[3:35][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:im good to go
[3:44][DOIC]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**The screen opens with a recap of previous episodes of the long arc that has led the Gigantes to where it now linger in space. The intro rolls with the normal credits and then cuts ot zoom in on the
[3:45][DOIC]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> planet. Soem music plays ( https://youtu.be/C8bj8ZlO8L0 ) as it shows the preparations nearing completions, a revering cerlebratry cermonious vibe cna be felt across the capital as one of hte moons
[3:46][DOIC]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> starts to eclipse the sun, another moon moving in to position for a double eclips, the third moon for now reflecting the sun as it too aproaches the position of the tripple eclipse.
[3:47][DOIC]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> the camer pans to two Federation ships as they are in high warp towards the dark ocean. finally the camera zooms in on the Gigantes on its position in the Phebian system, waiting as time starts
[3:47][DOIC]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> ticking, The final cut of the intro lends the camera to pan on Liz, zooming in on her from the window to her ready room as she records her log.*
[3:49][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:=^= -her voice clipped andmethodically precise- Captain's Log Stardate, Supplemental. It has been 24 hrs since the Gigantes fendedoff the Phebian Protector at what resulted ina terrible loss for th
[3:50][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:ships crew. Ashali an asset in battle against thePhebian Protector has fallen and was murdered in abrutal attackby this so called protector while this ship was in negotiation with the Phebi
[3:51][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:Government. This in my opinion was tandemount to a declarationo war on the Alliance and the Federartion. Ashali remainsw ere recovgered by anotrher of her species which seems to have for thepresen
[3:52][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:drivenoff the Protector who fled in terror beofre a bigger fish. In doing so he has left Phebian unprotected for now..which leaves us an opening..for how long it remains unclear..if or when he wil
[3:53][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:return at all..None the less i have used this time to evacuate all non combabtants and wounded from the Gigantes..a move that has left me with little to no shuttle reserves. Our evacuess are heade
[3:54][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:for a nearby Alliance outpost to await the conclusion of our operatiosn here. I have placed a cal ij for reinforcements...well backup that will not fully draw away resources from other hot spots
[3:55][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:Admiral Compton has dispatched the USS Helsingland and USS Graf Zee...two cruisers ..thelatter carrying a full battalionof delta operators for ground action.They are enroute but hours away..I havei
[3:56][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:m,ind to make an unorthodox call before I order us in to deal with the people of Phebia...the next few hours will deictate success or failure on our part to end this...endoflog
[3:57][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"this is just amazing!
[3:57][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-presses a console button to send thelog out to her XO
[3:57][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az looked at Cat in confusion.
[3:57][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: *Looks over the log, arching an eyebrow and just sends it onwards.
[3:57][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"A triple lunar eclipse, you know how rare a phenomenon like that is?
[3:57][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Taps her fingers on the console.
[3:58][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-pausesa moment and closes her eyes to draw a breath
[3:58][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"i wishe I could be on the ground for it.
[3:58][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Um... I don't think that would be a good idea right now," *Az frowned, looking back at the viewscreen.
[3:58][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"i bet it will look fantastic.
[3:58][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"It would be a very good idea. Bomb zem from orbit and zen get boots on ze ground.
[3:59][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*stoicly pilots the ship saying nothing and barely listens in to the bridge talk
[3:59][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"..yeah of course right with everything going on being on the ground would be a bad idea..
[3:59][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Watches over the bridge calmly, but alert. He'd look to Val with what she said. But keepign quiet feeling this was not his place to speak
[3:59][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"The people aren't to blame for this, Val... they're just... misguided!
[4:00][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zey are absolutely to blame. Zey were already given a chance once.
[4:00][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-downs the remainder of her scotch and closes her eeys to allow herself to feel theburn
[4:00][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "A rather poor chance.
[4:01][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Many species 'ave dealt wiz worzh chances, our own included, Commander.
[4:01][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:((Worse*)
[4:01][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Have we?
[4:01][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-sets down her glass and heads for the door to her brdige with long purposful strides
[4:02][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"From ze ice age, zhrough almost eradicating ourselves, we still managed to unite and not do stupid shit when ze vulcans found us.
[4:02][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"They're an underdeveloped civilisation in a galaxy in a state of war with a power they can't possibly fight or comprehend...
[4:02][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Smirks under hsi helmet at Vals words trying not to laugh
[4:03][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zat does not mean zeir government should not answer.
[4:03][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-strides out onto the bridge with a fixed emotionless expression
[4:03][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Yes... I do wonder what humans would done if during the first world war we had a sockpile of nuclear arsenal to permanently destroy the world, and the losing side got an invite from some
[4:03][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> higher being to victory...
