[3:59][DOIC]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**The screen opens with the intro for USS GIGANTES! Camera panning in on the majestetic gigantic structure known as the citadel, though a window in to a prepared court room that for now is idle as
[4:01][DOIC]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> the court is in recess. only the security personel guarding inside. Outside our familiar heroes stands awaiting in thier dress whites, and in a nearby room, Liz sits behidn a desk, looking up from
[4:01][DOIC]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> her PADD as she records an opening log.*
[4:02][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:=^= In the Starflee justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: Security, who investigate crime; and the dipsticks, who currently try to wrongfull
[4:03][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:people who sacrificed everything to protect reality...These are our stories..DUNK DUNK..
[4:04][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:Okies quick update..we are still docked at the Citadel..where my current headache thelast few days has been trying to convince the wonderful fellow who shipped over to the LMCX from backhome..tha
[4:05][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:Narwen is not a major threat to Federation Security and i am beginningt o see why Susan and Famke wanna throw the lot of them right back through Artesi
[4:05][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:Who at this point I am so sure shewould help us
[4:06][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:Anyways today is the day my crrew...y aknow the gang that saved reality so people like the nimrods here get to be as dense as neutronium...have their shore leaves interupted and give tesitmony o
[4:06][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:what shold be ano brainerslam dun
[4:07][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:Buuuuuut we have due process...and today i am told the prosecution is brrining in some 'special' help to cross examine my boys and girls.
[4:08][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:Im just saying computer..i am lookingback still not convinced my old ways of doing things...was not ther ight way at timeslike these...oh i soo just wanna nice hot bath and sink into the bubbles an
[4:08][DOIC]Razzor@Isis:rest....Lizis ou
[4:08][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-tosses her PADD over hjer shoulder not caring where it landed after signingout- Lord give me strengt
[4:10][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Remember, beatings are frowned upon in courts and in polite society..." *She says to nobody in particular.
[4:10][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az was bouncing excitedly next to David in the hallway.* "Do you think they'll let me sit in the witness chair?! Oh! Do you think I'll have to tell them they can't handle the truth?
[4:10][DOIC3]Caterina@Demoncheru:"..shouldn't we get a lawyer or something?
[4:10][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"...Caterina, we are ze witnesses.
[4:10][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Not convinced he will do much for you hjärtat.
[4:11][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Witnesses do not generally get one.
[4:11][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-smirks- Sweeetie if you knew half about my career andlifestyle here..some wold tell you..that aloneproves the exsistence of go
[4:11][DOIC3]Caterina@Demoncheru:"...then why do I feel like i should have one?
[4:11][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Plus...he andI are ona first name basis..welike the samecheeseburger
[4:11][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "If all goes well, This is over soon.
[4:12][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"...Did you do something bad, Cat?
[4:12][DOIC3]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Great... this ios going to be soooo fun..
[4:12][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Stood apart from the rest, leaning against a wall staring at nowhere in particular
[4:12][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*She eyed Caterina.
[4:12][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] -in her dress uniform is spiffying up Jacobs- You will do fin
[4:12][DOIC3]Caterina@Demoncheru:--doesn't make eye contact with Az-
[4:12][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az looked at her suspiciously.
[4:12][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Half your career and life? Aquarius, Special operations of project Salvation. One of the main ones responcible for the SRA recovery as well as internal security.
[4:13][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"Nine, Do I look alright?" asks for maybe the time number 2
[4:13][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Arwen.* "I know. Ze sooner zat slug is off ze station, ze better.
[4:13][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:andnow beleoved starship captain..best friend to the admiral inchargeof starlffet tactical..wife t the great Admiral/Captain marzz Razzor..and eccentricx painter of wonderfuloilpainting
[4:14][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Slug... Right...
[4:14][DOIC3]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Stip feeling guilty cat, or they will eat you alive in there. " *he looks to the zoids* "Not ltierally i might add
[4:14][DOIC3]David Allen@ClingingMar:I don't think yelling at whoever is questioning you is a good idea
[4:14][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] -spiffies up Eleand smiles- Perfect..beautiful too
[4:14][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Well I wasn't going to yell at them..." *She pouted.* "That would be rude.
[4:15][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] and Azis never rude! -nod sot her friend
[4:15][DOIC3]Jacob@redwolf567#235:not like they wouldn't be deserving of i
[4:15][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:"Wearing personas with as much ease of change as your underpants. An expert marksman, Talanted linquist and an exeptional liar.
[4:15][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] Jacob..no yellingin there..it is a church of justic
[4:15][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az stared daggers at Jacob.* "No one deserves to be yelled at unless they're being really, really, reeally bad or dumb.
[4:15][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"What else would you call our new friend from ze Milky Way, Commander?
[4:15][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*To Arwen.
[4:15][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-chuckles- Um..okay you do know me the
[4:15][DOIC3]Jacob@redwolf567#235:But whose ;justice' is the questio
[4:15][DOIC3]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David nods, placing his hand on hers.* I know that, I meant...questioning whethey they can handle the truth would be quite aggressive
[4:15][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"Good good, thank you
[4:16][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Something less insulting to the Trill.
[4:16][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Quite fair. My apologies to any symbiotes.
[4:16][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] -brushes off somelint from Ele shoulders- There perfect
[4:16][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Oh... I guess? Unless they really couldn't?
[4:16][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Nne] -to jacob- Shemeans when you are doing those things sweeti
[4:16][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"I am kinda nervous about this
[4:17][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**A security guard walks outside, wearing his whites and a cermonial guard phaser.** "Witnesses may now enter the courtroom.
[4:17][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] You are apilot Hon -to Ele- talking cant make you nervous..just tell the trut
[4:17][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Sighs, turning to step into the courtroom, walking with an official swagger.
[4:17][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**A security guard comes inside.** "Ma'am.
[4:17][DOIC3]Jacob@redwolf567#235:And here we go
[4:17][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Which oneof us -smirks
[4:18][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az took David's hand and started inside.
[4:18][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*hearing the guard he snaps back and walks into the courtroom
[4:18][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"That is very different Nine, I guess we are going in
[4:18][DOIC3]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Looks to Nine giving her a smile before turnign round to follow the others to another kind of battlefeild, the most boring and annoying kind.
[4:18][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] tzakes Ele by the hand and Jacoband goes inside with them offering full support
[4:18][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"You guys coming or not??
[4:19][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Guard]: "Captain, Your deputy had ot be taken to sickbay after that lunch break. You may apoint a temporary, or go at this alone.
[4:19][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:lets nine take her Han
[4:19][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az dragged David inside.
[4:19][DOIC3]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*takes nins hand walkign side by side with her
[4:19][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-thinks- What is Susan dfoinga the moment
[4:20][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**The group is lead in to the fancy courtroom, various onlookers are already present.*
[4:21][DOIC3]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David is dragged, whispering to Azacri.* I have never taken part in something like this
[4:21][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az looked at the onlookers curiously.
[4:21][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Allistair] waves fromtheonlookers seating at thenew arrivals
[4:22][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Guard]: "Teh admiral is in the briefing regardign the Kzari developments, Ma'am.
[4:22][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She had an arrogant, cold look as she walked in, more like she's preparing to stab someone... then she raises an eyebrow when she sees Alistair, offering him a nod.
[4:22][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:I see...she did that on purpose..I choose Ale
[4:23][DOIC3]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Walks into the room, fixing hsi face to be his usual mask, his way of trying to not to protray anything.
[4:23][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Guard]: "Very well The special witness you requested is also present, ma'am.
[4:23][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:[Meren] *They could see Sereya Eren in the crowd, though her hair was cropped into a stylish bob.
[4:23][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Good her special requirements have also been met for her
[4:25][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Guard]: "Yes, she was withdrawn from jurry duty to be listed as subject expert, ma'am.
[4:25][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Good thank you...so are they ready for us
[4:25][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Guard]: "Yes ma'am.
[4:26][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-to narwen- You are ready for this ...again
[4:26][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**Commander Flick and his aide marches in to the prosecution side of the room.*
[4:26][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] -squints- Him again
[4:26][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: *shrugs.* "I suppose.
[4:27][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] -eeps andlooks abck at Val
[4:27][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az gave Val a 'no punchy' look.
[4:27][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Aww it wont be sobad..my guys are here to testify on your behal
[4:27][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Gave Az a "Just a little bit of punchy?" look
[4:27][DOIC3]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*it takes a lot of will power for Jacob to keep looking forward and keep his mask
[4:28][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*She shook her head.
[4:28][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] -pats Jacobs hand proud of himfor hs self control
[4:28][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-unexpected as it was
[4:28][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Looks forward again, tapping her foot slightly.
[4:29][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "I am certain Commander Flick has no plans to weaponize them against me...
[4:29][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-smirks- Oh Ocasr is in for along day ahea
[4:29][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:This is soo not my frist rodeo defending someon
[4:29][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:gives Flick a look that would make her Grandfather prou
[4:30][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "That is what I am concerned for... That what often does work for yoru crew now is atempted, and subsequently meet as that tend to be in a court.
[4:30][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: *Renders an appropriate respectful nod to the gigantes crew.
[4:31][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az waved to Flick.
[4:31][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Um..havealittle fait
[4:31][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Gives a nod in return.
[4:31][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:gives a very formal nod bac
[4:31][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Faith is not exactly a hot commodity in our line of work, hjärtat.
[4:31][DOIC3]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Gives a respectful nod back, trying to be on his best behaviour
[4:31][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] wavesback and says warmly- Hello Commander..your hair is nicely slicked this afternoon
[4:32][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Thank you, Ensign.
[4:32][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] -pleasantly- You are welcome commander
[4:32][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] andgoodluck sir
[4:33][DOIC3]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David ignores Flick.
[4:33][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:No..but it does come in handy in our courtrooms..shall we
[4:34][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flic]: "Thank you, Ensign.
[4:34][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: *Nods.
[4:34][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Allitair] -hisses at flick from theobservers seating
[4:35][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-to the guard- We are ready officer..lets do this..be sur eot let Alex know we need him with u
[4:35][DOIC3]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Holds back a snort of laughter, at allitairs behaviour.
[4:36][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Guard]: "You cna request him infront of the tribunal, ma'am. Commander, Cuffs.
[4:36][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:Oh well that works too the
[4:36][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Sways ever so slightly to an unheard song.
[4:36][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: *sighs and cuffs herself with the cuffs on the table.
[4:37][DOIC3]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David smirks at Allistar approvingly.
[4:37][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Guard]: *Nods and leads the way in to the courtroom.
