC]DGM Apocalypse@liorexu:** TO BE CONTINUED. *

[7:01][DOIC1]Chatam@Jabroc:*Looks at the medical Tent door and pales.*