[4:03][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Not just a government pays the price in a war, Val." *She went quiet as Liz arrived.
[4:03][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: *Stands up.
[4:03][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "ma'am.
[4:03][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:XO ships status
[4:03][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "As previous brief, ma'am.
[4:04][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-nods- Any further contact from Phebia
[4:04][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Command is doing what they can to stall though the request to talk to our supperiors... though that will likely run out any time now.
[4:05][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Its a bit hard to talk to the supperior of who they aledgedly talk to right now...
[4:06][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Give me an open hail in the direction of the White Azreyan
[4:06][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Pardon?
[4:06][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Fire off a subpsace request from me to the White Azreyan
[4:07][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Ma'am, are you certain?
[4:07][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Hansen]: "Setting it up, What shall I tell them, ma'am?
[4:07][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:If the protector is not gone we are goingto need their help and firepowe
[4:07][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Judge Hansen tell them i wish to speak to themabout helping deal with a beingof darkness who murdered Ashal
[4:08][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Hansen]: "Yes Judge captain!" *Taps some buttons.
[4:08][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:(Liz, roll please
[4:08][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Captain... I can still feel him, the Bad Protector. He's scared and not very happy... and I think he's expecting something soon.
[4:09][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:He is expecting a huge rush from the ritual belo
[4:09][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:a full on powerregeneratio
[4:10][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Maybe?" *Az shrugged.* "It feels like... he's going to try and get revenge, I think?
[4:10][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Hansen]: "Message sent, ma'am.
[4:10][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"But I guess we could assume that anyway.
[4:10][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-looks at Az- On us..or the being he was raving about holdinghis leash
[4:11][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Can you tell Az
[4:12][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"I mean... it seems like both? Like a two birdies with one net kind of thing?
[4:13][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smirks some- It oftenis with things like hi
[4:14][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:All right folks..listen up...we need options..I am oing to need to take s back into the thickof things soon. Our primary goal has not change
[4:14][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:Sounds like a potential ally against him
[4:14][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:His sourceof power are the Phebians below...if we remove their support we weaken hi
[4:15][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Yes im sure it does David..now we ust figure out how to bringback an ally who balmes us for getting Ashali murdere
[4:15][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I do not suppose you could trick 'im into speaking to you, Liz?
[4:15][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"i wish I knew more about this upcoming ceremony or celebration or whatever it is and what part the eclipse plays in it.
[4:15][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"If you could broadcast down below 'is opinion of ze phebians as convenient cattle...
[4:15][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:A ritual of darkness Cat...mostly symbolic but playsinto the mythology for emotionsw ith sucha bein
[4:16][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:We are stil limited by how many we can reach braoidcast wis
[4:16][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:That has not changed the stater still contrrol the airwave
[4:16][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"What about the gravitational field, though? Maybe there's something in that which they use to amplify emotional energy with physical energy?
[4:16][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Can we not take over ze waves?
[4:17][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-looks to Az- what do you mean doctor
[4:17][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Our technology eclipses zeir own. Cazerina 'as got to be able to zhink somezhign up.
[4:17][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Well... a triple eclipse, that should screw up the gravitational pull of the moons on the planet some, at least in a specific area?
[4:18][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-nods- Im followin
[4:19][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Most likely..-trails off inthought then..
[4:19][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"the mass of the moons would not change doctor.
[4:19][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "There should be nothing preventing us from taking over the radio waves if close enough... sans they may cup power to kill the radios out of frustration. TV is more difficult as its all
[4:19][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> ground cable.
[4:20][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az shrugged.* "I don't know, it just seems like if that site were the ritual site--- I don't mean the mass of the moons, silly, I mean they'll all be lined up instead of pulling on the planet from.
[4:20][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "I imagine cutting power is not ideal for them in the celebration...
[4:20][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:different directions.
[4:20][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Is this a natural eclipse
[4:20][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Arwen.
[4:21][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:David Cat...prepare to scan the capitol themoent we arrive in orbi
[4:21][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"The cange would be small doctor not enough to power a devise of any significance.
[4:21][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Looks at thebridge crew with a slight tilt of his head, debating himself slightly within his mind
[4:21][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:...is the eclipse or natural origin
[4:22][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"yes ma'am models of this system prdicted it a long time ago.
[4:22][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:So if wecant stop thee eclipse..we ruinthe celebratio
[4:22][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"theoreticall we could make the ecipse disappear if that would help.
[4:22][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Let me guess, zis eclipse always coincides wiz ze celebration?
[4:22][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She nods to Liz.
[4:22][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az shrugged.