[4:37][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] sways happily to an unheard song
[4:39][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-holds up a white pieceof paper that has been marked 'Applause' onit as they enter
[4:39][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] -clapsat the newa rrivals hapily
[4:39][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**As the group enters, a security officer calls out "All rise" *
[4:39][DOIC3]Caterina@Demoncheru:--offers some soft applause-
[4:40][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-puts away the sign as the all riseorder is issued
[4:40][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Allistair] -clapped until the sign went away
[4:40][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Claps some for Liz.
[4:40][DOIC3]Caterina@Demoncheru:--stops clapping.-
[4:41][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**The 5 man jurry and the judge advocate admiral walkns inside and takes their seats.*
[4:43][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: *Hits the poor desk with ehr little hammer.* "Defense may now proceed.
[4:44][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-nods- Two things to bein with your honor...onem deputy has had abit of a bout and needs tme in sickbay ..so i wish to respectfully request atemporary substitute as my deput
[4:44][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Can we sit down now?" *She whispered to David.
[4:45][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Very well, the defense may proceed with asigning a deputy.
[4:45][DOIC3]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David glances around to see who was sitting.
[4:46][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Defense requests the lieutenant Commander Alex Sharpe be appointed as such deputy for the proceedings this afternoon yourhono
[4:46][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Sits dow.
[4:46][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] -sits andc rosses her legs daintily
[4:46][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Does Lieutenant Commander Alex Sharpe accept htis appointment?
[4:46][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az took a seat.
[4:47][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*looks at the judge* I accept your honour
[4:47][DOIC3]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David takes a seat.
[4:47][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*stands up and joins Liz and Narwen
[4:47][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "The court accepts the appointment.
[4:48][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-nods to Alex as he joins themleaning into whisper to him
[4:49][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*whispers back
[4:49][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-leansin to officously hear
[4:49][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-nodnods andthen whispers back
[4:50][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*leans closer
[4:51][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "The defence may call their first witness.
[4:53][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:The Defense calls Doctor Azacri Kieres of the USS Gigantes to give testimon
[4:53][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az blinked in surprise for a moment, looking at David and then getting up and heading over.
[4:54][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Guard]: *Gestures for Azacri to take a seat in the imaginary chair infront of the tribunal.
[4:54][DOIC3]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David squeezes her hand before watching her go.
[4:54][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-smiles to Az as she approaches the wittness chair
[4:54][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az swallowed and went to take the imaginary chair, smiling back to Liz.
[4:55][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-gfets up and saunters over to Az and asks gently- Doctor would you please state yournameand duty assignmentfor the recor
[4:55][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Guard]: *A guard comes over towards Azacri.
[4:55][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"I'm Azacri Kieres, currently stationed as a medical officer aboard the U.S.S. Gigantes.
[4:56][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*She looked at the guard curiously.
[4:56][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:raise your right hand for thenice guard plezaase docto
[4:57][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az raised her right hand.
[4:57][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-nods tot he baliff to swear her in
[4:57][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Guard]: "Do you sear on your honour and comission to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
[4:57][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"I do so swear!" *She chirped.
[4:57][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Guard]: "Thank you, Doctor." *He nods to Az and then Liz before taking his place.
[4:58][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az put her hand down.
[4:58][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-returns the nod
[4:59][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Captain Razzor, you may proceed.
[5:00][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Thank you your honor...Now tell me doctor... you have since our encounter and the events that followed involving the reality threatening terrorists..have had mental contact with the defendant
[5:00][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:as wella s during the incident
[5:01][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: *Sighs lightly and leans back in her seat.
[5:01][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Um, well not since I don't think, but during the incident we were in communication telepathically, yes!
[5:01][DOIC2]Eleria@awendr:watches from her seat, not sure how to feel about the situation
[5:01][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Not just telepathic..but as yo are abetazed..tele-empathic as well
[5:02][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az nodded.* "Yes, that's right, I usually have a very good idea of what people are feeling unless they tell me they're uncomfortable with that, so I then block those out.
[5:03][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**A dark shadow starts to form in the seat Alex had previously occupied.*
[5:03][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:and during the inicident..did i not intruct you tomonitor not only thedefendants thoutghts..but her feelings asw ell
[5:03][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*notes things on the official court padd
[5:04][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Gives Priem Arwen a look, before acknowledging the shadow with a smile and nod.
[5:04][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Um... well, yes, you did, after we were no longer trying to not be detected by Evil Liz.
[5:05][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-nods- Indeed..-chuckles- once the cat was out of thebag..now Doctor..would you judge yourself as a fair person? Especially coming to the actionsof others..as wella s their intend
[5:06][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Well, I think I do a very good job at being fair, yes, as much as anyone can be expected to be?
[5:07][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-nods- I agree..thatis afairly fair assesment..well that any of us beign thrthfulmight give of themselves.
[5:07][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Ashali]: *Ploofs in to existance, wearing the jacket alex gave her and dangeling ehr legs from her seat.
[5:07][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**Quite a stir proceeds in teh audience, peopel looking worried at the thing that jsut came form nowhere, starting to mumble. A few security guards unholstering their phasers.*
[5:07][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az looked utterly nonplussed by the appearance of Ashali.
[5:08][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Now...basedon heractionsd urintg the incicdent..would you say..they matched fairlywell with her given word to allofus at the time up and inclusive of the final result of the fight to save al o
[5:08][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Raised a hand at the security guards.
[5:08][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Well, yes, we did win that fight after all and save reality, just like she promised we would.
[5:08][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Stand down. She is part of the crew." *She said, voice low, but just high enough to be heard.
[5:09][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: *Smacks with the hammer.* "Order!
[5:09][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-scowls some and looks tot hejudge- Woudl your honor please ask teh courtroom balifs to lower and holster their phasers...Ashali is a'member' ofmy cre
[5:09][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az jumped a bit and looked at the judge.* "Sorry, was that bad?
[5:09][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-scowls some and looks tot hejudge- Woudl your honor please ask teh courtroom balifs to lower and holster their phasers...Ashali is a'member' ofmy cre
[5:10][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Recrodeda ndlogged in even with this court si
[5:10][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Security may return. Order in the courtroom, Please proceed.
[5:10][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-bows her head gratefully- Thank your hono
[5:10][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**The audence calms down and security retursn to normal.*
[5:10][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Ashali]: "S...sorry...
[5:10][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az looked back at Liz.
[5:10][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-smiles over to Ashali- Welcome dear..the door next tiempleases weeti
[5:11][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-toAz- Let me ask again Docto
[5:11][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Reaches over to pat Ashali's hand.* "Do not worry, sweetie.
[5:11][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az nodded.* "Okay!
[5:11][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Ashali]: "What are they doing?
[5:12][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Now...based on her actions durintg the incicdent..would you say..they matched fairly well with her given word to all of us at the time up and inclusive of the final result of the fight to save al
[5:12][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:of reality as we know it
[5:12][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Taking witness accounts on ze ozher Arwen. Whezher or not she should be pardoned, and if she 'elped us defeat ze ozher Elizabeth.
[5:12][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-smiles to Az as she re-asks
[5:12][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Well, yes, because we did win and save all reality as we know it." *She said very clearly for the court.
[5:12][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Ashali]: "Oh... Well, she should be!
[5:13][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:And give this..how key was the defendtantinkeepingher word in your opinio
[5:13][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I quite agree. But some do not, so we are trying to prove it to zem.
[5:13][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Objection! Their heroic deeds, while commendable, Are entierly unimportant to the hearing, beyond the fact the accused was there, which now has been estabelished.
[5:14][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Well, if she hadn't told me to run to the obelis--" *She frowned at Flick.* "Hey, I was talking...
[5:14][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Captain, Is there a point to this or are we re-reading thigns the court already know?
[5:14][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-to the jduge- I am showcasingpast deed to estblish the defedants credibility your honor..sort of key to the defenseof her being athrea
[5:14][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Mutters to herself.* "I wonder 'ow well you could object if I used your ass'ole as a foot warmer...
[5:15][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:She is an unknown Your honor..it is key welearn what type of personshe is within..es sir
[5:15][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Very well... Do it quickly, We been over the final battle you fought already.
[5:15][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:yes sir
[5:15][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Can I answer now, then?" *She asked Liz.
[5:16][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Sssh the judge needs tor ule A
[5:16][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Oh yes nw you ca
[5:16][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "You may proceed, at a quick and to the point case this time, after this we do not further wish estabelishment of character unless it adds something truely different.
[5:16][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-smirks at ocasr a little
[5:17][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Oh, okay! Well, she gave me the hypo and told me about the obelisk, and if she hadn't I wouldn't have known to use the obelisk, or had the means to survive it, so yes she was instrumental in..
[5:17][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:us winning!" *She said quickly in case she was interrupted again.
[5:17][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: *Takes some notes.
[5:18][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Ashali]: "That is not very nice to say.
[5:18][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:annnd givenall that has beenetalished on the levelof her heroics in that mission..-winks at Flick- tell me..do you personally find her to be honorable and willinto sacrifce her ownselfish needs for o
[5:18][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"'E is not a very nice man. 'E wants to use ze ozher Arwen for some demented experiments, and wants to keep 'er prisoner just to spite Liz.
[5:19][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Yes!" *She nodded emphatically.
[5:19][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Ashali]: "I know Commander Flick, he been interviewing me non stop for daaaaaays... a tiny bit boring.
[5:20][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:and again in yor own personal opinon..woud you trust her with your ownlife..abse don her word of honor
[5:20][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Boring. And also a conniving weasel who wishes to weaponize ze Ozher Arwen.
[5:20][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"...And 'as terrible 'air.
[5:20][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Ashali]: "Oooh... He is upset at me." *She sighs.
[5:20][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"I already have, Captain Liz, I didn't know for sure if the hypo or obelisk would work, but I did, and I'm still alive now!
[5:21][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*did it )
[5:21][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Worry not. 'E gets upset wiz everyone who does not play along exactly ze way 'e wants zem too.
[5:21][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Thank you doctor! You did great Az! -to the judge - while that is all for this wittness for nowwe reserve the right to recross as rebuttal late
[5:21][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Ashali]: "I jsut tried to tell him some thigns from the book Alex gave me, as he was in a bd mood.
[5:21][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Your hono
[5:22][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*She beamed at Liz.
[5:22][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-gives her a quick thumbs up
[5:22][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Valerie smiles some.* "You tried to do a good zhing, sweetie.
[5:22][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Commander Flick, you'r witness.
[5:22][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Thank you your honor -returns to her desk
[5:23][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] -whispers- Jacob..no punchy thoughts..stay focuse
[5:24][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*with a little sigh nods to nine
[5:24][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] -touches david onthe shoulder- Az is doingfine..stop being soprotectiv
[5:24][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: *Walks over to Azacri.* "Doctor Kieres, The reports of your telepathic abilities are quite interesting read, and a mark to a talanted officer...
[5:24][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az smiled at Flick.* "Oh, well thank you!
[5:25][DOIC2]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David narrows his eyes at Flick.*
[5:25][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Speaking of many encounters where you thorugh your telepathy have fought various... hostile beings, estabelishing you as a rather potent user of such. Would you agree with this summary of
[5:25][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> teh reports of your telepathic prowers?
[5:25][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] David...easy no
[5:25][DOIC2]Eleria@awendr:looks at Flick with a frown, trying to think of what the Admiral would d
[5:26][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] -squeezes ele hand gently insupport
[5:26][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Well, I'm nowhere near some of the telepathic abilities other Betazoids have been able to achieve, but since coming to the LMC I've had a lot of reasons to get very good very quickly!
[5:27][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-nods to Az and confers wthj Alex
[5:27][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick, And you have served Starfleet very well, Doctor. Now... As Captain Razor brought up the point of trust worthyness of the subject, I wish to ask you
[5:27][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> Are you aware that she is specialized in infitration, to gain otehrs trust and abuse it?
[5:27][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*shoves his padd to Liz to show what he ahs
[5:28][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Objection number one!..Relevance
[5:28][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-looks downat the padd
[5:28][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az opened her mouth to answer, but closed it when Liz spoke.
[5:29][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "To estabelish the evidence presented in regards to the subejcts trustworthyness is based on a sound understanding of the subjects abilities and nature.
[5:29][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Proceed, Commander... But keep it brief.
[5:29][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Does te prosecutor really think I just inflitrated the courtroom andmanipulate m own CMO in frontof all these wittness to maniplate her tesitmony
[5:29][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Thank you, your honour.
[5:30][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Im good but come o
[5:30][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*takes the padd back and continues making notes
[5:30][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Captain Razor, Objection overruled, Doctor Kieres, please answer the question.
[5:31][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-nods- yes your hono
[5:31][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az cleared her throat.* "Um... well, I know about it, yes, because she first came to us pretending to be our Svard.
[5:32][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "I see... Did her pretence of impersonating starfleet personel cause any disruption of mission, or additional danger to lives of those who bravely serve the federation?
[5:33][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Objection your honor...the wittness is not an excpert ons uch mzatter
[5:33][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:She is amedical office
[5:34][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:not a security or intelligence exper
[5:34][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "She was there, and she has repeatedly in her career shown she has a sound judgement for unessesary danger.
[5:34][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Then rephrase Commande
[5:35][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Overruled. The witness may answer, it shall be noted for the jurry that she answers not as a member of starfleet security or one who has a tactical risk assessment as their primary role.
[5:35][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-smirks to oscar at this
[5:36][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick, That is exelent. Indeed. I do urge the jurry to note that I am not asking the doctor her for an oppinion based on a professional assessment nor understanding of hte deeper aspect of risk
[5:36][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> assessment.
[5:36][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:for whichshe has no expertise to do s
[5:37][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Um... well, I don't have any knowledge of her causing any harm or mission disruption, anyway. I couldn't say.
[5:37][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-nods to az at that
[5:38][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Splendid. Are you aware of that it was she who stole the codes that was used to prevent you from recieve support from teh Gigantes once you were down?
[5:38][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Asked and answere
[5:39][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "The doctor has not answered this question.
[5:39][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] -hmphs some
[5:39][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Commander Flick... Get to the point.
[5:39][DOIC2]David Allen@ClingingMar:That's not relevant
[5:39][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Surely that fals into the above asked questionof disruotion or harmcasue
[5:39][DOIC2]David Allen@ClingingMar:She should object
[5:39][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Of course, your honour, I however need this to be clarified.
[5:39][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:thank you rhonor -nods to him
[5:39][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"I was not aware. That wasn't what I was focused on.
[5:40][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Entierly udnerstandable doctor, Thank you. From teh reports submitted, it states you where hte only qualified medical personel beyond the advanced first aid medic available on that away
[5:40][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> mission, Is that correct?
[5:41][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Yes, I was the only medical officer there.
[5:42][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Allistair] Wel she did -to David
[5:42][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "And in your professional assessment, As a doctor, with a record of many triage situations I may add... How much did being locked off from teh gigantes decrease the medical readyness and
[5:42][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> availability for aid or evacuation ahd you taken casulties on that planet?
[5:44][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*looks down and then up again* Objection your honour! I would liek to know the relevance of hypothetical questioning
[5:44][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az pursed her lips slightly, thinking on her answer before Alex objected.
[5:45][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-sets her jaw at that but says nothing
[5:45][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "To gain a better udnerstanding of the additional danger the accused placed on the away team by using the code she stole and spoofing the communications.
[5:45][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Overruled. I wish to hear this.
[5:45][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:As far as I am aware your honour, the law deals in facts, not in what ifs
[5:46][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:places ahand on alex forearm and jots downs omething for him
[5:46][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*looks down
[5:46][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*sits down
[5:46][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "As Captain Razor pointed out, The doctor does not perform risk assessments for tactical enviroments.
[5:47][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> however she does for medical situations. And teh removal of an ability to take care of our woudned is an act of sabotage against the federation. Now please answer teh question, Doctor.
[5:47][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az took in a breath.* "Had we had no other recourse, our ability to treat significant injuries would have been significantly limited. But I should say that when we did have those significant..
[5:48][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:injuries, Narwen gave us the means to recover from them without our sickbay.
[5:48][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*whispers
[5:48][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-nods to az approvingly
[5:48][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Yes, After having a change of hart as the accused herself has stated.
[5:48][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-and smiles to Alex's whisper
[5:49][DOIC2]Eleria@awendr:looks at the cross examination and feels she will be able to handle it just fine
[5:49][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Objection Prosectuer is testifyin
[5:49][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:those were notthe wittnesses word
[5:49][DOIC2]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David watches the judge very carefully.
[5:50][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: *Sighs.* "Very well, It has already been covered. Doctor, Did the fact that teh accused assisted in aiding the injured change your preception of her?
[5:51][DOIC2]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David furrows his brow.
[5:51][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Well, yes, it showed that she was willing to fix her mistakes.
[5:53][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "As a person professionally dealing with psycological assessment of people, have you ever encoutnered that someone stage an incident where they can be placed in a better light to gain trust?
[5:54][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: *burries her head in her arms.
[5:54][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Ashali]: "What kind of question is that...
[5:54][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Yes... and I've also encountered people accused of doing just that because of irrational paranoia who were later cleared of it.
[5:54][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-leans into whisper to Narwen
[5:55][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"A desperate little snake's question." *She mutters to Ashali.
[5:55][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-snerks at Az's answe
[5:56][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Looks over his shoulder and notices Ashali. His eyes linger on her for a few moments before turning back to the hearing
[5:57][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Indeed. There is a record of that the away team was taken to a... I quote the report... Microdimentional recration of an previous timelien snapshot of the USS Gigantes... End quote...
[5:57][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> To where For a while the accused even after her aledged change fof heart impersonated a senior officer of starfleet, Where you there to see this?
[5:58][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"No, because I slept through the majority of it. I was exhausted from a mental battle with an alternate universe version of myself that took over my mind and had to be expelled. If I hadn't had..
[5:59][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:that 'microdimensional recreation' time I wouldn't have survived our encounter with Evil Liz, and Val wouldn't have survived her wounds.
[5:59][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*stands up* Objection your honour! That record is incorrect and... *sits down as Az talks
[6:00][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-smriks- Easy there cowbo
[6:00][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*nodded at Liz
[6:00][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "I see, So you where in fact not present on that microdimention, and later when it temporarily ceased and the subject said who she really was after acting as the vessels XO for two days?
[6:00][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Objection..asked anda nswere
[6:00][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"I was present for some of it, including---" *She went quiet at the objection.
[6:01][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "And now there is a new part of the question. Which is contrary to saying that she was not.
[6:01][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: *Sighs.* "Overrule, continue please, Doctor.
[6:01][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Like I said, I slept through a majority of it. When I was awake, she had come clean and was helping us.
[6:01][DOIC2]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David growls at the judge.
[6:02][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] -places a hand of support on Davids shoulder
[6:02][DOIC2]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David keeps his eyes laser focused on the testimony.
[6:02][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Which according to this report here... suggest an encoutner in the meeting room, where the accused left before the meeting was over. Could you please tell what happened leading up to the >
[6:03][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> accused leaving, and what the accused stated as their reasons for doing so?
[6:03][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Ashali]: "This... was more fun on your screen things..." *She leans against Val.
[6:04][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Gently rubs Ashali's shoulder.* "I know, dear. Do not worry, zhough. Liz knows what she is doing.
[6:04][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] he is just being pushy to wear down Az I thin
[6:04][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Leans into nine* "Trying to get her to slip up and say waht he wants
[6:05][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine][] az is abig girl..she has this -nodnods
[6:06][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Well, from what I remember, we weren't supposed to still be feeling our injuries or as tired as I was, even though we were. Narwen thought that meant the micro-thingy had failed so she was, um, ..
[6:06][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:very upset, I think, about not being able to stop Evil Liz?
[6:07][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "I see, And what did hte subject tell you to do isntead of stopping this... 'Evil' Variation of Captain Razzor?
[6:07][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*Scratches an eyebrow with his thumb
[6:07][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az sighed.* "She advised us to run.
[6:08][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*leans closer to Liz
[6:08][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-leans in to listen
[6:08][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "What would it mean on teh grander scale if you ran?
[6:09][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Objection..asper the prevous prostcuter objection it i sall inthe report
[6:09][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Well, it didn't matter... because we didn't.
[6:09][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Objection..asper the prevous prostcuter objection it i sall inthe report
[6:09][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "I think it matters a lot what she tried to convince you to do, Doctor.
[6:10][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "It is essential to the trial that the jurry is aware of what the accused tried to convince the crew to do.
[6:10][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"She told us to run, yes, but she didn't stop us from going forward, and she still helped us even if she thought it was going to lead to the end of the universe.
[6:10][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"She was willing to literally die to help us, she thought we were doomed.
[6:10][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Its int he record your honor based on his own objection...he is callingback to knownevent
[6:10][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-nods to Az
[6:11][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "So if you had followed her advice and ran, this 'Evil' Captain Razzor would likely have acompelished her goals?