[4:23][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Helmplot us a course for a geosynch orbit over their capitol..David take us to red alert..shields up weaponsc harge
[4:23][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"i think the celebration was scheduled to coincide with the eclipse.
[4:23][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:No any longe
[4:23][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az blinked.* "We're not going to blow up the moon, are we?!
[4:23][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Aye....captain. *does as ordered
[4:24][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "This 'protector' of thiers has only been in power for a year. It would be impossible to see a pattern in his celebrations tied to the eclipses, Commander.
[4:24][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"As lovely and cartoon-y as zat sounds, Doctor, I do not believe zat is ze plan.
[4:24][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smirks toAz- No Az...not ye
[4:24][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Svard.* "Right... So it is not a celebration 'e appropriated, but a new one?
[4:24][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Basically.
[4:24][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Understood.
[4:24][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:CAptain we could use holographics to make the eclipse disappear.
[4:25][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Can we not divert sunlight using a few probes wiz mirrors?
[4:25][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Mister Keires..red alert...shields up and weapons charged..
[4:25][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: *Rubs her forehead.
[4:25][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Psst... Captain... he's still Mister Allen..." *Az whispered over.
[4:26][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*stared at the viewscreen
[4:26][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"...Want me to 'it 'is reset button, Captain?
[4:26][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:XO red alert all decks...full power to shields charge weapon
[4:26][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:Aye cap[tain
[4:26][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "What is hte plan, ma'am?" *She hits red alert.
[4:26][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Cat see which is feasable in the next tenminutes if you mus
[4:27][DOIC]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**Red alert sounds across all decks.*
[4:27][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David raises shields and powers up the weapons.
[4:27][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--start running some simulations.-
[4:27][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-to her XO- I intend to black out the entire capitol with some well palced phaser fire into their power plant
[4:28][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Then broadcast fromorbit over their airwaves how this thing murdered ayoung girl fighting for them..andhow it is using the
[4:28][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Oh... but what about the ones who need power for their radios?" *She looked at Liz.
[4:29][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Looks to the captain with a grin under hsi helmet* "if i may captain, how far are we going to go to destable them?
[4:29][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Ma'am... They are nuclear powerplans, and without power their... " *Looks to Az.
[4:29][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Im more concerned about the non government natives Az..if dacvid finds apowerr plant tied to just he goverment quarter ill just shot tha
[4:30][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:ladies...there are goingto besomewho will not get themessage..unles you wishme to beam down and throw theoff switch for theparty itsel
[4:30][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Ma'am... That may actually be a good idea...
[4:31][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smirks and looks over to her- Go o
[4:31][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:You know Iam goignt o try this if its nuts enough Arwe
[4:31][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az nodded.* "We should strike right at the heart of the problem and go disrupt the ritual celebration thingy!
[4:31][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Loss of power to a grid generally can be mitaged fairly easy, Over-power or frequency modulation in teh power distribution grid is far more complicated... Not to mention, it does eliminate
[4:32][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> the slight issue of a nuclear powerplan meltdown and all that entails...
[4:32][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"That way we cut down on collateral damage!" *She beamed at Svard.
[4:33][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:You are talking about a ful lon delta operations X
[4:33][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:A small team to go inand overload the compounds power gri
[4:33][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "No... Covert, the if it is detected to early, the plan wont work at all. then they can premptively isolate the grid... or worse.
[4:34][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:erll then xo what did you have in min
[4:35][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "A smaller unit that can be undetected, with th expertice to do what is needed, and possibly afterwards tap in to the ground cables for TV and use that, somehow.
[4:36][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-rubs the bridgeof her nose-...yes covert delta operatio
[4:36][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "The deltas at large are probably best held in reserve as a bailout, or decoy, whichevern eeded, no disrespect to the Harpies... I however do imagine they do not have the expertice we are
[4:36][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> looking for here.
[4:36][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Arwen.
[4:36][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"We can get someone in and out.
[4:36][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Unless you ahve a nuclear engineer in your teams, commander chalons?
[4:37][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"We do not 'ave someone who 'as 'acked a whole planet before, zhough.
[4:37][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Not quite.
[4:37][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Wow....things have changed when it comes to such ops from my day. Very wel
[4:37][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Though perhaps it is not as a good plan as it first seemed in my mind, appologises, ma'am.
[4:38][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Ze captain 'as quite some experience in similar matters, zhough. And she could keep up wiz a team.
[4:38][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az seemed to have zoned out momentarily, then blinked and murmured,* "...probably wouldn't agree to wear a skin-tight spy suit...
[4:38][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:No no...to be honest XO thisprolly somethingic an do with ahandful of people with meont he groun
[4:39][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Exactly what I was getting at, Captain.