[6:11][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Oh, it was hardly advice, it was just her being scared and frustrated in the heat of the moment!
[6:12][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: *Grins widely.* "Is that your professional oppinion, That it was not at all an atempt to convince?
[6:13][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:that is leadin
[6:14][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az frowned, looking at Judge McJudgerson.
[6:15][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Questioning an opposing called witness, permitting leading questions.
[6:15][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Not while testifying agai
[6:15][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Overrule. It is the defendants witness, Cross questioning an opposing witness is allowed.
[6:16][DOIC2]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David cletches his fists at the judge.
[6:17][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az sighed.* "I think she was telling us what she thought would be the smart thing to do at that time, while she was despairing over the fact that Val and I weren't recovering like she thought we..
[6:17][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:would. People can change their minds, and I think she did when we woke up and found ourselves fit and able.
[6:18][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick] "I now have tow contractign statements, I would ask the doctor for a confirmation to clarify, was it or was it not an advice or atempt to convince you?
[6:20][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"She wasn't trying to convince us to give up on the universe, okay?
[6:20][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Very well, what was she trying to convince you to do, Doctor?
[6:21][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"I don't think she was really trying to convince us of anything, I think she was just being moody and sulking, to be honest!
[6:21][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-smiles at that
[6:22][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Gives Prime Arwen a small smirk at that, almost as if to say how characteristic of Arwens that is.
[6:23][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "I Wish to note that this suggestion is in direct contrediction to questioning by the suspect." *He offers a PADD to the bailif.
[6:24][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Captain Elizabeth Razzor mentioned that you had telepathic contact with teh suspect in her previous questioning, where you said you had, and that you were an Empath.
[6:24][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> I am curious... Waht do you actually feel from her?
[6:24][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Objection," *Az said simply.
[6:25][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: *Blinks and looks at Azacri.
[6:25][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az looked at the judge.* "I think that's really a private thing, don't you? We don't use telepaths like that in our justice system. People have a right to the privacy of their thoughts and..
[6:25][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:feelings.
[6:26][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Ill make that an offical objecxtion your hono
[6:26][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:She just beatme to the finish lin
[6:26][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Sustained.
[6:27][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-chuckles andnods to Az
[6:27][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az gave Liz a small smile.
[6:29][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*looks at Flick, trying to judge his body language
[6:29][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: *Seems quite happy.
[6:30][DOIC2]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David sarcastically gives a single quiet clap at the judge finally sustaining an objection.
[6:30][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*leans in to Liz
[6:30][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "To not intrude on the subjects privacy. Can you feel anythign at all beyond cold from teh subject?
[6:30][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"I choose not to answer." *Az replied.
[6:30][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "On what basis?
[6:31][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"I believe even that would be a breech of privacy, and I am not willing to do so.
[6:31][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:The objection was already sustained osca
[6:32][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Very well, I was hoping to spare me calling in a witness of my own only to state a fact. But as you wish.
[6:32][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Speaking of which... Doctor Kieres... You have had a close enocunter with the enemy of the federation known as 'Teh dark' on multiple occations?
[6:32][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:We need info onthis wittness your honor..to propely vette///sinc ed the wittness was not invloved in proper disclosur
[6:33][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:..wow your gonna make me object again oscar? really
[6:33][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"I am not sure if that's classified or not?" *She looked at Liz.
[6:33][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "It is listed. Doctor Amalin Mival
[6:34][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Yes fine but Objection to the Dark question..ont he basis of relevance
[6:34][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Who? *he muttered low
[6:34][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "For relevance upon the question what teh dark, and thsoe touched by the dark feels like.
[6:35][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Go get asisnged to afrontline ship and go experience it for yourself then..but it does not apply tot eh defendant or her trustweorthynes
[6:36][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Your honour, If it could be proven that the subject feels like otehrs touched by the current greatest threat in this galaxy... would that not be relevant information?
[6:37][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Is theproecutor implying the dfenedantis theDark herself
[6:37][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "The doctor raises a valid point. It is classified, even if the tribunal and jurry is privy to it, so is not all here. This question will be handeled privately with the doctor.
[6:37][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "I would never.
[6:37][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:No kidding -dryly
[6:37][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Oh you emant..sorr
[6:37][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-to oscar
[6:38][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "I have no furhter questions, Thank you, you been instrumental, Doctor." *HE smiles to Azacri and returns ot his seat.
[6:38][DOIC2]Eleria@awendr:rolls her eyes at Oscar Flick, then starts to daydream a little about her grandfather chewing him out
[6:39][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Rebuttal question your hono
[6:39][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Please make it quick...
[6:40][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Of course -to Az- On the subject of thed eferndant possibly inhibiting the away teammedcially with the useof codes doctor...who gave theorder tomove on..even knowing we had been lockedout of the aces
[6:40][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:to further aid..the defendant or I
[6:40][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"You did, Captain Liz.
[6:40][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Ashali]: *Nods in agreement with Elerias daydreams.
[6:41][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:and as theonewho gave theorder..who is then ultimately resposinble forhazzarding the away team due to schlac of further support
[6:41][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Well, that would be the person in command, which would be you.
[6:42][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Objection, Irrelevance of who is accountable on rebutal on damage done by sabotage.
[6:42][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Onefollow up then..despite her uringyou and val to ..um..run..who was it thatmade te ultimate decision to presson and even..convince the defendantt o joinus indoing s
[6:42][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Once i choose to do so your honor..the fault and responibility is then min
[6:43][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Overruled... But keep on topic of rebutal, Captain.
[6:43][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Noe oneelse
[6:43][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:nods ythank you your hon
[6:43][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-repeats- Onefollow up then..despite her uringyou and val to ..um..run..who was it thatmade te ultimate decision to presson and even..convince the defendant to join us indoing so
[6:43][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "I do not disagree with the captain of fault, however this is irrelevant to the damage done by the accused through her acto of sabotage.
[6:43][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:HJsh Oscar..the adults are talkin
[6:43][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-looks back toAz
[6:43][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"You did, Captain Liz.
[6:44][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*lowered* Captain act like the bigger person here
[6:44][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Thank you Doctor..- to the judge- o further questions you hono
[6:44][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Oscar]: "Objection, No longer a rebutal on the question specified.
[6:44][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-to Alex- yes you are r5tightCAG..sorr
[6:44][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:It was a follow up for clarificationonthe otherd imnsional timey whimey questions of who convinced who
[6:45][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "I will request both the defenders nad the prosecutors to not waste the courts time with unessesary objections...
[6:45][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:and i evenkept it quick as instructe
[6:45][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Ytes Your hono
[6:45][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "The witness is excused.
[6:45][DOIC2]David Allen@ClingingMar:Maybe if you even pretended to be objective.
[6:45][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-gives Az a thumbs up
[6:46][DOIC3]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Thank you, Judge Honour." *She got up and headed back into the gallery.
[6:46][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "The defense may call their next witness.
[6:46][DOIC2]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David is steaming mad.
[6:47][DOIC2]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az scooted back to her seat next to David, tilting her head at him.* "What's wrong?
[6:47][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:The defense calls Lt Commander Valerie Chalon
[6:47][DOIC2]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David murmurs.* The judge was delirect in his duty, not even addressing several objections, one of which that frakker Flick even admitted to..
[6:47][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Stood up and went to the witness' seat.* "Your 'onour.
[6:48][DOIC2]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Oh... well I'm sure he's doing his best," *Az smiled at him.
[6:48][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**For sake of expidency, the audience is spared the part where vla says who she is and swear on her honour and comission.*
[6:49][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-waitsfor he rto be swron inand nods- Are you ready commander
[6:49][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:I will be sure to be brief and simpl
[6:49][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Yes, Captaine.
[6:50][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Commander is itt rue you are very close toour universes version of the defendant
[6:50][DOIC2]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David does not seem to accept that explanation as he observe the new interrogation.
[6:50][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: *Arches an eyebrow.
[6:50][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"She is one of ze closest people I 'ave on ze ship, oui.
[6:51][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:and as such are you aware such feelingsmight of course carry onm over to be exploited by the Defendants hould she wish to
[6:51][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Yes, Captaine, I am aware.
[6:51][DOIC2]Eleria@awendr:grins a little to herself without sound as her daydream contiues and daydream grandfather speaks in big letters, big admiral letter
[6:51][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Did i not also make such a factknown to both you and to commander Keires my choe fo security of sucha fact early on when the topic of wehether to trust her cameup
[6:52][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"You did make it quite clear indeed, Captain.
[6:52][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:and as such I madeitclear that oncemade awae of ts yo were to remain on guard for such maniplulation
[6:53][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She nodded.
[6:53][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Yes ca[tain.
[6:53][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:((Captain*)
[6:53][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Atany time did you notice her attemopt to maniplateCommander Kieres or myself
[6:54][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I noticed no such attempts, Captain.
[6:54][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Leading questions... Well, I wish to hear this anyways.
[6:54][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Let me rephrase..at5 any time were you aware of any attempts to dissaude us from any proper course of actionby the defedndan
[6:56][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Non, capitaine. While I did not agree wiz 'er remarking we should run and attempt to face ze ozher version of you at a later point, I do believe it is what she considered to be ze proper course of
[6:56][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Action at ze time.
[6:56][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:NoW then who is Petty Officer Jacob Callihan
[6:56][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"A delta in ze detachment entrusted to me on ze U.S.S. Gigantes.
[6:57][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Wheni first csame aboard ship..what was your personal assesmentof the young man
[6:57][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"If I am to be frank, I wanted to space 'im out an airlock.
[6:57][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-smirks- So you persoanlly did not like the man
[6:57][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Objection, Irrelevant.
[6:57][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Going5to prove a poin
[6:58][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Waits for the judge's decision.
[6:58][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "The njump to the point please, but overruled, you may give hte finalle of it, Captain.
[6:58][DOIC2]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David gives another sarcastic clap.
[6:58][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-nods- WhenI stepped in to personally trainthe youngman -smrks at flick- givenmy specialabilities.you objected yes
[6:58][DOIC2]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"I don't think we're supposed to clap, David," *She whispered.
[6:59][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I did object, Captain.
[6:59][DOIC2]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David whispers.* I was shocked the judge managed to acknowledge the captain's argument
[6:59][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:andnow..despite how you feelpersonally about him on record...what is yourassessmentofhis professional progress given that last mission undermy tuteledge
[7:00][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zat zere is a remarkable personal and proffessional growzh, Captain.
[7:00][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Watches and keeps hup the mask, not at all surprised by this as well. he deeply regreeted the him in the past.