[4:40][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Yes, You would likely need Lieutenant Canedo and Lieutenant Kieres. Then if we heed the warning of Ashali, that is a to small unit. but it would form a core of nessesary assets.
[4:40][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David raises his eyebrows at Az.
[4:40][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"'Ow could ze doctor be useful in zat, Commander?
[4:41][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Seems as a useful warning about the protector?
[4:42][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Would taking 'er down zere not leave ze ship quite vulnerable?
[4:42][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Nine is here, isn't she?
[4:42][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: *Nods
[4:43][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--Looks at Svärd and shrugs-- "..well I did want to be on the ground for the eclipse..
[4:43][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Ashali aslo mentioend the greatest protection the vessel has is the ammount of strong minds on it. whatever that means...
[4:44][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I am a bit worried about Nine, wiz 'ow recently she returned... but very well, Commander.
[4:45][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Perhaps it is a bad plan after all." *She sits down.
[4:45][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Nine is strong in her own right, don't underestimate ma'am.
[4:47][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az shook her head.* "I think it's the best plan we have that doesn't involve a lot of collateral damage!
[4:47][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David nods.
[4:48][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Yes, it is however also risky. Send to many and our chances of success plummit, send to few and whatever Ashali ment with collection of strong minds protecting us also dives. Send the wrong
[4:48][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> people and the mission is a wash regardless.
[4:49][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"The risk is worth it... we aren't going to win over the hearts and minds of the Phebians with orbital barrages, no matter how targeted.
[4:50][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Nuclear fallout tend to not make friends, indeed.
[4:51][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Ma'am what would happen if we removed their leadership? I don't mean the protector but the goverment officals incharge of running the planet, to further destabize the goverment?
[4:51][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "I imagine it has to do with how, when, where and how many. Cut the head and the second in command takes over. Take out the top twenty one... if done right perhaps something good.
[4:52][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az shook her head.* "We can't do that. We have to show the people that there's something better, that they can overthrow their own tyrants, like the Kirtascans did!
[4:52][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"It also can buy a lot of time, while they figure otu what to do for more operations to happen before they can organize afain
[4:53][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Which is where the propaganda you are working on comes in no?
[4:53][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "One thing which is rather certain, if we remove the head and do not imediately find something to repalce it with, civil war or worse is to be expected.
[4:53][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"As expected
[4:54][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az frowned.* "Propaganda is a horrible word... it's another perspective, one they hadn't heard before!
[4:54][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"if we control thew airways and make it beleive it is their own rebel groups doing it, it can light a fire of revolution
[4:55][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "It is proaganda. tryign to hide something behind more beautiful words is what our enemy is doing, least we do not become it.
[4:55][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-rubs her temples- Jacob? Why are you still speaking
[4:55][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "A revolution is indeed a civil war...
[4:55][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Sorry ma'am
[4:55][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Returns to slience
[4:55][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az sighed unhappily.
[4:56][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Hansen]: "Something is hailing us, ma'am.
[4:57][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:So small covert team...to locate isolate the compound..overlad the power grid..and hack into their coms yes
[4:57][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-sighs0 put them through pleas
[4:58][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**On the screen an Azreyane shows up from what is likely the bridge of an Azreyane ship.*
[4:58][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-nods to the caller respectfully
[4:58][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "This is Commander Yalica of the ILZ Seventh dawn.
[4:59][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Greeting Commander...I am Captain razzor of the USS Gigante
[4:59][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az gave a little wave, but remained quiet.
[4:59][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]:"A pleasure to speak to you once more, even if I wish it was under better circums...." *Teh scren ashakes some and she looks to the side a moment, then looks back, offering a regal wave to
[5:00][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> as as if nothing had happened.* "Better circusmtances. What can we do for you?
[5:01][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:I appreciate your call even though you appear busy...we have run into a n extremely vicious adn petty little being who seems to be carrying quite a grudge...he took it so far..he brutally murdere
[5:01][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Ashali as she was trying to not only protect us from it...but save the natives of Phebia..who it is using as a powerr rescourese to 'break its chains' and be free oncemor
[5:02][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:andit did seemquite focused on Ashali in sucha regard
[5:02][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:As if she herself had imprisioned i
[5:02][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:When we refused to back down tryingto adi her..it murdered her before us as awarnign..and thenbelieved it was fre
[5:03][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Until another such being mor epwoerful than ashali came to claim her..and then..it acted as if it wewre stil i,mprisone
[5:03][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:It is stil in system nearb
[5:04][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "Ashali? Who is Ashali?" *Looks to something of screen a moment once more.* "I... am sorry to hear that, Captain. I truly am. What claimed 'Ashali'?