[7:00][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-nods- Yourhonor to clarify I am attempting toshow that the commander is able to sperate her personal andprofessiona felelings whenit comes tot eh operationof my ship. thank you for your leniency on
[7:01][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-nods to the judge
[7:01][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:No commander...what was you rprofessionalopinionof the defendantsactions inbattle during the operationagains theother m
[7:01][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Very well.
[7:02][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"'E fought impressively, listened to orders and did not take ze impulsive and rash actions zat 'e was prone to when 'e first came onboard.
[7:03][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:At any time did you wittness any action that may havebeen seen as disruptiveor countertoour actions once she gacve her word to aid us
[7:03][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:((Oh, defendant)
[7:03][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:((Wait, I fucked this one up
[7:03][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Objection, Is this about the petty officer or about the accused?
[7:03][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:[yes wemoved beyond jaco
[7:03][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:The Defednant not the accused FlickyPo
[7:04][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*low* Captain
[7:04][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Ze defendant acted as a good advisor, a functional team member, adnd saved my life.
[7:04][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Objection, I ask the chief defendant be held in contempt of court for using monickers of professional officers.
[7:04][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-to flick at alexs admonishment
[7:04][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:I corrected it
[7:05][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: *Sighs.* "Captain Razzor... Only warning. Objection Overruled. On behalf of being on topic... Restate the question, Ruled as witness failed to udnerstand question.
[7:05][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Yes thank you yourhono
[7:06][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Okies restating then..Commander concerning thedefendant..what is your professionalassesment of the defednantsactions in battle during theactions against the other m
[7:06][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Ze defendant acted as a good advisor, a functional team member, adnd saved my life.
[7:07][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:How did she do so
[7:07][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"As I am certain is stated in ze reports, during attempts at neutralizing zeir universe's version of commander Kieres, I received a grave wound to the stomach area from a bladed weapon. Ze doctor was
[7:08][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Unconscious and unable to assist, and first aid was ineffective. Ze defendant utilized 'er abilities to stabilize and 'eal me.
[7:10][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:and in doing so would you say this was keeping trueto her word andhelp stop this overall evil..or an attempt togainour trust for her own purposes
[7:11][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"She kept true to 'er word to assist us in 'elping stop ze alternate version of you, since as she stated several times, all of us would be needed.
[7:11][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:One final questio
[7:12][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Was it madeclear to her that if she helped us..should could stand to lose everything shehad prevoiusly held onto
[7:13][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Quite so, and she said it several times 'erself as well. She gave up, and I quote "A crown and a planet" to aid us and save ze universe.
[7:13][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:and how did she respond wheni drove it home to her
[7:15][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"She kept on ze same pazh wiz us, despite knowing she will lose all, and risk quite ze signifcant persecution." *She looked at Flick as she said that.
[7:15][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: *Smiles to Valerie as he is looked at.
[7:15][DOIC2]Eleria@awendr:blinks a couple times looking at Chalons, before shaking her head a little while wondering just who "all of us" meant
[7:15][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:So in your professionalopinionyou would trst her again on afuture operation
[7:16][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I would, Captain.
[7:16][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-to the judge- nothing further but again request therightof redirect folwing theprosecuti
[7:18][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Request granted, Please keep it to the exact topic rebuted this time, if you take that action, Captain.
[7:19][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Yezsx your honor I believe that i did last time.but so note si
[7:22][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Teh prosecution has the witness.
[7:22][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: *Gets up and walks over to Chalons.
[7:23][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Remains sat upright in the witness chair, barely acknowledging him.
[7:24][DOIC2]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az's stomach growled loudly.
[7:25][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*He glanced over his shoulder, eyeing Ash again as if if to calm his nerves before continuing on
[7:25][DOIC2]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David looks down at Az's stomach.
[7:25][DOIC2]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az gave David a shrug.
[7:26][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Commander... Please elaborate on how the accused saved your life.
[7:26][DOIC2]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David whispers.* Are you hungry
[7:26][DOIC2]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Um... maybe a little...
[7:26][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"She utilized telepazhic 'ealing abilities reminiscent of ze avynei's to 'eal my wounds.
[7:27][DOIC2]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David nods, still whispering.* Perhaps I could go get you something
[7:27][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] -leansup and steals a kiss from Jacobs cheek
[7:27][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Well, admittedly I do not fully understand 'ow zey work. All I know is, ze pain stopped, and ze wound started slowly closing and stopping ze bleeding.
[7:27][DOIC2]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"We're not allowed to eat in court, David... it's okay, I can wait until we're dismissed!
[7:27][DOIC2]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David nods.
[7:28][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "I see, Was this the same injuries you still were feeling the pain from in the 'procket dimention' Commander?
[7:28][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Smiles at nine and it helps him relax a bit more
[7:28][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Indeed, alzhough it was a much lesser pain, like... say, an old battle wound. You surely know 'ow zose feel, Commander?
[7:30][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "I do, Very much so. Which is what leads me to my next question... Was it in relation to hearing about you still feeling of this battle wound that the accused en haste departed the meeting
[7:30][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> that was held in the pocket dimention?
[7:30][DOIC2]Eleria@awendr:smirks towards Chalons while doubting Flic
[7:31][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-shifts alittle uncomfortably at his mention of old battleifled wounds
[7:31][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-shifts alittle uncomfortably at his mention of old battleifled wounds
[7:31][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"...Objection, your 'onour.
[7:31][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zat is 'earsay. I cannot pretend to know what was going on inside a person's mind to cause zem to leave.
[7:32][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "I am asking for a reference of time. not what the accused was thinking.
[7:32][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Iwas goignto object but he clarified your hono
[7:34][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"She went out moments after 'earing zat ze pain is still zere and zat ze Captain is ex'austed.
[7:34][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:((Ze doctor*)
[7:37][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "And per exeptions of hersay under present sense impersion... Did the accused state any reason for their deprture?
[7:38][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Ze reasons she cited was my and ze doctor's condition, and ze implications zey 'ave.
[7:39][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "As a non medical specialist... for that matter, as a not specialsit at all. But merely as a novice subject of these powers... Is it in your assessment probable that while healing you, the
[7:39][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> subject could have made you feel other feelings or experiences as well?
[7:40][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Given ze telepazhic nature of 'er powers, it is -possible-. 'Owever, given my own state and emotions zen and afterwards, I would not say it is -probable-.
[7:41][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-nods rto Val at that
[7:41][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Thank you commander. Now to when you were recently 'stranded' if I may use such a word... on the planet... You atempted to Contact you Executive officer, And convince her of your nature by
[7:42][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> a private message of a... personal nature, To what end?
[7:42][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I wanted to state somezhing only I could 'ave known, so she would know it is us contacting ze ship and asking for assistance.
[7:43][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Not ze alternate versions of us.
[7:43][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Indeed, And as someone who, as Captain Razzor stated, have a close connection with the executive officer... the knowledge you had was indeed very personal?
[7:44][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Indeed. First I quoted an event zat 'appened recently and ozhers in ze crew bore witness to, zen I wanted to quote an event zat 'appened quite a long time ago.
[7:45][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: " Most wise precaution. It would indeed be hard to know if not her. Did the reply you recieved at all seem strange or suspicious?
[7:46][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Non. It sounded like somezhing she would say in ze situation.
[7:46][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "So you had no idea, nor any reason to think that the one you spoke to was in fact the accused?
[7:46][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"No, I was given no reason for any suspicion.
[7:47][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "She must be very good to decieve even someone who knows the executive officer as well as you, When were you first given reason to doubt?
[7:48][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I did 'ave some doubts somezhing is going on wiz 'er a bit before ze mission, since she seemed a bit... more distant zan usual, but I attributed it to ozher reasons.
[7:49][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "I see, So you had reason to suspect the actual executive officer before you even ran in to the accused?
[7:50][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-corrects- ...Defendan
[7:50][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Defendant.
[7:50][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-smiless weetlyt o him
[7:51][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Non, I did not -suspect- anyzhing. I was, 'owever, -worried-, since she did seem a bit distant, but it did not seem like anyzhing 'iding malice.
[7:51][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Did you meet with the defendant while she was impersonating the executive officer in the pocket dimention?
[7:52][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*looks at Val
[7:52][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Not beyond a nod. Ze next time I spoke wiz 'er was when she 'ad already revealed 'erself to zose of us suffering memory loss.
[7:53][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "And before that you had nto had reason to suspect anything either, beyond your worries of a friend?
[7:53][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Non, commander.
[7:54][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Thank you Commander. I have no further questions." *He nods to Val and returns to his lurky hole.
[7:54][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods back and waits in case Liz has things to add or the judge frees her.
[7:54][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-looks to Alex
[7:54][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*shook his head
[7:55][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:We have nothign further at this time for this wittnes
[7:55][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "The wintess is excused.
[7:55][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-nods to Val
[7:55][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Your 'onour." *She stood up and went back to her spot.
[7:56][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Defense may call one more witness before we adjourn for today.
[7:57][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Your honor we woudl like to call Lieutenant Eleria Scarlett as our last wittness for the da
[7:58][DOIC2]Eleria@awendr:takes a deep breath getting to her feet, adjusting her skirt and walking to the stan
[7:59][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-waits for her to be sworn in
[7:59][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**The audience is shown an ad while eleria is sworn in, the show continuing after the wintness is given to the defense.*
[8:00][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Now then Lieutenant this wont take too long. How much contact would you say you had with thedefendant?
[8:01][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:Sits up strait on the stand fingers together looking at Lis "Not to much, but some
[8:02][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:During your limited contact with her..once she gave her word to assist us..did you by chance see any attempt to hinderour operationin any way
[8:04][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"I did not see any direct attemp to hinder us, I in fact while not yet knowing the truth had her give me good advice, during the confrontation with other us I was unsure which side she would come-
[8:05][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:->down on, that unsurity came to shame as she proved her loyalty to us when she put everything on the line saving this world
[8:06][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-nods- So in your opinion she was awomanof her words based on her own actions
[8:06][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"Knowing what I know now, yes I believe so
[8:07][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:At any time givenw hat you now know..did you ever feellike wasa ttemting to manipulate you into doing something or thinking soemthing you would not normally do
[8:09][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"No, I do not, she has only tried to help me better myself
[8:09][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:nods and looks to Alex
[8:11][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:What kind of advice has the defendant given you
[8:12][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"Without going to deep into it, she has given me advice on not letting my theories run to wild
[8:14][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Let it be known this is not unlike my advices to her when acting as her department head. Now lieutenant, during the mission after you've been told by me that she was not who we thought she was....