[5:05][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Ashali was claimed to be ..related to Ashala..a being of the Dark...sadi to be a posspr of a dark shar
[5:05][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:For us she apeared as ayoung gir
[5:05][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:But clearly she wasmore than this..and we did see the shardof darknes
[5:06][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:It calls itself 'The Protector
[5:06][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "Ashala... I see. What do you need? We can not offer much right now, but if we can, we will aid.
[5:06][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:It calls itself 'The Protector
[5:07][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:and well a little bit of fire poweror aid ould be appreciated but i wil understandif you are unable...we are swinging above our weight here...and we do work well together against such thing
[5:08][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]:"I am sorry captain, Vocal names means very little to us, I can not say I know what you are speaking of. Regardless, if they have donw what you say... that is an unforgivable crime against
[5:08][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> our people, and we can not ignore it either, even if breaking away is unideal. The Seventh dawn will be with you shortly, Captain.
[5:08][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Sighs some in relief as she hears that.
[5:09][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-nods- it is very much appreciated i wil havemy people send to you all thedata we have on this so called Protector..perhaps you have another name for i
[5:10][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]:"We probably have. ETA fifteen minutes, we need to shake something before we can transporal.
[5:10][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Understood good luck..Gigantesou
[5:10][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Cat fireof al our data ont he protector to the Seventh Dawn pleas
[5:11][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"aye aye captain, putting together package now.
[5:11][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Thank yo
[5:12][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"they will likily be here or most of the way here by the time i get it all together though.
[5:12][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:have it ready for their arrival then Cat..
[5:13][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:They may have abetter idea of what this proterctor i
[5:13][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"aye ma'am one way or the other they will get the data.
[5:13][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:When does this Eclipse occur
[5:14][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"in about 4 hours ma'am.
[5:15][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Val prep an awy team to configure to the XOs suggestion and have it ready for my review soon as possibl
[5:15][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"technically it is already starting..since one moon is already strting to eclipse..but until the super eclipse four hours.
[5:15][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Yes, Captain.
[5:15][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:We wil probably wantto time it to ruin at their big momen
[5:16][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Forwards Arwen a suggestion.
[5:17][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Oh, do you want me 'ere or down zere, Captain?
[5:17][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]:*looks at hte suggestion.
[5:19][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Commander Chalons? How is this in anyway to my specification? Uless this is the standby distraction team?
[5:20][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Well, Commander, I only 'ave authorization to 'andle delta assets. Zis is what you get unless explicitly stated ozherwise.
[5:20][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"You said you wanted a team to go in wiz ze Doctor and caterina, zis is it.
[5:20][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Val...i ordered you to geenrate an AWAY tea
[5:20][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Make your best suggestion, outside the box, which would not draw from teh ready reserve of deltas that this requires to be held in reserve unessesarily.
[5:21][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Azacri stiffened suddenly, gripping on to the console for support and blinking rapidly.* "A.... A...
[5:21][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:I authrozied you to go beyond Delt
[5:21][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Yes, Captain.
[5:21][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Captain somehting is wrong!
[5:21][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-goes to snap more but pasues andlooks to Az- Doctor
[5:21][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-moves over to hr and cups her face- Az..look at me..focus on me..whatis wrong
[5:22][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David looks over at Az with concern.
[5:22][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Alex... help me... GET AWAY!!" *She shrieked out.
[5:22][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-holds her in place using leverage- Az..snap outof it..focus onmy voice..snapooutofit
[5:22][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*snaps over to Az as he heard his name remaining speechless
[5:22][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[svärd]: *Readies her phaser, looking around on alert.
[5:23][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:David SalvationProtocols Now
[5:23][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Rifle is ready and trained on Az awaiting further orders jsut encase
[5:23][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-yells to the big husborg
[5:24][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Azacri's eyes opened then, looking up at Liz with a sickeningly sweet smile.* "It is too late, beautiful...
[5:24][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Az try sweetie..focusonmy voice..cut the contact hon...focs on my voic
[5:24][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--grabs the tricorder off her belt and pops it open-
[5:24][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smirks- Let her g
[5:24][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*She reached to touch Liz's cheek, a gentle caress.* "Do not worry. All mistakes gone... everything made whole.
[5:24][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:You are pushing things way too far..let her go no
[5:24][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David activates the salvation protocols.
[5:24][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Val frowns some, but continues on her work.
[5:24][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-blinks at that
[5:25][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Who the hell are you
[5:25][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--starts scanning the area.-
[5:25][DOIC]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**Teh warnign klaxon for slavation beeps and then its slavation.*
[5:26][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Azacri suddenly jerked again, screaming out in agony.* "HELP ME! Noo..." *Her eyes widened.* "Elizabeth?!