[8:15][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:did she try to keep up the ruse and as such try to destabilise you in judgment making
[8:16][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"No not towards me and I did not see it towards others
[8:17][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Thank you lieutenant. *looks at the judge* We have nothing more to ask
[8:18][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Prosecution has the witness.
[8:18][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Thank you, your honour." *Walks over to Eleria, smiling cunningly.
[8:18][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:makes a respectful nod to Alex, before looking to Flic
[8:19][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Your honour, I request the chance to better brief the jurry on this officers quite versitile nature, as such is not imediately clear by the presentation she gave as a flight controler.
[8:19][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Very well.. Just keep it brief...
[8:20][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Lieutenant, You are now a flight controler, but can you tell us what your graduated the academy as?
[8:20][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] ..as my future frien
[8:21][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"I graduated as a Tactical officer, with all qualifications of a flight officer, except small craft
[8:21][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-nods to El
[8:22][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "And with this extra qualification as a... reserve helmsman, I believe it said, right? You still ahve the full qualification within risk assessment, tactical assessment, fundamental
[8:22][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*cant help but let out a small snort of laughter with that
[8:22][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> intelligence handeling and battlespace awareness thinking?
[8:22][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] -scowlsa little as se listens
[8:23][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"That would be correct, yes
[8:24][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "So you hold a fundamental professional level of knowledge in intelligence assessments? Do you try to maintain these skills?
[8:25][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"Absolutely I do maintain these skills, as I believe they make me valuable to any ship I serve on as well as will be valuable later in my career, that said unlike many graduated tactical officers I -
[8:25][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"Do not qualify to act as security officer
[8:26][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Understood. To this end, you honour, I wish to move that the Lieutenant is considered a quallified professional, aking to any other starfleet tactical officer, on topics
[8:27][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> within the curfew of that area, in addition to her professional expert nature on flight control and flight.
[8:27][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "I see nothing to deny that. Defense, any reason to reject such motion?
[8:29][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "I take that as a no. Request granted.
[8:29][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Thank you, your honour.
[8:30][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:As the witness stated she isn't a qualified security officer, meaning she doesn't have any reason to analyse a person on their behaviour for ship security, she does have the skills to make a proper
[8:31][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:judgment on who to befriend however and can help as an advisor to someone in security, but not make a proper analyses on the defendant when asked
[8:32][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:I concur yourhono
[8:33][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Very well. The clerk shall clarify their entry as subject expert is as a tactical officer of starfleet tactical training, and not as a security officer, nor is security officer her role on
[8:33][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> the vessel.
[8:33][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] -raises her hand quickly- Your Honor!
[8:33][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*looks at Nine
[8:33][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-looks back at nine
[8:34][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: *Slams with ther little hammer.* "Order.
[8:34][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Also your honour she has been in flight longer than tactical while on ship duty
[8:34][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] -freezes in place hand held high
[8:35][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*looks back at the judge* So despite her upkeep of certain skills, she doesn't have the real world experience to make solid profesional judgments of character
[8:35][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "The prosecution do not object to any of these addendums, you honour. We however ask that it is also taken to account that it is four years of academy training and a professional degree.
[8:36][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-makes akill itmotion to nineandgently nods toher to put her hand down
[8:36][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] -meekly puts down her hand and sits quietly
[8:36][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Which lays a foundation, but not the actual building blocks on which a person can have his or hers skills set around
[8:37][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Ruled that the witness by all maeans qualifie as a professional tactical officer, but not a security officer, and that her role is not as a security officer... and is a junion officer, Can
[8:37][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:e move on?
[8:37][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Very well.
[8:37][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Yes your honour
[8:38][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Lieutenant. Based on your professional academy education of intelligence analysis. How would you describe the
[8:38][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> defendants insight and awareness of the plans of the 'Other universe' Elizabeth Razzor?
[8:41][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"while my knowledge on this is limited, cause of not having been a direct part of everything, I seemed to have been in the inner circle of this alternate universe Razzor, but at the same time kept -
[8:41][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:-> at arms length, only told what AU Razzor wanted her to know, seems she dug futher and found things she did not like
[8:42][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "In this report here, the defendant states she was the second in command to the alternate Elizabeth Razzor, And having taken part in most of the
[8:43][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> operational planing for this.... mission... Is there any professional reason to doubt or hesitatete to such statements as credible intelligence?
[8:45][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"No there is not, but dictators tend to keep things to themselves, they don't reveal everything to their second
[8:46][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Indeed. The defendant has previously stated that she was aware of the outcome of the plan, and what it involved. her change of heart stemming from a personal reason. Is there a
[8:46][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> professional reason to doubt this as reliable intelligence?
[8:47][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"I do not have all the facts, for instance I do not know this personal reason
[8:48][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "I stated I was fully aware of the outcomes, and what was needed, I was unaware who was inolved." *Whispers to Liz.
[8:48][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "that her dead daughter would be ashamed of her if she did it." *Said quite cold and to the point.
[8:49][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "I only know them as numbers, not names.
[8:49][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:*Whispering.
[8:49][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: *Looks to Liz.
[8:50][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:I beklieve dring her many interviews and debriefings..the defendant has stated over and over..she was fully aware outcomes..and what was needed..she was unaware who was involve
[8:50][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:She only knew thema s numbers..not names and the commander is well awareof thi
[8:50][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Very well. I wish to rephrase to ammend for the inaccuracy.
[8:51][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:It isokay..itis on record the judge is ware of it commande
[8:51][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Very well, It shall be noted for correction.
[8:51][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Thank you Your Hono
[8:52][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:-whispers- you do know he is gonna turn that on u
[8:52][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: *Bows his head to the judge then looks at Eleria.* "With that clarification... Is there any professional concern to view this as likely intelligence?
[8:53][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: *Low* "He already knew it. And I know what he is going to do.
[8:54][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"Could you please re ask the question, to make sure I funny understand it with this information clarifies?
[8:54][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:Fully, not funny
[8:54][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Certainly, With the defense and your honours permission?
[8:54][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-nods approvinglyto El at that
[8:54][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: *Nods.
[8:54][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Please do
[8:56][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Are there reasons to as a intelligence analyst doubt or hesitate to the intelligence value provided regarding that the defendant likely knew the full extent of the plan, what it involved,
[8:56][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> personel numbers, but not names, and outcome of hte operation?
[8:59][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"I do not see reason to doubt no, but I am not a analyst of a person, had she been a starship I would know better
[8:59][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-smiles at Els answer
[9:00][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "You are given an analysis of reliability of operational information, teh fundamental course of basic intelligense assessment. I am possitive your qualification as a graduate tactical
[9:00][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> officer more then covers that aspect, even if your speciality is indeed starships, Lieutenant.
[9:01][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "With that out of the way... My next question is revolving thae moment leading up to the final battle.
[9:01][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:nods as she knew it was comin
[9:02][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Sidebar your hono
[9:02][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:I jus tiwsh to enter a gentle reminder here before he proceed
[9:03][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "The report speaks of that you... under false premise of following your captains order, agreed to a for of... binding bond of loyality in exchange of power towards the alternate Elizabeth
[9:03][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> razzor.
[9:03][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "By all means, Ma'am. The prosecution does not mind.
[9:03][DOIC2]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az winced.
[9:03][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Ashali]: "Uh oooh....
[9:03][DOIC3]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David squeezes Az's hand.
[9:04][DOIC2]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David squeezes Az's hand.
[9:04][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:I jus tiwshed the prosecution be remdined thattheLieutenant is adecoratedofficer with an outstanding service record and wasnot at fault for her aalfliction in that final battle..that iw as for the rec
[9:05][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Most certainly, And I hope the defense can agree that while the lieutenant is aquited of any missdeeds in tye eyes of hte law, Having loyaly followed her
[9:05][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> commanding officers intent, be it udner misguided intent... The fact she is aquited does not alter the fact that it DID happen?
[9:06][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-stiffens- As stated inmy testimony the eror was indeed my respoibility..so no..no objection
[9:06][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:The fault was not El'
[9:07][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:...the Laieutenant'
[9:07][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Indeed, It is not of intent of the prosecution to place blame on the lieutenant. However the facts of that it did happend and the details of what did happen, regardless of who to blame, is
[9:07][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> of importance to the prosecution, and unless the defense has something furhter, I wish to continue to that end. ma'am.
[9:08][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-sets her jaw- We have nothing furthe
[9:08][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: *Smiles and politely bows his head to Liz before looking at Eleria.
[9:09][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-jusrt looks down at her PADD
[9:09][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Well considering I was the second in command and didn't object to the captains behaviour.... Am I not also to blame for not giving the lieutenant options? While also providing youre chance to
[9:09][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Objection, The defense has given their go ahead, and this assembly is not to assign blame to either the commander nor the captain.
[9:09][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:question the lieutenants loyalty
[9:10][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: *Slams the little hammer.* "Order... Get on with the question commander.
[9:10][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:I forgot to check with Alex 0-shrugs
[9:10][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-to Alex- Sorry Commande
[9:10][DOIC2]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az cringed slightly.
[9:10][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Yes, your honour. Please tell us a little more about this 'bond' your entered in to under false premise, Lieutenant?
[9:12][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"I gave the Other Razzor the ability to control my actions, I also tempoaryly gained the ability to make a glass float very slowly
[9:12][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:it gave
[9:13][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*taps some things on the court padd
[9:13][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-looks down
[9:13][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Interesting. And this bond in turn empowered the 'other' Elizabeth Razzor?
[9:14][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"I believe so, but I cannot say for sure, so speculation
[9:15][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "It follows with the written report of hte incident, once more the Lieutenants preception is quite keen.
[9:16][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> Please tell me what happend leading up to that your commanding officer changed hte preception of allowing officers to enter in to this bond?
[9:19][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"We came into a room with a feast, other razzor made an entrance, flair for the Dramatic, other razzor then started making us offers
[9:20][DOIC2]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az's stomach rumbled noisily again.
[9:20][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Yes, I was asking for what changed between that your commanding officer had as intent to let her officers enter this bond, to then in haste prohibit it from go on furhter.
[9:21][DOIC2]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David glances down at her stomach, gently squeezing her hand.
[9:22][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*nodded at Liz
[9:22][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"I believe my commanding officer, realized the bond as you are calling it would be magically binding, for the lack of a better word
[9:23][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "The report states that it was disrupted by a being called 'Ashali' Prefix, Family name, occupation and position missing in records... Made a statement that had one more done it, It would
[9:24][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:..consultant extraordinaire -helps flick with her title
[9:24][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-winks back to Ashali andsmiles to her
[9:24][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> been a catastrophic cascade event. Would you deem that this 'Consultant Extraordinate Ashali' generally hold accurate intelligence on these matters?