[5:26][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Another scream them overtook her as she kicked under Liz.
[5:26][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Yes yes its me..im here..your safe
[5:27][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She turns again at Az's screaming, looking up to Liz.* "Want me to get someone from sickbay up 'ere?
[5:27][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-tries to hold her steady and presses her to the chair= Your safe your safe...eas
[5:27][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:No! Not yet...I want to know who the hell this i
[5:27][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David chews on his lip, looking directly at Az as he stays at his post.
[5:27][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-to the Az thing- yes its me Elizabeth...yor safe now...your saf
[5:28][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Keeps his rifle on Az, watching her movements closely encas eshe turned hostile
[5:28][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"I need a medical tricorder...I am picking up something with Doctor Kieres...just can't resolve it with my standard tricorder.
[5:28][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*silently kept watching as if in thought
[5:28][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Get her amedical tricorder
[5:28][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--looks for teh closest emergency medical kit.-
[5:28][DOIC]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Get her a first aid kit from the walls.
[5:29][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Get her a first aid kit from the walls.
[5:29][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**There are emergency medical kits here and there to be found.*
[5:29][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Azacri sobbed under Liz, her breathing coming in agonised gasps.* "Never... do that again...
[5:29][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Do what sweetie..never do what again
[5:29][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--grabs a medical tricorder and tries her scan again.-
[5:30][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Her black eyes rose to meet Liz's.* "Darling... please do not make this difficult.
[5:30][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smirks- I dontknow any otrher way...sorry i was born to i
[5:30][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-tries to hold that black gaze
[5:32][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--moves in a little closer for the next scan-
[5:32][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az gave another groan of pain akin to a wounded animal.* "Do not destroy me... I am sorry...
[5:32][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Why? why the hell shouldnt I
[5:33][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"You've chosen... unnecessary suffering, disappointing my dear...
[5:33][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--looks over the scan trying to make heads or tails of it-
[5:33][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Let her go...
[5:35][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:The more you cause to suffer...the more I am going to call down on yo
[5:36][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"This stuff is way over my head...normally I would take it to Doctor Kieres...but I am pretty sure there is more than one person in her head right now.
[5:36][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Send it down to sickbay, Caterina.
[5:36][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-nods to Cat
[5:36][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Do so Ca
[5:36][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Fare... well..." *Az murmured before dropping limply to the floor.
[5:36][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--transmits the data to sick bay.-
[5:36][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-moves to catcht he little zoidbfore shef aceplants
[5:37][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**Liz catches a limp zoid.*
[5:37][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David looks slightly relieved.
[5:37][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-scoops her up into her arms- Xo beam us to sickba
[5:38][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Yes ma'am.
[5:38][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az's eyes opened, looking up at Liz.* "...Captain?
[5:38][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--goes to put the medical tricorder away.-
[5:38][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Imhere A
[5:38][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Your safe..David is here to
[5:38][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Captain... why are we snuggling?
[5:38][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David covers his mouth as he laughs.
[5:38][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-chuckles- You had an episdoe Az..=gently sets hrback down in her seat
[5:39][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:What do you recall
[5:39][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--laughs at Az's question, before quickly silencing herself-
[5:39][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Azacri winced as she was put back in her chair.* "Ow... did you turn Salvation protocol on...?
[5:39][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:David kill the protocol
[5:40][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:They dontwork on him anyway
[5:40][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Captain, I am not certain zat was just 'im.
[5:40][DOIC1]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David disengages the protocols.
[5:40][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Nor do I Va
[5:40][DOIC]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**Telepaths across the ship rejoice, migraine is over.*
[5:40][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*When the cpatain calls the all clear, lowers his weapon
[5:40][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az rubbed her forehead.* "It's... dangerous to be turning them on and off over and over like this... there may be some long-term effects if we keep doing it.
[5:41][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Well we wil cross that bridge anothe rtim
[5:41][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Wha can rememebrabout what just happened
[5:41][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Nothing, Captain... I was just sitting here, then I was suddenly getting a hug.
[5:42][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:=smirks as she looks to arwen- Play her back the last fewminutes of thelog.beginnignwithe rhiniciden
[5:42][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: *Plays back what happened on her consoel for Az to see.
[5:42][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Az review it see it jogs anything loos
[5:42][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"Captain I am detecting a small temporal disturbance off the port side of the ship.
[5:42][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az watched, frowning.
[5:42][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:I believe ourback up is arrivin
[5:43][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--scans for incoming ships.-
[5:43][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az shook her head.* "I don't remember any of this, Captain Liz.