[9:24][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Ashali]: *smiles.
[9:25][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Family name is Sharpe your honour
[9:25][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: *Arches an eyebrow, shrugs and nods to the clerk.
[9:26][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"I have never spoken to the Consultant extraordinaire, I know very little of her
[9:26][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-to the clerk- CapitalS...h..a..r..p..e
[9:26][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "You have hoever many times opered on the intelligence she provides, So on a professiona lintelligence level
[9:26][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> I belive you could make an assessment, even if not on a personal one, Lieutenant.
[9:29][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"I likely would be able to, if I knew which orders was made based on her intelligence, but based on what I have been told of her I would speculate that yes.
[9:30][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"need to know and all that, which you know all about in Starfleet intelligence
[9:30][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:smiles and nods her head with respect at Flic
[9:30][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Once more the junior intelligence analyst is spot on. Magellan command considers the 'Consultant Extraordinate' a a class A1 source of intelligence. Not bad for someone who has not seen
[9:31][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> much of the 'consultant extraordinares' work.
[9:31][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"I read people well, For instance I knew you would be a great lawyer
[9:31][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-smiles more at this
[9:32][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "And you would be a great intelligence agent, Lieutenant, Ready for hte next question, possibly the last?
[9:33][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:nods her head waiting for the questio
[9:35][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Before your captain opted to alter course based on insight from the 'Consultant Extraordinarie'... Did you at any point precieve the defendant to atempt to stop this 'catastropic cascade
[9:36][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> event that we have estabelished she with high probability had operational knowledge of. By stoping the bond or otehrwise?
[9:38][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:My attention was one the two Razzor and the situation I was getting myself into, I in that moment did not pay attention to the defendant
[9:38][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"Something I have learned from
[9:39][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "So you, Just like the general report speaks of, Did not precieve any atempts to such end?
[9:39][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Objection Asked and answered..
[9:40][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "The question was not answered, it was evaded.
[9:40][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:I disagre
[9:40][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:The Judge did not seem to mind her answe
[9:40][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Shall I take my right to demand a yes or no quesiton of a hostile witness?
[9:40][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Plus why evade a question
[9:41][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Well if ya want to be a total putz about i
[9:41][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:metaphorically speakin
[9:41][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-adds quickly
[9:42][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*points at Liz for a second
[9:42][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Your honour, Objection to the defense act of contempt. I also request to have a yes or no answer of a hostiel question.
[9:42][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Hey! i calrified
[9:42][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: *Sighs.* "The witness will answer the question.
[9:43][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"No, I did not percieve such a notion cause I was not paying attention to her, was that rephrasing of my answer better?
[9:43][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-nods pproving,ly to El
[9:44][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Yes, A perfect answer." *He smiels like he jsut won the lottery, walking to his table.
[9:44][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Flick]: "Oh... No furhter questions, Your honour.
[9:45][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Court wil ladjourn to tomorrow. And tomorrow I expect what ever attitude problem is going on here is taken care of." *He slams the little hammer.
[9:45][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Bailif]: "All rise!
[9:45][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"I cant wait to write home about this, have a good night your honor
[9:45][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-sticks her tongue out at flick
[9:45][DOIC2]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David chuckles softly at Liz.
[9:46][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: *Gives Liz a warning look before standing up to depart.
[9:46][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*taps Liz's head as he stands up
[9:46][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen] *Stands
[9:46][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**Audience stands.*
[9:46][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-sucks her tongue rtight back in with a swift slurp
[9:46][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:gets u
[9:47][DOIC2]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:*Az got up.
[9:47][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] -stands
[9:47][DOIC2]David Allen@ClingingMar:*David gets up with Az.
[9:47][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:**The judge and jurry takes htier leave.*
[9:47][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Stands
[9:48][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-to El- Very well doneLieutenan
[9:48][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Stands up eyeing Flick for a moment before tuning his ahead away, to go with the rest of the crew.
[9:48][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"Thank you cap, he really is a good lawyer
[9:48][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*beckons Eleria over
[9:48][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:smiles at Liz and Ale
[9:48][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Of themany things heis..heisindeda goodlawye
[9:49][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I wish zhings were still solved by duels like in ze old days..
[9:49][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:But you were a better witness. *winks at her* You did good
[9:49][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Like i said earlier it be sooo much easier
[9:49][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] But miss Val then theonly ones who would winwould be thestrongest
[9:49][DOIC2]Azacri Kieres@liorexu:"Dueling is wrong, Val... people get hurt.
[9:49][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] that to
[9:50][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] Littlewekpeople canbe right to
[9:50][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Opens her mouth, then closes it, unsure how to respond.
[9:50][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"The admiral prepared me for situations like this, take your time on answers don't let them corner you
[9:50][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Thats how things generally work, Nine, but strong in other means.
[9:50][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] Not in duels Jaco
[9:50][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Well, little weak people could always ask to be championed.
[9:50][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"Thank you sir
[9:50][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] No duels
[9:50][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:And what do you do when your back is against a corner? *he asked hyptheticaly* You use it
[9:50][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "I do have to wonder... do you have pleadeals in this verse?
[9:51][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"In duels inteelligence is just as important, not ever battle is won by brute force
[9:51][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"Use it, sidestep or both, buy time if needed
[9:51][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] -Kicks jacob right intheshins hard
[9:52][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] See...by your rule I winth argumen
[9:52][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Eleria, never sidestep unless you make sure your hunter hits it. Same applies to dogfighting
[9:52][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"What was that for! A duel was not agreed upon so there for you are wrong by defult" *He teased
[9:52][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:Excuse me a moment Ill met you alllate
[9:52][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Ashali]: "That was not very nice..."
[9:53][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[nine] to ashali- I was tryint oillustrate such methods are not correct for winningconflict
[9:53][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "At least I will not have to wear these..." *she looks at the cuffs holding together her hands.
[9:53][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"That makes you using force to get your way
[9:53][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"true sir, most important, keep your options open
[9:53][DOIC3]Razzor@Isis:-heds for the judges chambers
[9:53][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] Well I am new to this concep
[9:53][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:You may join the others Eleria. *looks at Narwen* What was it you asked
[9:54][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Pardon?
[9:54][DOIC3]Eleria@awendr:"Yes, sir, talk to you later
[9:54][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Rest well, Lieutenant.
[9:54][DOIC4]Razzor@Isis:-chimesth judges door
[9:54][DOIC4]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Enter.
[9:54][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Didn't you ask something about plea deals
[9:55][DOIC2]Eleria@awendr:Moves to the others "Hey
[9:55][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:hey eleri
[9:55][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"'Ello.
[9:55][DOIC4]Razzor@Isis:-enters and reports to his desk properly- I am sorry for the interuption yourhoor..i only need amomentof your time si
[9:56][DOIC2]Razzor@Isis:[Nine] -hugs El- You were amzingup there
[9:56][DOIC4]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: *Looks up at Liz.* "Very well Captain, You are not techncially supposed to do this, but if this is the talk I needed to have with you to behave in court... go ahead.
[9:56][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Dont take this lightly he got somehting he wanted and he will be sure to use i
[9:56][DOIC2]Eleria@awendr:hugs nine warmly "thank you, just did my best while being honest
[9:56][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Do they exist in this verse?
[9:57][DOIC2]Eleria@awendr:"He also got something he did not want
[9:57][DOIC4]Razzor@Isis:Indeed sir..that is wh i am here. Since it is onlylatteral to the case. Iwsihed tooffermy sincere apologies to any appea5ranceof disrest to your honor andthecour
[9:57][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "He seemed entierly satisfied, What was it he did not want?
[9:57][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:They do, why
[9:57][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Too satisfied.
[9:57][DOIC2]Eleria@awendr:"But he had to play like it was what he wanted
[9:58][DOIC4]Razzor@Isis:I allowedmy personal feelings to interfere with my conduct and it shall not reoccur at the nect convenin
[9:58][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"I would of thought a man of his stature would have a good poker face
[9:58][DOIC2]Eleria@awendr:"He did not ask to have the context of my answer striken from the record
[9:58][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "If I were to give my guess after having been in a few of these kind of thigns to many... the only thing he truly did not want was to have to call a telepathic witness who the defense
[9:58][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> can use as a hostiel witness.
[9:58][DOIC2]Eleria@awendr:"I think he has a great poker face, he showed he got what he wanted
[9:59][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:But why reveal it this early, is what has got me concere
[9:59][DOIC2]Eleria@awendr:"With good reason, the commander is a Great lawyer
[9:59][DOIC4]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Good. Because I would hate to dismiss you from the defense of your friend, Captain.
[9:59][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*sighs and shakes his head
[9:59][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"'Onestly, I am 'oping for ze judge to show some fucking 'umanity.
[10:00][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zey should know as well as us zis trial is a sham.
[10:00][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "He did... He could have dismissed teh captain outright several times.
[10:00][DOIC4]Razzor@Isis:-nmods - Yes your honor and as much as i would hate to have my poor conduct reflectuponher to the courtmembers si
[10:00][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"True enough...
[10:00][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"But what is the real end game is the question here
[10:00][DOIC4]Razzor@Isis:However off ther ecord..i do offer my personal apologies toyor honor as well si
[10:00][DOIC2]Eleria@awendr:"The commander is trying to get promoted
[10:01][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "No. I do not htink this has naythign to do with promotion. He wants he to be tagged as to dangerous for new zealand.
[10:01][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"I extremely doubt he is that petty, no there is a real means behind this games... Perhaps to have her in his custody to use her
[10:01][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Yes." *Nods to Jacob.
[10:02][DOIC4]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Very well captain. Just please keep it appropriate tomorrow. I given you to much leway already, more and they may question my partiality here.
[10:02][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"As I told Ashali, 'e wants 'er for 'er esper powers.
[10:02][DOIC4]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Ashali]: "He tried to recruit me too!
[10:02][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Ashali]: "He tried to recruit me too!
[10:02][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:You know what? Nevermind. We won't take a plea bargain.... W ego full monty, I am sure we can do this..... I just need... nevermind, we will make it. *nods at Narwen
[10:02][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"He has already mentioned the weapons... not just her esper powers but her very intellgience.
[10:03][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Need what?
[10:03][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Gently pats Ashgali's shoulder.* "Good on you for not falling for it.