[5:43][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Its allr ight..report to sickbay..lets make sure you are unharme
[5:43][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"'Onestly, it may be bezzer zat you do not remember it.
[5:44][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"that temporal anonomaly is growing, now a major one.
[5:44][DOIC]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**In a flash of purle, what seems liek a purple and black shape of a ship forms, and shortly after, there is a small white Azreyane ship in all its white mystic beauty!*
[5:44][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az went to grab her medkit and scanned herself with her medical tricorder.
[5:45][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Commander, you 'ave ze away team roster... I still believe zat some combat-oriented backup should go wiz zem.
[5:45][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:"...temporal anomally is gone and we have Azreyane ships inbound.
[5:45][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"I'm picking up remnants of a major telepathic influence... but it's gone now, ma'am.
[5:45][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "And why is that?
[5:45][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Contingency. In case somezhing goes sideways wiz zem.
[5:46][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-chuckles- Any otherphysican dmage detected Miss stubborn Doctor
[5:46][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Every additional person added is a risk to wash the mission. I would suggest the Captain, per her request, and commander sharpe.
[5:47][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Hansen]: "Ma'am, The Azreyane commander requests permission to come aboard?
[5:47][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Very well, updating roster.
[5:47][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"I'm physically fine!" *She put her stuff away under her chair.
[5:47][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Tell her permission granted Judge Hanse
[5:47][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Hansen]: "YEs ma'am!
[5:47][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-has tro grin at az
[5:48][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**Just a second after, A tall Azreyane woman steps out of a dark mist seeming from where one of the turbolifts are.*
[5:49][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: *Offers a palm out salute to Liz.* "Captain, It is quite agreeable to see you again in person.
[5:49][DOIC1]Caterina@Demoncheru:--looks over nervously as the woman appears out of a dark mist.-
[5:49][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-returns the salute to her old friend- Commander..i if imay say the same...you have been well
[5:50][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Looks to the Azreyane woman as she enters closely jsut encase any hostile action was taken.
[5:50][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Down herbert..this a frien
[5:50][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "The war is not going well for us since the expanse of... you call it a dark ocean, I believe?
[5:50][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Offers a respectful little nod to the azreyane.
[5:50][DOIC1]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Yes ma'am
[5:51][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az waved to the nice giant lady.
[5:51][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Black Ocean ..yes..since its tidal surge..the same casnbe said for us..thogh there are indications things are turning around in ther
[5:51][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Im sure you rememebrmy cre
[5:51][DOIC1]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Alex glanced at Yalica then shook his head as he turned back to the viewscreen
[5:52][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "Yes, we feel it too, tryign to last long enough in the current tide... yet htat is nto qutie why we are here for dear, what do you need of us?
[5:57][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-looks to her- We are goignto have to cut off this protectors foundationof pwoer..if we are to wekaen it to take it ou
[5:57][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: *Looks around the bridge and nods to Alex, Val and Az.* "Good to see you again as well.
[5:57][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:So we must erode his powerbase amongst the Phebian
[5:57][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"You as well, Captain.
[5:57][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "Very well, the data has been recieved, we believe it is an entity that has not been active for a long time.
[5:58][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:we are goignto ruin alittle celbrastionof theirs inthe next three hour
[5:58][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:No we agre
[5:58][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:It mentioned being inslumber..and awakened..but held by aleas
[5:58][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:andit wanted freedom for thsleas
[5:58][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "Yes.
[5:58][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:it seemd to think it had it whenit killed our Ashal
[5:59][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:andyet..seemed to cower and hide when another beign arrived to claimher remain
[5:59][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "I cna see it in you, darling, along with your... science officer, si it?" *She looks to Cat.
[6:00][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:..yes a woundleftover from an earlier engageent..possibly tried to this entiry someho
[6:00][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:So its probably going to ant to kill Cat and I as well then
[6:01][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "What has happened to you... A wound like that should not exist?
[6:01][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smirks- a small price to pay for saving reality as we know i
[6:02][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Another Me...got to godlike levelsofpower and declared waar on all other relaite
[6:03][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:We paid aheavy price in taking her dow
[6:03][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "Goddess tocuh..." *She rubs her neck.* "A price I fear you do not fully understand my dear... I cna see now why this 'protector' reacted that way to you.
[6:04][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:How so? Cat also bears such a wound as does another of my officer
[6:04][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "Yes... She does.
[6:04][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-worried now for Cat and El
[6:06][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:How do these woundstie into the being
[6:06][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:There is mch we do not understandabout the
[6:07][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "That owuld take some time to explain, perhaps later. The soemwhat shorter aspect of it is that... you have a wound from an place that did somethign inconcivable, and it somehow ties to you
[6:07][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> still, linking you there, giving you a mark of... well, that does not precisely matter. None the less, in that mark, is a sign of who did this to the 'protector'
[6:09][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az rubbed her chin.* "Like when you smell like a person who abused a poor animal, so they react badly to you even though you didn't even meet them before today?