[10:03][DOIC4]Razzor@Isis:Yes sir I understand and thank you for that...i will give you no reason to regret that..request permissionto be dismissed sir? -smiles
[10:03][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"He is several steps ahead of us in this game.
[10:04][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:A smoke? I will lead tomorrow so be less worried about what the captain might do okay
[10:04][DOIC2]Eleria@awendr:looks at Ashali "we should have a chat sometime, if that is allowed
[10:04][DOIC4]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Judge]: "Dismissed, Cpatain.
[10:05][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Ashali]: "Sure! That sounds fun! What will we chat about?" *She seems happy.
[10:05][DOIC4]Razzor@Isis:Thank you sir -departs withall due proper military respect andleaves
[10:06][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "I could do with a smoke...
[10:06][DOIC2]Eleria@awendr:"anything really, ships, cute fluffy animals, people we don't like, pop culture, maybe shoes
[10:07][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Ashali]: "Oooooo... I like shoes!
[10:08][DOIC2]Eleria@awendr:"They are nice, but now please excuse me everyone I need food, drink and a nap
[10:08][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*Looks at the two with surprise before lookign to Val* "Ma'am i cant shake the feeling he has an ace up his sleeve, so far he is acting like a cat who caught the canary.
[10:08][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Ashali]: *Waves to Eleria* "Enjoy your foodnap and drink, Talk to you soon I thing!
[10:08][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "Rest well.
[10:08][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Good night, Scarlett..." *She then nods at Jacob.* "Objectively speaking, most questions so far 'ave gone 'is way.
[10:09][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*takes out a cig and offers it to Narwen* Use it wisely
[10:09][DOIC2]Eleria@awendr:"Thank you kindly" waves to everyone, hugs nine and takes her leav
[10:09][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*sighs* As he joins the others
[10:09][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Smoking in court is illigal?
[10:09][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Go somehwere where it can...
[10:09][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: *Takes the smoke with her cuffed hands.
[10:10][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"Seem to be fitting into place like a puzzle
[10:10][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: *Holds up her cuffed arms.* "I think these are a sort of sign of... need escort.
[10:10][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Next time don't object okay
[10:11][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: *To a guard* "Mind if I take a stop to smoke before I go back to my hole darling?
[10:12][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Guard]: "That is not really in my instructions, ma'am.
[10:12][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*glances between the two
[10:13][DOIC2]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:No answers? Okay... *backs to NArwen
[10:13][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:I'll take her with me if its allowed
[10:13][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "I will behave... Promise...
[10:14][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Guard]: "Well... I do not know, Sir.
[10:14][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:*rases an eyebrow* "Alright i will go and find soemthign to eat if thats alright?
[10:14][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: "I should do the same. Good evening.
[10:14][DOIC2]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Svärd]: *Walks out of hte courtroom.
[10:15][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*sighs* Okay I'll take her with me, if not allowed...we'll be in the nearest smokers lounge. Good evening
[10:15][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Good night, both of you.
[10:15][DOIC2]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She nodded to Narwen and Alex and walked out.
[10:15][DOIC2]Jacob@redwolf567#235:"night ma'am" *he says as he leaves
[10:15][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Guard]: "Well... I suppose you can, Sir.
[10:16][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Mayshe be uncuffed
[10:16][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Guard]: "Not outside her holding area.
[10:16][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Very well. Arwen
[10:16][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Yes?
[10:17][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Wanna get escorted to the nearest smoking lounge
[10:17][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: *Nods and does an soemwhat akward cuffed wave to Val.
[10:17][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Please.
[10:17][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*leads to a smoking lounge, but allows pit stops to be made if wanted
[10:17][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Mind if I join?
[10:18][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I do need a smoke after zis too.
[10:18][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Not at all.
[10:19][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nodded and followed after.* "'Ell...
[10:20][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Yes...
[10:21][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Do you 'ave anyzhing to say? If 'e calls you to ze stands? Mostly about zat zhing 'e asked Scarlett... about you not stopping 'er and Cazerina.
[10:21][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zis is ze strongest zhing 'e brought out, everyzhing else is dismissable.
[10:22][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "It is unlikely it can be proven.
[10:24][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*leads the ladies to the smoking lounge and offers a cig to Val* We can make it
[10:24][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I 'ope so. Truly.
[10:24][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Alex and takes the cig.* "Sorry, Zee.
[10:25][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: *Places her cig between her lips, snapping ehr left hand to creat a small light over her indexginger to light it with, sitll cuffed.
[10:26][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Held out her cig after for Narwen's light.* "Why do you zhink 'e is so fixated on why exactly you left zat meeting?
[10:26][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*lights up his own* When push comes to shove we will go full in... Arwen... If there is anything you want to tell me before the recess is done do so now
[10:26][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"It is so circumstancial, it can barely 'old any weight...
[10:27][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: *Holds out her cuffed hadns towards val to offer a light.
[10:27][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Because Valerie that is the one thing none of us can say anything about except for her
[10:27][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "does not speak as she has a cig stuck between her lips while she is offering a light.
[10:28][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods and lights her cig from Arwen's fingers.* "Merci.
[10:29][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: *Takes her cig between ehr fingers and takes a long drag, sighing before removing it form her lips.
[10:29][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*puffs a large cloud of smoke as he feels his ring
[10:29][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "He cares for it because I indeed sought to convince you to abord.
[10:29][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Excuse me
[10:29][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Abort... pardon.
[10:31][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:For what reason would you had us abort mission
[10:31][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She takes a huff.* "You made it clear. You zhought we were not ready.
[10:31][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Save your lives.
[10:32][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"'Ave you stated so in front of 'im?
[10:32][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Yes, It is in the official report.
[10:33][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I still believe ze judge should 'ear it, since 'e is gambling so 'eavily on it... Alex, you should call Arwen to ze stand next time.
[10:34][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Now that is something I can use... I will follow the captain on who to question, however we have ammunition again
[10:34][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Alex.* "It is a good shot.
[10:34][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "It can not be proven, he knows it.
[10:35][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Quite so. And if ze judge 'ears ze truzh from you... well. I believe it could soften 'im up.
[10:35][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:It can plant the seed of doubt... Thats what my seanathair always spoke of during his career in the diplomatic corps
[10:36][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Plant the seed of doubt and you are golden
[10:36][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "If you think so.
[10:36][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Indeed. 'Is only true weapon so far is ze zhing 'e asked Scarlett about ze binding to ze ozher Liz.
[10:37][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Can he prove your intentions without making it a what if scenario
[10:37][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Ze questions 'e asked me all led to nozhing... or well... ze one about you possibly giving me fake emotions was good. But I 'ope I countered it.
[10:37][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*continues fiddling his ring as he smokes
[10:38][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "HE just sought to undermine your credability entierly vännen, remove what Elizabeth had gained.
[10:39][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:And we can make it plain even, if not make a hill our side, If he cant prove anythingyou should be safe enough
[10:40][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Nods to Narwen.* "Well, I 'ope I countered 'im on zat.
[10:40][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "He has prof for all he needs. His only objective is to prevent you form sowing doubt to that what he has is more then enough.
[10:40][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*nodded at Val* You did well enoug
[10:41][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "He proved you could not tell teh dfference between me and not me.
[10:41][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: *Scoffs lightly.* "Nipple piercing..." *She smirks and takes a deep drag again.
[10:41][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:What? *smokes
[10:41][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Well... it was a good idea at ze time!
[10:42][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Sure, It was.
[10:43][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Come on, just a little more till we win zis trial and we can go to ze spa. So I can see if you 'ave zem." *She chuckled.
[10:44][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Vännen... you have nothing to dismiss the fact that I sabotage starfleet command systems, Stole secret codes. Impersonated starfleet personel. Acts of espionage...
[10:44][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:> use of non lethal harm again starfleet personel... unauthorized acccess and.... I do not know how many other charges he has cooked up... which I infact did do...
[10:44][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Yes. We 'ave nozhign to dismiss zat. 'Owever, your actions afterwards should be enough to get you a greatly reduced sentence.
[10:45][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Hold on... You have nipple piercings? *looks at Nawren
[10:45][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "I do?
[10:46][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: *Smiles mischiviously.
[10:46][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She simply chuckles.
[10:46][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Have you used the transporter during your...stay
[10:46][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Not since I was beamed up from the planet, No, why?
[10:46][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"What does ze transporter 'ave to do wiz it?
[10:47][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Aaah...
[10:47][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Transporters can identify organic matter from non organic matter
[10:47][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"So you zhink zat can 'elp tell ze Arwens apart?
[10:47][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:Well knowing that she was on the citadel while our Awren was away yes.
[10:48][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I 'ate to break it to you, but our Arwen 'as zem too.
[10:48][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "I have them because he person I impersonated has them.
[10:49][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Or perhaps had... I should say." *She shrugs and takes anotehr long drag.
[10:49][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Oh, so she removed zem? Do you know 'ow long ago?
[10:50][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*smokes has he is thinking and fiddling his ring
[10:50][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "No... removed so I could not do somethign with them in captivity.
[10:51][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "I do find the focus on my assets charming... however is it truly what we wish to do?" *She smiles soemwhat ammused.
[10:51][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She chuckles.* "Apologies.
[10:52][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: *Places her both hands on alex shoulder.*
[10:54][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*Pats his forearm some, putting her cig out.
[10:54][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*kisses his ring with his eyes closed* Anyything you said or done that could help us Arwen
[10:55][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "I did not intervine because I was heavily distracted. Ashali maybe can attest to it... maybe.
[10:55][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She nodded to Arwen.
[10:55][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"Zat is still somezhing we can use.
[10:55][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Or it backfires. as it is... word against word.
[10:55][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"If we shake ze confidence in zat point of 'is, I zhink we 'ave ze rest of it set.
[10:57][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Can you take me back to my cell? these cuffs are starting to hurt.
[10:57][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*puts out his cig* So Ash could maybe help? *sighs* Valerie take her back please, inform the guards aswell
[10:58][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Probably... maybe.
[10:58][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:"I will take 'er back.
[10:58][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: *Takes a final drag before putting out her cig.
[10:58][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She gives Alex a little sidehug.* "Good job out zere.
[10:58][DOIC3]DGM Mirage@Illuic:[Narwen]: "Yes, I do appriciate it.
[10:59][DOIC3]Valerie Chalons@bulgariandragon:*She then gives Arwen a little hug too.* "Worry not... We'll figure it out. We figured ze ozher Liz out.
[11:00][DOIC3]Alex Sharpe@n7pathfinder#397:*he leaves himself thinkign of things*