[6:09][DOIC1]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Tilts her head at Az.
[6:10][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "More... if you transplaned that persons hand, if that analogy fuctions to the way your medicine seem to work dear.
[6:10][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:So In a snese..we are a part of the Protectos abuser
[6:10][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "It is not particular more different then how many of the minds on thes bridge has a small mark of the dark form your encoutners with her.
[6:11][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:So In a snese..we are a part of the Protectors abuser
[6:11][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "The link you have to the.... rather concerning existance is part of it, and it terminates in you, so indirectly, you ahve it.
[6:12][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "I would say you carry a trophy of it without knowing, so it is aprt of you, but that is semantics I suppose, Captain.
[6:12][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "Whiecever analogy makes more sense to you.
[6:12][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-nods- No I understand...it explains theovert rage when i caled itou
[6:13][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Irt lashedoutlike a wild anima
[6:13][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "Yes, the mark on you... no offense, my dear... is repuslive.
[6:13][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-smirks- Of course it i
[6:14][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Story of my lif
[6:14][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "You wear it well.
[6:14][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Can you tell who it was, though? It's not the Dark Dark, is it?
[6:14][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Anyway of removingg thesemarks
[6:14][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "I would prefer not to, My dear doctor. It probably can be removed, yes.
[6:15][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Ifit involved a Dark Shrd Az..it most likey is he
[6:16][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Given what someone akin to me stated of how thier verse became as it is... it is most likely the dark, or the 'death' of it.
[6:16][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: *Sighs, shivering in discomfort.
[6:17][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Okay, okay... so how -do- we remove it?
[6:17][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "I do not know, I could look it to it later. Crimes upon existance itself is hard to wash away.
[6:18][DOIC1]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az rubbed her face a bit.* "Okay. What can we do -now- then?
[6:18][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:I apprciate it Yalica but im sure we both agree not really apriority rigtht no
[6:19][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "Yes, I am somewhat unsure of what you need our help with, but from what you told us 'the protector' had done, it need to answer. How can we asist?
[6:21][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:It has not gone Yalica..it is a fierce fighting force andit remains in ssyte
[6:21][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Now we are aout to take steps to erode its poswer base that it drasws fdromt he native phebians bwelow..but ind oing so.wea re sure to draw it ou
[6:22][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:and that is where we are goignto need your hel
[6:22][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:In fighting theprotecto
[6:22][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "I am listening.
[6:22][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:The people below arenotour enemie
[6:22][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:they are cattle feeding thsi thin
[6:22][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:So whenw e go after its pwoer soruce it is sure to comeabou
[6:23][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:and then that is when we will need your help totakerit dow
[6:24][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "Very well, I hope you understand what you are asking dear, If it oculd do what it could do to 'Ashali' We will not last long.
[6:25][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Your help is appreciated..but if you beliecve you will not be effective..I will not ask you to stand and die ...we aere commited to ending tis rule...we do need the help...buti will understandif yo
[6:25][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:refuse my frien
[6:26][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "We can keep it off you, or at least distracted, if that is what you need.
[6:28][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Well until itshowsup there are a few otherlittle things I need your help with as wel
[6:28][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:We need to get a message out all across theplanet inmy different formshow they ar ebeign sued..we have had some succes..but with yu here..that increasesour odds as wel
[6:28][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "Very well...
[6:29][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:I believe my friend..that this is a fight we can win...we just need to weaken the bein
[6:29][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:together we cando this..ive two other ships enrute to aid as wel
[6:30][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "Yes, we can.
[6:30][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:Shall we discuss this over dinner? or lunch..whateve tiem it is -chuckles- andhave ourpeople go over with yours..what ahs worked so far
[6:31][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "If that is what you wish, Captain.
[6:31][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-nods- and any inputyou have or ideas to go witht hem..do feel free..its lovely to be working with you agai
[6:34][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:we will outline their communicatiosn sytems and the setbacks withit and what we had been doingt o overcome theobstacleslaid down byt he protecto
[6:35][DOIC1]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Yalica]: "Understood, I will tell my ship to hide so it is not discivered before it is time.
[6:36][DOIC1]Razzor@Isis:-nods- Please do and again thank you my frien
[6:37][DOIC]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**Outside the ship, the Azreyane ship vanishes.*
[6:38][DOIC]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**And with that the episode transitions to a minor social as they wait for the hour to strike at the suepr eclipse, the audence sees a TBC...**